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The Great Book Bracket

The c or g a s ve l im
Written by Stephenie Meyers (Capricorn)

First published in 2005

Length: 498 Pages; 119,000 Words

Ranked #12 on the all-time best seller list

Pros: Caused an upswing in literature for young adults.

Led to 50 Shades of Grey.

Cons: Arguably promotes pedophilia.

Led to 50 Shades of Grey.

The Da Vinci Code
Written by Dan Brown (Cancer)

First published in 2003

Length: 454 Pages; 170,000 Words

Ranked #1 on the all-time best seller list

Pros: Gives some well-deserved shine to Mary Magdalene.

Easy, fast-paced read.

Cons: More style than substance.

Still portrays Jesus as white.

The Age of Innocence
Written by Edith Wharton (Aquarius)

First published in 1920

Length: 240 Pages; 49,410 Words

Ranked 45th greatest novel of all-time (The Guardian)

Pros: One of the greatest love triangles in literature history

Complex and layered characters packed in quick read

Cons: Spawned some god-awful film adaptations

Arguably promotes linear thinking over expansive thought

Moby Dick
Written by Herman Melville (Leo)

First published in 1851

Length: 585 Pages; 206,052 Words

Ranked 17th greatest novel of all time (The Guardian)

Pros: Loaded with accurate historical information

Layered with multiple meanings

Cons: Very slow moving

Promotes animal cruelty

Round One
Twilight vs The Da Vinci Code
The quick read of DVC makes for a good pace but cannot keep up with the cultural
impact of the force from Forks. The steaminess of Meyer’s underage lust captures
fans from beginning to end unlike Brown’s spur-of-the-moment best-seller. Not even
the assistance of Mickey Mouse watches and a Tom Hanks movie can compete with
the infinite shades of greatness that is the Meyers masterpiece.

Winner: Twilight by 7th-round KO

The Age of Innocence vs Moby Dick
The greatest fish tale of all time is no match the greatest love triangle. Not even the
homoerotic dealings of Ishmael and Queequeg can compete with the
she’s-pregnant-and-keeping-it gothic romanticism that is still fascinating Lit majors
to this day. Ahab’s whale obsession is not a match for Newland’s lips on Ellen’s shoe
as the genre-changing Wharton classic dominates the lengthy Melville how-not-to

Winner: The Age of Innocence by 2nd-round KO

Twilight vs The Age of Innocence
In a battle for the ages, both innocent and guilty, Newland Archer goes toe to toe with
Bella Swan in an epic swarm of emotions. Bella’s youthful naivete’ is more relatable
to young readers than Newland’s gentle machismo. The lust between Edward and
Bella is equaled by that of Newland and Ella, but it is the charm of Jacob Black that
gives Meyer’s novel a slight edge. The budding werewolf’s boyish goodness is more
attractive than May’s entitlement, springing the trio to a franchise dynasty of sequel
novels, films, and fan-fiction spinoffs. In a narrow decision, angering many, Twilight
shines and glitters its way to the title of Book Bracket Champion!

Winner: Twilight via Split Decision


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