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Action Plan

Tajuk: Aplikasi Teknik Bercerita dalam Proses Pengajaran

Title: dan Pembelajaran untuk Murid Berkeperluan Khas
Embedding Storytelling Techniques in Teaching
Students with Special Needs

Kaedah Pelaksanaan: Bengkel

Method of Workshop

Tempoh Masa: 3 hari

Duration: 3 days

Objektif: Bengkel ini bertujuan untuk menggalakkan

Objective: penggunaan teknik bercerita sebagai satu kemahiran
pedagogi dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran murid
berkeperluan khas.

This workshop aims to promote storytelling

techniques as part of the pedagogical skills in teaching
students with special needs.

Hasil Pembelajaran: Guru pendidikan khas dapat:

Learning Outcomes  Menggunakan pelbagai teknik, permainan, lagu
dan kaedah pengulangan bercerita untuk
meningkatkan peluang kejayaan proses
pengajaran dan pembelajaran dalam kelas .
 Mengadaptasikan teknik bercerita mengikut
keupayaan kognitif murid berkeperluan khas
dalam kelas.

Special education teachers are able to

 Apply various techniques, games, songs and
story repetition methods to increase the
chances of success in teaching students with
special needs.
 Adapt storytelling techniques according to the
cognitive capability of students with special

Sasaran: Guru pendidikan khas dalam perkhidmatan, guru

Target Learners pendidikan khas pra perkhidmatan, dan pensyarah
pendidikan khas IPGM

In service teachers, pre service teachers, and special

education lecturers from Malaysia Teacher Training
Pengetahuan sedia ada Peserta bengkel mempunyai:
Pre knowledge  Pengetahuan awal tentang lagu kanak-kanak
dan proses bercerita;
 Pengetahuan tentang ciri-ciri murid
berkeperluan khas

Participants possess:
 prior knowledge of nursery rhymes and
 Basic knowledge regarding the characteristics
of students with special needs

Steps of Day 1:
implementation:  Ice breaking;
 Introduce types of storytlling;
 Training voices and facial expression;
 Postures and movements;
 Embedding song in storytelling;
 Brainstorming.

Day 2:
 Introduce ways to tell story for students with
special needs;
 Select right stories and storytelling styles;
for students with special needs: simple stories;
stories with songs, tell stories in group;
 Try out storytelling in group.

Day 3:
 Preparing stories
 Preparing props
 Storytelling presentation
 Course evaluation and reflection

Pertimbangan:  Peruntukan kewangan

Considerations  Kekangan masa
 Kurang sokongan daripada pihak pentadbiran
 Bebanan kerja

 Budget allocation
 Time constraint
 Lacking support from the superior
 Workload

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