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Tangent Function

The tangent function

f(x) = a*tan(bx+c)+d

and its properties such as graph, period, phase shift and asymptotes are explored
interactively by changing the parameters a, b, c and d using an applet. See figure
below for main panel of the applet showing the graph of tangent function in blue and
the vertical asymptotes in red

You may also want to consider another tutorial on the trigonometric unit circle .

Once you finish the present tutorial, you may want to go through a self test on trigonometric
graphs .

Interactive Tutorial

How do the 4 coefficients a,b,c and d affect the graph of f(x)?

1.  use the scrollbar to set a=1,b=1,c=0 and d=0. Write down f(x) and take note of the
period phase shift and positions of asymptotes (in red)of f(x)? Now change a , how does
it affect the graph?

2.  set a=1,c=0,d=0 and change b. Find the period from the graph and compare it to pi/|b|.
How does b affect the graph of f(x)?How does it affect the asymptotes?

3.  set a=1,b=1,d=0 and change c starting from zero going slowly to positive large values.
Take note of the shift, is it left or right, and compare it to -c/b.
4. set a=1,b=1,d=0 and change c starting from zero going slowly to negative smaller values.
Take note of the shift, is it left or right, and compare it to -c/b.
5. repeat 3 and 4 above for b=2,3 and 4.
6. set a,b and c to non zero values and change d. What is the direction of the shift of the
7. What parameters affect the positions of the asymptotes? Explain algebraically.

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