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2 Motion in a Magnetic Field 677

speaking, the full wave function should cover an area twice as large; so
we come upon A = 27rr;. Now we can identify a presumably important
value of the electron density (per unit area): it belongs to the case when
the plane is fully covered with cyclotron orbits of the smallest size:


Replacing this in the result (12.3), we are led to surmise that the special
value of the Hall conductivity


must be playing an important role, and that it is associated with a magic

value of the electron density. A proper quantum-mechanical treatment
confirms that such is indeed the case.

12.2 Motion in a .Magnetic Field

We have seen in Sec. 2.1 that the Hamiltonian describing the orbital
motion of an otherwise free electron in a magnetic field is


In classical mechanics, the velocity is obtained from


It would be usual to call Pkin = rnv the kinetic momentum. In quantum

mechanics, the velocity operator is defined analogously


If we wish, we can rewrite the Hamiltonian as

N = -m
2v - 2 = -2 (-’ -’ -’>
zI,+zIy+?J, ( 12.2 1)

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