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Running Head: Reflection

Reflection Paper

Jaeel Espinoza

Paris Junior College

EDUC 1301.540

Dr. Marian Ellis

April 26, 2021

Reflection Paper

Many times, an effective way of learning is by watching those experienced and seeing

how one can incorporate things they see for the future. When not being able to learn in person,

one can also resort to videos as an alternative to learn instead. From the videos watched, I was

able to learn about multiple things I can use for the future, positive interactions a teacher can

have with their students, and how to appeal to all learning styles.

From the videos, I was able to learn about many things that I can use for my future

classroom. One of those things is that having the students take part in choosing what or how they

want to learn can help a lot, especially in having them engaged in their learning. Also, taking

advantage of technology can help a lot in the classroom, for example, computers or smart boards.

Not only can they be used by the teacher to show information or videos, but they can also be

used to have the students participate and work hands-on. Having students work in groups and

letting them figure things out on their own and supervising from the side is also something I

learned. The teachers also had really good, positive interactions with their students. They

encouraged them and created a comfortable environment where they weren’t afraid of getting the

wrong answer or trying. They made sure to show the students and let them know that they had

good expectations for them. They were also flexible while also making there was still some form

of structure in the classroom. Furthermore, they encouraged diversity while taking the time to

learn about the cultures of their students and have them treasure it. What the teachers learned

about their students’ cultures, they incorporated in the classroom.

Additionally, the teachers that I saw in the videos appealed to more than one learning

style but in different ways. For example, one teacher appealed to various learning styles but

throughout multiple days with the lesson expanding across those days. She would focus on one
learning style per day so every student was able to learn through their preferred learning style but

also with the others as well so they could work on the skills related to that style. Another teacher

included all of the learning styles but in one day as their lesson progressed. For example, in the

beginning, she would appeal to auditory learners by introducing new terms for a topic and asking

them to infer what they thought they signified using context clues and discussing with their

classmates. Then, she later appealed to kinesthetic and visual learners by having the students take

turns moving pieces around to solve a problem with the rest of the class watching. Some of the

lessons I saw were both teacher and student centered, even switching between both from the start

to end of the lesson. I was also able to see some of the teachers’ teaching philosophies, like

progressivism, social reconstructionism, and existentialism, or even a mix of multiple.

In conclusion, it is good for one’s way of teaching to be influenced by other experienced

teachers. Whether they be good or bad, there is always something that can be learned from them

to incorporate or avoid in our classroom. It is also important for one to welcome other cultures

and learn from them instead of pushing them away in the classroom. Lastly, it is good to

remember that we never stop learning and there will always be something we find that can be

done differently. That is okay and simply human nature; there is no need to be too hard on

oneself, especially in the beginning learning stage.

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