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package msc.mythesis.enhancedlsbmethod.plugin.template.


import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;




import javax.imageio.ImageIO;

import msc.mythesis.enhancedlsbmethod.EnhancedLSBMethodException;


* Image utilities


public class ImageUtil


* Method to generate a random image filled with noise. The size of the image will be calculated
based on the

* length of data that needs to be embedded, and the 'maxBitsUsedPerChannel' parameter.

* param dataLength Length of data in bytes which the image should be able to accommodate

* param maxBitsUsedPerChannel Maximum bits used per color channel

* return Random image filled with noise

* throws EnhancedLSBMethodException


public static BufferedImage generateRandomImage(int dataLength, int maxBitsUsedPerChannel)

throws EnhancedLSBMethodException

final double ASPECT_RATIO = 4.0 / 3.0;

int numOfPixels = 0;

int width = 0;

int height = 0;

byte[] rgbValue = new byte[3];

BufferedImage image = null;

SecureRandom random = null;


random = SecureRandom.getInstance("SHA1PRNG");

numOfPixels = (int) ((ImageBitDataHeader.getMaxHeaderSize() * 8 / 3.0)

+ (dataLength * 8 / (3.0 * maxBitsUsedPerChannel)));

width = (int) Math.ceil(Math.sqrt(numOfPixels * ASPECT_RATIO));

height = (int) Math.ceil(numOfPixels / (double) width);

image = new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);

for(int x = 0; x < width; x++)

for(int y = 0; y < height; y++)


image.setRGB(x, y, ImageBitDataHeader.byteToInt(rgbValue[0])

+ (ImageBitDataHeader.byteToInt(rgbValue[1]) << 8)

+ (ImageBitDataHeader.byteToInt(rgbValue[2]) << 16));

return image;

catch(NoSuchAlgorithmException nsaEx)

throw new EnhancedLSBMethodException(nsaEx);


* Method to convert BufferedImage to byte array

* param image Image data

* param imageFileName Name of the image file

* param plugin Reference to the plugin

* return Image data as byte array

* throws EnhancedLSBMethodException


public static byte[] imageToByteArray(BufferedImage image, String imageFileName,

ImageBitPluginTemplate plugin)

throws EnhancedLSBMethodException

ByteArrayOutputStream barrOS = new ByteArrayOutputStream();

String imageType = null;


if(imageFileName != null)

imageType = imageFileName.substring(imageFileName.lastIndexOf('.') + 1).toLowerCase();


throw new EnhancedLSBMethodException(ImageBitPluginTemplate.NAMESPACE,

ImageBitErrors.IMAGE_TYPE_INVALID, imageType, null);


imageType = "jpeg 2000";

ImageIO.write(image, imageType, barrOS);


ImageIO.write(image, ((ImageBitConfig) plugin.getConfig()).getImageFileExtension(), barrOS);

return barrOS.toByteArray();

catch(IOException ioEx)

throw new EnhancedLSBMethodException(ioEx);


* Method to convert byte array to image

* param imageData Image data as byte array

* para imgFileName Name of the image file

* return Buffered image

* throws EnhancedLSBMethodException


public static BufferedImage byteArrayToImage(byte[] imageData, String imgFileName)

throws EnhancedLSBMethodException

BufferedImage image = null;


if(imageData == null)

return null;

image = ByteArrayInputStream(imageData));

if(image == null)

throw new EnhancedLSBMethodException(ImageBitPluginTemplate.NAMESPACE,

ImageBitErrors.IMAGE_FILE_INVALID, imgFileName, null);

return image;

catch(IOException ioEx)

throw new EnhancedLSBMethodException(ioEx);

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