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Valdez, Faye Lyn


Paper no.3

Reality speaking, business world is full of lies. And businessmen treat it like their religion where

they do ritual patterns and rules that beyond comprehension of any normal person. And no matter how

good or bad that leader is, lying is inevitavle.

They said that there are two types of lying. One is just the normal one. Two, they call it white

lies. White lies because a person may be lying but the intentions aren't bad. Same goes with the leader

on wether the goal is for organization or merely for selfish desires.

Yes, it may be unethical deceive others but if it is for the good result, then it is acceptable in a

business view. And here are the two deceitful practices that the intervievees have encountered.

One, sometimes a leader shows that he cares at all. Pretending to be good and encourages

members to cooperate during the job but when the work is done, he takes all the credits thus wanting

self gain like promotion.

Two, unjust job division. Since leader is responsible for the whole team, he is also assigned to

divide the work. And yet, sometimes a leader may take advantage of it and assign it all to its members

leaving nothing for himself.

Self interest can be reduced by management through thorough inspection. They must conduct

interviews to the team. It may be sound impossible especially to large conpanies, but it could help the


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