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Reading skills practice: On the telephone – answers

Answers to On the telephone – exercises


1. b 3. d
2. a 4. c

1. Check your understanding: true or false

1. False 4. True
2. True 5. True
3. False 6. False

2. Check your understanding: gap fill

1. Lucy is going to the cinema with her friend Peter.

2. They are going to watch Deathball 3.
3. They are meeting at Lucy’s house at 5:45 pm.
4. Then, they are taking the bus to the cinema.

3. Check your understanding: matching

1. d Who is Lucy going to the cinema with? Peter

2. e What film are they going to watch? Deathball 3
3. b What time are they meeting? 5:45 pm.
4. a Where are they meeting? Lucy’s house
5. c How are they going to the cinema? by bus

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