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Current Affairs Day to Day
August 1, 2018
1. US warns against IMF bailout for Pakistan that helps China
 US Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo has warned the International Monetary Fund
(IMF) that the Trump administration will not allow it to lend US dollars to Pakistan for
repaying China.
 In an interview to CNBC, broadcast on July 31, 2018 evening, Secretary Pompeo also
expressed the desire to engage with the new Pakistani leadership in a mutually beneficial
 The Financial Times reported earlier this week that Pakistan may seek an IMF bailout
package of up to $12 billion to strengthen its fragile economy.
 Interviewer Michelle Caruso Cabrera, however, depicted Pakistan`s possible request as
borrowing money from the IMF to repay China, reminding Secretary Pompeo that IMF
loans also include US taxpayer dollars.
 The media interpreted this as a message to Pakistan, indicating that Washington will
oppose its request for a bailout package from the IMF.
 Ultimately, Pakistan will search for other options if the road to the IMF is blocked.
 The reported $12bn package would be Pakistan`s largest bailout from the IMF.
2. Religious parties clinch over 9pc share of votes in National Assembly
 Despite the participation of 12 religious parties in the electoral battle this year, the far-
right groups managed to secure only 5,203,285 (9.58 per cent) of the total 54,319,922
votes polled across the country as most of them saw a decline in their vote bank when
compared to the 2013 general election.
 The highest votes in favour of religious parties were cast in Punjab (2,704,856 votes) but
that contributed to only 7.98pc of the province`s overall vote bank the lowest among all
provinces as per the preliminary results released by the Election Commission of Pakistan.
As compared to Punjab, their performance was better in Sindh where the religious
parties received 1,116,644 votes (10.57pc of the total votes polled). However, religiously
motivated groups dominated the electoral space in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa where nine
parties collectively secured 18.84pc of the votes polled, followed by Balochistan
 The recently revived Muttahida Majlis-i-Amal (MMA) an alliance of various religious
parties headed by Maulana Fazlur Rehman`s JUI-F and the Jamaat-i-Islami managed to
secure 12 seats with 2.5 million votes for the National Assembly. Earlier in 2002, the
MMA had emerged as the country`s third largest party with 3.1 million votes and 59 of its
candidates had won. The alliance disintegrated when the JI boycotted the 2008 general
elections. The JUI-F, however, took part in them. The JUI-F secured 760,000 votes in 2008

ICEP | CSS – PMS, 6-B, Gulberg III, Near Hotel One, right opposite Tipu Road, in Orbit Institute, ICEP Network. 03222077774.
and 1.4 million votes in the 2013 general elections, while the JI had secured
960,000 votes in 2013.
3. Pakistan assures US of its commitment to Afghan peace talks
 In a meeting between US Defence Secretary James Mattis and Ambassador Ali Jahangir
Siddiqui, Pakistan has reiterated its commitment to playing a part in the Afghan peace
and reconciliation process.
 In his meeting with the US defence chief at the Pentagon, Ambassador Siddiqui also
briefed Mr Mattis on Pakistan`s efforts to enhance its cooperation with Afghanistan.
 This was the new Pakistani envoy`s first formal meeting with the US defence chief and
Pakistan`s Defence Attaché Kamal Anwar Chaudhry also accompanied him.
4. Pakistan, Russia sign MoU for naval cooperation
 In a landmark development, Pakistan and the Russian Federation have signed a
memorandum of understanding for naval cooperation.
 The MoU was signed during a visit of Vice Chief of Naval Staff Vice Admiral Kaleem
Shaukat to the Central Naval Museum at Saint Petersburg.
 Both sides, while appreciating the conclusion of the MoU, expressed that the
memorandum will certainly boost the existing bilateral naval collaboration between the
two navies.
 The Vice-Chief of Naval Staff also called on Commander-in-Chief of the Russian
Federation. They exchanged views on professional matters and security situation in the
Indian Ocean region.
5. Use of words FATA, PATA banned
 In view of 31st Constitutional amendment, Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa caretaker chief minister
banned use of words FATA and PATA in official correspondence/communication or
documents and directed for using he words merged areas or merged districts in official
correspondence, a notification stated.
6. Three in five babies not breastfed within first hour of birth, report says
 A report by Unicef and the World Health Organisation, released ahead of World
Breastfeeding Week starting today (August 1, 2018), estimates that three in five 78
million babies are not breastfed within the first hour of life, putting them at a higher risk
of death and disease and making them less likely to continue breastfeeding.
 According to the report, 44pc of newborns are put to the breast within the first hour of
birth. But this average masks dramatic disparities in breastfeeding rates across countries.
The Global Breastfeeding Collective, a WHO and Unicef led group, aims to improve the
rates of early breastfeeding initiation to 70pc.
 Of the 129 countries whose data is available, only 22 currently meet this target.
 The overall rate of exclusive breastfeeding for infants under six months is 40pc, only 23
countries have achieved at least 60pc exclusive breastfeeding for infants below six
months, the report said.
 This problem is particularly seen in the Americas, where only 6pc of countries have an
exclusive breastfeeding rate above 60pc.
 The collective has established a target to increase the rate of exclusive breastfeeding to
at least 60pc by 2030.
 According to Pakistan Demographic and Health Surveys, breastfeeding rates have not
seen desired improvements over the last decade (37pc in 2006 and 38pc in 2012).
 This combined with an increasing trend in bottle-feeding rates (32pc in 2006 and 41pc in
2012) has resulted in an undesirable situation for newborn and child health and survival.

ICEP | CSS – PMS, 6-B, Gulberg III, Near Hotel One, right opposite Tipu Road, in Orbit Institute, ICEP Network. 03222077774.
 In Pakistan, Unicef is supporting federal and provincial governments ensure
measures to enforce the protection and promotion of breastfeeding.
 The most recent multiple indicator cluster surveys in Pakistan show encouraging
improvement in exclusive breastfeeding in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Gilgit-Baltistan. KP
has recently evidenced an increase in its exclusive breastfeeding rate by 10pc and is
currently at 57pc, while GB is standing at 63pc.
7. Putin gives Russian army a political wing
 Vladimir Putin has created a new directorate inside the Russian army to promote
patriotism, evoking memories of a Soviet practice that once saw soldiers taught the
precepts of Marxism and Leninism by political commissars.
 The move, approved by Putin in a presidential decree published on July 31, 2018, will
affect Russia`s around 1 million active military service people and appears designed to
ensure soldiers` loyalty at a time when Moscow is locked in a geopolitical standoff with
the West.
 Putin, commander-in-chief of Russia`s armed forces, ran as an independent candidate
when re-elected to a new term in March.
8. North Korea developing new missiles: WP
 US intelligence agencies have found that North Korea is building new missiles, based on
satellite photographs taken in recent weeks and other new evidence, The Washington
Post reported.
 Just weeks after a high-stakes summit between President Donald Trump and North
Korean leader Kim Jong Un, Pyongyang appears to be developing at least one or two
liguid-fuelled intercontinental ballistic missiles, citing officials familiar with the
 The factory outside Pyongyang in Sanumdong where the work is underway produced the
North`s first ICBMs capable of reaching the United States.
 Following the Singapore summit in June, Trump had declared that Pyongyang was `no
longer a Nuclear Threat, and touted his own diplomatic achievements.
 But Kim did not publicly promise to end work at the country`s nuclear and missile
facilities, instead speaking of eventual denuclearisation.
9. Mars at closest point from Earth in 15 years
 Earth`s neighboring planet, Mars, is closer than it has been in the past 15 years, offering
unusually bright views of the Red Planet`s auburn hues.
 `The Red Planet and Earth haven`t been this close since 2003, and won`t be again until
2035,` according to Nasa.
 Astronomers around the world trained their telescopes on the sky on July 31, 2018, when
the Red Planet was 57.6 million kilometers away.
 Astronomers are interested in Mars travel path because it helps decide the best times for
spacecraft to launch. When the Sun, Earth and Mars are lined up, with Earth sitting in
between, a phenomenon called `opposition` is in effect, giving the brightest view of
 This year`s close approach is not a record-breaker.
 The minimum distance from the Earth to Mars is about 54.6 million kilometers and is
rarely achieved.
 The last closest approach was in 2003, when Mars was 55.7 million kilometers from Earth
`and the closest it had been in nearly 60,000 years`, said Nasa.
 Another close encounter like 2003`s will not happen until the year 2287.

ICEP | CSS – PMS, 6-B, Gulberg III, Near Hotel One, right opposite Tipu Road, in Orbit Institute, ICEP Network. 03222077774.
10. New Zealand declines PCB invitation to play T20 series in Pakistan
 New Zealand`s cricket board has declined Pakistan Cricket Board`s (PCB) invitation to the
Black Caps to play a three-match Twenty20 International series in Pakistan.
 The Kiwis are set to play three Tests, three One-day Internationals and three T20 matches
against Pakistan in the UA E in October this year.
 The PCB, however, had attempted to convince New Zealand Cricket (NZC) to hold the
T20s in Pakistan but NZC declined, saying the `circumstances weren`t right` for the team.
 NZC chairman Greg Barclay told that although the board was aware that its decision
would be `disappointing` for the PCB, they had opted against it.
 The last time New Zealand visited Pakistan was in 2003 for five ODIs. A year before that,
the BlackCaps had to cut their tour short following a bomb blast outside their hotel in

ICEP | CSS – PMS, 6-B, Gulberg III, Near Hotel One, right opposite Tipu Road, in Orbit Institute, ICEP Network. 03222077774.
August 2, 2018
1. US designates `LeT commander Dakhil` global terrorist
 The United States on July 31, 2018 designated a senior Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) commander
a specially designated global terrorist and sanctioned two others as fund collectors for
the banned group.
 The commander, identified as Abdul Rehman al-Dakhil, is also accused of carrying out
attacks in India between 1997 and 2001.
 The fund-raisers were identified as Hameed-ul-Hassan and Abdul Jabbar, who allegedly
worked for Falah-i-Insaniyat Foundation (FIF), which the US regards as a front for the LeT.
 Separate announcements by the US state and treasury departments claimed that all
three were Pakistani nationals.
 In April, the US added Milli Muslim League (MML), describing it as a political party floated
by LeT founder Hafiz Saeed to mainstream the group, and Tehreek-i-Azadi Kashmir
(TAJK), as LeT fronts.
2. Pakistan rejects US opposition to IMF bailout
 Foreign Minister Abdullah Hussain Haroon on August 0, 2018 rejected United States
opposition to an International Monetary Fund (IMF) bailout package for his country as
uncalled for and inappropriate.
 `It is totally wrong to link any IMF package with CPEC,` the foreign minister said at a press
conference at the Foreign Office while responding to US Secretary of State Mike
Pompeo`s criticism of a bailout programme for Pakistan by the international lender.
 Mr Pompeo, in an exclusive interview with CNBC on July 31, 2018, disapproved the idea
of an IMF bailout for Pakistan saying China would benefit from such a deal.
 The foreign minister clarified that the caretaker government did not have the mandate to
seek an IMF package. `This is a policy matter to be decided by incoming government. I
want to say it loud and clear so that it is heard internationally,` he added.
3. CAA suspends Shaheen Air`s domestic operations
 A dispute over payment of arrears totalling over Rs1.5 billion between the Civil Aviation
Authority (CAA) and Shaheen Air International (SAl) took a serious turn on August 1, 2018
when the CAA ordered suspension of the airline`s domestic operations, it is learnt
 The airline`s international operations except Haj flights had already been suspended
several days ago by the CAA, owing to the non-payment of arrears.
 Confusion prevailed over the airline`s operations as CAA spokesperson Pervez George
said the SAI domestic operations were being suspended from Wednesday, while SAI
representative Zoheb Hassan maintained that flights of the airline were being operated
as per normal schedule.
 Mr George said that despite repeated requests and even an order of the Sindh High
Coun, the SAI did not pay arrears as per agreement earlier.
4. UAE offers 'visa amnesty' for migrant workers
 The United Arab Emirates, a major hub for migrant labourers, on August 1, 2018 began
an amnesty for workers who entered the country without a visa or overstayed their work
 The government said those who entered the UAE illegally or overstayed their visas and
who come forward by October 31 would not be fined or charged if they choose to leave
the country voluntarily.

ICEP | CSS – PMS, 6-B, Gulberg III, Near Hotel One, right opposite Tipu Road, in Orbit Institute, ICEP Network. 03222077774.
 The amnesty also grants those looking for employment a six-month visa to
find a job. It excludes, however, those who are "blacklisted" or with legal cases pending.
 The UAE, the fourth largest oil producer in the OPEC oil cartel, is home to a huge
workforce from Asia and Africa.
5. Pashto singer shot dead in Nowshera
 Pashto singer and stage actress Resham Khan was shot dead allegedly by her husband in
the limits of Nowshera Kalan police station here on August 2, 2018.
 Police said that Resham`s brother Obaidullah, a resident of Charsadda and presently
living in Hakimabad, named his brother-in-law Fayda Khan in the first information report
about murder of his sister.They said that Resham married Fayda Khan, who was working
abroad, one year ago.
 Obaidullah said that the suspect had recently returned to the country and convinced his
wife to visit his ailing father. He said that he went to Resham`s residence when she didn`t
return after some time and found her murdered. The suspect managed to escape, he
 The body of the deceased artist was shifted to the districtheadquarters hospitalfor
 Besides rendering several popular songs, Resham Khan had played role of university
student in a 350-episodes drama serial `Zhobal Goluna`. She was not only popular in
Pakistan but also in other countries as she performed there as well.
6. UK refugee wins biggest maths prize
 Caucher Birkar, a Cambridge University professor of Iranian Kurdish origin, was named
August 1, 2018 one of four winners of mathematics’ prestigious Fields medal, often
known as the Nobel prize for math.
 The winners were announced at a ceremony in Rio de Janeiro, which became the first
Latin American city ever to host the event that takes place only once every four years.
 The other winners were:
 Germany’s Peter Scholze, who teaches at the University of Bonn;
 Alessio Figalli, an Italian mathematician at ETH Zurich;
 Akshay Venkatesh, an Australian teaching at Stanford University.
 The Fields medal recognizes outstanding mathematical achievement of candidates who
were under 40 years old at the start of the year. At least two and preferably four people
are always honored.
7. Air Chief Marshal Mujahid elected PSF president
 Chief of the Air Staff, Air Chief Marshal Mujahid Anwar Khan was unanimously elected as
president of the Pakistan Squash Federation during the 45th annual general meeting of
PSF held at the Air Headquarters on August 1, 2018.
 Besides squash legends Jahangir Khan, Jansher Khan and Qamar Zaman, representatives
of provincial squash associations, affiliated members and the Pakistan Sports Board were
also present at the meeting.
 While showing his satisfaction over the revival of international squash in Pakistan, the
PAF chief said concerted efforts were needed from the provincial squash associations and
other members of the PSF for the growth of the game.
8. Thieves snatch Swedish crown jewels in daylight heist
 Robbers who nabbed two 17th century royal crowns and an orb from a Swedish
cathedral remained at large on August 1, 2018, a day after fleeing their daring midday
heist by motorboat.

ICEP | CSS – PMS, 6-B, Gulberg III, Near Hotel One, right opposite Tipu Road, in Orbit Institute, ICEP Network. 03222077774.
 The thieves, who have not been identified, and the jewels are being sought
internationally via Interpol, noting the objects were a “national treasure” and would likely
be “very difficult to sell.
 The gold burial crowns from 1611 belonging to King Karl IX and his wife Queen Christina
were originally interred with the couple but were later exhumed and had been on display
in a locked glass cabinet in Strangnas Cathedral, located 100kms west of Stockholm.
 King Karl IX’s crown is made of gold and features crystals and pearls, while Christina’s is
smaller and made of gold, precious stones and pearls.
9. Nepal mark ODI debut on losing note
 Nepal suffered a dramatic collapse when they lost nine wickets for just 49 runs to go
down to a 55-run defeat to the Netherlands in their maiden One-day International on
August 1, 2018.
 Chasing a modest 190 to win, Nepal, playing their first 50-over game since securing ODI
status earlier this year, were bowled out for 134 with more than eight overs to spare.
 Nepal had got off to a flying start in their run chase.
 They looked comfortable at 85-1 before they slipped quickly to 104-6 and with most of
their stroke makers back in the pavilion.
10. Konta hands Serena worst defeat of her career
 Serena Williams suffered the most lopsided loss of her career at the WTA San Jose event
on July 31, 2018, losing the final 12 games in a shocking first-round upset to unseeded
Johanna Konta.
 The 23-time Grand Slam winner struggled mightily against the British No. 1 and former
winner Konta, who crushed Williams 6-1, 6-0 in just 51 minutes on the main Stadium.
 Williams, who was playing her first match since dropping the Wimbledon final, is trying to
regain her top form after missing most of the 2017 season due to a pregnancy.
 The 36-year-old Williams tried to shrug off the worst loss of her hall of fame career.
 Williams, who was seeded sixth, managed just nine winners against 25 unforced errors
and had her serve broken six times. She looked nothing like the player that dominated
the Tour for years, winning 72 singles titles and earning more than $86 million in prize

ICEP | CSS – PMS, 6-B, Gulberg III, Near Hotel One, right opposite Tipu Road, in Orbit Institute, ICEP Network. 03222077774.
August 3, 2018
1. Kazakh envy discusses security with COAS
 Kazakhstan`s Ambassador to Pakistan Barlybay Sadykov called on Chief of the Army Staff
Gen Qamar Javed Bajwa at the General Headquaners (GHQ) on August 2, 2018.
 Matters of mutual interest, including regional security issues, were discussed during the
2. SECP registers 1,076 companies in July
 The Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) registered 1,076 new
companies in July, up 30 per cent compared to the corresponding month of previous
year, raising the number of registered companies to 88,701.
 The massive increase is the result of SECP`s various reforms measures which include the
introduction of simplified combined process for name reservation and incorporation,
reduction of fee as well as assistance for incorporation by CRO facilitation wings.
 Around 73pc of the companies were registered as private limited, while around 24pc
were registered as single-member companies. The remaining 3pc were public unlisted,
non-profit associations, foreign companies and limited liability partnership.
3. US Senate passes huge defence bill
 The US Senate easily has passed a $716.3 billion Defence authorization bill that ramps up
military spending and bolsters America’s posture against Russia, while avoiding policy
changes that would have antagonized President Donald Trump.
 The National Defence Authorization Act (NDAA) passed 87 to 10 in the Senate a week
after clearing the House of Representatives, and now heads to the White House for
Trump’s signature.
 The bill provides $69 billion in war funding known as overseas contingency operations,
authorizes a 2.6 percent pay raise for members of the armed forces, and invests tens of
billions in modernizing the Pentagon’s air and sea fleets and missile Defences.
 It notably prohibits delivery of F-35 Joint Strike Fighter aircraft to Turkey, a NATO ally
with increasingly fraught relations with Washington, until Ankara can confirm it will not
buy Russia’s S-400 anti-aircraft missile system.
 And while China and Russia are classified as “strategic competitors” to the United States,
the legislation negotiated between the House and Senate left out a proposal by senators
that would have blocked a deal Trump reached with Chinese telecommunications giant
ZTE that eases tough financial penalties on the firm for helping Iran and North Korea
evade American sanctions.
4. China wants military drills with ASEAN in disputed sea, excluding US
 China wants military exercises and energy exploration with Southeast Asian nations in
disputed waters, according to a draft document, but insists on outside countries being
excluded in what analysts say is a bid to diminish US influence.
 Beijing’s suggestions are part of efforts to expand its influence in the South China Sea,
which it claims almost entirely, and push back at Washington which has backed countries
with overlapping claims to the waters. A code of conduct between Beijing and the
Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) to govern behaviour in the strategic sea
has been years in the making.
 The draft document, seen by AFP, outlines different countries’ bargaining positions as
they work towards an agreement, and analysts said it represented some initial progress.
 In the text, Vietnam offers the strongest opposition to Beijing’s activities - calling for
countries to stop building artificial islands and establishing military installations.

ICEP | CSS – PMS, 6-B, Gulberg III, Near Hotel One, right opposite Tipu Road, in Orbit Institute, ICEP Network. 03222077774.
 But there was little sign of serious resistance from other countries, signalling
how opposition to China’s aggressive expansion in the resource-rich waters has ebbed in
recent years in Southeast Asia.
 At a meeting of foreign ministers in Singapore on Thursday, Beijing and ASEAN
announced they had agreed on the negotiating text for the code.
5. Israel blocks fuel supplies to Gaza
 Israel on August 2, 2018 blocked supplies of fuel and gas to the Gaza Strip in response to
the continued sending of incendiary kites across the border.
 The measure will affect the Palestinian enclave which already suf fers power cuts,
especially for hospitals.
 Egypt trying to broker broad Israel-Hamas truce Egypt is trying to broker a broad
ceasefire deal between Israel and Gaza`s Hamas rulers that is to pave the way for Gaza`s
reconstruction and an eventual prisoner swap.
 Repeated ceasefire deals over the years collapsed, but there were signs of possible
momentum toward a new agreement, after weeks of escalation along the Gaza-Israel
 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu decided to put of f a trip to South America to
keep an eye on the situation in Gaza, a government official said on August 2, 2018. Israeli
media reported Netanyahu is to convene his security cabinet on Sunday to discuss
6. Iran conducts naval exercise in Persian Gulf
 Iran launched a naval exercise in the Persian Gulf on August 2, 2018, just days before the
US reimposes sanctions on Tehran.
 The timing of the exercise is unusual, as it appears to be similar in scale and nature to a
drill that ordinarily happens later in the autumn. The official said several dozen boats
were out training early on Thursday morning.
 The vessels are mostly small attack boats, and there have been no interactions with US
ships in the area, the official added.
 The exercises come at a time of increased tension between Iran and the United States,
which has pulled out of a historic nuclear pact and is slapping fresh sanctions on Tehran.
7. New Zealand PM returns to work from maternity leave
 New Zealand Prime Minister and new mum Jacinda Ardern, only the second world leader
to give birth while in office, resumed her duties on August 2, 2018, ending six weeks of
maternity leave.
 The 38-year-old has opted to work from home in Auckland until the weekend when she
will relocate to the capital Wellington.
 Ardern`s partner Clarke Gayford, who hosts a television fishing show, plans to be astay-
at-home dad and the main caregiver for their daughter.
8. Apple hits $1tr mark
 Apple became the first $1 trillion publicly listed US company on August 2, 2018, leading a
rebound in technology stocks and pushing the benchmark S&P 500 and the Nasdaq
 Market sentiment was also lifted by Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross`s comment, who
said the tariffs that United States is threatening to impose on Chinese goods would not
be disastrous for the Asian nation.
 Technology stocks, which were trading lower earlier in the session, rose 1.03pc.

ICEP | CSS – PMS, 6-B, Gulberg III, Near Hotel One, right opposite Tipu Road, in Orbit Institute, ICEP Network. 03222077774.
Apple jumped 2.8pc to a record $207.05 to hit the $1tr mark, crowning a
decade-long rise fueled by its ubiquitous iPhone that transformed it from a niche player
in personal computers into a global powerhouse spanning entertainment and
9. Multi-sport European Championships launched in Glasgow
 The inaugural multi-sport European Championships were launched in Glasgow on August
2, 2018 when the preliminaries of the rowing and gymnastics events kicked off 11 days of
action in Scotland and Germany.
 For the first time, the continental championships for six different sports aquatics, gym-
nastics, cycling, rowing, triathlon and a new team golf event are all being clustered
together in and around the same host city, Glasgow.
 The only exception will be the athletics championships which start next week in Berlin,
but which will still come under the same new European Championship s umbrella.The
first of the 4,500 athletes competing at the event, which is intended to instil the sort of
onecity, multi-sport vibe felt at an Olympic Games, were Europe`s top rowers at
Strathclyde Country Park 15 miles outside the city.
 The qualification for the women`s gymnastics team event was also being staged at the
SSEHydro arena while the track cycling championships were due to begin on Thursday
evening at the Sir Chris Hoy Velodrome, named af ter Scotland`s most successful
10. Google developing censor-friendly search engine for China
 Google is crafting a search engine that would meet China’s draconian censorship rules, a
company employee told AFP on Thursday, in a move decried by human rights activists.
 Google withdrew its search engine from China eight years ago due to censorship and
hacking but it is now working on a project for the country codenamed “Dragonfly”, the
employee said on condition of anonymity.
 The search project — which works like a filter that sorts out certain topics — can be
tested within the company’s internal networks, the source said.
 The tech giant had already come under fire this year from thousands of employees who
signed a petition against a $10-million contract with the US military, which was not
renewed. “There’s a lot of angst internally. Some people are very mad we’re doing it,”
the source said.

ICEP | CSS – PMS, 6-B, Gulberg III, Near Hotel One, right opposite Tipu Road, in Orbit Institute, ICEP Network. 03222077774.
August 4, 2018
1. Nacta, FIA decide to coordinate for risk assessment
 Nearly a couple of weeks before a scheduled meeting of the Asia-Pacific Joint Group on
Money Laundering, the National Counter Terrorism Authority has decided that the
Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) will work in coordination with Nacta to accomplish the
task of National Risk Assessment and asked the Financial Monitoring Unit (FMU) to
prepare a consolidated report for the APG meeting.
 The implementation of a Financial Action Task Force (FATF) action plan was discussed at a
special meeting of the National Task Force on Countering Financing of Terrorism (CFT)
held at the Nacta headquarters.
 The 10th monthly meeting of the CFT, presided over by national coordinator for Nacta Dr
Suleman Khan, was attended by the representatives of all 27 members of the task force
comprising federal and provincial government departments as well as other
 Earlier in June, the FATF the international watchdog against money laundering and
financing of terrorism put Pakistan on a grey list titled `jurisdictions with strategic
2. `1.67 million votes rejected countrywide in 2018 polls`
 The number of votes rejected in the 2018 general elections was 1.67 million, 11.7 pc
more that the 1.5 million rejected in the 2013 polls, according to a report released by
Free and Fair Elections Network (Fafen) on August 3, 2018.
 The report says the increase in the number of rejected votes is observed in all four
provinces and the Islamabad Capital Territory (ICT).
 In the ICT area, the number of polls rejected from the count are more than double those
in the 2013 elections.
 There was a 40pc increase in the number of rejected votes in Balochistan,30.6pc in
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa including the Federally Administered Tribal Areas, 7pc in Sindh and
6.6pc in Punjab.
 The ballots excluded from the count surpasse d the margin of victory in 49, or 18.1pc, of
the 270 National Assembly constituencies where elections were held Among these
National Assembly constituencies, 26 are in Punjab, 11 in Sindh, six each in KP and
 According to the provincial results of the 2018 general elections, 79 national and 169
provincial assembly constituencies have a margin of victory of less than 5pc of the total
votes polled or 10,000.
3. US cuts aid to Pakistan by $150m
 Amid tensions in bilateral ties, US Congress has passed a Bill to cut Pakistan’s defence aid
to $150 million. After signatures of US President Donald Trump, the Bill will hold the
status of law.
 As per details garnered, the US Congress on Tuesday approved a $716 billion Defence
Authorisation Bill to cut Pakistan’s defence aid from $750 million to $150 million.
 This military aid is given to Pakistan in order to maintain its border security.
 However, the reduction in the defence bill is made after the allegation of using US aid in
operations against Taliban.
 The Senate passed the conference report on National Defence Authorisation Act (NDAA)-
19 by 87 to 10 votes, last week. The Bill then was sent to President Trump seeking his

ICEP | CSS – PMS, 6-B, Gulberg III, Near Hotel One, right opposite Tipu Road, in Orbit Institute, ICEP Network. 03222077774.
 Last year, US Defence Bill had authorised a significant aid of $700 million for
Pakistan under Coalition Support Fund (CSF) that has been reduced now.
 The defence policy bill backs President Donald Trump’s call for a bigger, stronger military
and sidestepping a potential battle with the White House over technology from major
Chinese firms.
 The annual act authorises US military spending but is used as a vehicle for a broad range
of policy matters as it has passed annually for more than 50 years.
 The fiscal 2019 NDAA was named to honour McCain, the Armed Services Committee
Chairman, war hero, long-time Senator and former Republican Presidential nominee,
who has been undergoing treatment for brain cancer.
4. Maldives HC hails Pak efforts for peace
 Maldives High Commissioner to Pakistan Ahmed Saleem has hailed Pakistan’s efforts and
role for peace and regional security.
 He expressed these views at a meeting with Chief of Army Staff Gen Qamar Javed Bajwa
in GHQ on August 3, 2018.
 Matters pertaining to regional security and bilateral interest came under discussion
during the meeting.
5. China unveils proposed tariffs on $60bn of US goods
 China proposed retaliatory tariffs on $60 billion worth of US goods ranging from liquefied
natural gas (LNG) to some aircraft on August 3, 2018, as a senior Chinese diplomat cast
doubt on prospects of talks with Washington to solve their bitter trade conflict given
current US behaviour.
 The Trump administration ratcheted up pressure for trade concessions from Beijing this
week by proposing a higher 25 per cent tariff on $200bn worth of Chinese imports. China
immediately vowed to retaliate though at the same time urged the US to act rationally
and return to talks to resolve the dispute.
 The United States and China implemented tariffs on $34bn worth of each others` goods
in July. Washington is expected to soon implement tariffs on an additional $16bn of
Chinese goods, which China has already announced it will match immediately.
6. Sri Lanka secures $1bn Chinese loan
 Sri Lanka`s central bank on August 3, 2018 announced that it had secured a $1 billion
loan from China as the island a key link in Beijing`s ambitious Belt and Road initiative (BRI)
develops closer relations with Asia`s largest economy.
 The first half of loan will be released later this month and the balance will be received in
 The eight-year loan by China Development Bank carries a 5.25 per cent interest rate with
a three year grace period.
 The terms of Chinese loan were better than other international lenders and the country
hopes to secure additional $200 to $250 million from China`s domestic financial market
by issuing `Panda bonds` Panda Bonds are renminbi-denominated bonds issued by non-
Chinese entities in China. They were first issued in October, 2005 by International
Finance Corporation and the Asian Development Bank.
7. Teen becomes youngest woman jailed in UK for terrorism
 A London teenager was jailed for life on August 3, 2018 for plotting a terror attack,
becoming the youngest woman to be sentenced for terrorism of fences in Britain.

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Safaa Boular, 18, who together with her mother and elder sister formed the
country`s first all-female cell linked to the militant Islamic State group, will spend a
minimum of 13 years in prison.
 She had planned violent attacks in the British capital, using coded language themed
around a tea party, after UK authorities stopped her travelling to Syria to marry an IS
fighter she had met online.
 In June sibling Rizlaine Boular, 22, was also jailed for life, with a minimum term of 16
years, while their Morocco-born mother Mina Dich was handed a minimum sentence of
six years and nine months for aiding the plots.
8. US, Turkey agree to resolve disputes after relations dive
 US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu
agreed on August 3, 2018 to try to resolve a series of disputes, after relations between
the Nato allies sank to their lowest point in dec ades.
 Their meeting in Singapore followed Washington`s imposition of sanctions on two Turkish
ministers over the case of Andrew Brunson, a US pastor on trial in Turkey for backing
 State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert described their conversation on the
sidelines of a regional ministers` meeting as constructive. `They agreed to continue to try
to resolve the issues between our two countries,` she said.
 Cavusoglu said he had repeated Turkey`s message that `the threatening language and
sanctions doesnot achieve anything`, but added that he and Pompeo would take steps to
resolve their differences when they returned home.
9. Chile enacts historic ban on plastic bags
 Chile made history on August 3, 2018 when it became the first country in South America
to ban the commercial use of plastic bags.
 Large businesses have six months to phase out the use of plastic bags, while smaller ones
will be given two years to adapt to the new rules.
 It means that any form of plastic bag other than those constituting primary packaging
“necessary for hygiene or to prevent food wastage” are prohibited, the government
gazette Diario Oficial said on August 3, 2018.
 Those flouting the ban will be subject to a $370 fine, in a country where the minimum
wage is just $800.
10. Canada’s Zombie Boy dead of apparent suicide
 Zombie Boy - a model and artist known for his extensive tattoos, including of a skull and
brain on his head - has died of an apparent suicide, Canadian media reported.
 Zombie Boy, whose real name was Rick Genest, died around on August 1, 2018, the
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation said, citing police sources. He was 32.
 He held world records for having the most bones tattooed on his body at 139, and the
most insect tattoos, with 176, according to Guinness World Records.
 Montreal tattoo artist Frank Lewis was “responsible for inking the majority (of) the
designs,” it said. Lady Gaga - who appeared with Zombie Boy in the “Born This Way”
music video - said she was “devastated” by his death.

August 5, 2018
1. US Congresswoman assures support to incoming PTI govt

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 In his first interaction with any US lawmaker after PTI got victory in July 25
elections, prime minister-in-waiting Imran Khan on August 4, 2018 had a telephonic
conversation with senior United States Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee.
 The telephonic conversation between the two sides was made possible with the efforts
of senior PTI leader and member-elect of the National Assembly Imran Ismail.
 The US Congresswoman, who sits on three Congressional committees, congratulated
prime minister-in-waiting for his party’s victory in the election and expressed her best
wishes for the next PTI-led federal government.
 Ms Lee fully supported the new government and assured her full support to it. She
vowed her resolve to visit Pakistan along with a delegation soon after the formation of
the government.
 In response, Khan thanked the Congresswoman for her wishes and welcomed the visit of
US delegation to Pakistan.
2. Yaum-i-Shuhada-i-Police was observed
 Yaum-i-Shuhada-i-Police was observed on August 4, 2018 to commemorate the
personnel who laid down their lives in the line of duty.
 Brave police officers had sacrinced their livesfor the security of the masses and now it
was the government`s responsibility to provide their families all possible help.
3. US sets up security assistance fund to counter China
 US Secretary of State Michael Pompeo on August 4, 2018 announced the intent to
provide nearly $300 million of security assistance for nations in the Indo-Pacific region.
 This includes $290.5 million to improve security relationships across the region. The
funding will cover projects in Bangladesh, Indonesia, Mongolia, Nepal, the Pacific Islands,
the Philippines, Sri Lanka and Vietnam.
 The administration was now making ef forts to `right` this unf air policy.
4. Woman fined $156 for wearing face veil in Denmark
 A 28-year-old woman wearing a face veil has become the first person in Denmark to be
fined for violating a new law banning such garments in public places.
 Police were called to a shopping centre in Horsholm, a city of some 46,000 inhabitants
close to Copenhagen, on August 3, 2018 to confront a woman wearing a nigab garment
covering her f ace.
 The woman was slapped with a fine of 1,000 Danish kroner ($156) and requested to
either remove the veil or leave the premises. She opted to leave.
 Since Aug1, the country`s much-debated `Burqa Ban` has prohibited full-body burgas, as
well the nigab Muslim dress which only shows the eyes. Both are rare in Denmark. Other
European countries have similar bans.
5. Hassan Daud new CPEC projects spokesman
 Ministry of Planning, Development and Reforms has appointed Hassan Daud as
spokesperson on matters related to China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC).
 Hassan Daud who is Project Director CPEC Support Project is authorized to issue
statements on status of CPEC projects to all forums if required after due approval.
6. North Korea has not stopped nuclear, missile programs: UN
 North Korea has pressed ahead with its nuclear and missile programs and continues to
evade UN sanctions through increased illegal ship-to-ship transfers of oil products at sea,
a UN report has said.

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In a 62-page report sent to the Security Council, the UN panel of experts also
listed violations of a ban on North Korean exports of coal, iron, seafood and other
products that generate millions of dollars in revenue for Kim Jong Un’s regime.
 Pyongyang “has not stopped its nuclear and missile programs and continued to defy
Security Council resolutions through a massive increase in illicit ship-to-ship transfers of
petroleum products, as well as through transfers of coal at sea during 2018,” said the
 The transfer of petroleum products to North Korean tankers at sea remains “a primary
method of sanctions evasion” involving 40 vessels and 130 associated companies, it
added. The violations have rendered the latest batch of sanctions “ineffective” by
flouting the cap on oil, fuel and coal imposed in a raft of UN resolutions adopted last
year, it added.
 Meanwhile, North Korea on August 4, 2018 said the US was acting with “alarming”
impatience on the issue of denuclearisation, after Secretary of State Mike Pompeo
stressed the need to maintain full sanctions pressure on Pyongyang. The contrasting
comments at a security forum in Singapore came after a new UN report showed
Pyongyang was continuing with its nuclear and missile programmes and evading
sanctions through ship-to-ship oil transfers.
7. Eritrean Airlines makes first flight to Ethiopia in 20 years
 Eritrea's national airline on August 4, 2018 made its first commercial flight in two decades
to Addis Ababa, the capital of neighboring Ethiopia, the latest step in a surprise peace
process between the former foes that began just two months ago.
 An Eritrean Airlines plane carrying the country's transport and tourism ministers landed
at the Addis Ababa Bole International Airport, where it was welcomed by senior Ethiopian
 Already last month, the Ethiopia's own flag carrier, Ethiopian Airlines, had made its first
commercial flight in the other direction, landing in Asmara International Airport on July
18. Once a province of Ethiopia, Eritrea seceded in 1993 after a long independence
struggle. A row over the demarcation of the shared border triggered a brutal 1998-2000
conflict which left 80,000 people dead before evolving into a bitter cold war.
 But in a surprise move in June, Ethiopia's new reformist Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed
announced he would finally accept a 2002 United Nations-backed border demarcation,
paving the way for peace between the two nations.
 Eritrean Airlines currently has only one leased airplane.
8. Nasa names astronauts for new era
 Nasa named the first nine astronauts who will fly to space on Boeing and SpaceX vehicles
in 2019 - a mix of novices and veterans who are tasked with restoring America’s ability to
send humans into orbit.
 These pioneering flights to the International Space Station aboard commercially built
crew capsules will be the first leaving US soil to put people into orbit since the iconic
space shuttle program ended in 2011.
 For the past seven years, Nasa astronauts have hitched rides to the orbiting outpost on
Russia’s Soyuz spacecraft - at a cost of some $80 million a seat.
 An unmanned Boeing flight test is scheduled for later this year, with the first crew on
board in mid-2019, Nasa said.
9. Haris wins Hong Kong U-17 squash title

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 Pakistan`s Haris Qasim won the Hong Kong Junior Under-17 Squash
Championship in Hong Kong on August 4, 2018.
 Haris beat Lee Min Woo of South Korea 11-5, 11-3, 11-9 in the final.
 Uzair Rasheed and Farhan Hashmi also participated in this event in which 128 players
from many countries including Hong Kong, India, Australia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia,
Jordan, Thailand, China, Egypt, Canada, US, Taiwan etc competed.-
10. Pakistan qualify for Asian rugby plate semis
 Pakistan have qualified for the plate semifinals of the Asian Seven Rugby Championship in
Singapore on August 4, 2018.
 Pakistan won their first match of the day against Brunei by 19-5. For Pakistan, Nasir
Mehmood scored two tries while Khalid Bhatti made one try. Ahmed Wasim and Nasir
Mehmood each converted one try, too.
 In the second match Pakistan carved out 19-12 win against Bangladesh.
 In the last league match Pakistan, however, lost to hot favorite and host Singapore 7-26.
Now Pakistan team is second in the pool `C` and it will face Jordan in the plate semifinal.

August 6, 2018
1. Kuwait asks Pakistan to upgrade fuel supply network
 Kuwait has asked Pakistan to upgrade its market and fuel supply network to higher grade
gas oil, commonly known as High Speed Diesel (HSD), to remain its long-term client.
 Pakistan generally imports half of the country`s diesel requirement from Kuwait under a
long-term arrangement between their respective state-run companies Pakistan State Oil
(PSO) and Kuwait Petroleum Company (KPC).
 `KPC has informed that Euro-II diesel containing 500ppm (sulphur particles per million),
which is currently in Pakistan`s use, would not be available to PSO from early 2020
because it would start producing Euro-V containing 10ppm on completion its Clean Fuel
 PSO imports about 0.4 0.5m tonnes of diesel per month from KPC against country`s total
monthly consumption of about 0.8m tonnes. About 220,000 tonnes per month
production comes from domestic refineries. As a result, the PSO has asked the petroleum
division to take note of the situation and review pricing mechanism.
 Pakistan`s total demand for POL products is estimated to increase from 27m tonnes this
year to about 32m tonnes in five years, showing an increase of 17.5pc, according to the
Oil Companies Advisory Council an umbrella organisation of oil companies.
2. World Bank to fund Punjab`s `green growth` project
 The World Bank has given approval to the `Punjab Green Development Programme` to
strengthen environmental governance and promote investment.
 According to a bank document, the project will be launched next month with the
installation of the new government in the province.
 The programme`s cost over five years amounts to $273 million, of which $200 million will
be unanced by the Internadonal DevelopmentAssociation(IDA)of the World Bank group.
The World Bank approved the project on May 25, while the legal agreements were
signed just before the completion of previous govern-ment`s tenure.

ICEP | CSS – PMS, 6-B, Gulberg III, Near Hotel One, right opposite Tipu Road, in Orbit Institute, ICEP Network. 03222077774.
Under the programme, the Punjab government will promote green financing
as a way to mobilise resources for green investments beyond the programme`s
implementation period, and will directly support priority green investments in both the
public and the private sectors. To mobilise domestic capital markets as a sustainable
source of ñnance for green investments, the finance department will develop a set of
principles for the issuance of green bonds.
 In line with the Punjab Environmental Protection Act of 1997 and amended in 2012,
which authorises the creation of a provincial fund to ñnance environmental projects, the
provincial government will establish a fund with a capital of $55 million from the
3. Zainab`s killer gets death sentence in three identical cases
 In another trial held inside a prison, an anti-terrorism court on August 4, 2018 awarded
death sentence on 12 counts to Imran Ali, the convict in the Zainab rapecum-murder
case, in three more similar cases carrying same charges.
 ATC Judge Sajjad Ahmad Sheikh handed down the penalty judgement after prosecution
established the role of 24-year-old Imran Ali in the rape and murder of three minor girls
Ayesha, Laiba and Noor Fatima of Kasur.
 The court sentenced the convict to death on four counts in each case, besides imposing a
collective fine of Rs10 million and Rs5m as diyat to be paid to the minors` f amilies.
 The court had on Feb 17 awarded death sentence on four counts to Ali in the Zainab
murder case. Appeals of the convict against the sentence were dismissed by all courts.
 Ali was involved in at least nine incidents of rape-cum-murder of minors he had
confessed to during the Zainab case investigation.
 In all three cases, Ali was found guilty under sections 364-A (kidnapping or abducting a
person under the age of fourteen), 376 (3) (rape of minor) and 302-B (punishment for
gatl-i-amd) of the Pakistan Penal Code and section 7(a) (punishment for acts of ter-
rorism) of the Anti-Terrorism Act, 1997.
4. PA-elect dies of meningitis
 Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf`s (PTI) MPA-elect from PP-296 (Rajanpur) Tariq Khan Dreshak
died of meningitis fever on August 5, 2018. He was 48.
 He was shifted to a private hospital in Multan in critical condition where he was admitted
to the intensive care unit and remained under treatment for four days.
 The deceased was the nephew of former chief whip of the Punjab Assembly, Nasarullah
Khan Dreshak He won the provincial assembly seat by securing 42,119 votes in the July
25 elections.
 He remained Nazim of union council in Mudharafers. He had run for the provincial
assembly thrice but was elected only once, in the July 25 polls
5. Pakistan earns over $3.630 billion from export of transport services
 The transport services by Pakistan in other countries increased by 3.29 percent during
the first eleven months of financial year 2017-18 compared to the corresponding period
of last year.
 Pakistan exported transport services worth $3630.695 million in July-May (2017-18)
against the exports of services worth $3514.894 million in July-May (2016-17), showing
3.29 percent growth, according to PBS. Among these, the air transport services export
increased by 3.93 percent and reached to $791.260 million during the period under
review against $761.350 million last year. Among the air transport services, exports of

ICEP | CSS – PMS, 6-B, Gulberg III, Near Hotel One, right opposite Tipu Road, in Orbit Institute, ICEP Network. 03222077774.
passenger services surged by 14.55 percent, from $433.980 million to
$497.140 million, the data revealed.
 However, the freight service exports witnessed decline of 2.51 percent by going down
from $17.950 million to $17.500 million while the exports of all other air transport
services also declined by 10.60 percent by slipping from exports of $309.420 million last
year to $276.620 million in 2017-18.
 On the other hand, the sea transport exports increased by 12.62 percent by growing
from $2049.020 million to $2307.700 million. Among sea transport, the freight service
export increased by 13.09 percent from $192.048 million to $2074.620 million while the
export of other sea transport service increased by 8.62 percent by going up from
$214.580 million to $233.080 million.
6. Venezuela president survives drone attack
 The United States on August 5, 2018 denied involvement as Nicolas Maduro blamed the
opposition and Colombian counterpart Juan Manuel Santos for an alleged “assassination”
attempt on the Venezuela president.
 Venezuela’s far-left government said seven soldiers were wounded by the alleged attack
using explosive-laden drones during a military parade in Caracas on August 4, 2018.
 Maduro pointed the finger at outgoing Colombian President Santos and “the ultra-right
wing,” a term he uses to describe domestic opposition, as a mysterious rebel group
claimed responsibility.
 US national security advisor John Bolton insisted there was “no US government
involvement” and even suggested that the incident could have been “a pretext set up by
the regime itself.”
 Venezuela has already reacted to events with a series of arrests as Attorney General
Tarek William Saab, who was also present at the parade, warning: “There will be a
ruthless punishment.”
 Once safely entrenched back in the presidential palace, Maduro barked out a defiant
message to his detractors in a national address.
7. Iran central bank forex chief arrested
 The Iranian central bank's top foreign exchange official has been arrested on August 5,
2018 Sunday, a day after he was sacked.
 Ahmad Araghchi, who was a vice-governor at the bank in charge of forex, was arrested
along with several other unnamed individuals including a government official and four
currency speculators,
 Araghchi, the nephew of deputy foreign minister Abbas Araghchi, was fired by the new
governor of the central bank on Saturday, apparently over his handling of the currency
8. Murakami delights fans with radio show debut
 Bestselling author Haruki Murakami, who rarely appears in public, delighted fans on
August 5, 2018 as he made his radio debut with a one-off music show.
 Many fans expressed excitement on social media as they heard the show by the 69-year-
old Japanese novelist, perennially touted as a contender for the Nobel literature prize.
 The reclusive writer, an avid music fan, introduced songs by US and British musicians.
Murakami became a global sensation with the publication of "Norwegian Wood" in 1987
and has written several other bestsellers including "1Q84" and "Kafka on the Shore". In
2007, he published a non-fiction work, "What I Talk About When I Talk About Running".

ICEP | CSS – PMS, 6-B, Gulberg III, Near Hotel One, right opposite Tipu Road, in Orbit Institute, ICEP Network. 03222077774.
He has said he uses several iPods to listen to music while running. Music, he
told the radio show, had helped him to write.
9. Matloob wins 20th Sind Open Golf
 Matloob Ahmed of Lahore Garrison Golf Club (LGGC) August 5, 2018 clinched the New
Jubilee-sponsored 20th Sind Open Golf Championship contested at the Arabian Sea Golf
Course over 54 holes.
 Matloob prevailed over champions like Shabbir Iqbal, Hamza Amin and close contenders
like M Ashfaq, Anser Mehmood and M Munir to emerge as title winner. His scores for the
three rounds were 69, 65 and 70 and a three days aggregate of 204, 12 under par which
represents a score of eminence.
 Others, who did not win the title but performed impressively, were M Ashfaq of Airmen
Golf Club, Anser Mehmood of MGGC, M Munir of Islamabad and the national golf icon
Shabbir Iqbal. The score of Ashfaq (Airmen Golf Club) was 68+66+73=207, Anser
Mehmood (MGGC) 68+71+69=208, M Munir (Islamabad) 68+71+72=211, Shabbir Iqbal
(Islamabad) 72+69+70=211, M Qasim (DHA) 68+72+74=214, Shahid Javed Khan
(Gymkhana) 68+73+74=215, Latif Rafiq (Gymkhana) 70+72+73=215, M Alam (Defence
Raya) 72+72+72=216 and M Imran (Defence Raya) 72+74+71=217.
10. Japan`s Momota makes history with world crown
 Kento Momota dedicated his World Badminton title victory on August 5, 2018 to those
who stuck by him when a gambling scandal threatened to wreck the history-maker`s
budding career.
 The explosive 23-year-old convincingly defeated China`s highly promising Shi Yuqi 21-11,
21-13 in Nanjing, becoming the first Japanese man to win the World Championship.
 Carolina Marin claimed her own slice of history as the Spaniard became the first woman
to win three badminton world crowns with an emphatic victory over P.V. Sindhu of India.
 Momota`s career descended into controversy in 2016 when Japanese badminton chiefs
suspended him for more than a year for visiting an illegal casino, denying him a place at
the Rio Olympics.
 Momota, number two in the world at the time, has been working his way back to the top
ever since and was the pre-tournament favourite in Nanjing.
 Momota, now seventh in the rankings.

August 7, 2018
1. EU wants strong economic ties with new Pakistani govt
 European Union Ambassador to Pakistan Jeans Cautain on August 6, 2018 said the EU is
keen to work with incoming government and ready to start joint ventures with local
businesses in the fields of security, economy, education and rural development.
 During a meeting with Imran Khan, the EU envoy said that the EU had no objection to
PakistanIran gas pipeline project despite looming US sanctions and is committed to
development and stability in the region.
 He said the EU was also ready to help Pakistan out of the Financial Action Task Force
`grey list`.
 Fixing ailing economy Expressing concerns over the worsening macroeconomic situation,
PTPs Asad Umar said that the country`s debt is increasing with every passing day and
requires immediate action.

ICEP | CSS – PMS, 6-B, Gulberg III, Near Hotel One, right opposite Tipu Road, in Orbit Institute, ICEP Network. 03222077774.
2. S. Arabia freezes Canada trade ties over `interference
 Saudi Arabia said on August 6, 2018 it was expelling the Canadian ambassador and
recalling its envoy while freezing all new trade, in retaliation for Ottawa`s vigorous calls
for the release of jailed activists.
 The kingdom gave the envoy Dennis Horak 24 hours to leave the country, in an abrupt
rupture of reladons over what it slammed as `interference` in itsinternal affairs.
 Ottawa said it was `seriously concerned` and was seeking `greater clarity` on the shock
move, which was announced on Twitter by the Saudi foreign ministry.
 The rupture, which underscores a newly aggressive foreign policy led by Crown Prince
Mohammed bin Salman, comes after Canada denounced a new crackdown on human
rights activists including the sister of a jailed blogger.
3. HEC simplifies degree verification procedure
 The Higher Education Commission (HEC) has changed its standard operating process
(SOP) for degree verification and from now onward it will scrutinise and attest degrees
without asking the applicants to furnish educational certificates such as that of matric
and intermediate.
 According to a notification dated August 2, the HEC decided that every degree would be
attested solely on merit i.e. whether it has been issued by a recognised institution and
whether the institution has the legal authority to issue such a degree. `Applicants for
attestations will no longer be required to submit information about previous subsequent
academic qualifications, read the notification.
 All degrees f rom HEC`s recognised institutions in subjects where they were authorised to
issue such degrees and from campuses, colleges authorised to offer relevant
programmes will be verified, attested and equated.
 However, degrees from unrecognised institutions or from unrecognised campuses or
colleges or in unauthorised subjects will not be verified. All other formalities are to be
adhered toas per the prevailing SOPs.
4. Trump firm as US set to reimpose sanctions on Iran
 US President Donald Trump on August 6, 2018 told Iran to change its `destabilising`
behaviour or risk further economic isolation, hours before the reimposition of sweeping
sanctions against Tehran, though he left the door open to a new nuclear deal.
 After Trump pulled Washington out of the historic 2015 multilateral accord in May, to the
consternation of his European partners, a new pact seemed unlikely in the short term,
given his conditions and Tehran`s anger.
 Against a backdrop of political turmoil and protests in Iran, Foreign Minister Mohammad
Javad Zarif himself accused Trump of `bullying` and of being isolated in his hostility to the
Islamic Republic. A first phase of US sanctions against Iran goes into effect overnight,
targeting Iran`s access to US banknotes and key industries including cars and carpets.
5. Indian state to pay for sex change
 LGBT campaigners urged India’s state governments on August 6, 2018 to "learn a lesson"
from Kerala after authorities in the wealthy southern state said they would cover the cost
of gender reassignment surgeries.
 Kerala’s chief minister said his government would pay 200,000 rupees to allow people to
have the procedure, the second Indian state to do so after neighbouring Tamil Nadu.
 India is estimated to have about 2 million transgender people, who are often confined to
the margins of society. In 2014, the Supreme Court ruled that they had equal rights under

ICEP | CSS – PMS, 6-B, Gulberg III, Near Hotel One, right opposite Tipu Road, in Orbit Institute, ICEP Network. 03222077774.
the law, and granted legal status to the "third gender", giving them the right
to marry and inherit property.
6. Turkey moves historic bath house
 Turkish authorities on August 8, 2018 conducted a hugely sensitive operation to move a
centuries-old bath house weighing 1,600 tonnes to new location to avoid being engulfed
under floodwaters by a controversial dam project.
 The Artuklu Hamam bath house in the southeastern town of Hasankeyf was loaded onto
a wheeled platform and then moved down a specially constructed road to a new location
in a process that took several hours.
 Much of Hasankeyf will be under water or risk damage in the next years because of the
development of the Ilisu Dam project, which aims to drastically improve energy supplies
for the Kurdish-dominated southeast.
 The moving of the Artuklu Hamam, which reports said is at least 650 years old, is the
latest such transfer of a major historical building in the area to avoid being buried
 In May 2017, Turkey moved the 15th century, 1,100 tonne tomb of Zeynel Bey, a Turkic
tribal leader, also on a special platform to avoid being buried by the floodwaters. Both
historic buildings have been moved around two kilometres (over one mile) to an
archaeological park being set up just outside the town.
7. Indonesia returns luxury yacht to Malaysia
 Indonesia has returned to Malaysia a luxury yacht linked to the multi-billion dollar 1MDB
financial scandal, Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamed said on August 6, 2018, a move
seen as bolstering a corruption probe involving ex-leader Najib Razak.
 The Cayman Islands-registered Equanimity, believed to be worth some $250 million and
belonged to a fugitive Malaysian financier with links to Najib, was seized in February off
the Indonesian tourist island of Bali.
 Indonesian authorities detained the super-yacht following a request by the US
Department of Justice, which is investigating alleged massive misappropriation involving
the 1MDB state fund.
8. ‘Rogue planet’ outside solar system discovered
 Scientists have made the first radio-telescope detection of a huge free-floating planet
beyond our solar system, a new study said.
 The planetary-mass object, called SIMP J01365663+0933473, is about a dozen times
more massive than Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system, and has surprisingly
strong magnetic fields, according to the study published in
 The Astrophysical Journal earlier this week. Scientists detected the enormous planet from
the U.S.-based Very Large Array observatory. Wandering some 20 light years away from
the sun, the 200-million-year-old planet has been dubbed “rogue planet” as it is traveling
through space without orbiting any parent star.
 According to the study, the huge planet possesses a powerful magnetic field over 200
times stronger than that of Jupiter and can generate dazzling auroras outshining Earth’s
polar lights. On Earth, auroras are generated by interactions between its magnetic field
and solar winds.
 But the fact that the rogue planet is not in the vicinity of any stellar winds makes its
auroras something of a puzzle.
9. Buzarnescu dominates Sakkari to win first WTA title

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 Mihaela Buzarnescu`s long road to a WTA title ended in California as the
Romanian powered past first-time finalist Maria Sakkari 6-1, 6-0 in the final of the Silicon
Valley Classic, a US Open hardcourt tuneup.
 The 30-year-old Romanian lost 19 points and needed just 73 minutes to wrap up the
final. For Buzarnescu, ranked 24th in the world and seeded fifth, it was a reward for
perseverance. Once the top junior in Europe, she endured two knee surgeries and saw
her ranking tumble to 891st in the world.
 During her extensive convalescence, during which she wondered if her left knee would
ever mend, Buzarnescu received her Ph.D in sports science. But her tennis dream
remained and she has enjoyed a breakthrough 2018, her first title coming in an elite
Premier level event after she was disappointed in finals at Hobart and Prague earlier this
 Buzarnescu, who just a year ago was No. 142 in the world, will rise to 20th when the
updated rankings are released on August 6 2018.
10. ‘Chef of the century’, Joel Robuchon passes away at 73
 Joel Robuchon, the world’s most-starred Michelin chef who tore down kitchen walls to
give diners new insights into the art of haute cuisine, has died at 73.
 Robuchon, who was hailed as one of four "chefs of the century" by the Gault & Millau
industry bible in 1990, founded a string of restaurants that revolutionised fine dining
across three continents, ratcheting up a record 31 Michelin stars.
 From Tokyo to Paris and Macau, foodies queue up for seats in his L’Atelier restaurants,
where they can watch chefs in action, perched on high stools at a U-shaped bar.
According to Le Figaro newspaper, he died of cancer in the Swiss city of Geneva.

August 8, 2018
1. Accord with Russia signed for training of Pakistani troops
 Pakistan and Russia on August 7, 2018 signed an agreement that allows for training of
Pakistani troops at Russian military training institutes.
 Both countries signed the Contract on Admission of Service Members of Pakistan in RF`s
(Russian Federation) Training Institutes.
 The agreement was signed at the conclusion of the first meeting of RussiaPakistan Joint
Military Consultative Committee (JMCC), described by the defence ministry as the
highest forum of defence collaboration between Pakistan and the Russian Federation.
The two countries had earlier this year, during the visit of the thenforeign minister
Khawaja Asif to Moscow, agreed to set up a commission to boost military cooperation.
 Russian Deputy Defence Minister Col Gen Alexander Fomin led his side at the talks while
Pakistani Defence Secretary retired Lt Gen Zamirul Hassan Shah headed the host side.
 The two sides, during the talks, reviewed the progress made in bilateral defence
cooperation since they signed the defence cooperation pact in November 2014.
Subsequently, Pakistan and Russia in October 2015 signed the military-technical
cooperation accord providing for arms supplies and cooperation in weapon
 Russia has over the past three years provided four Mi-35M combat and cargo helicopters
to Pakistan and the militaries of the two countries also held joint drills codenamed

ICEP | CSS – PMS, 6-B, Gulberg III, Near Hotel One, right opposite Tipu Road, in Orbit Institute, ICEP Network. 03222077774.
2. In a first, provinces reach consensus on law reforms
 The first inter-province consensus on the rule of law reforms has been achieved at a
meeting convened by the United Nations Office for Crime and Drugs (UNODC) and the
British High Commission in Bhurban on August 7, 2018.
 According to UNODC, key executives and members of the judiciary and those of civil
society from Punjab, Sindh, Balochistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa agreed on the
importance of the rule of law roadmap implementation plans to deliver better justice
outcomes for all citizens.
 Members of the police, forensics, prosecutions, parole and probation depart-ments as
well as judicial officials from Balochistan, KP and Punjab emphasised the value of strong
cross-institutional engagement in securing buy-in to the roadmap processes. Officials
from Sindh confirmed their roadmap would be completed by the end of this year.
3. Pakistanis hide Rs43 trillion assets abroad: News Report
 The authorities probing into the illegal foreign accounts and properties of thousands of
Pakistanis disclosed on August 7, 2018 that the volume of hidden assets stashed by
Pakistani nationals in different tax havens abroad stood at $350 billion (Rs43 trillion).
 Interestingly, the authorities also revealed, for the first time, that only accounts,
properties worth Rs1,003 billion (US$8.1 billion) were declared by over 5,300 entities,
individuals under the amnesty scheme 2018 in the past three months.
 “By the close of Amnesty Scheme 2018 on July 31st, 2018, declarations from 5,363
entities (individuals/companies) had disclosed foreign assets worth Rs1,003 billion
(US$8.1 billion), with major share of declared assets located in the UAE.
4. Multi-national naval exercise Aman-19 ends
 A two-day preliminary planning conference of multi-national naval exercise Aman-19
hosted by Pakistan Navy concluded on August 8, 2018.
 The conference held threadbare discussions on Aman-19 naval exercise which will be
held next year.
 The theme of the naval exercise will be "United for Peace".
 Pakistan Navy has been hosting Aman exercise since 2007 with the aim to bring navies
around the world at one platform for peace
5. Shujaat Ullah Qureshi given acting charge of DG IB
 After the retirement of Ihsan Ghani, the caretaker government has given acting charge of
Director General (DG) IB to Shujaat Ullah Qureshi to run the Bureau’s day to day routine
functions until the new government appoints a regular head.
 Shujaat Ullah Qureshi who is currently serving the Intelligence Bureau as Joint Director
General Secretariat joined IB as a career officer in 1985. He also served in Balochistan,
Azad Kashmir, Punjab and abroad.
 The acting DG IB has worked as head of DGIB Sectt, a very coveted and sensitive
assignment, with eight Directors General for more than a decade and earned respect
from all of them.
 The officer is a graduate from National Defence University (NDU) and secured top
position in National Security Course 2013-14. He was promoted as Joint Director General
(BS-21) in the year 2014.
6. Trump warns world against trade with Iran as sanctions return
 US President Donald Trump warned the world against doing business with Iran on August
7, 2018 as he hailed the `most biting sanctions ever impose d`, triggering a mix of anger,
fear and deñancein Tehran.

ICEP | CSS – PMS, 6-B, Gulberg III, Near Hotel One, right opposite Tipu Road, in Orbit Institute, ICEP Network. 03222077774.
 `The Iran sanctions have officially been cast. These are the most biting
sanctions ever imposed, and in November they ratchet up to yet another level,` Trump
wrote on Twitter.
 `Anyone doing business with Iran will NOT be doing business with the United States. I am
asking for WORLD PEACE, nothing less.` Within hours of the sanctions taking effect,
German carmaker Daimler said it was halting its business activities in Iran.
 Trump`s May withdrawal from a landmark 2015 nuclear agreement had already spooked
investors and triggered a run on the Iranian rial long before nuclear-related sanctions
went back into force.
 Sanctions are already badly affecting people`s lives. I can`t afford to buy food, pay the
rent,` said one construction worker on the streets of the capital.
7. Iran dismisses US talks offer
 Iran dismissed a US offer to renegotiate a historic 2015 nuclear deal signed with other
major powers as President Donald Trump reimposed crippling sanctions on August 7,
 Trump’s withdrawal from the agreement in May has infuriated European partners who
were determined to keep it alive and now find their businesses operating in Iran faced
with the threat of US legal penalties.
 The sanctions that went into effect on August 7, 2018 target Iranian access to US
banknotes and key economic sectors including cars and carpets. Much of the damage has
already been done, with Trump’s aggressive rhetoric fuelling a run on the rial in recent
months, while worsening inflation has stoked public protests against the government’s
management of the economy that have intensified over the past week.
 Most Iranians see US hostility as a basic fact of life, so their frustration is largely directed
at their own leaders for not handling the situation better. "Prices have been increasing
for three or four months and everything we need has become so expensive, even before
sanctions returned," said Yasaman, a 31-year-old photographer in Tehran.
 Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammed Javad Zarif told the global reaction to Trump’s move
showed that the US was diplomatically "isolated," but acknowledged the sanctions "may
cause some disruption."
8. Judge rules against Trump move to curb transgenders` military role
 A US court ruled the Trump administration could not enforce an updated policy barring
certain transgender people from serving in the US military, becoming the second court in
the country to rule against the government since it unveiled the policy in March.
 President Donald Trump announced on March 23 that he would endorse a plan by
Defence Secretary Jim Mattis to restrict the military service of transgender people who
experience a condition called gender dysphoria.
 The policy replaced an outright han on transgender service members that Trump
announced last year on Twitter, citing concern over military focus and medical costs.
 US District Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly in Washington denied a request by the
administration to lift an injunction she had issued against Trump`s original ban.
9. Lithium-rich giant star discovered
 Chinese astronomers have discovered the most lithium-rich giant star ever known, which
could shed new light on the evolution of the universe.
 With 3,000 times more lithium than a normal star, it was found in the direction of
Ophiuchus, on the north side of the galactic disk, at a distance of 4,500 light years from

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 The star has a mass almost 1.5 times our sun. A composite image of the
supernova 1E0102.2-7219 contains X-rays from Chandra (blue and purple), visible light
data from VLT’s MUSE instrument (bright red), and additional data from Hubble (dark red
and green). A neutron star, the ultra dense core of a massive star that collapses and
undergoes a supernova explosion, is found at its center.
10. Veteran Tamil leader Karunanidhi dies at 94
 Towering Tamil leader M. Karunanidhi who began his political career as an anti-Hindi
agitator at 14 and fought regressive social mores all his life died in Chennai on August 7,
2018. He was 94.
 Among the early leaders of the Dravid Munnetra Kazhagam (DMK), which rose in
response to the pervasive hold of Brahminism in Tamil Nadu, Karunanidhi was chief
minister of Tamil Nadu five times.

August 9, 2018
1. Pakistan defends economic partnership with China
 Pakistan on August 8, 2018 defended its economic partnership with China, amid fears
that the terms of opaque multi-billion dollar investments by Beijing could be exacerbating
Islamabad`s economic woes as it considers a fresh International Monetary Fund (IMF)
 `We have noted recent media reports questioning the viability of China-Pakistan
Economic Corridor (CPEC), claiming that it would create an unbearable debt burden for
Pakistan,` the government said in a statement issued to the media.
 `Such media reports are often one-sided, distort facts, and are based on irresponsible
statements by individuals who either have nounderstanding of CPEC or are driven by
ulterior motives,` the statement continued.
 CPEC is an ambitious plan by Beijing to build infrastructure in Pakistan, mainly energy and
transport, connecting the western Chinese region of Xinjiang with the Arabian Sea.
 It is part of China`s massive `Belt and Road` initiative seeking to revive ancient trade
routes through a massive rail and maritime network via $1 trillion in investments across
Asia and Europe.
2. Pakistan gets first African origin lawmaker
 Pakistan is set to have its first ever lawmaker of African descent, raising the profile of a
small and mostly poor community that has been in the region for centuries.
 Tanzeela Qambrani, 39, was nominated by the Pakistan People’s Party (PPP), of former
Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto, to a women’s reserved seat in the regional parliament of
Sindh province.
 She hopes her nomination after last month’s election will help wash away the stigma
attached to the Sidi community, the local name for the ethnic African population
concentrated in the coastal regions of Makran and Sindh.
 Many Sidis are believed to be descended from slaves brought to India from East Africa by
the Portuguese. Historians say their ancestors were also soldiers, traders, pearl divers
and Muslim pilgrims. They enjoyed senior positions during the Mughal empire but faced
discrimination under British colonial rule. Estimates put their population in Pakistan in
the tens of thousands. They are well-integrated but keep alive some traditions, including

ICEP | CSS – PMS, 6-B, Gulberg III, Near Hotel One, right opposite Tipu Road, in Orbit Institute, ICEP Network. 03222077774.
an annual festival that blends Islamic mysticism, crocodiles and singing in a
blend of Swahili and a local language called Balochi.
 Sidi communities also live in the Indian states of Karnataka, Gujarat and Andhra Pradesh.
3. Pakistan will add 60,000 troops to Afghan border patrol
 The military will add as many as 60,000 troops to boost its patrols along its disputed
border with Afghanistan in an effort to curb the flow of insurgents passing between the
two nations, according to military officials familiar with the matter.
 Forty percent of the troops have already been recruited in the exercise, which is
expected to take two years, asking not to be identified so they could discuss sensitive
troop movements. About 13 percent of a fence planned along the 1,456 mile-long
disputed border has also been completed, they said. The armed forces’ media
department didn’t respond to a request for comment.
 The move will consolidate Pakistan’s border operations, which have been beefed up in
recent years after widespread insecurity wracked the country following the US invasion
of Afghanistan. Domestic terror-related violence is now at its lowest in more than a
decade. The army, which has 661,000 regular and paramilitary troops, have previously
been more focused on the country’s eastern border with arch-rival neighbour India, with
which it’s fought three wars against since British India’s partition in 1947. The two
continue to contest the disputed region of Kashmir.
 Pakistan has come under increasing pressure to act against the Afghan Taliban and the
affiliated Haqqani network since President Donald Trump accused Islamabad of allowing
them safe haven. In January, Trump suspended military aid to the nuclear-armed nation
and accused Pakistan of giving “lies and deceit” in return for years of US funding.
4. Punjab tops child abuse with 63pc reported cases
 The Punjab is on the top in child rights’ violations with 63 percent kids’ abuse cases while
Child Protection and Welfare Bureau could rescue only 11 children during the current
year, statistics issued by the bureau revealed.
 As per a report of Sahil, a private organisation working on child rights, a total of 3,445
child abuse cases were reported in newspapers from across Pakistan during the year
2017, out of which 63 percent cases were from the Punjab, 27 percent from Sindh, 4
percent from Balochistan, 3 percent from Islamabad and 2 percent from KP. 12 cases
were reported in newspapers from AJK and 3 cases from GB.
 The data reveals more than nine children were abused daily during 2017. Major crime
categories of the reported cases were – abductions 1039, missing children 517, rape 467,
sodomy 366, rape attempt 206, sodomy 180, gang-rape 158 and child marriages 109.
 United Nation Convention on the Rights of Children (UNCRC) was implemented in 1991.
Pakistan is not only one of the signatories but also it ratified the UNCRC in 1995.
 The CP&WB was established in 2004 under Punjab Destitute and Neglected Children
(PD&NC) Act, 2004. The act was amended in 2007 and 2017. After amendment in 2017,
the CP&WB was given the task to regularise all the institutions working on children. But
no such institution has so far been registered with the CP&WB in the Punjab.
5. SC restores Gilgit-Baltistan Order 2018
 The Supreme Court on August 8, 2018 restored Gilgit-Baltistan Order 2018.
 Hearing a petition filed by the federation in Islamabad, the apex court suspended the
decision of Gilgit-Baltistan Supreme Appellate Court which struck down Gilgit-Baltistan
Order 2018.

ICEP | CSS – PMS, 6-B, Gulberg III, Near Hotel One, right opposite Tipu Road, in Orbit Institute, ICEP Network. 03222077774.
 In his remarks, Chief Justice of Pakistan Mian Saqib Nisar said the government
should ensure that the people of Gilgit-Baltistan also have the rights available to the
people of other areas in the country. It may be recalled that Chief Appellate Court of
Gilgilt Baltistan declared the package given by the Centre null and void.
6. Australia`s most populous state entirely in drought
 Australia`s most populous state was declared entirely in drought on August 8, 2018 and
struggling farmers were given new authority to shoot kangaroos that compete with
livestock for sparse pasture during the most intense dry spell in more than 50 years.
 Much of Australia`s southeast is struggling with drought. But the drought conditions in
New South Wales state this year have been the driest and most widespread since 1965.
 The state government said on Wednesday that 100 per cent of New South Wales`land
area of more than 800,000 square kilometers (309,000 square miles) was now in
 Primary Industries Minister Niall Blair said farmers were enduring one of the driest
Southern Hemisphere winters on record. `This is tough.
7. Malaysian ex-PM Najib charged with money laundering
 Malaysia`s former prime minister Najib Razak was hit with new charges on August 8,
2018 linked to a multi-billion-dollar unancial scandal that contributed to his shock
election defeatinMay.
 Appearing at a court in Kuala Lumpur, Najib was charged with three counts of money-
laundering over claims he pocketed 42 million ringgit ($10.3 million) from a former unit
of scandal-hit sovereign wealth fund 1MDB.
 These are in addition to the charges he faced last month after he was first arrested three
for criminal breach of trust and a separate count that he abused his position to take the
 The 65-year-old, who is free on bail, has denied all the charges.
 Malaysia`s new government is probing allegations that billions of dollars were looted
from 1MDB, which was set up and overseen by Najib, in an audacious fraudthat spanned
the globe.
 Najib is facing a long time behind bars if found guilty the money-laundering charges carry
maximum jail terms of 15 years each, while the otherfourcharges carry sentences of 20
years each.
 The money-laundering charges allege 42 million ringgit stemming from illegal activities
was transferred to Najib`s bank accounts between December 2014 and February 2015.
8. Bolivia`s historic presidential medal stolen
 Bolivia`s gold-and-emerald presidential medal, which dates back to the foundation of the
republic in 1825, was stolen while its custodian visited a brothel.
 The custodian, identified by police as Lieutenant Roberto Juan de Dios Oniz Blanco, had
been meant to deliver the historic medal and a tricolour sash to the president to wear
during his speech on August 8, 2018 in the city of Cochabamba, according to a police
report quoted by local media.
 President Evo Morales who last wore the emblems on August 6, during celebrations
marking Bolivia`s 193rd anniversary appeared at the Cochabamba military parade on
August 8, 2018 with neither medal nor sash.
 The medal was a gift from the Congress of the recently formed Bolivian republic to its
founder in 1825 and was first used in 1826 as the presidential medal by Antonio Jose de

ICEP | CSS – PMS, 6-B, Gulberg III, Near Hotel One, right opposite Tipu Road, in Orbit Institute, ICEP Network. 03222077774.
9. Nasa poised to launch first Sun-skimming spaceship
 Nasa is poised to launch a $1.5 billion spacecraft on a brutally hot journey toward the
Sun, offering scientists the closest-ever view of our strange and mysterious star.
 After the Parker Solar Probe blasts off from Cape Canaveral, Florida on August 11, it will
become the first spacecraft ever to fly through the Sun’s scorching atmosphere, known
as the corona. Understanding how the corona works will help scientists anticipate
dangerous space weather storms, which can disrupt the power grid on Earth. “It’s of
fundamental importance for us to be able to predict space weather much the way we
predict weather on Earth.
 The corona is a “very strange, unfamiliar environment for us.”
 The unmanned probe is named after Eugene Parker, the 91-year-old pioneering solar
astrophysicist, and the US space agency has coined it as the first mission to “touch the
 It will actually skim by at a distance of 3.83 million miles (6.16 million kilometers) above
the Sun’s surface. Mission managers say that may sound like a lot but is really quite a
close shave, given the sweltering conditions out there.
10. Former world champion Bett dies
 Kenya`s former 400m hurdles world champion Nicholas Bett has died in a road accident
aged 28.
 Bett died in Nandi county, north west Kenya after his car hit bumps and rolled into a
ditch. He had returned home from the Africa Championships in Nigeria on August 7,

August 10, 2018

1. President calls new NA session on 13th
 President Mamnoon Hussain has summoned the new session of the National Assembly
on Aug 13, approving a summary sent to him by caretaker Prime Minister Nasirul Mulk
for the purpose.
 The prime minister forwarded the summary on August 9, 2018 after the Pakistan
Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) called upon the interim govern-ment to summon the session of the
lower house so that the process of formation of the new government could take place.
 The PTI also asked President Hussain to drop his plan to proceed to Ireland on a three-
day official visit on Aug 16 as uncertainty prevails whether prime minister-in-waiting
Imran Khan can take the oath of his office on Aug 14 or not.
2. Quality of 2018 elections declined compared to 2013: Pildat
 An analysis has found that the quality of the 2013 election was better than the recently
held polls marred by result transmission system (RTS) fiasco and complaints about the
vote counting process.
 The Pakistan Insutute of Legislative Development and Transparency (Pildat) while
assessing the quality of the 2018 polls at an overall score of 51.79pc said it dropped by
5pc against the quality of the 2013 election that was assessed to be at 56.76pc.
 The quality of the 2018 election has been assessed on 39 parameters under four broad
categories of pre-poll, polling, counting of votes, compilation and transmission ofresults
and post-poll phase.

ICEP | CSS – PMS, 6-B, Gulberg III, Near Hotel One, right opposite Tipu Road, in Orbit Institute, ICEP Network. 03222077774.
The pre-poll phase received an overall score of 50pc, polling day operations
and arrangements for voting got the highest score of 64pc, counting, result compilation
and transmission of results received the lowest score of 40pc and the post-poll phase
received the score of 50pc.
 Each parameter was assigned equal weightage and graded on a scale of one to five with
one indicating the poorest quality and five being the best.
 The assessment was a continuation of earlier similar assessments that had been carried
out by the think tank after the general elections of 2002, 2008 and 2013.
 Similar assessments in the past assigned the overall score of 37.30pc to the quality of
election 2002 and 40pc to the quality of the 2008 polls.
 The scores had improved for the quality of election 2013 to 56.76pc but dropped again to
51.79pc in 2018.
 This drop in quality is mainly due to poor quality of pre-poll phase which was largely
attributable to the factors lying outside the direct remit of the ECP.
 While the quality of the pre-poll phase received an overall score of 50pc it declined
nearly 12 percentage points in comparisonto the quality of pre-poll phase of the 2013
election which had received a score of 62.35pc.
3. Saudi-backed IsDB ready to help Imran-led govt with $4bn loan
 Pakistan plans to borrow more than $4 billion from the Saudibacked Islamic Development
Bank (IsDB) as part of its attempts to restore dangerously low stocks of foreign currency,
reported The Financial Times on August 9, 2018.
 The Jeddah-based bank had agreed to make a formal offer to lend Islamabad the money
when Imran Khan took over as prime minister.
 The loan would not cover Pakistan`s expected financing gap of at least $25bn during this
financial year but was `an important contribution`.
 The loan had the backing of the Saudi government, `which wants to play a part in
rescuing Pakistan from its present crisis`.
 Despite the promise of money from the IsDB, economists warn that Mr Khan`s
government will still have to enact potentially unpopular spending cuts and tax rises to
help repair the government`s balance sheet.
4. US senators seek to block IMF bailouts for China`s allies
 A bipartisan group of 16 US senators urged the Trump administration to block the
International Monetary Fund (IMF) from bailing out the countries that have obtained
loans from China under its infrastructure development plan.
 The letter to Secretary of State Michael Pompeo and Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin
mentions Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Djibouti among the countries that have accepted
billions of dollars in loans from China but are unable to repay.
 The loans come from the $8 trillion Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) that China says is meant
to develop infrastructure in friendly countries for linking them to global trade routes.
 But US senators disagree.
 `We write to express our concern over bailout requests to the IMF by countries who have
accepted predatory Chinese infrastructure financing,` the 16 senators said in the letter
they sent to the two secretaries earlier this week.
 They claimed that China was using the debt to control the policies of the borrowing
 The IMFis an internationallending institution and the United States is its largest
contributor with some $164 billion in financial commitments.

ICEP | CSS – PMS, 6-B, Gulberg III, Near Hotel One, right opposite Tipu Road, in Orbit Institute, ICEP Network. 03222077774.
In 2016, the IMF agreed to pay Sri Lanka a $1.5 billion bailout loan to cover
debts the country owes China.
 Recently, reports in the international media claimed that Pakistan may soon seek up to
$12 billion from the IMF to overcome a widening foreign exchange deficit.
 But media reports claimed that Pakistan may use that money to repay the loans it
borrowed for the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), which is linked to the BRI.
Pakistan rejected the claim, saying that it had no intention of using IMF money for
repaying China.
5. New KP Assembly to meet on 13th
 Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Governor Iqbal Zafar Jhagra has summoned the maiden session of
the new provincial assembly on Monday (August 13) for the swearing-in of its members.
 Outgoing Speaker Asad Qaisar will administer the oath to the members-elect.
 After the oath-taking ceremony, the desiring candidates will file nomination papers for
the offices of the speaker and deputy speaker the same day.
 He elections for the speaker and deputy speaker would take place on August 15 through
secret ballot.
 Under Article 53 of the Constitution read with Article 127, the assembly shall, at its first
meeting and to the exclusion of any other business, elect from amongst its members a
speaker and a deputy speaker.
 Under Rule 8(2) of the Provincial Assembly of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Procedure and
Conduct of Business Rules, the election for the speaker shall be presided over by the
outgoing speaker and he will administer oath to his successor.
6. China to provide $14m for rebuilding schools
 China would provide $14 million to Pakistan for the reconstruction of fully damaged
schools in Bara Khyber Agency to ensure improved education infrastructure and to
restore enrolment of students post terrorism crisis situation.
 Pakistan and China on August 9, 2018 signed the implementations minutes on
Reconstruction and Rehabilitation of fully damages government schools in Bara, Khyber
 The minutes were signed during a meeting of Chinese Ambassador Yao Jing and Secretary
Economic Affairs Division Ghazanfar Abbas Jilani.
 The meeting was characterised by a spirit of friendship cooperation and a desire to make
rapid advances in socio economic development.
7. Trump declares intent to create Space Force by 2020
 US President Donald Trump`s administration set a goal on August 9, 2018 of creating a
sixth branch of the US military by 2020 known as the `Space Force` and said it would
work to build bipartisan support in Congress for the plan.
 Critics view the creation of a Space Force as an unnecessary and expensive bureaucratic
endeavour and scoff at comparisons to the foundation of the Air Force in 1947.
 US Vice President Mike Pence, in a Pentagon address, described the creation of the Space
Force as `an idea whose time has come.` Trump, the champion of the plan, tweeted:
`Space Force all the way!` `Ultimately, Congress must act to establish this new
department, which will organise, train and equip the United States Space Force,` Pence
 The Pentagon report, however, included aplan to create a unified combatant command,
known as the US Space Command, by the end of 2018. US Defence Secretary Jim Mattis
threw his support behind that idea on Tuesday.

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The Pentagon report, however, recommended that the unified command be
in the hands of the Air Force for now. The Air Force currently oversees some of the most
critical space-based capabilities.
8. Argentina Senate votes against legalizing abortion
 Argentina’s senators on August 9, 2018 voted against legalizing abortion in the homeland
of Pope Francis, dashing the hopes of women’s rights groups after the bill was approved
by the legislature’s lower house months earlier.
 The vote, with 38 against, 31 in favor and two abstentions, capped a marathon session
that began the day before and stretched into the early hours. Fireworks and shouts of joy
erupted among anti-abortion activists camped outside Congress, while pro-choice
campaigners, many decked in the green scarves that had come to symbolize their
movement, were downcast.
 The bill was passed by Congress’s lower house in June by the narrowest of margins, but
was widely expected to fall short of the votes needed to pass in the Senate.
 Lawmakers must now wait a year to resubmit the legislation.
9. Colombia recognizes Palestine as sovereign state
 Colombia recognized Palestine as a sovereign state in the days before new President Ivan
Duque took office, according to a letter from the foreign ministry made public.
 “I would like to inform you that in the name of the government of Colombia, President
Juan Manuel Santos has decided to recognize Palestine as a free, independent and
sovereign state,” said the letter dated August 3.
 The letter was signed by Santos’s foreign minister Maria Angela Holguin. New Foreign
Minister Carlos Holmes said he would review the “implications” of the previous
government’s decision, in accordance with international law and good diplomatic
10. Germany lifts ban on Nazi symbols in computer, video games
 Computer and video games can include swastikas and other Nazi symbols, a German
industry body said on August 9, 2018, after a heated debate over the “Wolfenstein”
franchise in which gamers battle Third Reich forces.
 The game was previously deemed to have fallen foul of the German criminal code, which
bars any depiction of so-called “anti-constitutional” symbols, including Nazi swastikas.
 Accordingly in “Wolfenstein II”, images of Adolf Hitler were doctored to remove his
moustache and the swastika in the Nazi flag was replaced with a triangular symbol.
 This sparked an uproar in the gaming community, prompting calls for games to be
treated like films.
 Because movies are deemed works of art, they are exempt from the ban, similar to
material used in research, historical or scientific purposes.
 Films set in the World War II-era, for instance, are allowed to be screened in Germany
with Nazi symbols.
 The Entertainment Software Self-Regulation Body (USK) said video games will in future be
examined as to whether they constitute such exceptions.

August 11, 2018

1. US cuts military training programme for Pakistan

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US military institutions are struggling to fill the 66 slots they had kept aside
for officers from Pakistan for the next academic year, as the Trump administration
refused to provide funds for their training.
 The fund for training Pakistani officers came from the US government`s International
Military Education and Training Programme (IMET) but no funds were made available for
Pakistan for the next academic year.
 The NDU is one of several US military institutions that train officers from Pakistan. The
Trump administration announced early this year that it was suspending security
assistance to Pakistan over differences on Afghanistan but indicated that training
programmes for military of ficers will continue.
 The cancellation of slots kept aside for Pakistani officers, however, shows that the
suspension now also applies to training programmes.
 Pakistani ofhcers have been receiving military training and education in the United States
since early 1960s, which were suspended in the 1990s but restored af ter the Sept 11,
2001 terrorist attacks.The decision to suspend military training for Pakistani of ficers was
also reported by an international news agency, Reuters, which observed that both the US
and Pakistani officials were criticising the move, privately.
2. President cancels Ireland visit for PM`s oath-taking
 President Mamnoon Hussain has shelved his three-day visit to Ireland, apparently to be
available on Aug 18 to administer the oath to Imran Khan as the 21st prime minister of
the country.
 Mr Hussain had earlier decided to proceed to Ireland on Aug 16 to attend the award-
distribution ceremony of Royal College of Physician where he too had to receive an
honorary degree.
 However, he cancelled the visit on the request of caretaker Prime Minister Nasirul Mulk.
 Caretaker Information and Law Minister Ali Zafar met the president and conveyed the
message of the prime minister to him.
 The president, on the recommendation of the interim prime minister, has already
summoned a session of the National Assembly on Aug 13 so that the process of
formation of the new government could start.
3. Senate body passes bill for ban on smoking in cinemas
 The Senate Standing Committee on Health on August 10, 2018 passed a legislative bill
calling for a ban on smoking in cinemas across the country.
 The Senate committee, which met at Parliament Lodges with Senator Mian Mohammad
Ateeg Sheikh in the chair, passed the bill titled The West Pakistan Prohibition of Smoking
in Cinema Houses (repeal) Bill, 2018.
 The meeting also discussed various issues related to the health ministry, including the
nominations for an upcoming WHO conference on health in Geneva.
4. Javed Mehmood Bukhari made Bahawalpur corps commander
 The Pakistan Army on August 10, 2018 announced that Lt Gen Javed Mehmood Bukhari
has been appointed corps commander of Bahawalpur.
 `Lt Gen Javed Mehmood Bukhari [has been] appointed Commander Bahawalpur Corps,`
the Inter-Services Public Relations, the media affairs wing of the military, said in a brief
 Gen Bukhari was previously posted as Quarter Master General at the General
Headquarters. He has replaced Lt Gen Sher Afgun in Bahawalpur.
 Gen Afgun has been posted as inspector general arms at GHQ

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5. Sindh Assembly`s new members to take oath on August 13
 The inaugural session of the 15th provincial assembly of Sindh, which came into being
following the July 25 general elections, is scheduled to begin on August 13, 2018.
 According to an order of acting Governor Agha Siraj Durrani, as notified on August 10,
2018 by the provincial assembly`s secretariat, the session of the new 166-strong
legislature has been convened on August 13, 2018 at the Sindh Assembly building.
 Mr Durrani, speaker of the former assembly, assumed the governor`soffice after
Muhammad Zubair`s resignation as governor of Sindh.
6. India to step up use of biofuels
 India aims to increase the use of biofuels to cut its oil import bill by 120 billion rupees
($1.7bn) by 2022 and reduce carbon emissions.
 India is the world`s third-biggest oil importer and consumer and ships in about 80 per
cent of its crude needs, butis gradually building capacity toincreaseits output of biofuels.
 The South Asian nation plans to build 12 bio-refineries costing 100bn rupees to produce
fuel from items including crop stubble, plant waste and municipal solid waste.
7. Nasa counts down to launch of first spacecraft to explore Sun
 Nasa counted down on August 10, 2018 to the launch of a $1.5 billion spacecraft that
aims to plunge into the Sun`s sizzling atmosphere and become humanity`s first mission to
explore a star.
 The car-sized Parker Solar Probe is scheduled to blast off on a Delta IV Heavy rocket from
Cape Canaveral, Florida.
 By coming closer to the Sun than any spacecraft in history, the probe`s main goal is to
unveil the secrets of the corona, the unusual atmosphere around Sun.
 Not only is the corona about 300 times hotter than the Sun`s surface, it also hurls
powerful plasma and energetic particles that can unleash geomagnetic space storms,
wreaking havoc on Earth by disrupting the power grid. But these solar outbursts are
poorly understood.
8. N Korea will preserve nuclear know-how
 North Korea will preserve its nuclear know-how despite its promise of denuclearisation to
the United States, Foreign Minister Ri Yong Ho said during a visit to Tehran.
 Despite the agreement to denuclearise the Korean peninsula struck during a landmark
summit between North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un and US President Donald Trump, "we
preserve our nuclear science as we know that the Americans will not abandon their
hostility toward us," Ri said, according to the conservative Mehr news agency.
 "Dealing with Americans is difficult, and as our main goal is total disarmament of the
whole Korean Peninsula, it is necessary that the Americans also abide by their
commitments but they refuse to do so." At the June summit with Trump, Kim made a
vague commitment to denuclearisation - far from the longstanding US demand for the
complete, verifiable and irreversible dismantling of Pyongyang's atomic arsenal.
 Ri was meeting with Iran's influential parliament speaker Ali Larijani on the third day of an
official visit.
9. Norway to test free heroin for drug addicts
 Norway, which has one of the highest deadly drug overdose rates in Europe, will test
prescribing free heroin to the most serious addicts to improve their living conditions, the
government said on August 10, 2018.

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The Norwegian Directorate for Health and Social Affairs has been tasked with
proposing an experimental project to identify patients likely to benefit from the
programme, to examine the implementation method, and to calculate the costs.
 Norway has one of the highest overdose mortality rates in Europe, with 81 deaths per
million in 2015 after Estonia (132 deaths per million) and Sweden (88 deaths per million).
 Medical heroin therapy is controversial, but supporters argue that in addition to
improving the quality of life of addicts and lowering overdose mortality, it reduces crime
and the costs associated with it.
 The first treatments under the project will begin in 2020 at the earliest.
 The initiative could benefit up to 400 drug addicts, according to the daily Aftenposten
10. Mekhissi wins fifth Euro gold as world champions shine
 France`s Mahiedine Mekhissi joined an elite band of athletes after he claimed his fifth
European title on a scintillating night of track and field in Berlin that saw a trio of world
champions shine.
 Mekhissi, a three-time Olympic and two-time world medallist, was imperious as he eased
to a fourth victory in the 3000m steeplechase in 8min 31.66sec, having already won the
discipline three times (2010, 2012, 2016) and the 1500m once (2014).
 The 33-year-old Frenchman joined the trio of German Harald Schmid and British pair
Roger Black and Mo Farah as the sole athletes to have won five outdoor golds on the
continental stage.
 Mekhissi, who was controversially stripped of the 2014 steeplechase title for having
stripped off his singlet before he crossed the finish line in first place, has the chance for
an unprecedented sixth gold when he competes in Saturday`s 5000m.

August 12, 2018

1. Final NA tally shows Imran in convincing lead
 The Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf`s tally reached 158 members in the National Assembly af ter
the joining of nine independents and bagging 33 seats reserved for women and
 Out of the 60 reserved women seats, the PTI has clinched 28, followed by the Pakistan
Muslim League-N (PML-N) with 16 seats, Pakistan Peoples Party(PPP) nine seats,
Muttahida Majlis-i-Amal (MMA) two seats and one seat each by Balochistan Awami Party
(BAP),Balochistan National Party (BNP), Grand Democratic Alliance (GDA), Muttahida
Qaumi Movement (MQM) and Pakistan Muslim League-Q (PML-Q).
 Similarly, out of the 10 reserved seats for minorities, the PTI has won five, followed by
two each by the PPP and PML-N and one by the MMA.If the votes of the PTI and its allied
parties are counted, the total comes to 184 in the house of 339. In addition to this, four
independent MNAs-elect are also poised to support the PTI and, therefore, the total
number of the membersbelonging to the PTI and its allies comes to 188. But the PTI will
still not be facing a weak opposition as the strength of its arch-rival PML-N and its allies
also comes to 151.
 The prominent women who have been notified as MNAs on reserved seats are Dr Shireen
Mazari, Munaza Hassan and Andaleeb Abbas of the PTI; Tahira Aurangzeb, Shaista
Pervez, former information minister Marriyum Aurangzeb, Zahra Wadood Fatemi, the
wife of former special assistant to the PM on foreign affairs Tariq Fatemi, Mussarat Asif

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Khawaja, the wife of Khawaja Asif, former foreign minister Hina Rabbani Khar,
former religious affairs minister Shagufta Jummani, Shazia Marri and former senator
Rubina Irfan.
 The National Assembly has a total of 342 seats, including 272 general seats, 60 seats
reserved for women and 10 reserved for minorities. Elections on July 25 were held in 270
constituencies as polls in NA-60 Rawalpindi had been postponed following the
disqualification of PML-N leader Hanif Abbasi days before the polling while elections in
NA-103 (Faisalabad) had been put off after the death of a candidate.
2. Balochistan Assembly to meet tomorrow, Punjab PA session set for 15th
 The inaugural sessions of the provincial assemblies of Balochistan and Punjab are set to
be held on Aug 13 and 15, respectively.
 The newly-elected members of the two assemblies will be administered the oath by the
outgoing speakers.
 Outgoing Punjab Assembly Speaker Rana Muhammad Iqbal will administer the oath to
the MPAs-elect. The session of the 17th provincial assembly will begin at 10am.
 The election to the posts of speaker and deputy speaker will be held on Aug 16, or as
scheduled by the speaker. The chief minister`s election will be held a day after the
speaker`s election and the new chief minister`s oath-taking ceremony will be held at
Governor House.
3. Pakistan prepares 11 outcomes to comply with FATF recommendations
 To comply with 40 recommendations of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), Pakistan’s
key institutions have come up with a comprehensive plan by devising 11 immediate
outcomes for avoiding further down gradation through upcoming evaluation by the Asia
and Pacific Group (APG) from the next week.
 A delegation of the APG is scheduled to visit Pakistan from August 13 and will stay here
for one week to evaluate the country’s progress. Pakistan will have to show progress on
FATF instructions to avoid slipping from grey to blacklist.
 A list of 11 immediate outcomes has been exclusively shared with The News by top
officials who said that all the key stakeholders including the Ministry of Finance, FMU,
SBP, Nacta, FIA and FBR’s Intelligence and Investigation will have to play important role
during the next week’s visit of the APG.
4. More than 90pc Form-45 not signed by polling agents
 It is official now that over 90 percent Form-45 displayed on the Election Commission of
Pakistan (ECP)'s website do not bear the signatures of the polling agents.
 Although the ECP spokesperson has admitted that many Form-45 have not been signed
by the polling agents, according to him it was not a requirement of the Form-45 as there
was no space for polling agent’s signature. However, the Section 90 (12) of the Elections
Act 2017 clearly says that the presiding officer shall obtain signature of the polling agent
on the form.
 The Section 90 (12) of the Elections Act 2017 says, “The Presiding Officer, after
preparation of the Result of the count and the Ballot Paper Account, shall sign them and
obtain thereon the signatures of the senior-most Assistant Presiding Officer and an
accredited observer, a candidate or his election agent or polling agents as may be
present in token of the said documents having been prepared in their presence and if any
such person refuses to sign it, the Presiding Officer shall record a note on the result of
the count and the ballot paper account to that effect.
5. China delays mosque demolition after protest

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 Authorities in northern China delayed the demolition of a massive mosque on
August 11, 2018 after thousands of people demonstrated to stop its destruction.
 Across China, officials have sought to limit religious freedoms for Muslims as part of a
widespread attempt to bring believers in line with the dictates of the ruling Communist
 Videos posted on social media in recent days showed protesters gathering in front of the
building as police with riot shields stood by.
6. WB to issue world’s first blockchain bond
 The World Bank is taking a step into the brave new world of digital finance to sell the
first-ever bond to be issued entirely using blockchain technology.
 More than just funds, the World Bank aims to gain experience using blockchain -- a digital
public registry of transactions -- that could lead to "a golden future" for financial services
for developing nations.
 The technology is most often associated with cryptocurrencies -- like bitcoin -- which
often raise suspicion about their reliability and volatility, as well as their use for criminal
 But because there as yet is no central bank-backed digital currency in existence, the two-
year blockchain bond will rely on real-world money: Australian dollars.
7. Russia's economy grows further in 2Q
 Russia's economy saw year-on-year growth of 1.8 percent in the second quarter
benefitting from rising oil prices and despite increasingly harsh US sanctions
 Russia's economy expanded by 1.3 percent in the first quarter of the year compared to
the same period of 2017, after two years of recession in 2015 and 2016.
 The return to growth seen in 2017 has continued this year despite the announcement in
April of new US sanctions over Russia's alleged meddling in 2016 presidential elections
won by Donald Trump
8. Afghan forces in control of Ghazni
 Security forces were in control of the eastern Afghan city of Ghazni on August 11, 2018,
more than a day after Taliban fighters launched a major onslaught on the provincial
capital, as reinforcements continued a clearance operation targeting the militants.
 Fresh reinforcements had arrived in the area and were battling Taliban fighters north of
Ghazni, and that the insurgents were in no position to take control of the city.
9. Nasa postpones for 24 hours launch of historic spaceship to Sun
 Nasa postponed the launch of the first ever spacecraft to fly directly toward the Sun on a
mission to plunge into our star`s sizzling atmosphere and unlock its mysteries.
 The reason for the delay was not immediately clear, but was called for after a gaseous
helium alarm was soundedin thelastmoments before liftoff, officials said.
 Engineers are taking utmost caution with the $1.5 billion Parker Solar Probe, which
Thomas Zurbuchen, head of Nasa`s science mission directorate, described as one of the
agency`s most `strategically important missions`.
 By coming closer to the Sun than any spacecraft in history, the unmanned probe`s main
goal is to unveil the secrets of the corona, the unusual atmosphere aroundthe Sun.
 Not only is the corona about 300 times hotter than the Sun`s surf ace, but it alsohurls
powerful plasma and energetic particles that can unleash geomagnetic space storms,
wreaking havoc on Earth by disrupting the power grid.
 These solar outbursts are poorly understood, but pack the potential to wipe out power to
millions of people.

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10. Indian women pilots flying around the world in 90 days
 Indian women pilots have set off to circumnavigate the globe,
 Two women are set to become India’s first women pilots to circumnavigate the globe.
Aarohi Ashok Pandit and Keithair Gilroy Misquitta in a motor glider reached Karachi on
the first leg of their journey around the world in 90 days.
 The expedition which started from Bhuj on August 7 will cover three continents, 21
countries in 90 days covering 40,000 km across the globe. The women pilots were
received by Air Adviser Group Captain JT Kurien, who wished them blue skies on their
onward journey

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August 13, 2018
1. Over 85pc NA candidates lose security deposit
 As the nomination fee commonly known as security deposit of 2,870 of the total 3,355
candidates for the National Assembly will be forfeited for failing to obtain over 25 per
cent of total votes polled in their constituencies according to official results,
 At least 10 party heads besides many other prominent politicians will not be refunded
the money they had deposited.
 Under the Elections Act, the requirement of obtaining one-eighth of the total polled
votes to qualify for refund of nomination fee had been changed to one-fourth apparently
to discourage non-serious candidates.The ratio of forfeitures was highest in Fata
(95.48pc), followed by Islamabad (92.42 pc), Balochistan (91.98 pc) and Khyber
Pakhtunkhwa (86.13pc), while the lowest ratio of forfeiture was in Sindh (84.46 pc) and
Punjab (84.46 pc).
 In Fata, 254 of the total 266 candidates are going to lose their nomination fee. In
Islamabad, 61 of the total 66 candidates for three National Assembly seats failed to
secure more than 25pc of the total votes polled.
 Similarly, 264 of the total 287 candidates for NA seats from Balochistan and 354 of the
total 411 candidates from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa could not meet the legal requirement for
refund of nomination fee.
 Besides, 696 of the total 824 contestants from Sindh and 1,241 of 1,501 from Punjab
candidates will lose their deposit for failing to get over 25pc of total votes polled in their
2. 106 terror financing cases filed in Punjab since 2015
 The Punjab police have registered 106 cases of terror financing involving proscribed
organisations since 2015, and arrested 144 suspects, 42 of whom were convicted by
 This has been stated in a report which is part of similar narrations three other provinces
have prepared for a briefing the Pakistani authorities are scheduled to give to a
delegation of the UN Security Council`s Financial Action Task Force (FATF) on Aug 15 on
steps taken to curtail financial and other activities of the organisations proscribed by the
world body, including the Jamaatud Dawa. The report fromPunjab sent to Islamabad on
August 12, 2018.
 Since 2015, 26 accused were convicted of receiving or donating funds and handed more
than five years of imprisonment.
 Like all other provinces, Punjab has also sent to the federal government its report on
implementation of the actions suggested by the UN against the proscribed
organisations,` a senior official told Dawn.
 Officials said a preparatory meeting was held in Islamabad under the federal interior
secretary a few days ago in which the provinces were asked to prepare theirreports.
 The UN has proscribed 18 organisations, including JuD, Jaish-eMuhammad, Falah-i-
Insaniat Foundation and Al Qaeda. In addition, Pakistan has alsoitselfbanned another54
3. Nasa launches probe to `touch Sun`
 NASA on August 12, 2018 launched a $1.5 billion spacecraft toward the Sun on a historic
mission to protect the Earth by unveiling the mysteries of dangerous solar storms.
 `Three, two, one, zero, and liftoff! Of the mighty Delta IV Heavy rocket with NASA`s
Parker Solar Probe, a daring mission to shed light on the mysteries of our closest star, the

ICEP | CSS – PMS, 6-B, Gulberg III, Near Hotel One, right opposite Tipu Road, in Orbit Institute, ICEP Network. 03222077774.
Sun,` said the narrator on NASA TV. The launch lit the night sky at Cape
Canaveral, Florida, at 3:31am (0731 GMT).
 Less than an hour later, mission managers confirmed that the spacecraft separated from
the rocket as planned and was safely on its journey. `At this point, spacecraft is up and
happy,` said a spokesman with United Launch Alliance, the company thatoperates the
 The unmanned spacecraft`s mission is to get closer than any human-made object ever to
the centre of our solar system, plunging into the Sun`s atmosphere, known as the corona,
during a seven-year mission.
 The probe is guarded by an ultra-powerful heat shield that can endure unprecedented
levels of heat, and radiation 500 times that experienced on Earth.
 NASA has billed the mission as the first spacecraft to `touch the Sun`. In reality, it should
come within 3.83 million miles (6.16 million kilometres) of the Sun`s surface, close
enough to study the curious phenomenon of the solar wind and the Sun`s atmosphere,
known as the corona, which is 300 times hotter than its surface. The car-sized probe will
give scientists a better understanding of solar wind and geomagnetic storms that risk
wreaking chaos on Earth by knocking out the power grid.
4. PTI secures 16 of 22 seats reserved for women MPAs
 As Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf has clinched 16 of the 22 seats reserved for women in Khyber
Pakhtunkhwa Assembly, Ms Nighat Orakzai of Pakistan People`s Party has created history
by becoming MPA on reserved seat for the fourth consecutive term.
 The Election Commission of Pakistan notified the names of MNAs and MPAs elected on
seats reserved for women in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
 Under the Constitution, nine seats of MNAs and 22 seats of MPAs are reserved for
women in the province.
 PTI has won seven of nine MNA seats whereas a single seat each is won by Mutahidda
Majlis-i-Amal and Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz.
 Similarly, apart from 16 seats of MPAs won by PTI, Awami National Party and MMA have
secured two seats each, whereas both PPP and PML-N have begged a single seat of MPA.
Ms Orakzal was twice elected as MPA on ticket of PML in 2002 and 2008. Later, she
joined PPP and was elected as MPA in 2013 and now in 2018.
 Lady luck often smiles on her as like 2008 and 2013, when she was lone woman MPA of
PML and PPPP, respectively, she is again the only woman MPA of PPP. On all the three
occasions her name was at serial No 1 of the priority list of candidates submitted by her
respective party.
5. Govt gives 50pc subsidy on cotton seed
 Punjab Secretary Agriculture Wasif Khurshid has said that the government is striving hard
to achieve target of cotton production of 10 million bales as huge funds have been
provided to the farmers.
 In a statement, he said that the government has provided approved varieties of cotton
seed on up to 50 percent subsidised rate, Radio Pakistan reported. He said that over Rs
14 million are being spent for provision of agricultural machinery to cotton growers.
 The Secretary Agriculture said that Punjab government has provided 110,000 smart
phones to the farmers equipped with special applications through which extension
services are being provided to cotton growers and other crops.
 350.889 million rupees are being spent on Commissioned Research Programme for high
yield cotton seed production.

ICEP | CSS – PMS, 6-B, Gulberg III, Near Hotel One, right opposite Tipu Road, in Orbit Institute, ICEP Network. 03222077774.
6. Caspian Sea nations sign landmark deal
 The leaders of the five states bordering the resource-rich Caspian Sea signed a landmark
deal on August 12, 2018 on the legal status of the inland sea which boasts a wealth of oil
and gas reserves and sturgeon.
 The leaders of Azerbaijan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Russia and Turkmenistan signed the
agreement on the status of the inland sea, which has been disputed since the collapse of
the Soviet Union rendered obsolete agreements between Tehran and Moscow.
 The host, Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev, said before the signing that the
leaders were `participants in a historic event`. `we can admit that consensus on the status
of the sea was hard to reach and not immediate, the talks lasted more than 20 years and
called for a lot of joint efforts from the parties, Nazarbayev said.
 Russian leader Vladimir Putin, whose country was seen as driving the deal, said the
convention had `epochmaking significance` and called for more military cooperation
between the countries on the Caspian.
 Nazarbayev said the convention allows for the construction of underwater oil and gas
pipelines as well as setting national quotas for fishing and forbids any for-eign military
 Iranian President Hassan Rouhani was quick to hail the clause that prevents nonCaspian
countries from deploying military forces.
 After years of unsuccessful negotiations on the Caspian the Kremlin `gains political kudos
for breaking a log-jam,` said John Roberts, a non-resident senior fellow at Atlantic
Council`s Eurasia Center.
 The project is billed as allowing European countries to ease their dependence on gas
from Russia at a time of heightened geopolitical confrontation.
7. Russia`s growing influence cause of concern: US general
 Russia is exerting its authority and presence in the greater Middle East region and the
United States believes that Moscow is playing a great power game, says a senior US
 Pakistan and Russia signed an agreement earlier this week, which enables Pakistani
military officers to receive training in Russian military institutes.
 The deal underscores Pakistan`s efforts to seek new allies as its relations with the United
States strain. The United States has not only suspended its security assistance to the
country but has also suspended training facilities for Pakistani military officers.
 `Russia is trying to exert their authorityand their presence, their influence across the
region,` said Gen Joseph L. Votel, Commander of US Central Command (CENTCOM),
when asked to comment on growing military ties between Pakistan and Russia.
8. Mali holds elections amid militant threat
 Malians voted on August 12, 2018 in a presidential runoff likely to see Ibrahim Boubacar
Keita returned to office despite criticism of his handling of the country`s security crisis
and allegations of election fraud.
 The second round is a rerun of a 2013 face-off that Keita, 73, won by a landslide over
former finance minister Soumaila Cisse.
 This year`s campaign saw fierce attacks on Keita`s perceived failure to dampen a wave of
jihadist bloodshed and ethnic violence, as well as mounting accusations of vote fraud.
 Mali, a landlocked nation home to at least 20 ethnic groups where the majority of people
live on less than $2 a day, has battled jihadist attacks and inter-communal violence for

ICEP | CSS – PMS, 6-B, Gulberg III, Near Hotel One, right opposite Tipu Road, in Orbit Institute, ICEP Network. 03222077774.
 After the July 29 firstround vote the pool of candidates was reduced from 24
to two, as Keita was credited with 42 per cent of the vote and Cisse, 68, picked up 18 per
9. Iraq PM cancels visit to sanctions-hit Iran
 Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi has cancelled a visit to Iran, his press office said
August 12, 2018, as the premier came under strong Iranian criticism over his stand on
renewed US sanctions against Tehran.
 Abadi will still go ahead with a planned visit to Turkey on Tuesday but has scrapped the
Iran leg of the trip "because of his busy schedule", his office said.
 Abadi would visit both neighbouring Turkey and Iran to discuss economic issues.
10. Nobel Prize-winning author V.S. Naipaul dies
 British author V.S. Naipaul, a famously outspoken Nobel laureate who wrote on the
traumas of postcolonial change, has died at the age of 85.
 Naipaul, who was born in Trinidad and the son of an Indian civil servant, was best known
for his novel, A House for Mr Biswas, and his Man Booker Prize-winning In A Free State.
 Vidiadhar Surajprasad Naipaul settled in England and studied English literature at Oxford
University on a scholarship.
 But he spent much of his timetravelling and despite becoming a pillar of Britain`s cultural
establishment, was also a symbol of modern rootlessness.
 Naipaul`s early works focused on the West Indies, but came to encompass countries
around the world.
 He stirred controversy in the past, describing post-colonial countries as `half-made
societies` and alleging that Islam both enslaved and attempted to wipe out other
 When he was awarded the 2001 Nobel prize for literature, the Swedish Academy
described him as a `literary circumnavigator, only ever really at home in himself, in his
inimitable voice`.

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August 14, 2018
1. 326 legislators take oath in coutnry's 15th National Assembly
 Setting the stage for a second democratic transition a day before the country`s 71st
Independence Day, 326 newly elected members of the 15th National Assembly took the
oath amid an unusual calm during its inaugural session on August 13, 2018.
 The oath-taking ceremony took place in a very cordial atmosphere as several opposition
members were seen exchanging pleasantries with the legislators belonging to
thePakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI), the party poised to form its government.
 Among those who took the oath as MNAs, there are seven party heads, six former
provincial chief ministers, three former speakers, one former president (Mr Zardari) and
one former Prime Minister (Raja Pervez Ashraf).
 The former chief ministers who were administered the oath as MNAs were Mr Shahbaz,
Pervez Khattak, Aftab Shabaan Mirani, Mr Mengal, Amir Haider Hoti and Ali Mohammad
 The three former speakers who took the oath on Monday were Dr Fehmida Mirza and
Syed FakharImam besides Mr Sadiq himself.
 The NA has a total of 342 seats including 272 general seats, 60 seats reserved for women
and 10 reserved for minorities. As polls in Rawalpindi (NA-60) had been postponed
following the disqualification of PML-N leader Hanif Abbasi and elections in Faisalabad
(NA-103) had been put off after the death of a candidate, the elections were held in 270
NA constituencies on July 25.
2. New MPAs in Sindh, KP, Balochistan take oath
 Newly elected members of the provincial assemblies of Sindh, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and
Balochistan were sworn in on August 13, 2018.
 The oath to 160 out of the total 168 members of the Sindh Assembly was administered
by Agha Siraj Khan Durrani, the outgoing speaker. Mr Durrani, who has also been
nominated by the Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) asits candidate for the post of speaker of
the new assembly, administered the oath to the members in Urdu, Sindhi and English.
 In Peshawar, the newly elected members of the KP Assembly took the oath amid a token
protest by the joint opposition against alleged rigging in the July 25 general elections.
 In Quetta, outgoing speaker Rahila Hameed Khan Durrani administered the oath to 58
new legislators of the 65-member Balochistan Assembly. After taking the oath, the
members of fered prayers for the martyrs of the Mastung massacre as well as the
lawyers who were martyred in the Aug 8, 2016, terrorist attack.
3. China, Pakistan discuss anti-terror cooperation
 Top Chinese paramilitary force commander on Monday discussed proposals for
increasing Pak-China counterterrorism cooperation with Army Chief Gen Qamar Javed
 The proposals were discussed during a meeting of Commander of Chinese People’s
Armed Police Force General Wang Ning with Gen Bajwa.
 Chinese People’s Armed Police Force is a paramilitary police force, which is responsible
for counterterrorism operations in restive areas such as western Xinjiang region. The 1.5
million-strong paramilitary police force is also responsible for border defence.
4. First Kalash MPA vows to fight for rights of minorities
 A Kalash man from Chitral district on August 13, 2018 formally became the first member
of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Assembly from his fast shrinking religious minority, which
claims to be the descendants of Greek invader Alexander the Great.

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 Wazirzada represents Kalash, the country`s smallest ethnoreligious
community that lives in the remote mountains of Hindu Kush range. He is now
representing different religious minorities of the province in the assembly.The Kalash
people, according to the legend, are of the remnants of the Alexander the Great, whose
army invaded Hindu Kush region around 2000 years ago, while another theory describes
them indigenous people.
5. Pakistan stands by Turkey amid US sanctions
 Pakistan August 13, 2018 expressed solidarity with Turkey amid tension with the United
States and sanctions by Washington.
 Turkey's economy has been under the threat of sanctions from the United States after
President Donald Trump tweeted earlier this year that this would be a probable course of
action if an American pastor, Andrew Brunson, was not freed from jail. Turkey has held
the evangelist since 2016 and has alleged that he was involved in a failed coup attempt
that year.
 Trump appeared to follow through on his threat when he announced a doubling of tariffs
on steel and aluminium originating from Turkey.
 The White House later tried to clarify Trump's tweet, saying in a statement that he
“authorized the preparation of documents to raise tariffs” on metals imports from
 Turkish President Recep Erdogan yesterday attacked the United States, alleging that the
use of sanctions by Washington was a ‘stab in the back against Turkey.’
6. 4th NJHP unit begins operation
 The fourth and last unit of the NeelumJhelum Hydropower Project (NJHP) was
synchronised with national grid on August 13, 2018 after it started generating over 200
megawatts on a trial basis.
 During the project`s trial run, the unit will be tested on various loads ranging up to
 With successful commissioning of its all four units, the NJHP is expected to attain its
installed generation capacity of 969MW in a couple of days.
 Three units at the projecthave alreadybeen generating 726MW of electricity on trial
basis; thus far, they have contributed around 900 million electricity units to the national
7. Iran offers discount oil to Asia
 Iran is selling oil and gas at a discount to Asian customers as it prepares for the return of
US sanctions
 Discount is part of the nature of the global markets being offered by all oil exporters
 The state-run National Iranian Oil Company was reducing official prices for September
sales to Asia to their lowest level in 14 years, compared with Saudi crude
8. Nadal downs Tsitsipas to win Toronto Masters
 Rafael Nadal held off a late surge from birthday boy Stefanos Tsitsipas to claim the 80th
title of his career with victory at the Toronto Masters on August 12, 2018.
 Nadal overcame a second set fightback from Greek youngster Tsitsipas to claim a 6-2, 7-6
(7/4) victory in just under 1hr 45mins. The win gave the 32-year-old Spaniard a record-
extending 33rd trophy at the elite Masters level as well as his 80th title.
9. Halep beats Stephens to take Montreal crown
 World number one Simona Halep held her nerve in a rollercoaster duel with Sloane
Stephens to win the WTA Montreal crown for the second time.

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 In a gruelling 2hr 41min battle, French Open champion Halep prevailed 7-6
(8/6), 3-6, 6-4 over Stephens in a repeat of the duo's meeting in the final of Roland
Garros earlier this year.
 The victory was Halep's 18th career title and her second in Montreal following her
success in 2016. The 26-year-old sealed the win with an ace on her fourth match point,
capping an enthralling duel marked by several momentum swings
10. 200-million-year-old Pterosaur `built for flying`
 Scientists on August 13, 2018 unveiled a previously unknown species of giant pterosaur,
the first creatures with a backbone to fly under their own power.
 Neither dino nor bird, pterosaurs more commonly known as pterodactyls emerged
during the late Triassic period more than 200 million years ago and lorded over primeval
skies until a massive space rock slammed into Earth, wiping out landdwelling dinosaurs
and most other forms of life more than 65 billion years ago .
 The newly discovered member of the family, identified through remains found in
northeastern Utah, had a wing-span of 1.5 metres and 112 teeth, including fang-like
spikes sticking out near the snout.

August 14, 2018

 Stretched Afghan army loses base to Taliban
 Taliban fighters overran an army base in northern Afghanistan, officials said on August
14, 2018, killing at least 17 soldiers with dozens feared captured in a stinging blow to
security forces already struggling to push insurgents from eastern Ghazni.
 The fall of the base in Ghormach district of volatile Faryab province came with security
forces who have struggled to hold back the Taliban since Nato combat troops pulled out
in 2014 already stretched by the days offighting in Ghazni, a strategic provincial capital
two hours fromKabul.
 Militants gained control of the base after days of heavy fighting, according to army
spokesman for northern Afghanistan Mohammad Hanif Rezaee.
 He said around 100 soldiers were on the base when it was first attacked on Sunday.
 At least 17 were killed in the attack, according to defence ministry spokesman Ghafoor
Ahmad Jawed, while a local MP said Taliban fighters capturedanother 40 in the base,
known as Chenaya.
 Karachi ranked among world`s least liveable cities
 Karachi has been named among the least liveable cities in the world by the Economist
Intelligence Unit (EIU) the research and analysis division of the Economist Group.
 The annual EIU survey ranks 140 cities on a range of factors, including political and social
stability, crime, education and access to healthcare.
 This year, Karachi has been ranked 137th on the list the fourth least liveablecity in the
world only managing to fare better than Damascus in Syria, Dhaka in Bangladesh and
Lagos in Nigeria.
 The survey found that civil war and terrorism played a `strong role` in the worst
performing cities. Of the cities with poor scores, 11 occupied the very bottom tier of
liveability, where ratings fell below 50 per cent and most aspects of living were severely

ICEP | CSS – PMS, 6-B, Gulberg III, Near Hotel One, right opposite Tipu Road, in Orbit Institute, ICEP Network. 03222077774.
 The [low] rankings of cities like Damascus, Karachi and Tripoli suggested that
conflict was responsible for many of the lowest scores.
 This is not only because stability indicators had the highest single scores but also because
factors defining stability could spread to have an adverse effect on other categories, the
EIU observed.
 At the other end of the spectrum, Austria`s capital Vienna beat Melbourne to be named
the world`s most liveable city, ending the southern Australian city`s seven-year reign. It`s
the first time a European city has topped the rankings of the EIU annual survey.
 Australia and Canada dominated the top ten, each boasting three cities.
 Australia had Melbourne, Sydney (fifth) and Adelaide (10th) while Canada had Calgary
(fourth), Vancouver (sixth) and Toronto (joint seventh).
 Japan which alongside Osaka boasted Tokyo in the top 10 (joint seventh) had a
nationwide average of 347 people per square kilometre, but its cities were still famed for
their transport networks and living standards.
 Copenhagen was the only other European city in the top 10, at the ninth place.
 Two indigenous satellites become fully operational
 After their successful tests in orbit, Pakistan`s first Remote Sensing Satellite (PRSS-1) and
its Technology Evaluation Satellite (PakTES-1A) became fully operational on August 14,
 The control of the PRSS-1 satellite was successfully transferred to ground control stations
in Pakistan.
 The satellites were successfully launched from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Centre in
China on July 9.
 According to the statement, President Mamnoon Hussain and Prime Minister retired
Justice Nasir-ul-Mulk have praised the efforts of Suparco`s engineers and scientists in
achieving another milestone in space technology.
 President Mamnoon grants awards to 450 military personnel
 President Mamnoon Hussain on August 14, 2018 allowed grant of awards to over 450
officers and soldiers of the Pakistan Army, Pakistan Navy and Pakistan Air Force in
recognition of their services for the motherland.
 The president granted Sitara-i-Basalat to two personnel, Tamgha-i-Basalat to 59,
Commendation Certificates to 34, COAS Commendation Cards to 156, Hilal-i-Imtiaz
(Military) to 17, Sitara-i-Imtiaz (Military) to 77 and Tamgha-i-Imtiaz (Military) to 106
 The civil and military awards are announced every year on Independence Day and the
president confers these awards at a ceremony held on the next Pakistan Day.
 First Russian language radio channel launched
 The first online Russian language Radio News broadcasting has launched its services on
Pakistan Independence day for linking South Asian countries to Russian speaking
 The project, launched on 71st Independence Day of Pakistan would help promoting
cultural activities, music and social developments of South Asian , Central Asian and
Eastern European countries through its 24/7 Radio Broadcasting.
 The Online “DND Radio” would be available in all formats of smartphones, tablets and
desktop computers.
 DND Radio is new initiative of Dispatch News Desk (DND) News Agency which launched
first-ever online Russian Newspaper and News Agency in the year 2012

ICEP | CSS – PMS, 6-B, Gulberg III, Near Hotel One, right opposite Tipu Road, in Orbit Institute, ICEP Network. 03222077774.
( through its team spreading over South Asia,
Central Asia and Eastern Europe.
 Neelum Jhelum attains full capacity of 969MW
 The strategically important Neelum Jhelum Hydropower Project achieved a historic
landmark as the project attained its maximum generation capacity of 969 MW. All units
of the project are generating power to their maximum.
 Meanwhile, Pakistan Water and Power Development Authority (Wapda) Chairman Lt Gen
Muzammil Hussain (Retd) has congratulated Neelum Jhelum Hydropower Project’s
management, Wapda engineers and other employees on this historic achievement.
 Neelum Jhelum Hydropower Project has four generating units, each of them having a
generation capacity of 242.25 MW. Wapda has commissioned this project in a phased
manner. The first unit was commissioned in April this year, followed by the remaining
three units coming into operation after one month’s interval each. The fourth and last
unit was synchronized with the National Grid yesterday, and attained its maximum
generation capacity.
 Neelum Jhelum is a state-of-the art hydropower project with 90 percent being
underground and beneath the high mountainous areas. The project, constructed on River
Neelum in Azad Jammu and Kashmir, has a dam at Nauseri, an underground waterway
system consisting of 52-km long tunnels and an underground powerhouse at Chattar
Kalas with four power generating units. The project will provide about 5 billion units of
electricity to the National Grid every year with annual estimated benefits of Rs.55 billion.
Neelum Jhelum Hydropower Project will significantly contribute to meet the electricity
requirements in the country.
 Kurds meet Syrian govt to discuss self-rule
 Representatives from Syria`s Kurdish-run northeastern region met with the government
in Damascus last week to discuss selfadministration in a postwar Syria.
 It was the second meeting between the two sides, and they agreed to continue their
discussions, said Ilham Ahmed, the co-president of the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic
 The SDC delegation pressed for constitutional reforms to enshrine regional self-
administration, said Ahmed, who described the government`s response as `not positive.
 President Bashar Assad is demanding the departure of US troops, who are embedded
with the military arm of the SDC, the Syrian Democratic Forces, in the northeast Rojava
 Israeli minister confirms Netanyahu met Sisi over Gaza
 Israel`s finance minister confirmed on August 14, 2018 that Prime Minister Benjamin
Netanyahu met Egyptian President Abdel Fattah alSisi in Egypt in May to discuss a long-
term ceasefire in the Gaza Strip.
 Egypt and the United Nations have been trying to mediate a long-term truce between
Israel and Hamas, the Islamist group that rules Gaza, following a spike in cross-border
violence in the past few months.
 The two leaders discussed the easing of an Israeli-Egyptian blockade of Gaza,
rehabilitation of its infrastructure and terms for a ceasefire, the Channel Ten report said.
 Hungary to stop funding gender studies courses
 Hungary`s government will stop financing gender studies university courses, Prime
Minister Viktor Orban`s chief of staff said on August 14, 2018, marking one of the first
concrete steps in a cultural shift signalled last month.

ICEP | CSS – PMS, 6-B, Gulberg III, Near Hotel One, right opposite Tipu Road, in Orbit Institute, ICEP Network. 03222077774.
 Re-elected in April to a third consecutive term, right-wing nationalist Orban
said in July that major cultural and intellectual changes were in the works.
 The move against the gender studies courses is one of the first specific such government
policies. Others included a move to reduce the independence of the Hungarian Academy
of Sciences in the allocation of public research funding.
 Gender studies courses are taught at the state-run university ELTE and Central European
University, which are among the top universities in Hungary.
 Gulyas said those already enrolled could finish their studies but Budapest would stop
financing the courses from the next academic year.
 Former Brazil finance minister charged with corruption
 Former Brazil finance minister Guido Mantega was indicted on money laundering and
other charges as part of the corruption scandal that has rocked the country's business
and political elites.
 Mantega, 69, is accused of taking money from construction giant Odebrecht in exchange
for helping to advance legislation that favored the company, Judge Sergio Moro wrote.
 It is the first time Mantega has been charged in the so-called "Operation Car Wash", a
vast probe of a pay-to-play relationship between Brazilian companies and politicians
centred around the state oil company Petrobras

August 16, 2018

1. Asad Qaiser, Qasim Khan Suri new NA custodians
 PTI candidates for speaker, deputy get 176 and 183 votes against Shah’s 146 and
Mehmood’s 144
 Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaaf with the support of its allies managed to get its men elected as
speaker and deputy speaker of the National Assembly with a clear majority.
 A total 330 votes cast in the elections for the speaker of the 15th National Assembly of
Pakistan, while eight votes were rejected due to invalidity.
 Qaiser, who stepped in the shoes of outgoing speaker Sardar Ayaz Sadiq, bagged 176
votes. The nominee of ‘grand opposition alliance’ from Pakistan People’s Party, Syed
Khursheed Shah secured 146 votes.
 PTI nominee Qasim Khan Suri – who hails from Balochistan – won the contest for the
deputy speaker by securing 183 votes out of total 328 cast.
2. Agha Siraj Durani re-elected as SA Speaker
 Agha Siraj Durrani was re-elected August 15, 2018 as the Sindh Assembly speaker after
bagging 96 votes from the house as compared to the 59 votes bagged by his competitor
Javed Hanif, the joint candidate of opposition parties.
 PPP candidate for deputy speaker, Rehana Leghari, also successfully clinched the post of
deputy speaker after securing 98 votes as compared to 59 votes to Rabia Azfar Nizami
who was a joint candidate of opposition parties, including PTI, MQM-P and GDA.
 A total of 158 votes out of total 168 were polled during the process while three TLP
members who were present in the assembly did not take part in the voting process.
3. Mushtaq Ghani and Mahmood Jan elected as KP speaker and deputy speaker
 Pakistan Tehreek-iInsaf`s Mushtaq Ahmad Ghani and Mahmood Jan were elected speaker
and deputy speaker of the new Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Assembly respectively on August
15, 2018.

ICEP | CSS – PMS, 6-B, Gulberg III, Near Hotel One, right opposite Tipu Road, in Orbit Institute, ICEP Network. 03222077774.
 They defeated the nominees of the joint opposition.
 Mushtaq Ghani received 81 votes against 27 votes of Laig Mohammad of Awami National
Party, out of total 108 polle d votes. Two voters from the opposition went to the speaker
in secret ballot. Aziz Gran of the PTI from Swat has yet to take oath of office and so, he
didn`t poll his vote.
 Mr Ghani, a senior lawmaker, had served as higher education minister and adviser to the
chief minister on information during the last PTI government.
 Hailing from Abbottabad district, he was elected member of the provincial assembly on
the ticket of Pakistan Muslim League-Quaid in 2002. He however quit the party afterward
and won the 2013 election as an independent candidate and joined the PTI.
4. New Punjab Provincial Aseembly house sworn in
 As many as 354 newly-elected members including those who returned on reserved seats
of 17th house of the Punjab Assembly took oath on August 15, 2018.
 Outgoing Speaker Rana Muhammad Iqbal welcomed the MPAs-elect before he
administered oath to them. Of the members who were sworn in, 10 arrived late and
were administered oath towards the end of the session.
 According to the party position in the house, the PTI is leading with 173 members, PML-N
is runner-up with 162, both PML-Q and PPP 10 each, besides three independent
members and one of Rah-e-Haq party.
5. Rafiq Rajwana resigns as Punjab governor
 Punjab Governor Rafiq Rajwana on August 15, 2018 resigned from his office and wished
to resume his legal practice.
 Mr Rajwana, a lawyer by profession from Multan, made the announcement of his
resignation during a surprise visit to the Lahore High Court Bar Association.
 Mr Rajwana held a farewell meeting with the staff of the Governor House, vacated the
official residence and shifted to his private home. Mr Rajwana was appointed governor in
May 2015.
6. Justice Musarrat becomes first woman to head a poll tribunal
 The Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP), which already has the first ever woman
member from Khyber Pakhtunkha (KP), in another first has appointed a woman judge
from the same province as election tribunal.
 In a belated exercise, the ECP appointed on August 15, 2018 20 tribunals comprising
serving judges of the high courts to adjudicate election disputes. One of the tribunals
comprises Justice Musarrat Hilali. Normally election tribunals are appointed with the
issuance of finalnotificationofelectionresults, which is also beginning of the countdown of
45 days given to candidates for filing cases against the results.
 As the notification for election tribunals has been issued late this year, the applicants will
have less than 40 days for the purpose.
 Eight tribunals have been appointed for Punjab, five for KP, four for Sindh and three for
 Under the elections act, the law states that an election tribunal has to decide a petition
within 120 days of its filing, but at the same time if the decision is delayed, further
adjournment sought by a party will be granted only for up to three days and that too on
payment of special cost of Rs10,000 per adjournment.
7. Pakistani-born academic becomes Australia`s first Muslim female Senator

ICEP | CSS – PMS, 6-B, Gulberg III, Near Hotel One, right opposite Tipu Road, in Orbit Institute, ICEP Network. 03222077774.
 At a time when Australia is caught up in a bitter row over racism, Pakistani-
born Mehreen Faruqi became the first female Muslim member to be appointe d to the
Australian senate.
 The Greens Party Member Of Parliament for New South Wales was selected to join the
Senate on August 15, 2018 to fill a vacant seat.
 Dr Faruqi migrated from Pakistan to Australia in 1992 with her young family. Prior to
entering politics she held a distinguished career as an academic and has a doctorate in
environmental engineering.
 This is the second milestone for the leader, as her election to the state parliament in
2013 made her the first Muslim woman to attain any political office in Australia.
8. Italian PM declares 12-month emergency in Genoa
 Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte declared August 15, 2018 a 12-month state of
emergency in Genoa following the collapse of a motorway bridge that killed at least 39
 A cabinet meeting took place in which we have decreed a 12-month state of emergency
and made available a first allocation worth five million euros ($5.7 million) for the
national emergencies fund.
 Transport minister Danilo Toninelli and Deputy Prime Ministers Luigi Di Maio and Matteo
Salvini announced the move earlier on August 15, 2018.
9. PTI MPA-elect passes away
 A Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf MPA-elect from PP-222 (Jalalpur Pirwala), Malik Ghulam Abbas
Khakhi, passed away in Islamabad on August 14, 2018 night after suffering from a cardiac
 He was 60 and has left behind two widows, three sons and a daughter.
 Khakhi had won the Multan seat with 47,429 votes, defeating PML-N candidate Mehdi
Abbas Langah, who received 35,983 votes.
 Mr Khakhi is the second PTI MPA who died before taking oath. Earlier, Tariq Khan
Dareshak, who was elected from PP-296 (Rajanpur), died of meningitis on Aug 5. He was
10. Creator of iconic Soviet cartoons Eduard Uspensky dies
 Legendary Soviet children's writer and creator of the USSR's most popular cartoon
characters Eduard Uspensky died in his home in the Moscow suburbs at the age of 80
late on August 14, 2018.
 Uspensky was most famous for his iconic cartoon characters Gena the Crocodile - a
friendly crocodile who works at a zoo and plays the accordion - and Cheburashka, a
strange brown-haired creature with large ears. Millions of children in the Soviet Union
and Eastern Bloc watched the animated adventures of Gena the Crocodile, which first
aired in 1969. Cheburashka first made an appearance in the cartoon in 1971.

August 17, 2018

1. Syed Murad Ali Shah elected Sindh Chief Minister
 Pakistan People's Party nominee Murad Ali Shah was elected as chief minister of Sindh
after securing majority of votes on August 16, 2018.
 Shah secured 97 votes while Sheryar Mehr of opposition alliance bagged 61 votes.
 A total of 158 votes were cast during the election of leader of th house.

ICEP | CSS – PMS, 6-B, Gulberg III, Near Hotel One, right opposite Tipu Road, in Orbit Institute, ICEP Network. 03222077774.
 Shah previously served as the chief minister rom July 29, 2016 to May 28,
 After last month’s polls, 97 MPAs of the PPP were elected to the provincial legislature,
and the PTI secured 30 seats in the House, the GDA 13 and the MQM-P 21.
2. PTI's Mehmood Khan elected KP CM
 Mehmood Khan of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf has been elected as chief minister Khyber
Pakhtwnkha after securing 77 votes against his rival Mian Nisar Gul who could only beg
33 votes.
 Mehmood Khan will take oath of his post on August 18, 2018 at the Governor House.
Caretaker Chief Minister Dost Muhammad Khan is said to have vacated the official
residence of Chief Minister before the election of Mr Khan.
 Khan succeeds Pervaiz Khattak who was the chief minister of PTI government in the
northwestern province of the country.
3. Pervez Elahi elected Speaker Punjab Assembly
 Joint candidate of PTI-led alliance Ch Pervez Elahi has been elected as Speaker of Punjab
Assembly after securing 201 votes, August 16, 2018.
 His rival, PML-N's Chaudhry Iqbal, obtained 147 votes. One vote was rejected.
 PTI`s Sardar Dost Muhammad Mazari was elected deputy speaker by obtaining 187 votes.
The PML-N`s Waris Kallu could get 159 votes
4. Abdul Quddus Bizenjo elected Speaker Balochistan Assembly
 Balochistan Awami Party leader Mir Abdul Quddus Bizenjo has been elected Speaker
Balochistan Assembly on August 16, 2018
 Bizenjo bagged 39 votes against Muhammad Nawaz, who secured only 20 votes.
 Previously Bizenjo has served as the 16th Chief Minister of Balochistan from 13 January
2018 to 7 June 2018.
 He was a member of the Provincial Assembly of Balochistan from November 2002 to May
2018. He served as Deputy Speaker of the Provincial Assembly of Balochistan from 2013
to 2015 and remained the member of the provincial cabinet between 2002 and 2013, as
the minister of livestock.
 PTI's Sardar Babar Musa Khel has been elected as the Deputy Speaker of the Provincial
Assembly by clear majority.
5. Vajpayee, partisan of peace with Pakistan, dies
 Former Indian prime minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee, remembered for his bold peace
initiatives with Pakistan and defiant nuclear tests, died on August 16, 2018.
 He was 93.
 Reclusive and ailing after his Bharatiya Janata Party`s (BJP) shock defeat in 2004,
Vajpayee`s absence from active politics weighed heavy on those who missed him as the
man who alone could rein in Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his socially divisive
 Vajpayee was idolised in Pakistan as a sincere peacemaker and wooed by rivals at home
as the right man in the wrong party.
 His three visits to Pakistan did not include any of the tenures of the PPP. In fact, his first
official visit to Pakistan came in February 1978, when Zulfikar Ali Bhutto was in jail under
the Zia regime. Vajpayee met the military ruler and later pointedly refused to speak out
against the death sentence passed on Bhutto, which Indira Gandhi had vociferously
opposed. The favour won for prime minister Morarji Desai Pakistan`s highest civilian
award from Zia.

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 Vajpayee`s 1999 visit to Lahore became so popular in Pakistan that his host
and then prime minister Nawaz Sharif said he could win an election there.
 Vajpayee had initially opposed Gen Pervez Musharraf`s coup, but he also became the first
leader to greet him when Musharraf declared himself president. The 2001 Agra summit
with the general also saw Vajpayee moving forward and rowing back on a peace deal,
which many believe was on the cards.
 His last visit to Pakistan was occasioned by the Saarc summit in January 2004. However, it
was the Musharraf-Vajpayee pact on the sidelines that became the more important
6. Presidential election scheduled for Sept 4
 The Election Commission of Pakistan on August 16, 2018 announced that the presidential
election will be held on Sept 4 — five days before the expiry of the five-year term of
President Mamnoon Hussain.
 Under Article 41 (4) of the Constitution, election to the office of the president is to be
held not earlier than 30 days before expiry of the term of the president in office.
7. 150-page questionnaire: FATF asks Pakistan to submit reply by 31st
 The Asia Pacific Group (APG) has asked Pakistan to submit replies on 150 pages of
technical compliance questionnaires with deadline of August 31, 2018 mainly related to
extradition treaties signed with different countries and possibility of revision with
inclusion of offences of money laundering and terror financing in revised format.
 They also demanded of Pakistan to ensure documentation of all kinds of financial
transactions and charities to curb activities of prescribed militant organisations. The
response on technical compliance questionnaire will determine the basis of detailed
review scheduled to be held from October 8 to 20, 2018 here at Islamabad.
 The APG also demanded of identifying network of terrorist organisations, structures and
commands & control systems and fund raising data with solid evidence that could be
produced in any court of law for granting maximum punishments to those involved in
such crimes.
 On the name of enhancing international cooperation, the extradition treaties with
revised format will help extraditing elements involved in money laundering and terror
financing. Now the PTI-led coming government will have to make changes in legislation in
months ahead with approval of the Parliament.
 The 6 member delegation of APG of Financial Action Task Force (FATF) concluded its
three days visit on August 16, 2018 in which the APG mission pointed out loopholes in
legislative, administrative and operational matters and recommended way forward by
ensuring documentation of transactions of real estate, jewelers, chartered accountants,
charities and all others with the purpose to discourage cash economy and bring them all
into digital financial systems.
8. Keita re-elected Mali president with landslide
 Malian President Ibrahim Boubacar Keita has been re-elected for a five-year term after
winning a landslide in a runoff ballot, according to official figures on August 16, 2018.
 The elections have been closely watched abroad, as Mali is a linchpin state in the Jihadist
insurgency raging in the Sahel. Keita, 73, picked up 67.17 percent of the vote against
32.83 for opposition challenger and former finance minister Soumaila Cisse, 68, who also
ran against Keita in 2013, the government announced. Turnout was low, at 34.5%.
 Cisse’s party angrily vowed to use contest the results, but using "all democratic means".

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Mali, a landlocked nation home to at least 20 ethnic groups where most
people live on less than $2 a day, has been battling a years-long Islamic revolt that has
now fuelled intercommunal violence.
9. ‘Queen of Soul’ Aretha Franklin dies at 76
 Aretha Franklin, the music icon, legendary singer and "Queen of Soul" loved by millions
whose history-making career spanned six decades, died on August 16, 2018. She was 76.
 She influenced generations of female singers with unforgettable hits including "Respect"
(1967), "Natural Woman" (1968) and "I Say a Little Prayer" (1968). She passed away at
home in Detroit from advanced pancreatic cancer.
 The multiple Grammy winner cemented her place in US music history with a powerful,
bell-clear voice that stretched over four octaves. In a career crossing generations, her hits
spanned soul and R&B, to gospel and pop.
10. Nasa detects hydrogen ‘wall’ surrounding solar system
 Nasa’s spacecraft New Horizons has found new evidence of a ‘wall’ of hydrogen at the
edge of the solar system, encircling all the planets and objects orbiting the Sun.
 The “wall” is actually a vast amount of trapped hydrogen atoms caught up in the solar
wind, which produce waves of ultraviolet (UV) light and have been detected by the
sensors aboard New Horizons, according to Nasa. The phenomenon was first glimpsed by
astronomers around 30 years ago, and was called helisphere. However, evidence
supporting the theory has remained murky.
 New Horizons has been using its on-board detector, known as “Alice”, to look for traces
of the celestial interaction. It picked up UV rays with “Alice” seven times from 2007 to
2017, and finally found evidence to verify earlier observations. New Horizons will then
continue to look for the “wall” about twice a year until the mission reaches its conclusion,
which is expected to be around 10-15 years from now on, Nasa said.
 If the levels of UV light detected ever take a nosedive, it could prove the spacecraft has
left the “wall.”

August 18, 2018

1. The Change has come! Imran elected as the country`s 22nd prime minister
 Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf Chairman Imran Khan was formally elected country’s 22nd
prime minister on August 17, 2018, promising a new era of responsibility and prosperity
in a fighting speech in the National Assembly amid hostile sloganeering by the opposition
 The cricketer-turned politician secured 176 votes against PML-N President Shehbaz Sharif
who could bag 96 votes only.
 Besides 151 votes of his own party, Mr Khan also received votes from the Muttahida
Qaumi Movement-Pakistan (MQM-P), Grand Democratic Alliance (GDA), Balochistan
National Party (BNP), Pakistan Muslim League-Quaid and one-man parties Awami Muslim
League and Jamhoori Watan Party.
2. Mahmood Khan sworn-in as Chief Minister of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
 Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf`s Mahmood Khan sworn-in as Chief Minister of Khyber
Pakhtunkhwa on August 18, 2018.

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 Governor Iqbal Zafar Jhagra administered oath to Mahmood who was elected
Leader of the House in the provincial assembly on August 16, 2018 after he secured 77
votes against opposition nominee Mian Nisar Gul`s 33 votes.
 The oath-taking ceremony was held at the Governors House.
3. Jhagra resigns as KP governor
 Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Governor Iqbal Zafar Jhagra on August 17, 2018 resigned from his
post after administering the oath to newly-elected Chief Minister Mahmood Khan of PTI.
 He was appointed governor in March 2016.
 Jhagrah said that he is a democratic person and had worked as general secretary for the
Alliance for the Restoration of Democracy, the alliance of opposition parties which had
worked hard for the restoration of democracy in the country.
4. SC gives voting rights to overseas Pakistanis
 The Supreme Court has directed the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) to ensure
that overseas Pakistanis exercise their right to vote in the upcoming by-polls in the
country as a pilot project.
 A three-judge bench headed by Chief Justice Mian Saqib Nisar passed the order on
August 17, 2018 while hearing over a dozen petitions seeking directions for the ECP to
make arrangements to enable overseas Pakistanis to exercise their right to vote.
 Initially, these petitions were moved by solicitor Muhammad Dawood Ghaznavi and other
expatriates in 2015 while Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf chairman Imran Khan became party to
the proceedings in January 2018.
 During proceedings at the Lahore registry of the apex court, ECP secretary Babar Yaqoob
Fateh told the bench that rules had been framed in the light of its power enshrined under
Section 239 of the Elections Act 2017.
 The chief justice directed the ECP and Nadra chief to complete the pilot projects in view
of the election law and malce sure that the process of i-voting was foolproof and flawless.
 The chief justice also ordered the ECP to conduct pilot projects for i-voting by overseas
Pakistanis in by-polls to ascertain the technical efficacy, secrecy and security of voting
and present the results before parliament as required under section 94 of the Elections
Act 2017.
5. Oct 14 fixed for by-polls in 41 NA, PA constituencies
 By-polls in 41 national and provincial assemblies` constituencies will be held on Oct 14, as
per the schedule announced by the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) on August 17,
 Eleven National Assembly and 26 provincial assembly seats fell vacant due to different
reasons, including resignations by those elected on more than one seat and death of
some contesting candidates.
6. Pak minister meets Sushma Swaraj
 Pakistan's Minister for Law and Information Syed Ali Zafar on August 17, 2018 met Indian
External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj and extended Pakistan's condolence on the
death of former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee. Indian Foreign Secretary Vijay
Gokhale was also present at the meeting.
 Zafar was among the foreign dignitaries who attended Vajpayee's funeral.
 The meeting came on a day Imran Khan was voted as Pakistan's new prime minister by
the National Assembly of that country
7. Saudi Arabia pledges $100m to US-backed Syria campaign

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 Saudi Arabia on August 17, 2018 announced a $100 million contribution to a
US-backed campaign to "stabilise" northeastern Syria, once a bastion of the radical
Islamic State group.
 The 88 million euro contribution is the biggest single cash injection yet for reconstruction
efforts in areas formerly controlled by the jihadists.
 The group declared a "caliphate" after seizing swathes of Iraq and Syria in 2014, but has
since been ousted from most of that territory including its former de facto Syrian capital
Raqa and a pocket of Damascus.
 Saudi Arabia, the United States' most powerful Arab ally, is a member of the US-led
Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS, another acronym for the jihadist group.
 Riyadh's contribution aims to support "stabilisation projects" and "will play a critical role
in the coalition's efforts to revitalise communities, such as Raqa, that have been
devastated by ISIS terrorists," read a statement by the Saudi embassy in Washington.
8. US sanctions Myanmar military commanders over Rohingya abuses
 The US government on August 17, 2018 hit four Myanmar military commanders and two
military units with punitive sanctions, accusing them of `serious human rights abuses` and
`ethnic cleansing` in violently expelling minority Rohingya from their homes.
 Military and border guard commanders Aung Kyaw Zaw, Khin Maung Soe, Khin Hlaing,
and Thura San Lwin were accused of leading violent campaigns against the Muslim
Rohingya in Rakhine state as well as minorities in Kachin and Shan states.
 `Burmese security forces have engaged in violent campaigns against ethnic minority
communities across Burma, including ethnic cleansing, massacres, sexual assault, extra-
judicial killings, and other serious human rights abuses,` said Sigal Mandelker, Under
Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence in the US Treasury, which announced
the sanctions.
 The US Treasury said the sanctions on individuals were meant as a warning to security
forces to cease abuses of ethnic and reli-gious minorities and to respect their rights.
9. US ends funding for reconstruction in Syria
 The Trump administration is ending funding for Syria stabilisation projects as it moves to
extricate the US from the conflict, citing increased contributions from antiIslamic State
coalition partners.
 US officials said the administration notified Congress on August 17, 2018 that it would
not spend some $200 million that had been planned for Syria programmes and would
instead shift that money to other areas. Nearly all of that money, initially pledged by
former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson in February, had been on hold and under review
since he was fired in March. A small fraction of that amount was released in June.
 The cut will be more than offset by an additional $300 million pledged by coalition
partners, including $100 million that Saudi Arabia announced it had contributed late. The
State Departmentimmediately welcomed the Saudi contribution, which is intended to
help revitalise communities liberated from the militant Islamic State group like Raqqa.
10. Nasir Jamshed banned for 10 years for spot-fixing
 The Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) Anti-Corruption Tribunal August 17, 2018 handed a 10-
year ban to Nasir Jamshed for his involvement in the spot-fixing row during the Pakistan
Super League (PSL) 2016-17 season.
 Cricketer Nasir Jamshed banned for 10 years by Anti Corruption Tribunal. Details to
follow," the PCB said in a statement on Twitter. The ban means Jamshed will be out from

ICEP | CSS – PMS, 6-B, Gulberg III, Near Hotel One, right opposite Tipu Road, in Orbit Institute, ICEP Network. 03222077774.
any form of cricket during the aforementioned period. He was banned for the
second time in the last two years.
 Jamshed, 28, is the sixth player to be banned following the scandal that tainted the
Twenty20 tournament in only its second year, and was described by cricket authorities as
its lynchpin.
 "PSL 2017's fixing trial has concluded," the PCB lawyer Tafazzul Rizvi said after the verdict.
"There are a few cases you really don't rejoice after winning; instead you feel sad about it
because it ends with another career destroyed. It's painful to see a player who didn't
have his conduct right and didn't fulfil his responsibilities according the anti-corruption
code of conduct. Our stance from the first day was he was the linchpin and he is the one
who recruited players.

August 19, 20181

1. Imran Khan takes oath as 22nd Prime Minister of Pakistan
 An upbeat Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) chairman Imran Khan on August 18, 2018
formally assumed the office of the country`s chief executive following an impressive
oath-taking ceremony at President House.
 Clad in a traditional black sherwani, a visibly blushing Imran Khan later reviewed the
guard of honour accorded to him at the Prime Minister`s House.
 Stars of the ceremony in which President Mamnoon Hussain administered the oath to Mr
Khan were Indian cricketer-turned-politician Navjot Singh Sidhu and the first lady Bushra
 Mr Khan faced some difficulty in reading out his oath because of some difficult Urdu
words and at one stage smilingly said `sorry` when he uttered the word Qayadat
(leadership) instead of Qayamat (the day of judgement). And before start of the oath, Mr
Khan made everyone curious as well as amused when he began to look for his spectacles
in a pocket of the shirt that he was wearing under his sherwani.
2. PM Office announced 21 members’ Cabinet
 PM Office announced the names of 21 cabinet members including many old faces. A
number of them had either served in the cabinet during the military rule of Gen Pervez
Musharraf or had had association with him in the past.
 Of the 16 ministers, seven belong to the coalition parties whose support Mr Khan had
secured to win the prime minister`s election with 176 votes. The new cabinet members
16 federal ministers and five advisers are expected to take the oath at President House
on August 20, 2018.
 Makhdoom Shah Mehmood Qureshi has been nominated as the country`s new foreign
minister, Asad Umar has been made minister for finance and revenue, the portfolio of
the information and broadcasting has been allocated to Fawad Chaudhry, Ghulam Sarwar
Khan (petroleum ministry), Dr Shireen Mazari (human rights), Pervez Khattak (defence
minister) Shafqat Mehmood (federal education and professional training and national
history and literary heritage) Makhdoom Khusro Bakhtiyar (minister for water resources),
Aamir Mehmood Kiyani (national health services, regulations and coordination),
 Among those who have been given representation in the cabinet for being leaders of the
PTIs allies are Senator Farogh Naseem (law and justice); Chaudhry Tariq Bashir Cheema

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(states and frontier regions); Zubaida Jalal (defence production); Sheikh
Rashid Ahmed (railways); Khalid Maqbool Siddiqui (information technology and
telecommunication); Dr Fehmida Mirza (inter-provincial coordination) and an
independent MNA from Fata Noorul Haq Qadri (religious affairs and interfaith harmony).
 Those who have been appointed as advisers to the prime minister are former law
minister in the PPP government Babar Awan (parliamentary affairs); former KP chief
secre-tary Shehzad Arbab (establishment division); former minister during the Gen
Musharraf regime Abdul Razzak Dawood (commerce, textile, industry & production and
investment); Dr Ishrat Husain (institutional reforms and austerity), who had served as
State Bank governor during the military rule of Gen Musharraf, and another former
minister of state during the Gen Musharraf regime Amin Aslam (climate change).
3. Jam Kamal elected 16th CM of Balochistan
 Jam Mir Kamal Khan Alyani, the joint candidate of the Balochistan Awami Party (BAP)-led
six party alliance, was elected leader of the house with majority votes in the Balochistan
Assembly on August 18, 2018.
 He will take the oath as the 16th chief minister of Balochistan at a ceremony in Governor
 Jam Kamal, president of BAP, the majority party in the provincial party, was the joint
candidate of the sixparty alliance comprising his party, the Awami National Party,
Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI), Hazara Democratic Party, Balochistan National PartyAwami
and Jamhoori Watan Party.
 The opposition`s two part yalliance-Balochistan National Party-Mengal and the Muttahida
Majlis-i-Amal had fielded Mir Younis Aziz Zehri as its candidate for the office of chief
 Speaker Mir Abdul Qudoos Bizenjo conducted the election for leader of the house
through division of the house. Jam Kamal got 39 votes in the house of 65 members, while
Younis Zehri received 20 votes.
4. Murad Ali Shah takes oath as Sindh CM for second term
 Pakistan People’s Party’s Syed Murad Ali Shah on August 18, 2018 took oath as Sindh
chief minister, retaining the post which he was given in 2016.
 Acting Governor of Sindh Agha Siraj Durrani administered the oath to Murad in Urdu
language at a ceremony at Governor’s House. After Shah’s oath, tenure of the caretaker
government led by Sindh Chief Minister Fazalur Rehman came to an end.
 Shah became an MPA for fourth time on July 25 after winning the general elections from
PS-80, his native Sehwan district. He defeated Syed Jalal Mehmood Shah of the Sindh
United Party quite comfortably. During vote count for chief minister’s office at Sindh
Assembly, Murad bagged 97 votes, defeating Shahryar Mahar, joint candidate of three
major opposition parties — Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf, Muttahida Qaumi Movement and
Grand Democratic Alliance. He managed to get 61 votes. This is PPP’s third consecutive
tenure in the province and Murad was sworn in as chief minister of Sindh for the second
time in a row.
 He was elected leader of the house in July 2016 when the party leadership had decided
to replace party stalwart Syed Qaim Ali Shah. Murad became an MPA for the first time in
2002 when he was elected from PS-77. He remained part of Qaim Ali Shah’s cabinet from
2008 to 2013 and held portfolios of irrigation and finance
5. Azam Khan appointed secretary to PM

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The federal government has appointed a grade-21 officer Mohammad Azam
as Secretary to PM. Muhammad Azam Khan had served as Chief Secretary Khyber
Pakhtunkhwa in the first tenure of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf-led government in the
 The Establishment Division issued the orders of transfer of Secretary to PM Sohail Amir
just after his meeting with newly-elected Prime Minister Imran Khan who visited his
office after oath-taking ceremony.
 The federal government posted Azam as Secretary to PM with the consent of Imran Khan
and the Establishment Davison issued a notification in this regard.
 According to the notification, “Mohammad Azam, a BS-21 officer of the Pakistan
Administrative Service, presently posted as Additional Secretary (In-charge), States and
Frontier Regions Division, is transferred and posted as Secretary to Prime Minister, PM’s
office with immediate effect and till further order.” The outgoing secretary to PM Sohail
has been directed to report to the Establishment Division.
 Azam Khan had also served as Acting Chief Secretary KP twice, additional chief secretary
Fata, secretary sports, tourism and youth affairs, secretary home and tribal affairs and as
commissioner Peshawar in the past.
6. Ex-UN chief and Nobel laureate Annan passes away
 Former UN chief and Nobel peace laureate Kofi Annan died on August 18, 2018 at the
age of 80, triggering a flood of tributes from around the world for the `diplomatic rock
 The Ghanaian national was a career diplomat who projected quiet charisma and was
widely credited for raising the world body`s profile in global politics during his two terms
as head of the UN from 1997 to 2006.
 The first secretary general from subSaharan Africa, Annan led the United Nations through
the divisive years of the Iraq war and was later accused of corruption in the oil-for-food
scandal, one of the most trying times of his tenure.
 Ghana`s President Nana AkufoAddo announced a week of mourning for `one of our
greatest compatriots`.
 In 2001, as the world was reeling from the September 11 attacks in the United States,
Annan was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize jointly with the world body `for their work for
a better organised and more peaceful world`.
 Another Nobel laureate, retired South African archbishop Desmond Tutu described
Annan as `an outstanding human being who represented our continent and the world
with enormous gra-ciousness, integrity and distinction`.
 `Diplomatic rock star` Born in Kumasi, the capital city of Ghana`s Ashantiregion,Annan
devoted four decades of his working life to the UN and was the first chief to rise from
within the organisation`s ranks.
 In1993, he took over as peacekeeping chief a position he held through two of the UN`s
darkest chapters: the Rwandan genocide and the Bosnian war.
 His tenure as UN chief was tarnished by a 2005 investigation of Annan and his son over
the oil-for-food scandal, seen by some as payback for his comments that the 2003 US-led
invasion of Iraq was `illegal`.
7. US supplied bomb that killed Yemeni children: CNN
 The bomb that killed 40 children and 11 others in a Saudi-led coalition air strike on a bus
in rebel-held northern Yemen was sold by the United States under a State Department
deal with Riyadh, CNN has reported.

ICEP | CSS – PMS, 6-B, Gulberg III, Near Hotel One, right opposite Tipu Road, in Orbit Institute, ICEP Network. 03222077774.
 The numbers on shrapnel, of which images were taken shortly after the
attack this month, indicate that it was a laser-guided Mk 82 bomb manufactured by
defence contractor Lockheed Martin.
 Former president Barack Obama banned the sale of precision-guided weaponry to Saudi
Arabia after it used a similar bomb in an October 2016 attack that killed 140 people at a
funeral in the rebel-held capital Sanaa.
 But President Donald Trump overturned that ban after taking office in 2017.
 Fifty-six children were also among the 79 people wounded in the August 9 strike on
Saada province, a rebel stronghold that borders Saudi Arabia, according to the
International Committee of the Red Cross.
8. UN chief proposes options to protect Palestinians
 UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has presented four options aimed at boosting
the protection of Palestinians in Israeli-occupied territories, from sending UN rights
monitors and unarmed observers to deploying a military or police force under UN
 The proposals were contained in a report requested by the General Assembly in response
to a surge of violence in Gaza, where 171 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli fire since
late March.
 The UN chief stressed that for each of the options, cooperation by Israel and the
Palestinians would be necessary. It remained unlikely however that Israel would agree to
the proposals.
9. KSA tests Japan-inspired ‘nap pods’ for Haj
 Mansour al-Amer swipes a card to reveal a narrow sleep pod, reminiscent of Japan’s
famed capsule hotels. But this pod is in Saudi Arabia, where the Muslim hajj pilgrimage
 The kingdom has plans to introduce capsule rooms in the western city of Mina in the
coming days, as an estimated two million Muslim faithful gather for the six-day Haj, one
of the five pillars of Islam.
 The free nap pods are part of new measures Saudi Arabia is rolling out this year in a bid
to modernise the centuries-old practice of Haj. The government has also introduced apps
for on-the-spot translation and emergency medical care.
 Amer is the head of a Saudi charity, the Haji and Mutamer Gift Charitable Association,
which is offering between 18 and 24 capsule for pilgrims to nap in for free in the coming
 Each fibreglass pod - less than three metres long and just over one metre high - features
a mattress, clean sheets, air conditioning and a large, well-lit mirror. The pods can be
lined up horizontally or stacked vertically to save on space.
10. Asian Games burst into life
 North and South Korea marched together in a stirring display of unity as the Asian
Games, one of the world's biggest sports events, opened in a blaze of colour in Jakarta on
August 19, 2018.
 South Korean women's basketball player Lim Yung-hui and North Korean footballer Ju
Kyong-chol jointly held the Korean Unification flag aloft as they led the athletes out to an
ovation from the packed crowd. It is the second such symbolic gesture this year by the
two Koreas, who also walked together at the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics opening
ceremony -- an event that heralded an unprecedented warming of ties.

ICEP | CSS – PMS, 6-B, Gulberg III, Near Hotel One, right opposite Tipu Road, in Orbit Institute, ICEP Network. 03222077774.
 The North and South, still technically at war, are joining forces in women's
basketball, canoeing and rowing during the 40-sport, two-week regional Olympics in the
Indonesian capital and Palembang, a port city on Sumatra island.

August 20, 2018

1. Sardar Usman Buzdar elected 20th Punjab Chief Minister
 PTI’s Sardar Usman Buzdar was elected as Punjab’s 20th chief minister on August 19,
 The new chief minister will take oath of his office on August 20, 2018 (today) at the
Governor House. With the election of the new chief minister, the PML-N’s 10-year rule in
Punjab has come to an end.
 Usman Buzdar got 186 votes as against 159 of Hamza Shehbaz Sharif. PPP abstained from
the voting process while two independent MPAs, Syeda Maimnat Mohsin (Jugnu Mohsin)
and Ahmad Ali Oulak voted for the PTI candidate. Buzdar also got nine votes from the
 Had the chief minister-elect obtained one vote less than his present count, the house
would have been required to repeat the exercise through a second count to get the
simple majority of the members present there. The election took place through 'division
of the house' system, as supporters of the two candidates were directed to gather either
on left or right sides of Assembly chambers, and make an exit after recording their name
in the member’s roll placed at the doors on either side.
 A controversy shrouds Buzdar's election as chief minister of the biggest province
following reports which surfaced in the social media about his alleged involvement in a
murder case registered in 1998. It involved the death of six members in a clash during
local body polls held that year. The victims belonged to the Chakrani tribe, a sub-clan of
the Buzdar tribe.
2. Jam Kamal Khan takes oath as 16th CM of Balochistan
 Balochistan Awami Party (BAP) president Jam Kamal Khan Alyani took the oath as 16th
chief minister of the province at a ceremony here on August 19, 2018.
 Balochistan Governor Muhammad Khan Achakzai administered the oath to the new chief
minister at Governor House.
3. 10-member Sindh cabinet takes oath
 Sindh Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah on August 19, 2018 named his 10-member
cabinet, eight of whom were assigned ministries.
 The ministers were administered their oaths in a ceremony held at the Governor’s House
here. Acting Governor Agha Siraj Durrani administered the oath to the ministers. PPP
Chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari approved the 10-member cabinet in consultation with
Murad Ali Shah.
 Dr Azra Fazal Pechuho was given Health and Population Welfare ministry, Seth Hariram
Kishorilal Minorities Affairs, Social Welfare & Prisons, Saeed Ghani Local Government,
Public Health Engineering, Rural Development & Katchi Abadis, Mohammad Ismail Rahu
Agriculture, Supply and Prices, Mir Shabbir Ali Bijarani Mines & Mineral Development,
Makhdoom Mehboobuz Zaman Revenue & Relief, Syed Sardar Ali Shah Education,
Culture, Tourism & Antiquities, and Shehla Raza Women Development. Murtaza Wahab
and Mohammad Bux Mahar have also been included in the cabinet as advisers.

ICEP | CSS – PMS, 6-B, Gulberg III, Near Hotel One, right opposite Tipu Road, in Orbit Institute, ICEP Network. 03222077774.
4. Pakistan, India take part in SCO’s anti-terror drill
 Militaries of Pakistan and India will be part of a mega anti-terror drill in Russia next week
which is being organised by the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) with an aim to
expand cooperation among the member countries to deal with terrorism and extremism.
 The exercise is scheduled to take place from August 20-29 at Chelyabinsk city in west-
central Russia, official sources said here on Sunday.
 About 300 servicemen from India and also around 100 Pakistani personnel were the first
to arrive in the Chelyabinsk Region aboard Ilyushin Il-76 aircraft.
 The exercise will be joined by all SCO member countries including Russia, China, Kyrgyz
Republic, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.
 The drill, “Peace Mission”, will take place nearly three months after the SCO, in its annual
summit in Chinese city of Qingdao, resolved to deepen cooperation among their
militaries to deal with threats of terrorism, extremism and separatism.
 About 700 troops and over 100 pieces of military hardware of the Chinese People’s
Liberation Army will take part in the Peace Mission-2018 international counter-terror
drills in the Chelyabinsk Region in the Urals, the Press office of Russia’s Central Military
District reported.
5. Rs16m annual grant approved for special players
 The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government has approved Rs16 million annual grant-inaid to
facilitate and involve persons with disabilities in sports activities and remove the sense of
deprivation among them.
 According to the Director General Sports Junaid Khan a grant of Rs16 million was
approved initially to hold `paralympic games` for the persons with disabilities on annual
basis besides giving grant-inaid to the associations currently working for players with
 Rs16 million would be utilised on holding special games and out of that amount Rs0.6
million would be given annually to the blind cricketers, wheelchairs players and players
with standing disabilities.
6. Brazil sends troops after clashes at Venezuelan border
 Brazil will send troops to its border with Venezuela fter residents of the Brazilian border
town of Pacaraima drove out Venezuelan immigrants from their improvised camps, amid
growing regional tensions.
 Tens of thousands of Venezuelans have crossed the border into Brazil over the past three
years as they seek to escape the economic, political and social crisis gripping their
 The latest show of tensions began, hours after a local merchant was robbed and severely
beaten in an incident blamed on Venezuelan suspects, in Pacaraima, where an estimated
1,000 immigrants are living on the street.
 Dozens of locals then attacked the two main immigrant makeshift camps and burned
their belongings, leading Venezuelans to cross the border back into their home country.
Shots were fired, stores were shuttered and debris littered the streets.
7. Afghan president offers Taliban fresh ceasefire
 Afghan President Ashraf Ghani declared a provisional threemonth ceasefire with the
Taliban in a televised broadcast on August 19, 2018, but said the truce would hold only if
the insurgents reciprocated.
 The announcement followed a bloody week of fighting across Afghanistan which saw the
Taliban launch a massive assault against the provincial capital Ghazni.

ICEP | CSS – PMS, 6-B, Gulberg III, Near Hotel One, right opposite Tipu Road, in Orbit Institute, ICEP Network. 03222077774.
 Anticipation had been mounting ahead of Ghani`s speech following mixed
signals from the presidential palace over whether the government would offer a fresh
truce, following a brief, unprecedented one earlier this year.
8. Pakistan football team beat Nepal 2-1
 Pakistan football team has earned the first victory in the Asian Games after 44 years of
waiting, after defeating Nepal 2-1 in the Group D match played at Jakarta.
 Nepal started the match in great style as they netted their first goal in the 11th minutes.
Pakistan players then changed their game plan and kept on playing defensive game. It
helped them make their rivals tired and then getting benefit of the situation, the green
shirts slammed an equalizer in the 54th minute through M Bilal.
 Later, they maintained their possession of the ball and kept on attacking Nepal’s goals.
The continuous efforts paid off in the 72nd minute, when captain Saddam converted a
beautiful goal to provide Pakistan team 2-1 lead, which remained intact till the final
whistle and Pakistan emerged as winners.
9. 'It's over': Australia paceman Mitchell Johnson retires from cricket
 Australian fast bowler Mitchell Johnson said August 19, 2018 he was retiring from all
forms of cricket as his body was "starting to shut down", almost three years after he
stepped down from the international game.
 The 36-year-old quit Twenty20 Big Bash League (BBL) team the Perth Scorchers last
month, but had not ruled out playing in the Indian Premier League or other domestic T20
10. World’s first-ever 4D printing for ceramics developed
 Chinese researchers have developed the world's first-ever 4D printing for ceramics that
are mechanically robust and can have complex shapes, offering broad potential
applications in telecommunications, electronics and even space exploration.
 The 3D-printed ceramic precursors printed with this novel ink are soft and can be
stretched three times beyond their initial length, according to the study.
 These flexible and stretchable ceramic precursors allow complex shapes, such as origami
folding. With proper heat treatment, ceramics with complex shapes can be made, making
them the 4D ceramics.
 4D printing is conventional 3D printing combined with the additional element of time as
the fourth dimension, where the printed objects can re-shape or self-assemble
themselves over time with external stimuli, such as mechanical force, temperature, or a
magnetic field.
 The existing 3D-printed ceramic precursors, which are usually difficult to deform, also
hinder the 4D printing of ceramics with complex shapes.

August 21, 2018

1. Buzdar sworn in as Punjab CM
 Newly elected Chief Minister Sardar Usman Ahmad Khan Buzdar on August 20, 2018 took
oath of his office at a simple ceremony at the Governor`s House.
 Acting Governor Chaudhry Pervaiz Elahi administered the oath.
 The Punjab government has notified the chief minister`s appointment and separately
notified that the caretaker chief minister and cabinet members ceased to hold their

ICEP | CSS – PMS, 6-B, Gulberg III, Near Hotel One, right opposite Tipu Road, in Orbit Institute, ICEP Network. 03222077774.
2. Protest lodged with Netherlands over blasphemous caricatures
 Pakistan on August 20, 2018 lodged strong protest with the Netherlands over its decision
to hold a competition of blasphemous caricatures.
 The announcement about the event was made by Leader of the Dutch Freedom Party
and parliamentarian, Geert Wilders.
 The Charged Affaires of the Kingdom of the Netherlands was summoned to the Foreign
Office to lodge the protest. According to an official statement, the FO conveyed its deep
concern at the deliberate and malicious attempt to defame Islam.
 The federal cabinet at its meeting also strongly condemned the `abominable and
reprehensible plan`.
 Pakistan`s Permanent Representatives to the United Nations in New York and Geneva
were also directed to take up the matter with the UN secretary general, UN High
Commissioner for Human Rights and other UN related bodies and procedures, the
statement added.
3. Shahzad Akbar made PM`s special assistant on accountability
 Prime Minister Imran Khan on August 20, 2018 appointed NAB`s former deputy
prosecutor general Mirza Shahzad Akbar as his special assistant on accountability.
 Mr Akbar served the National Accountability Bureau during the government of former
president retired Gen Pervez Musharraf.
 A notification issued by the cabinet division said: `In terms of rule 4(6) of the Rules of
Business, 1973, read with serial number 1A of Schedule-VA of the said rules, the prime
minister has been pleased to appoint, with immediate effect, Mirza Shahzad Akbar as
special assistant to the prime minister on accountability, with the status of Minister of
 Recently, Mr Akbar had also filed a petition against a US diplomat over a fatal road
4. Shaukat Yousafzai made govt`s spokesperson
 The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government on August 20, 2018 appointed former lawmaker
Shaukat Yousafzai as the provincial government`s spokesperson.
 A notification issued here said the chief minister had appointed Shaukat Yousafzai,
former MPA, as the spokesperson of the provincial government with immediate effect.
 Mr Yousafzai was elected MPA from PK-23, Shangla; however, the Election Commission
of Pakistan ordered re-election in the constituency due to low women turnout in the last
month`s elections.
5. Sethi quits as PCB chairman, Mani set to take charge
 Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) chairman Najam Sethi on August 20, 2018 tendered his
resignation and sent it to the Board`s patron-in-chief, Prime Minister Imran Khan, who
immediately announced the name of ex-ICC president Ihsan Mani as Sethi`s successor.
 Sethi was elected for a three-year term last year (2017-2020) and two years of his term
are still remaining.
6. US rejects Turkey's offer to release pastor
 President Donald Trump's administration has rejected Turkey's offer to condition the
release of an American pastor on clearing a top Turkish bank of billions of dollars in US
 Washington and Ankara are locked in a bitter feud over the nearly two-year jailing of
Andrew Brunson over disputed terror charges, which has triggered a trade row and sent
the lira into a tailspin.

ICEP | CSS – PMS, 6-B, Gulberg III, Near Hotel One, right opposite Tipu Road, in Orbit Institute, ICEP Network. 03222077774.
 In exchange for Brunson's release, and that of other US citizens as well as
three Turkish nationals working for the US government, Turkey asked Washington to
drop a probe into Halkbank, which is facing possible fines for helping Iran evade US
sanctions. But the US said that discussions regarding the fines and other areas of dispute
between the two countries were off the table until Brunson was released.
7. Israel, US call on Europe to pressure Iran
 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and US President Donald Trump's national
security adviser met in Jerusalem August 20, 2018 and called on European nations to do
more to pressure Iran.
 John Bolton arrived in Israel on August 19, 2018 for three days of talks expected to focus
mainly on Iran and its presence in Syria.
 Netanyahu strongly urged Trump to withdraw from the nuclear deal between Israel's
main enemy Iran and world powers, and the US president did so in May, resulting in the
reimposition of sanctions.
 Israel and the United States have been closely aligned on their approach to Iran since
Trump took office.
8. Pakistan thrash Thailand 10-0 in Asiad hockey
 Atiq Arshad’s hat-trick helped Pakistan hammer Thailand 10-0 to take a victorious start in
the Asian Games hockey competition on August 20, 2018 at Gelora Bung Karno (GBK)
Sports Complex, Jakarta, Indonesia.
 Record eight time champions Pakistan were off to a flying start at the Asian Games with
the thrashing of little known Thailand with a volley of goals.
 Meanwhile, Pakistan outlasted Mongolia by 3-0 in the volleyball event. Pakistan won the
match by 25-16, 25-16, 25-18. For Pakistan, Fahad Raza, M Asif, Shiraz Khan and Nasir
played superbly. In kabaddi event, Iran defeated Pakistan by 36-20.
9. Under-fire Apple removes 25,000 apps in China
 Apple said August 20, 2018 it had removed many gambling-related apps from its Chinese
app store as the US giant comes under scrutiny amid trade tensions between Beijing and
 Apple removed 25,000 apps suspected of facilitating gambling and illegal lotteries, state
broadcaster CCTV reported on Sunday, emphasising there was still work to be done.
 he app store clearance did little to abate the criticism from CCTV.
10. Avnery, Israeli peace activist who met Arafat, dies
 Israeli journalist and peace activist Uri Avnery, who pushed for the creation of a
Palestinian state and stoked controversy by meeting Yasser Arafat, has died aged 94 on
August 20, 2018.
 Seen by many as the backbone of Israel’s peace movement, Avnery never lost hope an
agreement could be reached with the Palestinians. But before becoming a prominent
peace activist, he was a soldier and even part of a right-wing militia.
 In 1950, he founded an independent weekly magazine, Haolam Hazeh, which he edited
for 40 years.
 In July 1982, he caused a firestorm by becoming one of the first Israelis to meet
Palestinian leader Arafat in Beirut, then under siege by the Israeli army.

ICEP | CSS – PMS, 6-B, Gulberg III, Near Hotel One, right opposite Tipu Road, in Orbit Institute, ICEP Network. 03222077774.
August 22, 2018

1. Govt releases Rs30.3b under PSDP

 The government has released over Rs 30.3 billion under its Public Sector Development
Programme (PSDP) 2018-19 for various ongoing and new schemes against the total
allocations of Rs 1,030 billion.
 The released funds include Rs 18.76 billion for federal ministries and Rs 11.8 billion for
special areas besides other projects, according to the data released by the Ministry of
Planning, Development and Reforms.
 Out of these allocations, the government has released Rs 4.67 billion for Pakistan Atomic
Energy Commission for which Rs 30.4 billion have been allocated for the year 2018-19,
whereas for Maritime Affairs Division, an amount of Rs 334 million has been released out
of total allocation of Rs 10.1 billion.
 Similarly, Rs 200 million have been released for Cabinet Division for which the
government has earmarked Rs 1.1 billion, whereas for Aviation division, an amount of Rs
210 million was released under PSDP 2018-19.
 Higher Education Commission (HEC) received Rs 4.632 billion out of total allocation of Rs
46.67 billion while Interior Division obtained Rs 2.57 billion out of total allocation of Rs
24.2 billion for the year 2018-19. The government also released Rs 3.38 billion for
Railways division, Rs 821 million for Planning Division, Rs 541 million for National Health
Services, Regulations & Coordination division, and Rs 60 million for Pakistan Nuclear
Regulatory Authority.
 The government also released Rs 4.7 billion for AJK (block and other projects) out of its
allocations of Rs 29.8 billion for the FY 2018-19 whereas for Gilgit Baltistan (block and
other projects), an amount of Rs 7.07 billion out of total allocation of Rs 21.33 billion for
the year 2018-19.
2. Iran unveils first domestic fighter jet
 Iran unveiled its first domestic fighter jet on August 21, 2018, with President Hassan
Rouhani insisting that Tehran`s military strength was only designed to deter enemies and
create `lasting peace`.
 Images on state television showed Rouhani sitting in the cockpit of the new `Kowsar`
fourthgeneration fighter at the National Defence Industry exhibition in Tehran.
 State media said it had `advanced avionics` and multi-purpose radar, and that it was
`100-percent indigenously made` forthe first time.
 Footage of the Kowsar`s test flights was circulated by various official media.
 But live footage of the plane taxiing along a runway at the defence show was cut before it
could take off. `When I speak of our readiness to defend, it means we seek lasting peace.
If we lack readiness, we welcome war,` Rouhani said in a televised speech shortly after.
3. No indication N Korea nuclear activities stopped: IAEA
 The UN's nuclear watchdog said it had not seen any indication that nuclear activities in
North Korea have stopped despite its pledges to denuclearise.
 "The continuation and further development of the DPRK's nuclear programme and
related statements by the DPRK are a cause for grave concern," said a report by the
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), referring to North Korea's official name. The

ICEP | CSS – PMS, 6-B, Gulberg III, Near Hotel One, right opposite Tipu Road, in Orbit Institute, ICEP Network. 03222077774.
report, by director general Yukiya Amano is to be submitted to an IAEA board
meeting in September.
 In 2009 Pyongyang expelled IAEA inspectors from its Yongbyon nuclear site and has since
refused to allow IAEA inspections on its territory.
 The watchdog has stepped up monitoring through open source information and satellite
imagery, it said.
 "As the Agency remains unable to carry out verification activities in the DPRK, its
knowledge of the DPRK's nuclear programme is limited and, as further nuclear activities
take place in the country, this knowledge is declining," it said.
 Between late-April and early-May, there were indications of the operation of the steam
plant that serves the radiochemical laboratory at the Yongbyon site, according to the
report. However, the steam plant was not operative long enough to have supported the
reprocessing of a complete core from the experimental nuclear power plant reactor, it
 The report added steam charges and the outflow of cooling water at the Yongbyon
4. China launches first financial court in Shanghai
 China's first court specializing in handling finance-related cases has opened in the
country's financial hub of Shanghai.
 The Shanghai Financial Court will be responsible for commercial cases such as disputes
involving securities, futures, insurance, bills and financial lending, according to a
document by the Supreme People's Court earlier this month.
 It will also deal with bankruptcy cases where financial institutions are the debtors and
administrative cases with financial regulators as defendants.
 The court will work to ensure that finance serves the real economy, curb financial risks
and deepen financial reform, according to an official release from the Shanghai Financial
5. Malaysia to shelve China-backed projects worth $22bn
 Malaysia will shelve three China-backed projects worth a total $22 billion until the debt-
laden Southeast Asian nation can afford to pay for them, Prime Minister Mahathir
Mohamad said on August 21, 2018 during a visit to Beijing.
 The projects include a railway connecting Malaysia`s east coast to southern Thailand and
Kuala Lumpur, and two gas pipelines.
 Mahathir is trying to reduce Malaysia`s national debt, which has ballooned to some
6. World’s biggest plane inches closer to takeoff
 The world’s largest plane, Stratolaunch, could be just months away from its first flight.
 The aircraft - which is the vision of Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen - has a wingspan
longer than a football field and comes equipped with two cockpits, 28 wheels and six
engines normally used to power 747 jumbo jets.
 Eventually will be used to transport rockets carrying satellites and even a newly revealed
manned space plane into the Earth’s upper atmosphere, where they will blast off into
7. US Army begins testing bulletproof ‘spidersuits’

ICEP | CSS – PMS, 6-B, Gulberg III, Near Hotel One, right opposite Tipu Road, in Orbit Institute, ICEP Network. 03222077774.
 The US Army has begun testing radical new ‘spider suit’ bulletproof armour.
 Made from a substance called dragon silk, the flexible, fabric like panels will be tested for
‘critical soldier protective applications including ballistic impact’.
 The firm behind the product claims it is one of the strongest materials known to man,
and has used genetically engineered silkworms to produce it.
 Kraig Biocraft Laboratories revealed it has already delivered the first prototype panels to
Us Army bosses.
 The GM silkworms were developed to be a direct drop-in replacement into the traditional
silk production infrastructure which produces more than 150,000 metric tons of silk per
8. Ice confirmed at the Moon’s poles
 In the darkest and coldest parts of its polar regions, a team of scientists has directly
observed definitive evidence of water ice on the Moon’s surface. These ice deposits are
patchily distributed and could possibly be ancient. At the southern pole, most of the ice is
concentrated at lunar craters, while the northern pole’s ice is more widely, but sparsely
 A team of scientists, led by Shuai Li of the University of Hawaii and Brown University and
including Richard Elphic from Nasa’s Ames Research Center in California’s Silicon Valley,
used data from Nasa’s Moon Mineralogy Mapper (M3) instrument to identify three
specific signatures that definitively prove there is water ice at the surface of the Moon.
 M3, aboard the Chandrayaan-1 spacecraft, launched in 2008 by the Indian Space
Research Organization, was uniquely equipped to confirm the presence of solid ice on
the Moon. It collected data that not only picked up the reflective properties we’d expect
from ice, but was able to directly measure the distinctive way its molecules absorb
infrared light, so it can differentiate between liquid water or vapor and solid ice.
 Most of the newfound water ice lies in the shadows of craters near the poles, where the
warmest temperatures never reach above minus 250 degrees Fahrenheit. Because of the
very small tilt of the Moon’s rotation axis, sunlight never reaches these regions.
 Previous observations indirectly found possible signs of surface ice at the lunar south
pole, but these could have been explained by other phenomena, such as unusually
reflective lunar soil.
9. Life on earth formed 100m years earlier than previously thought
 British scientists have claimed that the first life on Earth evolved after a small planet
called Theia collided with Earth.
 It ‘sterilised’ our planet and then went on to form the moon when it rebounded.
 A side-effect of this galactic collision was the first life on Earth, and scientists have now
discovered that it happened 100 million years earlier than previously thought.
 Researchers worked back through the evolutionary history of current animals to find the
‘Last Universal Common Ancestor (LUCA).
 They found that this animal is the ancestor of every living thing on Earth and likely existed
around 3.9 billion years ago, when the Earth was still in its primitive stages.
 PhD candidate in palaeontology Holly Betts at the University of Bristol explains more
about the research in an article for The Conversation.

ICEP | CSS – PMS, 6-B, Gulberg III, Near Hotel One, right opposite Tipu Road, in Orbit Institute, ICEP Network. 03222077774.
 Science may have enabled us to travel in space and trace the history of the
entire universe, but it has not yet been able to answer exactly how and when life first
arose on our planet.
10. Pakistan win in kabaddi, handball as Talha sets national record in Asian Games
 Indonesia were Pakistan`s favourite rivals at the Asian Games on August 21, 2018 as both
kabaddi and handball teams recorded victories against them while teenaged weightlifter
Talha Talib set a national record.
 The kabaddi team thrashed the hosts 40-11 in their Group `B` clash to rebound from a
defeat to Iran the other day and keep themselves in contention for a top-two finish in the
section and a potential medal.
 The handball team finally recorded their first triumph on the fourth attempt, beating the
hosts 28-23 in their 9-13 classification group match.
 Talha`s performance was the individual highlight of the day for Pakist an when he lifted a
national record 287kg in the men`s 62kg competition.
 Lifting 133kg in snatch and 154kg in clean and jerk, the 18-year-old finished seventh in
the event won byIndonesia`s Eko Yuli Irawan, who lifted 311kg.
 Mohammad Yahya Khan won his men`s 50m freestyle heat in 25.50 but ended 42nd
among 51 competitors, failing to qualify for the final.

August 25, 2018

1. Discretionary funds abolished, govt office working hours revised

 In what appears to be unfolding of its agenda for `change`, the Pakistan Tehreek-iInsaf
(PTI) government on August 24, 2018 revised working hours in government institutions,
abolished discretionary funds of the prime minister, federal ministers and members of
the National Assembly and imposed a ban on first-class air travel by the president, head
of the government, chief justice, Senate chairman and NA speaker.
 The decisions were taken at the second meeting of the federal cabinet in a week
presided over by Prime Minister Imran Khan.
 The cabinet rejected a proposal for declaring only one official weekly holiday on Sunday
and withdrawing the second weekly holiday on Saturday.
 The meeting also decided to conduct audit of all mega transport projects carried out in
Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa during the last government. It was decided that the
prime minister would use the official aircraft only for domestic tours andnotforforeign
 Another important decision taken by the cabinet was formation of task forces for
upgrading katchchi abadis (shanty settlements) across the country and launching tree
plantation in main cities.
 The meeting decided to abolish the Ministry of Capital Administration & Development
Division (CADD) and merge its departments into other ministries.

ICEP | CSS – PMS, 6-B, Gulberg III, Near Hotel One, right opposite Tipu Road, in Orbit Institute, ICEP Network. 03222077774.
Dissolution of ministry The information minister said that as part of the
government`s austerity plan, the cabinet decided to dissolve the CADD ministry and the
departments working under it would be merged into other ministries.
 The CADD ministry was created by the last Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz government
and its main departments were the Capital Development Authority, Federal Directorateof
Education and two hospitals of the federal capital Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences
and Poly Clinic.
 Prime Minister Khan has decided that he will not use a special plane for foreign visits and
will travel in business class. However, he will use official plane for domestic travelling.
2. One-third of corps commanders replaced in major reshuffle
 The army on August 24, 2018 appointed Lt Gen Nadeem Raza as new Chief of General
Staff (CGS) amidst a major reshuffle in which almost one-third of the corps commanders
were replaced.
 The reshufne precedes upcoming changes in the army`s top brass due to the impending
retirement of five three-star generals in October. It is assumed that the postings at the
General Headquarters and top command positions have been phased to smoothly carry
out the imminent changes.
 The appointments announced on August 24, 2018 and the upcoming changes together
mean that a total of 22 posi-tions of lieutenant generals will be affected. Executing all of
them in one go would have come with logistical challenges.
 An important feature of the postings announced by the army is that all of the transferred
ofHcers have swapped their positions with the new appointees. Lt Gen Nadeem Raza
moves from 10 Corps to position of CGS and incumbent CGS Lt Gen Bilal Akbar goes to
Chaklala to head 10 Corps.
 Lt Gen Shahid Baig Mirza has been posted as Inspector General of Communications &
Information Technology in place of Lt Gen Humayun Aziz, who goes to Karachi to head 5
 Lt Gen Naeem Ashraf will now be heading 2 Corps in Multan and the corps` current
commander Lt Gen Abdullah Dogar will become chairman of Heavy Industries Taxila in Lt
Gen Ashraf`s place.
 Current ISI chief Lt Gen Naveed Mukhtar and 11 Corps (Peshawar) Commander Lt Gen
Nazir Butt will be among the five retiring three-star generals.
 The other three are Commander of Army Strategic Force Command Lt Gen Mian
Muhammad Hilal Hussain, Military Secretary at the GHQ Lt Gen Ghayur Mahmood and
Training and Evaluation Inspector General Lt Gen Hidayatur Rehman.
3. Bureaucracy reshuffle: PTI govt retains old faces but gives them different roles
 The newly installed Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf-led government has re-shuffled senior
bureaucracy, retaining old faces on top slots but assigning them different roles.
 As per notifications issued by the establishment division on August 24, 2018, Ijaz Munir, a
grade-22 officer of the Pakistan Administrative Service (PAS) who was working as
secretary of the aviation division, has now been posted as establishment secretary.
 His predecessor Aurangzeb Haq is awaiting further posting.

ICEP | CSS – PMS, 6-B, Gulberg III, Near Hotel One, right opposite Tipu Road, in Orbit Institute, ICEP Network. 03222077774.
 Tariq Mahmood Pasha, an officer of the Inland Revenue Service, has been
transferred from the statistics division to the Ministry for Kashmir and Northern Areas`
Affairs (KANA).
 Grade-22 officer Mohammad Ayub Shaikh, who was working in the KANA division, has
now been posted as secretary of the statistics division.
 Saqib Aziz, a PAS officer of grade-22 and secretary of the capital administration and
development division, has now been posted as aviation secretary.
 Mohammad Jalal Sikandar Sultan, another PAS officer, has been transferred from the
petroleum ministry to the states and frontier regions division, which he would supervise
as secretary.
 Asad Hayauddin, a PAS grade-21 officer on special duty, has been posted as additional
secretary (in-charge) of the petroleum ministry.
 The government has also transferred Mohammad Tariq, an officer of grade-19, from the
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government, and posted him as joint secretary at the prime
minister office
4. Imran Ismail formally appointed as 33rd Sindh governor
 Prime Minister Imran Ismail has formally been appointed as 33rd governor of Sindh
 A notification announcing the appointment of Karachi based PTI leader Imran Ismail has
been issued. The notification says Ismail will take oath as Sindh Governor on August 27.
 The oath will be administered by Sindh High Court Chief Justice at the Governor House
building in Karachi.
 Sindh’s former governor Muhammad Zubair stepped down from his position and sent his
resignation to the president on July 28, three days after PTI emerged as the biggest party
after general elections. Zubair’s resignation was approved by President Mamnoon
Hussain on August 3.
5. Australia gets new PM after bitter ‘political coup’
 Scott Morrison was sworn in as Australia's seventh prime minister in 11 years August 24,
2018 after a stunning party revolt against Malcolm Turnbull, which the new leader
admitted had left the government "bruised and battered".
 Former home affairs minister Peter Dutton, an ex-police officer and right-winger, was the
driving force behind the move to oust Turnbull after a Liberal Party backlash against his
more moderate policies.
 But after a torrid week of political manoeuvring in Canberra it was Morrison, a Turnbull
ally who served as treasurer, who won a party vote 45-40. He was officially sworn in as
Australia's 30th prime minister late Friday in a ceremony in the capital.
 Environment minister Josh Frydenberg - who was elected as the deputy Liberal leader -
was sworn in as treasurer.
6. US to help Ukraine counter Russian vote `meddling`
 The United States is ready to help Ukraine counter any `interference` by Russia in its 2019
presidential election, US National Security Advisor John Bolton said on August 24, 2018
during his visit to Kiev.
 (Ukrainian) President (Petro) Poroshenko and I agreed that we would look at steps that
the US and Ukraine could take to look at election meddling.

ICEP | CSS – PMS, 6-B, Gulberg III, Near Hotel One, right opposite Tipu Road, in Orbit Institute, ICEP Network. 03222077774.
But currently the former prime ministerYulia Tymoshenko, who was
imprisoned under ex-president Viktor Yanukovych, is the favourite, according to the
latest opinlon polls.
7. Spain passes decree to exhume Franco`s remains from mausoleum
 Spain`s Socialist government passed a decree on August 24, 2018 allowing the
exhumation of the remains of Francisco Franco from his vast mausoleum, a decision that
divides Spaniards and has opened old wounds.
 Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez, who came to power in June after he ousted his
conservative predecessor in a confidence vote, has made removing the late dictator`s
remains from the monument in the Valle de los Caidos (Valley of the Fallen) near Madrid
one of his priorities.
 Around 41 per cent of Spaniards approve of removing Franco from his mausoleum,
compared with 38.5 per cent who oppose the move, according to an opinion poll
published last month in centre-right daily newspaper El Mundo.But even though a slim
majority are in favour of the move, 54 per cent of those sur-veyed said they did not think
now was the right time to do it.
8. Japan gets first woman fighter pilot
 Japan will shortly have its first female fighter pilot, with the Top Gun inspired officer
vowing to blaze a trail in the sky for other women.
 First Lieutenant Misa Matsushima, 26, of Japan Air Self Defence Force, finished her
training to fly F-15s and will officially be named a fighter pilot in a couple of days, the
ministry said in abrief statement.
 The air force decided in 1993 to open all positions to women, except for pilots of fighter
jets and reconnais-sance aircraft. But the limit was lifted in 2015, opening the way for
Matsushima to join the elite group of fighter pilots, with three other women now going
through training. Women account for a mere 6.4 per cent of Japan`s 228,000 troops.
 Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has called on the nation`s corporate world to open
leadership positions to women but with little visible success.
9. Pakistan rout Kazakhstan in hockey, clinch kabaddi bronze
 On the day Pakistan`s kabaddi team received its bronze medals, the hockey team
continued its quest for gold with a 16-0 romp against Kazakhstan at the Asian Games in
the Indonesian capital on August 24, 2018.
 The thrashing of Kazakhstan was Pakistan`s third straight win in Pool `B` and
strengthened their position for a place in the semi-finals ahead of their toughest fixture
against Malaysia on August 26, 2018 a clash that would potentially decide which team
ends top ofthe section.
 Nine goals came through open play, five via penalty corners and two through penalty
 Tauseef Arshad scored four times, Abu Bakr Mahmood struck a hattrick while there were
braces for Ali Shan, Rizwan Senior and Umar Bhutta. Mohammad Dilber, Atig Arshad and
Mubashar Ali added a goal apiece.
 After another convincing show, the hockey team yet to concede a goal at the Games so
far would be hoping to at least get to the podium, where the kabaddi team received their
bronze medal on August 24, 2018 for Pakistan`s first medal at the event.

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 The medal was secured after Pakistan lost the semi-final 24-27 to South
Korea on Thursday. India also took bronze in kabaddi after they were stunned by Iran in
the other semi-final.
 India got the better of Pakistan in a handball thriller, the 28-27 triumph courtesy a last-
minute goal from Naveen Punja seeing them leapfrog their arch-rivals in the 9-13 place
classification group.
10. Journalist, peace activist Kuldip Nayar passes away
 Veteran journalist and a missionary of peace with Pakistan, Kuldip Nayar died on August
23, 2018. He was 95.
 Mr Nayar was a human rights activist and was jailed during the Emergency as the editor
of Indian Express. He was arrested forhisvocalprotestagainstcensorship during the time.
 Born in Sialkot in 1923, Mr Nayar also remained associated with Dawn and wrote for the
paper for long.
 Mr Nayar`s interview with A.Q. Khan in 1987 revealed to the world that Pakistan had a
nuclear bomb. The interview published three weeks later in London`s Observer was
contradicted in Pakistan fervently but may have accelerated India`s quest to improve on
its own 1974 nuclear test.
 Mr Nayar`s first job was with an Urdu daily.
 He served in a leadership role in The Indian Express, too, and had written columns in over
80 newspapers, including in Pakistan.
 Apart from his work as a journalist, Mr Nayar will also be remembered as a human right
activist and peacenik, as well as India`s high commissioner to the United Kingdom.Indian
Prime Minister Narendra Modi tweeted: `Kuldip Nayar was an intellectual giant of our
times. Frank and fearless in his views, his work spanned across many decades. His strong
stand against the Emergency, public service, and his commitment to a better India, will
always be remembered. Saddened by his demise.

August 26, 2018

August 26, 2018; National Current Affairs

1. At least 51 MPs have barely completed matriculation: Fafen

 As many as 51 incoming lawmakers in all provincial assemblies have barely completed
their secondary school certifications while 27 had not even finished matriculation, a
report compiled by the Free and Fair Election Network (Fafen) stated. At least 68 of the
lawmakers in all provincial assemblies had pending court cases, it stated.
 In Punjab, as many as 25 members of the Punjab Assembly had just passed their
matriculation, while 19 had even left it unfinished. Two MPAs were found to be illiterate.
Nearly 32 per cent of incoming legislators hold a Bachelors’ degree while 12 per cent of
them are law graduates. As many as 43 legislators hold a Master’s degree.
 In Sindh, at least 10 lawmakers have finished their matriculation while five are under-
matric. Nearly 28 per cent of the legislators hold a Bachelors’ degree while 18 per cent of
them hold a Masters’ degree. The Sindh Assembly also has 22 legislators with a law

ICEP | CSS – PMS, 6-B, Gulberg III, Near Hotel One, right opposite Tipu Road, in Orbit Institute, ICEP Network. 03222077774.
degree, nine specialising in engineering and eight with degrees in medicine
while one legislator holds a post-graduate degree.
 In Khyber Pakhtunkhawa, as many as 12 legislators in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (K-P) have
finished their matriculation while two have not finished their secondary school
certification. Nearly 30 per cent of legislators hold a Bachelor’s and 18 per cent Master’s
 The KP Assembly also has 16 legislators with a law degree, two engineers and four with
degrees in medicine and dentistry or related fields while one legislator holds a post-
graduate degree.
 In Balochistan, Whereas, in Balochistan as many as four lawmakers are matriculate while
one did not finish his SSC education. The provincial assembly has just one legislator who
was illiterate. Nearly 37 per cent of the incoming legislators hold a Bachelor’s and 17 per
cent have a Master’s degree. Balochistan Assembly also has four legislators with a law
degree, three engineers and a medical doctor while one legislator is a graduate of a
religious seminary.

August 26, 2018; International Current Affairs

2. Afghanistan`s top security official steps down

 Afghanistan`s national security adviser, one of the most influential aides to President
Ashraf Ghani, resigned on August 25, 2018.
 Hanif Atmar`s resignation was accepted by Mr Ghani.
 The former security adviser was considering running against Mr Ghani in the 2019 vote.
 Mr Atmar, 49, has been considered the second-mostpowerful official in Afghanistan since
he became national security adviser after Mr Ghani was sworn in as presidentinlate 2014.
 He was also minister of interior under former president Hamid Karzai before being
sacked in 2010 after the Taliban insurgents attacked a `peace jirga` that was an early
attempt at ending the now-17-year-old war with the Taliban.
3. US cuts over $200m in aid to Palestinians
 The United States said that it had cancelled more than $200 million in aid for the
Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and West Bank, leading their ambassador to accuse
President Donald Trump`s administration of being `anti-peace.
 The decision, made `at the direction of the president,` came after a review of aid
programmes to the Palestinian territories.
 The funding previously allocated for programmes in the West Bank and Gaza will `now
address high-priority projects elsewhere.
 In January, the United States had already made drastic cuts to its contribution to the
UNagency for Palestinian refugees UNRWA.
4. Iran, Russia resume talks to build new nuclear plant
 Iran’s Energy Minister Reza Ardakanian has said the country has restarted negotiations
with Russia to build a new nuclear power plant capable of generating up to 3,000
megawatts of electricity.
 Talks are underway to construct a new 3,000-megawatt nuclear power plant to increase
electricity generation capacity to 4,000 megawatts from the current 1,000.

ICEP | CSS – PMS, 6-B, Gulberg III, Near Hotel One, right opposite Tipu Road, in Orbit Institute, ICEP Network. 03222077774.
 In November 2014, Tehran and Moscow struck a deal to build eight more
nuclear power plants in Iran.
 Russia has already built a power plant in Bushehr in southern Iran. The agreement for the
Bushehr nuclear power plant was finalized in 1995, but the project was delayed several
times due to a number of technical and financial issues.
 The 1,000-megawatt plant, which is operating under the full supervision of the
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), reached its maximum power generation
capacity in August 2012. In September 2013, Iran officially took over from Russia the first
unit of its first 1,000-megawatt nuclear power plant for two years.

August 26, 2018; Science / Technology Current Affairs

5. Two new bird-like dinosaurs discovered

 Chinese and American researchers have discovered two new species of dinosaur in an
expedition to China’s Xinjiang, according to a study published in the journal Current
 The two new species named “Xiyunykus pengi” and “Bannykus wulatensis” are bird-like
dinosaurs known as alvarezsaurs that share many characteristics with birds.
 Bodies of alvarezsaurs are slender, with bird-like skull and many small teeth instead of
usual large, sharp teeth
6. Nasa spacecraft approaches asteroid
 Two years after launching from Florida, a Nasa spacecraft is closing in on an ancient
asteroid, Bennu, for a sample of space dust that could reveal clues to the start of life in
the solar system.
 The spacecraft, OSIRIS-REx, has even snapped its first, blurry pic of the cosmic body,
which is about the size of a small mountain, about 500 yards (meters) in diameter.
 The spacecraft is designed to circle Bennu, and reach out with a robotic arm to “high-
five” its surface, then return the sample it collects to Earth in 2023.
 The first images of Bennu were taken on August 17 at a distance of 1.4 million miles (2.3
million kilometers) from the $800 million spacecraft.

August 26, 2018; Sports Current Affairs

7. Quetta girl wins 1st Karate medal in Asian Games

 Quetta’s Nargis has become the first Pakistani to win a medal in Karate at the Asian
 She outplayed Nepal’s Rita Karki 3-1 to claim bronze in the +68kg event in Indonesia on
August 25, 2018.
 Hailing from Quetta’s persecuted Hazara community, the 19-year-old is following in the
footsteps of Kulsoom Hazara who won the South Asian Championships earlier
8. Combined Koreas crew wins historic medal at Asian Games
 Two countries. One significant medal. A combined Koreas crew earned a historic bronze
medal at the Asian Games on August 25, 2018 by finishing third in the women`s 200-
metre dragon boat final behind China and games hosts Indonesia.

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It was the first time a combined team from North Korea and South Korea has
won a medal at a major multi-sport international event.
 And it was awarded to Korea the name given to the combined teams the countries
entered in rowing, canoeing and women`s basketball and not to North or South Korea.
 A group of athletes from North Korea and South Korea paraded into the opening
ceremony last weekend behind the `unification` flag which features the outline of the
peninsula in blue on a white background.
 It took another seven days for any of the combined teams to get on the medals podium,
by which time South Korea had 23 gold medals to sit in third spot and North Korea had
nine gold medals and were in sixth position overall.
 The joint crew featured seven South Koreans and five North Koreans and finished in
56.851 seconds at the Jakabaring Rowing and Canoeing Regatta Course in the co-host city
of Palembang.
 The combined Koreas basketball team is a gold-medal chance and has progressed to the
quarter-Enals of the women`s tournament.
9. PM nominates Asad, Ehsan in PCB BoG
 The Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran Khan — who is also the Patron of the Pakistan
Cricket Board — has nominated Ehsan Mani and Asad Ali Khan as members of PCB Board
of Governors (BoG), in a notification issued by the Ministry of Inter-Provincial
Coordination (IPC).
 Soon after the resignation by former PCB Chairman Najam Sethi, PM Imran had
nominated Ehsan Mani — who is a former International Cricket Council (ICC) President —
as his pick for the new PCB chairman.
 According to the constitution of PCB, the patron must nominate two names for
representation on the BoG in case the chairman resigns. Khan’s second choice in this
regard is Asad Ali Khan — who is currently a board member on, both, Punjab and
Pakistan Veteran Cricket Association.
 The Election Commissioner for the Pakistan Cricket Board Justice (retd) Syed Afzal Haider
has already taken charge as interim chairman of the board after Sethi’s resignation.
10. ICC World Cup trophy to tour Pakistan in October
 The International Cricket Council (ICC) on August 25, 2018 announced the beginning of
2019 Cricket World Cup trophy tour.
 The cricket world cup will take place in England and Wales from May 30 to July 14, 2019.
 The trophy will tour Pakistan from October 3 to October 13.
 It'll be in Lahore from October 3 to October 5, in Islamabad from October 6 to October 8
and in Karachi from October 9 to October 13.
 According to a statement issued by the ICC, the trophy will start its journey from the ICC
headquarters in Dubai on Monday, August 27

August 27, 2018

August 27, 2018; National Current Affairs

ICEP | CSS – PMS, 6-B, Gulberg III, Near Hotel One, right opposite Tipu Road, in Orbit Institute, ICEP Network. 03222077774.
1. Zafarul Haq notified as new leader of opposition in Senate
 Senate Chairman Sadiq Sanjrani officially nominated Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz
(PML-N) Senator Raja Mohammad Zafarul Haq as new leader of the opposition in place of
Sherry Rehman of the Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP), according to a notiñcation issued by
the Senate Secretariat.
 Mr Haq, who had served as leader of the house during the previous government of PML-
N, has been appointed as new leader of the opposition after the change of government
at the Centre recently.
 Mr Haq will be heading the largest opposition in the Senate where the Pakistan Tehreek-
i-Insaf (PTI) and its allies are in a minority.
 Earlier, the Senate chairman had notified PTI`s Syed Shibli Faraz as new leader of the
house after his nomination by Prime Minister Imran Khan.
 The leader of the house represents the prime minister in the upper house of parliament
and is mainly responsible for the smooth conduct of the house on behalf of the federal
government. The Senate chairman issues directives to the federal and sometimes even to
the provincial governments through the leader of the house.
2. JF-17 Thunder wins acclaim at Radom air show
 Amidst thundering applause by the spectators, Pakistan Air Force`s JF-17 Thunder
exhibited its dazzling aerial display during the opening day of Radom International
Airshow at Radom-Sakdu Airport, Poland, on August 26, 2018.
 Painted in the colour scheme of Pakistan`s national flag, the pride of the nation, JF-17
roared in the Polish skies and left the spectators spellbound with its breathtaking
 The thundery performance by PAF`s display pilot, Wing Commander Zeeshan Baryar,
included some extraordinary aerobatics like the muscle climb, thunder turns, slow speed
performance and inverted flight.
3. 23-member Punjab cabinet announced
 Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf on August 26, 2018 announced 23-member Punjab cabinet
inducting most of the party loyalists with longstanding party affiliation.
 Abdul Aleem Khan – the party loyalist who is considered close to Imran Khan – was given
portfolio of local government with a status of senior minister while Mian Mahmood-ur-
Rasheed was given the portfolio of housing and works.
 Dr Yasmin Rasheed was given the portfolio of primary and secondary healthcare /
specialised healthcare and medication education while Fiaz-ul-Hassan Chohan was made
information and culture minister.
 Raja Rashid Hafeez was given the portfolio of revenue. Raja Basharat was allocated law
and parliamentary affairs. Raja Basharat held this portfolio in the cabinet of Ch Pervaiz
 Other ministers inducted in the cabinet in the first phase and their portfolios include
Hafiz Mumtaz Ahmad, Excise, Taxation and Narcotics Control; Makhdoom Hashim Baksh,
Finance; Sami Ullah Chaudhry, Food; Raja Yasir Sarfaraz, Higher Education; Mian
Mahmood-ur-Rashid, Housing, Urban Development and Public Health Engineering; Mian
Aslam Iqbal, Industries, Commerce and Investment; Taimor Khan, Youth Affairs and

ICEP | CSS – PMS, 6-B, Gulberg III, Near Hotel One, right opposite Tipu Road, in Orbit Institute, ICEP Network. 03222077774.
Sports (he was elected as independent and joined PTI later); Murad Rass,
School Education; Mohsin Leghari, Irrigation; and Anser Majeed Niazi, Labour and
 Sibtain Khan, Sardar Asif Nakai, Hafiz Ammar Yassir, Hasnain Dareshak, Malik Anwar, Ch
Zaheeruddin, Hashim Dogar and Malik Nouman Langrial have not been allotted the
portfolios yet.
4. Government announced 15-member Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa cabinet
 Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf on August 26, 2018 announced 15-member Khyber-
Pakhtunkhwa cabinet comprising 12 ministers, two advisors and one special assistant.
 Muhammad Atif Khan, who was also a strong contender for the post of chief minister,
was made Minister for Tourism with the status of senior minister. Other ministers include
Shahram Khan Tarakai, Local Government; Taimoor Saleem Jhagra, Finance; Syed Ishtiaq
Urmer, Forest; Qalandar Khan Lodhi, Food; Shakeel Ahmad Khan, Revenue; Mohib Ullah
Khan, Agriculture; Dr Amjad Ali, Mineral Development; Sultan Muhammad Khan, Law and
Kamran Khan Bangash, Information Technology while Akbar Ayaz Khan was not allocated
a portfolio.
 Zia Ullah Bangash was made advisor to the CM with no portfolio while Abdul Karim was
made Advisor to the CM on Industries. Shah Muhammad Khan was made special
assistant to the chief minister and he was given the portfolio of Transport.
5. Govt bans VIP protocol at airports
 As part of its austerity plan, the government has banned VIP protocol given by the
Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) to influential people at airports.
 The decision is being implemented by the government from August 26, 2018 as the
ministry of interior has directed all ofhcials concerned of the investigation agency`s
immigration wing to implement it.
 It is worth mentioning that such decisions had also been taken by previous governments
but they could not implement them in a letter and spirit.
 It had been observed that influential people were given VIP protocol at airports so that
they could avoid standing in long queues and get cleared their luggage without any
hustle, he said.
 The VIP protocol was usually given to politicians, legislators, senior bureaucrats, judges,
military ofñcials andjournalists.
 The interior ministry has directed the FIA that no government official or other VIPs would
be given protocolat airports across the country.
 Interestingly, all previous governments had decided to eliminate VIP culture at airports
but there was a VIP lounge at Benazir Bhutto International Airport in Islamabad where
VIPs and influential people sat in a luxurious atmosphere, meanwhile their luggage was
get cleared by officials of FIA, Airport Security Staff or Civil Aviation Authority.
 However, there is no such lounge available at the new Islamabad airport established near
Fatehjang where all passengers have to follow the normal procedure.

August 27, 2018; International Current Affairs

6. New Australian PM revamps cabinet

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 New Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison rewarded supporters and
extended an olive branch to rebel right-wingers as he unveiled his `new generation`
cabinet on August 26, 2018 after taking power in a party-room coup.
 Morrison, the former treasurer (finance minister), was sworn in as prime minister on
August 24, 2018 after winning a Liberal Party leadership challenge against incumbent
moderate Malcolm Turnbull. The challenge had been instigated by Home Affairs Minister
Peter Dutton, whom Morrison also to the right of the party defeated in a secret ballot.He
sought to heal the wounds exposed by the infighting. Dutton kept Home Affairs but his
super-sized portfolio was split to separate immigration and national security, with
migration issues to be handled by former assistant finance minister David Coleman.
7. McCain, war hero and maverick Republican, dies
 Senator John McCain, a former prisoner of war in Vietnam who ran in US presidential
elections in 2008 as a maverick Republican and became a prominent critic of President
Donald Trump, died on August 25, 2018. He was 82.
 An Arizona senator for more than three decades, McCain had been suf fering from brain
cancer since July last year and had not been at the US Capitol this year.
 McCain frequently battled with Trump and his family has said he did not want the
presidentto attendhisfuneral.Flags flew at half mast at the White House on Sunday.
Trump has tweeted his `deepest sympathies and respect` toMcCain`s family, although he
added no words of praise for McCain himself.
 McCain will lie in state in both Phoenix, Arizona, and in the Capitol rotunda in
 He will receive a military funeral service at the Washington National Cathedral, where
Vice President Mike Pence was expected to attend, before being buried at the Naval
Academy in Annapolis, Maryland.
 McCain`s death brings to 50 the number of Republican-held seats in the 100-member US
Senate, with Democrats controlling 49. Republican Arizona Governor Doug Ducey will
appoint a member of his own party to succeed McCain after the funeral.
8. Prolific US playwright Neil Simon dies at 91
 Prolific US playwright Neil Simon, who won more combined Oscar and Tony nominations
than any other writer, died on Sunday aged 91.
 A legend of American theatre, he was responsible for such works as The Odd Couple, The
Sunshine Boys, Barefoot in the Park and Lost in Yonkers. The New York native, who grew
up during The Great Depression, passed away from complications related to pneumonia.
 Much of his work centered on the everyday struggles of the middle-classes, which he
used to explore what he called `domestic wars` and inter-family conflict.
 He was also known as a king of comedy, peppering his plays with a heavy dose of witty
 In 1983 he gained the rare accolade of having a New York stage, the Neil Simon Theatre,
named in his honour.
 Overall he won one Pulitzer Prize, a Golden Globe and three Tonys
9. Mnangagwa finally takes oath as president of Zimbabwe

ICEP | CSS – PMS, 6-B, Gulberg III, Near Hotel One, right opposite Tipu Road, in Orbit Institute, ICEP Network. 03222077774.
 Emmerson Mnangagwa was officially sworn in as president of Zimbabwe on
August 26, 2018 after winning a bitterly-contested election which was the country`s first
since the ousting of strongman Robert Mugabe.
 Mnangagwa, whose victory in the July 30 polls was challenged by the main opposition,
pledged to `protect and promote the rights of Zimbabweans` at an inauguration cere-
mony attended by thousands of supporters at a stadium in Harare.
 Since independence from Britain in 1980, Zimbabwe has known only two presidents
Mugabe, who ruled with an iron fist for 37 years, and his erstwhile right-hand man

August 27, 2018; Sports Current Affairs

10. Irfan breaks T20 record with one run in four overs
 Lanky Pakistan fast bowler Mohammad Irfan bowled the most economical spell in
Twenty20 cricket history on August 25, 2018, only conceding a run from his final ball.
 The giant 7ft lin (2.16m)left-armer, playing for Barbados Tridents against St Kitts and
Nevis Patriots in the Caribbean Premier League, also took the wickets of the usually big-
hitting West Indies internationals Chris Gayle and Evin Lewis, while delivering a
remarkable 23 dot balls.
 But Irfan ended up on the losing side anyway, as after he had bowled his maximum four
overs, the Patriots chased down their target of 148 with seven balls to spare to win by six
 The 36-year-old, who hasn`t played internationally for two years, dismissed star man
Gayle with the first delivery of the innings. Irfan ended with figures of four overs, three
maidens, with two wickets for one run.

August 28, 2018

August 28, 2018; National Current Affairs

1. First meeting: Bajwa, Imran vow to work closely for peace

 Prime Minister Imran Khan and Chief of the Army Staff Gen Qamar Javed Bajwa on
August 27, 2018 pledged to work closely for establishment of peace in the country and
the region.
 They expressed this resolve during a meeting held after Gen Bajwa`s maiden call on PM
Imran Khan.
 They expressed resolve to bring enduring peace and stability in the country while also
continuing efforts for regional peace.
 The army chief congratulated Mr Khan on assuming the prime minister`s office.
 The security situation in the country has improved vastly over the past few years due to
military operations, but violence during election campaign and on polling day was a
reminder of the f ragility of the progress made so far. The military has been in the driving
seat with regards to security. The civilians, meanwhile, have in the past been accused of f

ICEP | CSS – PMS, 6-B, Gulberg III, Near Hotel One, right opposite Tipu Road, in Orbit Institute, ICEP Network. 03222077774.
ailing to adequately implement the National Action Plan.PM Khan has kept
the interior ministry with himself in what is being seen as an attempt to directly oversee
the matters related to security and law and order.
 At a separate briefing on security, PM Khan instructed officials of the interior ministry
and its subordinate organisations to play their role in improving overall security situation
in the country and providing a sense of security to the citizens.
2. Punjab cabinet sworn in Only 15 out of 23 ministers given portfolios
 As many as 23 newly-appointed members of the Punjab cabinet on August 27, 2018 took
oath of their respective offices at a ceremony held at the Governor House, where acting
governor Chaudhry Pervaiz Elahi administered oath to them in the presence of Chief
Minister Usman Buzdar.
 The ministers who took oath are: Abdul Aleem Khan, Hafiz Mumtaz Ahmad, Makhdoom
Hashim Jawan Bakht, Samiullah Chaudhry, Fayazul Hasan Chohan, Muhammad Sibtain
Khan, Sardar Muhammad Asif Nakai, Hafiz Ammar Yasir, Yasir Humayun, Mian
Mahmoodur Rasheed, Mian Aslam Iqbal, Malik Nauman Ahmad Langrial, Murad Rass,
Chaudhry Zaheerud Din, Ansar Majeed Khan Niazi and Muhammad Hashim Dogar.
 The cabinet members have been picked from 13 districts, including five ministers from
Lahore and three from Rawalpindi.
 Two ministers each have been taken from Chakwal, Kasur, Faisalabad and Rajanpur,
while, one each has been taken from Attock, Mianwali, Sargodha, Jhang, Sahiwal,
Bahawalpur and Rahim Yar Khan districts.
 Dr Yasmin Rashid is the only one woman member of the cabinet, who was given a
reserved seat.
 The cabinet of the largest province in the country has no minority member.
 While 23 ministers took oath, the Punjab government initially notified portfolios of only
15 of them.
3. 10-member Balochistan cabinet sworn in
 A10-member cabinet of the six-party Balochistan coalition government headed by Chief
Minister Jam Kamal Khan Alyani took the oath on August 27, 2018.
 Governor Mohammad Khan Achakzai administrated the oath to the ministers at a
ceremony attended by CM Alyani, Chief Secretary Dr Nazeer Ahmed, MPAs and senior of
ficials at Governor House.
 Eight out of the 10 new ministers belong to the Balochistan Awami Party (BAP), one each
to the Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) and the Awami National Party (ANP).
 The ministers include Mohammad Saleh Bhootani, Mir Mohammad Arif Mohammad
Hasni, Sarfaraz Chakar Domki, Tariq Khan Magsi, Mir Zahoor Ahmed Buledi, Mir Ziaullah
Langove, Saleem Ahmed Khosa and Noor Mohammad Domar (BAP), Mir Nasibullah Khan
Marri (PTI) and Engineer Zamarak Khan Piralizai (ANP).
4. Imran Ismail sworn in as 33rd Sindh governor
 Sindh High Court Chief Justice Ahmed Ali Sheikh administered oath to Pakistan Tehreek-
e-Insaf central leader Imran Ismail as the 33rd governor (According to Daily Nation) of the
province at a ceremony held at the Governor House August 27, 2018.
 The new governor has replaced Muhammad Zubair of the Pakistan Muslim League-
Nawaz, who had resigned after the general elections.

ICEP | CSS – PMS, 6-B, Gulberg III, Near Hotel One, right opposite Tipu Road, in Orbit Institute, ICEP Network. 03222077774.
Prior to his oath-taking ceremony, Mr Ismail, who was elected as a member
of the Sindh Assembly from a Karachi constituency (PS-111) in the July 25 general
elections, sent his resignation as a provincial lawmaker to the speaker.
 In his first media interaction after becoming the governor, he said that he would not
restrict himself to a particular city as the whole province was his domain.
5. KP bans tea at official meetings
 Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Chief Minister Mahmud Khan has imposed a ban on tea during
officials meetings and directed authorities to adopt austerity and simplicity.
 Presiding over a high-level meeting on Bus Rapid Project (BRT), the CM directed
presentation of water in glass rather than bottle and maintained that no tea would be
served on guests during official meetings onward.
 He directed officials to show austerity by avoiding such things in meetings. The CM
directed that no water bottle would be presented in any function rather water for
drinking would be served on guest in glass.

August 28, 2018; International Current Affairs

6. Myanmar army chief must be prosecuted for 'genocide': UN

 UN investigators called August 27, 2018 for Myanmar's army chief to resign and for him
and five other top military commanders to be prosecuted in an international court for
genocide against the country's Rohingya minority.
 The call prompted Facebook, which has been criticised for allowing hate speech against
the Rohingya to flourish, to ban the army chief and remove other pages tied to the
country's military.
 Some 700,000 Rohingya Muslims fled northern Rakhine state to Bangladesh after
Myanmar launched a brutal crackdown in August last year on insurgents amid accounts
of arson, murder and rape at the hands of soldiers and vigilante mobs in the mainly
Buddhist country.
 Myanmar has vehemently denied allegations of ethnic cleansing, insisting it was
responding to attacks by Rohingya rebels.
 But on August 27, 2018, a UN-backed fact-finding mission into violations in Myanmar said
the country's "top military generals, including Commander-in-Chief Senior-General Min
Aung Hlaing, must be investigated and prosecuted for genocide in the north of Rakhine
 They should also be investigated and prosecuted for "crimes against humanity and war
crimes" against the Rohingya in Rakhine, as well as against other minorities in the
northern Kachin and Shan States, the mission said in a report.
7. Russia hit with new US sanctions over nerve agent attack
 The United States imposed new sanctions on Russia on August 27, 2018 over the
attempted assassination of a former spy in Britain using a lethal nerve agent.
 The sanctions include halting foreign aid to Russia, blocking the sale of items or services
related to defence and national security, and banning any government credit support for
any exports to Russia. However, sales and services related to space launches, both
commercial and government, will continue.

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 And the State Department has issued a non-specific `partial waiver` on the
sanctions, a move which could dull their impact.
 The sanctions, first announced August 8, are a response to the March 4 failed attempt to
kill former Russian intelligence agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia Skripal using
Novichok, a military-grade nerve agent developed by the Soviet Union during the Cold
 The British government says the attack in Salisbury, England was undertaken by Russian
8. Israel developing missiles to hit anywhere in Mideast
 Israel is working on a new missile system capable of hitting targets anywhere in the
Middle East, Defence Minister Avigdor Lieberman said on August 27, 2018.
 State-owned arms manufacturer Israel Military Industries (IMI) would deliver `within a
few years` an advanced integrated system `allowing precise hits by remote launching.
 Lieberman added that the contract with IMI was budgeted at `hundreds of millions of
shekels`.The Israeli shekel is currently trading at 3.63 to the US dollar.
 The project for setting up a precision rocket and missile system is underway.
 Foreign military experts say it has several batteries of its Jericho ballistic missile, capable
of delivering nuclear warheads.
 IMI said in 2004 that it had produced a cruise missile, the Delilah, with a range of 250
9. Iran challenges US sanctions at UN court
 Iran demanded on August 27, 2018 that the UN`s top court order the United States to
suspend nuclear-linked sanctions against Tehran, but Washington vowed to `vigorously`
fend off the legal challenge.
 Iran launched a suit at the International Court of Justice over US President Donald
Trump`s decision to reimpose sanctions that were lifted in a landmark 2015 accord.
 Trump says the sanctions are needed to ensure Iran never builds a nuclear bomb. But
Iran`s representative Mohsen Mohebi branded them `naked economic aggression`.
 His team of lawyers told the court in The Hague that the measures were already
devastating Iran`s economy and threatening the welfare of its citizens.
 `The United States is publicly propagating a policy intended to damage as severely as
possible Iran`s economy and Iranian nationals and companies,` Mohebi said. `Iran will put
up the stron-gest resistance to the US economic strangulation, by all peaceful means.
 US lawyers are due to give their response in arguments before the court on August 28,
2018 (today), with experts expecting them to challenge the ICJ`s jurisdiction.

August 28, 2018; Sports Current Affairs

10. Arshad`s bronze gives Pakistan third medal at Asiad

 While Pakistan secured their third medal here at the Asian Games on August 27, 2018
when Arshad Nadeem clinched bronze in javelin throw event, most of country`s athletes
of other disciplines continued to fare poorly at the continental gala.
 The 21-year-old Arshad from Khanewal won the bronze medal hitting the mark of 80.75
metres, with six attempts of 73.52, 76.73, 72.20, 80.75, 77.56 and 72.20.

ICEP | CSS – PMS, 6-B, Gulberg III, Near Hotel One, right opposite Tipu Road, in Orbit Institute, ICEP Network. 03222077774.
 India`s Neeraj Chopra (88.05) won javelin`s gold medal while Liu Qizhen
(82.22) of China seized silver.
 By winning the bronze in Jakarta, Arshad from Khanewal bettered his personal best which
is also Pakistan`s national record from 80.45 metres he achieved in the qualification
round at this year`s Commonwealth Games held on Gold Coast, Australia in April.
 Last year, Arshad seized bronze medal at the Islamic Solidarity Games staged in Baku
where he recorded a mark of 76.33 metres.
 In 2016, he bagged two bronze medals, first at the South Asian Games organised in the
Indian city of Guwahati and then at the Asian Junior Championships held in Ho Chi Minh
City, Vietnam.Prior to Arshad`s bronze, Pakistan had secured two medals at the ongoing
Asiad both bronze in karate and kabaddi.

August 29, 2018

August 29, 2018; National Current Affairs

1. Cabinet forms six bodies to execute reforms agenda

 In a move to implement its 100-day plan of `change`, the federal cabinet on August 28,
2018 set up six committees to introduce reforms in different sectors and to carve out a
new province from Punjab, besides appointing the Intelligence Bureau (IB) director
general and the head of National Counterterrorism Authority (Nacta).
 The cabinet meeting, which was chaired by Prime Minister Imran Khan, also decided to
expedite the process of the merger of the erstwhile Federally Administered Tribal Areas
(Fata) with Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP).
 The cabinet decided to appoint Nacta chairman Dr Mohammad Suleman Khan (a grade-
22 officer of the police service) as IB director general, while commandant of the National
Police Academy Mehr Khalig Dad Lak, also a grade 22 officer, has been appointed as
Nacta chairman in his place.
 Another task force was formed on National Accountability Bureau (NAB) law reforms with
main focus to retrieve national wealth laundered to other countries. Another task force
constituted on Criminal Procedure Code reforms was asked to give its recommendations
within 90 days to address the problems being faced by antiterrorism courts.
 Other task forces were set up for introducing austerity measures, reforms in civil services
/federal government restructuring, civil laws and the health sector.
 One of the important decisions made in the meeting was that the government would not
remove any official working on a contractual basis.
2. Pakistan, India to begin talks on water disputes today
 A nine-member delegation led by the Indian water commissioner arrived on August 28,
2018 for talks with their Pakistani counterparts on water disputes on the platform of the
Pakistan-India Permanent Indus Commission.
 Pakistan Water Commissioner Syed Mohammad Mehar Ali Shah welcomed the
delegation, headed by Indian Water Commissioner Pradeep Kumar Saxena, at the Wagah

ICEP | CSS – PMS, 6-B, Gulberg III, Near Hotel One, right opposite Tipu Road, in Orbit Institute, ICEP Network. 03222077774.
The two-day deliberations on water disputes will begin on August 29, 2018
(today). The talks will be held at the offices of the National Engineering Services of
Pakistan (Nespak) in Lahore.
 The Indian team was earlier supposed to arrive here for talks in July but the visit was
rescheduled in view of the July 25 general elections.
 The water commissioners of the neighbouring countries are required to meet twice a
year and arrange technical visits to projects` sites and critical river headworks.
 A government official said they would raise their concerns over the construction of
1,000MW Pakal Dul and 48MW Lower Kalnal hydroelectric projects on the River Chenab
by New Delhi, ignoring Islamabad`s objections to their designs.
3. Senate panel okays idea of criminalising enforced disappearances
 A Senate committee on August 28, 2018 approved the idea of criminalising enforced
 Chairman of the Senate`s Functional Committee on Human Rights Mustafa Nawaz
Khokhar gave the Ministry ofHuman Rights a month to engage all stakeholders to draft a
bill for criminalising enforced disappearances and making it a punishable offence.
 The directive came after the Chairman of the Commission of Inquiry on Enforced
Disappearances, retired Justice Javed Iqbal, urged the committee to goforlegalsanctions
torecover all missing persons. The meeting was informed that at presentallcases
ofenforced disappearances were registered under Section 365 of the penal code which
dealt with kidnapping.
4. FBR gets new chief
 The Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) government on August 28, 2018 posted a senior officer
of Pakistan Administration Services (PAS), Dr Muhammad Jehanzeb Khan, as chairman
Federal Board of Revenue (FBR).
 Mr Khan has also been given the additional post of secretary Revenue Division.
 The outgoing FBR head, Ms Rukhsana Yasmin, who was posted as the first woman
chairperson of the board on July 2 by the interim government, currently awaits directives
on her new posting.
 Dr Jehanzeb has served in Punjab for 10 years. He was serving as the secretary Board of
Investment after being transferred by interim provincial government.
 Previously, he has served as the chairman Planning and Development Board during the
PML-N government.
 PTI has emerged as the third consecutive party after PPP and PML-N to have posted non-
tax officers from PAS to head FBR right at the start of their respective terms.
 The PPP government had posted PAS officers including Sohail Ahmed, followed by
Salman Siddique as chairmen FBR, while the PML-N government followed the previous
government`s tradition when it posted Tariq Bajwa, a senior officer of PAS as chairman
5. `2.2m abortions per year indicate unmet contraceptive demand`
 A representative of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) on August 28, 2018 said
2.2 million abortions were carried out in Pakistan every year which clearly showed that
there was an unmet demand for contraceptives in the country.

ICEP | CSS – PMS, 6-B, Gulberg III, Near Hotel One, right opposite Tipu Road, in Orbit Institute, ICEP Network. 03222077774.
`Imagine how difficult it would be for a woman in Pakistan to go for an
abortion. It shows that she did not want pregnancy but we failed to provide her the
contraceptive. It is not acceptable at all and we need to do something to avoid such
pregnancies,` Dr Hassan Mohtashami said at the launch of Pakistan Demographic and
Health Survey (PDHS). The survey was conducted by the National Institute of Population
Studies (NIPS).
 Dr Mohtashami said though Pakistan maynot achieve the commitment of family planning
by 2020 it was not about an international commitment rather about the health of
 As many as 34pc women were using any kind of contraceptives. The use of modern
contraceptives was highest in Islamabad and lowest in Balochistan. The trend of unmet
need for family planning has decreased from 31pc (in 1990) to 17pc. Under-five mortality
rate is 74 per 1,000 children and the infant mortality rate is 62 per 1,000 live births.
Around 66pc children received all vaccines and only four per cent did not get any vaccine.
6. `Education, health emergency` in Balochistan
 The Balochis tan government has decided to impose health and education emergency in
the province and bring maximum entities in tax net through widening the working of the
Balochistan Revenue Authority to increase provincial financial resources for reducing
deficit of the current budget.
 These decisions were made in the maiden meeting of the six-party alliance coalition`s
cabinet here on August 28, 2018, which lasted for several hours with Chief Minister Jam
Kamal Khan Alyani in the Chair.
 The newly inducted minister, Zahoor Ahmed Buledi, announced the decisions after the
cabinet meeting.

August 29, 2018; International Current Affairs

7. Russia to hold biggest exercises since Cold War

 Russia will next month hold its biggest war games since the fall of the Soviet Union,
Defence Minister Sergei Sholgu said on August 28, 2018, a massive military exercise that
will also involve the Chinese and Mongolian armies.
 The exercise, called Vostok-2018 (East-2018), will take place in central and eastern
Russian military districts and involve almost 300,000 troops, more than 1,000 military
aircraft, two of Russia`s naval fleets, and all of its airborne units, Shoigu said in a
 The manoeuvres will take place at a time of heightened tension between the West and
Russia, which is concerned about what it says is an unjustified build-up of the Nato
military alliance on its western flank.
 Nato says it has beefed up its forces in eastern Europe to deter potential Russian military
action after Moscow annexed Ukraine`s Crimea in 2014 and backed a pro-Russian
uprising in eastern Ukraine.
8. American poet Sonia Sanchez wins $100,000 prize
 Poet and author Sonia Sanchez has won a $100,000 lifetime achievement prize. The
Academy of American Poets announced on August 28, 2018 that Sanchez is this year’s

ICEP | CSS – PMS, 6-B, Gulberg III, Near Hotel One, right opposite Tipu Road, in Orbit Institute, ICEP Network. 03222077774.
winner of the Wallace Stevens Award. Sanchez, 83, is known for such
collections as Shake Loose My Skin: New and Selected Poems.
 Also on August 28, 2018, five young poets received fellowships worth more than $25,000
 On August 28, 2018, the Poetry Foundation’s Poetry Magazine announced this year’s
winners of the Ruth Lilly and Dorothy Sargent Rosenberg Poetry Fellowship. The poets
are Safia Elhillo, Hieu Minh Nguyen, Sam Sax, Natalie Scenters-Zapico, and Paul Tran.
With prize money totaling $129,000, each will be given $25,800.
 The fellowship was started in 1989. Winners must be between age 21 and 31 and the
money is meant to give them time to write and study poetry. Work from each of the five
winners will appear in the December issue of Poetry Magazine.

August 29, 2018; Sports Current Affairs

9. Pakistan down arch-rivals India in volleyball, thrash BD in hockey

 Of the three victories for Pakistan at the Asian Games on August 28, 2018, there was little
doubt that the one by the volleyball team was the sweetest.
 After all this was against arch-rivals India, even if it was a 9-12th place playoff.
 On a day when the hockey team produced yet another commanding performance,
recording their fifth straight win, and the squash team won its third consecutive match, it
was the 3-1 volleyball victory over India that was most celebrated.
 In a contest lasting 100 minutes, Pakistan came back from a set down to win 21-25, 25-
21, 25-21, 25-23 and will now face China in a 7-10th place playoff.
 Pakistan closed their Pool `B` campaign in hockey with a perfect record after another big
win, thrashing Bangladesh 5-0 to set up asemi-final against Japan on August 30, 2018.
Atig Arshad and Mubashar Ali both scored two goals each while Ali Shan added the other
10. PCB unveils dates of Australia, NZ series in UAE
 Australia will play their first Test since the infamous ball-tampering saga on the ill-fated
tour of South Africa last March when Pakistan host them in the United Arab Emirates in a
two-match series from Oct 7 besides three Twenty20 Internationals.
 New Zealand then arrive in the UAE to take on Pakistan in three Tests, three One-day
Internationals, and as many Twenty20 Internationals.
 According to the schedule announced on August 28, 2018 by the Pakistan Cricket Board
(PCB), Australia open their tour with a four-day first-class fixture against Pakistan `A` at
the ICC Academy in Dubai.
 Pakistan, who are currently the top ranked side in the shortest format, would be playing
six T20 Internationals in the space of 12 days since they also host New Zealand in three
matches from Oct 31 to Nov 4.
 The forthcoming months are probably Pakistan`s busiest in the lead-up to the 2019 ICC
World Cup in England because Sarfraz Ahmed`s men kickstart the international season
with the Asia Cup in the UAE from Sept 15 before playing Australia and New Zealand.

August 30, 2018

ICEP | CSS – PMS, 6-B, Gulberg III, Near Hotel One, right opposite Tipu Road, in Orbit Institute, ICEP Network. 03222077774.
August 30, 2018; National Current Affairs

1. Pakistan to go for arbitration if India ignores concerns

 Pakistan on August 29, 2018 urged India to entertain the objections it has raised over the
construction of the 1,000MW Pakal Dul and 48MW Lower Kalnal hydropower projects on
the River Chenab.
 It conveyed in categorical terms tothe visiting Indian team that Islamabad would
approach the international forums defined in the Indus Waters Treaty (IWT) in case New
Delhi failed to accept the requests as narrated in the detailed objections.
 The nine-member team led by Indian commissioner Pradeep Kumar Saxena had arrived
on August 28, 2018 for talks with their Pakistani counterparts on water disputes on the
platform of the Pakistan-India Permanent Commission for Indus Waters.
 In the first round of talks, Pakistan`s commissioner Syed Mohammad Mehr Ali Shah
raised the objections, possible solutions to the problem, India`s previous replies,
feedback, etc. He told the Indian side that the objections raised were based on facts and
must be resolved under the provisions of the IWT.
2. Three More Ministers get portfolios
 The Punjab government on August 29, 2018 notified portfolios of another three
ministers, while five others are still without any assignment.
 Initially, 15 out of 23 Punjab cabinet members who had taken oath were given portfolios
Chief Minister Usman Buzdar has assigned forestry, wildlife and fisheries ministry to
Sibtain Khan, who was elected from Mianwali (PP-88).
 Malik Nauman Ahmad Langrial, elected from PP-202 (Sahiwal) has been given the charge
of agriculture department, while Malik Muhammad Anwar will head the revenue
depanment. Mr Anwar was elected from PP-04 (Attock).
3. Khyber Pakhtunkhwa cabinet sworn in
 Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Chief Minister Mahmood Khan`s 11-member cabinet was sworn-in
on August 29, 2018 after a last-minute revision of the list of ministers-designate.
 The cabinet swearing-in occurred at the Governor`s House.
 Acting governor Mushtaq Ahmad Ghani administered the oath to the ministers, including
Mohammad Atif Khan, Shahram Khan Tarakai, Dr Hisham Inamullah, Dr. Amjad Ali, Akbar
Ayub Khan, Qalandher Lodhi, Muhibullah, Taimoor Khan Jhagrra, Shakil Khan, Syed
Ishtiaq Urmar and Sultan Mohammad Khan.
4. Massive reshuffle in bureaucracy
 The new government has notified fresh transfers and postings in the top bureaucracy.
 Despite reports that the Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf government was planning to abolish the
Ministry of Capital Administration and Development Division (CADD), Aurangzeb Haque, a
grade-22 officer of Pakistan Administrative Services (PAS), has been appointed its
secretary in place of Saqib Aziz, another grade-22 PAS officer, who has been made
secretary aviation.

August 30, 2018; International Current Affairs

5. Khamenei says ready to abandon nuclear deal if needed

ICEP | CSS – PMS, 6-B, Gulberg III, Near Hotel One, right opposite Tipu Road, in Orbit Institute, ICEP Network. 03222077774.

Iran’s supreme leader warned the country could abandon its nuclear deal
with world powers if it no longer served its interests, even as economic and political
pressure mounted on the government.
 “Naturally, if we reach the conclusion that (the nuclear deal) is no longer maintaining our
national interests, we will put it aside,” Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said in a meeting with the
 Iran must not “pin its hopes” on Europe, despite European efforts to salvage the nuclear
deal following the withdrawal of the United States.
 The government of President Hassan Rouhani has been battered by the return of US
sanctions, which has triggered a rapid departure of foreign firms and ended his hopes of
attracting large-scale investment.
6. German town removes statue of Erdogan after protests
 German firefighters on August 29, 2018 removed a golden statue of Turkish President
Tayyip Erdogan on security grounds after it provoked an angry response from local
 Organisers of an arts festival whose theme this year is `Bad News` had installed the four-
metre statue of Erdogan, with one arm outstretched, on a plinth in the central Square of
German Unity in the western town of Wiesbaden on Monday.
 But the statue got daubed with graffiti, including the slogan `Turkish Hitler`, German
media reported, and a few hundred residents had protested against it.
 Police said they could no longer guarantee people`s safety so firemen used a large crane
to take away the statue under the cover of darkness in the early hours of Wednesday.
7. UN schools for Palestinians reopen despite US funding cut
 TENS of thousands of Palestinian children returned to United Nationsrun schools on
August 29, 2018 after the summer holidays, though major US cuts have thrown their
funding into jeopardy beyond next month.
 Children wearing chequered uniforms and backpacks thronged schools across the
Palestinian territories for the first classes of the new school year, AFP
 The UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) said all 711 schools it
runs for 526,000 pupils in Gaza and the West Bank, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria would
reopen in the next few days despite the $300 million US funding cut.
 Fearsraised by UN chief Antonio Guterres that the schools might not be able to reopen at
all have failed to materialise, but UNRWA warned it might still be forced to close them
again in a month if additional new funding is not found. `At the moment, we do not have
enough money to keep the schools open after the end of September,` said UNRWA
spokesman Chris Gunness.

August 30, 2018; Science/Tehcnology Current Affairs

8. UK plans own satellite system after Galileo exclusion

 Britain will invest in the possible creation of its own satellite-navigation system, the UK
government announced Wednesday, after being excluded from the EU’s Galileo
programme because of Brexit.

ICEP | CSS – PMS, 6-B, Gulberg III, Near Hotel One, right opposite Tipu Road, in Orbit Institute, ICEP Network. 03222077774.
 At the same time, London said it was continuing to negotiate with the
European Union about remaining in the Galileo programme. Britain will invest £92 million
($119 million, 102 million euros), taken from its £3.0-billion Brexit fund, for an 18
months-long study into an alternative UK programme, the government said in a
 “We are investing in an alternative option to Galileo to ensure our future security needs
are met using the UK’s world-leading space sector,” said Business Secretary Greg Clark.
 Britain in June revealed that it had been formally excluded from future contracts for the
Galileo programme that is intended for commercial uses such as logistics as well as for
armed forces and emergency services.
9. Facebook rolls out video service worldwide
 Facebook said August 29, 2018 it is rolling out globally its Watch video service, which has
already been available in the United States for more than a year.
 “We designed the product not just in a mindless consumption but in order to get people
engaged,” said Fidji Simo, Facebook’s vice president for video.
 Facebook launched Watch amid a shift in video viewing habits away from traditional
television to online platforms including Netflix and Hulu, and with more people watching
both professional and user content on services like YouTube.
 Facebook has been ramping up its video offerings with original shows and this week
announced new formats including interactive game shows, quizzes and polls. The
announcement comes two weeks after Facebook revealed it would broadcast for free
Spanish top flight division football matches in the Indian subcontinent, and Champions
League matches in Latin America.
10. Goats can read your face
 Goats can distinguish smiling human faces from frowning ones on photos, and actively
seek out snapshots of happier individuals, a study said August 29, 2018.
 Shown two pictures of the same person - one with a happy expression and the other
angry - 20 domesticated goats in an experiment were more likely to approach the smiling
image and touch it with their snout, said researchers from Europe and Brazil.
 “Goats looked and interacted on average 1.4 seconds with the happy faces and 0.9
seconds with the angry faces,” study co-author Christian Nawroth of the Queen Mary
University of London told AFP.
 “That means that goats spend approximately 50 percent more time to look and interact
with happy images compared to angry ones.”
 The study, published in the journal Royal Society OpenScience, claims to provide the first
evidence of goats reading human emotional expression.

August 31, 2018

August 31, 2018; National Current Affairs

1. Pakistani experts to inspect two Indian hydropower project sites

ICEP | CSS – PMS, 6-B, Gulberg III, Near Hotel One, right opposite Tipu Road, in Orbit Institute, ICEP Network. 03222077774.
India agreed on August 30, 2018 to get sites of its two hydropower projects
1,000MW Pakal Dul and 48MW Lower Kalnal inspected by Pakistani experts by the end of
next month.
 It also assured Pakistan of taking up its objections/concerns over the two projects
seriously by resolving them amicably in the light of technical memorandums to be
prepared and exchanged by the two countries in the next meeting to be held in New
 The major breakthrough of the two-day talks held in Lahore is that India has agreed to
get the projects` sites visited by our experts.
 During the visit, experts will minutely examine the sites, construction in the light of the
provisions of Indus Water Treaty (IWT) and the objections raised by Pakistan to the
aforementioned projects being executed by India over the Chenab River.
 Both delegations headed by Pakistani and Indian commissioners for Indus waters
resumed talks on day two, reiterating their stance over construction of the projects. The
Indian side led by Pradeep Kumar Saxenareviewed Pakistan`s objections minutely. It also
presented its point of view amid justification in response to the objections.
 The Pakistani side led by Commissioner for Indus Water Syed Mohammad Mehr Ali Shah
continued defending its stance, requesting the Indian delegation to address the issues as
sought. However, it was mutually decided that both countries would separately prepare
technical memorandums based on their point of view and possible solutions.
2. Anwar Mansoor appointed attorney general
 After considerable delay, a notification for the appointment of Anwar Mansoor Khan as
Attorney General of Pakistan was issued on August 30, 2018.
 Khalid Jawed, who held the coveted post at the time, had been informed that the
government would like to retain him in the office because of his hard work as well as
clear understanding of the law, which had impressed even the judges of the Supreme
 This is the second time that Anwar Mansoor Khan has become the attorney general. He
earlier served in the position during the tenure of the Pakistan Peoples Party
government. He resigned from the post on April 2, 2010 after reportedly developing
differences with the then law minister, Babar Awan.
 The office of the attorney general is considered to be an important one because
individuals with deep understanding of the law and having considerable experience at
the bar, and who are qualified enough to be appointed as a judge of the Supreme Court,
are chosen to represent the federal government before the superior judiciary as well as
act as a bridge between the two pillars of the state.
 Mr Khan has defended former president Gen Pervez Musharraf before a special court in
the case of high treason. He was commissioned as an officer in the Pakistan Army in 1971
and fought the 1971 war, but resigned in 1973. He became a prisoner of war in 1971.
 He was appointed judge of the Sindh High Court in October 2000, but resigned from the
position on Oct 3, 2001, to rejoin law practice.
3. 10 ministers of Balochistan get portfolios
 The Services and General Administration Department here on August 30, 2018 notified
portfolios of 10 newly appointed ministers and an adviser to the chief minister.

ICEP | CSS – PMS, 6-B, Gulberg III, Near Hotel One, right opposite Tipu Road, in Orbit Institute, ICEP Network. 03222077774.

Sardar Muhammad Saleh Bhootani has been given the portfolio of food, law
and parliamentary affairs, Mir Muhammad Arif Jan Muhammad Hasni finance, Mir
Saleem Ahmed Khosa home and tribal affairs, Nawabzada Mir Tariq Khan Magsi
communications and works, Sardar Noor Muhammad Dumar public health and
engineering, Sardar Sarfaraz Chakar Domki tourism and archives, Mir Zahoor Ahmed
Buledi information, Mir Ziaullah Langove forest and wildlife, Mir Nasibullah Marri health,
and Engr Zamarak Khan Piralizai agriculture and cooperatives.
 Adviser to the chief minister Metha Khan Kakar will look after the affairs of the livestock
and dairy department
4. More than 12 children abused every day in first half of 2018: report
 A report released by the NGO Sahil has revealed that cases of child abuse increased by
32pc in the first six months of 2018 compared to the first half of 2017.
 The report found that a total of 2,322 child abuse cases were reported by newspapers in
all four provinces, as well as Islamabad, Azad Kashmir and GilgitBaltistan. In comparison,
1,764 such incidents were reported from January to June 2017.
 More than 12 children were abused every day during the January to June period of this
year, the data shows. In addition, 1,725 cases were reported from rural areas and 597
from urban areas.
 Cases of sexual abuse of boys increased by 47pc, the report said, while cases of sexual
abuse of girls increased by 22pc compared to last year.
 Children between the ages of six and 15 are the most vulnerable to abuse, the report
 According to the provincial breakdown, 65pc of cases were reported from Punjab and
26pc from Sindh.
 A total of 69 cases were reported from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, 68 from the capital, 55
from Balochistan, 21 from AJK and twofrom GB.
5. Gen Zubair attends meeting of Shanghai cooperation in Moscow
 Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) Committee, Gen Zubair Mahmood Hayat attended
chiefs of general staff meeting of Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) member
states in Moscow.
 The host country briefed the forum on international geopolitical situation and activities
of transnational terrorist organisations in various crisis regions of the world.
 While addressing the forum, the JCS chairman highlighted the contributions of Pakistan`s
armed forces to peace and their immense sacrifices in war against terrorism. On the
sidelines of the event, Gen Hayat also met Gen Li Zoucheng, chief of Joint Staff of Peoples
Liberation Army, and Lt Gen Sobirzoda Emomali Abdurahim, chief of general staff of
6. WB to support green banking in Pakistan
 The International Finance Corporation (IFC) of the World Bank group will support `green
banking` in Pakistan as part of IFC`s commitment to helping countries` transition to
green, low carbon and sustainable economies.
 In this regard IFC has signed an advisory agreement with the State Bank of Pakistan in
Karachi on Wednesday.

ICEP | CSS – PMS, 6-B, Gulberg III, Near Hotel One, right opposite Tipu Road, in Orbit Institute, ICEP Network. 03222077774.
 IFC`s advisory services team will assist the SBP and country`s banking sector
in improving their environmental risk management practices, and ensuring ethical
lending practices.
 The State Bank has already taken an initial step towards this with the issue of its green
banking guidelines last October.
 `Green banking is vital to reduce the vulnerability of the financial sector to environmental
risks and provide financing to make economies more resource-efficient and climate
7. Iranian foreign minister arrives on two-day visit
 Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif landed Islamabad on August 30, 2018 on a two-day
trip to engage with the new government.
 Iranian FM Javad Zarif arrives in Pakistan, the first foreign dignitary to visit Pakistan since
the new government took over.
 FM Zarif had earlier in a telephonic conversation with his Pakistani counterpan Shah
Mehmood Qureshi had indicated his desire to meet the new leadership.
 During his stay in Islamabad, the Iranian foreign minister, besides meeting Mr Qureshi, is
likely to call on other leaders of the new administration. Iran has been warming up to
Pakistan after remaining lukewarm for decades and potentially sees its neighbour as part
of the emerging regional bloc that could include Russia and China. Iran this year
celebrated Pakistan`s Independence Day in an unprecedented manner displaying large
greeting hoardings along major highways in Iranian cities.

August 31, 2018; International Current Affairs

8. Dutch lawmaker cancels blasphemous cartoon contest

 Dutch anti-Islam lawmaker Geert Wilders has cancelled a competition for cartoons
depicting Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) that sparked protests in Pakistan.
 The far-right politician, who is known for his incendiary speeches and protests against
immigration and Islam, said on Thursday he did not want others endangered by the
contest he planned for November.
 “To avoid the risk of victims of Islamic violence, I have decided not to let the cartoon
contest go ahead,” he said in a written statement, claiming to have received death
 The scheduled contest sparked angry protests in Pakistan and a death threat this week
from a 26-year-old man, reportedly a Pakistani, who was arrested on August 30, 2018 in
The Hague. Earlier on August 30, 2018, a Dutch judge extended by two weeks the
detention of the man who allegedly threatened to attack Wilders. Prosecutors said in a
statement that an investigating judge ordered the suspect held while he is investigated
on charges of making a threat, making preparations for a murder and incitement.
 In his emailed statement, Wilders said “The threats resulting from the cartoon contest
are running out of control.”
9. Egypt appoints first-ever Christian woman as governor
 Egypt’s President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi has sworn in several new provincial governors,
including the first-ever Coptic Christian woman to hold the position.

ICEP | CSS – PMS, 6-B, Gulberg III, Near Hotel One, right opposite Tipu Road, in Orbit Institute, ICEP Network. 03222077774.
 Manal Awad Mikhail was appointed governor of Damietta province August
30, 2018. She was previously a deputy for the Giza governor. The reshuffle included new
governors for Cairo, Giza, Luxor, Aswan and North Sinai. Egypt had appointed the first-
ever female governor to the province of Beheira in a reshuffle last year. The Beheira
governor was changed in Thursday’s reshuffle.
 Christians, who constitute about 10 per cent of Egypt’s Muslim-majority population of
100 million, have long complained of discrimination and their under-representation in
top government positions. Christians strongly supported general-turned-president el-Sissi
who led the ouster of his Islamist predecessor.
 Egypt’s current cabinet includes eight female ministers, the highest in the country’s
modern history.

August 31, 2018; Sports Current Affairs

10. Pakistan`s hockey dream ends with stunning loss to Japan

 Pakistan were stunned 1-0 by a disciplined Japan in their semi-final on August 30, 2018,
with Shota Yamada scoring the decisive goal with a penalty corner conversion in the 18th
 Having pumped in 45 goals during the group stage, Pakistan couldn`t even get on the
scoresheet when the stakes got high.
 The hockey team`s run in the lndonesian capital had fuelled hopes that Pakistan would
clinch a record-extending ninth Asian Games gold medal. Now, it will have to fight for
 Pakistan were expected to clash with India in a classic final but after seeing their arch-
rivals, the defending champions, ousted by Malaysia 7-6 in a penalty shootout after a 2-2
draw, Pakistan produced an insipid performance against the Japanese
andregisteredjustfourshotson goal.
 Japan had been thrashed 8-0 by India in the group stage where Pakistan had humbled
Malaysia 4-1.
 Japan played with a total defensive scheme against Pakistan at the Gelora Bung Karno
Stadium Complex, relying only on counterattacks through Kenta Tanaka and Yamada.

ICEP | CSS – PMS, 6-B, Gulberg III, Near Hotel One, right opposite Tipu Road, in Orbit Institute, ICEP Network. 03222077774.

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