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spanish verbs review 1

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1. Acordarse to remember 40. Levantarse to get up

2. Acostarse to go to bed 41. Llamarse to be called
3. Acostumbrarse to get used to 42. Llevar to take
4. Afeitarse to shave 43. Manejar to drive
5. Andar to work 44. Maquillarse to put on makeup
6. Bajar to go down 45. Molestar to bother
7. Bañarse to bathe 46. Navegar to navigate
8. Broncearse to tan 47. Ocurrir to occur
9. Caber to fit 48. Ofrecer to offer
10. Caerse to fall 49. Olvidarse to forget
11. Calmarse to calm down 50. Parar to stop
12. Cenar to have dinner 51. Peinarse to comb
13. Cepillarse to brush 52. Pescar to fish
14. Comerse to eat 53. Pintar to paint
15. Conducir to drive 54. Poner(se) to put
16. Conseguir to get 55. Preguntar to ask
17. Creer to believe 56. Preocuparse to worry
18. Cuidarse to be careful 57. Quedarse to stay
19. Dejar to leave 58. Quemarse to burn
20. Desayunar to eat breakfast 59. Quitar to remove
21. Descansar to rest 60. Reunir to gather
22. Despedirse to say goodbye 61. Saltar to jump
23. Despertarse to wake up 62. Seguir to follow
24. Divertirse to enjoy oneself 63. Sentarse to sit
25. Doblar to fold 64. Sentir(se) to feel
26. Doler to hurt 65. Subir to go up
27. Dormir(se) to sleep 66. Tardar to take
28. Ducharse to take a shower 67. Tirar to throw away
29. Encontrar to find 68. Vestirse to dress
30. Equivocarse to make a mistake 69. Visitar to visit
31. Escaparse to escape 70. Volar to fly
32. Esperar to hope
33. Fumar to smoke
34. Gritar to shout
35. Imaginarse to imagine
36. Instalar to install
37. Ir(se) to leave
38. Ladrar to bark
39. Lavar(se) to wash

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