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Copyright © 1994 by Crooked Arrow, Arizona, U.S.A.

All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. No part of this
book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, with out writing permission of author,
except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

First U.S. Edition, 1994

First Printing, 1994
Second U.S. Edition 2002
Second Printing, 2002
Third U.S. Edition, 2004
Third Printing, 2004
Fourth Edition 2008
First Electronic E-book Edition, 2009
This book is dedicated to my loved ones.

To my husband, who went through a lot with me as I did the work I was sent to do.

To my daughter and son, may they have the courage to help their children walk within the light
of peace and harmony, no matter what other people may say or think.

To my two grandsons and my two granddaughters, may you always hold tight to the peace you
have now.

A special mention to my other granddaughter, Desert Rose, who now walks in the light of the
spirit world with all the workers of the light that I have met throughout the years.

To those enlightened ones who have guided my steps along the way in both this world and also
in theirs. I thank all of you.

Wa do!
Table of
Chapter One Page
The Little Ones.........................................................................................................................................................7

Chapter Two
Grand Pop................................................................................................................................................................14

Chapter Three
The Winged Ones..................................................................................................................................................24

Chapter Four

Chapter Five
The Healing.............................................................................................................................................................35

Chapter Six
The Gift of Love....................................................................................................................................................38

Chapter Seven
The Light Being.....................................................................................................................................................41

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine
The Visitation..........................................................................................................................................................52

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven
The Painting............................................................................................................................................................67

About the Author................................................................................................................ 74
The Enlightenment is a true story that has been written to help people understand the things that
seem strange to most people, but yet are very real and normal for those who walk the path of a
light worker.

This book is written in a way that makes it easy reading material for children and adults, for the
story begins in the words of a two year old child as things began happening in her life. In the
way only a small child can explain, she tells how she met the Little Ones, who are the ancient
caretakers of nature. She continues by giving an account of how she learned to see in the past
and how to work with the energy of the body. A frail little girl with health problems tells of her
communication with spiritual entities and the strange feelings of feeling like a freak, that she
experienced while growing up in this world where others could not see or hear what she could.

As you read each chapter you will journey along with this small human being as she goes to
school, grows into womanhood and then becomes a parent. Each step of her life is paved with
unusual events that actually took place. Like the visit she received from strange UFO creatures,
to the visit from her deceased grandmother, to the enlightening visit from a Light Being or what
you would call an Angel.

As this worker of light grew older, she realized that there is a constant battle going on between
good and evil forces upon this planet. She met many spiritual helpers and guides of this world
and other dimensions, who helped educate her in the ways of the Old Ones in healing and

As you read further in the book, you will learn how as a young woman she learned about and
experienced channeling of entities. You will share her love for her children as she does battle
against the negative forces that try to destroy them. You will also read about why she now lives
in Arizona, which is another book in itself called The Whispering Desert.
The Enlightenment is just that, an enlightening book about the spiritual development of a worker
of light. This book has a touch of sadness to it, but it also has an overpowering sense of
mysticism. It is exciting, yet extraordinarily emotional. Through these pages, one will travel the
personal life journey of the author whereby each reader will be given a chance to feel the same
strangeness that she felt in life. As you walk with her, through her growth stages in life, you will
begin to understand how she felt living in a world that could not accept conditions they did not
understand. This author portrays a unique awareness of the workings of the metaphysical world.

This is an awakening, metaphysical book geared for the new age vibrations, sweeping across the
planet. The Enlightenment gives you an introduction to the world of invisibles. It is a book that
presents a deeper understanding of the meaning of body, mind and spirit, as experienced by the

Eight years previous to the copyright date of 1994, this author had been trying to get this
information to the public. Either the people were not ready to accept all that has been written
within these pages or the vibrations just were not right at the time.

Despite this minute setback, this author was determined to get this book, as well as others that
she has written, out into the mainstream. It is her hope that what she has shared herein will help
enlighten you, the reader, in some way.
Chapter One
The Little Ones
The year was 1952.

In those days, my family appeared to be fairly well-off, but objects weren’t so expensive in the
fifties, either. We lived in a two-story row home that had a back porch and a large back yard. Our
home sat on a small one-way street. The street was gray cobblestone, lined with old gas lamps.
When the sun began to set, a man came by with a long pole and lit the lamps.

Philadelphia was a city where progress took its time.

On Wednesdays, the fruit and vegetable huckster drove by the house. He drove a light blue open-
back pick-up truck. He drove slowly up our street. The huckster honked his horn while yelling,
“Vegetables, apples, strawberries, nice fresh greens today, Ladies.” The huckster knew all the
housewives in the area by their married names. He asked them how their families were while he
weighed the food.

On Thursdays, the ice truck came by. All the children on our street lined up to get a piece of ice
to suck on.

Every Friday was fish day. The fish man came up the street with his horse-drawn cart. A group of
cats always followed behind his cart. On that day, I tried to stay indoors. The awful smell of dead
fish always made me sick. The smell kept me from eating fish.

We weren’t a large family then. There was my mother, a young slender woman in her early
twenties; who was five-feet-three inches tall in shoes. My mother’s reddish brown skin
magnified her very high cheekbones and dark sparkling dark brown eyes. Her long dark braids
were wrapped around her head like a crown.

Her mother was of Cherokee, Mohawk, Negro and Scot/Irish descent, while her father was from
India. Her Cherokee, Mohawk and East Indian bloodlines were so strong that she was recognized
as an Indian by everyone who knew her. Mother was very religious and extremely superstitious.

The Enlightenment Crooked Arrow

M other had a special gift for making plants grow. She had what one would call a “green thumb”.
She knew a lot about plants and their medicinal value, taught to her by her maternal grandparents
who raised her. She was always mixing up a home remedy to give us, and it always worked.

My mother loved animals of all kinds, but she was always terrified of snakes and horses. She
especially loved cats, so there was always one around the house. Mother told everyone how one
of our cats saved my life when I was a baby. It appeared that the city was digging up the street
which caused rats to get into everyone’s home. One day, my parents heard me crying as if
something was hurting me. When they went into the room to check on me, they saw the cat in the
crib with me. The cat was making a lot of noise and tearing up the covers at the bottom of the
crib. They thought the cat was trying to attack me. When they got the cat out of the crib, they
saw blood on the blanket. They lifted the blanket, and there was a big, black, dead rat. The cat
had killed the rat before it got a chance to get near me. From that day on, the cat slept in the crib
with me. Even to this very day, I have a cat that sleeps at my feet in my bed.

My father, a medium-built man in his thirties, stood five-feet-ten inches tall. His white skin and
thin blond hair allowed his German and Irish ancestry to dominate his outward appearance. Even
his hazel eyes did not reveal the Japanese blood that was believed to flow through his veins. My
father was a truck driver. He drove large trucks from state to state. He enjoyed his work, but he
liked working with his hands more. My father’s spare time was spent building wooden objects
around the house. He really loved doing carpentry work.

There was my brother, who is one year older than me, with slightly curly dark brown hair. His
deeply set brown eyes and tan skin made him look like a Spaniard or an Islander. He was only
three inches taller than I, about three-feet-five inches.

For some strange reason, I always felt as though I was older than him, and that’s the way he felt,
also. I always had the need to watch over him like I was his protector or guardian. He was very
smart and enjoyed reading all kinds of books. He loved all of God’s creatures. If provoked into
fighting, he remained nonviolent until he became an adult. He truly was a true humanitarian as a

There isn’t much I can say about my sister. She’s two years younger than I. My sister was the
baby in the family then. She was a chubby little bald-headed baby. I remember that she had some
kind of sleeping sickness. My parents were up all hours of the night checking on her or pacing
the floor with her.

The Enlightenment Crooked Arrow

Then, there was me. I was a thin, little, two-year-old girl, who stood three-feet-two inches tall in
my stocking feet. I had naturally curly copper red hair that was shoulder-length. My mother
always put my hair in long finger curls with a big bow on the side. My skin was yellowish in
color. This gave me the appearance of a person who might be sick, but I wasn’t. I had very dark
brown eyes that were almost black.

I had this squeaky little voice that demanded attention and usually got it. I was an inquisitive
little child who had many questions. It seemed as though I never ran out of questions. I had
already learned to read, and my father taught me how to write with both hands even though he
was left-handed. I was really good at it. I enjoyed being around older people, because they
always had answers to my questions, and they told really interesting stories.

Finally, there was the most important woman in my life, my grandmother on my mother’s side.
Also there was my great grandfather, my grandmother’s father. He was also one of my favorite
people. My grandmother and great grandfather didn’t live with us, but they came over almost
every day to see us. They were a lot of fun to be with, especially my grandmother.

Once, when I was no taller than my father’s knee-caps, the Little Ones came to play with me. My
grandmother knew the Little Ones all by name, where they lived and where they came from.

Grandmother was special to me. Her mother was Cherokee and Scot/Irish while her father was
Mohawk and Negro. He was related by marriage to the famous Harriet Tubman, who helped free
slaves. Grandmother’s family was very religious and in tune with the world of the paranormal.

Grandmother wasn’t the typical gray-haired granny with an apron on and a batch of fresh-baked
oatmeal cookies just out of the oven. She was an ageless, carefree, very loving, young woman in
her early forties. My grandmother was small in height, no taller than five-feet-three inches. She
had the sleek slender build of a model with a very tiny waist. Her shoulder-length dark brown
hair sparkled with the brilliance of imaginary little stars.

She always kept it neatly styled. Her skin tone was a medium reddish brown, not as dark as my
mother’s skin.

Like most Native Americans, it gave her the appearance of someone who lived in one of the
sunny states. It was blemish-free and so youthful that she never had to wear any make-up. She
had what the soap commercials would call “the wholesome look”.

She looked and acted as if she were only nineteen or twenty years old. Her voice was very soft
with a musical quality. Her paisley print shirt-waist dresses gave the impression that it was
always spring. The garden-fresh smell of her perfume enhanced this feeling of spring. Whenever
she was around, one would think there were freshly cut flowers nearby.

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Grandmother was very independent and knew how to stretch a dollar. My parents use to say that
my grandmother could squeeze a nickel until the buffalo crapped. Grandmother was very
spiritual. She could communicate with the spirit and animal worlds. She was mystifying, for she
knew when events were going to happen. She had a special magnetism that was overwhelming to
most men, young and old. She had a way of getting men to do things for her when others
couldn’t. Grandmother was a free-spirited individual. She was taught that everything had a spirit,
for there was life in everything that God created.

My grandmother enjoyed motorcycles, horses, dancing, art, playing at the pinball machines,
yoga, meditation, magic tricks and a good secondhand store. There was always excitement when
my grandmother was around.

Grandmother love the outdoors most of all. Most of our time together was spent in the park,
which in those days was a very large wilderness area like a forest. There were trees, bushes,
grass, and plants of all kinds. There were crabapple trees, from which we used to pick the apples,
so my mother could make applesauce. There were also fir trees, pine, elm, birch, and the mighty
oak tree. There were all kinds of berry bushes and herbs that one could eat. The park was the
home of many small wild animals. There were raccoons, skunks, deer, snakes and all kinds of
ducks and birds. There was a creek that ran the full length of the park. It had a small waterfall at
one end where an old mill used to be. The old stone building that stood there is a historical place
where our country’s first President made a stop.

I remember the very first time my grandmother took me to meet the Little Ones. She took me to
the park near my home to pick some wild berries. We went deep into a wooded section of the
park where raspberry bushes grew. This was a place where it was hard for anyone to see what we
were doing. The branches of the bushes hung low to the ground. There were a lot of berries in
that area. The weight of the berries caused the branches to bend and sway in the wind.

While we were picking berries, I heard my grandmother whisper something, so I turned to see
what she was saying. Grandmother was leaning into a bush and whispering in a low musical tone
of voice. The sound alone intrigued me, for it was like nothing I ever heard. She kept repeating
these strange musical notes about three or four times.

As I watched, I thought she was giving praise to the plant for the berries it gave her. I always
watched my mother talk and whistle to her plants. This was different. Suddenly, every bush in
the surrounding area began to sway like they were dancing. The breeze carried a different
musical sound, as though each bush were answering my grandmother’s sounds. It was a magical
moment for me.

The Enlightenment Crooked Arrow

Then, to my surprise, the Little Ones calmly walked out of the bushes that surrounded my
grandmother. To draw a quick picture of what I was watching happen, remember the Munchkins
in the movie “The Wizard of OZ”? The Munchkins were hiding in the beginning, camouflaged to
blend in with the flowers and trees. They were part of the scenery until the good witch in the
movie called them to come out of their hiding places and show themselves.

Well, this wasn’t Munchkin Land or OZ, and it surely wasn’t the movies. It was real. This for me
was very unusual but extremely exciting. I wonder if the author of the “Wizard of Oz” actually
knew the Little Ones and just adapted them to fit his story. In a way, he could have been telling
everyone that the Little Ones are camouflaged in nature.

The Little Ones were little two-feet tall, well-proportioned people. They weren’t built like the
dwarfs and midgets in the movies. They looked very delicate, like the bushes they walked out of.
They were normal in shape, just small. They even walked with a normal gate that had rhythm.
Their skin looked grayish green, which aided in their invisibility in the parks. Their eyes shone
like big black buttons.

They were fascinating and interesting. Their hair was short and woodsy brown in color. Their
clothing appeared to be spun by Mother Nature herself. The colors and patterns blended perfectly
with all the surrounding bushes and trees. They wore coveralls and short-sleeved shirts. Even the
females wore skirts that had straps like the male’s coveralls. On their feet they wore dainty little
shoes. The shoes looked like they were made from the bark of dead trees and laced with vines.

As each of them came closer to greet me, they vibrated with a loving warmth. This had a tingling
effect on every cell of my body. They didn’t speak in words, as we do. Instead, they
communicated by making the most heavenly musical sounds I ever heard. It was strange, but I
understood every sound they made. This meeting with the Little Ones for the first time was so
natural to me. They were so loving and gentle. I felt as though I belonged with them. They were
the most beautiful, warm, affectionate people I ever met.

That day, as my grandmother watched, the Little Ones taught me a very special game called
“Share the Warmth”. Since I was only two years old at the time, I didn’t know that it was more
than just a game. We were having so much fun. “Share the Warmth” is just what it says, but the
warmth is shared with everything in nature.

Here’s the way they taught it to me. Go up to a tree and give it a big hug. Touch a bush or flower
every so gently, giving it love. While hugging or touching the objects in nature, also sound out a
musical tone. It’s like saying the word LOVE and holding the syllable. Like saying,

The Enlightenment Crooked Arrow

This causes a build up of vibrations that allows ones entire being to send out vibrations of
electrical strains of loving energy that go from ones hands to the tree or plant or flower that
they’re touching. These electrical strains give nature the love and energy it needs to grow and
reproduce. This may sound kind of weird, but it’s not so weird after all, for everything needs to
be loved. The Little Ones do this all day long, for they’re the caretakers of nature. This game also
makes one feel good when one plays it. Try it sometime, and see what I mean!

The Little Ones are thousands of years old, even though they look like very small children. They
seem to age very slowly. They can vibrate along with nature, which helps to keep them looking
sophisticatedly young. Every culture on Mother Earth has folk tales about such people. They just
call them by different names, like the Wee People, Leprechauns, Elves, Fairies, Bush Babies and
so on. The reality is that they’re the Little Ones I met.

They came to this planet when man was still very primitive and could communicate with them
the way animals do. They came to help keep the planet green and flourishing with oxygen and
the other needed elements. There are billions of them living all over the planet, trying to help
keep it alive.

The Little Ones shared with me their love for Mother Earth. They explained that, some day, what
they taught me as a child’s game would be a way for me to help nature, especially when I got
older. They said there may come a time when nature might need all the help she could get. Since
I was so young, I didn’t understand what they meant by that phrase. They assured me that the
day would come when I’d see what they meant, and it wasn’t that far away.

The Little Ones were very serious, as they related this to me, which made me cry. Grandmother
asked me why I was crying. I told her that I was crying for the trees, flowers, Mother Earth and
all of her children. At that time, I didn’t clearly understand what they meant. I just knew in my
heart that something bad was going to happen to Mother Earth. I felt I’d get to see it happen, and
that was why I was crying.

Grandmother told me that, when the time draws near, a lot of people will feel the hurt that nature
will feel. They’ll begin to find ways to help the planet. “People will join in groups”, she said.
“Some people have a love for this beautiful green planet of ours. Some people will abandon
modern technology. They’ll have a strong desire to go back to the old ways that their ancestors

Grandmother said, “There will come a time when some people will want peace, not only for
themselves, but for the whole world.” Grandmother was always telling me about events that were
yet to happen. She would look off into the distance as though she were daydreaming. Then she’d
start to talk about events that were going to happen.

The Enlightenment Crooked Arrow

Grandmother was right about whatever she said. Sometimes, it was sad to hear her say things
that were going to happen. My grandmother always prayed that it wouldn’t happen if it were
something really bad. No matter how hard she prayed, she had no control over what was going to
happen in the future. She could only see it and pray. My grandmother was very optimistic about
the future and positive about what she felt people could do to help make it better.

We stayed in the park that day, playing with the Little Ones, until the sun began to set. Each of
the Little Ones gave me a hug, which felt very soft but reserved. They backed up to the bushes
and just disappeared, the same way they came. I asked, “Where did they go?”

She smiled and said, “They went back into nature where they live, for now safe from all harm.” I
asked her if the Little Ones came out for everyone to play with. She said, “They come out for
those that know their ways.” Grandmother said it was people like her and her father and babies
and some small children.

When my grandmother took me back home that day, I thought I’d never get to see the Little
Ones again. I didn’t know if I knew their ways. I didn’t understand what grandmother meant.
The thought about not being able to play with the Little Ones again along with what grandmother
said about Mother Earth made me sad.

No matter what grandmother did to try to cheer me up the thought was still there. I decided that I
was going to find out about the ways of the Little Ones. I was going to pray every night for
Mother Earth. I was curious as to what the Little Ones ways were all about. The different
questions about the Little Ones races through my little mind, as I said my prayers that night.

The Enlightenment Crooked Arrow

Chapter Two
Grand Pop
Several weeks passed since I met the Little Ones, but they were still fresh in my mind. I still
wanted to learn their ways, so I could keep in contact with them. The Little Ones were my new
friends. I wanted to learn more about these cute little creatures and still have fun while playing
with them.

Our backyard was the prettiest in the neighborhood. My father made a white wooden fence to go
around the property with a trellis at the gate. A clinging rosebush made its home, attaching itself
to each wooden rung of the trellis. Along the sides of the fence, my mother planted rose bushes.
There were many varieties and colors, ranging from white to dark blood red. She also planted
low-growing flowers of many different kinds and colors. I enjoyed sitting in the sunlight in the
yard when the flowers were in full bloom, for the colors were breathtaking.

I was sitting in the backyard one sunny afternoon with my Grand Pop. All of a sudden, a familiar
sound came from the direction of one of the red rose bushes that was in full bloom. I listened and
watched, as one of the Little Ones came out of the bush.

He appeared to be one of the oldest Little Ones. His hair was thinning with a wisp of grey. The
color in his clothes was fading with age, like that of an old tree that had lost its leaves. As he
continued to sound out his musical notes, my great grandfather got up and went over to
communicate with him.

They weren’t close enough for me to hear what they communicated to one another. I sat and
patiently watched, as their facial expressions became very serious. It was surely clear that
whatever the Little One had to say was very important to my Grand Pop. As I continued to
watch, I got the strange feeling that something was wrong, that something really bad was about
to happen, but I didn’t know what.

Grand Pop was an old man of ninety-eight years, who had the outer appearance of a young man
in his late forties. Even thought he was my great grandfather, I called him “Grand Pop”. It was
much easier to say.

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Family members said that Grand Pop was prematurely bald, but he used to have a full head of
thin, straight, gray hair. They said he lost his hair right after he had his foot operation. That was
the first time he ever saw a doctor. It was an emergency operation that took place when he was in
his forties. He was working on the docks when a rope snapped, and a beam came down, cutting
off his big toe. My family didn’t care much for doctors, but this was an emergency. Grand Pop
walked with a little limp after that, but he held is head high while he began losing his hair.

Grand Pop’s complexion was the same smooth reddish brown tone of my mother’s. He was of
Mohawk and Negro ancestry. His friendly eyes were almost like the Little Ones, which were two
big beautiful black buttons that twinkled. He was a gentle, quiet, very religious man, who had a
mellow, but masterful, voice. He stood five-feet-ten inches tall. Whenever he came over, he
either wore a suit and tie or a white shirt with dark dress pants.

Grand Pop was a medicine man in his own right. He knew all of the old sacred ways. He knew
how to say and do things to make one get well. He knew the power of healing found in prayer,
plants, herbs and trees. He always carried a Bible and used the prayers in it when he mixed up
herbal remedies. He was a reserved man with an air of serenity. Most of all, Grand Pop knew the
ways of the Little Ones, I was sure.

As they finished their conversation, the Little One seemed to disappear back into the nearby rose
bush. Grand Pop turned and headed back to where I sat. I just knew something was wrong,
because Grand Pop had a strange sad look on his face, as he got closer. I asked Grand Pop what
was wrong. He just gave me a half smile and sat in his chair. I asked what the Little One said to
make him look so sad. He picked me up and placed me on his lap. I looked deeply into those big
black button eyes as he said that the Little Ones told him that time was getting shorter.

I looked puzzled and said, “I don’t know what you mean. It’s still early. We haven’t even had
supper yet.” He said he meant that, for an old man, time was short. Soon, he’d have to go to
another place far away to live. I told him, I didn’t want him to go and that, if he did, I was going
to go with him. He smiled at me and said for me not to worry. He’d teach me as much as he
could in the time available. I still didn’t understand, but it didn’t matter. I was sure I’d get to
learn the ways of the Little Ones.

When we first came outside, Grand Pop placed a big book beside his chair. While holding me on
his lap, he reached down and picked it up. The book had a dark brownish red cloth cover on it
with large letters. The letters spelled the word “Bible”. Around the edges of all the pages was a
beautiful gold-leaf border. There must have been over 400 pages to this book, as it was really

The Enlightenment Crooked Arrow

Grand Pop smiled down at me, as he opened the book and said, “Look”. I looked down into the
open book and saw a beautiful religious picture. It wasn’t an ordinary Bible, for there weren’t
any written words on any of the pages. There wasn’t any writing at all, just beautifully painted
religious pictures. My Grand Pop said some strange words in what sounded like Latin, that I
didn’t understand, while holding his hand over the picture.

Then, he looked down sternly and said, “Now, look”. I looked down at the picture again and
watched the strangest unexplainable thing happen. The pictures in the Bible suddenly came to
life. As my Grand Pop turned each page, I could watch the whole history of the Bible played out
in front of me as though I were actually there. As each chapter unfolded, it was like watching
actors on a stage. To this day, I’ve never read the Bible but know a lot about it just from the
special Bible of Grand Pop’s.

Grand Pop told me that this was one of the ways of the Old Ones who used to live on the Earth.
These Old Ones communicated only in pictures that moved and told the whole story. He told me
since the door to the past opened to me, I must keep it open. There’ll come a day when I’ll need
to use the ways of the Old Ones to help others. I told him I didn’t know what to do. He replied
that, whenever I needed the information, the past would reveal itself to me, like watching a
movie or play, because I have one foot in the world of the past.

The Bible was the main book that Grand Pop worked with, but he had many other picture books
he taught from, also. For about two months, Grand Pop kept bringing me picture books to watch.
It’s rather unusual to use the term watch, but that’s exactly what I did. I watched the stories of
different histories of this planet come alive. I really enjoyed learning that way. It wasn’t only a
lot of fun, but I could remember everything that was in each book. He showed me books that
contained sacred ceremonies and rituals of the tribal people of not only America, but also Africa,
India and other faraway places.

Grand Pop made life and learning one big exciting adventure. I wanted to learn all I could about
the Old Ones ways and the ways of the Little Ones. Grand Pop explained that he wasn’t teaching
me anything new. He said that I knew all of these things, but they were part of me that was
asleep. All he was doing was bringing my experiences out into the light, so I wouldn’t lose them
as most children did in life.

I asked Grand Pop why most children lost this wonderful ability. He said the main reason is most
people don’t listen or understand, so they fear what they don’t understand. This causes a lot of
children to close up their abilities until they’re lost. Also, the modern world caused an imbalance
in vibrations that cause the loss of many of the ways of the land.

The Enlightenment Crooked Arrow

Grand Pop said, “Try never to follow a straight path or walk a straight line. Stay balanced and be
yourself, Crooked Arrow. Don’t try to be what others want you, or expect you, to be. Dare to be
different. Most importantly, keep balanced and don’t allow the chaos and sorrows around you to
pull you down.”

Grand Pop spent the next few weeks teaching me more and more the ways of the Old Ones. He
explained that the Old Ones were the caretakers of the sacred rites. They were the true Shaman
or Medicine Men of old. They learned the ways of the Little Ones and the secrets of nature and
the universe. They were able to do things that no normal human would dream of being able to
do. Their knowledge and secrets were scattered across the face of the earth for safekeeping.

He said that he knew only the secrets that had been passed onto him. He said that someday, the
Old Ones would return and join to use the secrets, so there would be peace on earth.

I asked, “When will they come back, and where did they go?” He said that no one knew where
they went or where they came from. Grand Pop was informed that they’d come back when the
earth was nearing destruction by humans. We will know it’s near, when we witness children in
great pain, and sorrow sweeping across the land like water flowing. When our technology creates
more weapons of destruction than the ones to help heal our planet. Only then would they return,
for they would come to heal and bring back the balance that was once here.

Grand Pop taught me how the Old Ones worked with energy. He said that everything has an
energy field around it. He took his hands and went around my body without touching me. I began
to laugh, for it felt as though he was tickling me, but his hands never touched me.

Grand Pop said that this is how one cleaned the energy field. That each of the bodies, we are
housed in, should be cleaned regularly. It’s just like when we bathe the physical body to keep it
clean and healthy. Keeping our body clean helps keep away diseases. He said all of our bodies
needed that same kind of preventive medicine. That’s what’s meant by “cleanliness is next to

Grand Pop said that, when people get sick, not only the physical body is affected, but all of our
different bodies are affected in some way.

He explained how a hole forms in the energy field when we’re sick or injured. Even the way we
thought and felt caused these holes. Some people called this body the aura of a person, the
ethereal body, or just the energy field. Whatever one wanted to call it, it’s one of our bodies.

The Enlightenment Crooked Arrow

The colors emitted from this body are caused by the vibrations combing all the different bodies
one has together and the state they may be in. This energy field contained all the valuable
information about a person.

Grand Pop explained that this is the same energy field the Little Ones used to do their work in
nature. He also explained how the Little Ones used it to help the plants grow, saying it could be
applied to help sick people get well. Grand Pop said that everything vibrates at different levels
and different times. This really puzzled me.

Grand Pop said, “That’s why you can’t always see the Little Ones.” I said, I can’t see them
because they disappeared into nature. Grand Pop said, “They don’t disappear. They are always
there. They just vibrate a little faster.” This makes it look as though they disappeared when they
actually never left the area.

That was the way of the Little Ones and the Old Ones. They knew how to change vibrations
within their own bodies and the things around them. Grand Pop said, “Someday, you’ll know
more about what I speak, because you’ll work a lot with vibrations.”

Day after day, I spent with Grand Pop learning as much of the Old Ones and Little Ones ways, as
he could teach me. One day, Grand Pop stopped coming, and I asked my grandmother where he
was. With a tear in her eye, she said that he had to go on to someplace special. There was a lot of
sadness in the house that day, and I didn’t understand what Grandmother meant. I was told to go
play while supper was being prepared.

After supper, the house was suddenly full of relatives. There were uncles, aunts and cousins from
all over the east coast. They came from New York, New Jersey, Maryland, Virginia and
Washington, D.C. I went to my grandmother and asked her why all these people were here. Why
wasn’t Grand Pop here?

There were people in the house that I never met before, but they were pulling on me trying to
hug or kiss me. Grandmother took me outside. We sat in the backyard, as she explained that
Grand Pop had died. She said that he would be using one of his other bodies now. He must live
in the world where those bodies lived.

She said the body he had, the physical body, had run down and didn’t work anymore. He’s
allowed to let it go and use one of the other bodies, he lives in. I asked her what would happen to
his physical body. She said that it had gone into a deep sleep. It would be put in a pretty box and
placed in the ground to sleep forever.

The Enlightenment Crooked Arrow

My grandmother knew I’d keep on asking questions, so she said, “Grand Pop will be alright.” I
asked if I’d ever see him again. Grandmother said that Grand Pop walks with me as my guide
and he would continue teaching me from where he was, I just had to call to him, and he would be
there for me. He vibrates at a faster speed, but he was still with me.

I said I wanted to let go of my physical body, so I could go with Grand Pop. Grandmother told
me that everyone at some time in their life sheds the physical body. This happened only when the
time was right for that person. She said it would be a long time before my time was right, but I
could still visit with those of the other world.

The next day, everyone was busy making funeral arrangements. Arrangements were even being
made as to where the children would be during the funeral. A neighbor was going to come over
in the morning of the funeral and stay with my brother, baby sister and me. Meals were prepared,
and people were still arriving who knew Grand Pop. Not too much attention was paid to me, so I
went out into the yard to play.

Suddenly, I heard the familiar sound of the Little Ones coming from the rose bushes. Three of the
Little Ones stepped out of the nearby rose bushes. As they came close, they began to sing this
very important message. I nodded to let them know I understood them. They communicated that
they were the elders of the Little Ones. They looked aged, like the one that came to see Grand
Pop the day he got so sad.

They informed me that it was the last message they had to give to my Grand Pop. I told them that
my Grand Pop was dead and going to the next world. They said they knew he was dead, but that
he hadn’t yet gone on to the next body in the other world. They said it was up to me to give the
message to him because, they couldn’t get into the building where he was.

I promised the Little Ones that I would give the message to Grand Pop for them. Just then, my
brother came out and we spent the next half-hour playing with the Little Ones until it started
getting late. I told the Little Ones not to worry, for I would make sure the message was delivered.
They told me and my brother good night, as they vibrated away in the bushes.

The day of the funeral, I got up very early before anyone else and got washed. I had to wash up
in the sink, because there was no tub, just a shower my father built, and I was to short to reach
the knobs to turn it on. By the time I went to get dressed, the rest of the household was up. They
were busy getting ready to go to the funeral. They were so busy, they didn’t pay any attention to
what I was doing.

I went into my room and started to get dressed.

The Enlightenment Crooked Arrow

I put on my prettiest pink and white dress with a very high crinoline slip under it, like the kind
Shirley Temple wore in the movies. I put on a pair of lacy pink anklet socks along with my new
black patten leather shoes. By the time I was finished getting dressed, everyone else had already
gathered downstairs. Now, all I needed was the finishing touch. I needed someone to comb my
hair. This was the one act I couldn’t do myself, because my hair was long and curly which made
it tangle very easily even though it was very thin. It was really hard to comb.

I went downstairs and made my grand entrance to everyone’s surprise. I asked my mother to
comb my hair so I could go with them. It would appear that I shocked everyone who was present.
I looked my clothes over. There didn’t look like anything was wrong with them. I had them on
the right side and everything matched, so why was everyone looking at me with such a puzzled

My mother asked where I thought I was going. I told her that I was going with everyone to see
Grand Pop and to say good-bye to him. She started to cry and said I was much too young to go to
a funeral. Well, I had a message to deliver, and I promised to deliver it, so I was determined to
go. For the first and only time, I gave my parents a demonstration of what the “terrible two’s”
were all about. I pulled the biggest tantrum of my life. There was no limit to my horrible

My hands flew in the air in a crazed manner while I shook my head all around, tangling my hair
up more and more. I cried, screamed, stomped and really acted like a number-one ass. The more
they told me to stop and that I couldn’t go no matter what, the more rebellious I became. After 15
minutes of this craziness, I pretended to let them calm me down, as I gave little whimpering
sounds. I was a sight to see. I made sure I didn’t mess up my clothes in this crazy outburst, but
you should have seen my hair. My hair got so tangled up, I looked like the Wild Woman of

My grandmother took me into the dining room to comb my hair. As my grandmother began to
comb my hair, she asked me why it was so important that I see Grand Pop. She reminded me that
he now walks in the next world. I told her that I promised the Little Ones to give Grand Pop one
last message from them. I let her know that he hadn’t yet left the physical body.

With this explanation, my grandmother didn’t even bother to ask what the message was. Instead,
she calmly stood and walked into the living room where everyone else waited. Grandmother told
everyone that she thought it would be alright if I went to the funeral. She explained that I was
very close to Grand Pop. If I didn’t get the chance to say good-bye to him, I might have a mental
scar that might mess up my development. My mother and father talked it over and agreed that
my grandmother was right, and I could go.

The Enlightenment Crooked Arrow

The cars arrived at the funeral parlor in a caravan. The funeral room was dimly lit, with folding
chairs lined up in rows like a meeting hall. There were flowers everywhere. The fragrance of all
the flowers in one room was overpowering. There was a large spread of red roses. A large satin
red ribbon with a plaster stature of the crucified head of Christ was in the middle of it. This
spread of flowers was at the top of the coffin.

I understood why the Little Ones couldn’t get in to give the message themselves. There were no
plants in the room, just freshly cut flowers. The Little Ones could only vibrate with live plants.
Once a flower is cut, it loses most of its vibrational connecting force. People were going up to
the coffin in a line to pay their respects to Grand Pop, but when they walked away, they were
crying. I didn’t understand this. Why were they sad? I thought we should be happy for him. He
was going to a better place than this.

When my family and I came up to the coffin, I looked up to the nearest adult, my uncle, and said,
“I have to tell Grand Pop something”. Thinking I had only to say good-bye to Grand Pop, my
uncle lifted me and leaned me into the coffin.

Grand Pop was asleep on satin white pillows. He had on a new black suit with a bright white
shirt and wide black tie. There was a white carnation in his lapel. His hands laid folded on his lap
over his Bible. I called Grand Pop, but he didn’t move. I began to repeat the message in the same
musical tones sung to me by the Little Ones.

Suddenly, Grand Pop opened his eyes and turned his head to face me. He smiled at me and
acknowledged receiving the message. I told him I loved him and I was happy for him that he was
going to a world of unexplainable beauty. He smiled, turned his head back and went back to
sleep. I said good-bye, then turned to my uncle and said, “You can put me down now.” I went to
my grandmother and said, “I gave the message. Now I’m ready to go home.” Grandmother said I
would have to wait, because everyone had to say prayers for Grand Pop. I knew how much
Grand Pop liked prayers, so I told my grandmother I wanted to stay and pray, too. She smiled
and sat me in the seat next to her.

When I became an adult, I reminded my mother about the funeral. She told me that everyone saw
my mouth moving when I leaned in the coffin, but no one could hear a sound. The message was
for Grand Pop, and not anyone else. It was the way of the Little Ones.

When we got home from the funeral, I hurried to my room and changed my clothes. Then I went
out in the backyard to see the Little Ones. They had been waiting for me. I told them, I gave
Grand Pop the message, and he said it was good. I told them, I didn’t know what Grand Pop
meant. They told me that they understood, for it was the reply they wanted to hear. They hugged
me and said, “Now you truly know our ways”. That message was the Little Ones way of testing
me. I had to return with the right reply, for this showed them that I could cross dimensions and

The Enlightenment Crooked Arrow

It wasn’t long before the seasons changed. I couldn’t always go outside to play, for it was either
raining or snowing very hard. Every chance I got, I went out. I played, “SHARE THE
WARMTH” the way the Little Ones taught me. I even began to do this to the plants my mother
had in pots in the house. I met Little Ones in these plants, also, but they were much smaller. They
said they were house plant caretakers, cousins to the Little Ones I had met outdoors.

The picture Bible, Grand Pop worked with, didn’t have any of the New Testament in it, so I
didn’t get to see any pictures of Christ. About two days after the funeral, my grandmother was
going to take me shopping with her. I asked her whose head was that on the flowers above Grand
Pop? She said, “What do you mean”? I went into the living room and pointed to the head near
the door. After the funeral, my parents took the little statue off the spray of flowers and hung it in
our home. My grandmother said, “Oh, that head. Well, that’s Christ.” I told her, I wanted to meet
Christ. She said, “OK”, and took me to a nearby Baptist Church. When we entered, I felt many
strange vibrations. We walked down the center row, with pews on either side, up to the front of
the church where a large cross hung. I looked at the cross. My grandmother said, “This is

I started to run out of the church crying. My grandmother caught me before I reached the doors.
She said, “What’s the matter.” I looked back at the cross. I said, “He’s hurting. I can feel his pain,
and I don’t want anyone to put me on a cross like that.” My grandmother held me in her arms
and said, “Jesus loves you.” She said, his name was Jesus Christ, and he loved all little children,
the good and the bad. I asked why he was on the cross? Why was he in so much pain? She said
that he loved everyone so much, he gave up his life, so we could be free of the sin of Adam. I
looked back at him and saw a smile appear on his face.

I said, “So, is he hurting for me, too?” Grandmother said, “Yes! He’s hurting for everyone.” Then
she began to sing a song. “Yes, Jesus loves me. Yes, Jesus loves me. Yes, Jesus loves, me because
the Bible tells me so.” I told her I didn’t see him in Grand Pop’s Bible. She said, “He’s in the
New Testament.” I told her I wanted to get to know Jesus. She replied that I should go to church
on Sundays, and I’d learn more about him, then, I’d get to know him.

My grandmother took me to Bible school on Sundays until I was four years old. There appeared
to be something missing from the facts I learned in Bible school. I didn’t know what it was, but I
was going to find out. My desire to know more about Jesus grew.

My brother started Catholic school and had to go to 8 o’clock mass every Sunday. When I found
this out, I asked my mother if I could go with him. I felt I could learn more about Jesus in the
Catholic church. She said it was OK and got me ready to go with my brother every Sunday.

The Enlightenment Crooked Arrow

The Catholic church was so much prettier than the Baptist church. There were beautiful statues
and stained-glass windows. There were statues of Jesus as a baby, a very small child, a grown
man and the crucified man. There were statues of his Mother Mary and Joseph, his step-father.
Some statues were of people I knew nothing about.

My brother walked with me up to the front of the church. He knelt in the first pew, and I
followed. He looked as though he were praying, so that’s what I did. I began to talk to Jesus,
because I wanted to get to know him better. As I looked at the statue of the young man Jesus, I
asked him to teach me more about him. He began to smile. Suddenly all the statues in the church
started to shine with a beautiful white light. After this visit, I asked my mother if I could go to
church with my brother every Sunday. She said, yes, for she felt it was a good thing for me to
experience, and I could choose on my own if I wanted to become a Catholic.

My brother and I went every Sunday and sat up front for about two months. In those two months,
I got to know Jesus more and more. The more I talked to him, the more I loved him. Then, one
Sunday, a nun told my brother it was good that I came to church, but I shouldn’t be sitting with
the boys. From that day on until I started Catholic School, I had to sit with the nuns when I went
to church with my brother.

Nuns give off strange vibrations. There was one I really liked. As she took my hand, I knew she
was someone special, for there was a peacefulness about her. I enjoyed sitting with her and
listening to her angelic voice sing the hymns. Since I couldn’t sit up front and talk to the statues,
this was the next best thing.

I enjoyed the church but loved it more when no one was around. My devotion to Jesus grew, as I
grew older. I wanted to help take away some of the hurt he was going through. This is what my
prayers at that time were always about. Remember the books I said my Grand Pop had? Well no
one ever found those books. It was as though they disappeared into thin air.

The Enlightenment Crooked Arrow

Chapter Three
The Winged Ones
Time went by so quickly, it wasn’t long before it was 1956. I was attending school and meeting
new children my own age. In school, learning wasn’t taught the fun way that my Grand Pop
used. I made the best of my time spent there, anyway. School looked to be a place full of old
vibrations. The kind of vibrations that were cold and unfriendly. This was a place where
emotions were crowded out and replaced with social behavioral patterns. You had to dress and
act a certain way in school. You were never encouraged to be yourself. Instead, everyone had to
perform the same act like little robots. A child stood and sat when they were told. Children talked
only when permitted. The children were even told when they could go to the bathroom, which
was usually in groups during certain times of the day. I felt very uncomfortable in this place of
social order, where old vibrations commanded respect and dictated one’s every move.

Whenever there were pictures in a book, I used the way Grand Pop taught me. I did this when no
one was looking. This system helped me a lot in school. Because of it, I could keep up my good
grades without really struggling. It puzzled me that the school didn’t have a program of learning
like the one I learned. I didn’t understand why learning was being made to be such a dull
frustrating task. I always felt out of place in this environment even though my grades were
straight “A’s”.

I got the impression that each of the teachers sensed my uneasiness. They were always trying to
get me involved in extra curricular activities, or they asked what subject I liked most. I wanted to
tell them that school bored me. I knew a more interesting fun way to learn. Every time I was
about to say something, my mouth wouldn’t let the words out. Instead, I began to cough
uncontrollably hard. After this happened about three or four times, I realized that I shouldn’t talk
to the teachers. What I learned wasn’t for them.

I remember when Grand Pop taught me things, no one was ever around. I couldn’t understand
why the teachers weren’t allowed this information. Later on, I saw why. I’ll explain later what
happened. I feel that if the schools allowed this type of learning program, more children would
enjoy learning. They wouldn’t want to drop out of school so quickly. Maybe, in the future, when
people become more open to the happenings of the paranormal, they’ll open schools or centers
for this type of learning. A place where children can be taught facts in an unconventional way,
allowing their creative energies to flow.

The Enlightenment Crooked Arrow

As I continued going to school, I found relief in my grandmother’s arms. Ever since I started
school, she came to visit more often. It was like she didn’t want school to wipe away what I
learned from Grand Pop. Grandmother continued teaching me and my brother things that she
learned as a child. I remember especially the time she spent teaching us about the Winged Ones
of old and how they tried to help mankind, but were rejected and almost destroyed.

The Winged Ones were among the oldest tribes on the face of the earth. At one time, they lived
all over the world. They were a race of gentle people. They didn’t even kill for food, for they
loved everything and wouldn’t think of killing any of God’s creatures, great or small. They lived
on fruit, herbs and grains of the land. They were different from most people that populated the
globe. They had a caring heart and believed in sharing everything they had with others. They
honored the spirit that was in all of creation and respected life. There came a point when the
other people of this planet wanted to destroy them because of their differences. That has always
been a big problem that humans still have today. They try to destroy anything they don’t
understand or fear.

Many of the Winged Ones migrated to Turtle Island and different isolated spots around the globe.
Some of the Winged Ones even married the natives where they settled. Eventually, the Winged
Ones thought it would be best for their kind if they left our world. The Winged Ones taught some
of their sacred ways and songs to the people where they settled. In some ways, Grandmother
said, they weren’t that much different from the Little Ones. I asked her what she meant by this.
She replied that the Winged Ones and the Little Ones both use musical sounds in doing things. I
asked Grandmother if she ever met or saw one of the Winged Ones. She told me that we were the
descendants of one of the Winged Ones who married into the old tribes of this land.
Grandmother also said that legend implies that the Hopi Indian tribe as a race were all a direct
line left of the Winged Ones. She said that the Hopi tribe remained true to the ancient ways. She
also refereed to the Hopi as the Mother tribe of all other tribes on this land.

I asked my grandmother why they were called the Winged Ones. I understood why the Little
Ones were called the Little Ones, because they were small. Did the Winged Ones have wings?
Grandmother said, they came from the stars with silver wings. Many went back to the stars on
those same silver wings, and others vibrated into another world. They’re supposed to return
when man is less aggressive and more calmly in tune with the vibrations of the Earth Mother.

I asked Grandmother how she knew so much about the Winged Ones. She said that her mother
told her many stories about the Winged Ones when she was a little girl. Like other stories that
had been handed down through her family.

The Enlightenment Crooked Arrow

Most of the Winged Ones lived in homes they built in cliffs and on mountain tops. They could
make objects float in the air. They built their homes high up to keep them close to the sky spirits.
This also made it hard for anyone to destroy them. They sang beautiful songs that echoed to the
valleys below them, causing the villagers in the valleys to think that the gods were singing to
them. All over the world, the native people still sing some of the songs passed down by their
ancestors. They still look to the sky for the return of the Winged Ones.

I asked Grandmother why Grand Pop didn’t teach his other great grandchildren the things he
taught me. She said those things weren’t meant for everyone. Grand Pop knew I was going to be
born, for he told her, when she was still a little girl, about the day of my birth. He prayed each
day for the time to come when he could pass certain gifts over to me. The things I needed to
know especially before he went to the next world. She said that out of all the children,
grandchildren and great grandchildren, he knew at my birth, that I was the one, because I was
born not breathing. My cord had wrapped around my neck and choked me on my way out of the
birth canal. This was the sign that I was the one child, he had been waiting so long for. With a
special blessing, Grand Pop gave only me a sacred Indian name, and he also named me Crooked
Arrow. With that, grandmother said the transfer took place between us. Many special gifts were
transferred to me from Grand Pop, gifts that even she didn’t understand or know. Through me,
the sacred ways of the Old Ones would be kept safe until it was my turn to pass them on or share
them with the world.

Grandmother said that as mankind advanced into the space age many who walk in the light will
find the urge to go backward. They’ll live as the Indians did in the old days. Many, who have the
blood of the native people, will want to travel to the lands of their forefathers and learn the old
ways from the elders. I told my grandmother that I wanted to meet the Winged Ones of old.

She said, “You never can tell. Maybe some day, you’ll meet them, for they promised to return to
Mother Earth.” In the meantime, Grandmother said, she’d teach me and my brother the sacred
ways that she knew of the Winged Ones. The stories and ways she had learned as a child from
her grandmother. Grandmother said that when the time comes, we’ll use these sacred ways to
help others.

There was the brotherhood of the animal world, which we, as God’s creatures were part of. This
is what Grandmother called the “Union of the fearless”. When one followed the sacred path,
there was no room for doubt. Fear was a human blockage that prevented one from doing the
things of the Winged Ones. That fear bred confusion in the mental body which caused a
vibrational interference in all of one’s other bodies.

The Enlightenment Crooked Arrow

In the physical body, the vibrations get so strong that they trigger certain hormones. This makes a
person sweat, cry, shake or get sick. She explained that all the creatures of this planet are
brothers. As brothers, we should care for one another. Starting with the insects that fly or crawl
and the reptiles that slide or walk, to the four-legged ones that are big and small. Even the birds
are our brothers.

Grandmother said, “That, when we allow fear to enter our lives, we’re unable to balance
ourselves. This causes our vibrations to become very disturbing to our fellow creatures. When
we vibrate without fear, none of these creatures will harm us, not even a rattlesnake.” As I grew
older, I understood this better. When a person had the slightest amount of fear, there was a
change in their vibration. If this change took place around dogs the dogs began to bark and
wanted to attack the person. It seemed that, in some way, this vibrational change hurt the dogs.
As the years went by, my brother and I learned more and more about the sacred ways of the
Winged Ones from my grandmother.

School was still the same boring place, not one vibration had changed. There was some kind of
social robotic order that flowed through the classrooms creating this cold, tailored, and unnatural
feeling. This was a vibration that had grown big and hideous throughout the years. When I say
that it was a robotic vibration, I meant that the teachers were all covered with a blanket of this
vibration. The vibrations made each day the same routine for them over and over. They go
through a set schedule of things that must be done in a set pattern. As this vibration engulfs the
teacher, small strains of it seek out to grab each child. Trying to imprison the children in the
same tangled web of social order. Once it reached out to grab me, like the cold arms of a giant
octopus. As its tentacles wrapped around me, I became very weak and blacked out. The next
thing I knew, I woke up in the school’s doctor’s office, and he was giving me a physical. The
school sent for my mother. When she arrived, the doctor told me to sit outside his office. I heard
some of what the doctor told her. He said he thought I might have a heart condition, and I
shouldn’t overexert myself. From that day on, my mother wouldn’t let me jump rope or run and
play like I used to. She became overly cautious. When I went out to play, I always checked to see
where my mother was. Then I took off my shoes and played in my bare feet. I did this because,
when I went inside the house, my mother always looked at the bottom of my shoes to see if they
were worn down from running or jumping rope. No one realized that it wasn’t me but the school
that had a serious problem. I did have a heart problem, but that wasn’t the cause of my sickness.
The problem was the vibrations in the school.

My grandmother asked me what happened to me in school when I got home that day. I began to
tell her about the cold vibrations that completely engulfs the building like a dark cloud. I told her
that its tentacles were wrapping around me trying to squeeze the life out of me. That’s why I
blacked out. I told her that I didn’t want to go back there anymore. Grandmother told me not to

The Enlightenment Crooked Arrow

That day, she taught me how to build the sacred wall of light around myself the way the Winged
Ones did to protect themselves. That way, I could go back to school, and the vibrations wouldn’t
harm me anymore. Ever since those tentacles wrapped around me that day, something strange
happened to me. Whenever someone touched me, I felt their vibrational feelings. It was not the
feelings they would show with their outward emotions. Nor was it the normal vibrations, I would
pick up from the atmosphere. Instead, I felt their deep feelings that they tried to keep inside.
Sometimes, it felt as thought I was being stuck with many tiny needles. Sometimes, it felt like
fire. After this, I tried my best to avoid being hugged by people, especially if I didn’t know them,
but when I got much older, I realized that hugging was a way to take pain from a person.

The Enlightenment Crooked Arrow

Chapter Four
As the years passed, we moved to a larger house, because our family was growing larger. By the
year 1960, my parents had six children. This house was over one hundred years old. It was filled
with all kinds of spirits. Some were trapped between worlds.

The house was a large three-story wood frame house. It had an enclosed front and rear porch.
The front porch was the full width of the front of the house. The large living room had a fireplace
built in the middle of the north wall. There were two large widows in the west wall that allowed
one to see out on to the front porch.

In the middle of the south wall was another large window which gave one a view of the side
yard. The front door was at the joining of the south and west walls. The dining room was large,
with one wall closet on the north wall along with another door that led to the basement. The
archway between the living room and dining room was about 6 to 8 feet across.

In the middle of the south wall of the dining room was a large window that also gave one a view
of the side yard and walkway to the rear porch. On the east wall about four feet from the archway
to the kitchen was a window that allowed one to see onto the rear porch.

The archway to the kitchen was the size of a normal doorway. The kitchen was very old-
fashioned. There was a big black cast iron stove in the middle of the north wall. In the northeast
corner of the room was a large dry well in the floor. In the middle of the east wall was a window
that gave one a view of the entire backyard. In the middle of the south wall was another window,
that looked out to the rear porch. The back door leading out to the rear porch faced the end of the
south wall where it connected with the west wall.

The archway to the dining area was on the west side and about two feet from it hung a sink on
the wall supported by its pipes underneath. There were cabinets built into the north wall near the
left side of the stove. The rear porch was the full length of the south kitchen wall with a door that
led out to the side yard.

The house had land on all four sides. The property was a block long in the front. Behind the
basement door were stairs that led down to a basement that went the full length of the house.
There were three small windows close to the ceiling on the south wall.

The Enlightenment Crooked Arrow

Toward the front of the house the basement has a large coal bin that had stairs that led to a big
flat door that when opened allowed one access to the yard on the north side of the house. About
four feet away from the coal bin at the north wall and about six feet from the base of the stairs to
the upper inside levels was a very large coal-burning stove with pipes that went out from it into
the ceiling like the arms of a monster.

Back up the stairs and into the dinning room to the left of the basement door was another set of
winding spiral wooden stairs that led to the second floor. Years later my father moved these stairs
to the living room. On the second floor there were two bedrooms and a bathroom.

As one came to the top landing, to the left was the full-size bathroom. In this room, on the north
side, was an old tub that had four metal animal feet holding it up. On the east wall was the toilet
and next to it was a window that looked out over the kitchen roof to the back yard. In the corner
of the south wall, not far from the window, was a small sink.

Out in the hall and straight ahead from the stairs was a small bedroom where the boys slept.
There was one closet and one window. Back in the hall across from the bathroom was the other
bedroom where my parents slept. This room had two large walk-in closets with sliding doors on
the north wall which my father had built. There was one window in the middle of the south wall
and two windows on the west wall that allowed one to look out over the front porch roof to view
the front yard, sidewalk and street.

Back in the hall beside the doorway and on the other side of the stairs was the steps that spiraled
up to the third floor. On the third floor were two large rooms. That’s where the girls slept. Above
these rooms was a small crawl space attic. As time went on, my father made a lot of changes on
the inside of the house to make it more modern. My mother added her special touch by having
plants in every room. There must have been well over two hundred and fifty plants in that house.
She made sure the outside yards were full of plants, even plants to eat.

It wasn’t long before my grandmother came to stay with us to help my mother out. My
grandfather had died a few years before my grandmother moved in with us. She was very lonely
after his death, and she loved him very much. They spent many years in a two- bedroom
apartment in South Philly. While my grandfather spoke seven languages fluently, English wasn’t
one. He was a kind, gentle, old man who looked like any other individual from India, with his jet
black hair and bronzed skin. When he died, my grandmother seemed to change, as though her
spirit was fading. My mother was pregnant again and still had small children to care for. That’s
why Grandmother said she moved in, but I think she was lonely.

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Grandmother helped me to understand the strange spirits that lived in our house. Some of these
spirits came and went freely, for they were helper spirits. There were some other spirits that had a
gray shadowy appearance. They were trapped, not knowing which world they really belonged to
and unable to communicate with anyone from either world. These spirits were serving a kind of
sentence in this no-mans land. They spent every moment repeating their actions as though there
was nothing else for them to do. They seemed to be doomed to live in this form of torture of
continual repetitiveness.

In the house, one of the gray shadow spirits gargled every day at noon and broke his glass.
People, who were visiting us and didn’t know about the ghost, went to the bathroom when they
heard the crashing sound of the glass. They thought one of the children were hurt. When they got
there, they couldn’t find anything. When my mother explained it was the goings-on of one of the
ghosts, we never saw that person go up our stairs again, not even to use the bathroom.

No one wanted to spend the night at our house. I have an older half sister whose three sons are
the same ages as my older brother, my sister next to me and myself. Even they were afraid to
stay at our house. One time, they had to spend the night. The next morning, a hammer,
screwdriver, and scissors were found hidden under their pillows. They truly were frightened to
stay there.

Neighbors, who came over to the house, reported seeing a pretty, young, very light-skinned
woman sitting on our living room sofa. One day, a neighbor knocked on the kitchen door. My
mother told the woman to come on in, because she was almost like family. When the woman
came in, she sat at the kitchen table to talk to my mother, who was washing dishes at the sink.
Something made the woman turn and look toward the living room.

She said, “I’m sorry, I didn’t know you had company.” My mother said that she didn’t have any
company. They were alone. The lady said, “Well then, who is the young woman sitting on your
living room sofa reading a book?”

My mother looked in the other room and didn’t see anyone. She turned to the lady and said she
didn’t see anyone. She told her, that she must be seeing one of the many ghosts that lived with
us. The woman jumped up from the kitchen chair and left our house never to return. From that
day on, she invited my mother over to her house, instead.

I was ten years old when my grandmother went to the hospital. I asked my mother what was
wrong with my grandmother. When my grandmother was a very young girl, one of her brothers
hit her in the chest. It wasn’t anything at the time, but there was a large lump in her breast from
it. My mother said that my grandmother was going to have surgery to have the breast removed.

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I asked her if the surgery was going to hurt or change my grandmother in any way, because I
knew how much the older members of my family disliked doctors and hospitals. They felt that
when one went to a hospital or doctor, one walked away worse than when one went there. My
mother said, “No, the surgery is going to help her feel better, because she’s in a lot of pain, and
the doctors are afraid the lump might get bigger or even go to the other breast.” She said, “My
grandmother would be like me flat-chested but only on one side. It wouldn’t be to noticeable,
because Grandmother’s chest wasn’t that big. They make special bras with artificial implants that
women wear under their clothes to make them look like they still have their breast.”

Suddenly, the phone rang, and it was my grandmother. Maybe, she was having second thoughts
about the surgery. Maybe, she wanted to come home. My grandmother had thirteen
grandchildren at that time. Six were my mother’s children and seven were my aunt’s children,
my mother’s older sister. For some strange reason, that only my grandmother knew, she asked
my mother to bring her grandchildren to the hospital to see her right away.

My mother said, she’d have to go ask her sister; who lived around the corner, if she’d be able to
take her children down to visit at the same time. Apparently, my grandmother told my mother
that she just wanted to see her children. I heard my mother ask again what was wrong, but it
sounded like my grandmother wasn’t going to answer her question.

Later that day, I helped my mother get all the children ready to go to the hospital to see my
grandmother. My mother was about six months pregnant and needed a lot of help. When we got
there, the head nurse said no children were permitted on the floor where my grandmother was.
My mother took us back downstairs and told us to stay up against the wall in the hall across from
the elevator. She went back up to see if my grandmother could come down to see us.

As we waited, I found out why my elder relatives hated hospitals. There was this overpowering
smell of sickness mixed with medicine in the air while this unfriendly vibration crept up and
down the halls. I wanted to run out of there before I too got sick, but I stayed and watched over
my sisters and brothers, for I didn’t want any harm to come to them from this place.

After about ten minutes of waiting, the elevator door opened and out stepped my grandmother.
She was wearing a pretty white robe with tiny red roses printed all over it. She had fluffy red
slippers on her feet that made a swishy noise, as she walked over to where we stood.

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Grandmother looked very sad. I wasn’t able to sense her emotional feelings, because the
vibrations that surrounded her were mixed with the unhealthy vibrations of the hospital itself.
This was the first time I had ever seen my grandmother look so depressed. I wanted to do or say
something that would change the way she was feeling.

My grandmother started greeting us by hugging the youngest first. She started with my baby
brother who was three years old. Then she went to my baby sister who was four, then another
sister who was seven. She then went to another sister who was eight, then she skipped right over
me. She went to my older brother who was eleven. As I watched her movements, she hugged and
kissed each of them and told them how much she loved them. At that moment, I thought she was
trying to keep me from feeling her inner emotions. My grandmother knew I could feel the
emotional vibrations of people.

After grandmother finished with all my sisters and my brothers, she finally turned to me. As
grandmother came close, I saw tears forming in her eyes and strange vibrations radiated from
her. I asked her what was wrong. She grabbed me and gave me a big hug. That’s when I felt it.
The vibrations of concern mixed with that of joy and sadness.

With tears flowing down her cheeks, her voice quivered as she said, “I love you dearly. No
matter what happens, remember I’ll be with you always. Always remember the ways of the Old
Ones and all that you were taught.” She told me that if I ever ran across a situation that I just
couldn’t handle, just to call out her name, and she’d come to my aid. Her vibrations became
more joyful, and I knew what was going to happen.

I looked up into my grandmother’s tear-filled eyes and said, “You’re going, aren’t you? You’re
going to leave this body and use one of your other bodies and live in the next world.” With tears,
still streaming down her face, she smiled and said, “Yes, I’ll be leaving soon”. Then she gave me
a big hug. Grandmother turned to talk to my mother. I heard my grandmother tell my mother that
she felt for sure she’d have a boy baby. There’s a saying among the older women in my family.
“When a female leaves this world, it’s to make way for a male to be born into it, and vice versa.
Since my grandmother knew she’d be leaving this world, my mother would naturally have a
baby boy. Six months later, she did.

I was happy for my grandmother, for she would be with Grand Pop and the Old Ones. I was also
sad, because my life would change again. Even though I was still learning things from the other
side, I still wanted to have a friend in this world that understood me and I could count on.

The next day, my grandmother was on the operating table, when they gave her the wrong type of
blood. It was said that the blood came out of her pores and eyes. She died instantly and without

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The day of the funeral, all the grandchildren were dressed in white, a symbol of a joyful passing.
The adults were dressed in dark drab colors, that they said symbolized the sorrow that the loved
ones felt who were left behind. This didn’t make much sense to me, because I thought everyone
was supposed to be happy for the person who died.

There was a long caravan of cars to the funeral parlor. When we entered the room where my
grandmother’s body was, I felt that something was wrong. I went up to the coffin to say good-
bye to her, but to my surprise, it wasn’t her in the coffin. There laid my grandfather, my mother’s
father, my grandmother’s deceased husband. He was wearing the powder blue nightgown and
blue slippers that were my grandmother’s.

I turned to my mother and said, “That’s not Grandmother, it’s Grand Dad”. No one else saw him.
Grandmother’s body was gone. Instead, there was here husband’s body, in her clothes, laying in
her coffin, even though he had died five years ago. Grandfather was there in her place, wanting
to let me know that while on the other side, he was there to help whenever I needed him. I asked
where Grandmother was. He said that she was at a special place being trained for a very special
mission and I should remember her last words to me. He smiled and closed his eyes. Everyone
thought I was going through some form of shock about my grandmother’s death. Because we
were so close, it must really have been a strain on me, they thought. That’s when I knew they
couldn’t see everything I saw, or hear what I heard.

Ever since my Grandmother’s funeral, I have become a loner. I realized there wasn’t anyone left
around me who could see or hear the people of the other worlds. I thought it was very strange
they couldn’t see these things that were so natural to me. Even stranger is what happened a few
years later while I was in my bedroom.

I was talking with Saint Theresa, who was always helping me write letters and poems. We were
talking about the letter I wrote to the Supreme Court. Suddenly, my mother came up the stairs.
As she entered my bedroom, she asked who I was talking to. Saint Theresa was still sitting there.
My mother couldn’t see her, so I said I was talking to myself. That was when my mother replied
that she heard more than one voice. I was puzzled by that, asking her to tell me more about what
she heard. While she couldn’t make out what was being said, she heard two distinct and different
voices. One was mine, and the other sounded older, softer and almost musical. Then she just
shook it off by saying that she must’ve imagined it. I found out, when I got much older, that my
mother heard the spirits and felt their presence, but she kept it to herself. She wasn’t able to see
them, so she just ignored them.

As time went on, I kept my communication with those in the other world. As I got older, it was
as though they were the only friends I had and the only ones I could tell everything to. My
learnings continued, even though they weren’t from my grandmother.

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Chapter Five
The Healing
One very special time in my life, which I’ll never forget, was when I was 15 years old. I was in
high school and it was the spring of 1965. I went to an all girls Catholic high school and took
college prep courses. During my religion classes, the nun somehow sensed my inability to
conform with the way religion was being taught. She also knew that I had a strong desire to learn
about all religions. When class was over, this nun always brought me books about different
religions. The following year, when I had a different teacher, she also knew about my need to
study all religions. It appeared that the first nun simply passed the information on to the next
teacher, and so it kept going on throughout my years in high school.

Ever since I was very small, I always had problems with my bowels. Either I had diarrhea or
severe constipation. Whenever anyone got constipated in the family, my mother always got the
enema bag ready. It wouldn’t have been so bad if it was just a plain warm water enema. The
enema, my mother mixed, was filled with soapy warm water that was very uncomfortable. She
followed the enema treatment with a suppository which she made from a sliver of soap. Although
one experienced major discomfort, as well as pain from the burning that the soap caused, for
several hours after this type of home doctoring, it always worked.

I was having one of my worst cases of constipation, and I wasn’t about to let my mother know.
After years of enema discomfort, I had learned to suffer and keep my mouth shut about not being
able to move my bowels. On the seventh day, my body couldn’t take much more. Suddenly,
while I was coming down the stairs, I began to throw up. My insides did a reversal on me, and I
up-chucked the waste matter that had been blocking me up. When my mother saw what was
happening, she got really upset because, she thought I was going to die. I told her that I just
needed to get some rest for a while, because I felt a little weak.

Later that evening, I began feeling sick again, but nothing came up. I sat at my window with a
pillow under my head watching the stars until I fell asleep. I must’ve been asleep for several
hours, because it was late at night when I awoke to someone down in the yard below calling my

I looked out the window and saw a large silver object with green and red lights on the sides of it.
There was a young teenage boy and two Little Ones standing outside calling to me. I went
downstairs and outside to see what they wanted. It was very late, so no one else was awake in the

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The boy was of medium build, standing about five-feet ten inches tall. He had beautiful platinum
blond hair that was neck-length and pale blue eyes that were like two shining gems. His name he
said was “Icon”. Both he and the Little Ones wore blue jump-suits with belts that had a pyramid
inside a circle for the buckle. I didn’t remember ever meeting Icon before that moment, yet I felt
as though I had known him all my life. The Little Ones said they had no time to waste and for me
to follow them into the big silver object. When I entered I was greeted by several other Little
Ones. They rushed about saying there wasn’t much time left.

These Little Ones were different from the caretakers of the Earth. They had no hair on their
heads. Their skin was more of a yellowish-gray color. While they had the same big black button
eyes as the Little Ones, they were a little taller, standing at about four-feet tall. They vibrated
with a warm loving nature. Not communicating with musical tones, they used telepathy instead.
They told me to climb on the table, as they had to help me before it was to late. I knew in my
heart they wouldn’t hurt me because they vibrated only with love and a true concern for my well-

Icon related that they had come a long way to help me. They were the Watchers who tried to help
the enlightened ones whenever they could. There was poison running through my system
because of the blockage that was still in my intestines. He further stated that they had very little
time left before the poison would do irreversible damage and kill me. He said I should just lie
still, so they could help me.

They moved very quickly, but in a dance-like movement that was hypnotic. They took a long
tube and went through my navel with it. There was a kind of suction sound. I looked to the left
side where they had a glass tank that was hooked to the other end of the tubing. The tank slowly
filled up with the waste from my body. The process appeared to only take a few minutes, but it
actually took several hours. As they helped me off the table, I felt a little better. They told me that
they’d have to treat me two more times before I would be OK.

As morning had come, they told me that I had better go inside the house before I was missed. As
I walked away, I heard a humming sound in my head, not in my ears. I turned and watched the
silver object disappear. I went inside the house and noticed the clock on the kitchen wall. It was
six o’clock in the morning. When I went outside, it was 11:30 at night. Time moved so fast, I
never felt it and wasn’t even tired. I felt wide awake and fully refreshed. I was ready to take on a
full day, so I went upstairs, bathed, and got ready for a full day at school.

They came the next two nights, just as they said they would, removing more of the dirty waste
matter from my body. On the third night, they pulled out the tube and replaced it with a needle-
thin silver object. They said they were repairing the part of my intestines that were leaking
poison into my system. To this very day, I have a small dark mark in my navel as a reminder of
where the tube went in.

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After they were finished, Icon told me they were going to be leaving. They had to return to the
stars. I pleaded with him to ask the Little Ones to take me with them. One of the Little Ones held
my hand and said to me I couldn’t go with them, because the time wasn’t right. They said that
some time in the future, they’d return to take me and mine with them to a safe place. I didn’t
want to wait until the future. I wanted to be with them.

I pleaded with them not to leave me. I felt as though they were a part of me, and it really hurt to
know I couldn’t go with them. Icon explained that they were my people, and they’d always be
watching over me. They were the Winged Ones of Old, the Watchers of the Enlightened. They
each hugged me, and as I walked away, I saw tears running down Icon’s cheeks.

He said, “Stay on the path, for we’ll see each other again.” As I watched, the silver object began
to hum. Then, suddenly, it was gone. I became more and more of a loner after this, for I felt as
though I were some kind of a freak. I knew that no one would believe me if I told them what
happened to me. My mother was just happy I didn’t die.

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Chapter Six
The Gift of Love
In June of 1968, I graduated from high school. A few months later that summer, I got married
and was pregnant with my first child. As my pregnancy progressed into the sixth month, I began
to hemorrhage very badly. I was admitted into the hospital, and a team of doctors said that I had
a miscarriage. When my own doctor arrived, I told him I couldn’t have had a miscarriage, for I
still felt life moving inside me. With further examination, the doctor found that another baby was
still alive inside me and fighting for its tiny life. They kept me in the hospital for two weeks,
until the bleeding stopped. Then they sent me home. I had only been there long enough to go
upstairs to the bathroom when the bleeding suddenly started again.

I was admitted back into the hospital two more times for the bleeding, but after I was laying flat
for a while, the bleeding stopped. The doctors put me on complete bed rest for the remainder of
the pregnancy. This was the very first time in my life that I felt fear. I was afraid that the little life
that moved around inside me might not have a chance to come into this world. This fear, this
worry, was an emotion that I didn’t know how to interpret this emotion. It soon began to
overpower me. This was something I felt I couldn’t handle alone. With eyes full of tears, I cried
out my grandmother’s name. I closed my eyes and kept saying, “Grandmother, I need your help”.

Suddenly, there was a hand on my belly. I opened my eyes and there on the side of the bed sat
my grandmother. She sat there in her paisley print dress looking the same way I remembered her.
She told me to calm down, as she was here to help me carry my child, for this was what she had
been waiting for. She also said that my children would be very special, and I must remember
that. I was to do all I could to help them find their way on the path of the enlightened ones.

The bleeding completely stopped, and the doctors told me that I could go home as long as I
stayed bedridden and took it easy. When I got home, I found out that my mother’s brother had
died. This was a sign that I’d surely have a girl baby, even though I had been planning for a boy.
My grandmother somehow helped me carry the baby until it was time for her to come into this
world. I was already eight and half months into term when I began to develop a serious infection
in my kidneys. The infection was so bad, the doctors moved my membranes, causing my labor to
start. They were also afraid that the infection would seep into the placenta.

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When my baby was born, she was a beautiful, yet tiny, six-pound-nine-ounce girl. She had dark
black hair, tan skin and button black eyes, just like the Little Ones. She was so tiny, but she was
all mine. She looked like a little Indian doll. My grandmother told me she’d be leaving me for
good. She only came to help me and complete the one mission that would allow her to go on.
While it hurt to know that I would not be able to call out to my grandmother anymore, I was also
very happy for her, because she was moving on to the next step in becoming an angel.

As my grandmother bade me farewell, I watched her transform. The whole time she was with
me, she was the young sweet-smelling woman in the paisley print dress. She was the same as
when she was in the physical body. Before my eyes, she began to vibrate. Suddenly, she became
a figure of magnificent white light.

This beautiful white light figure was whiter than anything we have today. There were no clothes
that I could make out, but something covered her, much like a gown, down to her ankles. She
was the magnificent white light. She had limbs and those big black button eyes that I loved so
much, but now they seemed different. Her eyes seemed to smile, as she telepathically
communicated good-bye to me. There were no other features on her face. She kept getting
brighter and brighter until she completely disappeared.

Many months later, I was pregnant with my second child. I had the same doctor. In my fourth
month, when the bleeding started, the doctor was ready for what was happening. For some
strange reason, my body wasn’t strong enough to carry more than one baby at a time. The doctor
put me on complete bed rest until they were sure the baby would make it. In the end of my term,
the labor started, but the baby wasn’t in the right position. They had to stop my labor. This was a
very stubborn baby, as I had carried him one month longer than should have.

When my son was born, I was happy that he was alright, since he had taken so long to come into
the world. He was a seven-pound-twelve and one-half ounce bundle of joy. He had a head full of
black hair, except for a little patch of snow white hair on the back of his head. He looked like a
little Eskimo. I didn’t see or hear from my grandmother during this pregnancy. When I held my
son for the first time, I heard her say, “Remember, I told you they’re special enlightened ones.
Guide and watch over them with love.”

My baby was alive and safe, but I was paralyzed down my right side along with some numbness
on the left. The doctors kept me in the hospital for an additional two days to see if there might be
any changes in my condition. There were changes aplenty. It got worse and the pain was worse.
The pain was worse than having a baby, for it was constant pain. The doctor told me that I should
give both of my children to someone else to raise. According to him, I could never get well
again, because I had MS (muscular sclerosis), and it would be hard for me to try to take care of
myself. He also said there was no way to guarantee that I’d ever regain full use of my right side

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I didn’t listen to the doctor, because they were my little babies. I loved them, and I was going to
find a way to care for them. I was going to lick this MS, no matter what the cost. I forced myself
to use my leg until I could walk. I wasn’t walking normally, but at least, I was walking on my

Within two weeks of leaving the hospital, my son was admitted back into the hospital with a rare
kind of intestinal virus. The poor little guy had IV’s attached to his frail little body. They didn’t
think he’d make it. He was in the hospital for three weeks. I visited him every day. Every
evening, I played games with my daughter which helped me to move my right side with no
problems. I could walk and move my arm like normal before long. There weren’t any visible
signs left of my ever having had MS, just the occasional pain and numbness. I could hold and
love my children without having to depend on someone else for help.

MS wasn’t my only problem. I still had problems with my heart. I still had the seizure disorder. I
still had kidney problems. My son was still a very small baby when my husband and I separated.
I tried to devote as much of my time to caring for my children as I could, but I always seemed to
land in the hospital.

Having seizures all the time made it hard to hold down a good job. Trying to be a single parent
was the hardest job I ever had. I loved my children, and I wasn’t going to let my health stand in
the way of taking care of them. I felt these conditions were just a test that I must go through. I
had to prove that my faith in God’s gifts to me were stronger than any disease or sickness on
earth. In my heart I knew that these conditions were like broken bridges that I had to find a way
to repair. If I was here to help others, I must first learn to help myself.

I knew why it was more important that I listen to the signals in my energy field. I knew my body
better than any doctor, and I knew that miracles happened. For me, there was a higher power in
control, and I just needed to find out how to balance my energies with it.

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Chapter Seven
The Light Being
In 1975, I was consumed with loneliness. Even though I had my children around, I was still
lonely and unfulfilled. One day while I was praying, I asked God to please send me someone
with whom I could spend the rest of my life, someone who would love my children and help me
care for them. Suddenly, the room was filled with a bright white light. In the middle of the room
appeared a figure of light. Although this figure didn’t touch the floor, I’d say it was about six feet
tall. It seemed to float in the air. I couldn’t make out any limbs or features. It had the most
beautiful sounding voice, like music. This Light Being was far brighter than the one my
grandmother had changed into.

There weren’t any eyes like ours, just the form of light. It had no mouth. The Light Being
communicated with me through telepathy that sounded like a voice, telling me that God had
heard all my prayers, but that this one was special. That’s why the Light Being was sent to
provide me with an answer to the prayer. I was directed to watch the wall. Suddenly, there was a
past being projected on the wall. It was my past. I actually watched my own travel down the birth
canal. I watched this small grayish-yellow infant, whose cord had wrapped around its neck, as it
made its descent down the canal. It was wrapped so tightly, the life was being choked out of it. If
it hadn’t been for the old-fashioned doctor who worked extremely hard to get me breathing
again, when everyone else was ready to give up, I probably wouldn’t be here to watch this
splendid event on the wall.

I sat there watching everything that had occurred in my life. There was the time I spent with
Grand Pop. The many fun times I had with Grandmother and the Little Ones. There was even my
school days and the time I spent with those of the other world, like Icon and Saint Theresa. Then
I was shown the wonderful birth of both of my children as well as their growing up, for my
daughter was now in kindergarten. Even the unhappy and really bad times in my life were
projected there for me to see.

In watching these memorable events, it felt as though one or two hours had passed. In reality,
when all was said and done, I glanced at my watch to notice that only twenty minutes had

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The Light Being told me that my prayers would soon be answered, that soon the right man would
enter my life. It would be like nothing I had ever experienced before. He would be my soul mate,
the one I had been waiting for. I was also told that my poor living conditions would change in
that I would be moving away from the city projects. My children would have the chance to
attend a good school. I’d would be able to get off of welfare, go to college, and then find a job as
a welfare case worker.

My heart jumped for joy, as I visualized these events that were yet to happen. The thought of
having someone beside me, who genuinely cared about me and my children, was like a dream
that would finally be coming true. I had always dreamed that my Prince Charming would come
to take me to a safe place where no one could hurt me again, a place where my children could
grow up. I couldn’t wait for this person to come into my life. The Light Being had also told me
other things.

I asked, “When will this all happen?” The Light Being told me not to worry, that one event
would happen at a time. The first thing would be the meeting of my soul mate.

It was early January, so did this mean I had to wait until the year ended? Did it mean it would
take years for it to start happening? No matter. I was happy just knowing that finally my life
would turn completely around.

The Light Being told me that I had chosen the path I walked on, well before I had even been
conceived into this world. I was sent here to do God’s work, and that’s why my prayers would
always be answered. The Light Being told me that I’ve always had many helpers and protectors,
as I was growing up. They would always be with me to help me do the work I was sent here to
do. Of course I asked, “What is the work I was sent to do?” The Light Being said that all would
be revealed to me when the time was right.

This Light Being was what we call an angel, so it knew everything there was. It didn’t have
wings. It’s light radiated in rays that gave it the appearance of having very large white wings.
This Light Being was in the final body, living in the state of total oneness with all the worlds that
exist. This is the state we’re all supposed to be striving for. It is the state where we’ll be able to
return to the Father in Heaven in our final world of existence.

The Light Being told me that it was time for it to return to the Father. Suddenly, a warmness
surrounded me, as though I was being hugged. The Light Being said, “May you be happy in this
life and walk within the light and love of the Lord always.” Then the Light Being began to
vibrate. Its beams radiated with the vibration that gave it the appearance of trying to fly, as it
suddenly disappeared.

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By the end of February, I had met my second husband. At first, the attraction was unbelievably
strong. I didn’t want to get my hopes up too high, because, maybe he might not like me or want
to be with me. The next day proved to be the start of the most wonderful romance I have ever
experienced. I knew for sure that he had been the one I had been waiting for so long.

He was slender, muscular, and in his early twenties. His skin tone and dark brown hair made him
look like a cross between an Arab and an Indian. His eyes of light brown with tiny flecks of
green, fanned out from the center in a rainbow affect. His eye lashes were grouped in sections
that made them look like the points of a star.

Standing at about five-feet-ten inches tall, which is talker than I, he had a very strong masculine
voice, although he was a very quiet gentleman. Very caring and loving, with hands that were
strong, but soft like a doctor’s. He was always finding ways to make me feel very special, like I
was the only woman in the world.

We spent the next years of our lives together as one. He helped me raise and care for my two
children, teaching them to become respectable young adults. Even through the troubled times, he
was very understanding and gave support to all of us. There wasn’t a problem we couldn’t face
together. He truly was the strong arm of our family.

He was exactly everything the Light Being said that he would be. A very special human being, I
continued to thank God every day for sending him to be part of our lives. He was respectful, able
to honor my space and the things I believed.

It wasn’t long after meeting my soul mate husband that everything else that the Light Being said
began to happen. One thing after the other, all within a three year period. All I had to do was wait
and let it all unfold for me. My life changed for the better and I became the happiest person
around. I had problems like most people but it never stopped me from being happy and wanting
to spread happiness to others.

The Enlightenment Crooked Arrow

Chapter Eight
It was during my high school years that I truly realized not everyone could see or hear the things
I did. I tried extremely hard to hide this part of my life. I even began to suppress it into my
subconscious, so I wouldn’t have to deal with it. I just wanted to be like the so-called normal
people around me. No matter how hard I tried to deny these abilities, they still surfaced. The
older I got, the more I began to feel like a freak. At one point, I actually thought people could see
something on my outward appearance that blinked “freak”. It wasn’t easy trying to survive in a
world where people made fun of things they didn’t understand. Growing up was very hard on
me, especially since I thought everyone, who was like me, was already in the next world. I felt
like I was stuck here all alone.

I never put much stock in fortune tellers who had neon signs up in front of their places. To me, it
was all a big joke. I felt that if one wanted to know something, or get help from the spirit world,
it didn’t have to cost a lot of money to get it. One day, something happened to make me think
more about these people.

I had been shopping with a friend, and we were walking down a main street in North Philly.
Suddenly, a woman, who looked like a gypsy, came out of what I thought was a condemned
building. She grabbed my arm and called me by my Christian name, which I very seldom used.
She said that she had an important message to give me. I had never seen this woman before, but
she acted as though she knew me very well. She dragged me by the arm into the building, as my
friend followed.

The outward appearance of the building was a boarded-up store front. It looked as though it had
been empty for years. When we entered the doorway, we walked into a large living room. The
furniture was beautiful. It was red velvet, trimmed in gold with a Spanish flair. The floor was
shiny hardwood with a white fluffy throw rug under a gold and glass coffee table. Two little
children sat on the sofa watching a color console TV.

The woman made my friend sit on the other side of the room across from us. She sat on a small
white chair up against the wall where the sun-light shone through on her. She couldn’t hear
anything that was being said.

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The woman made me sit on an old wooden chair that looked like it came off the trash heap. It
didn’t fit in with the rest of the beautiful furniture in the room. It was by itself in one corner of
the room where the sun seemed to fight to shine through a crack between the boards across the

The woman began telling me about people in my life. She told me that my cousin was going to
have another baby boy, and this time, she’d be able to carry it full term. She also told me about
the men in my life and the one who was soon to enter my life. While she didn’t say his name, she
did give me his initials. She said he would be with me always.

Suddenly the woman began to cry as she looked deeply into my eyes. A strange feeling came
over me when she started crying. She said someone had placed a curse on me, and they wanted
to see me dead. She must’ve known at that moment that I had begun to doubt her. Suddenly, she
hollered that she was very serious, the evil was very strong, and what she was saying was true. I
didn’t believe her, because I didn’t believe that anyone I had come in contact with could be evil
enough to want me dead. I just couldn’t believe that of anyone. Besides, I didn’t believe in

At that time in my life, I didn’t believe it was even possible for someone to put a curse on
another individual. She said she’d pray for me. I told her I had to be going. She didn’t ask me for
a lot of money for the information. Instead, she held a Bible open and said please put a donation
of one dollar in the Bible. One dollar I could spare with no problem. I didn’t realize it at the time,
what she was showing me. She was demonstrating how one repays another for allowing the
information to flow through. It is done as a donation, not as a demand, of a large fee.

As I put the money in the Bible, she kissed me on the cheek. I looked at her and she had tears
still running down her face.

She gave me a blessing and said, “Go in peace, my child, for I’ll be praying for you”. When the
lady touched me and kissed my cheek, the only vibrations I could pick up where that of great
love. It was as though her other emotions were blocked from me.

My friend and I talked about the strange woman the rest of the day. It still puzzled me how she
knew my name. That night, I got a call from my cousin. She told me that she was going to have
another baby. The doctors felt that, this time, she might be able to carry it full term. This made
me think once again about the strange woman.

I needed to find out more about her. The next day, I made up my mind to go back to see her. I
wanted to ask her more about the things she said. When I got to the old store-front area, things
were even crazier than the day before, because the place was gone.

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There, in its place stood an old building, one that looked like it had been in a very bad fire. I
asked some of the people in the area when the fire happened. That is where it really got weird.
The owner of the gift shop, next to the damaged building, told me the wildest story. She said that
about five years ago, a Spanish woman moved in there. Although she didn’t open up any kind of
business, she converted the storefront into an apartment for herself and her two small children.
As soon as these words were spoken, I suddenly recalled that the day before there were two
small children in the room sitting on the red velvet sofa, watching a color TV. They had only
been living there a month when there was an electrical fire that trapped the woman and her
children inside. She said that the fireman tried everything, but the three of them died in the fire.
Just then my heart felt like it had sunk down to my feet. These couldn’t have been the same
people I saw the day before, because my friend saw them, too.

As I looked at the burned doorway, I realized that it had been the same woman, and that’s why
she knew my name. There was probably no way she could talk to me without presenting herself
to my friend, also. That’s why she made her sit away from everything. I never saw the woman
again, but I have this feeling that she’s still praying for me.

I never thought about what the Spanish lady said to me until about two years later, well after I
started dating my second husband. I still lived in the projects for about five months before I was
able to move to a better neighborhood. Something went wrong one day with my legs. Suddenly, I
had a hard time standing. I thought it was the MS, flaring up again, because I was in so much

The doctors ran all kinds of tests and tried everything, but the pain remained, and it was getting
worse. I was in a leg cast and on crutches. This was just something else I had to learn to
overcome on my own. While this was going on, my son’s leg started turning black on one side
with a huge knot inside. He started to walk as though he were crippled. The doctors couldn’t find
anything that caused this condition. They said he had probably been bitten by an insect, and it
would clear up in a day or two. Well, it didn’t clear up, and the doctors had no more

When the doctors couldn’t give us any relief for the pain, or any reasons for our conditions, a
friend of mine took me to see a spiritualist. She did so, because what was happening to us wasn’t
natural. This lady told me that someone had put a curse on us. Here I was, once again, being told
there was a curse. This time, I really started believing something was going on whether I wanted
to or not.

One couldn’t go to this woman without being referred by someone. She wasn’t a person
everyone knew about. She wasn’t one of those neon sign psychics one reads about. Instead, this
was a plain religious woman in her early fifties. Her home was average. She was a small woman,
who stood about five-feet tall with shoes on. She had medium brown skin and black shoulder-
length hair.

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She reminded me a lot of my grandmother. She had a warm friendly personality. She read cards,
not tarot, but playing cards. She shuffled the whole deck of cards and began to read each card, as
she pulled it out of the deck.

I sat down at her dining room table, as she smiled and began to shuffle the cards. She told me to
make a wish and cut the cards. After I cut the cards, the lady began to spread them out on the
table. Suddenly, she began to cry. She pushed all the cards back into a pile, as she looked up at
me. She said she couldn’t help me, but she knew someone who could. She jumped up and ran to
the phone. She tried over and over to reach this person but couldn’t make contact.

She explained there were a lot of evil forces that were out to destroy me. She was not going to let
me leave her home until she gotten me the help I so greatly needed. Once again, she tried to
contact this person by phone, with no results. As she turned to come back to the table, she said
she wouldn’t let the dark ones win. She sat at the table, opened up the Bible, and began to pray.
Right in the middle of her prayers, the phone rang. The person on the other end of the phone was
the one she was trying to reach. He did all the talking. I heard her only say, “Yes, father. Alright,
father!” Then she handed me the phone.

The man on the other end of the phone began to tell me all about myself. He talked about events
that only I knew about. He told me about the good things, and the really bad things, that had
happened in my life. It was as though he were the one who had lived my life, for he knew
everything there was to know about me. He even knew things that happened that were so bad
that I tried to force them out of my mind. Hearing my life told to me over the phone by someone
I had never met before mad me cry.

I knew now, I wasn’t the only one left in this world who was different. He told me that, no matter
what, I had to come to see him no later than six o’clock the next day. He also told me to bring my
children along with me. After I got off the phone, the lady explained that he had helped people
all over the United States. He was a minister who had lived for nine years in Africa. I had to go
to his church. She said I might be afraid of him at first glance, because he was black, like a
gorilla. The lady prayed some more and said, “Thank God you’re going to get well, for you’ll get
the help you need.” She stood, gave me a hug, and said be sure to keep the appointment with

The next day, I went to my friend’s house, as she said she’d go with me to the Father’s church.
We called a cab at five o’clock, and nothing came. We called two more times, and still no cab
even though the company kept saying it was on its way. It was getting close to six o’clock, so I
called Father.

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I didn’t have to say a thing. He said, “I know you’re having a hard time trying to get a cab. Hang
up the phone, and the cab will be there in five minutes.” I hung up the phone and sure enough,
the cab was there in exactly five minutes. My friend helped me get the children into the cab, then
we were on our way. I didn’t feel safe about the cab driver. I had good reason to feel this way,
because we almost had three different accidents. One was so bad we almost went over a bridge.
It was as though right at the last minute something prevented them from happening.

When we finally arrived at Father’s church, he was waiting outside for us. Here stood this
wonderful, chubby, old man, who was 98 years old, but looked not a day over sixty. His skin was
blue-black, and he had snow white hair. He had a snow white mustache and goatee.

He looked just like a black Santa Clause. I wasn’t one bit afraid of him, for I felt as though I had
known him all my life. He radiated with love and gentleness that was similar to that of my Grand
Pop’s vibrations. He told us that he had to pray us out of three accidents. The dark ones were
trying everything to keep me from getting help. It was as though he was with us in the cab each
time we almost had those accidents. No one told him about these events, he already knew.

We didn’t even have the chance to begin to tell him what had happened, for he began describing
everything. He took us into his church, a two-story row home in South Philly that had most of
the inside walls removed to make a big area for his congregation to sit. There was a small
waiting room in the front, which might have been a small living room at one time. He made my
friend and my children sit out in the waiting room while he took me to his office in the rear of the

He had lived in Africa and studied the ways of the Old Ones while he was there. He also told me
that he had known that I was going to need his help someday. That was why God allowed him to
stay in this world so long, he told me. That also was how he knew so much about me. It was all
part of God’s great plan.

A curse had indeed been placed upon me and it was affecting my children. The dark ones knew
that they couldn’t control me, because I had a strong will and had chosen my path to follow the
light of the Lord before entering into this world. For this reason, the dark ones wanted me dead.
He said that with the help of three people, who put the cure on me, they thought they’d
succeeded and that the world would be less one more light worker. From that day until he died,
the Father dropped all his other clients and just concentrated on working with me.

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He healed my legs and the trouble my son was having with his leg. He began to teach me some
of the strange ways of the Old Ones of Africa. The one thing he made a point of stressing to me
was that I wasn’t a freak, but a helper who had chosen to help other humans. He said, I was a
child of light that was given special gifts and sent to earth as a helper. He said he would shake up
the wisdom inside me because there was no way to teach something that is within. He helped me
see myself differently.

He told me about the dark ones who walked the earth alongside humans since the very
beginning. He explained how the dark ones spend their time tormenting the workers of light, for
they want their energy. As long as the workers of light have a strong will, they’ll be able to
overcome these harassments. That made the dark ones mad. They would try just about anything
to destroy a worker of light. If the worker’s will wasn’t strong, the dark ones were able to push
them to suicide or to the nut house. The dark ones take on many shapes and sometimes even try
to disguise themselves as ancient masters. They tempt the weak humans with all kinds of
temptations, giving them some good information only to get hold of them.

One thing in our favor in the fight against the dark ones is that they always let one know what
they are planning to do. It’s as though they’re laughingly saying, “I’m going to do such and such.
You just try to do something about it.” It’s never put in quite those words or is that simply
understood, but the warning is always there. They feed off human fear, as though it were an
energy bar. One thing Father made a point of telling me that I needed to teach my children not to
fear. The monsters of the night, children cry about, are fed by the child’s fear.

Small children really do see monsters. The monsters are the dark ones in their true form which
children can perceive. After two years of being my guide and helper, Father left this world to
become my spiritual guide along with my Grand Pop. Never again did I look at myself as some
kind of freak.

After moving to my new home with my new mate and children, I met more psychics. One lady
read incense. She was 65 years old but didn’t look a day over forty. She stood about five-feet-ten
inches tall. She was a bit on the chubby side, about twenty or thirty pounds overweight. The
weight looked good on her, because she had very large bones. She lived a hard life, and it
showed in the lines on her face. With a complexion that was medium brown, she had light brown
eyes and brown hair that had strands of gray scattered throughout.

She burned incense and, while she stirred the burning embers, she started telling one things she
heard from the other worlds. Asking people for a ten-dollar donation for the readings, this was
her only income besides the small Social Security check she got once a month.

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She was really good at what she did. Like the other spiritual people I had met, she didn’t
advertise. One had to be referred to her by someone else. She was introduced to me by the
woman who read the deck of cards one day when I went to visit her after Father’s death.

This new friend became a regular visitor at my home. I spent a lot of time with her trying to help
her open her doors to other things. One day, she called me on the phone. I ran out of the tub
soaking wet with a towel wrapped around me to get the phone. We talked a little bit when
suddenly she began to scream, “It’s happening. The doors are opening.” I asked her what was she
experiencing. She said she could see me standing there in a towel, and she was sorry for getting
me out of the tub. I didn’t tell her I had just jumped out of the tub. I asked her to continue. She
said the spirit world was allowing her to see beyond with no limits. Then she said, “Oh my God,
now I know why you can do what you do. You’ve been touched by the hand of Jesus Christ.” I
asked her to explain to me what she meant. She said, “I feel you’ve always wanted the marks of
Christ, and you wish to share His pain.”

I said, “Yes, go on.” She said, “you have the marks, but in a different way.” I told her I didn’t
know what she meant. She said, “I see under your towel hidden under your left breast is a large
mark. A birth mark that has an odd shape. This mark is in the true spot where Christ received the
lance in His side.”

I said, “Ok, they let you see beyond the material, but what do you mean when you said that I
carry the marks of Christ in a different way.” She said, “I see many tiny needles placed in your
head with tiny drops of blood coming from them. You’re in a room in a chair and the needles
have wires attached to them that go to a big machine.”

I said, “That would be the EEG machine they use on me at the hospital to keep track of my
seizures, which always causes me to have more seizures. What else?” She continued by saying,
“You’ve been operated on both hands right above the wrist area, and you still have the scars to
prove it. Also both of your feet have had ligaments moved surgically in them, is this not true?”

I replied, “Yes” to everything. She said, “Well, you have the marks. How you got them is
different, but they’re the marks.” She asked why I wanted the marks of Christ. I replied that I had
never realized that I had the marks, because, each day, I still prayed to get them. I wanted to be
able to share in Christ’s pain, for I felt that, if I shared His pain in some small way, I’d be helping
Him help others. This was something I asked for at age two when I first met Jesus in the church.
This was but one of many new experiences that were opening up to this woman, and I was truly
happy that I was able to help in just being her friend while she was experiencing these things.

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I had three visions after that. I didn’t understand their meaning. The vision started with me
standing in a dark hall. A light shone through a stained glass window across from me. As I stood
there, I heard this loud sound coming toward me. It sounded like a herd of horses. As the sound
got closer, I saw someone that I perceived to be Christ. He smiled at me as He led a flock of
small children. Suddenly, I stood in front of these large cathedral-like doors. I was dressed in
very strange clothing, which looked to me like something Robin Hood would wear. I pushed
open the doors and stepped into a large throne room. There were people kneeling in front of
some white steps that led to a throne. As I walked closer, the people parted without even turning
to look at me. I walked up to the white steps. At the top was a gold throne with a bright white
light radiating from it. I climbed the stairs. When I got to the throne, I dropped to my knees. On
the throne was a large head of an old man. His eyes were very young and kind. He had long
white hair and a white beard. This head had no body. There was only this bright white light
around it. He smiled at me, and the vision changed. I was dressed in a long robe with a blanket
wrapped around my shoulders. I felt as though I was much younger. I walked out of the dark and
into a cave. There were two goats and a small donkey standing near a small fire. I went closer to
the fire. There on the straw lay a young girl holding a small newborn baby in her arms. Beside
her sat a man with dark hair and a short curly beard. He didn’t look much older than the girl, just
more mature. When it finally dawned on me that I was present at the nativity, the vision ended. I
knew that these were only visions because the Light Being had already shown me my life during
this period of history.

I read a book by one of the leading psychics and her address was in the book. I wrote to her,
asking if she could help explain the meaning of these three visions. I wrote about the visions in
full detail and even drew pictures and sent them along to her as well.

About three months later, I got a postcard from her. She said it appeared to her that I had a very
spiritual dream. She couldn’t ask her spirit guides about it. If she asked them about every letter
she received, she’d never get anything written. Then she plugged her new book. It was then that I
realized that she wasn’t one of the workers of light that came here just to do all they could for
others. The workers of light wouldn’t let anything stand in the way of helping someone. Even if
they couldn’t help the person, they’d direct them to someone who could. They wouldn’t just
dismiss one like a piece of fan mail. I told her I had visions, and she insisted on calling them
dreams. Dreams happen when one is asleep, but visions happen when one is awake. All my
visions happen while I am wide awake. I wondered how much help people were getting from her.

The Enlightenment Crooked Arrow

Chapter Nine
The Visitation
As a child, whenever I felt lonely, I went to the church. I always looked inside and made sure no
one was there. Then I would go inside and talk to the statues. Sometimes, I got a message back,
but not always. I found an inner peace while being alone in the church. When I got older, I still
found peace in the church when no one else was there.

In our new home, I had promised my children that, someday, they’d get a chance to attend a
good school, like the Catholic school I went to. I wanted them to have the same chance I had for
a good academic and religious education. My children’s records were transferred from their
previous public school to the one in this area. One day, as I walked my children to school, I met
one of the teacher’s aides. She was a thin young Afro-American woman in her early thirties. She
had one small little girl of her own, who looked as though she could be one of my children. The
teacher’s aide came to visit me after this meeting. She showed me where things were in the
neighborhood, like stores and Laundromats. Sometimes, I watched her little girl for her. She got
along well with my children.

One day, she came and asked if I could read these cards she brought. They were called gypsy
cards. I said I would try. I had never read any cards before. Suddenly, as I shuffled the cards, I
felt a strong energy pulling me. I put the cards down on the table and found myself turned in the
chair, looking at the wall. Before me on the wall, this woman’s life was being played like a
movie. I found myself telling her everything I saw, all the good and the bad in her life as well as
the events she was heading for if she kept on the same path.

As it ended, I began to fall off the chair. I was extremely weak from this event. She grabbed me
before I hit the floor. She was crying. She said I looked like I was stone drunk. I sat up in the
chair and told her that I was sorry for making her cry. I didn’t know why or where the
information was coming from.

The next day, she called and told me to stay home, because she was coming to my house with
proof that everything I had said was the truth. It was also very important to her that I have no
reason to doubt it. She came up to the house with this letter from the Virgin Islands that she had
received in the mail. The letter disclosed everything I had shared with her the day before.

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As I was reading the letter, another teacher’s aide came to my door. It was warm outside, so
while the hardwood door was open, the screen door stopped the insects from coming into the
house. I looked up from the letter and told the other lady to come in. She opened the screen door
and she stepped into the doorway, but was caught by the dressing that protected my home from
negative vibrations.

As she stood there trapped in the doorway, the dark ones that walked with her showed
themselves and laughingly told me their next move. I told her I’d see her later and she left, still
laughing. The other woman turned to me and said, “What the heck was that all about? Why
couldn’t she move out of the doorway?” I told her that it was something that I had to deal with
on my own. We left it at that.

On Monday, she asked if I wanted to go shopping with her on Wednesday. She said she had to
stop at the Catholic church first to get some holy water. I said, “Yes”, because I wanted to find
out where the church was. On Wednesday, she came over early, so we could stop by the church.
When I saw her, I had a shocked look, because I had a dream the night before with her in it. She
wore the same clothes in the dream that she had on when she came to pick me up.

She asked me what the dream was about. I simply told her that I couldn’t remember what went
on in the dream. I just remembered that she wore the same clothes and that there was a statue of
the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The statue stuck out in my mind, because the halo around the head
was so unusual, sort of star-shaped. It was the most beautiful object I ever saw or even dreamed.
We went on to the church. It was a beautiful old-fashioned church. As we entered the side door,
we saw that the only person in the church was a young priest. He was busy changing the votive

As we walked further into the church, she pointed to the other side and said, “Over there is the
statue of Saint Theresa.” Saint Theresa was my patron saint. While she went to get the holy
water, I started across the front of the church to the other side. I was heading for the statue of
Saint Theresa when a very hot hand suddenly slapped me across the side of the face. I turned and
immediately dropped to my knees in tears on the hard marble platform.

Right away I began asking for the forgiveness of any sins I had ever committed and even those I
might’ve thought of committing during my entire lifetime. I think I even made up sins to ask for
forgiveness of when I finally ran out of sins. I continued to cry, very hard, with my hands over
my face. My reason for this sudden outburst was standing on a pedestal directly in front of me. It
was the same statue of the Sacred Heart of Jesus that I saw in my dream the night before.

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As I continued to cry, hands reached out and touched both of my shoulders. A sweet loving voice
said, “Arise, my child and look at me, eye to eye.” I rose and looked into the gentle eyes of the
Sacred Heart of Jesus statue, who had now come to life. He told me that whenever I felt I was at
my lowest point, He’d be there to pick me up, for I was one of His children of light. He told me
why I was on this planet and what I had to do while here. I knew what my true mission was. He
even gave me special signs to look for while on this mission. After He was finished, He blessed
me and said, “Go, my child, and walk within the light.”

As I got up from my kneeling position, I turned to leave the church. I saw the woman and the
priest standing together and both were frozen, staring at me with their mouths wide open. I
hurried over to where they stood and as I touched the woman and told her we had to go, they
both were able to move. Just then, the priest grabbed my arm and said, “No, you have to stay and
explain what just happened.” I pulled away from him and said, “No, I have to go.” The woman
and I ran out of the church.

We ran about three blocks before we stopped to rest. While catching our breath, the woman said,
“What on earth happened back there?” Since I knew that some people don’t see the other worlds,
I said, “You tell me first what you saw, then I’ll tell you what actually happened to me.”

She began by saying that both her and the priest heard a loud bang, like something falling on the
marble floor. They turned to see if I had fallen and hurt myself. She said that they both started for
me, but neither could move. They watched a bright white light come out of the head of the statue
of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The light grew huge, as it got closer to me. The light engulfed me
and turned into a ball with me inside it. She said the ball floated me up about three to four feet
off the ground. She also said that it kept me up there in the air for almost twenty minutes. There
was this strange look on my face, as I remained kneeling in the ball of light looking straight
ahead at the statue. The ball slowly lowered me back down to the floor, and it slowly got smaller
before going back into the head of the statue. I got up to leave, and that’s when I grabbed her and
they could move again. I looked very puzzled, for that wasn’t anywhere near what really
happened. By then, we had walked all the way to my house.

As we sat on the front steps of my house, I turned to her and said, “Now, I’ll tell you what
actually happened back there.” I told her how I was heading across the other side of the church
when a hand slapped me. I explained I was standing and looking at Christ, face to face, and not

She said, “No, you never stood up. You were in the ball floating, still in a kneeling position.” I
argued that I wasn’t floating in the air but standing in front of the statue. She said, the statue was
on a pedestal that was about three or more feet high. She also reminded me that I said, “I got up
to go.”

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Apparently, she was right. I had been in a kneeling position all the time. Concentrating on the
image, I was unaware of the fact I was floating in the air. She asked how I felt. I didn’t feel
strange or different in any way. I was just extremely happy. I told her there was no change in me.
I was used to events happening that weren’t part of the regular norm of things. I felt truly blessed
and knew I’d always have Christ’s help. She remarked, that she knew I was a child of Christ
when she first met me. That what just happened only proved it.

After this wonderful visitation, the people started coming. There were the young and old, the
physically sick, those who were spiritual sick and those who just needed someone to talk to. I
didn’t know any of these people. All I knew was that they were being sent by God, and I had to
help them in whatever way I could. Even my brother’s first wife, whom I still considered my
sister even after their divorce, came for a reading. The only thing I remember telling her was that
she would meet a certain individual. I gave her a name and told her that he’d buy her a ring. She
is still with him today.

One day, I had just finished helping ten old ladies, and I was really drained. I sat on the living
room sofa across from my mate. I told him, I was really glad that the last lady left, as I was
extremely tired.

Just then my mate said, “Give me a reading.” I looked at him and said, “You don’t even believe
in those things.” As fast as the words came out of my mouth, I blacked out. When I came to, my
mate was staring at me in a very strange way. I asked him what was wrong. He said, “I believe!”
I asked him what he believed. He said, “I believe it all, anything you have to tell me from now
on.” I was really confused. Why, all of a sudden did he want to believe anything I had to say
about the spirit world?

He explained that he saw it, them, or whatever. I said, “What do you mean you saw it?” He
began telling me about this bright white light that came out of my body, then went back just
enough, so he could still see it. His every thought was being answered before he could speak it.
They answered his questions before they even became questions. I didn’t know what he was
talking about. It was clear that the spirit world was with him when I blacked out. That day, my
relationship with my mate took on a new and fuller understanding. He even helped me out with
one of the old women who came over.

It was really strange the way I met her. I was at one of the Indian Pow Wows helping out an
Indian friend who was a palm reader. People were lined up to get a reading from him. They’d
take turns sitting in a chair while he read their palms. That was all he did for them. One lady sat
and, while he was giving her all this positive information, I felt compelled to walk over to her. As
I did, my body cringed. The vibrations emanating from this woman spread out from her with
cold darkness, just like the dark ones that walked with her. He didn’t pick up on the vibrations.
As the woman left, I saw his face, and he looked as though the life was being drained out of him.

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There was a nice young girl about to sit in the chair when I said, in a loud voice, “No, not yet”. I
turned to the palm reader and said, “Do you fell sick?” He said, “No,” but that he felt a little
weak. I pulled some salt from my medicine bag and gave it to him. Then I sprinkled some salt on
the chair and wiped it off. As he rubbed the salt in his hands, he said that he felt a lot better. I told
him he must learn to protect himself. He could do this by always making sure that the chair was
free of vibrations before the next person sat in it.

I told everyone they could now get back in line. There was a little old woman, who was no taller
than four feet, anxiously waiting. She must’ve been in her sixties. I told her, if she wanted a
reading, that she had to get in line.

She said, “Yes, dear, I do want a reading, but not by him.” I looked at her and said, “Well, who
are you going to get a reading from?” She smiled and told me that her spirits told her that she’d
get a reading from me. I explained to the little old lady that I wasn’t the one doing the readings.
She said she knew, but that she wanted to come to my home and see me. I looked into her kind
eyes and said, “Ok.” I wrote my address and phone number down on a piece of paper.

The following Saturday, the little old woman came to my house. She was a little Sioux Indian.
She had crippling arthritis in both hands and legs, so she walked with two wooden canes. My
mate asked if he could help me while I worked with this woman. I said, “Yes, you can take note
of everything, for she has crippling arthritis.”

The woman didn’t say anything. I got the feeling that she was putting me through some kind of
test. As I scanned her electrical field, I stopped at her ankles. The ankles gave off a yellow color
and vibrated as though something foreign was there. After asking her permission, I placed my
hands on the ankles and could see inside. There was metal deeply implanted inside.

I looked up to the woman and said, “There is metal in your ankles. What have they done to you?”
She smiled and said that about ten years previous she had to have her ankles operated on. At that
time, the doctors implanted a metal pin inside each ankle. The woman reached for my hand. She
said, “Truly, you are a chosen one, and my spirits were right about you.” From that day on, she
has become my family’s third grandmother.

It wasn’t long after the old woman’s visit that my mother and younger sister stopped over at the
house. They came by for a short visit, because they hadn’t seen any of us in a long time. They
needed a ride back home which was on the other side of town because it would be dark by the
time they took public transportation. By car, it would take half an hour down the freeway. My
mate offered to take them home.

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I called the woman across the street, who was a good friend, to see if my children could stay
there until we came back. She had two daughters. One was a year old and the other was eleven
months older than my daughter. Her daughter and my daughter were best friends, and they were
both Pisces. This woman had a special gift also. She dreamed things that were going to happen.
My children were over there playing, and she said that it would be alright.

We headed down a one-way street, about a block away from our house, when I saw a bright light
in the sky. My mate said, “Why isn’t that airplane moving?” As we got closer, I asked why it was
getting bigger. Suddenly, we were right on the object. As my mate drove across the intersection
to the side street, slowly looking for a parking place, my mother and I jumped out of the car
while it was still moving. We both ran and stood directly under the object. It made no sound. It
was as big as a football field. Huge gears turned underneath it, like the giant insides of a clock.
Suddenly, it started to vibrate and move very slowly.

My mate hollered, “Get back into the car.” He thought we might be able to get in front of it,
since it was moving so slowly. He drove off, and we went up the side street and parked. We all
got out of the car and watched, as the huge silver object got closer. It started to vibrate really
hard. A man ran out of his house and shouted. “What the heck?”

Then the object vibrated harder, breaking the glass in the door, the man was holding onto, then
the object was gone. We couldn’t understand why no one else was looking up at it. It was still
daylight, and the object was almost touching the tops of the telephone poles. It was huge.
Whenever we got together, after that day, the object always came up in our conversations.

The Enlightenment Crooked Arrow

Chapter Ten
Soon, I landed the job of a case worker for the Department of Public Welfare. Everything was
still happening, as the Light Being said it would. I enjoyed being a case worker, because I felt I
could make a difference in the system. I remembered how cruel the case workers were when I
was on welfare. I wanted to help those mothers who never had a chance. I went out of my way to
help find jobs for people. I also helped them fill out the forms to get in school. I helped a lot of
young mothers get into trade schools and some into college. I found out that no matter how hard
I tried to make a difference, the system is one object that’ll never change. There simply aren’t
enough people who want to help make the change.

I was able to afford the good education I’d promised my children. They were transferred to the
second grade at the Catholic school around the corner from our home. They didn’t have to go far
to attend school. This meant they were home after school for less than twenty minutes before I
came home, since I was able to get transferred to a district office within the six mile walking

My children liked going to the Catholic school. What they liked the most was studying religion.
They always enjoyed going to church even before they started in this school. My son became an
altar boy for awhile. With the help of the school, my children would get the balance start they
needed to help them grow spiritually.

One day, the teacher’s aide, who had the little girl, came over to my house with a message. She
said a woman, who owned a candle shop, wanted to see me. I asked her what the woman wanted.
She said that she didn’t know, but that the woman was very spiritual, like me. I went to see the
woman, to find out what she wanted. She was a little Spanish lady, in her later fifties. She had
dark, black, wavy hair with a couple of strands of gray hair that came close to the border of her
face. She began to speak in Spanish.

I told her it had been years since I spoke Spanish and that I had truly forgotten the language. Her
shop was full of candles and religious articles on glass shelves. The air was filled with the aroma
of frankincense. The glass showcases were filled with talismans, oils, powders and religious
medals. Around the room were various sizes of religious statues. There were even some with
black skin. There also were black African statues of men and women.

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The lady told me to be extra careful, as the dark ones were going to try again to attack me, since
I have been helping God’s people find some comfort. I told her that I had already been warned
and threatened by the dark ones. She told me how to dress candles, so they can work to help

She explained that the element of fire belonged to one of my Indian protectors. It was a tool that
I could use both in helping others and in my own fight against the dark ones. Fire is light,
something they don’t like. It was really strange that she would say this for, as a child, I loved
staring at the flames of a roaring fire. Sometimes I saw things within the flames. I found peace
within the flames, a feeling of oneness with the flame. This is just the way I felt, for the fire
could hurt me if I tried to touch it.

When I was younger and living at my parents home, I took some hot coals out of the basement
furnace and placed them on the cement floor. I took off my socks and shoes and walked on the
hot coals. I did this over and over again with no problem. I felt that I could become part of the
flame in the coals. As we became one, I wouldn’t get burned. It worked, but I got in trouble,
because my mother came downstairs and caught me, so I never did it again. The Spanish woman
told me to come back in one week.

One week later, I went back to see her, wearing a pair of pink pants and a black shirt. When I
walked into her shop, she yelled, “Get out of that black shirt.” She said that being a worker of
light one couldn’t do God’s work in black clothing. She said the darkest color I should wear
would be navy blue, but to try and stay in soft, light colors. She said that the dark ones could
attack me more easily in the dark clothing.

She pointed to a shelf over the door of the store where she kept her protection for the store. As
she pointed, she said, “You know, you know what to do!” She told me to get my protection
together, for the dark ones were getting closer. She said to change the protection constantly. I
shouldn’t let the spirit world get too used to knowing the things I did. I shouldn’t let them know
who I did things for or how I did them. She was in the process of selling her store and moving to
a quiet area. She gave me a blessing and reminded me to be on guard against the dark ones
always, but most especially when I was working with someone. The lady moved, and I never saw
or heard from her again.

I went to all the places that advertised psychics. The card readers were pretty good and so were
some of the palm readers. None said anything negative about me or what was going to happen to
me in the future. I thought that, maybe, it was me. I had a friend see some of the same readers
that I saw, and the results were the same. No one had anything negative to say like things about
the dark ones. This proved one theory of mine at the time, that you do not have to be a psychic to
read the cards or palms.

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All one needs is to read a good book on the subject, practice what they had read, and one could
be as good as those that charged high flat fees. Those who read the cards and palms and gave
accurate names, places and dates of events were true psychic readers. There are psychics who fit
in all different levels of wisdom. In my findings, I wished to see someone show an unusual
ability, by doing something that most readers don’t, or can’t, do. Some of the readers, who
advertise, were alike in what they did and how they did it. Others were just into making money
off of those wanting souls in need of comfort.

One year later, the teacher’s aide came back with another message. There was another woman
who wanted to see me. I went the next day to this woman’s home. Her home looked like it never
got dirty. There wasn’t any dust or anything out of place. It was perfect, except for the religious
artifacts that were everywhere with strange offerings of food in front of them.

My mate and children came with me to meet her. The woman told them to have a seat in her
living room, as she took me up to her Santo room. This woman was from South America. She
had a very strong Spanish accent. Her smooth, unlined dark brown complexion made her appear
younger than she was. She stood about five-feet-two inches tall. She wore a white scarf around
her head. I couldn’t tell if she had hair or not. She had on a sleeveless white flowered blouse and
a full white skirt that went about one inch below her knees. She looked like a person who knew
what she wanted in life and was out to get it.

In the Santo room sat a round table full of glasses with clear liquid in them. The table had a white
table-cloth on it. There was also a cigar and a bottle of rum. There were two fold-up chairs in
front of the table. As she sat in one, she told me to sit in the other. She sent for me, because they
had a message they wanted to give me, and my curiosity would be satisfied. I didn’t know who
“they” were, but I had an idea.

She lit the cigar. She took a little rum in her mouth, then spit it out in a spray across the glasses.
Then she took the end of her skirt and pulled it up, tucking it in the red shorts she wore
underneath the skirt. Suddenly, she bent forward and began to gag. I moved back in my seat, as I
thought she was going to upchuck at any moment.

She stopped and raised her head slowly. The woman had her eyes closed tightly from this point
on. As I watched, her skin changed colors and got darker. Even her bone structure changed. The
strange part was that I saw eyes looking at me, even though she had her eyes closed. The eyes
looked me up and down the way a man checks out a woman. Then her head lowered. As it slowly
lifted, the voice was that of a man.

He said, “We come from God with a message for you.” At that moment, a strange light filled the
room. The woman changed from man to woman to man. From dark skinned man to light skinned
woman to medium shined man to very pale shined woman and back to a dark skinned man.

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In my search of psychics, this is what I had been looking for. They gave me instructions on
things that had to be done. The one thing that really impressed me was what they said. They told
me not to pay attention to anything the woman said (meaning the body they were in) as they
smacked her leg, unless it came directly from them. They would give me a sign, so I’d know the
message was coming from them and not from the woman’s ego. They had so much to tell me and
such a short time to do it in.

I thought I had plenty of time, and they answered my thoughts by saying one of our hours is
equal to three of theirs. They couldn’t stay in the woman’s body too long, because they’d burn
her out if they did. Her body wasn’t equipped with a means of storing high energy, like mine,
because she didn’t have extra organs.

Within the next few months, I went through a purification and several other ceremonies with this
lady, through the aid of these spirits. During one ceremony, the lady argued with the spirits, and I
saw a large hand come out of nowhere and slap her, sending her flying up against the wall. It was
just a large dark-skinned hand with no body.

Then the lady said, “Ok, Mama, I’m sorry. I didn’t know. I’m sorry.” Then I felt the bones in my
face move. I couldn’t move. She looked at me and said, “Oh fudge, the Saints are with you.”

After the ceremony I asked what had happened to her. She was arguing about who they said my
protector mother spirit was. She didn’t think anyone in the United States could have such a
powerful protector. I asked who she was. The woman said, that if she were to use the name of the
saints, it was Saint Theresa. Strangely, I always called Saint Theresa my sister when I was
growing up, for she was my best friend in the spirit world.

I asked what else had happened, because I couldn’t move, and I felt my face change as she
hollered “Oh fudge”. She yelled, because the spirits proved whom my protector was. The spirit
walked out of my body then it went back into my body. After these ceremonies, I didn’t see the
woman anymore. I didn’t get the signals from the spirit world whenever she had something to
say to me, so I didn’t trust what she said.

The people still kept coming to me for help. Many more from different areas came for help. They
needed help opening doors to the unknown. These people started coming over on Saturdays and
formed a healing circle. One Saturday, while the group was over, among them was the lady who
read incense. This was the day that something different happened. The spirits began to call me.
They told me I had to come inside where they were, because they had to give some important
messages. They knew I wouldn’t get it right, for they were all talking at once.

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I suddenly felt my body vibrate, as I passed through a door into the next world. I was greeted by
at least ten spirits who took me over to a couch. The couch was gold with big white roses
imprinted on the fabric. It had only one arm, looking more like a bed that the Greek Gods were
said to have reclined on.

I asked where I was. They said this was the waiting room where souls went when they crossed
over. It was where they met friends and relatives who helped them along their journey. They also
said that sometimes souls became afraid, because this was also where the soul judged itself. Full
of fear, many would rush back into our world and become the ghostly shadows one sees trapped
between worlds. Their fear didn’t allow them to fully cross over.

I asked if I’d crossed over. They said only long enough for them to use the physical body I left on
the other side of the door. They said I’d always had one foot in that world. They told me to lie on
the couch and relax while they gave the messages to those that needed the information right

I heard everything that was going on while I laid there. Each took a turn going through the
doorway of light, as they entered into my physical body to give the messages. Then they said it
was time for me to go back, as the energy stored in the body was getting weak from being used. I
went through the lit doorway back into my physical body.

I found myself on the floor, and very weak from this experience. When I got up off the floor, I
asked what happened. Entering back into my body, I couldn’t remember any of the messages that
were said, but I had been able to remember where I went.

I didn’t have control of this ability to let the spirits come and go. I couldn’t even call them forth.
They used my physical body when they knew I’d get the message all tangled up. They’re the
ones who had full control of this ability to come and go at will and they answered only to God. I
was just the open doorway, or channel, for them to communicate freely with this material world.

They didn’t do this all the time. When they only had names, or part of phrases to give, they just
told them to me. They let me tell it to the person it was meant for, in my own way. They only
used my physical body when it was very important that the message was given correctly to the
person needed that spiritual contact for it somehow gave the individual a new outlook on life.

Whenever the spirits used my body, I didn’t have any seizures for a long period of time. It was as
though the electrical energy in my brain was used up by their presence. As I vibrated to go
inside, my physical body somehow was able to speed up its vibrational field, so that the spirits
could use it as their own without causing it any harm.

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In this way, I began to look at my seizure disorder as a blessing. Without this extra buildup of
energy in my brain along with the extra organs I have, they probably wouldn’t have been able to
stay in my body as long as they seem to do. Those who have witnessed these events went away
looking as though they were more at peace. They became more spiritual than they were in the

One day, the lady who read incense, suggested that it would be good if we taped one of these
sessions, so I could hear the messages, as the spirits gave them. At times the voice would change
with each spirit that entered. Soon the spirits were ready to talk again. This time, we were ready
with the tape recorder.

When the tape started I said, “They are calling me now.” Then I went into where they waited for
me. When I entered back into my physical body, I was on the floor again. This time I was caught
between the sofa and the coffee table. M y legs had me pinned down in an uncomfortable
position. When I found myself this way I yelled, “Oh, my legs.”

The lady stopped the tape and rewound it, so I could hear the entities that talked through my
body. She said it was a really good session. Four different spirits got a chance to talk. She said
I’d be surprised at all the information that was given. I could hardly wait to hear the tape. As she
pushed the button to play, the tape started with me saying, “They are calling me now.” After this
sentence, there was nothing but a loud static noise for a very long time. As it ended you heard,
“Oh, my legs.”

Not one word of any of the messages were allowed to be taped. An attempt to get the spirits on
tape was made at several different sessions using several different recorders, but only static noise
was ever heard. The energy in the room at the time was just too high a frequency.

I don’t understand how channelers are able to tape the things they say are coming from highly
spiritual entities and masters. According to the information related to me from the spirit world,
these people aren’t channeling the higher realms. In actual fact, they’re channeling parts of their
own soul. I asked for a clearer explanation.

The spirits told me that anyone is capable of plugging into the different realities of their soul. Its
sort of like channeling higher selves or different personalities that live within the one being.
Most of the information that is given this way is really meant for the individual. The higher self
is trying to help them get balanced, but they mistake this for entity channeling and think it’s for
everyone. Sometimes because the person is out of balance they leave themselves open for the
dark ones to enter. They will give good information because it helps keep this person open to
their influences, but there is always a price they will have to pay in the end. This is where a lot of
chaos can be created by others passing on information from these dark ones, so they can gain
control of more people.

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When an entity goes into a physical body, a vibration takes place. This is what caused the static
noise on the tape. The physical body is speeded up to the entity’s frequency. There’s a sudden
change in the electrical field around the physical body. Animals are aware of the change when it
takes place. That’s what causes the static, and that’s why it can’t be taped. Humans in physical
form can’t control the spirit world. They can’t tell a spirit when to give information or when not
to. The spirit is a higher entity and is always in control over the physical.

Is this not so with how one is? One’s body is controlled by one’s spirit and when one’s body dies,
the spirit still lives on. One can’t tell a spirit to enter one’s body when one wants it to. They don’t
have to help us. They do it because they want to, not because you say they should. I don’t mind
being an open doorway between worlds, as this is part of my mission on this planet. It’s just that
sometimes I really get weak and sleepy afterwards, or look as though I were drunk and I get
really hungry. It’s a weird feeling, but as long as it helps others, I don’t mind.

One evening as my family and I were watching a movie on TV, the spirits started calling me. I
asked what they wanted. They said I had to come inside immediately. To be on the safe side, I
got down on the floor. I always found myself there, so I thought I might as well start there. As I
went inside, everything was dark, except for a little light.

They said, “Follow the light. We’re where the light is.” As I did, the light got bigger until I could
enter into a beautiful garden where the light came from. As I entered, there was a group of spirits
standing there waiting for me. I walked over to them and they said, “Good, now go back.”

I was confused and said, “Go back? I just got here.” They replied, “We know. Now go back
quickly. We had to make sure you could find your way here.” I didn’t want to leave, because it
was so beautiful and peaceful. The Old Ones explained that the first time must be short, so I
could get used to vibrating at that great a speed. I turned and went back to the darkness and into
my physical body.

I made many trips to the garden after that. The Old Ones taught me many things. One day, the
lady who reads incense, my mate and a friend of his asked if I could take them to the garden. I
told them, I didn’t know if it could be done, but it was worth the try. I told them that every time I
went, I always forgot to see if there was a sky and what color it was. They all promised me that,
if I got them to the garden, they’d be sure to look. They’d see what color the sky was for me.
This was the first time I ever did anything like that, but I was willing to try anything to help
others learn from the Old Ones.

The four of us sat on the floor holding hands, as I began calling to the spirit world for safe
passage. I asked permission for the four of us to enter the garden. I knew I had to do it that way,
because if it were meant for everyone to enter the garden, they’d be doing so without my help.

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Suddenly, a bolt of electricity connected us together. It went up from our bodies in circles
forming a huge spiral cone. As this happened, I felt us all pass into the darkness. I was the first
one to enter the garden. I had been doing it a long time and could find my way in the dark tunnel
with no problem. There was a problem for the others. I called out to them to follow the light.

My mate’s friend made it into the tunnel with no problem. As he entered the garden, a group of
spirit guides came and took him for a walk in the garden. I called out to my mate, for I felt his
fear. I told him that he must release his fear and hold out his hand. I told him the extended hand
was his mother’s. As I watched, his hand touched hers. I don’t know what happened to him next,
because the Old Ones told me to go with them.

I went to a stream with the Old Ones where they taught me about the life force of water. We
didn’t stay in the garden long. Before any of us knew it, we were all back in our physical bodies
sitting on the floor completely exhausted, but happy. Everyone tried to talk at one time. The
adventure appeared to excite them. I asked each of them what color the sky was. No one knew. I
wanted to know what happened, since I went to the stream before my mate fully entered the

My mate said that he and his three spirit guides walked among these beautiful fruit trees. He
explained that these trees were like nothing he ever saw before. He asked permission to take one
of the fruits. He reached up and picked a large fruit that looked like an apple. He bit into it and
the taste was that of a mixture of fruits. It was delicious. He was so amazed with the garden and
what they were showing him, he forgot to look up at the sky.

His friend said that his three spirit guides led him to an orchard that had numbers instead of
flowers. As he walked among the trees, the numbers opened up like a flower blooming. When
this happened, he felt as though he gained the ability to solve any mathematical problem. He was
so involved with the wonderful sights of the garden and the spirit guides, that he also forgot to
look up.

The woman who read incense never made it to the garden. We all asked what happened, and
where she went. She began to explain that, after my mate went into the light, a pink fog came
into the tunnel. She was lost in the fog the whole time. It was really strange that they only
allowed three of us to enter the garden. I couldn’t figure out why the two men and not the
woman. She was more in touch with the spirit world than they were.

I learned later that I would have no more contact with this lady. She still had a lot of material
things clinging to her electrical field. She wasn’t willing to let them go. That’s why she wasn’t
allowed into the garden.

The Enlightenment Crooked Arrow

It was also strange that we were in different gardens, yet neither of us thought to look for a sky. It
was as though our spirit guides knew we wanted to see the sky, so they showed us objects that
took our minds off it. We were all worn out from this adventure, but it was something we would
be talking about for a long time.

I helped both my children go to the garden until they could do it on their own. One day, my
daughter was very upset about a math test. She said she was going to have this really hard test in
class the next day. I told her not to worry so much. She’d do alright. She just couldn’t
concentrate and kept saying I can’t do this. I sat her down on the sofa and told her to relax. I told
her to take herself to the garden where her spirit guides would help her concentrate better.

She stayed in the garden for about ten minutes. Opening her eyes, she said, “Give me a math
problem.” I asked her to multiply 6 times 28. She closed her eyes, then opened them again and
said, “168.” She asked for a harder problem. I gave her 7 times 52. She closed her eyes for a
second or two, opened them and said, “364.” She was right again. Her brother came into the
house and I told him to watch his sister solve some math problems. I gave her another problem
and she came up with the correct answer. My son said I must have given her the answer before
he came in, because he knew she always had a hard time with math. I explained that she did it on
her own and for him to give her a problem if he didn’t believe it.

He asked her to multiply 68 times 324. As he took a pen and paper to figure out the problem, his
sister closed her eyes. By the time her brother finished, she opened her eyes and said, “22032.”
She was right again. He was shocked and asked how she did it. I told him she went to the garden
and when she came back, she knew how to solve math problems. She sat there smiling as if she
had conquered the world. After that I knew my children would be light workers someday helping

The Enlightenment Crooked Arrow

Chapter Eleven
The Painting
About two years after I had the warning from the Spanish woman about the dark ones, the attack
started. They were doing their best to try and break my will. They finally struck at my weakest
point, my children. My son had a very bad asthma attack that came on without warning. The
attack caused his lungs to collapse. I rushed him to the emergency ward at the nearest hospital.
The more medicine the doctor gave him, the worse he got. When the doctor left the room, my
son pleaded with me to take him home.

He said, “Please, Mom, no more. Please, you help me.” I looked upwards while holding his had
and asked for the help to make his attack stop, so I could take him home and give him some
herbs. Just then, the doctor came back in the room to check on him and said, “You can take him
home now.” That was the last time my son ever went to the hospital for asthma.

The next attack was on my daughter, no more than a day later. She was a tiny little girl to begin
with, but in a matter of two days, she had lost ten pounds and began throwing up. I rushed her to
the emergency ward. After several blood tests the doctors came up with the results. My daughter
had juvenile diabetes. The hospital wasn’t equipped to handle children with this condition, so
they transferred her to Saint Christopher’s Children’s Hospital across town. The doctors asked if
someone had done something to get her upset, if her and her brother had been fighting. None of
these things happened. She had what they called a condition that was triggered into a full scale
disease by her emotions. She remained in the hospital for three weeks.

When I got her home, I started her on some of the old Indian remedies and stopped her insulin
injections. She was stabilized with a blood sugar level that didn’t go over 180 for three straight
months. When she went back to the clinic, the doctors were furious with me. They said a diabetic
should never be taken off their insulin for any period of time, because they’d die. I showed them
the record we had been keeping of her blood sugar levels and how they stayed stable. This didn’t
matter to the doctors. I also proved how she gained back most of the weight. She also told them
how much better she felt. The doctors didn’t care. This was a form of child abuse in their eyes,
not healing. They threatened to take me to court for child abuse. I didn’t want them taking my
children away from me, so I let them put my daughter back on the insulin as I prayed that
someday she’d be able to go back off of it and onto the healing herbs. Maybe, the dark ones have
control over a lot of doctors. Maybe, that was why my family didn’t like going to them.

The Enlightenment Crooked Arrow

Ever since my daughter went back on the insulin, she has had nothing but health problems. She’s
a grown woman now and plans on taking care of herself with both medicine and the herbs of the
old ways. She wants to try and repair the damage that has been done to her body. Through all her
ups and downs, all her ins and outs of hospitals, my daughter’s will has remained strong. My
children have a strong faith that’s as strong as mine. They have had to fight off the dark ones in
their own way and have won each battle. My daughter sees her diabetes as a condition she must
learn to overcome. She has given birth to a beautiful baby boy. As a mother, she plans on raising
her child the best she can in a natural way. My son is also raising his family as vegetarians. The
dark ones still torment us all, but I’m sure we’ll always overcome all conditions.

One day, I was introduced to an elderly distinguished gentlemen, who was trying to find out how
the could get his Veterans benefits. As I shook his hand, he pulled me near, so he could whisper a
message in my ear. I looked into his kind dark brown eyes and told him, I’d explain how he
could get the help he needed. He told me, I was no longer alone. He knew what I felt.

With those words, I gave him a hug and said, “We’re family.” From that moment on, he has been
a father, brother and best friend to me. He’s a worker in the light. He wasn’t only able to feel my
vibrations, he was also able to see my Grand Pop on one side of me and the Father helper spirit
on the other side, walking with me. We became helpers to each other, because we were both
traveling down the same path. We were able to feel each other’s ups and downs, even thought we
lived far apart.

This elderly gent was much different from the women psychics I met. He was a master of the
scared rites of the Old Ones from the different places he traveled. The old ways he learned in
Spain, France and Italy, to the strange customs and rituals of Africa, Cuba, Jamaica and Haiti.
One day, he told me a story about something that happened more than twenty years before our
meeting. He was in Haiti where he studied under a master who was 102 years old. The old
master told him that he’d meet me and become a very close friend. He said the old master
described me to the tee, even providing my name. He told him there would be times he’d help
me in my fight against the dark ones and we’d win each fight.

The gentleman lived about eight blocks from my home, so I walked to see him at least once or
twice a week. He had a three-story home with ten kinds of rose bushes in the front yard. The
house had a wrought iron porch where he sat on sunny afternoons. When one stepped through the
front door of his home, one felt as though one had stepped back in time. It was as though one
went back to the turn of the century when things were a little less confusing. The house was
filled with antiques that belonged to his family. There wasn’t any smell of age coming from the
antiques like in those antique shops. Instead, there was the smell of fresh cut flowers and
everything was spotlessly clean.

The Enlightenment Crooked Arrow

The living room had a large tapestry that hung on the wall behind the Victorian style sofa. Over
the mantel piece was a beautiful scenery painting. The wall bookcase was filled with old books
and small knickknacks. One shelf had small elephants all the way across it, another had roosters
of all sizes and yet another had many religious statues.

There were two high-backed Victorian armchairs on different sides of the room. There was a
stained glass window with a statue of an angel on the widow sill. Beside the window on the left
sat a beautiful baby grand piano. On the opposite side of the room was a hardwood staircase that
led to the upper floors. On the left of the piano was the archway, leading to the dining room. In
the center of the dining room sat a hand-carved redwood dinette set. The chairs were high-
backed, hand-carved and the seats were covered with tapestry. Above the table hung a beautiful
three-tiered, antique, crystal chandelier in the ceiling.

Past the dinning area was the kitchen. There was a stove, sink, dishwasher, refrigerator and lots
of storage space. The wooden dinette table was where we spent most of our time when we were
indoors. Otherwise, we sat on the front porch. The elderly gentleman loved to cook and was
always inviting my family and I over for a good old-fashioned spaghetti dinner. He would read
the crystal ball and tell me things he saw in it. He also read the Spanish deck of cards, which I
found to be very interesting. He could look at a person and tell them what was going on in their
life. He could even do it over the phone with people he never met.

Together, we spent long hours communicating about the spirit world. We understood each other
and found that we could say things to each other that we couldn’t say in front of other people. He
taught me different rituals for fighting the dark ones. My children chose him as their godfather,
when they got baptized in the Catholic church. When my son had his first child, he became his
godfather, also. He had a special way with children. I really learned a lot from this wonderful old
gentleman about the world and different cultures even though I’ve moved so far away. I pray I
can still learn more of life’s history from him. We have a special link that we always know when
the other needs to talk, or is sick, even though we have many miles now between us. My move to
Arizona hasn’t changed the things I’ve been through and am still going through. Arizona will be
another story.

One day I was coming in my front door when the phone rang. It was my mother. She began
pleading with me to help my father. I asked her what his problem was. She told me that my
younger brother had taken my father to the hospital. The doctors said he would have to stay,
because he was having prostate trouble.

My father said, “No way” and left the hospital. My mother said that even the tribal medicine man
came over with my older brother and tried to help my father. She said, “Please. I know you can
help him, because I saw what you did for our dog.”

The Enlightenment Crooked Arrow

She was referring to the time her dog was very sick and having a hard time trying to stand. She
saw me pray and hold my hands on the dog. Then I cleaned the dog’s electrical field. As I was
clearing it, the dog began to stand up straight. He wagged his tail and tried to thank me by trying
to lick my face. I told her that was different.

She said, “Please! You have to try. He hasn’t been able to go to the bathroom in several days and
is in a lot of pain.” I told her, I had to go to the bathroom and would give her a call back. I hung
up the phone and ran to the bathroom, because my bladder felt like it wanted to burst. While
sitting in this peaceful place, I began to pray and ask what I could do for my father.

A voice answered me saying, “Tell your father....” Before he went any further, I interrupted.
I wasn’t telling him anything until I knew who was giving the message. I always challenged the
spirits, I wasn’t used to hearing from, because I had to be sure I was dealing with the helpers in
the light. The spirit told me my folks would know who he was, and he told me what my father
needed to do. I thanked him and left the bathroom. I went back downstairs and called my mother
back on the phone. I asked her if she knew who I was talking to by the name he gave me.

She said, “Oh my God, I knew you could help.” She told me that the spirit was that of my great
grandfather’s older brother. I asked her if he was anything like Grand Pop. She replied that he
taught Grand Pop everything he knew. I told her to send one of my brothers to my house, so I
could give him the objects my father would need, along with the instructions.

That night, my father felt much better and by the end of the week, no longer had prostate trouble.
I told the old gentleman what happened. He said that I have many helpers. He also said he knew
that I was having many visions and that the answer would someday come to me about these

One afternoon, I was busy, changing my living room around. I stood back and stared at the blank
wall between the two front windows. Suddenly there was a vision on the wall, and a voice said
paint it in while it was still there. I had a large paint set in the living room closet. I got it while
praying that the vision would stay. The voice said it would be there until I filled it all in. The
vision remained, as I continued to paint in all that I saw.

After I put the finishing touch on it, the voice said, “You’ll know the other workers of light,
who’ll need your help by a different sign.” I asked what the sign was. The voice said, “You’ll see
either a white cross, white star, or a white arched light above their head.” I finished the picture
just as the vision faded away. I stood back away from it and was truly surprised at how beautiful
it looked. My son came in the house and asked what I was doing. I pointed to the finished
picture. My son looked at the picture and said, “Genesis.”

The Enlightenment Crooked Arrow

I asked what he meant. He said that the picture showed the creation of everything because God
said the word, and it was. He was right, it was the “WORD.” The painting remained on the wall
the whole time we lived there. It became an interesting conversational piece.

There was a huge head of an old man with white hair and white mustache. His eyes were kind
and gentle. They were the eyes of a young man in an old man’s head. It was the same head that
was on the throne in one of my other visions. From his mouth came a ray of objects. There was a
white dove, an angel and all the planets. Above the head, the blue background was almost black
but started getting lighter as it went to the end of the picture. For my family, this was a very
special painting. My daughter especially liked it and took several pictures of it with her camera. I
even painted a small copy on canvas for the older gentleman. It was artwork that was truly

The Enlightenment Crooked Arrow

While I was in college, I had to write an English paper for school about who I was. I wanted it to
be different, but one that would reflect the real me. I sat in my living room trying to figure out
how to write the paper. I was talking to myself when suddenly a voice answered me. It said that I
was going to write the paper the next day. I replied, “Who in the Sam hill are you?” The voice
answered that he was Pythagoras. He said for me to have a pen and paper ready at one o’clock on
Sunday afternoon.

On Sunday, I sat at one o’clock. I said, “Ok, where are you? I’m ready to write.” He said, “Write
what I say.” I wrote a wonderful description of who I really was. On Monday, I handed the paper
in. The teacher decided to have a private meeting with each of the students about their papers.
My meeting with him was at one o’clock that afternoon. I had been waiting for it all day. The
teacher said he enjoyed reading the paper and that, of course, I got an “A”. He said it wasn’t
often he got to read work that had true meaning. I explained I didn’t deserve the credit for the
paper, because I had help from the spirit world. This was the first time I ever told a teacher I
didn’t deserve my grade and that I had help, especially from the spirit world. He said it didn’t
matter, because he knew the paper was truly about me. I told him I had a message for him from
the spirits and gave it to him. He looked shocked and almost fell out of his chair. Then I said,
“I’m sorry. I don’t know what the message means.” He told me it was alright. He also said that
he had been looking for that answer for more than six months.

After the visitations in the church, I could no longer hide my abilities for I had to help all those
God sent my way, even my worst enemies. I didn’t put up a neon sign like a lot of other psychics,
and I didn’t need to advertise. God did that. I just waited for God to do as He said. He said that
the ones He sent to me would say something that would be a signal for me that they were sent by

From that day forward, I continued to meet lots of interesting people. I found out there were
many more like me who were workers of light. The workers of light don’t have signs on their
doorways. They don’t charge an arm and leg for the help they give. They don’t need to advertise,
for God does that for them. They’re humble people who have a genuine concern for other people
and every living thing on this planet.

I continue to have visions, especially the one that helped me and my mate decide to move to
Arizona. One evening, three angels came and told me that Philadelphia would change. Soon it
wouldn’t be the beautiful city of brotherly love. They said I was to move from here before this
happened. I told them, I had no way to do this. The angels said I wasn’t to worry, for God would
make the way open for me when the time was right.

The Enlightenment Crooked Arrow

Within a matter of several months, the way was open for us to move and the direction to go in.
Soon after we left Philadelphia, the angels came to tell me that the dark ones were gaining
control over the city. Soon it, would reflect their control and become a dark gloomy place with
little hope because of the lack of brotherly love.

One might be wondering why I wrote this book. Well, the times have changed, and the world we
live in is accepting the paranormal more and more each day. This is a very good thing for the
workers of light. Besides, the spirits said it was time to write the book.

The real reason I wrote this book is for those who have small children who talk to imaginary
people. Please don’t be too quick to make them stop, for they really might have a friend who can
vibrate at a frequency that only the child can see. There are more and more children in this world
who are feeling like freaks. They aren’t freaks, but very gifted. They’re surrounded by people
who don’t understand and are quick to make fun of what they don’t understand. Please take time
to understand these special little ones before the light goes out in their eyes. Each day, I see the
children on the news who have committed crimes, and there’s no longer the sparkle of light that
should shine in all children’s eyes. I only hope that this book will help enlighten the parents of
today to the little light workers they’ve brought into this world. Please encourage them to do the
work they’ve been sent here to do.

The majority of the crime today is by children. Children,who are so engulfed in fear that they no
longer hold life to be something that should be treasured. The dark ones are winning control of
the children only because the adults have left the door wide open for this to happen. Please help
stop the chaos. Remember, even in the bad child, there is still hope as long as there is room for

The people, who’ve helped me along my journey to do God’s work, remain an important part of
my life. They’re all remembered, not only in this book, but also in my daily prayers. May they all
walk within the light. I thank God for allowing me to meet them, learn from them and I pray that
all I have revealed within these pages helps to enlighten others, so the children may have a
chance to walk within the light and know what real brother/sisterhood is all about.



The Enlightenment Crooked Arrow

About the Author
Crooked Arrow is a gifted Intuitive Anatomical Health Practitioner, as well as a Spiritual
Counselor and Tribal Medicine Woman, who has devoted her time and energy into helping
others. Her sensitivity and ability to understand the signs around us, enables her to consult on
body, mind and spirit.

From a technical and certification aspect, Crooked Arrow has a Master’s Degree in Herbalism,
and a Ph.D. in Natural Nutrition as well as an extensive background in massage, polarity and
aroma therapies. She is the founder of the Mustard Seed M edicine Council. She has won
numerous awards for her poetry and was recently among the finalist in the Red Bull Art of Can
2008 Exhibitions. She is a crafter and a recycle artist using junk mail to create beautiful works of
art. She has written and copyrighted the following books,
A Tree For Health
The Enlightenment
The Whispering Desert
Earth Walk
The First Medicine Wheel Coloring Book
Not His-story, Not Her-story, But Another-story
Will You Listen
The L.O.O.P.
Restoring Tribal Pride
How? Journey of an Awakening
The Medicine Warrior Workbook
The Legendaries’s Great Gathering
Your Kitchen Medicine Chest

In addition, she has also co-written and copyrighted the following books with her son,
A Song in My Heart
The Nomians
The Cat Who Couldn’t Meow

The Enlightenment Crooked Arrow


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