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5 Step Productivity Needs Analysis (PNA)

Measuring relevant info areas

In order to gauge whether any improvement has been made it is necessary to begin by
measuring the relevant information areas. There are various types of information
which indicate business performance and which can be measured, these will differ
from business to business and across different sectors.

Prioritise measures
Once the information areas have been measured these measures are then prioritised.
There are four steps to prioritising measures. This will be covered in more detail
on page 7 of this Session.

Set objectives
At this stage objectives will be set in order to make improvements.

Processes to reach objectives (across scales of organisation).

Once productivity objectives have been set, specific processes will then be
established across different scales of the organisation in order to achieve the set

Deliver required outputs to reach desired productivity.

The aforementioned processes are now implemented and the required outputs are
delivered to reach the desired levels of productivity.

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