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Good Morning, Ladies and Gentlemen

SEC is a big competition which has expanded to national scale. Of course we dont stand alone.
Several companies help us. Thank you very much for the contribution in this competition.
With our sponsorship ...
Assalamualaikum wr.wb Shalom, Om Swastiastu, Namo Budaya, Tabik Pun
The Honorable Dean Of the Faculty of Agriculture, Mr. Irwan Sukri Banuwa
The honorable advisor of Himaseperta University of Lampung (?)
The honorable Presiden of Himaseperta, M. Daffa Nurhanif
The honorable General Chief of SEC 2023, Meiliza Triyani
And also the honorable all the participants and of course our beloved judges
Welcome to “ Sosek English Competition 2023" with the theme, “Discover Your Cupidity Thriugh
The Cleft Of World ”
Assalamualaikum wr.wb
First of all, let’s say thank to Allah SWT who has given us mercy and blessings so that we can gather
here to join our wonderful competition , Sosek English Competition 2023 without any obstacles and
hopefully this event will run well till the end.
Secondly, praise and salutation to our prophet Muhammad SAW who has brought us from the
darkness to the lightness.
Ladies and Gentlemen, let’s open this event by saying “Basmallah” together.
The next, singing the national anthem, Indonesia Raya
Ladies and gentlemen, take your seat
The next is Doa that will be lead by ... to ... time is yours
The first speech will deliver by Chief Excecutive of SEC 2023,Mrs Meiliza Triyani. To Mrs Meiliza time
is yours
Thank you for Mrs Meiliza Triyani for delivering the speech
The second speech is from the President of Himaseperta University of Lampung, Mr Daffa Nurhanif.
Mr Daffa Nurhanif time is yours
Thank you for Mrs Meiliza Triyani for delivering the speech
The third speech will be deliver by (pembina hima) Time is yours
Thank you very much (pembina hima) for delivering the speech. Now we will invite Dekan
Agriculture faculty to deliver our welcoming speech that will be presented by Prof. Dr. Ir. Irwan Sukri
Banuwa to officially open this event. To Prof. Dr. Ir. Irwan Sukri Banuwa to time is yours
Thank you very much Prof. Dr. Ir. Irwan Sukri Banuwa to for the speech
Next, we will have a photo session for all participant that will held by documentation division. To all
participant please turn on your camera
Ladies and gentlemen, and with that we complete our entire agenda for this opening ceremony of
SEC 2023.
Now lets close this opening ceremony by saying hamdalah together, Alhamdulillah hirobbilalamin.
I’m Reditho
I’m Lulu
As master ceremony of SEC 2023 would like to apologize for the mistake. Thank your for your
attention and Wassalamualaikum wr.wb

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