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Today, we’re gonna talk about the topic everyone cares about:

How to Get Laid on Tinder

Why should you listen to me when it comes to this subject?

Because my top achievement so far is that I fucked 3 different (completely random) girls from
Tinder in 1 day.

That day was Thanksgiving and I guess girls just didn’t have anything better to do than come
over and fuck me (lol).

I remember posting the proof on my Facebook page, and some of it got taken down because of
how explicit it was, but that was the legendary day that dubbed me as the Tinder god. Here’s a
post where some guys were discussing my Tinder skills and were shocked at how crazy my re-
sults are.

Here are some excerpts from the post and my comments on what it all means:
Alright, let’s focus on the actual methods that work for how to get laid on Tinder…

It seems simple enough…

it’s a super simple, easy to use app.

All you have to do is get up off your couch, take a couple great pics, and write a YOLO bio, and
then… profit!! You’re swimming in women.

Haha… well that’s not exactly how it goes down, young buck.

In this post, I am going to show you the exact process by which you actually start seeing results
on Tinder. And the difficulty of the process will depend on how well you currently take care of
yourself, your grooming/fashion sense, and, most importantly, your inner confidence/self es-

The same guys who have success in real life with women are the guys who have success on

So, the same rules of success matter. You won’t see a nerd who plays World of Warcraft 16
hours a day (and never sees daylight except when he takes out the trash as per mommy’s in-
structions) getting any action from Tinder (or any other mobile dating apps / online dating).

If you’re nervous just being near a cute girl in your daily routine, how do you expect to be any
different when you actually meet up with a girl from Tinder?

Becoming good with women is a holistic process.

But, you know what? Let’s say that you wanna just jump right in, and start testing Tinder and you
wanna get it to work for you (while you work on all the other areas of your sexual market value).

At the most base level, let’s assume that you’ve created a 3 month plan to lift weights, eat right,
and build enough muscle to look good enough to get results on Tinder.

I’ve tested my own skinny pics vs muscular pics and I saw a boost in matches of 300+. In the be-
ginning, I weighed 120 lb and looked anorexic, and in 3 months time, I looked good enough that I
felt that I would attract girls on Tinder from my physique.

I used stereo-typically attractive traits to craft my image for Tinder. I groomed hair to have a su-
per short trim on the sides and long on the top. And then I gelled it up like I was going to a club.
And then I took pics in front of a mirror in my bathroom.
Yes, I felt silly as fuck doing this. It feels so weird getting dressed and ready just for taking pics,
because in your head you’re like “wtf am I doing?,” “Will this really work?,” “I look how I look, and
there’s nothing that’s gonna change that.” “There’s no way that gelling my hair up is going to
boost my matches and get me DTF girls on Tinder.”

That is the voice of doubt. Ignore it. I’m serious. Ignore that shit.

The smallest change in your appearance and images can have the most drastic effect on how
many girls you match with on Tinder.

I’m not going to tell you to go out there and do exactly what I did. Everyone can improve their
looks in their own way. But what I did was that I found pictures of models who get tons of
matches on Tinder by searching on Google, and then I modeled my own grooming and appear-
ance after theirs.

If they were wearing a leather jacket to give a bit of a bad boy appearance, I did the same. If
they had a jacket with no shirt on, so did I. Were they wearing aviator sunglasses? I wore aviator

The key thing about this is that it is a testing process and you should not feel down or depressed
if a particular image didn’t work for you.

It is NOT YOU that the girls on Tinder are rejecting when they swipe left on you. It is YOUR PIC-
TURE THAT YOU TOOK that girls are rejecting.

If you take a blurry picture that makes you look like shit, do you think she’s gonna swipe right on
that? No.

Here’s the kicker though… If you take a garbage pic and EVEN JUST ONE of your pics in your
Tinder profile is that garbage pic… the girl will want to stay on the safe side and just swipe left on

So you need to make sure that every pic on your profile has been tested individually and is a

This is similar to how marketers “split test” web pages to figure out which one their audience is
most likely to convert best from. The only way to find out which page converts best is to test,
test, and test until they have a winner. Marketers don’t get rejected if one of their pages doesn’t
convert… so why are you getting upset over a crummy pic that didn’t get matches?
Alright, so here’s what you need to do… go on google and look up “Tinder proof” or clickbait stuff
with guys who have posted images of themselves and their results on Tinder. Take note of the
guys who get massive amounts of matches and DTF girls messaging them. And here’s the most
vital part… model your image off of them. In marketing, you can take shortcuts by searching the
internet for web pages that have already been tested and proven to convert… and that is exactly
what you will be doing by following this strategy.

You’re basically finding a winning Tinder profile that has been proven to convert and you’re
modeling your own profile off of that for minimal chances of failure.

Here is a sample Tinder profile that has gotten ridiculous results on Tinder. The guy basically
has his pick of the litter when it comes to Tinder:
Here are pics of my Tinder profile that I modeled off the pics of the model:

Notice how I was a little more aggressive with the nude style of pics than the guy I modeled my
pics off of. The reason is that my pics don’t generally look as attractive as the guy whose pics I
am modeling off of (I’m probably not as photogenic as him).

By the way, just had to say this, I know that looks are subjective and every girl has a different
idea of what she finds attractive, but you have to remember that we aren’t talking about LOOKS…
we’re talking about YOUR PICS. This is a big difference that most guys fail to grasp, and thus
they attach their emotions to their pics. Girls are judging your pics, not you. So don’t attach any
emotions to your pics.

The problem in my case was that I didn’t have access to professional photographers who would
make me look crazy attractive like that model guy does. So my solution to it was to get aggres-
sive with sexualizing my Tinder profile.

Girls are more attracted to dominance than they are to looks. This is why you see ugly frat guys
who look like bodybuilders getting laid with petite model looking girls.

Side note: Now I’m not saying I’m ugly. I’ve gotten compliments from girls before. However, I
gotta admit that in certain lighting and certain angles, I can look unattractive. That is the case for
everyone, I’d say. This is the reason most guys don’t get Tinder matches. They don’t try hard
enough to take good pics, and even if they do… they still unknowingly add an occasional ugly pic
into their pic portfolio.

But yea back to the topic… following the notion that girls are attracted to blunt guys who are un-
ashamed of expressing their “bad naughty side” and are complete risk takers, I had an idea that I
should be a bit risky with my pics and go almost nude. And the payoff was huge, as you’ll soon
see. As a rule, the less photogenic you think you are, the more dominant and sexualized your
pics should be. If you’re not a model, you probably can’t get away with wearing a yellow
spongebob shirt and not showing any skin lol.
Side note 2: Sexualizing your pics also has the effect of letting girls know you mean business.
This means that all the tire-kickers and time wasters will swipe left on you, allowing you to
match with other girls who mean business.

Keep in mind also that I was not able to immediately replicate the pictures of the Tinder model. I
had to sit down and create a weight lifting gameplan because I did not have as much muscle as
the Tinder model. Over 3 months, I went to the gym diligently so that I would be able to take
pics that showed the most attractive version of myself.

And that was when I took the pictures. The results were stunning…

This video shows it all:

Note: Never use your real name on Tinder. Create a fake Facebook account and then use Tinder
with that. In this case, you can see in the video that I was using the name “David.”

You can see that the amount of matches I got was unbelievable. And it kept growing.

This is what I like to call the “flood effect” and usually takes place after you’ve tested your pics
down to the ground (it can also happen if you simply start modeling your pics after something
that is already working, which is what I did).

Okay… so you’ve started getting more matches… but we’re not done yet.

You’d better know how to follow up with the matches if you wanna get laid. (See what I mean?
It’s a holistic skill. One without the other is no good. But when all pieces of the puzzle are togeth-
er, you start getting laid way too much for your own good.)

Here’s a Tinder match who matched with me, and I expertly followed up with her and met up
with her within an hour or so after actually matching with her on Tinder. Once we met up… we
started making out in front of my apartment and I took her inside and pounded her til the neigh-
bors could hear dirty sex noises.
Tinder Case Study: Alexis — Real Proof of Results

The girl above works as a model in NYC and is from Brooklyn.

I had no idea that it was possible to score sex within an hour of matching a girl from Tinder, but
after a few meetups like this one… I was regularly pulling off insane shit like this.

As I mentioned in the beginning of this article, I actually managed to bang 3 girls in 1 day on
Thanksgiving day. I studied what I did on that day like crazy and devised a strategy for banging
multiple girls in 1 day from Tinder. It’s a bit more advanced and is reserved only for premium
Hookups On Autopilot members. We only sell our premium content to subscribers.

Anyways… What you may have noticed in that interaction with Alexis is that she was immediately
very receptive to meeting up with me.

She was a YES girl.

Most girls will be MAYBE girls… and do you know why?

It’s because your profile is not perfectly tested to the ground. It’s because she still *thinks* she
can do better than you.

But when you test your profile and pics to the ground, what happens inside her head is that she
*clearly sees no other option within her league who would be a better option for sex than you
currently are*.


That is the effect you need to be striving towards.

Why settle for matching with tons of “MAYBE” girls?


The difference between easy access pass to pussy from Tinder and fighting an uphill battle and
having to use clever, witty strategies to convince a girl after a couple weeks of “plowing”
through her resistance is usually pre-determined by how well tested your profile and pics were.

And that’s pretty much it.

Once you meet up, if you’re even remotely skilled at escalating with women (and remember
that this is also part of that holistic skillset I was talking about earlier), you will probably have sex
within a few minutes of meeting her.

If you’re not skilled at physical escalation, you need to practice. Go out and get rejected on
weekend nights for being a bit too overt in your advances. Risk rejection. Risk grabbing the girls
hand and leading her. Risk getting close and initiating a make-out within the first few seconds of
meeting her.

You wanna know how it went down with Alexis? I didn’t go out to a diner. I didn’t go out to a bar. I
didn’t do any of that weak shit.

I received a text from her that she is outside (while I waited in my apartment). I went outside and
saw her smile and look down in submission. That behavioral cue told me that she was ready to
make-out and get physical right from the beginning.

Then I made out with her right on the street. She was a complete stranger and was outside my
apartment waiting for a date lol.

I then grabbed her hand, led her inside, and as soon as the door locked, I grabbed her and threw
her on the bed and started escalating like a pervert.
If you want more detail, well then you’ll just have to subscribe to my site, because I don’t expose
overly sexual stuff on the public portion of my blog.

And there it is… How to get laid on Tinder.

The thing that most guys will do after reading this post is that they will have this little voice in-
side their head that says: “That guy’s good looking” or “That will never work for me” or “Sounds
like too much work”.

How’s this for good looking?

Pretty bad pic of me. And it’s all due to lighting and camera angle, etc.

And guess what… I tested it on Tinder and it failed to get me matches.

You would have thought that because I have girls kissing my face… I would get tons of matches,

Nope… I matched with stupid feminists who just wanted to troll me when I used this particular

It wasn’t till I started modeling my stuff off models who were getting massive results on Tinder
that I started seeing crazy success on Tinder.
It’s your turn now…

What are you gonna do? Keep approaching girls during your break at work, only to get 1 or 2
numbers that flake? Are you gonna rely on taking girls home during those cold wintry nights
when no one wants to go out?

Or are you gonna get off your ass and apply the gold mine I just presented you regarding how to
get laid on Tinder?

Only time will tell.

Take care.

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