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Carol King-Ries Wilmington University

Week 4 Review October 7, 2018

Time Account:

Tuesday, 10/2/18 8:30am – 2:30 pm

6 hours DVI Offices

Thursday, 10/4/18 9:30 am – 3 pm

5.5 hours DVI offices

Total: 11.5 hours this week

48.5 hours to date


This week I completed interviews with the Social Services Administrator, the Sr. Fiscal
Accounting Officer, and the Independent Living Supervisor. Deb Bradl, the Social Services Administrator
and I spoke about her role in the organization, the Comprehensive Statewide Needs Assessment (CSNA),
underserved populations such as Latinos, and taking a more holistic view of working with clients. My
meeting with the Sr. Fiscal Accounting Officer, Olu Ogunsola, was also interesting. We talked about the
various funding streams for the agency, the challenges, and the current funding situations. We also
spoke of the benefits of having a good team with experience, expertise, and dedication. My meeting
with Melody May, the Independent Living supervisor, highlighted the work they do, their challenges and
strengths. All three were enlightening to me.

I also began making my phone calls to parents. My first call was a home run with a parent who
is also an educator and advocate. We talked for a while about what parents could stand in need of, and
what he was willing to volunteer for with regards to parent support. After that call, I got many voice
mails, a few answers with request to call in the evening. I approached Elisha about this, and was told
that we may have to take another approach due to some concerns that had been voiced by others with
regards to FERPA.
After talking further with Elisha during supervision, we may try the approach of interviewing a
small group of parents to get feedback, and then proceed with developing a plan to engage parents. We
will discuss further and develop a plan next week.

Task Assigned:

 Integrate the June survey questions into my survey

 Completed

 Review Parent Engagement presentation

Given by S. Bryson

In progress

 Review DVI Strategic plan

Given by E. Jenkins


Task I have assigned myself:

Research and understand FERPA regulations as it applies to parent engagement

In Progress

 Find my way around the maze of DVI offices

In progress

 Review the Org. Chart for DVI


 Create a list of people to talk with and review with Elisha

 Meet with Education survey team

Initial meeting accomplished

 Research Volunteer support grants

In progress

 Get Annual Volunteer report from R. Huber

Next week

Schedule for next week:

Wednesday Materials Center 9 am – 1 pm

Thursday DVI Offices 9 am – 3 pm

People I met with:

Deb Bradl Social Services Administrator

Olu Ogunsola Sr. FAO

Melody May Independent Living Supervisor

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