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The 3MS of waste that used in Toyota production system which are the wasteful

practices in manufacturing process:

First Muda:
Means any activity that doesn't add any value that actually waste your time, money and
resources. According to Taiichi Ohno, Muda contains of 7 forms of wastes which are
transport, motion, inventory, overproduction, over-processing, waiting and defects. It also
consists of two types the activities that can be eliminated easily using Kaizen, and the
activities that can't be eliminated immediately.

Second Mura:
Mura is the waste of inconsistency which means failing to meet our demand due to
setting unfair demands on certain processes.

Third Muri:

Muri is causing overburden which means putting unnecessary pressure on the employees
and the processes. In fact, Muri is caused by Mura and other causes such as lack of training,
not using the right tools and failing in defining the right ways of working.

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