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Management Science Associates

B1 B2 B3 N1 N2 N3
<= 30 31-50 >= 51 <= 30 31-50 >= 51
and and and and not and not and not
border border border border border border
Number of households 0.00 600.00 140.00 1000.00 0.00 560.00
Interview cost $7.50 $6.80 $5.50 $6.90 $7.25 $6.10 $15,166.00
Total households 1 1 1 1 1 1 2300.00 >= 2300
<= 30 households 1 1 1000.00 >= 1000
31-50 households 1 1 600.00 >= 600
Border Mexico 1 1 1 740.00 >= 345
<= 30 and not border 1 1000.00 >= 500
>= 51 and border 1 140.00 <= 140

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