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[1] "Normal" "Gamma" "Lognormal"

[1] "ProUCL"

[1] "Normal"

[1] 0.05

mean sd
12770.13 4400.66

[1] "mvue"

[1] 15

$test.results$`norm`$`Shapiro-Wilk GOF`

Results of Goodness-of-Fit Test


Test Method: Shapiro-Wilk GOF

Hypothesized Distribution: Normal

Estimated Parameter(s): mean = 12770.13

sd = 4400.66

Estimation Method: mvue

Data: x

Sample Size: 15

Test Statistic: W = 0.9364126

Test Statistic Parameter: n = 15

P-value: 0.3393965

Alternative Hypothesis: True cdf does not equal the

Normal Distribution.

$test.results$`norm`$`Lilliefors (Kolmogorov-Smirnov) GOF`

Results of Goodness-of-Fit Test

Test Method: Lilliefors (Kolmogorov-Smirnov) GOF

Hypothesized Distribution: Normal

Estimated Parameter(s): mean = 12770.13

sd = 4400.66

Estimation Method: mvue

Data: x

Sample Size: 15

Test Statistic: D = 0.1802247

Test Statistic Parameter: n = 15

P-value: 0.2112094

Alternative Hypothesis: True cdf does not equal the

Normal Distribution.

[1] "Data appear Normal at 5% Significance Level"

$test.results$gamma$`ProUCL Anderson-Darling Gamma GOF`

Results of Goodness-of-Fit Test


Test Method: ProUCL Anderson-Darling Gamma GOF

Hypothesized Distribution: Gamma

Estimated Parameter(s): shape = 9.079711

scale = 1406.447050

Estimation Method: MLE

Data: x

Sample Size: 15

Test Statistic: A = 0.3054982

Test Statistic Parameter: n = 15

Critical Values: A.0.01 = 1.000
A.0.05 = 0.737
A.0.10 = 0.622

P-value: >= 0.10

Alternative Hypothesis: True cdf does not equal the

Gamma Distribution.

$test.results$gamma$`ProUCL Kolmogorov-Smirnov Gamma GOF`

Results of Goodness-of-Fit Test


Test Method: ProUCL Kolmogorov-Smirnov Gamma GOF

Hypothesized Distribution: Gamma

Estimated Parameter(s): shape = 9.079711

scale = 1406.447050

Estimation Method: MLE

Data: x

Sample Size: 15

Test Statistic: D = 0.1635871

Test Statistic Parameter: n = 15

Critical Values: D.0.01 = 0.257

D.0.05 = 0.222
D.0.10 = 0.204

P-value: >= 0.10

Alternative Hypothesis: True cdf does not equal the

Gamma Distribution.

[1] "Data appear Gamma Distributed at 5% Significance Level"

$test.results$lnorm$`Shapiro-Wilk GOF`

Results of Goodness-of-Fit Test


Test Method: Shapiro-Wilk GOF

Hypothesized Distribution: Lognormal

Estimated Parameter(s): meanlog = 9.3987870

sdlog = 0.3490263

Estimation Method: mvue

Data: x

Sample Size: 15

Test Statistic: W = 0.9608535

Test Statistic Parameter: n = 15

P-value: 0.707231

Alternative Hypothesis: True cdf does not equal the

Lognormal Distribution.

$test.results$lnorm$`Lilliefors (Kolmogorov-Smirnov) GOF`

Results of Goodness-of-Fit Test


Test Method: Lilliefors (Kolmogorov-Smirnov) GOF

Hypothesized Distribution: Lognormal

Estimated Parameter(s): meanlog = 9.3987870

sdlog = 0.3490263

Estimation Method: mvue

Data: x

Sample Size: 15

Test Statistic: D = 0.1432957

Test Statistic Parameter: n = 15

P-value: 0.5583997

Alternative Hypothesis: True cdf does not equal the

Lognormal Distribution.

[1] "Data appear Lognormal at 5% Significance Level"
[1] 10289 6517 7633 14772 10285 8900 9255 19567 9820 11578 18635 14610 15293 13863

[1] "x"

[1] "distChoose"

Para la distribución normal ambos test se rechazan las hipótesis y para las distribuciones log-
normal y gamma los test varían se rechazan y no se rechazan, por tal motivo no se puede concluir
que tenga una distribución discernible, siendo el cálculo de los intervalos mediante técnicas no

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