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Unit of work: Coming to Your Table Salvation topic: Eucharist Human person Topic: Experiences
of being human
Year Level: 4 Students’ Prior Knowledge: (include faith
situations/previous lessons/Units)
Key Understanding:
A1 Wondering at our bodies which are different.
This is the introductory lesson for this RE unit.

In the previous year students have explored God who

Learning Point(s): created the forces in creation and the Eucharist, its
A1.1 Express wonder at the differences in people’s parts and its significance in the mass and with Jesus
bodies. and his followers.

Students can identify different cultures by recognising

the physical features that are different to our own.

The importance of environments to people


The location of countries in relation to Australia


Spiritual and Religious Capabilities (that may potentially be covered in the lesson)
Prudence Justice Fortitude Temperance Faith Hope Charity
eg Right choices eg Right eg Inner strength eg Moderation eg Prayer in song eg Reconciliation eg Service
General Capabilities (that may potentially be covered in the lesson)
Literacy Numeracy ICT Critical and Ethical Personal and Intercultural
competence creative behaviour Social understanding
thinking competence

Cross-curriculum priorities (may be addressed in the lesson)

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Asia and Australia’s engagement with Sustainability
histories and cultures Asia
Lesson Objectives (i.e. anticipated outcomes of this lesson, in point form beginning with an action verb)
As a result of this lesson, students will be able to:
 Identify the physical differences of people around the world by acknowledging that every human
has a different body
 Create a collage map of people from different countries and races using magazine clippings.

Teacher’s Prior Preparation/Organisation: Provision for students at educational risk:

(include Teacher Witness) Choose One from:
Option: have a world map open on the interactive whiteboard (IWB) so • Gifted: Students can research on the computer or just
the students can see all the places in the world. come up with other countries that were not in the book
and add these to their maps along with the physical
Ensure teacher has read through the book beforehand so can read it differences of the people who live there and an
fluently and ask questions about the different settings and characters explanation as to how these differences may help them
accordingly. live in that environment.
• Sensory impaired
Must have printed a map for every student and have song lyrics • Learning difficulty
available if necessary.

Teacher Witness: I have grown up in Australia my whole life, but I have Choose One from:
also lived in Thailand and visited other countries. These countries had • ADHD
very different landscapes and climates to us which meant they grow • Intellectual disability: Student(s) will be paired with a
different foods so eat differently to us, as well as looking different to us. capable or gifted student, so they can assist them in
The people I met in my travels however, were all welcoming and kind. completing the activity. If needed, they can use a
Even though we looked different, we never treated each other differently. computer or device to help them research and locate the
(Bring photos of Home in Australia, as well as pictures from travels and places on a map. They are also given a map with all of
Thailand to show the students). the countries labelled so they can be located easily.
• Physical disability

LESSON DELIVERY attach worksheets, examples, marking keys, etc. as relevant

Time: Motivation and Introduction:
Align these with the segment
10:00 Students are to come and sit on the mat. In the teacher’s lap is the book where they will be introduced.
am ‘Whoever You Are’ by Mem Fox, turned down so the students cannot see
the front cover.
“Today we are going to read a story. This story is called ‘Whoever You ‘Whoever You Are’ by Mem
Are’ by Mem Fox (show the front cover so all students can see). What do Fox
you think the story might be about? Let’s have a look and see if you are
Read the story to the students, pausing at each page where it introduces
a new family/nationality and ask the students to explain how they might
have guessed where those people were from. Was it the way they
dressed, their physical appearance or their setting that helped them
determine the country?
Once the book is finished, ask students again to name some of the
physical differences they saw that helped them identify the people in the
book. Ask:
“I wonder how they different from us?”
This should lead to discussion about physical differences as well as
YouTube link to book read
cultural differences in terms of ways of living.
“Today we are going to wonder at the differences in people’s bodies and
have a look at where these people come from and why they might be h?v=_QCSMnnX23k
different from us. While you are working today, I also want you to wonder
about why God may have made humans so different from each other?
Can I please get the boys to stand up and head back to their desks. And
now the girls to stand up and head back to your desk.”

Lesson Steps (Lesson content, structure, strategies & Key Questions):

10:20 Once students are back at their desks, select two student helpers to help
am hand out activity sheet that has a map of the world. Worksheet 1 – Attached

“In front of you is a map of the world. Who can remember some of the
places that were talked about in the story we just read? Can you find that
place on your map? I want you to go through some of these magazines I
have here and cut out any pictures you see of people from countries and
races, just like the ones we saw in the story (Ask a student to repeat the
instructions). Now, I also want you to include some words next to the
pictures of the physical differences those people have (if the students
don’t quite understand, teacher finds an example in a magazine to show
them). What are some things you may need to include on your map?
Fabulous, so what is the first thing you are going to do? Grab a magazine
and try and find some pictures to cut out and paste onto your map. Once Whiteboard and whiteboard
you have filled your map, you can start filling out the questions below.” markers

Write on the board:

- Things to include on your map: Description of the physical
features of the people who live there.
IWB Showing a map of the
Once most of the students have finished cutting and pasting, remind countries of the World
them that they need to include dot points of the physical differences of
the people who live in those areas. This can be done next to the images
pasted or on the back of the sheet.

Lesson Closure:(Review lesson objectives with students)

am Students come back down to the mat with their maps. Discuss some of
the differences they found and the differences in location around the

Discuss my (the teacher’s) personal differences:

- I am Australian, I have white skin and dark blonde hair. I am very
tall and have a big smile. My family live in a country town. My
parents are teachers and I have 2 older brothers. How is my life
and my appearance different from yours? (pick a few students to
- At the start of the lesson I asked you to wonder why God made
humans different in appearance, does anyone want to say what
they think?
“God made us all different, so we can survive and thrive in our
environments, and that is a beautiful thing.”
‘Every Person is a Gift of God’
“To finish today’s lesson, I want you to all please stand up and we are song:
going to sing the hymn ‘Every Person is a Gift of God’.” us/songs/11298/every-person-
If teacher chooses, students can read out their answers to the wonder
questions at the end of the worksheet.
Transition: (What needs to happen prior to the next lesson?)
Students place their maps on the teachers’ desk to be stuck up around
the classroom and then sit back down at their desks and grab a book out
to do some silent reading.

Assessment: (Were the lesson objectives met? How will they be

Teacher will collect maps and check that the pictures and physical
descriptions match up and make sense – student has a sound
understanding of the differences. Record any concerns or thoughts in the
anecdotal notes.

Checklist/anecdotal notes during the lesson while talking to the students

and while reading the book to ensure they can recognise and accept
humans are physically different.
Assessment 1: Checklist/Anecdotal notes

Checklist: Express Wonder at the differences in people’s bodies Comments:

Name:   


 = Understands the differences and why they are different (culture and location)

 = Understands the physical differences

 = Does not understand

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