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Chapter 27 – Lunch, moving house, imperial examination

*Note: Sentences highlighted in yellow are unsure translations.

Qi Heng’s life is heaven’s pride. His family is distinguished and outstanding; he is generous, easy-going
and with a mild temperament. He doesn’t need his father’s admonishment for him to study but does
learning voluntarily and consciously. Qi Heng truly has an advantageous position, and yet despite this, he
earnestly strives to improve himself. He would stop by the Shou'an hall for lunch. Laughing and talking in
a refined fashion, that even the 28-year-old fang mama couldn’t help but soften her expressions.

Approximately twenty years ago, before the new year, the Left Minister of the Qi state government was
in the forefront. His two sons were married to dignified young ladies at the same time. The older brother
married the eldest daughter of the supreme commander of the army who was also his father’s maternal
uncle. Whereas the second son married the Marquis of Xianyang district’s sole daughter. This made the
Minister of Qi, who was originally at the end of the feudal aristocratic1 government, to be popular
overnight. However, this great fortune came with a price. Both daughter-in-laws2 had great influence, so
naturally they were arrogant and had bad dispositions. This made the mother-in-law to be at a loss 3, and
both husbands to be at a tight spot.4

The eldest daughter-in-law put forth her father’s iron fist in ruling the army, took hold of her husband’s
room concubines and swept the birds and swallows out while flowering and weeding. The couple only
had one child and also had medicine jars. At the present, the niáng jia’s5 influence was not as good as
before. Moreover, the Old Master Qi’s knife was too old to produce a second child. Several years later,
the second daughter-in-law entered the household. Qi Heng had many kinds of food to eat, that even his
father was unable to escape. Ever since Qi Heng was born, the Pingning princess couldn’t recuperate.
Unexpectedly, even the Qi dà ren6 were not allowed to open a second battle. They could only keep guard
the county master and make sure the senior concubine is not having difficulty getting by.7

Except for an older male cousin lying in the room to recuperate from a sickness, Qi Heng had no brothers
and sisters. Usually, he was able to play with his cousins, but the princess of Pingning was cautious of
every girl who might possibly become her daughter-in-law. As a result, interactions between his female
cousins were rare. After entering the Sheng Prefecture to study, Qi Heng, under the Pingning princess’
philosophy on being guarded against male and female matters day and night, resolutely maintained his
distance from Molan and Rulan. Only with Minglan did the princess not comment.

For Qi Heng, Minglan so far is the only little sister he has come across with. Furthermore, she was
lovable; her cheeks resembled a tiny, plump squirrel. He was very fond of little Minglan’s tiny face that
liked to put on a solemn expression. After a few more meals, Qi Heng couldn’t resist teasing her more.
Actually, Qi Heng had good conduct. That day he ate Minglan’s fish soup and preserved fish. The next

1 贵胄 (guì zhòu) – descendants of feudal aristocrats

2 儿媳 (ér xí) – daughter-in-law
3 晕头转向 (yūn tóu zhuàn xiàng) - confused and disoriented
4 滴水不漏 [dīshuǐbúlòu] – lit. not one drop of water can leak out; be watertight
5 娘家 (niáng jia) - married woman's parents' hom
6 大人 (dà ren) - adult; grownup; title of respect toward superiors
7 苦哈哈 (kǔ hā hā) - to have difficulty getting by; to struggle (financially etc)
day, Qi Heng brought over a box of recipes from his own family’s chest to Minglan. It was filled with
recipes for bāo tāng8, medicinal cuisine and wheat flour dishes. Seeing that Minglan was doing
needlework, he brought with him on the first day several books of the latest designs from the capital,
and a bag full of pearls of more than a dozen colors.

In the end, Minglan could not resist Qi Heng’s lures. When there is a lack in manpower, she often
became very attentive and adorable, carrying tea towards Qi Heng’s stool. When she saw him, she would
ask about his well being9 ‘Elder Brother Yuan Ruo studied hard, Elder Yuan Ruo should take a break for
awhile.’ A small, fat squirrel was busy bustling forwards and backwards, and also talked cleverly and
humorously with Qi Heng.

"Sixth Younger Sister, you are a bully10.” When Qi Heng saw Minglan tease the goldfish with the aquatic
plants, he deliberately tried to joke.

Minglan innocently replied, "Not really. Before I played with it, I didn't know it was weaker than me."

"Then why don't you play?" Qi Heng saw her throwing away the aquatic plants and asked.

Minglan sincerely said: "I will listen to Elder Brother Yuan Ruo's words and won’t bully the weak
anymore.” She felt as if she was really being a lackey.

Qi Heng was quite happy and rubbed her head. His smile was deeply moving 11; eyebrows were unfurled
elegantly, and eyes were in brilliant radiance. He looked as beautiful as Gù Kǎi zhi12 elegant paintings in
the Wei and Jin Dynasties. The young servant girls of the Shou’an hall couldn’t help but be smitten with

On the fourth day, he finally stopped coming for lunch. Once again, Minglan took out the aquatic plants,
calmly moving it to the side of the goldfish tank.

“.. Young lady.” Xiao Tao came in from outside, clasping an exquisite straw basket and with a face full of
confusion. “Young Master Qi Heng told this servant to give this to Young Lady. He said it was fun to tease
the fish with this grass.”

Minglan halted, feeling the strength go out of her bones. Okay.. perhaps she was overthinking..”

Ever since the time Molan started to dwell in the Wei Rui Pavilion, Wang-shi felt as if her head would

Even if the Young Ladies received an equal amount of silver every month, Wang-shi would privately give
more to her daughter. Even if new clothes were being made every season, It was only natural for her
own daughter to receive more. Even the Master did not say anything about Wang-shi’s immature delight.
Who would have thought that Molan was looking at her feeble eyes, but as shrewd inside. Just like,

8 煲汤 (bāo tāng) - soup made by simmering for a long time

9 嘘寒问暖 (xū hán wèn nuǎn) - to enquire solicitously about sb's well-being (idiom)
10 恃强凌弱 (shì qiáng líng ruò) - bully the weak
11 回肠荡气(huí cháng dàng qì) - soul-stirring (of drama, poem or artwork); heart-rending; deeply moving
12 顾恺之 (Gù Kǎi zhī)- famous painter of Eastern Jin dynasty, one of the Four Great Painters of the Six dynasties
13 一个头两个大(yī ge tóu liǎng ge dà) - (coll.) to feel as though one's head could explode
when Rulan would have a new hairpin, she would weep for a long time until her eyes were swollen and
her face would look aggrieved. Afterwards, she would walk out of the room letting everyone see from
top to bottom. Wang-shi would gnash her teeth in hatred, 14 wishing she could slap her.

Old maidservant Liu Kun would persuade: “There’s no need to take it to heart. So what if she goes crying
and complaining to the Master? Every girl has her own backer - even master knows this. Fourth Young
Lady has Concubine Lin and Sixth Young Miss has Old Madam. Let’s read the scriptures; If you can have
the skills, you can seize Concubine Lin’s properties. Move the Sixth Young Miss from Shou’an Hall to Wei
Rui pavilion, and have the girls genuinely educated. Then, supposing Master is comes , we can then talk
to him.

Wang-shi was annoyed and said: “After this, how can I know what not to say. I have no fear of telling
Master but that wretched girl keeps putting on a sullen facade every time; I am losing face outside.

Old maidservant Liu Kun smiled and replied: “That child is not so calculating, she is mistaken to think
that she would be able to control Master through this way. Might as well approach Master first and tell
him that you haven't beaten or scolded Fourth Young Miss; that she has good food and drinks provided
to her and is still crying all day long. Out of fear for being unfilial, I presume Fourth Young Lady would go
back. Not a single finger was laid on Fourth Young Lady so what can she say? If she really dares to do tell
one is being favored and the other discriminated. 15 Madam will then be able to have a say.

Wang-shi hesitated before saying: “... What if she says nothing but cries there?”

Shaking her head, Old maidservant Liu Kun said: “You can say that you took good care of her, but the
Fourth Young Lady only knows how to wail endlessly to death, making you look like a common
stepmother bullying her daughter. Better ask Master what to be done because you can’t afford to have a
bad reputation.

Although Wang-shi felt It was hard, nonetheless she followed the advice given to her since etiquette was
not an issue between the two of them. When Sheng Hong heard this, he felt very displeased and went to
seek out Molan. Upon entering the room, he ordered her to kneel and admonished her. Outside, the
servants girls could hear nothing but Molan’s constant weeping and also Sheng Hong cursing in rage.
‘..the cheap trick of hanging yourself to tears’ ‘…an unmarried daughter from a noble house should act
properly!’ ‘…take’ and so on and so on, afterwards storming off in a huff.16

Being harshly berated by her father for the first time, Molan cried all night long. The next day, she went
and well-manneredly paid respects to Wang-shi, bringing her tea and water to look like a good daughter.
She would obey whatever Wang-shi would tell her. Even if she was reprimanded, Molan would only hung
her head obediently while listening. Seeing her aggrieved state, Wang-shi could not help but soften and
act as her di mu17.

Ancient times was a patriarchal society18 with an explicit division of labor between men and women.
Men were the breadwinners whereas women managed the household affairs and give birth to children

14 咬牙切齿 (yǎo yá qiè chǐ) - gnashing one's teeth (idiom); displaying extreme anger
15 厚此薄彼 (hòu cǐ bó bǐ) -to favour one and discriminate against the other
16 拂袖而去 (fú xiù ér qù) - to storm off in a huff (idiom)
17 嫡母 (dí mǔ) - first wife/mother
18 Male-dominated
while taking care of them. Sheng Hong would educate his sons to become officials to earn rice. Wang-shi
was responsible for the business of their sons and daughters and the silver distributed monthly for the
management of the household and regulation of the servants. She also must make clothes and provide
jewelry for her daughters regularly for social obligations such as mingling with womenfolk from high-
class families. Sheng Hong would let his daughters to meet the guests, but strangely prevented Minglan
from going out twice.

Several days later, Wang-shi was eventually enlightened and suddenly had a realization.19 She gave a long
sigh. “Master as expected is really calculating; truly has a father’s gentle heart!"

Old maidservant Liu Kun was sitting by the table beside the heatable brick bed,20verifying account
records with Wang-shi. After hearing it, she hurriedly asked Wang-shi what she meant by it. Wang-shi
gave a bitter laugh and said: “Master has been trying to put both two girls under my name. Minglan was
taken by Old Madam so she should be fine. In the future, I do not needlessly have to worry about the
household. Even after knowing the circumstances of the Qi family, nevertheless, the girl was still sincere
and was not shameless to scheme and curry favor. She knew her status and didn’t compete with her di
older sister.21 It’s not bothersome to put her under my name, I’m considering on giving her some dowry
too.. but that fourth girl.. humph! Master knows I have been hostile with Concubine Lin since the
beginning of time.22 The children have nothing to do with it, but it is no good to pressure me to accept
the Fourth girl. When he came up with the idea of cooking raw rice, initially he brought people in for me
to teach her how to lead and greet the guests. When Molan becomes old enough to matchmake, I would
be forced to put her under my name. By then I would not be able to evade it.”

When Old maidservant Liu Kun heard this, she secretly kept the truth in her heart and laughed while
saying: “I suppose what you said was reasonable, but don’t worry. For a daughter born from a concubine
to be recorded in the family genealogical record under the official wife‘s name is akin to cheating the
ancestors and future generations. How could this inside information be kept in the dark! For
matchmakers outside to think Molan is truly genuine born, can that really be? To be a good parent one
must be respectable. Moreover, for such an unmarried daughter to have dignity, shouldn’t she be

Wang-shi heaved a sigh and said: “As to what you’re saying, I don’t know. My heart is simply unhappy.”
Recalling how Concubine Lin was favored in the past, Wang-shi couldn’t help but burst into a fit of panic.
She was always pondering on what to do to make that slut’s daughter’s marriage miserable. However,
she couldn’t be reckless and carelessly implicate her own daughter; the gains do not make up for the

When Old maidservant Liu Kun saw the color of Wang-shi’s complexion, she knew she was feeling on
edge24 again and hurriedly advised: “Don’t let it get to your heart. The girl will be married soon and will

19 恍然大悟 (huǎng rán dà wù) - to suddenly realize; to suddenly see the light
20 炕 (kàng) - (a heatable brick bed); to bake; to dry by the heat of a fire
21 嫡姐 (dí mei) eldest daughter born to the first wife
22 有年头 (yǒu nián tou) for donkey's years; for ages
23 得不偿失 (dé bù cháng shī) - the gains do not make up for the losses (idiom)

24 钻牛角尖 (zuān niú jiǎo jiān) - lit. to penetrate into a bull's horn (idiom); fig. to waste time on an insoluble or
insignificant problem; to bash one's head against a brick wall; a wild goose chase; a blind alley; to split hairs
show how respectable our family is. In the future when Young Master Bai will obtain great achievements,
she won’t be able to look you in the face. As far as I can tell, Fourth Young Lady and Concubine Lin are
annoyed. We should keep a tight watch on Young Master Bai’s education as the main priority. The
autumn provincial exam 25is fast approaching and we can only hope Young Master would do well in one
swoop. Only can the dignity of the next generation be assured!”

Wang-shi thought of Changbai and her spirit was immediately energized. She patted her embroidery and
said: “That’s right! That slut praises Changfeng all day long. It took him two times to pass the prefectural
exam26 but Master spoils him. Funnily, this time he did not pass the last imperial examination27 and yet
she still boasts about him until now! You reminded me properly. For mother to send you here, I’m truly

After a year of studying, the provincial imperial exam28 which occurred every three years, was gradually
closing in. Mister Zhuang lectured strictly on the nature of The Analects of Confucius .29 Changdong was
released half-day through the lesson, leaving only the older brothers to concentrate on their studies.
Although Changfeng was still not a student,30 he was still part of half of the candidates for the
examination. They were both enrolled in the cram school31 before the examinations and drawn to Wang-
shi’s daily supplement of fish, chicken, and pig brain soup. Sheng Hong wanted to put forth a few
questions that was inside his mind but remained calm and took a copy of the Book of Dao,32 pretending
to like it.

Ming Lan was a little secretary who had no understanding of politics. She was nestled in the heatable
brick bed near the window with her grandmother, eating freshly steamed red beans, yam and rice rake.
This was the Southern snacks that Minglan came up with; their teeth and cheeks became relishing the
food they ate.

Ming Lan vaguely said: “Oh, it’s truly tasty.. there’s also a steamer basket for grandmother’s midnight
snacks to eat on a warm stomach.”

Old Madam Sheng wiped her hands with a wet towel and said: “Send some for Bai’ger to eat since it
mustn’t be easy for him. This is to bring honor33 to the Shen family. You would also benefit in the future.”
She thought it over and said: “The schoolbag you made for Dong’ger last time was really good. This time,
your brother is going to partake in the imperial examinations, you should put your handicrafts to work
and make him something useful. Your brother will be able to see your feelings too.”

25 秋闱 (qiū wéi) - autumn exam (triennial provincial exam during Ming and Qing)
26 府试 (fǔ shì) - prefectural exam, the 2nd of the three entry-level exams in the imperial examination system of
Ming and Qing dynasties
27 院试 (yuàn shì) - the last of the three entry-level exams in the imperial examination system of Ming and Qing
28 乡试 (xiāng shì) -the triennial provincial imperial exam during the Ming and Qing
29 论语 (Lún yǔ) - The Analects of Confucius
30 生员(shēng yuán) - scholar preparing for imperial examinations (in former times)
31 补习班 (bǔ xí bān) - cram class; cram school; evening classes
32 道德经 (Dào dé jīng) - the Book of Dao by Laozi or Lao-Tze, the sacred text of Daoism

33 光耀门楣 (guāng yào mén méi) - splendor shines on the family's door (idiom)
Minglan nodded. Initially when she saw ] little Changdong’s incompetent manservant, she took matters
into her own hand. She made him a schoolbag with layered pockets, a beautiful pattern of white clouds,
blue skies and the green grass sewn on the shoulder straps. The loose Sandalwood beads held by a
string, which the Old Madam used for praying to Buddha were held tightly in a pouch with an elastic
band wrapped around the opening; It was portable and pleasing to the eye. It seems Little Changdong
would like anything.

After her craftmanship was positively praised, Minglan felt completely stimulated. After she received the
pair of goldfish from before, she made a fan with pattern of Pine, Bamboo and Plum34 and sent it over to
Changbai. Changbai was ecstatic and sent her a special local product from Tong Cheng which was a
plaited flower bamboo basket used for holding pens.

originally felt
that she was
wise on her
regarding her
girls have
choices Left: Fan with Pine, Bamboo and Plum design
concerning Right: Plaited flower bamboo basket

studies, for the boys on the other hand, their only goal is to strive hard for the imperial examination.

There are many advantages to taking the imperial examination. If you had good marks you can be a
government official. If the scores are average, one can still become a government official, albeit with a
lower, minor position. Meanwhile, those who did badly become private school teachers in villages.
What’s important is when they earn scholarly honor from taking the examinations, they become
exempted to tax. Even a scholar 35doesn't have to kneel when he meets the county master. The imperial
examination is not only of great significance for ordinary men wanting to change their lives, but also for
Sheng Changbai who wants to be an official. In the olden times, the official position was not hereditary.
Old Master Sheng was a government official, yet his sons had to rely on their own skills to test the
imperial examination and obtain an official position. If not, the prosperity of the Sheng family would only
thrive for a few generations.

These words were spoken by the Old Madam Sheng, the tone of his speech solemn. Minglan quietly
stole several looks from the corner of her eyes. She realized long ago that her grandmother was peculiar.
Although she came from an influential family of the Hou Government, she disdained delicate males, but

34 Three Friends of Winter, also known as Suihan Sanyou, is an art motif that comprises the pine,bamboo, and
35 秀才 (xiù cai) - a person who has passed the county level imperial exam (historical)
had a liking for those who relied on their ability to take the imperial examination. It could be said that
she was attracted to his father, Sheng Hong, whose poetry was elegant, and came third in the the Han-lin

As Minglan speculated about the circumstances, her hand unconsciously reached for another slice of
round flat cake only to grasp empty air. She found out Old Madam Sheng already called for the fang
mama to store the snacks in a warm box and sent it away. Old Madam Sheng looked back and saw
Minglan’s fat, white hand in the air, her brows crinkled. Patiently persuading,36 she soothingly said: “Little
Ming girl, listen to grandmother's words. Day by day, you're getting older and should not eat as much as
you did when you were a child. You're overweight and don't look good in your clothes.”

Minglan was embarrassed and held her small claws back. She was not hiding her beauty and being low-

36 苦口婆心 (kǔ kǒu pó xīn) - earnest and well-meaning advice (idiom); to persuade patiently

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