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1. Lesson Plan Name: ​Healthy Me

2. Grade Level: ​1st Grade
3. Suggested group size:​​ Whole group
4. Subject:​​ Health (Nutrition)
5. Standard:​​ NUTRITION It is expected that students will:
(1)3.1 identify examples of healthy snacks that promote growth and well-being
(1)3.2 categorize foods into various groups (e.g., fruits/vegetables, solids/liquid,
breakfast/lunch/ dinner)
HEALTH GRADE ONE (continued)
(1)3.3 describe the importance of eating a healthy breakfast
(1)3.4 discuss the importance of water and how it relates to good health
6. Objective: ​Students will learn about the food pyramid, identify its food groups ,
understand why breakfast is the most important meal of the day and prepare a healthy
7. Materials needed to facilitate the lesson:​​ A computer, powerpoint, worksheets,
crayons, scissors, plates, forks, napkins, dishes (fruits, bread etc.)
8. Procedures:
-Turn on computer, open powerpoint.
-Present the lesson of the day “Healthy Me”. Have students take notes, ask questions
while going through the lesson.
-After finishing the lesson grab worksheets. Explain worksheets.
-Students will be given a worksheet with a food pyramid on it. Then pass out the
worksheet that has pictures of food items.
-Pass out, scissors and crayons.
-Have students colors in the food items and also have them cut them out.
-Students have to place the items where they think they belong on the food pyramid, they
are allow to use notes or talk to their shoulder partner.
-Once student is done, have them raise their hand and you (teacher) check their work to
make sure it is placed in the correct spot. **If it is, hand them glue, if not, give them a second
chance and help student IF they want your help.
Move on to next assignment
-Students will work with their shoulder partner.
-On a big table place all the dishes (fruits bread etc)
-Give each group (groups of 2 if even) a plate, 2 forks and napkins
-You (teacher) stay at the table and call out groups one by one.
-Ask the children what they would like on their plate and help them serve it.
-After everyone is done, have the groups present what they choose, why and what food
group it belongs.
-After presentations are over the students may eat their food.
9. ​Assessment: ​I will be grading my students on
The worksheet
Dish they prepared/presentation
A total of 15 points
-All my students should get ​5 points​​ on the worksheet since I will personally check it
before they glue the pieces
-If students fail to inform me to check their worksheets then their grade will drop.
-Grade may also drop if pictures are not colored in.

Presentation/preparing dish is worth ​10 points

-​​If students explain what food group the items on their plate correctly belong and they tell
me why they chose those items than they get a perfect score
-If they say something like “I picked yogurt because I like to eat it” their score will not be
a 10.
-Also I want to see how well they work with their partner, that will count towards their
grade as well.

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