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MC Script

Glorife: Ladies and Gentlemen, as we are about to begin, please be seated.

Good afternoon everyone, I would like to ask everyone to please rise for our prayer to be led to us by
Mr. Rexon Sumagit.

Rexon: Ladies and gentlemen.

A very good afternoon once again to everyone and welcome to Seminar Workshop 2023 entitled:
Developing and Enhancing the Financial Literacy of the 21st Century Teachers. Our seminar this
afternoon will surely give us a lot of learning about everything we need to learn about financial literacy.
So please sit down, relax and enjoy the rest of the afternoon. I hope you will find the program to be
fruitful and engaging.

Rexon: To kick off this afternoon's program we are pleased to have Ms. Glorife Pernitez to deliver the
opening remarks.

Rexon:Thank you Ms. Pernitez for that very energetic opening message.

Rexon: But before we introduce our first speaker, we will be having our first activity this afternoon.

Glorife: (Deal or No Deal) Instructions

Rexon: I hope everyone enjoy our first activity this afternoon. And now let me call on Ms. Glorife
Pernitez to introduce our first guest speaker.

(Introducing first Guest Speaker)


And to introduce our second guest speaker let me call on Mr. Rexon Sumagit.

(Introducing the Second Guest Speaker)


And to introduce our last guest speaker let me call on. Ms. Rethse Ann Cuerpo.

(Introducing the third Guest Speaker)

(Workshop Instructions)


We are inviting Maam Malaya Anawin for the giving of Certificates to the participants.

(Giving of Certificates and Awards)


As we are about to end today's event. We are pleased to have Mr. John Rexon Sumagit to deliver the
closing remarks.


I would like to ask everyone to please rise for our closing prayer that will be led to us by Ms. Rethse Ann


Ladies and Gentlemen. I hope you've found this day of inset presentations informative and useful.
Thank you once again for making this event a memorable one.

Thank you for coming and have a safe journey home. Good afternoon and God Bless us all.


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