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Running Head: ePortfolio 1


Leadership and Systems Management

Management Overview

Submitted to:

Dr. Tony Rosales

Prepared by:

Amrit Virdee

HCIN-546-02-SU18 - Capstone
ePortfolio: Leadership and Systems Management 2

Management Overview

The ability to manage effectively requires knowledge about the various aspects of

organizations. One key element is having the ability to develop an organizational chart within an

organization. This chart would allow the leader to view a number of important attributes such as

the hierarchical structure of the practice, the assignment of responsibility and the transfer of

authority for directing and coordinating tasks. I learnt that reviewing an organizational chart in

this manner allows one to visually see the hierarchical structure as well as review the strengths

and weaknesses of all the team. This is a crucial step when considering a change within an

organization such as the implementation of an Electronic Health Record (EHR) system.

Knowing who are the strong players within an organization allows a leader to know who to

leverage when implementing organizational change.

Another important leadership attribute is having the ability to review and make decisions

on financial reports. I have had experience in reading and writing financial reports but the

learnings from the Financial Management in Health Care module really helped me learn about

healthcare financial management such as the use of Relative Value Units (RVUs). I thoroughly

enjoyed working through implementing the 3-year financial prospectus of implementing an EHR

system. This module has really prepared me to understand the financials of a healthcare

ePortfolio: Leadership and Systems Management 3


Baker, J. J., Baker, R. W., & Dworkin, N. R. (2018). Health care finance: basic tools for

nonfinancial managers. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

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