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Col. Ruperto Abellon National School

Guisijan, Laua,an, Antique

Name of the Teacher: Rassel Jay Gumboc Date: February 21, 2018
No. of Hours: 1hr.

I. Learning Competency
Domain Competency
Use correct capitalization of words in a
Grammar Awareness sentence

Use proper punctuation marks – full stop,

question mark and exclamation mark

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Using Capitalization and Punctuation Marks
Materials: PowerPoint, Projector, Laptop
Reference: Capitalization.
Flores, Florian, &Flores, R. V. (2013). Master English Grammar
without Cracking Your Brain ( Revised ed.). Mind Stirrers
Publishing. No. 4 San Bartolome Street, Sipocot, Camarines Sur.
pp 103, 108-107.

Value Focus: Cooperation

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Review
What did you discuss last meeting?
What did you learn?
Did you really understand the past lesson? Yes.

B. Motivation
What’s the difference between the two letters? The one is in uppercase and the other
Aa is in lowercase.
What are these symbols?
These symbols are called punctuation
. ? ! marks.
Let’s all determine how to use these symbols.
C. Presentation/ Discussion

Identify the errors in these sentences.

1.louis and i shall both call you 1.louis and i shall both call you.
2.why can’t i speak to mr parvin today 2.why can’t i speak to mr parvin
3.what an amazing show it was today?
4. let’s go to picnic on tuesday 3.what an amazing show it was!
4. let’ go to picnic on tuesday.
D. Analysis
What have you notice in these sentences? The sentences are grammatically

Identify the errors in each sentence. Explain why 1. L in Louis should be

it is an error. capitalized, it is a name of a
specific person. The pronoun I
should also be capitalized. It
should end with a period.
2. W in Why should be
capitalized because it’s the
start of the sentence. The
pronoun I, and Mr. Parvin
should be capitalized. It should
end in a full stop.
3. W in What should be
capitalized because it’s the
beginning of a sentence. It
should end in exclamation
4. L in Let’s should be capitalized
because it’s the start of a
sentence. T in Tuesday has to
be in capital letter because it’s
a name of day.

To correct these sentences, we have to clearly

understand the use of capitalization and
punctuation marks in English.

E. Abstraction
First we have to know what capitalization is and
why it is important to use capital letters.

Who can tell me what capitalization is? Capitalization is the use of capital or
uppercase letters.
Great start!

Capitalization is the writing of a word with its

first letter as an upper case and the remaining
letters in lower case.

Why is it important to use capital letters? It is important to use capital letters to

indicate the beginning of a sentence.
Capital letters are useful signals for a reader.
They have three main purposes: to let the reader
know a sentence is beginning, to show important
words in a title, and to signal proper names and
official titles.

Now that you understand what capitalization

means, let’s learn how we can easily remember
when to use capital letters.

MINTS is the acronym to remember the rules of


Months, days, holidays, and special days

Start of sentences

Let’s start with rule #1. Capitalize the months,

days, holidays, and special days.

Sunday, May, Christmas

Rule #2 Capitalize the pronoun I

Julie and I play during recess.
I think I’ll call you at six o’clock.
Rule #3. Capitalize the specific names of persons
and places.

George W. Bush, Pedro, Philippines

Rule #4. Capitalize the titles of people, books or

Ms. Pobocik loves Frozen.

Note: Capitalize the first word, the last word,

and all important words in any title. Do not capitalize a,
an, the, and, but, or, nor, or prepositions of four fewer
letters unless they are the first or last word of a title.

The Little Prince

Gone with the Wind

Note: Capitalize Mother, Father, Aunt, Uncle

and other titles when they are used as names.

Uncle Rob gave Mother a ring as a present.

When the noun is modified by a personal

pronoun, the noun is not capitalized.

My mother helped me to make a costume for the


Rule #5. Capitalize the first letter of the first

word in a sentence

We walked along the path to the lake.
Do you recognize that girl?

Great job in helping me learn this rules. Now

let’s practice these rules with a partner. I have
three sentences that have some letters that need
to be capitalized, can you guys help me? Yes

Great! First, I want you to turn to your partner

sitting next to you. One will get a piece of paper
and the other a ball pen. I’m giving 30 seconds.
Ready, set, go!

Well done! I see that you’re all ready. You are

all doing a wonderful job participating. For your
practice, I don’t want you to write down the
entire sentence, unless you want to. But I do
need you to write each letter that need to be
capitalized. Here is your first sentence:
1. on friday i went to manila with michael. OFIMM
(I see five letters that need to be capitalized.
Who wants to share what letters you think
need to be capitalized?)

Let’s see how you did.

On Friday I went to Manila with Michael.

2. mr. smith and i have a birthday in march. MSIM

(I see four letters that need to be capitalized.
Who wants to help with this one? What
letters did you capitalize?)

Let’s see your answer.

Mr. Smith and I have a birthday in March.

3. can susan read dr. seuss? CSDS

(In this sentence, I see four letters that need
to be capitalized. Who wants to answer?)

Let’s check your answer.

Can Susan read Dr. Seuss?

Very good.

Now, we’re going to switch gears and go over the

basic symbols of the use of punctuation.

First, who can tell me the meaning of punctuation Punctuation marks are symbols used in
marks? writing to separate the sentences.

Punctuation marks are symbols used in writing to

separate the sentences and their elements to clarify

Why do we use punctuation marks? We use punctuation marks to end our

We use punctuation marks to show the reader
where sentences start and finish and if they
are used properly they make our writing easy to

We’re going to cover three basic punctuation marks We use a full stop to end a sentence.

1. Full stop (.)

When do you think we use this symbol?
Good. A full stop is used to mark the end of a
simple statement or a command.

This is a tall tree.
Let us go home.

A full stop is also used to mark abbreviations and


Mr., Dr. Santos, Jr.

2. Question Mark (?) We use a question mark in asking

When do you think we use a question mark? questions.

A question mark is used at the end of a sentence

that asks a question.

Can we switch on the lights?
Whose box is this?

3. Exclamation Mark (!) We use exclamation mark in

When do we use an exclamation mark? expressing strong emotion.

An exclamation mark is used to indicate strong

feeling within a sentence, such as fear, anger or

Watch out for the speeding cars!
Wow! It looks beautiful.

These are the only symbols that we are going to

study today. Let’s have a partner practice by
using the same scrap of paper and the person
sitting next to you.

I want you to write the symbol ones, so be

careful and think hard. Here’s you first sentence:

1. I can’t wait to see Lego movie____

(What do you think goes at the end?) Exclamation mark (!)
2. My dad is a doctor___
(What do you think goes at the end of this Full stop (.)
Good. There’s nothing special about this
sentence, so we use a full stop to show that
we’re done.

3. How many siblings do you have _____

(What do you think is at the end of this Question mark (?)

Very good.

Every sentence should include at least a capital letter at

the start, and a full stop, exclamation mark or question
mark at the end. This basic system indicates that the
sentence is complete.

F. Application
Now let’s apply what you have learned. I will
divide you into five groups. You are going to
perform the activity in the worksheet. I’ll give
you 15 mins. to do the work.

a. Direction: There are 22 letters in this story

that should be capitalized. Circle each letter
that should be capitalized.

1 11 corrections 1 11 corrections
i decided to write a journal called, "september I decided to write a journal called,
memoirs of a great beauty," by j. j. robins. here "September Memoirs of
is my journal entry for tuesday, september 5, a Great Beauty," by J. J. Robins. Here
2002: is my journal entry
2 4 corrections for Tuesday, September 5, 2002:
today before i woke up, my brother tiptoed 2 4 corrections
into my room, shoelaces trailing from his nike® Today before I woke up, my
sneakers. he stopped where the sunlight brother tiptoed into my room,
streamed through the blinds, throwing stripes shoelaces trailing from his Nike®
across his little face. sneakers. He stopped where the
3 2 corrections sunlight streamed through the blinds,
"hey, jenny, you awake?" throwing stripes across his little face.
4 6 corrections 3 2 corrections
"isn't it obvious?" i was looking right at "Hey, Jenny, you awake?"
travis, close enough to tickle him. 4 6 corrections
"Isn't it obvious?" I was looking
right at Travis, close enough to tickle

b. Direction: To punctuate sentences using full

stop, capital letters, question mark and
exclamation mark.

1. who was the first person to land on the moon 1. Who was the first person to
land on the moon?
2. i hope that graduation day comes soon 2. I hope that Graduation Day
comes soon!
3. my g.p. is called dr. santos 3. My G.P. is called Dr. Santos.

4. stop it watch what you’re doing 4. Stop it! Watch what you’re
5. does david Cameron work for queen 5. Does David Cameron work for
elizabeth Queen Elizabeth?

IV. Evaluation
Direction: Punctuate the paragraph using full stop, capital letters, question mark and
exclamation mark.

harry spencer lived in the tiny english village of hampton he was a famous detective
who ran the spencer detective agency on river road he had many local clients have
you heard of derek gallagher harry followed him, to make sure that he was going to
work every day do you know where he was going instead he was going fishing what a
naughty man

V. Assignment
Direction: Punctuate the paragraph using full stop, capital letters, question mark and
exclamation mark.

(1) the last time I went to laua-an, it rained all day I forgot my umbrella, so i got
soaked have you ever done that what an idiot next time i’ll remember it

(2) i felt ill so i had to go to the dr patel he works at the health center i showed him
my tummy and he said that he’d give me some medicine it tasted disgusting have
you ever had to take a medicine before

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