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Music ministry guide

The music ministry plays a vital role in the CLP. It provides vibrancy and
excitement so that every CLP session is full of life. It also helps in building up
the right atmosphere in our CLP sessions; it may also act as a tool for us to
attract single men women to join our CLP. Music can also help in removing
the common notion of people that our activities or communities like Singles
for Christ (SFC) is boring and is only for those who are religious and the likes.

The music ministry can help in making our CLP a very successful one,
especially if it is utilized in its fullest potential. It needs not to be a very
elaborate one, what it only needs to do is to know and serve its purpose and
role in the CLP.

Goals of the music ministry

1. To provide a vibrant and exciting atmosphere in the CLP sessions by

playing music.
2. To introduce and make the participants appreciate praise and worship
songs as part of our Christian lives.
3. To support the team leader in teaching and leading the participants in
praise and worship.
4. To provide any musical requirements that the CLP needs. (Reflection
songs, creative, etc..)

Roles of the music ministry

1. Helps the team leader in leading the participants in worship session.
2. Teaches songs to the participants.
3. Plays gathering songs when the session is about to start.

Instruments & materials

1. Remember the goal is to make the CLP a vibrant and dynamic one,
this doesn’t mean that in every session you need to put up a full band
set up. You just need to inject excitement in our playing. A guitar/
keyboard will serve this purpose, although you can upgrade the set up
in some sessions if needed. For instance, in session 9 and 12 you can
upgrade to full band set up to provide more support to the sessions. In
the other sessions you can add a beat box, shaker or other acoustic
instrument to make the music more exciting.

2. The singers/ the vocal section, more than anything else make sure you
sing in tune. If the there will be 3 or more people singing it will be good
to assign a lead vocalist to lead the rest of the group. This can minimize
pitch problems. Do not exaggerate things what you do is helping
people sing songs for the Lord and not for other reasons.

3. Prepare a song sheet for the songs you will be playing and teaching.
Since the participants are still new to this songs need some visual aid to
help them memorize the songs.

How to teach a song

1. Greet the participants, build rapport and make them comfortable. It
would easier for you teach and for them to learn the song if you are in
a comfortable and friendly atmosphere.
2. Sing the whole song first. Make sure you sing it correctly and you know
the song by heart. Be confident it is hard to teach if you yourself is not
very sure in your singing.
3. Teach the song line by line or part by part by asking them to repeat
after you. You can start with the chorus first since it is the part of the
song that has more recall then work your way to the other parts of the
song (verses, refrain, bridge, etc). Take note of some difficult parts of
the song make sure they get the right way of singing it. Repeat this
pattern 2 to 3 times.
Note: make sure you have a song sheet or the lyrics are flashed on the
screen when you teach.
4. Be conscious of the time, you don’t want to use up so much time in
teaching a song. When you noticed they already got a good hold of
the song invite them to sing the whole song one more time.
5. Take time to use and review the song. If possible sing it in the opening
of the session or in closing. Play the song in the succeeding sessions to
help them get familiarized with it.

Suggested songs to teach per session

Below are list of suggested songs to teach, you can follow this list or use it as a
guide in choosing which song/s to teach in a particular session.

Orientation – Freedom
Session 1 – I know & one in your love
Session 2 – Praiseworthy & great God
Session 3 – God is enough & by your grace
Session 4 – Truly home & I give my all
Session 5 – grateful & have your way
Session 6 – life to the full & nothing more
Session 7 – god of all grace & hallelujah
Session 8 – all for you & larger than life
Session 9 – ablaze & heaven
Session 10 – live for you & set the world on fire
Session 11 – move & mission ready
Session 12 - god in me

Other songs;
Send me
I stand
Walk on water
Follow you
Power and majesty
Win the world
Your everything
Never be the same
With you

*all songs in the list are original CFC songs

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