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ne answer is to go low-key,
Foreword . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 relational, and long-term.
Overcoming “Friendship evangelism”
Obstacles . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 is an important way to attract
people to the difference that
How Can I Share
My Faith Without Christ is making in us (1 Pet.
An Argument? . . . . . . . . . 9 3:15). But is that the whole
answer? Have some of us been
Step 1:
The Approach . . . . . . . . . 9 using that strategy as an excuse
not to talk openly about our faith?
Step 2: When I met Bill Fay, I sensed
The Bible . . . . . . . . . . . 14
a deep faith and conviction that
Step 3: rang true. Hearing his story and
The Close . . . . . . . . . . . 20 listening to him describe practical
Dealing With ways of being more direct in
Objections . . . . . . . . . . 23 witnessing reawakened a sense
A Personal of urgency in my own heart.
Challenge . . . . . . . . . . . 28 RBC offers Bill’s experience
Key Words . . . . . . . . . . 32 and method of witnessing not
because we think it’s the only
way, but because of the need to
be influenced by someone who is
doing all he can to reach people
for Christ.
Martin R. De Haan II
Managing Editor: David Sper Cover Photo: FPG International/Dick Luria
Scripture quotations are from the New International Version, ©1973,1978,1984 by the
International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Publishers.
©1991,1997,2002 RBC Ministries, Grand Rapids, Michigan Printed in USA

© RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.

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FOREWORD what it took. In college he

discovered ways to cheat to
“Christ Jesus came into the reach his goals. But more
world to save sinners—of important, he learned how
whom I am the worst. But to gamble. In fact, his
for that very reason I was exceptional talents as a
shown mercy so that in me, card shark helped pay his
the worst of sinners, Christ way through college.
Jesus might display His After college he landed a
unlimited patience as an sales job and rapidly moved
example for those who would up the corporate ladder.
believe on Him and receive But his life took on a new
eternal life.” dimension when he visited
—Paul (1 Tim. 1:15-16) Las Vegas, the gambler’s
mecca. Because of his card

esus Christ transforms skills he was noticed, and
lives. Just as He he made connections with
dramatically redirected prominent people in the
the life of the apostle underworld. While keeping
Paul, the Lord continues to his corporate job intact, he
change the lives of men and began to be a channel for
women today. Bill Fay, the mafia money around the
author of this booklet, is country.
one of those people. He Bill moved from city to
was pursuing his own goals city, job to job, wife to wife,
when the Lord brought him pursuing his self-centered
crashing to his knees. goals. He thought he had
Early in life Bill had it made when he became
determined that he was the president and chief
going to be number one in executive officer of a large
whatever he did—no matter heart pacemaker company.
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He had limousines, Bill started an executive

big expense accounts, search business and began
recognition, Rolexes, making money again.
diamond rings, and gold As a relaxing diversion
on his hands and around during his high-rolling,
his neck. But amid all the high-stress life, Bill would
money, power, and glamour, escape to a vacation spot
life was lonely and empty. in Colorado called Lost
In addition to his regular Valley Ranch. He didn’t
corporate job, Bill then know it at first, but the
decided to get involved place was staffed by
in another enterprise that believers in Christ. He did
would make use of his notice, however, that there
marketing skills. He built was something different
one of the larger houses of about the place.
prostitution in the United Bill could out-argue any
believer who dared to take
him on, but one Easter
Amid all the morning he heard something
that would eat away at him
money, power, and until he gave his life to
glamour, life was Christ. During a service in
lonely and empty. an open field, a young man
about 22 years old talked
about the difference between
States. This business, happiness and inner peace.
however, got him into Bill listened intently because
trouble. He was arrested he knew he didn’t have
on charges relating to inner peace. But when the
his new venture, and his young man said that peace
corporation fired him. But comes only through a
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personal relationship with After a weekend in jail with

Jesus Christ, Bill got on his a bond of $250,000, his life
horse and muttered, “I don’t came to a crisis point. Bill
need that kind of junk in my sat around his house for
life.” And he rode out of the 2 days in tears. The pain
meadow. in his life was surfacing.
Some time later, Bill He considered escaping
walked into a racketball through drugs, alcohol,
facility and met a man who and even suicide. By God’s
would play a key role in his grace he didn’t take any of
coming to faith in Christ. those options.
Dr. Paul Grant had gone Bill’s wife suggested that
to play racketball that day he call the pastor who had
after asking the Lord for married them. After some
an opportunity to share initial reluctance, he picked
his faith. The two men met, up the phone. What he had
and Paul lovingly told Bill heard 7 years before at the
about Christ. ranch was on his mind. He
Paul invited Bill and his told the pastor he wanted
wife, Peggy, to church. After inner peace. The next day
the service he invited them he drove 85 miles to a little
to his home. Paul and his country church. Kneeling
wife, Kathie, radiated a on the dusty floor, he came
personal relationship with to know Jesus Christ in a
Jesus. Although moved by personal way. That was on
their testimonies, Bill was March 4, 1981. He left that
not ready to give his life to church a different man.
Christ. He returned home and
Still on probation from stood trial, but the case was
his previous arrest, Bill was dismissed. As he left the
caught in a police sting. courthouse he determined
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never to go near a jail or and women has been

prison again. But the Lord replaced by the pursuit
had other plans. For the of the virtues I had once
next several years he visited scorned: love, honesty,
prisoners to tell them about loyalty, self-sacrifice, self-
Jesus. discipline, humility, faith,
patience, and endurance.
And because I know that
“I pray that you the only life worth living is
may be active in through Christ, I have made
it my life’s work to share
sharing your faith, Him with others.”
so that you will In the pages that
have a full follow, Bill will explain
how he shares his faith
understanding of with confidence, and how
every good thing you can too. —The Editors
we have in Christ.”
Philemon 6
Bill Fay is a graduate of
Since then, Bill has Denver Seminary, is the
shared his faith with people chaplain of several police
from all walks of life and departments, works as a
has taught many others to chaplain in cooperation with
do the same. But in Bill’s the Colorado Sectional PGA
own words, “The greatest and the PGA of America, has
an internationally syndicated
miracle of all is not the
radio program Let’s Go, and
change in what I do but in is a national speaker and
what I have become. The seminar leader.
pursuit of power, money,
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OVERCOMING the how-to questions in the

OBSTACLES pages to follow, but we first
need to clarify our role and

ave you ever the proper attitude.
wanted to share We need to get
your faith but away from a “win them”
chickened out? When mentality. People do not
I ask that question in put their faith in Christ
meetings at churches, even because we cleverly “force”
the pastor’s hand goes up. them to believe. We must
That’s normal. realize that if we “win”
What makes it difficult someone to Christ, he’s
for us to share our faith? probably not saved. D. L.
During a seminar I was Moody, the evangelist, was
leading, people gave these riding on a train when a
replies: drunk came up to him and
• I’m unsure how to said, “Mr. Moody, I’m one
guide the discussion of your converts.” Moody
to the Scripture. replied, “I’m afraid you are,
• I fear rejection. because you’re obviously
• I don’t know how to not a convert of the Lord’s.”
start a conversation We also have to believe
about spiritual issues. that success in God’s eyes
• I lack confidence that is sharing our faith and
the Lord will speak living out our Christian
through me. life. He does not measure
• I can’t imagine that success by how many
some people would people we lead to Jesus
even care to hear Christ. Our job is to be
what I have to say. faithful to Him.
We’re going to deal with Still we fear failure and
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rejection. There is no and fear, and with much

stronger feeling in the world trembling” (1 Cor. 2:3).
than that. It hurts. But we But that didn’t stop him.
must remember that it’s the In fact, most of the New
gospel people are rejecting, Testament was written by
it’s Jesus they’re rejecting, that “coward.”
it’s not us. It feels like us God understands that
sometimes, but we have we might be afraid. But
to get free from that desire we have no excuse not to
to cause the conversion. tell others about Christ,
Jesus said, “No one can because His strength
come to Me unless the is made perfect in our
Father who sent Me weakness (2 Cor. 12:9).
draws him” (Jn. 6:44). I dread every hospital
visit I have to make. It’s
hard for me. But it doesn’t
Success isn’t excuse me not to go to see
leading someone the people that God puts in
my path in hospitals. We’ve
to Christ. Success got to go—whether we like
is acting out your it or not.
Christian life, Remember Moses. He
stuttered. Moses would
sharing the gospel, not have been a good TV
and trusting God personality today. God
for the results. chooses the weak things
of the world to shame the
wise and the strong. And if
The apostle Paul wrote anybody qualifies for that,
to the believers at Corinth, it’s me.
“I came to you in weakness And finally, if you are
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thinking that the person wise and persuasive

you are considering talking words, but with a
to is an impossible case, demonstration of
you’ve got to trust that the Spirit’s power”
God is the God of the (1 Cor. 2:4).
impossible. You and I need • “No one can come to
to remember our part and Me unless the Father
God’s part in the process who sent Me draws him”
of sharing our faith. (Jn. 6:44).
• “No one can come to Me
Our Part unless the Father has
• “Then Jesus came to them enabled him” (Jn. 6:65).
and said, ‘All authority
in heaven and on earth
has been given to Me.
Therefore go and make
disciples of all nations’”
(Mt. 28:18-19).
• “We are therefore Christ’s
ambassadors, as though
God were making His
appeal through us”
(2 Cor. 5:20).

God’s Part
• “‘Not by might nor by
power, but by My Spirit,’
says the Lord Almighty”
(Zech. 4:6).
• “My message and my
preaching were not with
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HOW CAN I The third step is another

SHARE MY FAITH series of five questions.
These summarize the truths
WITHOUT AN of the verses the person has
ARGUMENT? just read, and they call for

would like to outline a decision to receive Christ.
a simple step-by-step
approach that I have STEP 1:
used in sharing my faith THE APPROACH
with others. By following
this method I have avoided THE APPROACH
unnecessary arguments that 1. Do you have any kind
would have hindered a of spiritual belief?
complete presentation of 2.To you, who is Jesus?
3. Do you think there is a
the gospel.
heaven and a hell?
First, I ask five questions 4. If you died right now,
to determine the other where would you go?
person’s spiritual condition. 5. If what you believe
During this time I am were not true, would
probing for information, you want to know it?
not presenting my case.
Next, I have the person When you ask questions,
read several key Bible it allows people to express
verses and ask what the their viewpoint. People love
verses say to him or her. to give their opinions.
The goal here is not to When you ask a question,
preach but to allow the don’t respond with your
Holy Spirit to bring own answer. Then you
conviction as the person won’t end up on some
reads and thinks about the rabbit trail. The minute the
truths of Scripture. other person says he’s going
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to reincarnate or fizzle simply answer yes without

when he dies, you are explaining, go on to the
going to want to jump in next question.
and respond. But don’t! 2.To you, who is
In addition to the Jesus? When you ask
following questions, a person what he thinks
I sometimes use other of Jesus, he will usually
introductory “bridge” respond, “The Son of God,”
questions. Here’s one of or “The man who died on
my favorites: Do you go to the cross.” But if I were to
church anywhere? It’s so ask one of you who Jesus
nonthreatening. Try that is, I hope your response
on people at work and would reflect your personal
watch what happens. That relationship to Him. I hope
question can serve as an you would say, “My Lord
effective transition into the and my Savior.” So listen
questions that follow. carefully to the person’s
1. Do you have any answer.
kind of spiritual belief? 3. Do you think
The first question does not there is a heaven and
ask people if they believe a hell? The third question
in God. That’ll give you the is safe. It is an intellectual
response, “None of your question. It simply asks
business.” But if you ask what they believe about
them if they have any the life to come.
spiritual beliefs, they’ll talk 4. If you died right
to you, some for 5 or 10 now, where would you
minutes. Let them talk, go? If heaven, why? I
because when they’re done asked a woman, “Do you
they’ll have very little to think there is a heaven and
fight with you about. If they a hell?” Her exact words
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were “Absolutely not.” is no, stop. And I’ll tell you

But the fourth question is what will happen almost
personal. So when I asked every time you stop. The
her where she would go person will say, “Well, aren’t
when she died, she said, you going to tell me?” Very
“Heaven, of course.” The rarely will you ever get a no
issue went from her head to that sticks. If you do get a
her heart. When you start no, remember, it’s not your
talking about the personal problem, it’s God’s.
aspect of a person’s life, he
or she will get very serious. VARYING THE
If people answer, APPROACH
“Heaven,” you ask, “Why?” You can vary the approach
The answer they give will a number of ways. Let me
pinpoint their true beliefs. give you some examples.
If they say, “I don’t know,” Example 1: I was at
continue on to the next an airport and I happened
question. to be where they take the
5. If what you tickets before you get on
believe were not true, the airplane. I noticed a
would you want to woman who was all by
know it? The last herself. I walked up and
question is a tough one. said, “I have a question.”
Jesus drove the Pharisees And she said, “What is it?”
and Sadducees nuts with I said, “If you died right
hard questions, so I make now, where would you
no apology for asking them. go?” She said, “That’s an
What are the two important question.” So
possible answers to question I took her off to the side
number 5? Yes or no. If it’s while she gave her life
yes, you go on. If the answer to Jesus Christ.
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These questions are where would you go?”

merely a probe to see if You can turn any
the heart is ready. You can conversation into a tender
adjust them any way you
want. If you want to go right
A derringer is a small
to the heart of the matter,
pocket pistol.The
just ask. There isn’t a gamblers in the old
conversation you can’t turn westerns used to shoot
to any of these questions. people with them.
Example 2: You could When you go
say to someone, “In the somewhere to share
newspaper you read about with somebody, don’t take
sports superstars who are a “shotgun” (your church
making lots of money but Bible). If you had tried to
whose personal lives are a share with me before I
mess. What do you think was a believer and dared
to put a big Bible on a
makes a person happy?
table in a restaurant, you
I’m curious, do you have or the book would have
spiritual belief in anything? been on the floor. Don’t
What is your understanding do that.
of who Jesus is?” Get yourself a
Example 3: You could “derringer” or sharing
say, “You know, with the Bible—a New Testament
current world tensions and pocket/purse version.
wars going on, do you think Every day that you put it
about all those soldiers in your pocket or purse,
who may die? Do you ever you’re saying,“Lord, I’m
wonder what may happen
to people when they die? confrontation. But don’t get
I’m curious, what about away from the questions,
you? If you died right now, or you may not get the
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opportunity to talk with remembers everything he

them about the Lord. has ever read. For 20 years
Example 4: A Jehovah’s he was a practicing atheist
Witness came to my door. with a hobby of tearing
I was running late for an apart other people’s
appointment, but I opened religious beliefs.
the door anyway. She said, Then one day in Guam,
“Hi, I’m here from the on a bus, he saw a guy who
Watchtower.” I said, “Look, was being teased by several
I really need to go but I people. Someone grabbed
have just one question.” She the man’s Bible and tossed
said, “What is it?” I said, “If it out the window. My
what you believe were not friend, who had a sensitive
true, would you want to heart, walked up and said,
know it?” She replied, “Oh, “Why do you let them do
but sir, what I believe is this to you?” The man
true, and I came here to said, “I’m a Christian.”
share truth and revelation My friend responded,
with you.” I said, “Ma’am, “Do you mean to tell me
that’s not my question.” I that you believe that
did this 12 times. Finally somebody got vomited out
she said, “Well, yes.” And of the mouth of a whale?”
she’s been back twice. The guy’s answer was yes.
The whole idea of these My friend’s immediate
questions is to get to the response was, “How do
Bible. The power is in God’s you know?” His answer
Word. I want to get to His was, “My Bible tells me so.”
Book. This went on with more
Example 5: I have a questions and the man
friend who reads 1,200 replying with a yes or a no
words a minute and and saying, “My Bible tells
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me so.” This shook my next step in sharing your

friend so badly that he faith without an argument
went home, borrowed a is based on two principles.
Bible, and read it through The first is from Romans
over the weekend. A verse 10:17, “Faith comes from
in Job that said “Stop and hearing.” Hearing is the
consider God’s wonders” key. The second principle
spoke to him (Job 37:14). is in Luke 10:26, which I
For 2 weeks he paraphrase, “What does it
intellectually struggled say to you?” The Holy Spirit
between killing himself or will do the convincing and
trusting Christ before he the convicting. You’re just
gave himself to the Lord. going to stand by and
Today he a strong Christian watch God do something.
defender of the faith. 1. Romans 3:23—
The point is this: Don’t “For all have sinned
get intimidated. Let your yes and fall short of the
be yes and your no be no. glory of God.”
When I’m sharing, I
STEP 2: take my Bible and I put
THE BIBLE it in front of the other
person—on the table or on
THE BIBLE his lap. I point to Romans
1. Romans 3:23 3:23 and I ask him to read
2. Romans 6:23 it out loud. Then I ask him,
3. John 3:3
“What does it say to you?”
4. John 14:6
5. Romans 10:9-11 When you do it this way, he
6. Revelation 3:20 can’t say, “That’s just your
interpretation.” He will read
God uses Scripture to it and tell you what it says.
change people’s lives. The Then he won’t be able to
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say you told him. When After the person reads

you do that, the other this verse and tells you
person will be doing the what it says, if you feel
speaking, the Holy Spirit that the person needs more
will be doing the convicting, clarification simply say,
and nobody can start an “Have you ever committed
argument with you about murder?” The person will
the interpretation. likely say, “No, I haven’t.”
You then say, “Well, have
WHERE TO GO NEXT? you ever hated someone
In case you’re wondering or been angry?” He will
how to remember what probably feel a little
verse to turn to next, defensive and say, “Yeah.
here’s a suggestion. Haven’t you?” You say,
Open your Bible to “Sure I have.” And then
Romans 3:23.Turn it so a you could say, “Did you
person who is facing you know that God says anger
can read your Bible. is the same as murder?” At
In the margin closest to
that point you usually get
you, write,“Romans 6:23.”
As you review Romans 3:23 silence, because suddenly
with a person, you will see he realizes that by God’s
the reference for the next holy standards he’s a mess.
verse in the margin. 2. Romans 6:23—
Then, on the page for “For the wages of sin
Romans 6:23, write in the is death, but the gift
margin,“John 3:3.” of God is eternal life
Do this for all the verses in Christ Jesus our
you will be using. Each time Lord.”
you turn to a verse, you’ll Ask the person to read
know where to go next.
the verse, and then ask,
“What does it say?” He or
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she will tell you it says that underlined the word sin?”
for one sin we die. (Point to the word.) He will
This verse can devastate say, “Yes.” Then you say,
a person’s religion and his while pointing to the word
feeling that he’s okay. In sin, “This reminds me that
Romans 6:23, underline or there’s no s at the end of
circle the word sin. Then the word. God says for one
draw a line through the sin He will send me to hell.”
word death. In big letters You point to yourself, but
near it, write the word hell. the other person gets the
Then circle the word in. (Do idea.
this in your Bible before
you talk with someone.)
There is a tendency in us There is a
to be harsh. We might want tendency in us
to tell a person, “Listen,
stupid, for one sin you’re
to be harsh, but
going to hell. And your we must be loving
dumb religion isn’t going to and gentle in how
save you!” If you do that,
it’s not only unloving, but
we communicate
the person is not going to the gospel of
listen. You can get the Christ.
message across in a more
gentle way. The whole key
is where you point. Now suppose the
After the person has read person you’re talking to
the verse and told you what is a churchgoer. You say,
the verse says to him, you “Did you notice that I
can simply say, “Did you have circled the word in? It
notice that in my Bible I’ve reminds me that I am to be
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in a relationship with Jesus and say, “I know somebody

Christ, not in a religion.” like you who walked up to
Right then his infant Jesus Christ and asked him
baptism, his confirmation, how to get into heaven. This
his church membership, or was a religious guy, but he
whatever other religious knew that going to church
actions he was trusting just didn’t cut it. I want you to
went out the window. With read aloud what Jesus said
this verse you have politely to him.” And he will read,
shown him that he has no “No one can see the
hope. And you’ve done it kingdom of God unless
nicely. he is born again.” Do not
3. John 3:3— ask him what it means to
“No one can see him. He won’t know. We
the kingdom of God know from Scripture that
unless he is born Nicodemus was confused.
again.” You can then say,
As a reminder to “You’re probably wondering
yourself, in the margin what Jesus was talking
of your Bible by John 3:3, about. Nicodemus thought
draw a cross like the cross Jesus meant he had to go
of Christ, and alongside of back inside his mom. But
it write the question, “Why no, Jesus was talking about
did Jesus come to die?” a spiritual birth.”
Here is the one Now’s the time to ask
exception when you do not a question. Take out a pen
ask the person what the and make the sign of a
verse means to him. Why? cross with your finger
Because he won’t know. across your pen. Then ask,
The way to get into this “Why did Jesus come to
verse is to turn to the person die?” Fifty percent of the
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people won’t know. Listen accept it, or receive it.”

for an answer. The person I don’t know what it is,
may say that Jesus had to but people just hate to take
or that He wanted to. Ask, anything that’s free. But
“Why?” Eventually he may when they take it, that’s
say, “Jesus came to die for when you can say, “Look,
sin.” Say, “That’s right. The that’s the same thing you
wages of sin is death. You have to do with the cross.
just finished reading that in It doesn’t become your gift
Romans 6:23.” Then say, until you accept it for
“Jesus Christ hung on the yourself.”
cross and He took upon 4. John 14:6—
Himself all of your sins, and “I am the way and
my sins, and the sins of the the truth and the life.
whole world. When He died No one comes to
on that cross, He died for the Father except
me, for my forgiveness. through Me.”
That forgiveness is a gift When you turn to this
from God.” verse, ask the other person
Then take your pen in to read it aloud and then
your hand, hold it out, and ask him what it says. The
say, “If you want this pen, person will tell you it says
what do you have to do to that there is no other way
get it?” In response he may to go to heaven to be with
say, “I’d have to thank God except through Jesus.
you.” You would say no. Once in a while I’ll say,
Then he might say, “I have “Do you see any other way
to pay you.” Say, “No, it’s a to heaven except through
free gift.” Don’t give him the Jesus Christ?” And I’ve had
answer. Eventually he will people angrily say, “No!”
say, “I just need to take it, Why do you think they’re
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aggravated? It’s because ask him if the phrase “If you

they think it’s a stupid . . . believe . . . you will be
question, which it is, saved” includes murderers,
because the verse is very alcoholics, drug addicts,
clear. If they see it, they etc.” You ask that, because
may give you an agitated if he believes God will
“No!” What you are forgive a murderer he will
hearing is God at work. believe God will forgive him
5. Romans 10:9-11— for adultery, alcoholism,
“If you confess with drugs, unlovingness, or
your mouth,‘Jesus is whatever. It’s a key issue.
Lord,’ and believe in But let’s suppose that
your heart that God when you ask him if it
raised Him from includes murderers he says
the dead, you will be no. Ask him to read the
saved. For it is with verse again. Let the Spirit
your heart that teach him. Remember, this
you believe and are is the Holy Spirit’s problem.
justified, and it is with It is not your problem to
your mouth that you enter into an argument
confess and are saved. about whether or not God
As the Scripture says, will forgive murderers.
‘Anyone who trusts in 6. Revelation 3:20—
Him will never be put “I stand at the door
to shame.’ ” and knock. If anyone
One of the most difficult hears My voice and
things for people to believe opens the door, I will
is that they can be forgiven. come in and eat with
After you have asked the him, and he with Me.”
person to read Romans As you did with the
10:9-11 and he has read it, other verses, ask the person
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to read this verse out loud. This is the part that many
Then ask, “What does it of us fear most—the call
say to you?” He will say for a decision. Here’s how
that when we open the door to do it.
of our lives to Jesus, He will These final five
come in. questions are a recap of
With this verse you all the key verses you just
want the person to realize guided the other person
that Jesus is eager to enter through.
into our lives. The Lord 1.Are you a sinner?
longs for us to be in a right This question points back
relationship with Him. to Romans 3:23, “For all
Now you are ready have sinned.” Earlier he
to move to the final step. saw that the “all” includes
STEP 3: 2. Do you want
THE CLOSE forgiveness of sins?
Romans 6:23 says that
THE CLOSE forgiveness is a gift
1. Are you a sinner? provided by Jesus Christ.
2. Do you want To have that free gift
forgiveness of sins? we must accept it for
3. Do you believe Jesus
died on the cross for
you and rose again? 3. Do you believe
4.Are you willing to Jesus died on the
surrender yourself cross for you and rose
to Christ? again? In John 3, Christ
5.Are you ready to invite explained that He would
Jesus into your heart die for our sins and that we
and into your life? must put our trust in Him
to be born again.
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4.Are you willing to like 20 minutes to him.

surrender yourself to This is the moment when
Christ? John 14:6 says somebody is making a
that the only way to be decision about whether he
right with God is through wants to follow Christ or
Jesus Christ. Satan. So whenever I ask
5.Are you ready to that final question, I pray
invite Jesus into your in my mind as hard as I
heart and into your can while I silently wait
life? Romans 10:9-10 states for his answer.
that we are saved when we I once watched someone
personally accept the truth break out in beads of sweat.
about Jesus and put our I didn’t say a thing. I just
trust in Him. maintained eye contact
with him and prayed.
Finally he said, “Yes.” And
Be silent I said, “Yes what?” He said,
“I’m ready.” I said, “Ready
and pray, for what?” I wanted him to
and let the make a clear, personal
Holy Spirit do decision. It had to be his
choice, an expression of
His work. his heart’s desire.

When you ask this final

question, be silent—and
pray silently for the person.
The Holy Spirit will be
working on him. Thirty
seconds of silence will feel
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When the person you are MY FAITH WITHOUT
talking with says that he is AN ARGUMENT?
ready to invite Jesus into
his life, you may wish to
1. Do you have any kind
guide him through a prayer of spiritual belief?
like this one: 2.To you, who is Jesus?
Father, thank You for the 3. Do you think there is
free gift of eternal life. I a heaven and a hell?
know I am a sinner and 4. If you died right now,
where would you go?
need Your forgiveness. I 5. If what you believe
am sorry for my past sins, were not true, would
and I ask You to forgive you want to know it?
Jesus, I believe You 1. Romans 3:23
died on the cross for my 2. Romans 6:23
3. John 3:3
sins and arose from the 4. John 14:6
dead. I now open the 5. Romans 10:9-11
door of my heart and 6. Revelation 3:20
invite You to come into THE CLOSE
my life. I realize there is 1. Are you a sinner?
nothing I can do to earn 2. Do you want forgiveness
of sins?
my salvation, and I place 3. Do you believe Jesus
my complete trust in You died on the cross for
alone for eternal life. I you and rose again?
choose to follow You as 4.Are you willing to
my Lord. Please make me surrender yourself to
the person You want me 5.Are you ready to invite
to be. Jesus into your heart
and into your life?

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DEALING WITH going to bless him or bust

OBJECTIONS him I asked, “Why? What
about your business?”

hen you talk Either God dealt with
with people that objection or it wasn’t
about trusting important because he
Christ, you will hear switched to a completely
objections, reasons they different objection. He said,
don’t want to believe. In “What about my mother?” I
dealing with their objections, wondered why a successful
the key word you need to businessman was worrying
remember is why.
Let me give you an
example. I know a man In dealing with
who owns several objections, the
McDonalds. I heard
that he wanted to talk key word
with someone to learn to remember
more about God, so I is why.
arranged to meet him at
one of his restaurants. We
sat down in one of those about his mother so I said,
little chairs. We got all done “Why, what about your
going through the questions mom?” He said, “She will
and the Scripture and he disown me!” I turned to
said, “That’s it, Bill?” And Matthew 10:37, which says,
I said, “That’s it.” He first “Anyone who loves his
objection was, “What is father or mother more than
God going to do with my Me is not worthy of Me.”
business?” Because I didn’t I had him read it out loud,
know whether God was then I asked, “What does it
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say to you?” He said, “I believe in God and

better worry about Mom shudder” (Jas. 2:19).
later and give my life to Remember the pen
Jesus now.” illustration? (p.18). You
Here are some other could refer back to it again
types of objections: and say, “Believing that I
1. “I’m not ready.” have a pen in my hand is
What are you going to say? fine, but until you take that
You don’t have the foggiest pen it’s not your gift.”
idea why the person is not 4. “My friends will
ready, so you can simply think I’m crazy.” You
ask, “Why?” could say, “That’s probably
2. “I have to think true, but the issue now is:
about it.” Again, ask Are you ready to invite
why. It’s disarming, isn’t it? Jesus into your life?”
Because oftentimes the first 5. “Other religions tell
objection is just a reflex me that I need to work
defense. my way into heaven.”
3. “I’ve always There are only two types of
believed in God.” I religions in the world. One
would say something like, says that Jesus might be
“If you’ve answered yes to a prophet, a teacher, or a
all five questions, then you good guy, but that He is not
won’t have any problem God. It also believes that
accepting Christ. Let’s pray you can work your way to
for you to receive Him.” heaven—by a terrorist act,
People tell me all the eating the right food,
time that they have always performing religious rites,
believed in God. But I tell or living a good life.
them, “That isn’t going to Christianity, however,
help you any. The demons makes two opposite claims:
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(1) Jesus is God, and (2) conclusion: He is who He

God had to come to man; claimed to be.
man couldn’t go to God. 6. “Will God want me
So we have opposing to quit drinking and start
views that can’t both be going to church?” When I
right. The important was converted on March 4,
questions are: Which one 1981, I turned to a godly
is true? and How do we pastor and asked, “I don’t
know? Start by examining have to be a Bible thumper,
the claims of Christ. He is do I?” “No,” he answered. I
said, “Good. I don’t have to
read the Bible to be saved,
Christ either do I?” “No,” he replied. I
asked, “Can I go home
lied about being and have a drink?” He
God, or He was said, “Yeah, but don’t get
demented, or drunk.” He knew that if
my conversion was real, I
He is all He didn’t need to get into the
claimed to be. minutiae. (By the way,
today I read my Bible daily
and I haven’t had a drink
either a liar, a lunatic, or since 1981.)
the Lord. Christ either lied When people ask you a
about being God, or He was direct question, don’t waffle.
demented, or He is all He If they ask you, “Will I
claimed to be. There is no have to give up my live-in
evidence that Jesus lied. He relationship?” you better
certainly didn’t have any of say yes. Why? Because the
the symptoms of a lunatic. conviction is already on
So it leaves only one them—or else they wouldn’t
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ask the question. If they reading this for a while.

don’t bring it up, don’t start Could you show me one?”
bringing up all the sins you Usually the person will say,
know are in their life. Look “Well, I haven’t read it.” So,
at all the sins in your life depending where you are in
now, let alone before you the process of sharing, you
knew Christ. simply point back to what
7. “How could God the Bible says. That will be
send anyone to hell?” Do the last time you will hear
you realize that God doesn’t that objection.
simply look around and say, 10. “Aren’t there many
“I’ll send that one and that translations of the Bible?”
one to hell”? God sent His The answer is absolutely
Son into the world to save yes. There are many
the whole world, not some translations, but they
of it. Everyone who calls on all say the same thing.
the name of the Lord will be When somebody asks
saved (Rom. 10:13). that question, it’s usually a
8. “I’m not ready.” I defense mechanism. Simply
have just one question for a say yes, and then turn them
person who says that: “If back to the Bible verses you
you were to die right now, had been looking at.
having not accepted Christ, 11. “How do you know
where would you go?” If he the Bible is true?” For one
realizes that he would go to thing, archaeological data
hell, he won’t resist much proves it. There are over
longer. 14,000 New Testament
9. “There’s error in the manuscript copies in
Bible.” When I hear that, I existence today. And when
simply hand the person my scholars compare them,
Bible and say, “I’ve been they can’t find more than
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a paragraph’s worth of to be like before I was

difference—and most of saved.
those are misspellings or When a leading lawyer
alternate spellings. None of at Harvard University
them affect basic doctrinal decided to hold a mock
issues. All the evidence trial to see if there was
points to the conclusion enough evidence to prove
that we have an accurate the resurrection of Jesus
text. The first manuscript Christ, do you know what
fragment of the gospel of he concluded? He said
John is dated only about that beyond a shadow of a
40 years from the time it doubt, the preponderance
was written. of evidence exists to show
Even though we know that Jesus Christ was raised
the Bible is 100-percent true, from the dead. But he said,
we need to realize that we “I choose not to believe it.”
can’t force people to accept You can’t make anybody
it as true. If they don’t want believe anything. You could
to accept it, they won’t, no try to convince me that
matter how much evidence Abraham Lincoln lived,
we give them. Every time we but if I didn’t want to
offer evidence, they will ask believe it I wouldn’t.
for more—because they The question I ask
don’t want to believe. people who say they won’t
When I run into believe the Bible is this:
intellectual skeptics, I “What would it take to
remember that they’re prove to you that it is God’s
tough, angry, and confused, Word?” Most of the time
and that they’ve been given they don’t even know. It is
a lot of misinformation. I a practiced defense they
remind myself what I used are giving you.
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A PERSONAL urgency? I’m fearful for all

CHALLENGE of us, that when we stand
before the living, holy God

eople who are we are going to be humbled
spiritually dead are into the dust because we
all around us. People have so pitifully failed to
without a born-again, carry out the Great
personal relationship Commission.
with Jesus Christ are
in our workplace, our
neighborhood, our home. How many of
As an evangelist, I travel
around quite a bit. I see
us have been
churches with all of their the means by
activities and programs that which someone
seemingly have little or
nothing to do with bringing
came to know
anyone to know Jesus Jesus Christ?
Christ. I think there are
some hard questions that
have to be asked of the We seem to have
church today. forgotten our mission,
and that God has provided
HARD QUESTIONS everything we need to fulfill
How many of us have it. The resurrection power
been the means by which of Christ, the power that
someone came to know raised Him from the dead,
Jesus Christ? Do we really lives in us. With that kind
believe that unless someone of power, what excuse are
is born again he is damned? we going to offer to God for
Where’s our sense of not sharing our faith?
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YOU ARE NEEDED card was Lee Harvey

Out of 100 conversions, Oswald, the man who
only 15 come to know had shot the President.
Christ from an event like an
evangelistic service. Eighty- EXCUSES
five come to know Christ There is a tendency for
through a personal witness. Christians today to expect
That’s how important it is someone else to evangelize.
for us to speak to others We have the classic
about Christ. excuses: “I’m too busy.”
If you have never “It’s the pastor’s job.” “I
opened your mouth, you don’t have the gift of
are guilty of the sin of evangelism.” We find
silence. Maybe you think excuse after excuse after
you can’t make much of excuse.
a difference, but you can. When Peter denied
Consider, for example, Christ three times, he said,
the following story. One in so many words, that he
evening a deacon, for a had never seen or heard of
reason known only to him, Jesus. None of us would
set aside a visitation card have the audacity to say
that somebody had turned that. But we do the same
in to the church with a thing in another way: We
request for a home visit. deny Jesus Christ by our
That week President John F. excuses and our silence.
Kennedy was assassinated.
To that deacon’s shock, the HOW MANY SHARE
next Tuesday when he THEIR FAITH?
came back to look at the I want to ask a very hard
cards for visitation, the question. Have you, in the
name on that particular last year, taken your Bible
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and turned the pages of As I watched, 10 percent

Scripture with someone of the people on the rock
who is unsaved, to show became active in making
him how to become a born- ropes and ladders, getting
again Christian? I have near the edge, trying to pull
never been in a church others up on the rock. But
where more than 10 90 percent became very
percent of the congregation active in their rock gardens,
indicated that they had their rock music, their rock
shared their faith in the last jobs, their rock lives. They
year. May God forgive us! had a lot of rock meetings
This is serious business. where they spent lots of
A person without a born- time developing their
again, personal relationship programs to go back to
with Christ is on the way to the ocean—but they never
hell. The endless torment, went.
the darkness, the gnashing The thought that kept
of teeth. There is an coming through all the time
urgency about sharing in this dream was, “Could
our faith. Yet some of us they have forgotten that
remain in silence. I they themselves were once
don’t understand it. in the sea?”
A small group of people
A DREAM who seemed to be the
I had a dream. In my leaders bothered me even
dream was an ocean full of more. They spent time
drowning people. There was trying to get up higher on
a rock that came up out of the rock. It seemed they
this ocean. Some people didn’t want to get near the
crawled up on that rock edge because it was risky
and got to safety. down there. The dead, the
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diseased, the lost—they The question is, will you

were down there. But the and I be different? Will we
group on the rock spent be willing to hear the voice
more time cloistered in false and take a risk and speak
security on the higher parts out in order to rescue
of the rock. Yet every one others?
of them heard a voice say, If your answer is yes,
“Will you come? Will you pray these words right now:
help Me?” God, make me Your
willing servant. I have
been wrong to be silent.
There is an Every day, every moment,
urgency about I will endeavor to share
You with others.
sharing our Remember: Success is
faith.Yet some not leading someone to
of us remain in Christ. Success is acting out
your Christian life, sharing
silence. I don’t the gospel, and trusting
understand it. God for the results.

In my dream, the rock was
the cross of Calvary. The
voice they heard was Jesus
Christ, calling you and me
to come. There’s only one
thing that remains, and that
is whether or not we will.
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KEY WORDS Heaven: the place of

God’s special presence and
Born Again: to be given the eternal home of all who
new spiritual life through have been forgiven.
Christ; to become a child Hell: the place of eternal
of God (see John 3). judgment for all who have
Christian: someone who rejected Christ.
has personally accepted Inner Peace: a
the free gift of salvation personal sense of joy and
provided by Jesus Christ. contentment that comes to
Eternal Life: the state of those who are in a right
being in a right relationship relationship with God.
with God, and existing Jesus Christ: the second
forever in heaven. person of the triune God
Evangelism: the process who became the God-man
of telling others about Jesus in order to pay the penalty
and what He has done for for our sin and restore us
them. to God.
Faith: the act of trusting, Salvation: the work of
relying on, depending on God by which He rescues
someone to do something sinners bound for hell and
for you. To be rescued from grants forgiveness because
sin’s penalty we need to of what Christ has done on
trust Jesus Christ. the cross.
Forgiveness: the removal Sin: any violation of God’s
of the penalty for the laws.
wrongs we have committed.
Gospel: the truths about For more help in sharing your
Jesus’ life, death, and faith in Christ, ask for the RBC
resurrection, and how Ministries booklet How Can I
we can have eternal life. Break The Silence? (Q0706).
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