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632 Ch.

11 Mixed Valence and Heavy Fermions

superposition of f-c singlets, and the great physical and historical in-
terest of the single impurity problem, demand that we briefly review the
results about the single-site Kondo problem (Sec. 11.3.1). Afterwards,
we discuss the indirect f-f exchange which is mediated by the con-
duction electrons (Sec. 11.3.2). This prepares the ground for a cursory
discussion of the competition of magnetic and non-magnetic phases in
the KLM, which is still an open problem. However, a little detour to
the subject of the magnetism of rare earth elements (Sec. 11.4) makes
it clear that the physics of real f-electron substances requires going
beyond the simple KLM.

11.3.1 Kondo Impurity

Usually we confine our interest to lattice problems, but the remarkable
similarity of the T > T* behaviour of periodic Kondo systems to that
expected from dilute alloys makes a brief discussion of the impurity
problem indispensable. Let us consider a single f-shell immersed into a
Fermi sea, say, a single Ce atom in bulk LaA12. A Mn or Fe impurity
in Cu or A1 presents the same problem in &electron version. This is
the renowned magnetic impurity problem [ 139, 1641 whose treatment
can be based either on the single-impurity Anderson model [19], or - in
the appropriate limit - on the single impurity Kondo Hamiltonian [223].
We start with the latter


( 11.27)
The derivation in Appendix D makes it plausible that the Kondo term
is essentially an independent-impurity result, thus we may think of J as
given by (11.26).
Let us try to anticipate the character of the solution. At T = 0, the
AF Kondo interaction binds the f-spin to the electron sea, presumably
forming an overall singlet, with a binding energy Eo(J). At high tem-
peratures (T >> Eo(J ) / ~ B )the
, f-spin is essentially free, contributing
an almost full-size Curie term to the susceptibility, thus it is proper to
speak about a magnetic impurity. Conduction electrons scattering of€
the f-shell may undergo spin-flip, as well as ordinary potential, scatter-

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