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Ladies and Gentlemen, we proceed to the opening ceremony in five minutes.

You may now have your seat
19.00-19.10 10” Saman dance by Ladies and Gentlemen, we are now present you Saman Dance.
Samantyne (Samantin) Saman dance or dance of thousands hands is a traditional dance from Aceh
Province, It is usually perform to welcome guests in an important occasion.

The dance will be performed by the students of Faculty of Medicine and Health
Sciences named Samantin
Ladies and Gentlemen give a round of applause for Samantin
19.10-19.20 10” Opening Video
5” Pembukaan MC All praise to Allah as the lord of the world, as the master and creator of
everything in this universe, his mercy and blessings for enabling us to meet and
gather in this place, without any troubles and obstacles.

May peace and salutation would always be given to Prophet of Islam

Muhammad SAW who guided us from the darkness to brightness, namely islam.

Excellency Governor of Special Region of Yogyakarta,

(The representative of) Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX

Excellency Rector of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Dr. Ir. Gunawan

Budiyanto, M.P

The Honorable Dean of Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universitas

Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Dr. dr. Wiwik Kusumawati, M.Kes (master of health)
The Respectable Participants of 13th International Tropical Medicine Summer
And committees that has been preparing this event for almost a year.

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, Assalamu’alaikum wr wb (bareng)

We are delighted to welcome you to the 13th International Tropical Medicine

Summer School: by the theme “Indonesian Progress to Develop Tropical
Medicine in Health Care System” in Asri Medical Center, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

This year we are bringing Leptospirosis, Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever and

Tuberculosis as our main topics. This Summer school will be held from July 31st
to August 18th with educational and non-educational programs.

The educational programs are: Lecture by experts, Tutorial, Skills lab, Lab
practice, Plenary Discussion, Primary health care visit, Hospital visit and
Community work.

The non- educational programs are: Ceremonies, Cultural class, and social
programs to many tourism objects.
We hope this program can enhance your awareness to endemic disease and
how to treat them, also to share your knowledge back in your country.

My name is Fahad, I’m Ilma, and we are your master of ceremony this evening
To start our opening ceremony, allow me to read today’s agenda
Reciting Holy Quran
Welcoming Speeches
Symbolic opening with Gong
Photo session
Dinner and Games
and Closing

Without further do, please welcome Ira Safira to recite the Holy Quran
Reciting Holy Quran The reciting of Holy Quran is to express our gratitude towards God for helping
us through this program.
Welcoming Speeches Ladies and Gentlemen
Sambutan: 1. We would like to invite the Project Manager of 13th ITMSS to the stage to
deliver his remark, Please welcome Indra Maulana
-Governor 2. Thank you Indra. Let us welcome the President of Muhammadiyah
Medical Students’ Activities, Intania Lita Pramesti

3. Thank you Intan. Ladies and Gentlemen, it is now my deep pleasure to

introduce the Dean of Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences,
Dr. dr. Wiwik Kusumawati M.Kes (Master of health)

4. Ladies and Gentlemen, it is our honor to have the Governor of Special

Region of Yogyakarta, please welcome Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX
Gong The next agenda is the symbolic opening of this Program by beating a Gong, to
officially start this program for the next 19 days.
To …… please come up on stage

19:20- 10” Parade Budaya Ladies and Gentlemen, we present you The Parade of Nusantara,
19.30 -South Sumatera Starting with…
(ifan kiyah)
-South Borneo
(anky lovina)
-West Borneo
(hirzi ayu)
(nofa tasya)
-South Sulawesi
(rifa ucup)
-South East Sulawesi
(eja danis)
(veda rika)
19.30-19.40 10” Tari (Mas Ojhan)

20.35-21.15 40” Dinner Ladies and Gentlemen, you may now have your dinner. Please enjoy.
21.15-21.35 20” Games (Nusantara)
21.35-21.45 10” Tari (Mbak Minah)
21.45-21.50 5” Penutupan Excellency, Ladies and Gentlemen
We are now come to the end of Welcoming Ceremony of 13th International
Tropical Medicine Summer School.

On behalf of the host and committee, we would like to extend our deepest
appreciation for your support and participation.

Good Evening, Wassalamu’alaikum wr wb.(bareng)

21.50-22.00 10” Foto Bersama

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