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Name -Indradev yadav

Class-2nd bams

Roll no-42

Electric burns are at times, also referred to as Joule burns. Technically Joule burn is an
endogenous burn i.e. burns produced due to release of heat from the body, on application of
electric current .

 electric current maybe direct current (DC) or alternating current (A.C.). AC current is 4-5
times more dangerous.

Factors influencing the damage to body

Effects of electric current, on human body, depend upon:

Voltage X amperage X duration of contact X contact with earth alertness-resistance.

1. Voltage:

 Voltage of domestic supply 1s 220-240 V.

 Voltage of power supply IS 440 V.
 Voltage of main power lines e.g.from power station is 20000-30000V
 More the voltage, more the damage. However no damage is caused by current upto 50 V.

2. Amperage:

 Amperage of domestic supply is 5 amp.

 Amperage of power supply is 15 amp.
 more the amperage , more the damage. (More than 200-250 milliamperes of DC. 8: 70-
80 n3.amp. of AC. are fatal).

3. Contact with electric current:

 More the duration of contact with the electric current, more the damage.

4. Contact with earth:

 Better the contact, more the damage, as electric current has a tendency to pass into earth.

5. Alertness:

 Damage is less in a person who is conscious, alert and prepared to receive the electric
6. Resistance :

 More the resistance , less the damage.

 Resistance offered by dry skin is 2000-3000 ohm.
 Resistance offered by wet skin is 200-300 ohm.

Types of electric burns

 Contact burns
 Spark burns
 Flash burns

1) Contact burns

 They refer to electric burns due to contact with live wire.

 Classically there is wound of entry and wound of exit formed.
 Rarely, just a blister formation is seen at the wound of entry.

2) Spark burns
 These are electric burns due to sparking of current e.g .in loose electrical fittings.
 Typically, there is a pitted lesion caused

 They are electric burns caused on being Near the main power line without actual contact.
Burns result due to arcing of the current from these lines.

a) Person may be thrown away due to muscle spasm;

b) Person may be unconscious . or in ventricular fibrillation, or in respiratory arrest, or in
suspended animation.
c) Cataract & optic atrophy may result;
d) Usually there is a wound of entry and exit.

Characteristics of electric burns

1) There may be holes in the clothes

2) There may be holes in the shoes.
3) Sometimes, there may be no extérnal injury.
4) Typically, there is a wound of entry and wound of exit of electric current :

I. Wound of entry

a) Classically the wound of entry is non bleeding, thick, leathery, greyish white, depressed,
hard and cauliflower like typically known as crater formation i.e., the wound is 3-4cm.
in . diameter, is 3-4 mm depressed and margins are 3-4 mm raised.
b) At times there may be a blister formation.
c) At times there may be a pit at site of injury.
d) There may be a hole.
e) At times, due heat, there may be scorching, blackening or even charring.
f) High voltage current may cause burns over large areas of skin lesion.
g) The skin may be coloured metallic pigments:

 Green if electrode is of brass

 Black if electrode is of iron
 Blue if electrode is of copper
 Grey if electrode is of aluminium

II.Wound of exit

a) Classically is like a laceration and is bleeding

b) May be absent
5)With high voltage current, there may be charring of body.

6)With high voltage current, there may in addition he fractures of bones, and rupture

of multiple viscera.

7)Due to high amperage current metals from electrodes may melt & as small balls- current
pearls, may be carried to tissue. Calcium phosphate of bones may also melt & is seen radio
logically as bone pearls.

8)Secondary complications may be

 Paralysis
 Amnesia
 Loss of sight, hearing or speech etc.

Causes of death

Death is almost sudden, if heart or vasomotor centre fall in the line passage of electric current

1) Sudden death may result from shock

2) The commonest cause of death is ventricular fibrillation. .

3) Death may be due to sudden cardiorespiratory arrest, due to inhibition of vasomotor.

4) Death may be due to cerebral anoxia due to ventricular fibrillation.

5) Death may be due to paralysis of respiratory muscles.

6) Death may be due to mechanical injuries due to fall.

Medicolegal aspects

1) Death is usually accidental, rarely suicidal homicidal. .

2) At times death can occur during treatment e.g., Electro convulsive therapy (ECT),
cauterization etc.

3) In some states of USA, electric current is employed for capital punishment.

 The person is tied to a wooden chair, one electrode (cap like) is applied to his shaven
head and the other electrode is applied to right leg. Current of 2000 V ' and 7 amp. is
passed twice for 1 minute each time.)

4 Electric current is a common method of suicide in Germany.

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