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EEL 6357.

001F18 Analog CMOS/VLSI Design

Term Paper Abstract

Name Ratik Mittal

Date of Submission 10/04/2018

Title of Term Paper: “An Adaptive Network-Based Reinforcement Learning Method for MPPT Control

for variable speed PMSG Wind Energy Conversion Systems”

Abstract- I plan to study and report on:

1. Understanding configuration, mathematical modeling for direct-drive PMSG WECS.

2. Theoretical aspects of MPPT algorithm for effective maximum power tracking.

3. Thorough study of ANN based reinforcement learning (RL) MPPT algorithm.

4. Understanding overall control scheme and flow-chart of proposed MPPT algorithm.

5. Application of proposed RL based MPPT algorithm on PMSG WECS.

Time Invested ~ 12 hours

Reference Papers Referred – Referred around 6 IEEE papers, took feedback from the professor and

chose 1.

Resource: (1) Chun Wei, Zhe Zhang, Wei Qiao and Liyan Qu, “An Adaptive Network-Based

Reinforcement Learning Method for MPPT Control of PMSG Wind Energy Conversion Systems,” IEEE

Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 31, no. 11, pp. 7837-7848, Nov. 2016.

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