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Yes, a human being can be called trash. Trash is defined as anything worthless or useless. While this is
one definition of trash, this word can also be used to refer to a person. A worthless or disreputable
person is also called trash. My roommate is trash. This may seem like a very weak name calling on my
part but it is a fact. Every human being is considered a liability before he or she starts earning money
and contributes to the development of the country by paying tax. My roommate is clearly a liability as
he is a student. I am also a liability for the same reason. The two big differences between us are that he
is four years older than me and that he doesn’t regret the fact that he is still a bigger liability than me at
this age. Whenever I empathized with him, I imagined myself overcome with shame and working my ass
off so that I could make myself worthy of living. This man has no such intentions. I will now give a
detailed explanation as to why he is worthless. I will start off with myself and then explain this scum’s
worthlessness in 3 phases. Throughout this assignment, I will refer to my roommate as “Worthless
Scum” to place emphasis on the point I am trying to prove.

Am I trash? Yes, I am also trash. I had a lot of expectations riding on me but I still messed up. Am I trying
to get rid of this title? Yes, I am. I am doing BTech from a mediocre college even though my parents
made sure that I got the best education possible but all I did was complain. It is all in my past now. I
understand that if I don’t prove my worth now, my future will be in great peril. So I am trying and am
pretty sure that in the near future, I will be in a much better place. All I can say for now is that a college
is made better by its students. So, if I give my very best, I am sure that I will succeed. Now I will give you
the figures I need to prove a few of my claims.

College fees- 265000

Hostel fees-180000

Personal monthly expenditure < 2000

*Extras - One Laptop and 30 GB Wi-Fi per month

Extras- These aren’t given to Worthless Scum.

I will start with his college life since school life is not the most accurate phase of one’s life to judge
worthlessness. Worthless Scum did his BTech from SMIT or Sikkim Manipal Institute of Technology
which is a pretty bad institute as well. It is in fact worse than my own college. Why? Both our colleges
are a part of Manipal. Manipal holds an entrance test for entry to its various engineering streams. We
are ranked according to our scores in this exam. While my college stops taking entrants at a rank of
10000, Worthless Scum’s college takes entrants up to the rank of 40000. This is why my college is better
than his.

This statement is not completely correct though. SMIT has one advantage over my college.
ISRO and DRDO do projects there and students can take part in these projects. While these projects are
limited to a few streams, Worthless Scum’s stream is well under the scope of these projects. Now, I will
present a conversation that I had with Worthless Scum.

Me: Did you do any of the projects from ISRO and DRDO?

Worthless Scum: Nah, I didn’t have the time.

The guy who had the time to watch all the seasons of Friends at least 4 to 5 times didn’t have the time
to do something useful. A big round of applause for this piece of shit. Worthless Scum also used to
criticize his past roommate (who is currently having a job unlike him) for not studying. I don’t really
know a lot more besides the fact that Worthless Scum was in SMIT by north eastern reservation and was
not placed during the placement drive. Worthless Scum had lied to me that he had been placed but I
eventually found out the truth. Worthless Scum’s report card clearly showed that his average CGPA was
7.3 while the company that he said had hired him only hired those who had a CGPA of 7.5 or more.

This phase will be about Worthless scum’s life here in this college. Phase 1 was more than enough to
prove Worthless Scum’s worthlessness but his condition has somehow worsened. It may sound
unbelievable but it is true. Worthless Scum’s worthlessness will be explained in the following 3 stages-

1. Not so bad.
2. Throw him in the trash can.
3. This person deserves to die.

Stage 1: Not so bad

Worthless Scum is extremely arrogant. We had an exam on Engineering
Thermodynamics(ETD). It was pretty easy considering I did really well on it. Worthless Scum’s branch is
mechanical engineering and ETD is a very crucial subject for them. When I came back after giving my
exam, Worthless Scum asked me to show my question paper to him. I have a habit of marking questions
that I am unable to do or am doubtful of. “This is extremely easy!”, he exclaimed seeing my mark on a
question that I was unable to do. “Then do it”, I said curtly. You know what’s next, Worthless Scum was
unable to solve a single part of the question. Whenever Worthless Scum went to class and was able to
answer a few questions, he would brag to me about it. “Only Lakshya (top scorer) and I were able to
answer the questions,”, said Worthless Scum, who had the lowest CGPA in his class. Isn’t that ironic?
Worthless Scum once criticised our college’s music club because they had committed some mistakes.
You know what’s next, Worthless Scum is a terrible singer. Isn’t that ironic?

Stage 2: Throw him in the trash can

Worthless Scum had a really bad CGPA. I do understand that bad CGPA doesn’t prove that a
person is worthless. I know students who work twice as hard as me but unfortunately got a bad CGPA.
The problem with Worthless Scum is that he deserved a CGPA even lower than what he got. He never
studied. He bunked a lot of classes even though they were quite low in number to begin with. Bunking
classes is not so bad though as long as you make up for it through self-study. Worthless Scum didn’t
even do that.
Stage 3: This person deserves to die
Worthless Scum is laying down on his bed 90% of the time he is in the room. Worthless
Scum drinks at least twice a week and smokes at least 8 cigarettes a day. Worthless Scum argues with
his parent every time they call. Worthless Scum never eats in the mess. Worthless Scum has no Wi-Fi
like us so he has to pay for data monthly. Worthless Scum’s college fee is more than ours. Worthless
Scum is living a comfortable life on his parent’s money even though he has no regard for them. All of
Worthless Scum’s classmates are involved in research projects while he isn’t involved in any. Worthless
Scum has even stopped studying before the tests like he used to do before. Worthless Scum copies
down assignments rather than doing them himself. Worthless Scum has not achieved anything yet feels
it is right of him to complain about the mess food and heat.

I hope we all agree that Worthless Scum deserves to die but hold on to your horses. You
must have noticed my excessive use of the phrase “Worthless Scum” in this assignment. It maybe
grammatically incorrect but it helps in calming anger. It is not right to kill anybody no matter who it
maybe unless they have been punished by law. Worthless Scum is an example of how a person should
not be. I will now declare the new definition of trash.

Trash- [noun]

Partho Pratim Deka

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