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The Uber Equation

How To Succeed In The Innovation Economy
Welcome to the Innovation Economy

My whole life, I’ve felt like a stray dog, dashing around until I could survive in
the jungle. Table of Contents
I was dead on the ground. I was broke. I was separated. I was scared and lonely.
2 Welcome To The
Everywhere I looked, I couldn’t believe people knew how to smile. They were Innovation Economy
faking it, I thought. It took a long time for me to get it—but now I get it.

Ideas are the new currency of the 21st century—a century already defined by 4 What Is The Innovation
declining currencies and volatile employment. Economy, Anyway?
What does that mean? It means you need to know more (and do more) to not
just survive, but thrive in this new economy—to constantly be thinking about
4 Recognizing The Tides
new ideas in order to get ahead.
9 Peel The Onion
In this innovation economy, good ideas are directly linked to wealth.
11 Finding Your Way In
Once upon a time, Mark Zuckerberg had a good idea. Now that idea is called
Facebook and he’s worth $46 billion. The Innovation Economy

Jack Dorsey had a good idea, too—a way to save a struggling podcasting company. 13 Now It’s Your Turn
It wasn’t even his company’s main product; it was just a side project. Now we all
know that idea as Twitter, and Dorsey (along with a lot of other people) is a billionaire.

That’s what I mean about the innovation economy. It’s all about creating good
ideas, leveraging them, and then selling them to other people.

It’s about creating your own future.

Peter Thiel, the founder of PayPal and the first investor in Facebook, underlined
this for me when he told me the story of how, in July 2006, Zuckerberg turned

down Yahoo’s offer of $1 billion to buy Facebook. Zuckerberg some of the biggest brands in the world. A few years later, I
would’ve made $250 million that summer. Thiel, who was sold that company for $15 million. (Two years later, almost
advising Zuckerberg at the time, wanted him to take it, or at all website design businesses were out of business, so I
least consider accepting the offer. Zuckerberg decided within have to admit I timed that one pretty well.)
10 minutes: No. As Peter put it, ideas were more valuable to
Mark than money. I did it again less than 10 years later, and ended up selling
my next company for $10 million after less than a year.
Not everyone is going to create Facebook. I never will. But
everyone can create abundance in their lives and enjoy Everyone always wants to know how I did this—how I built
wealth as a side effect of the ideas that they create. up Stockpickr, a social network for investors, and turned it
into a successful site so quickly.
Many people are idea slaves. They get their paychecks
working 9-5, or longer—and all they do is work on the bad It was just an idea. Really.
ideas of others.
I decided to do the only thing I knew how to do and the
This is not a natural state for human beings. We need to only thing that has ever made me money and marry them
explore. We’re curious. We want to adapt constantly to new together. And, thus, I created a new thing. I loved Internet
environments and use the part of our brain that evolved businesses, having built and sold one already.
specifically so we could create new works of art or new
productions. And I loved the financial business. So a financially focused
Internet business it was.
But a century of corporatism has fooled us into thinking
that, if we just pay our dues and climb the ladder, we’ll find a I created a spec site—and when I say “spec,” I mean I wrote
pot of gold waiting at the end for us. down what all the buttons on the front page would do and
what other content would appear, completely defining all of
Not true. the layers of the site—and paid an Indian firm to design the
look and feel of the site. That cost me $500.
Such loyalty on behalf of companies toward employees
never really existed, and is now gone forever as people Then I took that document, which was just a visual interpre-
adapt to this new world. Unless you’re creating your own tation of my idea at that point, to another Indian firm and
ideas, working on your own things, you’re an idea slave and had them create all the code to turn the images on paper
you’re falling behind. into a real, functional site. That cost me another $2,000.

I learned this lesson a long time ago, when I was still And then we were in business.
working for HBO. I was initially hired to do some basic
computer programming for them (idea slave), but then I I put ads on every page, got us to a million users per month,
started pitching them ideas for their website. and all with no employees. So we were profitable. We were
making about $100,000 a month with zero employees in
I was still under their umbrella but I was able to become an just four months.
“entre-ployee” by working on good ideas under the umbrella
of HBO. I made more money this way, had some fun, and (Being too afraid to build this into a big business, I sold the
got some promotions—but I was still an employee. site almost instantly.)

For me, it wasn’t enough. I had ideas that didn’t fit under the But the point is, that Stockpickr started as an idea and grew into
umbrella. a sizable, profitable business pretty quickly. I had to learn what
I was doing along the way, and figuring out how to grow my
So I left. I created my own company, designing websites for audience was a big part of that, but in the end it paid off big time.


Now, kids and their parents spread out in their big houses,
What is the Innovation Economy, anyway? with one eye on their phones, one eye on the TV with a
billion channels and one eye, who knows where?
The Industrial Revolution gave way to the so-called Knowl-
edge Economy, which is now giving way to something But the good part of the Innovation Economy is the part
totally new—the Innovation Economy. where you break free from the system. Where you realize
that everything is a stage set and now it’s time to get to
What is the shift? work. This is where you do what you want, and ask for
forgiveness rather than permission.
It can be summed up this way: Everything that can be
outsourced will be outsourced. Anything that can be Recognizing the tides
replaced with technology will be replaced with technology.
Steve Jobs didn’t invent the computer.
We all grew up partly in the industrial economy of the 20th
century and partly in the knowledge economy. But industry By the time Apple cofounder Steve Jobs started tinkering
has become outsourced to distant parts of the world. on what would become the Apple I personal computer in his
Eventually, everything will be outsourced to robots. And parents’ garage, the MITS Altair—sold in a mail-order build-
knowledge is now outsourced as well. your-own PC kit—had already been around for more than a
year, hitting the market as a kit in 1974. It was remarkably
This streamlining and outsourcing can be traced back successful, considering it had no screen, no keyboard,
throughout human history. Back in the day, monks living in and was basically just a box with series of flashing lights
isolated monasteries would toil for years copying a book controlled by a toggle switch.
by hand. And then, BAM!, along came the Gutenberg press,
eliminating the need for the scribes. Historically, we as a No, Jobs didn’t invent the computer, but he did take what
species love to make difficult things easier, cheaper, faster. was already out there at the time and make it better. That
may not be invention, but it is innovation. He saw that the
These days, with new technological innovations around computer would be ushering in a new age—not only in
every corner, the practice is picking up steam. business, but in the day-to-day lives of BILLIONS of people
worldwide—and set out to make the best, most useful
Almost any skill—even skills that are paid for with brutal computer that he could.
educations—will be outsourced somewhere.
That turned into the Apple I, a machine designed to be
The horse gave way to the car. The VCR gave way to simple to use. The computer that everyone could have in
streaming video. Bookstores are giving way to Amazon. their home.

Some of it is sad. I miss wandering the aisles of bookstores Bill Gates didn’t invent anything either.
at the mall. I’m actually nostalgic for the days when we had
only three channels and had to find the just-right angle for Now he’s the richest man in the world, but back in 1980
the rabbit ear antennae in order to he was just one of many entrepreneurs in the then-new
software business.
watch our programs uninterrupted by static. I’m nostalgic
for boredom and sitting around in my bedroom and just When he got a call from IBM to help them develop an
daydreaming about the future, or riding my bike down operating system for their new line of desktop PCs, he didn’t
safe suburban streets, looking for my friends to play with. have anything to give them. So he found a local company
Sitting at home with my grandparents on a Saturday night, in Seattle that had been working on a hardware platform
laughing along with “The Golden Girls”—something my similar to the IBM PC—called Seattle Computer Products—
grandparents and I bonded over. and licensed the software they were using from them.


After making a few tweaks, Microsoft shipped the software Starting with steam-powered vehicles in the 18th century,
to IBM for a one-time fee of $50,000. the first internal combustion engines in the early 19th
century, and the first “production” vehicles in the 1880s,
And this is where Bill Gates did something really smart. This automotive design was a long way along by the time Henry
is why we’re still talking about him and his company some and his company set up shop in Detroit in 1901.
40 years later.
The idea of a passenger car was far from new by that point.
Rather than selling IBM the copyright to this software, Different engine designs, different body styles, different
which presumably would have brought him and Microsoft cabin configurations… it had all been tried.
a much larger payment than just $50,000, Gates held onto
it, assuming that he could license it out to the dozen or so But Ford recognized the untapped potential for an inexpen-
other vendors that were working on similar hardware at the sive, mass-market car that almost everyone could afford.
Up until that point, cars were luxury toys for the rich. Most
He was right. people still relied on horse-drawn carriages or rail transit to
get around. Or they walked. The potential for market growth
Within a few years, MS-DOS was the default operating sys- was huge.
tem on millions of computers worldwide, and Microsoft’s
place at the center of the personal computer revolution was And the Ford Model T, produced inexpensively using Ford’s
sealed. new assembly-line manufacturing process rather

He recognized not only that personal computers were than hand craftsmanship of each car, proved that to be true.
the big, massive business opportunity of the future, but Manufactured from 1908 to 1927, the Model T sold more
also that all those computers would need a standardized, than 16.5 million units and remains one of the top 10 best
reliable set of software tools to use with them. The market selling cars OF ALL TIME!
didn’t want 50 different spreadsheet programs and 50
different operating systems; it wanted one great version The key to all of this is recognizing what I call the tides—
that would work on every machine that was out there. those trends that are so big and so powerful that they have
the potential to radically change life as we know it and set
That was the trend in the 1980s and that’s still the trend humankind on a new path.
The development of mass transportation, like the Model T,
And that’s the thing about succeeding in the innovation is one of these tides.
economy. It’s one thing to have an idea—a great idea, a
WORLD-CHANGING idea—but if the market trend isn’t there Before the invention of steam power, the railroad network, and
to bring customers to your idea, it’s going nowhere. (most importantly) the automobile, most people lived their lives
in an area of just a few hundred miles. They were born there,
If you don’t align your ideas with the big trends that are out they met their spouses there, they raised their kids there, and
there in the world, you’re inventing in a vacuum. No one they died there. They literally couldn’t get away.
But once transportation became more widely available,
Think about it this way: people were able to move to nicer places, they were able
to find work in different cities, they were able to travel and
By the time Henry Ford developed the Model A, the automo- meet people in different areas and countries.
bile industry was more than a century old.
They were able to stop inbreeding with their neighbors. And
Seriously. it changed everything.


The Internet is another one. Prior to widespread adoption It’s the same with entrepreneurship.
of the consumer Internet in the 1990s, information was
locked away in silos, in libraries, and in company archives. There are trends all around us. Some are well developed at
Everything was still there, it was just hard to find. this point, like mobile apps and daily deals sites—we’re too
late to catch those waves. Some are still too far out, like,
That’s why we had librarians, to help us find information in say, harvesting minerals from asteroids—there isn’t enough
the library. momentum around those yet for us to profit.

That’s why we had newspapers, to share what they had Trends are an interesting metaphysical topic for several
learned with us. reasons.

But the Internet tore off those doors and set them on fire. For one thing, I strongly believe the key to success is to be
Information was now free. Everything we had ever wanted calm today, since that’s the best predictor of a successful
in the world—stock prices, movie times, restaurant reser- day tomorrow. But that doesn’t mean you stand at the edge
vations—was now available at our fingertips. Whenever we of the beach when a hurricane is coming. You still have to
wanted it! It changed the world. do whatever it takes right now to ensure your survival, to
make the moves that will help you and your family survive
Smartphones took this flood of accessible information today, and empower you to thrive tomorrow.
and made it mobile. Now we didn’t even need to be at
home to find out what we wanted to know. We could spend The trends that are coming are that hurricane. An emerging
more time out with our friends. We could travel the world trend can tell you a number of things, if you know what to
without losing touch with loved ones. We could bring all of look for:
humankind’s collected learning and understanding to even
the most remote cultures on Earth. • It might indicate what stocks to buy.

That’s a life-changing trend. • It might indicate what businesses to start. And for every
one trend, there are many different businesses you can
Think about it like riding a wave. You’ve driven down to the start.
beach, paddled out into the surf, and you’re waiting to catch
your first ride of the day. But there’s an art and science • If it’s a negative trend, it might suggest how you can
position your family to survive.
to surfing waves. You can’t just pick one and start flailing
madly at the water. It has to be a big enough wave to carry • It gives you something to talk about with your friends.
you. It has to be going in the direction you want to go.
• It gives you ideas that may morph into revenue streams
And you have to start paddling at just the right moment for that nobody has ever thought of before.
it to grab hold of your surfboard and carry you in to shore.
I make money through the last item listed.
If you start too early, you’ll run out of momentum before the
wave breaks. Others may catch it later, but you’ll be ahead I think of ideas for other companies who call me, and my
of the curve. “business” is to help them implement those ideas on their
own and become massive successes. If you combine the
If you wait too long to start paddling, the wave will pass you ideas born of trends, with an understanding of demographic
by. You won’t have enough momentum built up to catch it. trends, there are trillions of dollars waiting to be made.

It’s all about timing, about knowing exactly what to do and A trend is a reflection that some way of life is ending and
when. another way of life is beginning. For instance, Henry Ford


could’ve said that the era of transportation by horse was • They might look for new spouses after old ones get
ending, while that of the automobile was dawning. sick or die.

The era of lamplighters ended when the electric light bulb • Their children are no longer massive financial burdens
was invented. on them, so they can finally spend some money on their
own interests.
The era of American textile manufacturers ended when
cheaper alternatives emerged overseas. These aren’t things that happen to a small segment of the
population. Aging happens to EVERYONE whether we like it
Any time there is change, people will complain and resist. or not.
Some people will always insist that the “old way” was the
best way. But you and I know better. The companies that rise up to address these various
problems and needs are the ones that I’m watching for the
Most of the trends I’ll discuss are based on two important long term.
Trend #2: Healthcare
1. All things end, and the better we prepare for that end,
the more we can benefit from it. Here’s a problem: when I switch from one doctor to another,
there’s no easy way for the new doctor to access all of
2. Innovation takes place nonstop. Basically since the my health records. There are technological and regulatory
introduction of the printing press, have been innovating issues. But some companies out there are figuring out ways
at faster and faster rates. Every year, the level of to overcome these issues.
innovation is higher than that of the year before.
Software that helps human resources deal with all the
So if you want to buffer yourself against any eventuality, the new changes in healthcare laws will be a huge trend. By
best way to do so is by focusing on a trend that is formed being on the board of directors of an employment agency
around one of the above two themes. with over $1 billion in revenues, I became the ultimate HR
department. I’ve seen the trends that people are innovating
Trend #1: The aging population in this space. It’s an enormous space and the companies
that get it right will make billions.
As you’re probably aware, the baby boomers—members
of the postwar generation born between 1946-1964—are Trend #3: Surveillance
aging. As of a few years back, 76 million boomers had hit
the traditional retirement age and—surprise—kept going. You are being watched.
They kept playing tennis. They kept skydiving. And because
of the nature of the economy, many of them kept working. And the people who are watching you are getting better
at it. When you make a purchase or a phone call, indirect
But here are a few things that happen to lots and lots of surveillance hones in on certain patterns in your activities
people when they get older: and either labels you as a terrorist or not. They don’t know
or ask who you are until they need to.
• They become ill.
You’re being watched all the time. And it’s only going to get
• They become more and more farsighted. worse/better, depending on how you view it.

• They get lonely. Fortunately, there are many ways you can take advantage
of this trend. You can write a newsletter about the
• They look for cosmetic treatments—topical or surgical. technologies. You can start your own company involved in


the “observation industry.” You can buy one or some of the there, and turn around and go a different direction. That
many “watching” stocks that keep getting bigger each year. robot, more than a quarter century later, is now called the
Roomba and it vacuums your room. It’s also called many
Trend #4: The temp workforce other things, in many industries, and has enhanced many
One trend that’s taking place right now is that many people
are getting fired or demoted from middle-management po- We now fight our wars with robots. We perform surgeries
sitions. Sometimes they get fired because their companies with robots. Robots listen to our phone calls.
no longer need them. Sometimes they get fired because
they’re getting outsourced to temp employment firms that What do robots need? They are hungry for technology, for
instantly hire them back to the companies that fired them. more powerful batteries. Every battery uses lithium.
Why would companies do this? So they don’t have to deal
anymore with human resources, healthcare, etc. We’re going to go through a worldwide lithium shortage
(is this a trend, or a subtrend? I don’t know, but it’s there).
Uber is the perfect example of one of these companies. They are going to need more powerful cameras. They are
It allows people who are out of work, but who have a nice going to need more powerful sensors. They are going to
car, to make some money with very little commitment or need more powerful techniques to communicate and then
overhead. This will slowly become a way for a workforce store what they learn. What they need changes every day
to connect with the people who need it. It’s about logistics because they are getting more and more powerful.
more than it is just a car-hailing service.
Trend #6: Chemistry
Airbnb is another example. This website allows people with
extra rooms in their home to post the availability online Alcoa has been making aluminum the same way since the
for people looking to stay in that particular place at that late 19th century. The trouble is that by this point, everyone
particular time. These extra rooms essentially become hotel knows the aluminum manufacturing process.
rooms for people looking for accommodations (except
they’re usually a lot cheaper). Airbnb has more rooms It’s a historical fact now, not just a proprietary process. So
available in New York than all the hotels combined. anyone can supply the appropriate chemicals and metals at
just the right price.
Figuring out how to piggyback on this model—which is
becoming widely known as “the sharing economy”—will However, this is going to change. Someone (I don’t know
provide ways for people to make money. In essence, people who) is going to find a new way to make aluminum. They
are taking what they already have—homes, cars, time—and might discover new elements to use and new processes
using these assets to create wealth. to smelt. Companies that hoard those elements or develop
those new processes will benefit in a big way.
Trend #5: Robotics
And we’re going to be looking at the next great American
In 1988 I went to a lecture given by MIT professor Rodney industrial powerhouse. All thanks to chemistry.
Brooks. I was neck deep in studying the technology behind
current-day robotics at the time. Chemistry is going to be much more in influential in the
coming years—more so even than information technology
He said something that really intrigued me. He said that is now. Computers and information technology were big in
robots don’t have to start out “smart.” They can figure out the ‘70s, ‘80s, ‘90s, but that trend is over now.
lots of small things along the way—just like humans.
Keep track of the changes in how people are innovating
He showed an example of a small robot that would in chemistry and suddenly you will see what’s happening
bump into a wall a few times, then realize that a wall was in alternative energy, battery storage, isolation of valuable


chemical isotopes (like pure oxygen, for instance), etc. a trend is only the start of the process.

Understanding trends is not a day trader’s game. It’s the You have to turn these trends into actionable, profitable
long game. ideas in order to truly benefit from them. Once you recog-
nize the trend you want to follow, ask yourself:
Trend #7: Financial technology
1. Where is this trend or innovation happening?
There are many things happening in the financial technol-
ogy world. For starters, the rise of the cashless economy. 2. Who is it impacting? (Either positively or negatively)
Take PayPal. Can I go to a hotel, pick up my key at a kiosk,
go to my room, stay overnight, and then walk out, without 3. Why is it happening?
having to pay or deal with a line and tips and a desk clerk
and so on? Yes, now I can. Thanks to PayPal. And this is 4. What industry is this impacting? (Either positively or
only one example of the sort of thing that will begin to negatively)
happen in every service industry.
The key is to define the word “idea.”
Payday loans are another phenomenon in financial
technology. There’s a massive alternative banking industry Here’s a potential idea: “I can make an elevator that goes
comprised of people who, for various reasons, don’t use into outer space.” That seems like a good idea, but it’s not
traditional banks. I’m not sure why they’ve opted to do this. an idea. It’s just a thought, not something that I can go out
Maybe they don’t trust the banks or maybe the banks don’t and actually do. Think of a real idea as a unit that contains
trust them. several different components. All of the components have
to be filled in in order to call it an “idea.”
But here’s something that will never go away: People who
live paycheck to paycheck, a rising phenomenon, will need Here are the components of an idea:
money the day or days before their check arrives. What do
they do? • What is the idea?

They go to a payday loan company that might charge them • To whom can you delegate in order to put the idea into
one dollar for a $100 check even though their paycheck action?
may be there tomorrow. That’s 365% interest. A payday
lender charges much higher interest rates than the banks. • Why will this idea help people?
Sometimes this is regulated, sometimes it isn’t. It’s a great
business to be in but there’s one problem: Many people who • What is the EXACT next step in the idea? And the next
borrow money are scamming the lender. step after that?

There’s no check coming. This is not a frequent problem but • How will I make money on this idea?
it’s a problem in the industry and keeps margins low.
If you can answer all of those, THEN you have an idea. If
What if you can solve this problem? not, you’re still just brainstorming.

Keeping track of the changes in this space will make Also, if the delegation part involves someone other than
someone a lot of money. yourself, then you can move onto your next idea. Often
delegation requires money, which is why people with more
Peel the onion money seem to have lots of ideas. But all they are really
doing is filling in those components and moving onto the
Of course, as with surfing, finding and catching the wave of next idea.


Let’s consider this process through the lens of one of the months to live.” Like I said, aging happens to all of us. So
trends I mentioned earlier: the aging population. the potential customer base for products related to these
problems is massive.
Where is it happening?
Every day, I look for companies that are able to diagnose
We live in a global society, but that doesn’t mean that cancer faster and more efficiently than the current biop-
everything is the same everywhere, always. Innovation sy-and-test method. Tests are taking place at all the largest
happens in different places at different speeds. In South cancer research facilities in the world for testing cancer via
Korea, for example, mobile phone technology far exceeds your stool, your urine, and your DNA. I keep track of all of
what we have in the United States. That means connectivity these tests. I go out and visit the facilities. I get doctors to
is far better too. explain the science to me.

At the end of 2013, 69% of the world’s 4.2 million Wi-Fi How can you take advantage of this trend? For one thing,
hotspots were in Asia-Pacific. Market research firm ABI you can buy stocks of companies that are involved in these
Research expects the worldwide total to exceed 10 million new technologies. You can write a newsletter about the
hotspots by 2018 thanks to mobile growth, more than latest technologies. You can use the technologies to create
doubling today’s totals in Asia. other companies to help make people aware of them.

That’s HUGE, and it’s not happening in the United States at I invest in companies that diagnose cancer. I invest in
all. Yet. companies that I think can diagnose Alzheimer’s. I don’t like
to invest in the cures but I like to invest in the diagnostics. I
Where something is happening plays a large role in what stay away from the cures because the FDA charges you $2
path it takes and whether or not it takes hold. Mobile billion to test your cure and then they still might reject you,
adoption in South Korea might make a certain kind of app which doesn’t seem very fair. Given our aging population,
a no-brainer for that market—truly everyone in that country the FDA does much more harm than good now. But I do
is connected at all times, meaning a potential user base in look into more natural cures.
the millions. That wouldn’t be the case in a less-connected
country. It’s important to be aware that the FDA and the pharmaceu-
tical industries have a vested interest in charging some of
The good thing about aging is that unlike other trends, us tens of thousands a year for a medicine, when we could
aging is happening everywhere. Everyone is doing it. No one be seeking more natural cures at a fraction of the cost. So
gets out of the aging process. It’s universal. billions have been spent to suppress useful information
about many diseases.
So, the trends around issues related to the aging world
population matter everywhere you look. There is no country Why is it happening?
on Earth where this isn’t happening—in fact, in some
countries, like Japan, the aging population trend is even I remember a poster for the HBO show “Six Feet Under”
more pronounced than it is in the United States. from about a decade ago that had the tagline: “Everything.
Everyone. Everywhere. Ends.”
Who is it impacting?
It might have been for the last season of the series, I don’t
One common but unfortunate event that occurs as we know, but the message was pretty clear.
age is that a lot of us suffer from physical ailments and
diseases, such as cancer. Everyone in the world has cancer We’re all dying; some of us are just closer to the end than
cells in their body. You do and I do. Sometimes those cells others.
aggregate together in such ways that it hurts us and we
go see a doctor. The doctor says, “Oh my god, you have 10 But death itself isn’t the “why” of the aging population trend.


That’s a given. We’re talking about this as a trend because (But not impossible. I would argue that Elon Musk and
of the sheer scale of the group that’s involved here, just how Tesla are disrupting the auto industry—one of the most
many people are approaching the end at about the same entrenched industries out there—with their electric cars and
time. have made a real dent in that business.)

The baby boomers—the generation defined by the boom in Or maybe the industry is one that’s long overdue for disrup-
U.S. births following World War II—have for years made up tion. Uber’s founders saw that with the taxi industry, which
the nation’s largest living generation. According to the U.S. had a lot of regulatory walls around it that they had to work
Census Bureau, there are currently about 74 million boom- to dismantle, and have profited mightily because of it.
ers (aged 51 to 69) living in the U.S. That’s a lot of people
to be dealing with health problems, paying for medical Aging has wide-reaching impacts. True, healthcare is a
services, moving into nursing homes, etc. major concern for many people as they get older, and is one
industry that remains ripe for disruption, but that’s not all
So the aging population is a question of scale. I’m looking at.

(This trend isn’t going to end with the boomers either. Older people get lonely: Maybe we should look at social
The Pew Research Center has already predicted that the media and dating services for that age group. How can
millennial generation—those between the ages of 1834—will technology help them? Older people have more money to
surpass their parents’/grandparents’ generation with about spend on their interests: Maybe we should look into travel
75 million members as soon as this year, as the boomers and entertainment options that cater to this segment,
start to die off. Not to be morbid, but that means a lot of offering things that younger customers may not be as
people will be dying, every year, for a long, long time.) interested in.

What industry is involved? Older people have financial interests to maintain: We all
know that planning for retirement is important, but where
In Silicon Valley and the technology industry in general, are the financial services for those that are already retired?
you hear a lot about disruption. Companies are always
looking to get into existing industries and “disrupt” them, Finding your way in the innovation economy
shake them up, and extract profits by improving on tired,
old business models. Amazon disrupted the bookstore After you recognize a trend and break it down to fully
business when it became the biggest, cheapest bookstore understand it, it’s time to profit!
on the planet.
The problem that many entrepreneurs run into, though, is
Uber is disrupting the taxi industry big time, offering a better that there are as many ways to monetize good ideas as
alternative for many people. there are ideas out there. There is no set-in-stone way to do
it every time.
Airbnb has effectively disrupted the hotel industry.
But the truth, in my experience, is that the monetization side
With trends, once you know where you’re focused and who of your business often develops naturally alongside your
is being impacted, the industry that’s involved is the next product.
most important factor to consider. Maybe your trend stands
to involve a large group of people in a high-income part of Think about Google. When Larry Page arrived at Stanford in
the world, but the industry that it involves is very big, strong 1995 to begin his PhD program, he brought with him a long
and entrenched. list of ideas he wanted to work on. Self-driving cars was
one of them. An improved algorithm for Web search was
Not so easy to disrupt. another.


His advisor wisely steered Page toward the search idea— the market these companies are facing as a whole.
which was the most attainable at the time—and the rest is Maybe you want to invest in biological nanotech, but
history. something as simple as a negative ruling from the FDA
could drive half of the companies in the space out of
But it wasn’t until Google Search had been up and running business overnight. You need to know what those risks
for more than two years that the company really figured out are before they happen.
how to monetize its massively popular product. As early
Google investor Michael Moritz told John Battelle about the B Network: I like to be where the technology is happening,
company’s early days for his 2005 book “The Search”: “We as close to the laboratory as possible, in order to
really couldn’t figure out the business model. There was a understand where to invest or where to build. Does this
period where things were looking pretty bleak.” mean I need to be an expert? Not at all. I barely know
what half of this stuff is or does. But I am able to read
The answer was Google AdWords, which launched in the latest reports and try to figure out how they are
October 2000 and enabled advertisers for the first time to going to be applied. I know the right people to talk to
tie their ads to search terms. Web users would literally tell when I have questions. Then I use that information to
Google what they were interested in, and AdWords would make informed decisions when the time is right.
show them ads relevant to their interest.
C Start a business: If the trend is big enough and your
As of 2014, AdWords was Google’s primary revenue driver, take on the idea is unique enough, starting your own
bringing in more than $50 BILLION a year for the Web giant. business is often the best way to cash in on “the wave.”
Create a product that companies in your trending
The best way for a person to monetize their ideas is to think industry can use, or develop services to help them do
about them from two different angles: helping yourself and their jobs better. Find an underserved part of the market
helping others. and create a solution that people will pay for. It doesn’t
have to be a homerun, $100 million idea. When you
Helping yourself just means taking that trend or idea and tap into a growing market, your sales will grow right
turning it into something that directly benefits your own life. alongside the rest of the industry.
Start a business, get a promotion,
D Invest in someone else’s startup: Growth industries
Helping others can include everything from writing a like robotics and self-driving cars rarely include many
book about the trend to starting a blog or newsletter that publically traded companies that you can invest in with
examines the trend in depth on a regular basis. Find ways stocks, so another option would be to invest in startup
to use the knowledge and ideas that you have generated to companies as an angel investor.
help other people improve their own lives.
E Get better at your job: Technology and innovation
The possibilities for idea monetization are endless: aren’t just for entrepreneurs. You can even use these
trends to make more money and do better at your
A Invest: Read all you can about the trend and the current job. Not everyone is an entrepreneur. I’ve been
companies and markets involved in it. Do this enough, an employee as often as I’ve been an entrepreneur (and
and for long enough, and you will start to see the trends I’ve gone back and forth from employee, to entrepre-
within the trend and begin to understand the right neur, to employee, to entrepreneur a few times too). But
places and moments to place your bets. understanding the Innovation Economy can be a great
benefit at work.
Investing in companies in these growth industries is a
great way to profit in the innovation economy, but you Even if you don’t go out and start a new company
have to do your research ahead of time to be sure you around your ideas, just applying them to your existing
fully understand not only the stocks you’re buying but job is a great way to generate new revenue for your


company, make existing processes work better, and put and ended up getting a free trip to their headquarters
yourself in line for a promotion (i.e. more money). out of the deal. Serve as an advisor.

F Find a better job: Or maybe your current employer is in L Find the innovators: No companies are working on
a different industry, maybe it’s an industry that is dying your idea yet? No problem, just find the individual
and laying people off. When you identify the winning innovators out there who share your passions and get
trends in the Innovation Economy you can find the to know them. Link them into your network. Brainstorm
companies that are best positioned to leverage those with them. Work on your ideas together. When their
trends. Go work for them. Help them do what they’re ideas and your ideas develop to the point that a compa-
doing better and faster. ny comes out of it, you’ll be there on the ground floor.

G Write a book: You’ve spent months and months M Invest in your skills: As I wrote in “Choose Yourself,”
researching trends, talking to business leaders, learning there is no better investment that you can make in life
all you can about the leading industries of both today than to improve your own skills and marketability. Take
and tomorrow. Put all of that information down into a classes, read books, learn from the great minds in your
book and sell it on Amazon. You can self-publish for industry—anything to become a leading expert on your
next to nothing these days—I should know, I do it all idea.
the time—and it’s a great way to profit off of your ideas
when other people look for information and buy your Now it’s your turn
No one can predict the future. It’s like when swine flu killed
H Start a blog: Forget the time-intensive work of writing a one person and then the U.N. announced that 200 million
book. Just put together a blog about your trend. Inform people around the world would die of swine flu in 2008.
your readers about what’s going on in the industry,
who the major players are, what they’re doing, and how Nobody died of swine flu in 2008.
everything is growing and changing. Sell ads on your
pages. But there was a stock with the symbol HOGS that fell 20%
that day. That’s an opportunity to buy. Just because.
I Start a newsletter: Take those blog posts and sell
access to more in-depth reporting and analysis via a Most predictions are wrong, and so many irrational things
paid newsletter subscription. Bring in experts from your happen when a trusted source makes an outrageous
industry to write guest articles and participate in the prediction.
And then, there are the trends that are irrefutable:
J Consult: Starting a business doesn’t always have to
involve developing a product, leasing office space, and • People are getting older
hiring employees. Consultants are often oneman shops
whose “product”—their knowledge of a given subject • The nature of the workforce is changing
or industry—is something that they can sell directly to
clients. Figure out what the startups and companies in • People want alternative energy
your industry need and find a way to help them get it.
• The economy is becoming more globalized
K Get involved with these companies: Identify the
companies that are currently working on your ideas and • Robotics technology is being used for more functions
reach out to them. Come up with a list of 10 things they
should be doing and email it to the CEO—I did this with • Wearable computing is generating larger and larger
Amazon and their self-publishing business a while back revenue


Think of each trend like a rainstorm. It’s coming down and Let me tell you how he got started. Mick was just reading
you can’t block it. But you can open up an umbrella and the paper. He read that thousands of people in the country
be safe. There are many things that can fit under a big of Sudan don’t have arms because of war injuries.
umbrella. The bigger the trend, the bigger the umbrella you
can have. Think of each trend and the things that fit under And they just live with it. They can’t afford prosthetics, so
those umbrellas: stocks, new businesses, new information they hand-feed each other, dress each other, and help each
products, new ways to live your life, other with all the other daily necessities.

I’ve made use of each one of the above trends to make my Mick decided to do something. He flew to Sudan with no
life better. For instance, when I saw the trend in employ- plan and figured out how to create prosthetic arms using a
ment, I went on the board of an employment agency, they 3D printer. This is someone with no experience in medicine
implemented my ideas, and everyone makes money. or engineering. He’s just a guy with a big heart who decided
that nothing is impossible.
With the trend of people getting older, I started investing in
startups that diagnose cancer and some of these startups “We’re not trying to create the next $700 pill,” Mick told me,
have now gone public. “We’re trying to create something that totally disrupts a
particular fill-in-the-blank, maybe it’s a way of communica-
Success in the idea economy is when you see what’s wrong tion, a way of transportation.”
with the world and say, “That’s absurd. Let’s change that.
Let’s hack that. Let’s modify that so it’s affordable.” This is the winning mentality today: Uber, Airbnb, Not
Impossible Labs.
That’s what Mick Ebeling does—founder of the Not Impos-
sible Labs and the Not Impossible Foundation. Through So how can you get the big idea, do the impossible, and
these two entities, Mick figured out how to build whatever become beautifully successful?
he wants, and solve impossible problems.
First of all, believe in the mentality that nothing is impossi-
Mick sees the world through his own lens. It’s the reason ble.
he’s successful.
Try it.
He creates technology that solves problems like having
your arms blown off. Or being paralyzed and unable to Second, look for absurdities. They’re everywhere when you
speak to your family. read or watch TV. When something bothers you, think of
solutions. Be an idea machine.
The technology to fix these problems does exist. But when
you can’t afford it, you have another problem. Third, disrupt. Don’t wait for big government or big business
to give you permission. Forget bureaucracy. Disruption
This is why Mick hacks. He disrupts the system, doesn’t starts now.
wait for permission, and believes in impossible things. You
can, too. We’re hacking the system. Now it’s your turn.

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