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Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with the appropriate relative pronoun:
who, which, that, whose, whom.

1. Seven is a movie ___________________ scared me and gave me nightmares.

2. Meryl Streep is an actress for _____________________ I have much respect.

3. Sean Connery is an actor _____________ has starred in many movies.

4. Al Pacino is an actor ______________ record of hits has been amazing.

5. Give me the title of the movie ________________ starred Danny Devito.

6. I loved The Sound of Music __________________ was based on a true story.

7. We took a second trip to see the movie stars homes _________________ we thought were
the best.

8. I'm sure that next year's Oscar will go to the film ____________ deserves to win.

I. Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with the appropriate relative pronoun:
who, which, that, whose, whom.

1. Seven is a movie ___________________ scared me and gave me nightmares.

2. Meryl Streep is an actress for _____________________ I have much respect.

3. Sean Connery is an actor _____________ has starred in many movies.

4. Al Pacino is an actor ______________ record of hits has been amazing.

5. Give me the title of the movie ________________ starred Danny Devito.

6. I loved The Sound of Music __________________ was based on a true story.

7. We took a second trip to see the movie stars homes _________________ we thought were
the best.

8. I'm sure that next year's Oscar will go to the film ____________ deserves to win.
II. Read:

Aunt Martha is asking mother questions about her baby:

Aunt Martha: Isn’t he a lovely baby? Can he talk yet?
Mother: No, he can’t, but he will be able to talk very soon. He can already say mummy and
Aunt Martha: Is he able to walk yet?
Mother: No, but he can already stand. Yesterday he was able to stand for five minutes.

A) Make up Aunt Martha’s questions and Mother’s answers.

Example: stand/yes talk/no

Aunt Martha: Can the baby stand yet? Aunt Martha: Can the baby talk yet?
Mother: Yes, he is already able to stand. Mother: No, he isn’t able to talk.

1. walk/no; 5. speak very well/no;

2. stand up/yes; 6. say mummy and daddy/yes;
3. sit/yes; 7. laugh/yes;
4. run/no; 8. sing/no;

B) What will the baby be able to do soon? Make sentences:

Example: He can already sit. (stand up)

He’ll soon be able to stand up.

1. He can already say mummy and daddy. (say hello)

2. He can already say a few words. (speak very well)
3. He can already stand. (walk)
4. He can already understand my questions. (answer my questions)
5. He can already laugh. (enjoy himself)

C) Situation: Uncle George is quite young, Grandfather is not. They tried to do the same
things yesterday. What happened?

Example: run 5 kilometres

Uncle George was able to run five kilometres.
Grandfather wasn’t able to run five kilometres.

1. swim 500 metres; 3. play football; 5. finish work quickly;

2. cross the river; 4. repair my car; 6. drive very fast;
III. Read these situations and then answer the questions according to the model:

Model: “I like tea”, she said, and you made some for her. Why?
Because she said she liked tea.

1. “The car has a very good engine”, the engineer said and your father bought it. Why?
2. “It is a very good book”, your friend said and you bought the book. Why?
3. “I know the way to the cinema”, Victor said and Paul went with him. Why?
4. “The food is very good in that restaurant”, Mr. Brown said, so his friend went there. Why?
5. “I’m still reading the book”, your mate said and you didn’t take it back. Why?
6. “I don’t like Adrian”, Sylvia said and you didn’t invite him to your birthday. Why?

IV. Put Mr. Jones’ and the operator’s words into Indirect Speech.

Mr. Jones: I want number four-five-seven-six.
Operator: Repeat, please. I can’t hear you.

Mr. Jones said/told the operator he wanted number 4-5-7-6.

The operator told him to repeat. She said she couldn’t hear.

Mr. Jones: Operator:

“I want to speak to Mr. Williamson.” “I can’t hear what you say.”
“I cannot get an answer.” “Don’t stand near the receiver.”
“I want number 4-5-7-6.” “I don’t understand you.”
“Put me through to his house.” “You are through.”
“I don’t hear anything.” “You can speak now.”

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