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Online Shopper Motivations, and e-Store Attributes: An Examination of

Online Patronage Behavior and Shopper Typologies

Article  in  Journal of Retailing · March 2010

DOI: 10.1016/j.jretai.2010.01.003


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4 authors, including:

Kristy Reynolds Nadia Pomirleanu

University of Alabama University of Nevada, Las Vegas


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Journal of Retailing 86 (1, 2010) 106–115

Online Shopper Motivations, and e-Store Attributes: An Examination of

Online Patronage Behavior and Shopper Typologies
Jaishankar Ganesh a , Kristy E. Reynolds b,∗ , Michael Luckett c , Nadia Pomirleanu d
aDepartment of Marketing, University of Central Florida, United States
b Department of Management and Marketing, University of Alabama, P.O. Box 870225, Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0225, United States
c Department of Marketing, University of South Florida, United States
d Department of Marketing, University of Nevada – Las Vegas, United States

e-Stores and online shopping have become important aspects of a retailer’s strategy. Previous research suggests that online shoppers are
fundamentally different from traditional offline shoppers. However, based on the Big Middle Theory (Levy et al. 2005), the authors believe that
there are segments of online shoppers that are very similar to regular shopper groups. To determine this, online shopping motivations and e-store
attribute importance measures are separately used as the basis to develop online shopper typologies. Results reveal that there are more similarities
than differences among traditional and online store shoppers. However, there are a few unique shopper types present at online stores, attracted by
the distinctive characteristics and attributes of the online retail environment. The findings offer interesting implications for online retail strategy.
Published by Elsevier Inc on behalf of New York University.

Keywords: Online shopping; e-Store; Shoppers

Introduction In addition, past research contends that online shoppers may

demand more product information, more product variety, and
The development of shopper typologies is a well-established more personalized or specialized products compared to regular
stream of research in retailing with over 40 studies investigat- shoppers (Burke 1997; Syzmanski and Hise 2000). Finally, it
ing retail patronage behavior using a variety of bases, such is believed that online shoppers are not strongly motivated to
as retail attribute importance, shopping motivations, attitude shop for fun or recreation (Li, Ko, and Russell 1999; Mathwick,
toward shopping, shopping frequency, and store loyalty. Most Malhotra, and Rigdon 2001).
of these studies have concentrated on understanding consumer Although past research contends that online shoppers are very
patronage behavior in traditional retail formats. However, more different from regular shoppers, based on the Big Middle Theory
recently, research in online retailing has suggested that those (Levy et al. 2005), we believe that many of today’s online shop-
who shop online behave in fundamentally different ways com- pers are in fact quite similar to regular shoppers in terms of their
pared to traditional retail shoppers (e.g., Alba et al. 1997; shopping motivations and store attribute importance. This is the
Evanschitzky et al. 2004; Rohm and Swaminathan 2004; Shim et basic premise that is postulated and tested in the current research.
al. 2001; Srinivasan, Anderson, and Ponnavolu 2002; Wallace, Further, the current study addresses some unanswered questions
Giese, and Johnson 2004; Winer et al. 1997; and Wolfinbarger relating to how online shoppers compare with traditional retail
and Gilly 2003). shoppers in terms of the shopper’s level of knowledge of the
According to past research, online shoppers are thought to product sought, and on other interesting online variables such
be more concerned with convenience, are willing to pay extra to as flow and tele-presence.
save time (Burke 1997; Li, Ko, and Russell 1999; Morganosky In essence, the main objectives of this study are as follows:
and Cude 2000; Syzmanski and Hise 2000), and may also dislike
regular shopping (Burke 1997; Morganosky and Cude 2000).
(a) Test the Big Middle Theory in an online context by devel-
oping a typology of online shoppers based on shopping
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 205 348 0050. motivations and a typology based on e-store attribute impor-
E-mail address: (K.E. Reynolds). tance.

0022-4359/$ – see front matter. Published by Elsevier Inc on behalf of New York University.
J. Ganesh et al. / Journal of Retailing 86 (1, 2010) 106–115 107

(b) To compare these online shopper typologies with those iden- online retailers will seek to move toward the Big Middle mar-
tified in traditional retail formats using similar measures ketspace.,, and Ebay Stores are
(shopping motivations and store attribute importance). among many good examples of this process in action. Having
(c) To profile these online shopper segments on patronage begun with relatively small, focused product assortments, these
behavior. online retailers have moved to the Big Middle by expanding
into numerous product lines, lowering margins, and expanding
The theoretical rationale behind using shopping motivations their concepts (i.e., online affiliate marketing programs, blogs,
and store attribute importance is well documented in the litera- cross-selling push technology, diversification into higher priced
ture (e.g., Bellenger, Robertson, and Greenberg 1977; Bellenger offerings).
and Korgaonkar 1980; Ganesh, Reynolds, and Luckett 2007; Since retailers are constantly adapting to an ever-changing
Westbrook and Black 1985). The online shopper segments found retail consumer, the Big Middle theory suggests the existence of
here are compared to the shopper subgroups found in the litera- a core group of shoppers seeking a relatively consistent and more
ture dealing with traditional retail formats. demanding bundle of retail attributes: broad and deep product
mixes with consistently low prices. Recent research offers ten-
Theoretical framework and research propositions tative support for the existence of Big Middle shoppers within
traditional retail format settings (Ganesh, Reynolds, and Luckett
Based on the Big Middle Theory, we believe that an examina- 2007). However, no similar examination includes online retailers
tion of online patronage behavior and a comparison of shopper as a point of comparison. Given the growth of the online shopper
typologies would reveal shopper segments that are similar to segment, virtually every type of retail format has shifted toward
those found in traditional store formats. Levy et al. (2005) attracting these shoppers, including department stores, discount
define the Big Middle as “the marketspace in which the largest stores, factory outlet malls, category killers, traditional malls,
retailers compete in the long run, because this is where the and arguably online retailers. Thus, based on the Big Middle
largest number of potential customers reside” (p. 85). Exam- Theory, we should expect common types across traditional and
ples include mass-market discount stores such as Wal-Mart online formats.
and Target. While short-term success can be found outside Therefore, although previous research has shown that online
of the Big Middle, the authors argue that over the long-term shoppers are very different from regular shoppers, based on the
most successful niche or segment player retailers will migrate Big Middle Theory, we believe that a majority of today’s online
toward the largest market segment by expanding their mer- shoppers are in fact very similar to regular shoppers. We thus
chandising mix, lowering product margins, increasing inventory propose the following research proposition:
turnover rates, and eliminating certain customer service ele- RP: The similarities across retail formats and the competitive structure
ments. of the retail marketplace suggest the presence of common shopper
According to this theory, there are two ways that suc- subgroups across the customer bases of traditional and online retail
cessful retailers can occupy the Big Middle position in the formats.
retail landscape—as either “Low-price” or “Innovative” play-
ers. Innovative players target quality-conscious consumers Research method
seeking high-end products while Low-price retailers target
price-conscious shoppers. Over time, Innovative players move Instrument design and pre-tests
toward the Big Middle by expanding product lines, driving
down margins, and increasing volume, while Low-price play- An initial qualitative investigation was undertaken to identify
ers upgrade product lines at slightly higher margins. Essentially, online consumers’ attitudes toward shopping on the internet,
both types of retailers reinvent themselves by stretching their their shopping motivations, and e-store attribute importance
brand upward, in the case of Low-price players, or downward in issues relevant to shopping online. Results from the qualitative
the case of Innovators. Ultimately, both retailers hybridize them- study, in combination with a review of the existing literature
selves in order to appeal to the largest portion of the market (Levy (i.e., Alba et al. 1997; Burke 1997; Lynch and Ariely 2000;
et al. 2005). Novak, Hoffman, and Yung 2000; Peterson, Balasubramanian,
Since Big Middle retailers excel at innovating, offering low and Bronnenberg 1997; Syzmanski and Hise 2000), were pre-
prices, or often both, consumers from all parts of the retailing tested, ultimately resulting in the final instrument used in this
spectrum gravitate to them. In other words, consumer segments study.
that traditionally patronized specific retail formats for their dis- First, in order to gain a deeper understanding of the online
tinct core positioning appeal now move toward these successful shopping phenomenon from the customer’s perspective, depth
Big Middle retailers since they get best of all worlds. This sug- interviews were conducted with consumers who had actually
gests that, irrespective of the retail format structure, successful shopped for and purchased items online. This phase of the instru-
Big Middle retailers are bound to see common shopper sub- ment design process helped validate shopping motivations and
groups within the consumer base patronizing their stores. attribute importance items suggested by previous research while
In the current context, online stores have entered the retail also revealing new items unique to the online environment.
arena as “Innovators.” With increased consumer acceptance for Respondents were recruited on a referral basis—
online purchasing and continued advances in technology, some undergraduate students were asked to provide names of
108 J. Ganesh et al. / Journal of Retailing 86 (1, 2010) 106–115

friends and family members who would be willing to partici- ing constructs: (a) e-store attribute importance (23 items) and
pate in an in-depth interview. An attempt was made to interview (b) online shopping motivations (33 items). A list of the main
a diverse sample of shoppers with regards to age, occupation, constructs and the measures used in this study along with the
gender, income, and reasons for shopping online. The final coefficient alphas are provided in Appendix A.
sample included 64 men and 41 women, ranging from 18 to
66 years of age. A variety of occupations and income levels Online data collection
were represented. The interviews began with an explanation
of the study’s objectives. The participants were then asked to Data was collected for this study using an online survey
think about online shopping in general and to describe reasons administered to a web panel. The design and formatting of the
why they shop online, the benefits they received from online online survey was done based on the advice of the project man-
shopping, and e-store attributes that they considered important agers at Greenfield Online, a recognized pioneer in online mar-
when shopping online. keting research with a national online consumer panel composed
The qualitative data were analyzed following the guidelines of over 1.7 million households. Prizes and contests are typically
suggested by Lincoln and Guba (1985). After the interviews used as incentives for participation; a $500 lottery incentive was
were completed, they were transcribed and the transcriptions offered for this study. Members of the Greenfield Online panel
were read thoroughly many times. Recurring themes, ideas, and can be invited to participate in two ways: through targeted emails
reasons were identified, and a categorizing process developed by based upon desired customer profiles or by accessing the open
Lincoln and Guba (1985), which involved sorting “units” into “Take a Survey” page where all non-targeted surveys are listed.
categories based on similar characteristics, was then employed. In an effort to reach a broad cross-section of the online consumer
After several iterations, the recurring themes, ideas, and reasons panel, the second option was utilized for this research.
were grouped into categories of motivations for online shopping An online consumer panel was chosen for this study over
and e-store attribute importance. broadcast email, mail survey, mall intercept, or random digit
The overall themes that emerged from the analysis of the dialing for several reasons. First, the most appropriate and log-
depth interview data relating to online shopping motivations ical manner in which to identify and study online consumers is
included the ability to easily search, increased product selection through an online approach (Szymanski and Hise 2000). Second,
and product availability, overall shopping convenience, price just as the data for many of the better shopper typology studies
and bargain hunting, shopping for entertainment and escape, focusing on traditional retail formats were gathered on site, to
social shopping, trend shopping (keeping up with trends and be consistent, data concerning online shoppers were similarly
seeing what is new), and avoiding regular shopping. The over- gathered in an online environment. Finally, online surveys offer
all themes that emerged relating to online attribute importance the ability to reach a large number of respondents, while also
included the importance of an online store’s product selection, allowing the researcher to avoid interviewer bias. In addition,
the website’s convenience, prices at the online store, site features because the surveys are voluntarily completed during leisure
such as entertainment offerings, security, and customer service. time, non-cooperation problems are minimized.
The items generated from the interviews were then combined The survey was posted on a Thursday and was made avail-
with those identified by past research studies. The online shop- able for respondents to participate until the following Tuesday.
ping motivation scale items were derived from both the themes This gave potential participants ample opportunity to log-in and
from the qualitative research and past research on traditional take the survey at their convenience during both weekday and
and online shopping. Similarly, the attribute importance items weekend times, and clear instructions as to the format of the sur-
were generated from the themes uncovered during the depth vey and the process of responding to the survey were provided.
interviews and a review of relevant literature. All items were Respondents were informed that the survey was for academic
measured on a seven-point scale. Responses for the shopping research purposes and were assured of confidentiality. Since
motivation items ranged from “provides me no satisfaction at it was an “open-area study,” (i.e., the survey was posted in a
all” (1) to “provides me a great deal of satisfaction” (7). The pre-specified area accessible to all registered members of the
attribute items were measured on a scale ranging from “not at Greenfield Online web panel) users were then able to volun-
all important” (1) to “extremely important” (7). tarily opt-in to take the survey. Therefore, it is not possible to
The combined items were then evaluated for content and obtain a response rate. A total of 3,161 completed responses
face validity by the authors as well as several marketing fac- were obtained at the end of the data collection period, and data
ulty members and redundancies were eliminated. The resulting cleaning revealed 3,059 usable responses.
instrument was subsequently subjected to three rounds of pre-
testing for item reduction and scale purification purposes. This Data analysis and results
process consisted of an initial empirical reduction of the item
pool using exploratory factor analysis. In addition, substantive A preliminary analysis of the data revealed ample variance
as well as empirical considerations were employed throughout in the responses for all items measured. The demographic pro-
the scale purification process. file of the respondents to this study suggested that participants
A total of 602 respondents (identified employing a snowball were predominantly women (66.6%), with nearly 30% between
approach) participated in the pre-tests that resulted in the final the ages of 25 and 34 years. However, other age groups were
instrument, which contained items that measured the follow- also well-represented with 16% between 18 and 24 years, 24%
J. Ganesh et al. / Journal of Retailing 86 (1, 2010) 106–115 109

between 35 and 44 years, 17% between 45 and 54 years, and mortar” location and the ability to return merchandise purchased
10% being 55 or older. The ranges of income levels were 24% online to a physical store. The third factor, “Price Orientation,”
under $30,000 per year, 28% between $30,000 and $49,999, comprises items that involve the availability of special deals,
21% between $50,000 and $74,999, 9% between $75,000 and the frequency of sales and specials, and notification of sales or
$99,999, and some 6% making $100,000 per year or more. specials. The fourth factor, “Website Attractiveness,” relates to
attributes such as the appearance and design of the website. Items
Online shopping motivation dimensions loading on the fifth factor, “Merchandise Variety,” relate to the
variety of products offered by the site, brand names available,
The 33 items used to measure online shopping motiva- and the availability of new products. Finally, the sixth factor,
tions were used in exploratory factor analysis to assess their which refers to the certification of the website by watchdog
dimensionality, factor structure, and measurement properties. organizations or the Better Business Bureau, is termed “Web
A scree-plot of the eigenvalues indicated a seven-factor solu- Security/Certification.”
tion (the results of the factor analyses can be obtained from
the authors). A confirmatory factor analysis using LISREL Online shopping motivation and e-store attribute
(Anderson and Gerbing 1988; Fornell and Larcker 1981) was importance based shopper typologies
employed to further assess the factor structure. All items
loaded highly on their intended construct. Although the chi- Two sets of shopper subgroups were formed using respon-
square statistic was significant (χ2 = 4428.92, df = 474, p < .001), dents’ ratings of the seven motivation dimensions and their
other fit statistics indicated an acceptable measurement model ratings of the six attribute importance factors. In each case, shop-
(GFI = .90, AGFI = .89, CFI = .93, RMSEA = .05). per clusters were formed based on standardized factor scores
Items loading on the first factor, “Web Shopping Conve- using a multi-step cluster analysis using Ward’s method. In
nience,” refer to attributes such as shopping from home, one-stop the case of shopper segments formed using online motivation
shopping, completing shopping tasks quickly, avoiding regu- dimensions, an examination of the changes in the root-mean-
lar shopping (i.e., having to deal with salespeople, standing in square standard deviation (RMSSTD), semipartial R-squared
line, traveling from store to store, and crowds). The second fac- (SPR), R-squares (RS) and distance between two clusters indi-
tor, “Online Bidding/Haggling,” relates to bargaining on price cated a seven-cluster solution. Then, a K-means clustering
in an online auction, being the winner in an auction, haggling procedure with the initial seeds provided by the hierarchical
over price, and submitting bids. Items loading on the third fac- analysis solution was performed to obtain the final clusters.
tor, “Role Enactment,” involve looking for deals, hunting for The seven shopper subgroups obtained from the current study
bargains, and comparison-shopping. The fourth factor, “Avant- using online shopping motivation dimensions were termed as:
gardism” refers to keeping up with trends, shopping for new (a) interactive, (b) destination, (c) apathetic, (d) e-window shop-
products, and creating a new image. The fifth factor, “Affilia- per, (e) basic, (f) bargain seekers, and (g) shopping enthusiast,
tion,” relates to interacting with other online shoppers. The sixth and are presented in Table 1.
factor, “Stimulation,” involves interacting with interesting web- Likewise, using similar procedure as above, the respondents
sites. Finally, the seventh factor, “Personalized Services,” refers were classified into shopper subgroups based on their ratings of
to being personally notified of new products or special deals. the six attribute importance factors. In this case, a six-cluster
solution was found to be most acceptable that includes: (a) des-
e-Store attribute importance dimensions tination, (b) basic, (c) risk averse, (d) apathetic, (e) shopping
enthusiast, and (f) bargain seekers. Table 2 shows the results of
Likewise, the 23 items used to measure e-store attribute this analysis.
importance were used in an exploratory factor analysis to assess It is important to note that the pairwise cluster validation
their dimensionality, factor structure, and measurement prop- (Dant and Gundlach 1998) performed to investigate the
erties. A scree-plot of the eigenvalues from the first sample uniqueness and stability of the clusters revealed that all seven
indicated a six-factor solution (the results of the factor analy- of the motivation factors and all six of the attribute factors
sis can be obtained by request from the authors). Once again, were significant in distinguishing among the clusters. This is
a confirmatory factor analysis using LISREL was employed to evidence of the validity of the findings. A pairwise analysis of
further assess the factor structure and all items loaded highly on the differences between the clusters performed to determine the
their intended construct. The chi-square statistic was significant number and percentage of significantly different pairs revealed
(χ2 = 1867.52, df = 215, p < .001). However, other fit statis- that, for both motivation and attribute based cluster profiles,
tics indicated an acceptable measurement model (GFI = .94, on average, 85% of the individual pairwise differences were
AGFI = .93, CFI = .95, RMSEA = .05). significant at p < .05. This suggests that the clusters obtained
The first factor, “e-Store Essentials,” relates to site attributes using the seven online shopping motivational dimensions and
such as safety, security, order confirmation, shipping costs, six e-store attribute importance dimensions are both unique and
timely deliveries, as well as the ease of ordering, paying for, stable.
and returning merchandise purchased online. The second fac- Interestingly, five of the shopper subgroups (apathetic, basic,
tor is labeled “Offline Presence” because the items loading on bargain seekers, destination, and shopping enthusiast) were
it refer to whether the website also has a physical “bricks and common to both online shopping motivation and e-store attribute
110 J. Ganesh et al. / Journal of Retailing 86 (1, 2010) 106–115

Table 1
Cluster centroids based on online shopping motivation dimensions.

Motivationa Cluster meansb F-value Sig.

Interactive Destination Apathetic e-Window Basic Bargain Shopping
shopper seekers enthusiast

Role enactmenti–ws .53 .07 −.72 .48 −1.41 .67 .17 284.79 .0001
Online bidding/hagglingi–bs,i–d,d–a,a–bs .19 .05 −.03 −.57 −.20 .07 .39 28.50 .0001
Web shopping conveniencebs–se,bs–d,and se–d .10 .24 −1.41 −.20 .83 .39 .27 209.46 .0001
Avant-gardismws–b −.64 1.47 .00 −.46 −.51 −.29 .36 312.70 .0001
Affiliationbs–b,bs–ws −.52 −.79 .23 −.26 −.27 −.18 1.62 419.78 .0001
Stimulationi–a,i–b,d–se −.21 .24 −.35 1.09 −.14 −1.00 .33 190.88 .0001
Personalized servicesd–a,a–b 1.10 .11 −.07 −.61 −.16 −.93 .29 219.50 .0001
Cluster size 431 382 414 376 321 356 419
Percentage of respondents 16.58% 14.70% 15.93% 14.47% 12.35% 13.70% 16.12%
a All cluster means are significant at the .001 level. All pairwise comparisons are significant at the .05 level, except those mentioned. For example, with respect to

the role enactment factor, all seven clusters are significantly different from each other except for the “Interactive–E-window shopper” (i–ws) cluster pair.
b The values represent mean factor scores. The original items were measured on a 1–7 scale (1 – provides me no satisfaction at all; 7 – provides me a great deal of


importance based typologies. Further, these same five shopper ous shopper more interested in seeing what is out there than
subgroups are remarkably consistent to the traditional shopper negotiating to obtain the lowest possible price.
subgroups found by past research (see Table 3). The one shopper subgroup, obtained using e-store attribute
Two and one additional online shopper clusters were also importance factors, that is unique to the online environment
found using online shopping motivations and e-store attribute exhibits the highest score on the offline presence and web
importance dimensions, respectively. The two motivation based security/certification factors. In addition, this group holds
clusters that are unique to the online format are interactive price orientation as the least important—evidence of a more
shoppers and e-window shoppers. Interactive shoppers scored skeptical consumer. Therefore, this group is termed risk
highest on both the personalized services and online bid- averse—reflecting the subgroup’s preference for physical stores
ding/haggling dimensions. In addition, these shoppers exhibited and concern regarding security issues.
a high degree of individualism although they are not necessar- Table 4 presents a comparison of the shopper subgroups
ily the trendiest consumers (i.e., low scores on Affiliation and obtained in this study to those found in past research addressing
Avant-gardism). Interactive shoppers do not feel a strong need online shopping. Interestingly, when compared to the traditional
to share information with other shoppers and appear to be more formats in Table 3, we find more differences than similarities
mature (with the highest percentage of respondents in the 35–44 among online shopper typologies.
years age range). The second unique cluster is e-window shop- Although our knowledge of online retail patronage behavior
pers. These shoppers are predominantly driven by Stimulation has grown immensely due to these studies, a lack of common
and are motivated to visit interesting web sites or to simply surf measures applied across online shopping studies has led to a
the internet. E-window shoppers exhibit the lowest score on the vast array of shopper typologies that are neither comparable nor
online bidding/haggling factor, supporting the profile of a curi- generalizable. As can be seen from the table, the current study

Table 2
Cluster centroids based on e-store attribute importance dimensions.

Attribute importancea Cluster meansb F-Value Sig.

Destination Basic Risk averse Apathetic Shopping Bargain

enthusiast seekers

e-store essentialsse–bs .16 .50 .39 −2.83 .02 .04 237.78 .0001
Offline presencera–se,bs–a −1.12 −.52 .76 −.17 .65 −.11 409.10 .0001
Price orientationse–b −.57 .43 −1.19 −.49 .39 .67 318.78 .0001
Website attractivenessb–se, a–b .40 .14 −.53 −.19 .62 −1.17 327.78 .0001
Merchandise varietyd–bs,ra–a .54 −1.49 −.25 −.53 .29 .49 377.01 .0001
Web security/certificationd–ra,d–se,b–se,b–a,ra–se .10 −.19 .16 −.10 .05 −.14 8.06 .0001
Cluster size 520 399 396 156 881 486
Percentage of respondents 18.32% 14.06% 13.95% 5.50% 31.04% 17.12%
a All cluster means are significant at the .001 level. All pairwise comparisons are significant at the .05 level, except those mentioned. For example, with respect to

the e-store essentials factor, all six clusters are significantly different from each other except for the “Shopping Enthusiasts–Bargain Seeker” (se-bs) cluster pair.
b The values represent mean factor scores. The original items were measured on a 1–7 scale (1 – provides me no satisfaction at all; 7 – provides me a great deal of

Table 3
A comparison of shopper typologies common between current study and extant literature.
Current study findings (obtained using online Equivalent typologies from past research on traditional retail formats
shopping motivations and e-store attribute
Mall/store attributes Motivations AIO statements Shopping behaviors
Apathetic shoppers Apathetic: Apathetic: Apathetic: Minimalists:
Characterized by a lack of strong motivation on Darden and Ashton (1975) Stone (1954) Darden and Reynolds (1971) Bloch et al. (1994)
any shopping dimension and consistent low Williams et al. (1978) Westbrook and Black (1985)
ratings on attribute importance. Lumkin (1985) Ganesh, Reynolds, and Luckett (2007) Reluctant shopper:
Reynolds, Ganesh, and Luckett (2002) Stoltman (1995)
Ganesh, Reynolds, and Luckett (2007)

J. Ganesh et al. / Journal of Retailing 86 (1, 2010) 106–115

Shopping enthusiasts: Recreational: Recreational: Personalizing: Recreational:
Characterized by high values/ratings on all Bellenger, Robertson, and Greenberg Bellenger and Korgaonkar (1980) Darden and Reynolds (1971) Stephenson and Willet (1969)
motivational dimensions and attribute (1977)
importance measures. Karande and Ganesh (2000) Process involved:
Williams et al. (1978) Westbrook and Black (1985) Enthusiasts:
Enthusiasts: Ethusiasts: Bloch et al. (1994)
Reynolds, Ganesh, and Luckett (2002) Arnold and Reynolds (2003)
Ganesh, Reynolds, and Luckett (2007) Ganesh, Reynolds, and Luckett (2007)
Destination shoppers Pliable store loyalists: Brand conscious: Store loyal: Store loyal:
Motivated to keep up with trends and to create a Rothe and Lamont (1973) Korgaonkar (1984) Moschis (1976) Stephenson and Willet (1969)
new image (Avant-gardism motivation Destination: Destination:
dimension) and by merchandise variety and Reynolds, Ganesh, and Luckett (2002) Ganesh, Reynolds, and Luckett (2007)
website attractiveness. Ganesh, Reynolds, and Luckett (2007)
Basic shoppers Basic/convenience: Economic/convenience: Convenience:
Task oriented shoppers motivated by web Darden and Ashton (1975) Bellenger and Korgaonkar (1980) Stephenson and Willet (1969)
shopping convenience dimension and e-store Williams et al. (1978) Korgaonkar (1984) Traditionalist:
essentials. Not interested in merchandise variety. Bellenger, Robertson, and Greenberg Ganesh, Reynolds, and Luckett (2007) Bloch et al. (1994)
Reynolds, Ganesh, and Luckett (2002) Choice optimizing:
Ganesh, Reynolds, and Luckett (2007) Westbrook and Black (1985)
Bargain seekers Low price: Economic: Economic: Price/bargain conscious:
Price-oriented shoppers who enjoy hunting for Williams et al. (1978) Stone (1954) Darden and Reynolds (1971) Stephenson and Willet (1969)
and finding bargains. Seem to be more proactive Economic/convenience: Westbrook and Black (1985)
in search and less interested in waiting to being Bellenger, Robertson, and Greenberg Price oriented: Specials shopper:
informed about alternatives on the Internet. (1977)
Lumpkin (1985) Korgaonkar (1984) Moschis (1976)
Deal prone: Providers:
Karande and Ganesh (2000) Arnold and Reynolds (2003)
Bargain seekers: Bargain seekers:
Ganesh, Reynolds, and Luckett (2007) Ganesh, Reynolds, and Luckett (2007)

112 J. Ganesh et al. / Journal of Retailing 86 (1, 2010) 106–115

Table 4
A comparison of online shopper typologies.
Research study Online context Typology base Methodology and Cluster names
# of segments

Current study Online shoppers Online shopping motivations Cluster analysis Interactive, destination, apathetic,
7 segments e-window shopper, basic, bargain
seekers, and shopping enthusiasts
Current study Online shoppers e-Store attribute importance Cluster analysis Destination, apathetic, basic, bargain
6 segments seekers, shopping enthusiasts, and
risk averse
Kau, Tang, and Ghose Internet users Behavioral segmentation Cluster analysis On–off, comparative, traditional,
(2003) 6 segments dual, e-laggard, and information
Swinyard and Smith Online shoppers Internet lifestyles Cluster analysis Shopping lovers, adventuresome
(2003) 4 segments explorers, suspicious learners, and
business users
Bhatnagar and Ghose Electronics, legal Benefit segmentation Latent class S1 (Hi product risk, Hi security risk),
(2004) service and music analysis S2 (moderate product risk), and S3
shoppers 4 segments (low product risk)
Rohm and Swaminathan Online grocery Shopping motivations Cluster analysis Convenience, variety seeker,
(2004) shopping 4 segments balanced, and store-oriented buyer
Brengman et al. (2005) Internet users Web usage related lifestyles Cluster analysis Tentative shoppers, suspicious
4 segments learners, shopping lovers, and
business users
Barnes et al. (2007) Online shoppers Psychographic profile Cluster analysis Risk averse, open minded, and
3 segments reserved information seekers
Jayawardhena, Wright, Internet users Purchase orientation Cluster analysis Active, price sensitives, discerning,
and Dennis (2007) 5 segments loyal, and convenience shoppers

is the first to use two most widely used measures – online shop- eight shopper types were identified at e-stores, five of which are
ping motivations and e-store attribute importance – to develop similar to those found at traditional formats, and three of them
and compare online shopper typologies. Also the current study that are unique to the web.
results provide a comprehensive comparison of shopper sub- Most of the existing research on online shopping has predom-
groups between traditional and online formats. inantly focused on differences in behavior exhibited by online
shoppers when compared to traditional retail shoppers (e.g.,
Discussion and implications Alba et al. 1997; Li, Ko, and Russell 1999; Mathwick, Malhotra,
and Rigdon 2001; Winer et al. 1997) and on reasons why con-
The results of this study suggest the following: sumers prefer to shop online (e.g., Burke 1997; Li, Ko, and
Russell 1999; Morganosky and Cude 2000; Syzmanski and Hise
(a) Using shopping motivation measures, seven shopper seg- 2000). Primary factors identified by past research as important
ments are found for online stores. discriminators of online and traditional retail shopping include:
(b) Using e-store attribute importance measures, six segments (a) convenience (Chiang and Dholakai, 2003; Donthu and Garcia
are found for online stores. 1999), (b) perceived risk (Forsythe and Shi 2003; Garbarino and
(c) The five common shopper types found in previous research Strahilevitz 2004; Lee and Tan 2003), (c) ability to search for
that focused on traditional retail formats are also present in information and products (Chiang and Dholakai 2003), and (d)
the online environment. price (Donthu and Garcia 1999).
(d) There are three shopper subgroups that are unique to the The current study, however, shows that online shoppers are
online shopping environment—e-window shoppers, inter- in fact more similar to traditional shoppers than they are dif-
active shoppers, and risk averse shoppers. ferent. The prediction of the Big Middle Theory regarding the
existence of a core group of shoppers seeking a consistent set of
Overall, the findings support the study’s research proposition retail attributes is supported by the findings here. One implica-
and offer some interesting implications to academics and prac- tion of present research is that it identifies factors that serve as
titioners. The current study advances our knowledge in the area a common denominator and not a differentiator between online
of online retailing by: (a) testing the Big Middle Theory in an and offline shoppers. Businesses with both online and offline
online context; (b) designing, testing, and validating a scale of presence are thus provided with parsimonious tools to address
online shopping motivations, and e-store attribute importance; common bases of shoppers. This will help maintain and pro-
(c) identifying the shopper subgroups that are present in an mote a unified brand image while undertaking more efficient
online context; and (d) providing a means of comparing tra- segment strategies. The presence of similar shopping motivation
ditional shopper types with online shopper types. In total, based dimensions and attribute importance factors in both online and
on both attribute importance and online shopping motivations, traditional formats suggests that these are the core factors that
J. Ganesh et al. / Journal of Retailing 86 (1, 2010) 106–115 113

influence shopping irrespective of formats. Any new or exist- are several limitations associated with this study. The first limi-
ing competition in the retail landscape needs to address these tation of the current study is its cross-sectional nature. We know
common issues in sufficient depth so as to be able to attract and very little about how the motivations of a single shopper change.
retain the common shopper types. It would be advantageous to see how an online shopper’s moti-
Another interesting finding of this study is the presence of vations change over time, and across situations. Although only
motivation dimensions, attribute importance factors, and the longitudinal studies can yield this level of knowledge, this sort
associated shopper types that are unique to the online format. of endeavor would be extremely useful and enlightening in both
These factors redefine the competitive landscape and add an a theoretical and a practical sense.
element of sustainable advantage to online stores. For exam- Another direction for future research could trace the evolution
ple, although earlier we drew a parallel between web shopping of the three shopper subgroups that are distinct to the online
convenience and Choice Optimization, the items that comprise environment to examine how they change characteristics over
the web shopping convenience dimension (such as “Shopping time. Most importantly, consumers’ patronage behavior needs
from home,” “Shopping any time of day or night,” “Avoiding to be examined from a multidimensional perspective. Although
crowds,” “Not having to travel from store to store”) seem to this study supports the findings of other recent research regarding
redefine the concept of convenience and shopping optimiza- the emergence of common shopper subgroups across formats,
tion. These are items that the traditional formats cannot easily future research should attempt to examine this issue based on
replicate. responses from shoppers who shop both at traditional and online
The findings of this study suggest that, among possible others, formats.
points of distinction for e-stores are (a) interactivity and the The Apathetic shoppers found in this study would also be an
ability to offer personalized services; (b) their ability to redefine interesting topic for future research. According to our findings,
convenience; and (c) their ability to control their website content. these shoppers score low on Convenience. Perhaps these con-
For example, the online unit of Ritz Cameras, Inc. and the online sumers are very active traditional shoppers who like to touch and
retailer Horchow both use live online chat to give customers feel merchandise and do not value the convenience provided by
immediate advice and feedback regarding products featured at online stores. This idea was not investigated further in the cur-
their online stores. Nike and Nintendo offer several interesting rent study and we hope that others might explore this notion in
and captivating games and challenges at their website that can future studies.
potentially induce flow. Pottery Barn offers a “floor plan” layout Finally, it would be interesting to study the shopping behav-
on its Web site that allows shoppers to virtually browse from ior and patterns of consumers’ who shop at a particular retailer’s
room to room to view products. brick and mortar and online stores to understand better the com-
From a theoretical point of view it is important to offer petitive dynamics and channel aspects of these outlets.
an explanation for the discovery of differences in shopper
typologies between consumers of traditional versus online retail Acknowledgements
formats. The theory of disruptive innovation offers a strong
foundation for this. A disruptive innovation is defined as an The authors thank Dr. Ronald Michaels and the Department
advancement (e.g., social, technological or both) which allows of Marketing at UCF for their research support, Greenfield
Innovative newcomers to leverage technology to alter tradi- Online for their assistance in data collection, and Bill Black,
tional business models. These disruptive innovations offer new Raj Echambadi, and Chris White for their insightful comments
business models that fundamentally alter the economics of an and suggestions.
industry. When applied to the retailing industry, the Internet
has been characterized as the most recent disruptive innovation Appendix A. Measures of constructs
(Christensen and Tedlow 2000).
Given the ever-present tradeoffs between content, speed, and
ease of navigation, the findings here provide some preliminary Measures Coefficient Alpha
indications as to (a) which type of products and which type Shopping motivation (All items were measured on a
of customers would benefit from a content-rich site; (b) use of scale where: 1 – provides me no satisfaction at all; 7 –
personalization services (e.g., real time customer provides me a great deal of satisfaction)
service agents (e.g., Lands End, Ritz Camera, Horchow) or both Web shopping convenience .93
Shopping from my home
as a competitive tool; and (c) the ability to attract and keep first
Avoiding regular shopping
time buyers and other Risk Averse shoppers by addressing safety Avoiding having to deal with salespeople
and security concerns and providing physical store contacts for Having products delivered right to my home
returns. Shopping any time of day or night
Avoiding standing in line
One-stop shopping
Limitations and directions for future research
Avoiding crowds
Completing my shopping tasks quickly
This study has attempted to shed some light on the attitudes Not having to travel from store to store
and motivations of online shoppers and to offer guidelines for Finding exactly what I want in the least amount of
retail managers. However, one must take caution in that there time
114 J. Ganesh et al. / Journal of Retailing 86 (1, 2010) 106–115

Measures Coefficient Alpha Measures Coefficient Alpha

Online bidding/haggling .89 Merchandise variety .74

Bargaining over the price of an item through an Availability of a wide variety of products
online auction Availability of brand-name products
Being the winning bidder in an online auction Availability of latest products
Haggling over the price of a product
Web security/certification .78
Submitting online bids for products
Website is certified by an online watchdog
Bargaining with a website on the price of a product
Role enactment .88 Website is certified by the Better Business Bureau
Looking for great deals
Hunting for and finding a real bargain
Comparison-shopping to find the best product for my
money References
Avant-gardism .88
Keeping up with new trends Alba, Joseph, John Lynch, Barton Weitz, Chris Janiszewski, Richard Lutz, Alan
Getting to create a new “image” for myself or my Sawyer and Stacy Wood (1997), “Interactive Home Shopping: Consumer,
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Psychological Bulletin, 103 (3), 411–23.
Affiliation .90
Arnold, Mark J. and Kristy E. Reynolds (2003), “Hedonic Shopping Motiva-
Chatting with other consumers who share my own
tions,” Journal of Retailing, 79 (2), 77–96.
Bellenger, N. Danny, Dan H. Robertson and Barnett A. Greenberg (1977),
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Bellenger, N. Danny and Predeep K. Korgaonkar (1980), “Profiling the Recre-
Interacting with other Web shoppers
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Stimulation .84 Bloch, H. Peter, Nancy M. Ridgway and Scott A. Dawson (1994), “The Shopping
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Seeing interesting websites while shopping Brengman, Malaika, Geuens Maggie, Weijters Bert, Scott M. Smith and William
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Personalized services .87
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Being notified of new products that interest me
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Being alerted to special deals or sales
Having emails sent to me about new products,
Chiang, Kuan-Pin and Ruby Roy Dholakai (2003), “Factors Driving Consumer
upcoming sales events or both
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e-Store attributes (All items were measured on a 1–7 scale where: 1 – not
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Christensen, Clayton and Richard S. Tedlow (2000), “Patterns of Disruption in
e-Store essentials .92
Retailing,” Harvard Business Review, 78 (1), 42–5.
Safety/security of site
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Confirmation of order/delivery
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Ease of payment
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Quality of information
Donthu, Naveen and Adriana Garcia (1999), “The Internet Shopper,” Journal of
Ease of contacting company
Advertising Research, (May–June), 52–8.
Low-cost shipping and delivery charges
Evanschitzky, Heiner, Gopalkrishnan R. Iyer, Josef Hesse and Dieter Ahlert
Deliveries are made in a timely manner
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Price orientation .80
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Special deals
Ganesh, Jaishankar, Kristy E. Reynolds and Michael Luckett (2007), “Retail
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Well-designed website ommendation,” Journal of Business Research, 57 (7), 768–74.
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