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Underground Space. Vol. 1, pp. 135- 156. ©Perga mon Press 1976. Printed in U.S.A.

The Architectural Underground

Star Route, Mechanicsville, PA 18934

Underground space is a resource of great potential benefit which has

been exploited in different parts of the world for thousands of years.
While some cultures literally have lived an underground existence, others
have yet to realize any of the benefits of subsurface use. This article is
concerned with the use of underground space for architectural applica-
tion, i.e., designed for the purpose of human habitation or occupance
for the tasks of daily life. Historical underground applications usually
revolve around a few primary themes, which were the subject of Part I.
The major emphasis of interest in the subsurface has shifted several
times in the past few decades, during which a rich assortment of
building types and forms has emerged. Part II examines these modern
forms and functions with the intention of summarizing our current state
of practice.

PART II: FORMS AND FUNCTIONS IN Considering the scope of conventional profes-
THE MODERN WORLD sional practice, near-surface terratectural building is
Introduction likely to be the only form of subsurface construc-
PART I of this article described the heritage of tion within the capability or interest of most archi-
undergound space use and identified several major tectural offices. It is not surprising then that the
themes of subsurface development evident through- overwhelming majority of modern instances of
out history in various cultures of the world. These underground architectural application fall into this
themes consist of climatic, ·defensive, and resource- category; for this reason, Part II will deal exclusive-
related responses to the local environment, and of ly with terratectural alternatives in architectural
ceremonial or experientially-related uses of the sub - design.
surface derived from its symbolic and physical
The Relationship Between Fonn and Function
The relationship between form and function has
Also in Part I, a distinction was made between
always been at issue in the development of a theory
types of underground development which are ex-
or an aesthetic of modern architecture. In possibly
cavated in self -supporting media and those which
no other mode of architectural design is this rela-
are built up through the practice known as cut-and-
tionship - at least regarding the typology of form
cover construction. This first technique has been
- more critical to the satisfactory performance of a
described as lithotecture, which generally assumes
building than in subsurface applications.
some method of subsurface excavation (such as
Underground designs, for instance, may call into
mining or tunneling) in geologic strata. The latter
question the utility and psychological value of
process has been termed terratecture, and it applies
features as ordinary as windows, sunlight, on-grade
specifically to building construction in soil environ-
access, and visual identity of the building as an
object. These elements need not be sacrificed in
terratectural alternatives, but the implications are
*These descriptions follow directly from geog-
clear: a fully subsurface chamber cannot have
rapher Truman Stauffer's definitions of "terraspace"
and "lithospace" submitted to the symposium on exterior windows, nor will it have a highly visible
the "Development and Utilization of Underground form. In building functions where natural light and
Space," Kansas City, 1975 (Department of Geo- views are highly regarded (such as residences or
sciences, University of Missouri, Kansas City). offices), or where visibility and curb appeal are
"Lithotecture" and "terratecture" have appeared essential economic considerations (shops, restau-
previously in the literature, and are used here in
agreement with both their earlier use as well as rants , etc.), such a form is ill-suited to the building
Stauffer's. program. On the other hand, many building func-

136 Kenneth Labs

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FIG. 1. Although an addition to an existing surface

structure, this power monitoring station exemplifies
a security-consious "para-geotectural" function
which has been housed in an earth-covered building.
Architects for the Texas Power and Light facility
are Brown, Brown, and Associates of Dallas, Texas.

FIG. 2. Theatres, concert halls, and auditoria are buildings which by nature are antipathetic to natural
lighting. Pictured above is one of two fully subgrade grass-covered theatres at the Jefferson National
Expansion Memorial in St. Louis, Missouri, beneath the Gateway Arch. (Photo by the author)
The Architectural Underground 137

tions already are well adapted to subsurface environ- water readily , balance on-site cuts and fills , and are
ments* , and realize little benefit from being on the well adapted for use in areas of high ground water
surface where they are subjected to wind, rain, sun, level. Earth berms themselves may be used as archi-
and seasonal temperature fluctuations. Examples in- tectural elements (to shape space), as visual and
clude warehouses, telephone switching facilities , acoustical barriers , and/ or as interesting play sur-
electric substations, parking garages, and assembly faces.
plants. If the aspect of imageability is discounted , Subgrade structures permit continuity of the
this list can be greatly expanded to include uses grade level, and have been popularly employed
such as theatres and auditoria , galleries and where site and building programs demand a low-
museums, night clubs , supermarkets, department profile or a "non-building" architectural solution.
stores , recording studios, and a host of other both One of the great virtues of sub-grade structures is
common and esoteric applications. On the other this invisibility and the non-disruptive integration
hand , terratectural buildings are not necessarily into existing contexts which it enables.
formless or image!ess, as the following classification Atriums and courtyards are frequently incor-
chart illustrates. porated into subgrade designs to provide access , to
create outdoor rooms, and to introduce natural light
RATECTURAL TYPES into the building's recesses. Fully subgrade struc-
tures also offer the greatest opportunity for maxi-
mizing land use on a single site , as will be illustrated
WINDOWLESS Ia ter in this paper.

COURTYARD Windowlessness
Windowlessness cannot be regarded as an inherent
WALL EXPOSED characteristic of the subsurface, yet it always will be
an inescapable issue in the design of terratectural
4 PENETRATIONAL: alternatives. Although fenestration is available to
many underground building forms, the area and
FIG. 3. A classification guide to earth-covered struc- orientation of windows always will be somewhat
tures. Types A3 and B3 represent the classic "dug- limited and a determining factor in the arrangement,
out" form which has enjoyed a significant revival in or zoning, of interior functions.
recent years. (This chart has been modified from an The subject of windowlessness itself has generated
earlier version which first appeared in the author's a great deal of debate during the past two decades ,
thesis, "The Architectural Use of Underground
Space: Issues arid Applications"). but it remains clouded by much emotionalism and
little empirical or psychological study .* The usual
This simple taxonomy suggests the diversity of effect of eliminating windows is to internalize the
physical options available in earth-covered construc- environment, i.e ., to focus it inward by removing
tion. The variety of surface-to-subsurface relation- outside stimuli which are unrelated to the task at
ships which characterize the types depicted here hand. Some architects have been quick to seize the
suggest that caution be exercised in generalizing advantage of this feature , especially in the design of
about the "intrinsic" qualities of underground struc- learning environments where exterior distractions
tures. The two abstracted types presented - berm (traffic , playground activity , lawn mowing) interrupt
and subgrade - are simply points of departure for students' concentration while challenging teach-
modification, combination , and compromise to suit ers' disciplinary authority.
individual sites and requirements. Nonetheless , some The idea of windowless or underground schools
generalizations are appropriate to these two types in has been met with apprehension and claims of
their pure forms. "unnaturalness" on the part of parents. Performance
Berm-type structures may be molded into the studies assessing students' achievement and behavior,
landscape or may be used to create bold , simple teacher attitudes, and post facto community opin-
forms. They are easily shaped to facilitate on-grade ion in such situations , however , have shown them to
access and window exposures, particularly when be at least as effective as neighboring control
used in conjunction with retaining walls. Berms shed schools; there is some additional evidence to suggest
greater satisfaction and benefit from windowless
*These functions are said to be para-geotectural, classrooms than from ordinary, windowed , surface
or "as underground." Para-geotectural qualities us- school rooms.
ually are assumed to include windowlessness, which
is not, however , a universal characteristic of earth-
covered stru ctures. Para-geotectural functions may *A survey of literature on the topic is available
best be described as those "which might as well be from the National Bureau of Standards, #NBS
underground." Building Sci. Series 70.
138 Kenneth Labs


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FIG. 4. Th e St. Louis City Fire Alarm Headquarters houses racks of electronic and switching gear for
dispatching fire and police calls. Located on the edge of Forest Park , the struct u re 's roof frequently is used as a
field for baseball and football games. The facility was designed by Hellmuth , Oba ta, and Kassabaum, Inc.,
Architects. (Plan provided by the St. Louis Fire and Police Telegraph Section; photo by the author)
The Architectural Underground 139

Less controversial uses of windowless environ- variety of shapes , sizes, and applications will be
ments are those in which people spend little time , discussed in the remainder of this paper.
and where windows jeopardize or conflict with the
performance of the function being housed. Exam- Forms and Functions: Modern Themes of Sub-
surface Use
ples include photographic lighting studios, dark-
rooms, museum storage, refrigerated warehouses, As in historical cases of underground use , several
planetariums, mushroom farms, and the "para- major themes underlie the development of sub-
geotectural" applications previously discussed. surface alternatives in modern practice. Moreover ,
For functions in which natural light and views are these themes reflect the bases of the troglodytic
highly desirable, expected, or may connote status tradition: energy-related interest in the underground
(as in the top floors of an office building), the is relatively new, yet it closely parallels the climatic
absence of windows will usually result in some form benefits realized long ago by far less sophisticated
of occupant discontent. Dissatisfaction caused by cultures. Conservation-oriented consideration of sub-
what one may perceive as substandard conditions surface buildings is but a new interpretation of
ultimately will fault the overall performance of a environmental resource allocation; aesthetic argu-
structure, regardless of extra-functional benefits ments for earth-covered buildings continue a formal
such as energy conservation and landscape preserva- interest in earth-architecture as old as building itself.
tion. Designers of underground environments have Similarly, bomb-shelter solutions echo the defensive
compensated for this in a number of ways. One advantages of the past , and the experiential quali-
method has been to provide generous spatial accom- ties of penetrating the subsurface surely are as real
modations - high ceilings, wide corridors, and in- today as in pre-history .
ternal windows (vision panels) to visually link The majority of modern underground buildings
offices, lobbies, and reception areas. Another embody one or more of these themes , but the most
method of spatial compensation is to group small prevalent single determinant in decisions to go
"aedicular" spaces (e.g., offices) around a grand under derive from peculiar site circumstances. This
central space , such as a multi-level lobby or atrium . will be illustrated in the following discussions which
Lighting compensation also may be introduced with relate how program , site , and taxonomic form have
bright, cheerful colors on the walls augmenting come together to create successful earth-covered
carefully selected task and "complexion" lighting. structures.
Highly uniform environments inevitably lead to Extraordinary Site Circumstances
boredom and dissatisfaction, and should be avoided. The Lake Worth Junior High School near Fort
Surrogate windows and simulation devices are Worth, Texas , exemplifies an extreme, but not
cosmetic approaches to earth-integrated design. The uncommon , locational problem that was resolved
perceived need for them ·reveals the imposition of satisfactorily with a fully subgrade, windowless
underground location on a function ill-suited to the building: Situated directly in line with the flight
subsurface , a poorly-conceived architectural solu- path of nearby Carswell Air Force ·Base , existing
tion , and/or deficient design of the interior. In the on-site classrooms experienced the incessant jet
final analysis , surrogates and simulation techniques whine of approaching B-52 bombers. Architect
may offer psychic comfort to some, but their Preston Geren 's response to the inhospitable acous-
ultimate success depends on one 's environmental tical environment was to build the entire new junior
sensitivity and willingness to be assuaged by devisive high school underground . Two other aspects of the
artificiality . design (see illustration) are noteworthy : the con-
crete slab "roof" of the main building functions as
a playground , while the school's cafeteria has been
Surface-Interfacing Solutions constructed beneath Telephone Road , which serves
In a building program where windows are the school.
germ ane to the building's activities, the concern for A further advantage of the subsurface location is
occupant satisfaction may preclude a fully window- the protection it offers in the event of aircraft
less design. Surface-interfacing solutions are ideal for accidents and the fire hazard associated with near-
such situations, particularly where major portions of airport sites. Perhaps of greates t significance is the
the building can tolerate or benefit from window- fact that students and faculty alike are enthusiastic
lessness (as in the case of libraries, e.g.). With about Lake Worth Junior High School , now in its
judicious zoning of internal functions , heavily- eleventh year of operation .
peopled areas may enjoy the presence of windows ,
while services, circulation , and mechanical facilities An even more unique circumstance is found at
are relegated to the windowless interior. Surface- the Champaign /Urbana campus of the University of
interfacing forms have proved to be the most popu- Illinois. There , architect Ambrose Richardson was
lar and versatile of terratectural alternatives; their faced with building a new undergraduate library on
140 Kenneth Labs


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FIG. 5. An unusual characteristic of the Lake Worth, Texas, Junior High School
is that its cafeteria is located beneath a municipal street. The energy-conserving
structure was designed subgrade for acoustical isolation by Architects Preston
Geren Associates, Ft. Worth, Texas.

a site immediately to the west of the nation's oldest Physical, Topographic Site Conditions
agricultural test plot. The building program pro- Often topographic and other existing site condi-
hibited a structure tall enough to cast afternoon tions combine to provide both an opportunity and
shadows on the test field , so Richardson designed sufficient reason to select a subsurface alternative. A
his two-story facility to sit under - rather than on splendid site overlooking the Delaware River in an
- the site. The result is an open pedestrian plaza historical district of Bristol , Pa., presented such an
where a building might have stood, with the addi- opportunity when architects Carroll , Grisdale, and
tional benefit that the undergraduate library links Van Allen (now J. Ray Carroll, Jr. and Partners)
directly with the basement of the adjoining graduate were commissioned to design the Margaret R.
library. The building plan is a "square doughnut," Grundy Memorial Library.
with both levels of stacks surrounding a two-story The earth-covered dugout design affords views of
deep central courtyard. the river from the upper street level, while creating
The Architectural Underground 141

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FIG. 6. The Margaret R. Grundy Memorial Library fits into the bank overlooking the Delaware River
in Bristol , Pa. Here the lower level is pictured, with the small street level entry pavilion visible above.
Architects are J. Ray Carroll, Jr. and Partners of Philadelphia, Pa. (Photo by the author)
142 Kenneth Labs

pleasant lawns at both upper and lower levels. The design for the Grand Theatre of Quebec complex
scale and residential character of the neighborhood incorporates a bi-level subgrade conservatory that
is preserved by reducing the visible bulk of the succinctly illustrates this philosophy. The open sur-
library building. Only a small entry pavilion occurs face of the conservatory site emphasizes the volume
on the surface; the openness of the remaining site of the major edifice, with which it is integrated at
serves as an effective foil for the adjacent Grundy basement levels. Furthermore, the busy character of
House, now a local museum. The entire southern the surface of the site conflicted with the quieter
side of the building is a fully-windowed facade, demands of class and practice rooms:
providing direct views of the river from offices and
"The site itself is very small and fairly noisy as one of the
reading areas of the library . bordering streets has become a major vehicular artery.
The Grundy Library is an understated testimony This circumstance necessitated extremely compact plan-
to sensitive site planning. It fully realizes the beauty ning. That and the hustle and bustle of the downtown
of a superb location and responds graciously to the traffic caused me to organize the conservatory on two
underground levels around a landscaped court sunken
quiet historical surroundings in which it resides.
below street level. A forest of black spruce further
protects it on three sides while on the fourth there rises
Sloping sites are ready opportunities for terra- the one simple volume of precast concrete, housing on
tectural schemes, so it is no accident that many this side entrances to conservatory, its library and dis-
designers envision buildings tucked into the con- cotheque, and on the other side, entrances to theatres,
tours of a hillside . An underlying concern of archi- lobby and foyers and, of course, the two theatres stacked
tect Don Metz was to preserve the existing character one on top of the other."*
of his house site in rural Lyme, New Hampshire. He A similar formal relationship is found between
achieved this by recessing the structure into the the monumental Jefferson Memorial in St. Louis,
slope, covering the roof with sod, and letting nature Missouri, and the museum addition, designed by
reclaim the site. In spite of being underground , Sverdrup & Parcel and Associates. The Jefferson
Metz's Winston House enjoys a southern exposure Memorial is a regional museum and contains the
and 50-mile distant views. The earthen surroundings offices of the Missouri Historical Society. With the
of this modern dugout mitigate the severe cold New increasing need for additional gallery space, an
Hampshire climate; its solar orientation captures the architectural design was sought which would not
low winter sun while an overhang ensures summer disrupt the memorial's classic Beaux Art facade. The
shading. Metz has been so satisfied with this mode award-winning solution locates the new annex
of building that he has begun a second earth- below-grade as an extension of the existing build-
covered house on a nearby site. Dugout #2 is a ing's basement galleries. The core of the addition is
curvilinear, two-level plan that more closely resem- a recessed courtyard exhibition space. It serves
bles type A4 in the foregoing taxonomy than the multiple functions of admitting daylight, providing a
single-elevation dugout form of Winston House. fire exit, and acting as an orien tational device for
Both ate superbly integrated into the natural envi- visitors to the earth-covered galleries.
ronment, yet capture the expected visual amenities
The Walnut Hill Methodist Church Youth Center
of more conventional surface designs.
in Dallas, Texas, illustrates the "non-building" aes-
Aesthetics and Site Planning: Non-Objective Archi- thetic applied to still another highly-visible site of
tecture? limited area. Architects Brown , Brown, and Asso-
Of all the site-circumstantial conditions which ciates of Dallas were commissioned by the church
have led to underground building designs, probably to design accommodations for recreation, study, and
none is better represented than those cases in which social activities. The only available location, how-
a building is required , but where its physical pres- ever, was on the property's front lawn. The archi-
ence is undesirable. Two situations are especially tects ' analysis suggested that the structure should be
common: The first comprises additions to existing built under the grassy site where it would not
buildings, the second involves building expansions obstruct the sanctuary's street facade. Although
which encroach on valuable open space. Both in - initially met with mixed reaction, the subgrade
stances are typically urban in context, and are scheme offered another amenity that assured its
frequently encountered in center -city areas and on approval: it allowed the architects to connect the
university campuses. Historic preservation is often a new structure to the basement recreation/kitchen
key issue in these circumstances , but the non- complex of the existing building, thereby averting
existent form of sub grade structures is an ideal the anticipated need for additional major kitchen
complement to contemporary urban focal points as facilities. The underground youth center is an ideal
well. solution to a particularly sensitive set of program-
matic issues; moreover , it is possibly the only fully
Architect Victor Prus has described this ap- *Quoted from PLACEDART Vol. 6, No. 2,
proach as an "architecture of little presence." His December '7 0-January '71, p. 2i.
The Architectural Underground 143



0 10 20

FIG. 7. Architect Don Metz 's "Winston House" captures views and yet preserves the nature of its rural New
Hampshire site. Back-to -back light scoops penetrate the surface, illuminating the dining area below. (Photo by
the architect)
144 Kenneth Labs

I l

FIG. 8. One way to restore peace and tranquility to an urban location is to recess the building and the site
into the earth. Canadian Architect Victor Prus's conservatory for the Grand Theatre of Quebec surrounds a
quiet sunken courtyard with a pool and benches two levels below the noisy surface. (Photo courtesy of the
The Architectural Underground 145

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0 15 30


0 10 20

FIG. 9. This unexpected courtyard serves as a su.bgrade outdoor room for the museum annex to the
Missouri Historical Society 's Jefferson Memorial. /it. Louis architects Sverdrup & Parcel and Associates,
Inc. preserved the monumental facade of the existing edifice and provide visitors with an enjoyable
series of underground galleries. (Photo courtesy of the architects)
146 Kenneth Labs

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FIG. 10. The bold spiral form on the lawn of the Walnut Hill Methodist Church in Dallas, Texas, is not only
sculpture: it houses an entry/exit to the circular youth center addition beneath. Architects for the successful
subgrade building are Brown, Brown, & Associates of Dallas.
Jhe Architectural Underground 147

satisfactory resolution of all design issues confront-

ing the architects.
Other "invisible buildings" that respond to aes-
thetic criteria include architect Philip Jo hnson's own
well-publicized art gallery on the grounds of his
estate in New Caanan, Connecticut. Faced with the
need for space to exhibit and protect his collection,
Johnson created a landscape-conforming bermed
bunker in lieu of a building as a perceptible object.
He enjoys the gallery's psychological play on visi-
tors' anticipations:

"... going into a building that isn't there, they get that
feeling of "where are we going?" Since every room is
about 10 times bigger than they expect, there's a positive
element of surprise and romance. Caves are probably an
atavism of some kind; people enjoy being enclosed. "*8,

Still another well known - and overlooked -

underground facility is the Visitor Center at the
Jefferson National Expansion Memorial in St. Louis,
Missouri. Nearly 43,000 square feet of museum,
theatre, and lobby space was constructed during the
early 1960's in conjunction with Eero Saarinen's
awesome Gateway Arch along the Mississippi River-
FIG. 10 (continued). The bold spiral form on the front. Most of this area to date has been unde-
lawn of the Walnut Hill Methodist Church in Dallas,
Texas, is not only sculpture: it houses an entryjexit
to the circular youth center addition beneath. Ar- *Quoted from "The Earth: Discussing the Basic
chitects for the successful subgrade building are Issues," in Progressive Architecture, April 1967, p.
Brown, Brown, & Associates of Dallas. (Photo by 181.
the author)

<'I::W N1t)
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FIG. 11. The vast Visitor's Center complex beneath the Gateway Arch in St. Louis, Missouri, houses two
theatres and a large museum area. See photo elsewhere in this article. (Plan courtesy of National Park Service,
Jefferson National Expansion Memorial, St. Louis, Mo.)
148 Kenneth Labs

veloped and inaccessible to the public; it will soon functioning as an aid for preservation of open space
be opened as part of the Bicentennial celebration, and historic areas.
and will house the National Park Service's Museum
of Westward Expansion. Not all structures that are located underground in
The grass-covered Visitor Center currently pro- the name of open space planning are a product of
vides access to the Arch's internal transportation existing circumstances. When the Vineen t Kling
system, which is entered underground in the legs of Partnership created the master plan for Monsanto
the structure. Burying all supporting facilities be- Company's world headquarters, it was determined
neath the surface enabled Saarinen to spring the that the company cafeteria should be situated to
mammoth stainless steel sculpture from an unclut- serve all office buildings of the corporate campus.
tered surface - seemingly from the earth itself. The necessary centrality of the location itself con-
flicted with the open space plan, so the cafeteria
was designed to occupy the chosen site subsurface.
Underground Campus Planning Subgrade location here was not an accident of
Underground campus facilities have become com- existing circumstances, for another feature of the
mon in recent years, since most colleges have master plan included a network of tunnel connec-
limited physical plants and expanding spatial needs. tions between buildings. These afford easy and
Locating new accommodations subgrade permits weatherproof communication pathways around the
architects to build near existing st ructures without campus, and several tunnels converge on the
disrupting the spatial relationships that are a virtue mezzanine level of the spacious cafeteria building.
and a delight of well-planned campuses. Examples That the cafeteria is in fact covered by up to four
of such facilities typically include libraries, student feet of earth, grass, and planting seems implausible
centers, and book stores. from within: deep , bright, light wells flank the
Illustrative of campus underground development structure on three sides, and a bi-level skylight
is the addition to the existing University Center of illuminates both the mezzanine lobby and the serv-
the University of Houston, in Houston, Texas. The ing line below. An impressive structure in every
plaza-rooted solution was designed by the office of respect, the Monsanto cafeteria is an obvious credit
Goleman and Rolfe, Architects. Mr. Coulson Tough, to an enlightened owner and its imaginative and
Vice-President of Facilities Planning and Operations facile archi teet.
at the University, is to be given credit for estab-
lishing the program requirement that the new struc-
tur e be located underground. Environmental Applications
The subsurface solution preserves open space on The remaining major interest in underground
campus and seizes the opportunity to extend an structures may be loosely grouped under environ-
existing subgrade level of the adjacent University mental concerns, and relates to both nature and
Center. A cluster of skylights creates a focal point energy conservation. To have any significant impact
in the underground lounge , which is flanked by a on a regional or national scale, earth-covered struc-
variety of offices , meeting rooms, and small audi- tures must enjoy widespread application and popu-
toria . It may seem unusual that an underground lar acceptance. Large scale use , however , is likely to
facility can incorporate a major pedestrian route, be impeded by sluggish lending and zoning policies ,
but the University of Houston Student Center is although these problems are already being
well-integrated into the campus circulation system. addressed.
It is fitting that this carefully studied , understated Nonetheless, individual owners can benefit from
design has become a major center of activity at the the environmental underground approach on their
University of Houston. own sites, regardless of the scale of neighboring
application. Natural returns will take the form of
Developing campus underground space is a wise increased usable land area, and energy benefits will
endeavor in itself; the increased density resulting be realized in terms of economic savings. Some
from three-dimensional planning makes a university models of small-lot underground buildings have al-
more efficient by area, more stimulating through ready been well-published, including Malcolm Wells'
activity, and more convenient in terms of pedestrian own architectural office in Cherry Hill, New Jersey ,
mobility. The urban mini-system of the university and architect John E. Barnard, Jr.'s demonstration
no doubt holds lessons for larger urban contexts as "Ecology House" in Marston Mills, Mass. Wells has
well, although few cities have as practiceable an expressed the sentiment, "if you can't improve the
open space policy as colleges have license to govern. site, don't build at all." This is a radical manifesto
Nonetheless, campus-like subsurface development in the context of modern America's building prac-
could become an important tool for optimizing the tice, but one which may soon enough become
usefulness of an urban locale, while simultaneously necessary. The following three buildings are very
The Architectural Underground 149

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exterior univers1ty
entrance center

0 25

FIG. 12 . This spacious lounge is actually part of an extensive underground student center at the University of
Houston. Architects for the award-winning plan are Goleman and Rolfe, of Houston, Texas.
150 Kenneth Labs

FIG. 12 (continued). This spacious lounge is actually part of an extensive underground student center at the
University of Houston. Architects for the award-winning plan are Goleman and Rolfe, of Houston, Texas.
(Photo courtesy of the architects)
different in their form , yet respond sympathetically The 27° angle of the grass-covered slopes them-
to natural ideals. selves were determined as safe after experiments
involving children's play , and were selected to pro-
The PL Institute Kindergarten is found in a vide the school children with a kind of spatial
heavily-urbanized area of Japan - one of the most experience which Aida considered enriching.
urbanized countries in the world. Architect Take-
fuma Aida sees his berm building as a device to Near Austin, Texas, the native grass is beginning
return architecture to the natural landscape, and at to grow back over one of the most intriguing
the same time to make best use of the space structures yet to emerge from the modern under-
available: ground. Coffee and Crier, Architects and Planners
have designed a courtyard house reminiscent of the
"My desire, however , is for the kindergarten to disappear Roman atrium plan (discussed in Part I of this
within a rural setting in the middle of a weathered article) and the Pakistani houses familiar to their
city ... then we decided to make the architecture dis- client, a language professor at the University of
appear and to devote everything to play space."* Texas. The semi-bermed form alone is superbly
adapted to the Texas site, where tornadoes have
The geometry of Aida's design may seem any-
twice damaged a nearby house. But it is the under-
thing but natural to American readers , but his
ground design coupled with solar energy that makes
response is supplemented by an historical theme as
this residence especially distinctive.
A 12' x 20' solar collector assembly is located on
a mound detached from and facing the house. A
"! shall strive to reinstate the heritage of forms that
mankind has built up over the ages. In fact, it may be a 1000 gallon storage tank buried next to the en-
return to these forms will become a matter of paramount trance reserves a supply of space heat and pre-
significance."* heating for domestic hot water. The atrium serves as
an entry, focal point , and hallway for the dwelling.
A water fountain and pool in the court area will
*Quoted from "When the Architecture Dis- cool and humidify the space. Solar cooling was
appears," Japan Architect, April 1974 , p. 44. considered for the house , but the cooling demand is
The Architectural Underground 151


FIG. 13. Covered with up to four feet of earth and planting, this bright and
immaculately-detailed interior is part of Monsanto Company's bi-le vel under-
ground cafeteria in St. Louis, Missouri. The Vincent Kling Partnership of
Philadelphia, Pa ., makes extensive use of light wells, skylights, and bold
engineer ing to create a dramatic dining experience for employees and clients
alike. (Reproduction of drawings by Lawrence S. Williams, Inc.)
152 Kenneth Labs

FIG. 13 (continued). Covered with up to four feet of earth and planting, this bright and immaculately-detailed
interior is part of Monsanto Company's bi-level underground cafeteria in St. Louis, Missouri. The Vincent
Kling Partnership of Philadelphia, Pa., makes extensive use of light wells, skylights, and bold engineering to
create a dramatic dining experience for employees and clients alike. (Photo by Lawrence S. Williams, Inc.)

so low that even the smallest available solar unit is Architect Mac Godley's two-story "Undersol" pro-
exceedingly oversized and would be inefficient for posal. Undersol is a prototypical plan designed to
general use. The Bordie House no doubt can have a fully integrate the mutual and complementary bene-
very beneficial influence on the use of terratectural fits of subsurface construction with solar power.
alternatives; its immediate benefits will be realized The 1800 square foot project is designed to house a
most welcomely by the imaginative Bordie family. family of three and is tailored for a Connecticut
Radically different from Coffee and Crier's inter- Godley makes extensive use of old technologies
pretation, but equally salubrious in persuasion is innovatively adapted for subsurface spaces . These
The Architectural Underground 153

FIG. 14. Resembling the truncated pyramids of ancient cultures, arr?hi-

tect Takefuma Aida's design for the PL Institute Kindergarten admits
natural light to all major building areas. Geometrical berm-forms create
play surfaces and make the structure a new interpretation of "landscape

include natural ventilation by exhausting hot air
through roof vents and introducing cooler air below The many examples of underground architecture
grade by multi-purpose "windowscopes." A light presented in these two articles clearly demonstrate a
siphon acts as a highly-sophisticated skylight to long heritage and a successful active present of
provide daylight to the subterranean level. The solar architectural subsurface space development. A
collector scheme is based on the modular organiza- variety of terratectural forms ranging from fully-
tion of the house, and solar storage is contained in subgrade protective structures to a host of well-
an accessible location on the roof. windowed surface-interfacing types are in current
The somewhat futuristic look of Undersol itself use. The broad spectrum of these types offer archi-
suggests the richness of potential form that is tectural environments fully appropriate to almost all
inheren t in underground alternatives. In contrast to conceivable building programs. With the increasing
the frequent use of dugout and atrium types of congestion of urban and formerly rural land, with
development, Undersol is a stimulative reminder the quest to preserve environmental quality and the
that we have yet barely scratched the surface of need for energy conservation, and with the re-
terra tectural form. emerging interest in architectural form, terratectural
154 Kenneth Labs



FIG. 15. Architects Coffee and Crier have adapted a Mediterranean atrium house plan for their client's specific
needs and an Austin , Texas, climate. The subsurface design makes the solar energy system even more practical,
and reduces cooling loads.
The Architectural Underground 155

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FIG. 16. Architect Mac Godley's "Undersol" house proposal suggests the new technologies and forms which
have yet to be explored in subsurface applications. Designed for a Connecticut climate, Godley's aim is to
minimize the structure's disruption of external natural systems.
156 Kenneth Labs

FIG. 14 (continued). Resembling the truncated pyramids of ancient

cultures, architect Takefuma Aida's design for the PL Institute Kinder-
garten admits natural light to all major building areas. Geometrical
berm-forms create play surfaces and make the structure a new inter-
pretation of "landscape architecture." (Photo by permission of Japan
alternatives are destined to have a bright and enter - alternative in tune with the times and replete with a
prising future. richness of heritage , meaning, form, and practicality.
The most exiciting aspect of the future of under- It is time that earth-covered buildings are recognized
ground architecture is that the necessary technology as a truly 20th-Century architecture, and one of the
already exists. The subsurface offers a promise - an most vital alternatives currently available to us.

Acknowledgements - Data for all drawings and many of the photographs included in
this article were furnished by the architects responsible for those projects. The author
wishes to thank these firms for their cooperation and permission to publish their
designs. Thanks is also given to Japan Architect for supplying photographs and
drawings of the PL Institute Kindergarten.
The author acknowledges the difficulty of documenting the existence of under-
ground architecture, and invites readers familiar with any underground structure of
architectural interest to contact him at the indicated address.

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