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In this tutorial we make a basic bubble and save as a new brush.

Then open a photo that could be associated with

bubbles and using the paint brush, paint bubbles on the image changing the size of the brush to make them appear
random. Then finally adding colour to the bubbles.

Go to [File] create a new canvas / Default size,

1 640 x 400

Use the [Bucket] fill tool and fill the canvas

with [Black]

3 Click this icon to create a new layer,

default [Transparency]

Choose the [Ellipse] tool and drag a 4

circle on you transparency layer

5 Fill the selection with white.

Select the [Eraser] tool choose a Fuzzy brush and lower the brush
6 [Opacity] to 50%. Then click in the centre a few times to erase some of
the white.
Now erase to one side using the
same fuzzy brush. Taking care
not to erase the circle edges

Delete the background layer by drag & drop
in the waste bin.
9 Select the [Rectangle] select tool and make
a selection over the bubble.
Go to [Edit] and click [Copy].

Return to [Edit] and
click [Paste as] in
the next dialog click,
[New Brush]

In the option menu enter 'Brush name' Bubble.
And repeat for 'File name' Bubble then click [OK]

13 Delete the work canvas and load

your image.
Make a new [Layer] transparency.
14 By clicking this icon.
Select the [Paintbrush] and click
your new bubble brush.
Now paint your bubbles on the layer.

Change the brush size by moving the slider.

Make small and large paint bubbles to give the impression of
random bubbles.

Right click the top layer and click
[Alpha to Selection]

Click the [Blend] tool, click the corner of the
[Gradient] and select [Pastel Rainbow].
Click the [Shape] down arrow and choose

Drag the gradient over the bubble
area. Go to [Select] on the menu bar
and select [None].

Finally right click the top layer and

Flatten image.
Go to [File] and [Export] the photo.

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