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malfunction in cabin heat system, the overload switch should trip at--------- 350 F
2. p68c equipped with a forward right side door from opening while the right propeller is running
with a------- solenoid operated plunger..
3. to obtain maximum capacity------- fill one tank then the other tank and then return to first tank and
top up..
4. approved fuel anti ice additive for the aircraft is—isopropyl alcohol
5. additive in fuel should not be more than----- 1%
6. what maneuvers are not permitted for the a\c---- aerobatic maneuvers including spins are
7. the datum location is at------ wing leading edge
8. aircraft is approved for------ the standard airplane is approved for day, night operations under vfr
conditions, and with proper optional equipment installed & operational the airplane is approved for
for day & night IFR
9. unusable fuel for each tank is 2.5 U.S Gal or 9 ltrs
10. the a\c is not not approved in icing condition since---- wing, horizontal stabilizer & vertical
stabilizer de-ice boots alone do not provide adequate protection for the entire a\c
11. total oil usable in ratio ---- 6 qts or 5.7 ltrs
12. wat is the power for all operations----- 2700rpm 200hp
13. maximum CHT ---- 485 f
14. maximum engine oil temp 245 f
15. minimum oil pressure for idle—25psi
16. total oil capacity—8 qts or 7.5 ltrs
17. total usable fuel each tank----- 68 us gallon or 260 ltrs
18. power for engine inoperative go around is 2700 rpm full throttle
19. procedure for restart in flight—-----fuel selector magneto switch auxiliary fuel pump on, throttle ½
inch forward propeller full forward, mixture rich, starter press when engine engine fires release
after cut off
20. maximum baggage capacity on aft cabin walls—400lbs ( 181kg)
21. one engine failure during take off---
22. in go around flap setting should be 15
23. during starting with battery what can enable to shut down--- if the oil pressure guage does not
show any indication, shut down the engine, if alternator output Is low shut down
24. maximum altitude loss if one engine is inoperative stall is ----- 600ft
25. design maneuvering speed for 2084kg category a\c is--- 137kts
26. C.g forward & aft limit is------ rearward- 0.481m(18.92”) aft of datum at all weights, forward-
0.328m(12.60”) aft of datum at maximum t\off weight of 2084 kg (4594 lbs)
27. maximum pitch angle with one engine inoperative stall is --- 30degrees
28. balked landing--- pg number 5-15 performance
29. best rate of climb speed--- 78kts
30. bendix 9/ king150 series FCS in wat condition disengages autopilot automatically--- pg number 2-
33 supplement D1 section 7
31. glideslope can capture autopilot--- from abovr or below the beam while operating the pitch alt hold
or alt hold modes..
32. while landing ILS—
33. on HIS glide slope in view indicates that --- a usuable glide slope signal is being received..
34. combustion heat located on cabin—
35. during autopilot operation action in land flaps to 15 and after airspeed stables flap extended to 35
36. correct statement regarding autopilot is---
37. if an autopilot malfunctions---
38. decoupling may be accomplished by--- disengage alt. mode switch radio couples to hdg mode,
disengage autopilot
39. maximum demonstrated crosswind velocity --- 25kts
40. maximum altitude loss in conventional stall is – 400ft
41. blue radial mark on asi is--- one engine inoperativre best rate of climb speed
42. maximum flap extended speed for 111kts 2084kg
43. the maximum weight stall speed with flap retratcted is indiacated by---- 69kts at 0degree angle of

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