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Name : Nana Rufita Dewi


Assalamualaikum, introduce my name is nana rufita dewi i am now studying

at poltekkes palangka raya majoring in midwifery, here i got the assignment from my
lecturer retno mother, from three choice of task i prefer if i want to repeat time what i
want to change for future.

Well, here I will be a lot of fantasies, we know no one person can change the
time except on the will of Allah SWT but if I was given a chance to repeat the time of
course I do not want to enter this midwifery department, because what, because I am
one type someone who really does not like to write but I prefer to hear and count,
everyone knows that midwifery students must write more, hmmmb that is very
contrary to my nature, if no lecture maybe I have left this department and choose
another, not only that lecture midwife is also heavy if I compare with my dorm friends
who take other majors.

However, I think again that the difficulty of college is not worth the trouble
to both my parents work for me, whereas at the beginning of my high school
graduation my parents will not allow me to go in this because my sister is also a
midwife, my parents more advised me to major in information engineering or I
majored in accounting, hmmb indeed something against the old man would never be
good, but what is the power like the proverbial of rice has become mush .

If time I can reload I will not lecture midwifery and maybe I can take math
majors or accounting majors like my hobby counting, or maybe I am not college but I
will take beauty course in jakarta, because in addition to my hobby count also hobby
makeup hehehee can look at my instagram account there are many upload me about
my uptime, when my parents also gave choices, make up or college courses, after I
think thought it's good we have a degree first let course could follow after college .

And there is one more hope I if time can be repeated, I will always keep my
diet because my diet first indiscriminate effect to my body fat, whereas when grade 1
high school my weight only 50 kg and now heavy my body is close to the number 70,
the result of this fatness I am so embarrassed move when I am his people hobby public
speaking, hobby discussion, when I was thin I like to join many races like ambassadors
of the environment, alhamdulilllah traffic ambassador always can champion one but
there is one desire that I have not realized I want to join the tourism ambassador race
but in because my body is finally fattening me so embarrassed to follow the race .

Although fat can still be in the fight for the skinny but everyone who has fat
know how difficult diet, maybe that's just a little outpouring of my heart about if I can
repeat the time, the rest I can only try to live the existing and continue the spirit of
living reality .

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