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"The Impact of Technological Development"

Good morning and greetings to all of us,

Whom I respect Principal Brother,

Whom I respect the teachers, employees and friends who I am proud of,

First of all, let us praise the presence of God Almighty, for His blessings and mercy on this sunny morning we
can gather in this place in good health and without any shortcomings.

Ladies and gentlemen,

The development of today's technology is growing rapidly every day and makes life easier. Especially during
this pandemic where we are required to stay at home.

One example is that we can get what we ordered with just a few clicks where before we had to visit the store in
person. However, do you know what technology really is and what impact it will have?

Technology is all facilities and infrastructure of various forms that meet the needs of life and increase the
comfort of human life. At first, the form of technology that can make life easier is an item.

But over time, technological developments also include objects that we can't actually touch.

During this pandemic, technology is very useful to help the continuation of human life. As we know, we are
strongly advised not to leave the house if it is not an urgent matter to reduce the possibility of being exposed to

Apps that can make video calls, order food and other necessities online, and most importantly, the internet, have
made a huge contribution to ensuring that humans can keep in touch with each other and their basic needs are

Ladies and gentleman,

Technological developments that are growing rapidly will certainly change our lifestyle, and as discussed
earlier, make life easier in general.

However, technological developments are like a double-edged sword. This means that although there are many
positive impacts on the one hand, there are also some negative impacts on the other side.

Some of the effects of technological developments that can be said to be positive are as follows:

• Simplify and streamline the process of exchanging information

• Improve work efficiency and effectiveness

• Enables fully online learning

• Can communicate with other people even though they are not in the same location

However, there are some negative effects of technological developments if not used wisely. For example:

• Make an addiction to the gadgets they have and the applications that are in them

• Reduced socialization between people because they are too focused on themselves interacting with technology.

• Increasing number of unemployed because more companies are using technology than people.
Ladies and gentleman,

From the discussion above, it can be concluded that technology that continues to develop can make our lives
easier and more comfortable. Even so, if not used wisely, there are some negative impacts that actually worsen
our quality of life. Therefore, as millennials, we must be wise in using technology. Don't let technology rule us.
TECHNOLOGY. We are developing technology, so we must develop like technology.

That's all I can say, more or less I apologize if there are any wrong words, and for your attention I thank you
profusely. Finally, I wish you good morning


Poster is any piece of printed paper designed to be attached to a wall or vertical

surface. A poster is also a work of art or graphic design that contains a composition of
images and letters on large paper.

Typically posters include both textual and graphic elements, although a poster may be
either wholly graphical or wholly text.

The function of poster

Posters may be used for many purposes. They are a frequent tool of advertisers
(particularly of events, musicians and films), propagandists, protestors and other groups
trying to communicate a message.

The characteristic of the poster:

1. Using a simple statement

2. There are some pictures that can describe the content of the message of the poster
3. It made a simple depend on the theme.
Poster is a publication media consisting of writing, pictures or a combination of the two
with the aim of providing information to the general public. Posters are usually posted in
strategic public places such as schools, offices, markets, malls and other crowded
places. The information on the posters generally invites the public.

These posters are generally affixed to walls or relatively flat surfaces in busy public
places so that the information and messages in the posters can be conveyed to the

Kinds of Posters

Based on the contents:

1. Commercial Posters, these posters generally offer a company’s products.
2. Activity Poster, this poster informs the public about activities.
3. Education Posters, this poster is intended for educational-themed matters.
4. Public Service Posters, posters about government public services.
Based on the objectives:

1. Propaganda posters, these posters have a very strong influence on society

2. Campaign posters, posters that are often seen before the General Election.
3. “Wanted” or “Wanted” posters, these posters are generally for people looking.
4. Poster “Cheesecake”, this poster was created to seek public attention.
5. Movie Poster, this poster promotes the film to be known by the public.
6. Cartoon Poster, this is a publication poster of cartoon comics.
7. Affirmation poster, this poster aims to provide motivation.
8. Research Poster, this poster publishes research and research.
9. Class Posters, these posters can be found in school classes.
10. Commercial Posters, this poster is for commercial purposes.
Example :

6.      Review
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e.       Group Marcos
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