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Before reading
1.1 What’s the word?
Listen to the music, Write the word under the
pictures,listen Again to check your answer.

Before reading
1.2 Which one does not belong?
a) Car train plane. school.
b) Banana apple. Bicycle. Pear
c) Ship. Boat. Rocket. Sailboat
d) Bike Motorcycle house cart
1.3Tell your classmate what is your the most common
means of transportation for you? And what should be
the rule when you take on a traffic tool?

Reading one
The accident
Kendra and her mom left their house on Southbank at
8:00 to go to school. Kendra put her safe belt.
whereas Lucy and her mom left their house on
Toowong at 8:10, on the way to school, Lucy bounced
up and down on the seat watching her pigtails fly up
and down on the seat in mirror. She had forgotten to
wear her safety belt. Both moms turned into the
school parking at 8:30, at the same time and they
crashed into each other! Kendra was not hurt. Her
safety belt kept her in her seat. But Lucy fell
forward and bumped her head hard! She cried and
cried. She had to go to the hospital and get on X ray.
Lucy got well in a day or two, but she learned an
important lesson!

1.4.Draw a ☑in the correct column

Kendra Lucy Both

Driven to school by mon
Wore a seatbelt
Live in Southbank
Didn’t wear a safety bell
Was in a wreck
Got an X ray
Live in toowong
Bounced up and down in the
Didn’t got hurt
Learned a lesson

1.5.Read the text and choose the right answer.

(a),What time did Kendra leave home ?
A.8:00 B.8:10 C.8:30
(b)What time did Lucy home?
A.8:00 B.8:10 C.8:30
(c)Why did Lucy got hurt?
A she bounced up and down on the seat
B forgotten to wear her safety belt
C watching her pigtails fly up and down

1.6.Write done one sentence to answer the
following questions:
a) Where is Kendra and Lucy live?

b) What lesson did Lucy learn?

c) What is the author writing about?

d) Why did the author write this story?

e) What What inspired you from the story?

After reading:
Rocket [‘rɒkɪt] n.
Plane [pleɪn] n.
Safety belt n.
Extend reading:
People have been making boats for thousands of years.
Long ago, people made simple canoes by carving out
logs. They joined wooden or bamboo poles together to
make rafts. They used paddles to move these boats.
Later, people built sailboats. Sails catch the wind and
push boat across the water. Sailboats are faster than
boats with paddles.
Eventually steamboats replaced sailboats. Coal was
burned to heat water. The steam from the water
power the boats.
Today ships are powered mainly by diesel or gas.
Before reading:
2.1 Listen to the music and Match the words into
the right picture.

2.2.Discuss with your partners
• What are your favorite fruits?
• Why do you think it is important to eat fruit?

Reading two
An apple day
Apples have many colors! Apples come in three colors.
Apple can be red, yellow or green. lots of other fruits
come in only one color, like oranges. An orange can
only be orange!
Apples are tasty. Apples are crisp and sweet. You can
bite right into an apple and enjoy it right away. You
can’t just bite an orange! You have to peel oranges
first. They get so sticky and messy.
Apples can be made into lots of other foods. An apple
can be made into a pie. An apple can be made into a
cake. But oranges are mostly just made into juice.
Apples taste good and are good for you.
Remember that an apple a day keeps the doctor away!

2.3.Read the text and decide whether the

statements are true, false or not given.
a) Apple can be orange.
b) The author think apple is better than orange.
c) Orange only can be orange, not other colors.
d) Many people eat an apple a day.
e) Apple and orange both can made into pie.
f) Doctor always do not eat apple.

2.4.Match the words and phrases to their
1. Fruit a small meal
2. Snack a drink made from fruit
3. Messy hard or firm
4. Crisp cover with other things
5. Sticky a food that grow from seed
6. Juice not clean

2.5.Reading the text, complete the compare and

contrast chart on apples and oranges.

questions apples oranges

What color are they?

How can they be eaten?

What other foods can

they be made into?

2.6.Reading the text and answer the questions
1) What is the main idea of paraphrase 1

2) What is the main idea of paraphrase 2

3) What is the main idea of paraphrase 3

After reading:
Fruit [fruːt] n.
Snack [snæk] n.
Messy [‘mesɪ] adj
Grape [greɪp] n.
Crispy [‘krɪspɪ] adj

Extend reading:
Plants as food
Stone fruits, fruits with pits, also grow on trees.
They have one hard seed covered with soft flesh.
Peaches, plums, cherries and apricots are stone fruits.
Many fruits are quite small. Strawberries,
raspberries and blackberries are all small fruits with
lots of seeds. They grow on small plants or bushes in
cool area.
Apple and pears grow on trees in cool area. They both
have a core with small seeds inside. Some apples are
grown to made juice to drink.
3.1.Before reading:
Listen to the music and fill in the missing letters.





T_l_ _ision
Reading three:
Box night news
Monday night all the neighbors gather in Dave’s
grandmothers’ backyard to watch television.
Everyone gathers around the small screen when the
news comes on. Nana turns the volume right up so we
can hear it over the cicadas.
“Sunday afternoon a young girl went missing from
Queensland. Police, fireman and family joined in the
search, but it was a young lad by the name of Kevin
and his dog peter who eventually found her asleep
under a tree. This little girl was safe and well.”
“that’s me, that’s me” Alice cries.

3.2choose the correct conjunction to fill each gap.

1. Everyone gathers around the small scree___the
A or B when. C so. D but
2. Everyone can hear____Nana turns the volume
right up.
A until. B because C while D unless
3. Kevin ___peter help the police find the little girl.
A or B so C but. D and
4. Police, firemen and neighbors searched ___ they
found the little girl.
A While B until C or D. although
5. The little girl was sleeping,___kevin and peter
woke her up.
A or B if C but. D because
3.3 each sentence contains a conjunction, circle it.
a) I can’t watch television because I haven’t finish
my homework.
b) She turned up the volume, but I still couldn’t hear.
c) The TV was too loud, so I asked him to turn down
d) I ate my sandwiches while I watched the news.
e) I like programs about animals and the environment.
f) He switched off the television when he went to

3.4 in the following text, choose the correct word

to fill in each gap.
Police A firemen looked everywhere for the little girl,
B they cannot find her. They thought they would have
a better chance C the search party was bigger, D
they asked the neighbors to join them.
A 0 but. 0 and 0 because. 0 so
B 0 or. 0 unless 0 so 0 but
C 0 if. 0 but 0 although 0 until
D 0 but 0 unless 0 so 0 or

3.5 complete the sentence.

a. There is a TV in my room, but_____________
b. The neighbors joined in search for the missing girl
because _____________________________
c. Peter the dog started barking when_________
d. Dave’s grandad moved the TV outside
e. Neighbors get together every night and______

After reading:

Compute [kəm'pjuːt]
Television [ˈtelɪvɪʒn]
Phone. [fəʊn]
News [njuːz]
Neighbors. ['neɪbəz]

Extend reading:
Almost everyday, mail comes to
your home, this mail is delivered by
a man or woman. This mail is not like
email. This mal is called postal mail.
Postal mail might be a birthday card.
It could be a letter or a paycheck. It might be a bill
to pay. Postal mail comes in a closed envelop. In the
top corner in a stamp.
The person who brings the mail is called mail carrier.
A mail carrier works hard to deliver the mail. Even if
there is rain or a storm, a mail carrier brings the mail.
When the weather is below zero, a mail carrier still
works. A mail carrier even walks through deep snow.


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