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Compound sentence (kalimat majemuk) adalah kalimat yang mengandung sekurang-kurangnya dua

independent clause yang dihubungkan oleh coordinating conjunctions, correlative conjunctions, atau
semicolon (i.e. ; ).

Some of the campers went into the woods to find dry tree branches for cooking, and the others built the
Rini and Rere are chitchatting by the door, John is reading his book, Dodo is flattering Angelina on the
class corner, but Didit is sleeping on his desk. (chitchat = ngobrol, flatter = merayu).
I had nothing to do last night, so I went out to see a movie by myself. (by myself = alone = sendirian,
tanpa teman).
Neither my parents nor I heard of my cousin’s accident. (Baik orang tua saya maupun saya
tidakmendengar tentang kecelakaan (yang dialami) sepupu saya).
My parents went to Puncak for their vacation; my brother and I went to Bali for ours. Note: Kalimat ini
mengandung dua independent clause yang dihubungkan oleh semicolon. Penggunaan semicolon
merupakan alternatif untuk menggabungkan independent clause tanpa menggunakan conjunction.
Kalimat ini juga dapat ditulis menjadi: My parents went to Puncak for their vacation, but my brother and
I went to Bali for ours. (i.e. semicolon diganti dengan tanda koma dan coordinating conjunctionbut).

Correlative Conjunctions

Correlative conjunctions adalah konjungsi yang dipakai untuk menghubungkan unsur-unsur

kalimat antara kata dengan kata, frase dengan frase, dan klausa dengan klausa (seperti halnya
coordinating conjunctions).

Konjungsi ini selalu digunakan berpasangan. Unsur-unsur kalimat yang dihubungkan harus
mempunyai kedudukan sejajar (parallel) sesuai dengan struktur gramatikal. Jika subjek singular
dan plural dihubungkan, maka subjek yang paling dekat akan menentukan apakah verb itu
singular atau plural.

Konjungsi yang umumnya digunakan adalah:

- both…and
- either…or
- neither…nor
- not only…but also
- whether…or

-He can both speak and write Japanese.
- Both my uncle and my brother play the guitar.
- I’m going to buy either a tablet or a CD player with the money.
- Either he goes or I go.
- Shakespeare was not only a writer but also an actor.
- He not only read the novel, but also remembered what he had read.
- He is neither rich nor famous.
- Neither Tom’s mother nor his father spoke English.
- Whether you win this race or lose it doesn’t matter as long as you do your best.
- She was uncertain whether to stay or leave.
- I didn’t know whether to believe him or not.

Jika menggunakan coorelative conjunctions untuk menghubungkan independent clauses,

sebaiknya gunakan tanda baca koma (,) sebelum klausa yang kedua.
- Either Jane will conclude the experiment by April, or she will ask for additional research
Contoh Buat presentasi
 Either Jane will conclude the experiment by April, or she will ask for additional research
 Not only Jolie was a basketball player, but also her daughter was a football player.
 Neither Jeena went to islands trip for fill the holidays, nor her husband went to
mountains for fill the holidays.
 Whether he ask the full sad story, or she will depressed for a while.
 Both her dad was a angrier, and her mom was a kindly person.
 You need to collect your homework before the teacher leaves the class.
 Not only do students enjoy summer vacation, but they also enjoy Christmas break.
 Whether teachers are happy or they are sad, all are dedicated to student's success.
 Not only did Michael grill a steak for Tiffany, but he also prepared a hotdog for Rocket,
her dog.
 Both she won’t go home, and her boyfriend won’t leave her.
 Either the ants love a sweet food, or a child love a sweet food.

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