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Unit of competence: prevent and eliminating MUDA.

Hardware and Network Servicing Level III
Database Administration Level III

Module Title: Prevent and Eliminate MUDA

LG Code: EIS HNS3 M01 1220 LO (1-4) LG (1-4)

TTLM Code: EIS HNS3 TTLM01 1220v1

Learning Outcomes(LO)
LO #1: Prepare for work
LO #2: Identify muda
LO #3: Eliminate wastes/MUDA
LO #4: Prevent occurrence of wastes/MUDA

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Introduction Prevent and Eliminate MUDA

Muda is a Japanese word meaning "futility; uselessness; wastefulness", and is a key concept in lean process
Waste or MUDA is anything that does not have value or does not add value. Waste is something the
customer will not pay for.
Toyota Production System (TPS) as one of the three types of deviation from optimal allocation of resources
(the others being MUDA, MURA and MURI).
Muda mean futility/waste that does not necessary in doing of something in (in company or in some
types of work place.
Mura mean Un-evenness, which means no have common pattern. Mura in company is refers to
something over production or under needs/production.
Muri mean over burden, which means overloading of doing something.
 Note: Preventing and Eliminating Muda, Mura and Muda Improve Quality, Speed Efficiency and
Decrease Cost.
Using work instructions
In Prevent and Eliminating MUDA Using Work Instruction is very important.
Work Instruction is an Information about the work. It is a document containing detailed instructions that
specify exactly what steps to follow to carry out an activity.
Work Instruction is describe what workers need to be able to do on the jobs that contains:
- Work functions
- Key activities of each work function
- Performance indicators
Work Instruction is describe what task to be done or work roles in a certain occupation Work instruction is a
description of the specific tasks and activities within an organization. The process of work within the rule and
regulation is called Work procedure.
Note: Procedures describe a process,whileawork instruction describes how to perform the conversion
(exchange) itself.
The PDCA in Work Instruction and Procedure
The PDCA process approach (Plan, Do, Check, Act) is used to capture the relevant information.
Questions that need to be answered in a procedure include:
 Where do the inputs come from (suppliers)?
 Where do the outputs go (customers)?
 Who performs what action when (responsibilities)?
 How do you know when you have done it right (effectiveness criteria)?
 What feedback should be captured (metrics)?
 How do we communicate results (charts, graphs and reports)?
 What laws (regulations) or standards apply?
Job Requirements
A Job can be defined as a piece of work, especially a specific task done as part of the routine of one's
occupation or for an agreed price.
 A post of employment; full-time or part-time position
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 Anything a person is expected or obliged to do; duty; responsibility
 The process or requirements, details, etc., of working.
 The execution or performance of a task
The basic requirements for a job are:
1. Work Discipline is having receptiveness for your duties or staff members.
2. Enthusiasm: Enthusiasm for work is also a pre-requisite for any job/job interest.
3. Qualifications: This is a more material, tactile need for a job which can be conveyed through degrees
and certificates.
4. Soft Skills: Soft skills include those skills which ensure that a job is executed well.
Example: good and smooth communication, computer skills, proficiency in language if needed, presentable
appearance, the ability to manage crises are all soft skills.
Job Specification A statement of employee/workers characteristics and qualifications required for
satisfactory performance of defined duties and tasks comprising a specific job or function.
Observing OHS Requirements
 Occupational safety and health (OSH) is an area concerned with the safety,health
andwelfare of people engaged in work or employment.
 OHS is commonly referred to as occupational health and safety (OHS) or workplace health
and safety (WHS)
 The goals of occupational safety and health programs include fostering a safe and healthy
work environment.
 "The main focus in occupational health is on three different objectives:
(i) the maintenance and promotion of workers’ health and working capacity;
(ii) the improvement of working environment and work to become conducive to safety and health
(iii) Development of work organizations and working cultures in a direction which supports health and
safety at work and in doing so also promotes a positive social climate and smooth operation and
may enhance productivity of the undertakings.
Workplace hazards and Risk
 Workplace hazards also present risks to the health and safety of people at work.
 Hazard is a source or situations that result will be injuries or damage.
 Risk is a chance of something result will be injuries or damage.
NB: Hazard and Risk is occurs according to lack of OHS/WHS.
Controlling Hazard and Risk
There are three hierarchy levels to controlling Hazard and Risk.
1, eliminating them, if we can.
2, minimize them
3, introducing other controls like, save workplace practice.
Tools and Equipment used for Waste/Muda measurement and Identification
The equipment and tools need for Muda/Waste measurement and identifications are:-
 Dust Masks
 Glove
 Working cloth Body & Skin Protection
 First aid and safety shoes
The following are some additional tools and equipment used to identify, measure and controlling
Waste/Muda are:
 Tape (any length measuring device)
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 Stop watch tool
 Photo Camera
 Video Camera
 Calculator of duties.

Identify Muda
The Concept of Waste/Muda Waste/Muda is any activity which consumes resources, such as money, time,
energy, materials, etc.
 The three categories of operation. Any operation has the following operations.
 Net Operation/Value Adding Operation
 Non-Value Adding Operation
 ”Muda’’
Definition of terms
Value: Value is defined by the next customer (Know your Customer’s Need). The activity/effect exactly what
the next customer needs is value adding activity.
Internal customer: - is the customer within a production line/service delivering sequence that is next to the
previous process and makes his/her own process.
External customer: - is the customer that buys the final out put product/service of the enterprise.
Net Operation/Value Adding Operation): Part of an operation that adds value to make parts and products or
deliver service. In other words, it is part of the operation that the customer exactly needs / willing to pay for.
Examples - Water Sampling, Operating Gates, Controlling Flow, etc.
Non-Value Adding Operation: Part of operation that adds no value but cannot be avoided rather it can be
reduced. Example: Conducting inspection, diverting flow to repair leak in a canal, etc.
Muda: Muda is a Japanese word meaning Wasteful Activity which use resources, time or cost without adding
Planning for MUDA Identification
This is the part of to be done in eliminating Muda at the work place. It is the first activity in identification and
elimination of Muda.
Planning for identification of the problem including:
 Identify the problem to be examined
 Formulate a specific problem statement to clearly define the problem
 Set measurable and attainable goals
 Identify stakeholders and develop necessary communication channels to communicate and gain approval
Benefits of Eliminating Muda for Customers and Manufacturer/Service Provider
Targets of Customer: Customer is the one who buys products/services from manufacturers/service providers.
 Customer needs better quality
 On time delivery
 Reasonable price.
Costcan be of Manufacturingor ServiceDeliveringcost= (material+labor +facility+Utility+ others) cost.
Sales price= (manufacturing or service delivery) cost+ profit.

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Sample muda sheet of planning for MUDA Identification

S.No Type of waste/muda Descript Cause of Problem Solution Responsibility
ion the waste imposed by the
1 Overproduction
2 Transportation
3 Motion/Indication
4 Defect/Fault/failing
5 Inventory
6 Waiting
7 Extra Processing
Methods for Categorizing Types of Wastes/Muda
Howtofind it andeliminateit.
 The three Mus
 The 3M + Q + S
 The flow of goods
 The seven deadly wastes
1. Muda (waste) = Capacity exceeds load.
2. Mura (inconsistency or variation) = capacity sometimes exceeds the load and the load sometimes
exceeds capacity.
3. Muri (irrationality/physical or mental overburden) = load exceeds capacity.
The 5M
Another way of thinking about waste is to focus on the areas where waste may occur: the 3M (man,
material, machine, method and management), plus quality and safety.

TheSeven DeadlyWastes
1. Overproduction: - Toproduce things morethannecessaryintermsoftype,time, andvolume.Itis
called“theworst kind ofMuda”sinceithidesalltheother wastes.
2. Inventory: -Thesituationwhere items suchas rawmaterials,work in process and finished goodsare
stagnant or which arenothavingvalue added tothem.
3. Motion: - Theseare non-value addingmovements ormorethannecessary movements ofworkers,
4. Conveyance/Transportation: - Itis unnecessarytransportationofparts between processes
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causedbyunnecessarytransportation distance
5. Waiting/idletime: - Refers to both human andmachinewaiting. This
includesallkindsofwasteoftimesuchas workers or parts waiting.
6. Defect making: -This includesdefects,inspectionsfor defectsin-process,and
7. Extra Processing: - Thisconsists ofprocessingandoperationsprimarilyunnecessary.Itis
processingbeyondthestandard requiredbythecustomer.
Note: -In addition to 7 types of wastes there is 8th type of waste, which is called “Skills Underutilized /
Non-Utilized Talent”.
The 8types of Muda/wastes are as follows(DOWNTIME).

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Written Test Directions: Answer all the questions listed below. Use the Answer sheet provided in the next
Instructions: Answer all the questions listed below. Illustrations may be necessary to aid some
explanations/answers. Write your answers in the sheet provided.
1. Define the word Muda?
2. What is the meaning of job? (2 points)

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3. List the requirements of job. (5 points)
4. What is the meaning of work? (2 points)
5. Describe work instruction in your own words. (5 points)
6. Explain the difference between procedure and work instruction? (5 points)
7. Define job specification? (3 points)
8. What is OHS represents for
9. What is OSH represents for?

10. What does WHS represent for?

11. What are the goals of OHS?

12. List at least two examples of OHS requirements in your work areas. List at least four workplace hazards?
13. Write the three categories of operation
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14. List at least four tools and equipment used to identify and measure Muda. (5
15. What is the target of customers and manufacturer/service provider?
16. What is the difference between traditional and kaizen thinking on price setting, cost and profit?
17. What is value?
18. Describe the 3MU’s and their relationships.
19. What are the seven deadly wastes/Muda?
20. Describe the seven deadly wastes/Muda?

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