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Learning styles

Learning styles
In this essay I’m gonna be shedding lights on a really vital topic regarding
learning styles from across the world and expressing my point of view
regarding that topic briefly….

First of all , Every student has their own learning style. Noticeably the most
common learning style applied among the students is LINGUISTIC. Where high
schools classrooms are set up in rows and teens look at a board listening to their
teacher as similar as college lectures. As for this type of learning styles it’s
labeled by far as one of the most dull ways to keep in touch with your students
and Having their attention drawn all the time as there’s no actual activity to
keep the brain active and the student concentrated in the meanwhile.

Secondly, Moving to the next learning style which is LOGICAL. In which the
student is supposed to be learning by memorizing and Applying mathematical
stuff, formulas and equations along with scientific principles in order to
comprehend the whole thing or the whole topic or how it’s deduced from.
Well , It’s not the best way for a student and It’s not as simple as expected , But
it could be easier and better style for a party of students other than the others.

Thirdly , Jumping to the next style and It’s VISUAL. In this kinda learning style
students are sitting in the classrooms watching some kind of footages or clips on
a display device subjected to whatever the lesson they have , learning and
completely understanding the lesson accordingly.
This style has been practiced and applied in so many schools and colleges for so
many years and the outcome has come to reap its deeds.

Fourthly , The MUSICAL learning style. It’s not really something authenticated
or absolutely indispensable for schools But It’s considered as a Personal
preference or some sort of Student tendency as they learn when Information is
presented through music.

KINESTHETIC , The fifth learning style we’re gonna be talking about , Which
deals with Practicality more than anything else. As it depends on how peppy
and witted a student is in practical physical activities by which he will be
capable of learning shortly at ease.

The last Learning style I’m gonna be talking about is INTRAPERSONAL. Which
depends on how agile a person is. His collaborating skills , His Self-dependence
and Hard working.
These people have good understanding of themselves and can learn best if they
can relate what they are learning directly to themselves.

Our essay is coming to an end BUT ! I’ve got one more thing to talk out shortly.
In my point of view and From the previous lines I have come to an appropriate
deduction in aim to innovate and elevate our learning styles in our countries.

Like , What about Mixing up our classes with Visuals , Kinesthetics and
Interpersonal learning styles ! Great ya ? , Well , There are so many people who
remember pictures better than words , So Visuals would be extremely helpful.
For kinesthetics, Since our bodies can develop muscle memories and students
could remember the exercise that was done with the lecture , Also aside from
words , Movements are easily memorable while knowledge comes in large
abundances the information could be lost.

Whenever I relate to this topic , I easily remember it. Since it’s relatable and
when it is, It’s more significant to the mind. Schools haven’t changed in over 100
years, We are all still in rows looking at a board. Which is like industrial
revolution time, Sitting rows doing factory work.
Even in technology Class with computers , Just rows and linguistic teaching.
I think It’s time for a SWITCH UP !...

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