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Feedback Strategies for

Interactive Learning Tasks
Susanne Narciss
Learning and Instruction, Technische Universitaet Dresden, Germany

Introduction .....................................................................................................................................................................126
Feedback in Instructional Contexts: Definition ..............................................................................................................126
A Conceptual Framework for Feedback in Interactive Instruction................................................................................127
Basic Assumptions.................................................................................................................................................128
Factors Affecting the Efficiency of External Feedback ........................................................................................130
Requirements of Learning Tasks and Instructional Objectives...................................................................130
Internal Loop Factors: Prior Knowledge, Cognitive, Metacognitive, and Motivational Skills..................130
External Loop Factors: Instructional Goals, Diagnostic Procedures, Feedback Quality ...........................131
Designing and Evaluating (Tutoring) Feedback.............................................................................................................132
Selecting and Specifying the Functions of External Feedback............................................................................132
Cognitive Functions .....................................................................................................................................133
Metacognitive Functions ..............................................................................................................................134
Motivational Functions ................................................................................................................................134
Selecting and Specifying the Content of Feedback Elements..............................................................................135
Overview on Elaborated Feedback Components ........................................................................................135
Cognitive Task and Error Analyses .............................................................................................................136
Selecting and Specifying the Form and Mode of Feedback Presentation ...........................................................137
Immediate vs. Delayed Feedback Timing ...................................................................................................137
Single-Try vs. Multiple-Try: Simultaneous vs. Sequential Presentation of Elaborated Feedback ............138
Adaptive vs. Nonadaptive Feedback Presentation ......................................................................................138
Unimodal vs. Multimodal Feedback Presentation ......................................................................................139
Implications for Evaluating (Tutoring) Feedback.................................................................................................139
References .......................................................................................................................................................................140

Susanne Narciss

ABSTRACT research has been examined and revisited extensively

by Edna Mory in previous editions of this Handbook
Modern information technologies increase the range (Mory, 1996, 2004). As space is restricted, the body
of feedback strategies that can be implemented in com- of feedback research that was included in these previ-
puter-based learning environments; however, the ous reviews will be not revisited in detail here, but the
design and implementation of feedback strategies are insights of this research will be organized and outlined
very complex tasks that are often based more on intu- on the basis of a conceptual framework for designing
ition than on psychologically sound design principles. and evaluating feedback for interactive learning tasks.
The purpose of this chapter is to present theoretically To introduce this conceptual framework, definitions of
and empirically based guidelines for the design and the term feedback will be discussed first.
evaluation of feedback strategies. To this end, this
chapter describes an interactive, two-feedback-loop
model that explains core factors and effects of feed- FEEDBACK IN INSTRUCTIONAL
back in interactive instruction (Narciss, 2006). Based CONTEXTS: DEFINITION
on these theoretical considerations, a multidimensional
view of designing and evaluating multiples feedback The term feedback is a widely used concept in many
strategies under multiple individual and situational technical and scientific domains (e.g., economics, elec-
conditions is presented. This multidimensional view tronics, biology, medicine, psychology). The concept
integrates recommendations of prior research on elab- of feedback is derived from cybernetics (Wiener,
orated feedback (Schimmel, 1988; Smith and Ragan, 1954), which is concerned with the control of sys-
1993), task analyses (Jonassen et al., 1999), error anal- tems—that is, with issues of regulation, order, and
yses (VanLehn, 1990), and tutoring techniques (Mc- stability that arise in the context of complex systems
Kendree, 1990; Merrill et al., 1992). and processes. In cybernetics, feedback refers to the
output of a system that is fed back to the controller of
the system as an input signal. This input/feedback sig-
KEYWORDS nal closes the feedback loop and, in combination with
an externally defined reference value, controls the sys-
Cybernetics: System theory concerned with the issues tem. In addition to the reference value and the feedback
of regulation, order, and stability confronting us in signal, the controller and the variable to be controlled
the treatment of complex systems and processes. are key elements. The controller stores the reference
Feedback: Output of a system that is fed back to the value, compares it with the current actual value, and,
controller of the system as an input signal to reg- on the basis of this comparison, assesses what correc-
ulate the system with regard to a reference value tion is required; hence, the effects of a feedback signal
(cybernetic definition); post-response information depend not only on this feedback signal but also all
that is provided to learners to inform them of their the other functional elements of the causal loop.
actual state of learning or performance (instruc- Since the development of Thorndike’s (1913) law
tional context). of effect, it has become well established in psychology
Informative tutoring feedback: Multiple-try feedback that the consequences of a behavior may influence the
strategies providing elaborated feedback compo- rate and intensity of that behavior in future situations.
nents that guide the learner toward successful task In the domain of learning and instruction, feedback
completion without offering immediately the cor- has been considered to be either a fundamental prin-
rect response. ciple for efficient learning (Andre, 1997; Bilodeau,
Interactive learning task: Tasks providing multiple 1969; Bloom, 1976; Fitts, 1962; Taylor, 1987) or at
response steps or tries and instructional compo- least as an important element of instruction (Collies et
nents such as feedback, guiding questions, al., 2001; Dick et al., 2001).
prompts, simulation facilities, and so on. Some instructional researchers consider feedback
in instructional contexts to be any type of information
that is provided to learners after they have responded
INTRODUCTION to a learning task (Wager and Wager, 1985). This
notion of feedback is far too large because of the large
For almost a century researchers have investigated the variety of post-response information, and it does not
factors and effects of feedback involved in instruc- include the idea that the information is presented with
tional contexts; consequently, the body of feedback the purpose of allowing the learner to compare his or
research is very large. This large body of feedback her actual outcome with a desired outcome to regulate

Feedback Strategies for Interactive Learning Tasks

or control the next attempt with this learning task. 1990a,b; Stock et al., 1992) and by the five-stage
Experimental researchers thus use a more limited model of mindful feedback processing (Bangert-
notion of feedback. They use the term informative Drowns et al., 1991). Furthermore, it was explicitly
feedback to refer to all post-response stimuli that are the focus of Butler and Winne’s theoretical synthesis
provided to a learner by an external source of infor- regarding feedback and self-regulated learning (Butler
mation, according to experimentally defined rules and and Winne, 1995). These models have been described
conditions, to inform the learner on his or her actual and discussed in detail in Mory’s prior reviews (Mory,
state of learning or performance (Annett, 1969; Bilo- 1996, 2004).
deau, 1969; Holding, 1965). The second question has been answered indirectly
According to the cybernetic and experimental defi- as a result of meta-analyses that showed that external
nitions, a general definition for feedback in instructional feedback effects are not always positive and thus tried
contexts might be as follows: Feedback is all post- to identify possible moderators for the efficiency of
response information that is provided to a learner to external feedback (Bangert-Drowns et al., 1991;
inform the learner on his or her actual state of learning Kluger and DeNisi, 1996). The insights of these meta-
or performance. In instructional contexts, this definition analyses are integrated in the conceptual framework
of feedback requires the differentiation among feedback elaborated below.
presented by an external source of information and feed- The third question, one of the most crucial ques-
back provided by internal sources of information (i.e., tions for instructional design and practice, has been in
information directly perceivable by the learner while part addressed by researchers developing and evaluat-
task processing, such as proprioceptive information ing intelligent tutoring systems (ITSs). Detailed reviews
when performing a pointing task). This differentiation of the insights of ITS research are provided by Ander-
is particularly important from a methodological point son et al. (1995) and VanLehn et al. (2005); see also
of view; consequently, in early experimental feedback Chapters 24 and 27 in this Handbook. Core issues and
studies researchers tried to eliminate or control internal insights from prior research with regard to this ques-
sources of feedback to investigate the effects of external tion are discussed below.
feedback on learning and performance (for a review, see
Bilodeau, 1969). The differentiation among external and
internal feedback is also crucial if one investigates the A CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK
effects of feedback on the basis of recent instructional FOR FEEDBACK IN
models viewing the process of knowledge acquisition INTERACTIVE INSTRUCTION
as a process of active knowledge construction and com-
munication (Jonassen, 1999) or as a self-regulated learn- This section focuses on feedback for interactive (com-
ing process (Butler and Winne, 1995). This differentia- puter-based) learning tasks that is provided by an exter-
tion should be kept in mind when revisiting feedback nal source of information (e.g., an instructional pro-
research and considering feedback strategies. gram, a teacher) to contribute to the regulation of the
External feedback may confirm or complement the learning process in such a way that learners acquire the
internal feedback, or it may contradict the internal knowledge and skills required to master these tasks. As
feedback. The latter case raises at least three questions: elaborated in the next sections, internal feedback is
considered an important factor for treating the infor-
• How do learners treat or cope with the dis- mation provided by the external feedback. Conceptu-
crepancy between internal and external feed- alizing feedback as an instructional activity that aims
back? at contributing to the regulation of a learning process
• What individual and situational factors con- makes it possible to use the core insights provided by
tribute to a discrepancy between external and models of instruction and self-regulated learning
internal feedback? (Bloom, 1976; Boekaerts, 1996; Carroll, 1963) to ana-
• How can we design and evaluate feedback lyze possible factors and effects of informative feed-
strategies that support learners regulating back. Instructional models are based on the assumption
their learning process successfully if there is that the effects an instructional activity can have are
a discrepancy between internal and external determined by the quality of the instructional activity
feedback? (e.g., scope, nature, and structure of the information
provided and form of presentation), individual learning
The first question has been addressed implicitly by prerequisites (e.g., previous knowledge, metacognitive
the response certitude model of Kulhavy and his col- strategies, motivational dispositions, and strategies),
laborators (Kulhavy and Stock, 1989; Kulhavy et al., and situational factors in the instructional setting

Susanne Narciss

Learner Teacher-Instructional Medium

Learner Factors Instructional Factors
• Cognitive, metacognitive • Instructional goals
• Motivational • Instructional content and tasks

Subjective Representation of External Representation of

Task Requirements Task Requirements
Internal Reference Value External Reference Value

Internal Controller External Feedback External Controller

• Processes internal reference value and internal feedback = External Control Action • Processess external reference value and feedback
Internal Control Action

• Compares internal reference value and internal feedback

• Compares external reference value and feedback
• Compares external feedback and internal reference value
Internal Feedback
• Compares internal and external feedback of Actual Output • Generates external control action
• Generates internal control action

External Feedback
of Actual Output
Control Controlled Variables Internal
Actuator • Cognitive performance criteria Sensor
• Correcting • Metacognitive performance criteria
• Elaborating • Motivational criteria
Controlled Process Sensor
Mastery of Learning Task Requirements

Figure 11.1 Overview of the components of the ITFL model. (From Narciss, S., Informatives tutorielles Feedback. Entwicklungs-
und Evaluationsprinzipien auf der Basis instruktionspsychologischer Erkenntnisse (Informative Tutoring Feedback), Waxmann,
Münster, 2006. With permission.)

(instructional goals, learning content, and tasks). The Note: If there is a discrepancy between the actual and
current conceptual framework links these issues with the reference value, the controller must transform this
systems theory and attempts to integrate findings from discrepancy into a control action.
systems theory with recommendations from prior
research on elaborated feedback (Schimmel, 1988; • Transmission of this control action to a con-
Smith and Ragan, 1993), on task analysis (Jonassen et trol element (control actuator)
al., 1999), on error analysis (VanLehn, 1990), and on • Execution of the control action by a control
tutoring techniques (Anderson et al., 1995; McKendree, actuator
1990; Merrill et al., 1992; VanLehn et al., 2005).
According to systems theory, the control actuator
that carries out the control actions, the controlled vari-
Basic Assumptions ables, and a sensor that measures the controlled vari-
The basic components of a generic feedback loop serve able are key elements of the controlled process. To
as the starting point for formulating a feedback model regulate the controlled process, the controller requires
with two interacting feedback loops: the interactive, the reference value, the actual value provided by feed-
two-feedback-loop (ITFL) model: back, and comparison and transformation procedures
for generating the control actions.
• Identification or definition of the variables In the ITFL model, the controlled process is
that should be controlled defined as the carrying out of learning tasks or the
• Continuous measurement of these controlled mastering of the demands associated with these tasks.
variables by a sensor Building on models of self-regulated learning (Boe-
• Feedback of the actual values of the con- kaerts, 1996) as well as the approach of Butler and
trolled variables to a controller Winne (1995), this model distinguishes among cogni-
• Reference value for each controlled variable tive, motivational, and metacognitive demands (see
that is predefined and stored in the controller Figure 11.1). Quantifiable controlled variables for
• Comparison of the actual values of the con- these criteria could include carefully defined and oper-
trolled variables with (predefined) reference ationalized cognitive, metacognitive, or motivational
values by the controller indicators of mastery of particular task requirements.

Feedback Strategies for Interactive Learning Tasks

When regulatory paradigms from systems theory • The actual value of the controlled variable
are applied to an instructional context containing exter- or variables is registered by both the
nal feedback, two interacting feedback loops must be learner and by an external actor such as an
considered: (1) an internal feedback loop that pro- instructor or a computer-based instruc-
cesses internal feedback, or the actual values to which tional system.
the learner has direct access (e.g., confidence in • External actual values are initially pro-
answers, perceived effort); and (2) an external feed- cessed externally in the external controller
back loop that processes the actual values determined of the teaching medium. The external ref-
by the learning medium (e.g., the instructor, learning erence value, the comparison between the
program, experimenter). reference value and the actual value, and
A distinction between external and internal feed- the externally specified rules for calculat-
back loops means that it is also necessary to differen- ing the correction value determine the ini-
tiate between the following elements: tial value of the external controller. This
initial value, which in systems theory
• Sensors—Internal and external feedback would be referred to as an external correc-
loops require a diagnostic component that tion variable, is fed to the internal control-
registers the actual values of the controlled ler as external feedback.
variables. • This external feedback is processed in the
• Reference values—Control of internal and internal controller along with the internal
external feedback loops can only be carried actual value (i.e., internal feedback). This
out on the basis of relevant reference values. means that several comparisons must be car-
In the ITFL model, it is assumed that internal ried out by the internal controller. These
reference values are generated on the basis of include comparisons between:
a subjective representation of the demands of • Internally measured actual value (internal
learning tasks, whereas external reference feedback) and internal reference value
values are based on an external representation • External feedback and internal feedback
of these demands. Subjective task represen- • External feedback and internal reference
tations are mainly governed by individual value
prerequisites such as existing knowledge, • From these comparison processes a correc-
metacognitive and motivational strategies, tion variable (i.e., an internal correction
and individual learning goals. External repre- variable) must be generated. The learner’s
sentations of task demands are closely related main task in this case is to locate the source
to the features of an instructional context, of any discrepancies that are detected
particularly to the specific instructional goals. between these various values. Such dis-
• Controller—For the actual values registered crepancies can occur when, for example,
by the internal and external sensors to be internal or external sensors register feed-
processed, each requires a component in back values inaccurately, the quality of
which reference and actual values can be internal or external feedback is poor, or the
compared; thus, both external and internal subjective task representation is incorrect
controllers in which this process can be car- or imprecise and thus leads to incorrect
ried out are needed. reference values. The results of this causal
analysis are important for calculating the
In an instructional context that provides external infor- internal correction variable. This means
mative feedback, the differentiations made in the ITFL that the internal correction variable is the
model lead to the following assumptions regarding the result of a number of internal processing
interaction between internal and external feedback procedures.
loops: • The internal correction variable is channeled
to the first stage of the controlled process—
• The starting points for internal and external the control element—where it serves as the
regulatory processes are the relevant con- basis for selection and activation of correc-
trolled variables for the particular controlled tive measures. These corrective measures
process (i.e., mastery of learning task can in turn have an impact on the controlled
requirements). variables.

Susanne Narciss

Factors Affecting the Efficiency answers to these tasks correctly (in terms of the ITFL
of External Feedback model, they were not able to generate a reliable internal
The assumptions of the ITFL model lead to the con- This assumption is also reflected in many studies
clusion that the efficient regulation of task processing on elaborated feedback that were conducted to inves-
with external feedback may be affected by factors of tigate the hypothesis that elaborated feedback is more
both the internal and the external feedback loops. Both effective with more complex tasks; however, results of
feedback loops contribute to the regulation of the same these studies are rather mixed (see reviews by Azevedo
controlled process, which is characterized by the and Bernard, 1995; Bangert-Drowns et al., 1991;
requirements of the learning tasks. Mory, 1996, 2004). Yet, feedback studies that devel-
oped elaborated feedback on the basis of thorough
Requirements of Learning Tasks analyses of task requirements generally found the
and Instructional Objectives developed elaborated feedback types to be superior to
simple outcome feedback (Birenbaum and Tatsuoka,
As mentioned earlier, the starting point for both feed- 1987; Nagata, 1993, 1997; Nagata and Swisher, 1995;
back loops is the controlled process, which can be Narciss, 2004, 2006; Narciss and Huth, 2004, 2006).
more or less complex depending on the requirements In some studies, however, with very complex and dif-
of the learning tasks and the instructional objectives. ficult tasks or with serious errors, elaborated feedback
For a system to be regulated successfully, it is crucial was not efficient even if it was developed on the basis
that its controlled process be described carefully and of task analyses (Birenbaum and Tatsuoka, 1987; Clar-
precisely. At the same time, it is necessary to define iana and Lee, 2001; Nagata, 1997).
which variables will serve as controlled variables that
will be measured and regulated, how these are to be Internal Loop Factors: Prior Knowledge, Cognitive,
measured, and the procedures through which correc- Metacognitive, and Motivational Skills
tions are to be carried out. In instructional contexts,
this involves initially analyzing exactly what require- According to the ITFL model, the learner’s represen-
ments are associated with the instructional content, tation of task requirements, the learner’s ability to
goals, and tasks. Moreover, to select corrective mea- assess his or her responses (quality of the internal
sures for the regulation of controlled variables, the sensor), the learner’s abilities and strategies with
errors and difficulties that could arise in connection regard to analyzing and comparing internal and exter-
with mastering task requirements must also be identi- nal information and identifying corrective actions
fied, as well as the information and strategies that are (quality of the internal controller), and, finally, the
necessary to eliminate these errors or difficulties. learner’s abilities and motivation in applying these cor-
Instructional content, goals, and tasks may be more rective actions (quality of the control actuator) are core
or less complex concerning their requirements. factors contributing to the efficiency of the internal
Bloom’s revised version of the taxonomy of learning feedback loop. All internal factors influence the exter-
objectives may serve as a basis for categorizing task nal feedback loop because the two loops interact.
requirements (Anderson et al., 2001). Analyzing learn-
ing task requirements on the basis of this taxonomy Subjective Task Representation: Prior Knowledge
makes it clear that it is more difficult to identify pre- The starting point for processes in the internal control-
cisely the content-related, cognitive, metacognitive, ler is a precise definition of reference values of con-
and motivational requirements for complex tasks (i.e., trolled variables. These reference values are generated
those that require higher order, content-related knowl- on the basis of how learners understand and represent
edge or operations) than for simple tasks. As a conse- the requirements of the learning tasks. Meaningful ref-
quence, one may assume that the internal and external erence values can only be generated if the subjective
feedback loops might function less efficiently for com- representation of task requirements is adequate.
plex learning tasks. The notion that task complexity Whether learners are able to represent task require-
affects the internal feedback loop was, for example, ments adequately and precisely depends on the com-
identified in Mory’s studies, which aimed at general- plexity of these requirements but also on individual
izing Kulhavy and Stock’s model of response certitude factors such as prior knowledge, metacognitive knowl-
(Mory, 1994, 1996, 2004). Mory found that for higher edge, and strategies and motivation. How much indi-
order learning tasks, students’ response certitude could vidual difference in subjective task representations
not be used as a reliable measure for adapting feed- affects the impact of feedback on learning is an inter-
back, because students were not able to assess their esting question for future research.

Feedback Strategies for Interactive Learning Tasks

Learners’ Self-Assessment Skills These include the external representation of task

Comparing the reference values with the actual values requirements related to the instructional goals; the
of controlled variables yields meaningful information accuracy of the diagnostic procedures assessing learn-
only if the actual values of the controlled variables are ers’ responses (equal to the quality of the external
determined accurately. In the internal loop, this depends sensor); the teaching medium abilities and strategies
a great deal on learners’ abilities or skills in assessing with regard to analyzing learners’ responses—namely,
their responses and performance (Mory, 1996, 2004). errors—and identifying corrective actions with regard
Learners must identify indicators for each task require- to these errors (quality of the external controller); and,
ment that can help them evaluate the extent to which finally, the teaching medium’s ability in communicat-
the task requirements are fulfilled. How external feed- ing these corrective actions (equal to the quality of the
back may support the acquisition of self-assessment external feedback).
skills is another interesting issue for future research.
External Representation of Task
Learners’ Skills and Strategies Requirements and Instructional Goals
in Information Processing The starting point for processes in the external con-
To generate an appropriate control action, learners must troller is a precise definition of reference values of
compare the internal and external feedback, the internal controlled variables. In the external loop, these refer-
feedback and reference values, and the external feedback ence values are generated on the basis of how the
and the internal reference values. As discussed in the instructional medium (e.g., teacher, computer-based
five-stage model of mindful feedback processing learning environment) represents the requirements of
(Bangert-Drowns et al., 1991) and in Butler and Winne’s the learning tasks. As in the internal loop, meaningful
(1995) synthesis on feedback and self-regulated learning, reference values can only be generated if the represen-
many individual factors may affect how learners process tation of task requirements is adequate. This means
these informational components, particularly when dis- that learning goals must be operationalized in such a
crepancies exist between the different components. way that valid and reliably verifiable learning out-
comes can be defined in the form of reference values.
Learners’ Will and Skills in As mentioned above, this might be more difficult for
Overcoming Errors and Obstacles more complex task requirements.
As shown in studies on feedback seeking, even the
most sophisticated feedback is useless if learners do Accuracy of Diagnostic Procedures
not attend to it (Aleven et al., 2003; Narciss et al., In the external loop, the controlled variables must
2004) or are not willing to invest time and effort in also be diagnosed accurately to make the comparison
error correction. In addition to having the will, students between the reference values with the actual values
also need the skills necessary to fulfill the requirements of controlled variables meaningful. This, in turn,
related to error correction. Butler and Winne (1995) means that the indicators appropriate for measuring
derived six maladaptive ways of feedback seeking and different levels of mastery in a valid and reliable way
processing from Chinn and Brewer’s (1993) work on must be determined. How challenging an accurate
how misconceptions may hinder conceptual change: diagnosis might be was elicited in a recent study of
Students may (1) ignore the external feedback, (2) Chi et al. (2004) on the accuracy of human tutors.
reject the external feedback, (3) judge the external Chi and her colleagues found that tutors were only
feedback irrelevant, (4) consider external and internal able to assess students’ understanding from their own
feedback to be unrelated, (5) reinterpret external feed- perspective, and they were not able to diagnose stu-
back to make it conform to the internal feedback, or dents’ alternative understanding from the perspective
(6) make superficial rather than fundamental changes of the students’ knowledge.
to their knowledge or beliefs. In all these cases, the
effect of the external feedback will be small. Quality of External Data Processing
and Feedback Design
External Loop Factors: Instructional Goals, If a discrepancy between the actual and reference val-
Diagnostic Procedures, Feedback Quality ues of controlled variables is detected, a correction
variable must be defined. A key issue here is how well
In addition to these internal loop factors, the ITFL the external controller (i.e., the learning medium) is
model attracts attention to external loop factors that able to transform this discrepancy value into a correc-
might affect the efficiency of both feedback loops. tion variable that has a high level of information relevant

Susanne Narciss

to mastering the task requirements. Especially with The various classifications differ, however, in how they
difficult and complex learning tasks, a series of trans- organize the different types of elaborated feedback:
formations may be necessary so learners can obtain Kulhavy and Stock (1989) differentiate among task-
information about the external correction variable specific elaborated information, which in cases of mul-
(external feedback) that they can use to correct errors tiple-choice tasks is considered to be knowledge of the
or overcome obstacles. The starting point for the nec- correct response; instruction-based elaborated infor-
essary transformational steps is precise knowledge of mation (e.g., hints to the section of the instructional
the controlled process. It is necessary to know which text that is relevant for answering the task); and extra-
factors, in the sense of controlled variables, are respon- instructional elaborated information, which goes
sible for the system’s performance and thus must be beyond the instructional text and might, for example,
addressed by the correction variable—that is, the exter- address metacognitive strategies. Mason and Bruning
nal feedback. (2001) differentiate among the following elaborated
feedback components: topic-contingent (provides item
verification and general information concerning the
DESIGNING AND EVALUATING topic), response-contingent (provides KR, KCR, and
(TUTORING) FEEDBACK explanations as to why answers are correct or incor-
rect), bug-related (provides KR and error-specific
Researchers used a large variety of feedback types. information) (Schimmel, 1988), and attribute isolation
Widely used feedback types include: (provides KR and highlights the relevant attributes of
the concept) (Merrill, 1987).
• Knowledge of performance (KP) provides Comparing these classifications reveals that feed-
learners with a summative feedback after back types can vary in functional, content-related, and
they have responded to a set of tasks. This formal characteristics. One may conclude that the
feedback contains information on the nature and quality of an external feedback message is
achieved performance level for this set of determined by at least three facets of feedback: (1)
tasks (e.g., percentage of correctly solved functional aspects related to instructional objectives
tasks). (e.g., cognitive functions such as promoting informa-
• Knowledge of result/response (KR) provides tion processing, motivational functions such as rein-
learners with information on the correctness forcing correct responses or sustaining effort and per-
of their actual response (e.g., correct/incor- sistence); (2) semantic aspects related to the content
rect). of the feedback message; and (3) formal and technical
• Knowledge of the correct response (KCR) aspects related to the presentation of the feedback mes-
provides the correct answer to the given task. sage (e.g., frequency, timing, mode, amount, form)
• Answer-until-correct (AUC) feedback pro- (Narciss, 2006; Narciss and Huth, 2004).
vides KR and offers the opportunity of fur- The purposes of the following sections are (1) to
ther tries with the same task until the task is present principles for selecting and specifying the
answered correctly. functional, content-related, and formal dimensions of
• Multiple-try feedback (MTF) provides KR elaborated feedback components that can be imple-
and offers the opportunity of a limited num- mented in a tutoring feedback algorithm, and (2) to
ber of further tries with the same task. outline implications for future feedback research.
• Elaborated feedback (EF) provides addi-
tional information besides KR or KCR. Selecting and Specifying the
Functions of External Feedback
Complex elaborated feedback exists in multiple forms
and is thus related to a large if not fuzzy set of mean- Different theoretical frameworks use different types of
ings. Several authors have attempted to classify the feedback and attribute different functions to feedback
numerous feedback types (Dempsey et al., 1993; Kul- in learning situations. From a behavioral viewpoint,
havy and Stock, 1989; Mason and Bruning, 2001; feedback is considered to reinforce correct responses.
Schimmel, 1988). There is some congruency with In behavioral learning contexts, the focus of interest
regard to classifying simple feedback types such as is therefore more on formal and technical feedback
KR or KCR, even though these feedback types are characteristics such as frequency and delay than on the
sometimes denoted by different terms (e.g., knowledge complexity of the feedback contents; hence, behavioral
of result, confirmation feedback, simple verification studies use outcome-related feedback types such as
feedback, knowledge of the correct answer/response). knowledge of result or knowledge of the correct

Feedback Strategies for Interactive Learning Tasks

come into play simultaneously, according to how the

TABLE 11.1 controlled and command variables are defined. On the
Feedback Functions in Four Sources basis of the models of good information processors
(Pressley, 1986), intelligent novices (Mathan and
Cusella Sales Wager and Butler and Winne
(1987) (1993) Mory (1993) (1995)
Koedinger, 2005), and self-directed learning (Boe-
kaerts, 1996), possible feedback functions can be
Reinforcing Stimulating Confirming Confirming
Informing Informing Informing Informing
defined from the cognitive, metacognitive, and moti-
Indicating Guiding Indicating Indicating
vational standpoints. Because finer differentiations of
Motivating Motivating Motivating Correcting feedback functions make it possible to work out which
Regulating Regulating Correcting Making suggestions information will be useful in which settings, careful
Instructing Instructing Instructing Completing knowledge selection and specification of the intended feedback
Assessing Assessing Differentiating functions provide the basis for designing tutorial feed-
Advising Restructuring back.

Cognitive Functions
response (for a review, see Kulik and Kulik, 1988).
From a cognitive viewpoint, feedback is considered a In the case of complex tasks, incorrect answers and
source of information necessary for the correction of solutions can occur for widely varying reasons (Van-
incorrect responses (Anderson et al., 1971; Kulhavy Lehn, 1990). The content-related, procedural, or stra-
and Stock, 1989). The question of which type of elab- tegic knowledge elements that a learner needs to arrive
orated feedback information is most efficient is of at a correct solution may be lacking, erroneous, or
major interest in cognitive feedback studies; however, imprecise. The necessary knowledge elements may
in most of these studies even elaborated informative also be incorrectly linked or the conditions for their
feedback has only been conceptualized as seeking to use incorrect or ill-defined. Feedback can offer infor-
confirm or change a learner’s domain knowledge. mation on all of these aspects. A distinction can be
Feedback models that view feedback in the context of made between the following cognitive feedback func-
self-regulated learning theorize that the most important tions in connection with incorrect responses:
function of feedback is tutoring or guiding the learner
to regulate the learning process successfully (Butler • An informative function in cases where the
and Winne, 1995). number, location, and type of error or reason
This brief summary of prior research reveals that for the error are unknown
feedback can affect the learning process at various • A completion function in cases where the
levels and can therefore have numerous different func- error is attributable to lack of content-
tions. For this reason, a number of authors have made related, procedural, or strategic knowledge
more subtle distinctions (Butler and Winne, 1995; and the feedback provides information on
Cusella, 1987; Sales, 1993; Wager and Mory, 1993) the missing knowledge
(see Table 11.1). A comparison of these differentiated • A corrective function in cases where the
treatments of feedback functions reveals that all of error is attributable to erroneous content or
these authors advocate feedback as an acknowledging erroneous procedural or strategic elements
or reinforcing function, an informing function, and and the feedback provides information that
some form of guiding or steering function. Moreover, can be used to correct the erroneous ele-
all of them have postulated a regulatory or correcting ments
function for feedback. In addition, Cusella (1987), • A differentiation function in cases where the
Sales (1993), and Wager and Mory (1993) drew atten- error is attributable to imprecise content-
tion to the motivational and instructional function of related, procedural, or strategic knowledge
feedback. Butler and Winne (1995) described at least elements and the feedback provides infor-
three subfunctions of the instructing function (tuning mation that allows for clarification of the
or completing, differentiating, and restructuring). In imprecise elements
addition, these authors have pointed out that feedback • A restructuring function in cases where the
can activate metacognitive processes such as monitor- error is attributable to erroneous connections
ing or information seeking. between content, procedural, or strategic ele-
If external informative feedback is viewed from ments and the feedback provides informa-
the standpoint of the current ITFL model, it becomes tion that can be used to restructure these
clear that as a general rule multiple feedback functions incorrectly connected elements

Susanne Narciss

Metacognitive Functions processing and self-perceptions of competence are cru-

cial factors in learners’ motivation (Pintrich, 2003).
According to Butler and Winne (1995), external feed- Generally, all types of feedback contain an evalu-
back can have numerous metacognitive functions apart ative feedback component (i.e., information regarding
from those listed in Table 11.1; for example, external the correctness or quality of the solution) that reveals
feedback can address metacognitive strategies and their success or failure in task processing. Feedback thus
deployment options, provide criteria for monitoring and has an impact on the attainment value of the task that
evaluating goals, or motivate learners to generate their might result in more effort or strategy investment and
own monitoring related information. In addition, it can might affect performance. Symonds and Chase (1929)
serve as a basis for assessing the suitability of solution and Brown (1932) reported supportive results for this
strategies employed or of error search and correction motivational effect of feedback. Recently, a study of
strategies; hence, at least the following feedback func- Vollmeyer and Rheinberg (2005) revealed that this
tions can be differentiated from each other with regard impact of feedback is present even if feedback is
to mastery of metacognitive requirements: merely announced. Moreover, Ulicsak (2004) found
that students spent more time reflecting group activi-
• An informative function in cases where ties if they believed that the instructional system was
metacognitive strategies or the conditions observing them and would provide feedback.
for their use are unknown and feedback pro- If feedback provides additional elaborated com-
vides information about metacognitive strat- ponents that guide learners to successful task com-
egies pletion without immediately providing knowledge of
• A specification function in cases where feed- the correct response, it offers mastery experiences
back provides criteria for monitoring goals that can be linked to personal causation. As such,
or where conditions for the use of specific mastery experiences are considered the most impor-
solution strategies or metacognitive strate- tant source for developing a positive self-efficacy—in
gies are specified other words, positive perceptions of competence
• A corrective function in cases where errors (Bandura, 1997; Usher and Pajares, 2006). Feedback
have arisen in the use of metacognitive strat- may also affect how the difficulty of such tasks, the
egies and the feedback provides information prospects of success, and the attributions of success
that can be used to correct erroneous strate- or failure are assessed in future situations; hence, at
gies least the following basic motivational functions
• A guiding function in cases where learners should be considered when evaluating informative
are encouraged (e.g., through leading ques- elaborated feedback:
tions) to generate their own criteria for mon-
itoring or evaluation or to assess the • An incentive function, in that feedback ren-
suitability of their own solution strategies or ders the results of task processing visible
other actions • A task facilitation function to contribute
information for overcoming task difficulties
Recent studies on the effects of feedback addressing • A self-efficacy enhancing function, if it pro-
metacognitive processes and strategies have provided vides information that makes it possible to
mixed results (Roll et al., 2006; van den Boom et al., master tasks successfully, even if errors are
2004). committed or difficulties arise
• A reattribution function, if it provides infor-
Motivational Functions mation that contributes to mastery experi-
ences that can be linked to personal
Even though feedback has been assigned an important causation
role for both achievement and motivation (Hoska,
1993; Kluger and DeNisi, 1996; Mory, 1996), most In addition to informative elaborated feedback
studies on external informative feedback have focused types, a variety of motivational elaborated feedback
on learner achievement and neglected the impact of types has been investigated by motivational research-
feedback on motivation. At the motivational level, ers. Such motivational feedback types include reattri-
however, it is crucial, despite errors and the resulting bution feedback (Dresel and Ziegler, 2006; Schunk,
negative effect, to maintain the level of effort, persis- 1983); mastery-oriented feedback, which makes
tence, and intensity of task processing. Many theories learner’s progress visible (Schunk and Rice, 1993);
of motivation suggest that perceived values of task and task vs. competence feedback (Sansone, 1986,

Feedback Strategies for Interactive Learning Tasks

TABLE 11.2
Content-Related Classification of Feedback Components
Category Examples
Knowledge of performance (KP) 15 of 20 correct; 85% correct
Knowledge of result/response (KR) Correct/incorrect
Knowledge of the correct results (KCR) Description/indication of the correct response

Elaborated concepts
Knowledge about task constraints (KTC) Hints/explanations on type of task
Hints/explanations on task-processing rules
Hints/explanations on subtasks
Hints/explanations on task requirements
Knowledge about concepts (KC) Hints/explanations on technical terms
Examples illustrating the concept
Hints/explanations on the conceptual context
Hints/explanations on concept attributes
Attribute-isolation examples
Knowledge about mistakes (KM) Number of mistakes
Location of mistakes
Hints/explanations on type of errors
Hints/explanations on sources of errors
Knowledge about how to proceed (KH) Bug-related hints for error correction
Hints/explanations on task-specific strategies
Hints/explanations on task-processing steps
Guiding questions
Worked-out examples
Knowledge about metacognition (KMC) Hints/explanations on metacognitive strategies
Metacognitive guiding questions

Source: Narciss, S., Informatives tutorielles Feedback. Entwicklungs- und Evaluationsprin-

zipien auf der Basis instruktionspsychologischer Erkenntnisse (Informative Tutoring Feed-
back), Waxmann, Münster, 2006. With permission.

1989; Senko and Harackiewicz, 2005). In summary, bining the evaluation and information component of
elaborated motivational feedback components that had feedback might result in a large variety of feedback
a positive impact on learners’ motivation (namely, on contents.
perceptions of competence): (1) stressed the relation
between effort, ability, and success; (2) made progress Overview on Elaborated Feedback Components
visible; (3) provided task information rather than per-
formance information; or (4) elicited goal discrepancy. Table 11.2 presents a content-related classification of
feedback components that provides a structured over-
Selecting and Specifying the view of simple and elaborated feedback components
Content of Feedback Elements by organizing the components with regard to which
aspect of the instructional context is addressed. This
In general, the content of a feedback message may content-related classification assumes that elaborated
consist of two components (Kulhavy and Stock, 1989). information might address: (1) task rules, task con-
The first component, the evaluative or, in Kulhavy’s straints, and task requirements; (2) conceptual knowl-
terms, the verification component, relates to the learn- edge; (3) errors or mistakes; (4) procedural knowledge;
ing outcome and indicates the performance level and (5) metacognitive knowledge. Five categories of
achieved (e.g., correct/incorrect response, percentage elaborated feedback components can thus be defined:
of correct answers, and distance to the learning crite-
rion). This component is attributed a controlling func- • Elaborated components that provide infor-
tion (Keller, 1983). The second component, the infor- mation on task rules, task constraints, and
mational component, consists of additional information task requirements are linked by the category
relating to the topic, the task, errors, or solutions. Com- of knowledge on task constraints (KTC).

Susanne Narciss

• Elaborated components that provide infor- The third step consists of analyzing the require-
mation on conceptual knowledge relevant ments for each type of task. The aim of these task
for task processing are linked by the cate- analyses is to identify: (1) domain-specific knowl-
gory of knowledge about concepts (KC). edge items (e.g., facts, concepts, events, rules, mod-
• Elaborated components that provide informa- els, theories); (2) cognitive operations related to these
tion on errors or mistakes are linked with the items (e.g., remember, transform, classify, argue,
category of knowledge about mistakes (KM). infer); and (3) cognitive and metacognitive skills
• Elaborated components that provide infor- involved in the mastery of the selected learning tasks.
mation on procedural knowledge relevant for The informative components of a feedback message
task processing are linked by the category can refer to each of these aspects of a learning task;
knowledge on how to proceed or, briefly, hence, the results of these task analyses provide an
know-how (KH). overview of both task requirements and possible
• Elaborated components that provide infor- informative components that can be implemented in
mation on metacognitive knowledge are a feedback message.
linked by the category knowledge on meta- As mentioned above, from a cognitive and from
cognition (KMC). a self-regulated learning viewpoint, elaborated or
informative feedback is considered a necessary source
To design feedback algorithms with elaborated com- of information, especially if the learner encounters
ponents, several simple and elaborated feedback com- obstacles or proceeds incorrectly. A next important
ponents can be combined. In most of the feedback step for the design of informative feedback is there-
studies, elaborated feedback was designed by combin- fore to describe typical errors and typical incorrect
ing knowledge of the correct result or knowledge of steps. Furthermore, it is necessary to identify miscon-
the result with elaborated components such as expla- ceptions and incorrect or inefficient strategies that can
nations of errors or to correct responses. be attributed to the described errors (Crippen and
Brooks, 2005; Narciss and Huth, 2004, 2006; Van-
Cognitive Task and Error Analyses Lehn, 1990).
The steps described above are essential prerequi-
Narciss and Huth (2004) derived the steps necessary sites for the selection and specification of helpful infor-
to select and specify the feedback content from mation. The results of the task and error analyses pro-
knowledge about cognitive task analysis and error vide information that is necessary to select those
analysis (for a detailed description, see Jonassen et informative components that match the task require-
al., 1999; VanLehn, 1990). Similar steps were pro- ments. If the major function of the feedback message
posed by VanLehn and his collaborators (2005) and is tutoring learners to master the given learning tasks
by Rittle-Johnson and Koedinger (2005) based on and the related requirements, then feedback should not
insights and experiences in developing intelligent immediately provide the correct response or explain
tutoring systems. the correct strategy. This information should only be
The first step consists of the selection and specifi- offered if the learners do not succeed otherwise; hence,
cation of instructional objectives (e.g., acquisition of offering adequate tutoring when learners encounter
a knowledge domain, mastery of learning tasks, liter- obstacles requires providing information that gives
acy in the given context). The starting point of this knowledge on how to proceed without presenting
step is the curriculum and its objectives, which in knowledge of the correct response. Table 11.2 presents
general have to be specified to obtain explicit, con- examples of such informative tutoring feedback com-
crete, and measurable learning outcomes. The revised ponents.
version of Bloom’s taxonomy of educational objec- Smith and Ragan (1993) recommended that the
tives offers a well-founded framework for this speci- content should be tailored to the type of learning
fication of learning objectives (Anderson et al., 2001). tasks; however, it should be kept in mind that studies
The specified concrete learning outcomes provide the comparing the efficiency of different types of infor-
basis for the selection of the feedback functions, con- mation with regard to various learning tasks
tent, and forms. reported rather mixed results (for a detailed review,
Feedback is presented after the accomplishment of see Mory, 1996, 2004). Furthermore, with the devel-
learning tasks; consequently, learning tasks are espe- opment of new paradigms for learning and instruc-
cially relevant to the design of feedback. The second tion, the question of which knowledge should be
step is, therefore, to select typical learning tasks and addressed by the feedback content is getting more
match them to the required learning outcomes. and more complex.

Feedback Strategies for Interactive Learning Tasks

Selecting and Specifying the Form to proactive interference, because the incorrect
and Mode of Feedback Presentation response is not present and probably forgotten.
Research based on the interference perseveration
Feedback types vary not only in their content-related hypothesis provided mixed results (Kulhavy and
aspects but also in formal and technical aspects rele- Anderson, 1972; Kulhavy and Stock, 1989; Marko-
vant for feedback presentation. Using formal criteria wotz and Renner, 1966; Peek and Tillema, 1978;
(e.g., timing, frequency), Holding (1965) differenti- Rankin and Trepper, 1978; Schroth and Lund, 1993;
ated, for example, 32 different types of feedback. The Sturges, 1969, 1972, 1978; Surber and Anderson,
interactive capabilities of modern information technol- 1975). Kulik and Kulik (1988) proposed a dual-trace
ogy increase the range of feedback strategies that can information-processing explanation for the delay
be implemented efficiently in computer-based instruc- retention effect. They pointed out that, with immediate
tion (Hannafin et al., 1993). Using the interactive capa- feedback, learners only have one trial, whereas with
bilities of modern information technology, it is, for delayed feedback they have two separate trials with an
example, possible to combine elaborated feedback, item. In the case of memorization, two separate trials
tutoring, and mastery learning strategies to design are better than one, and delayed feedback might be
informative tutoring feedback. The term informative superior to immediate feedback.
tutoring feedback (ITF) refers to feedback strategies Clariana has developed a connectionist descrip-
that provide elaborated feedback components to guide tion of feedback timing to better explain the existing
the learner toward successful task completion. The results and to provide a basis for new insights on
focus of this elaborated information is on tutoring stu- immediate and delayed feedback (Clariana, 1999;
dents to detect errors, overcome obstacles, and apply Clariana et al., 2000). With regard to the potential
more efficient strategies for solving the learning tasks. effects of immediate vs. delayed feedback, Clariana’s
In contrast to elaborated feedback types, which pro- model proposes a strengthening effect for incorrect
vide learners with immediate knowledge of the correct responses with delayed feedback, whereas immediate
response and additional information, ITF components feedback weakens the association between incorrect
are presented without immediate knowledge of the responses and items. These hypotheses were con-
correct response. Additionally, ITF strategies offer the firmed by a study of Clariana and Koul (2005); yet,
opportunity to apply the feedback information on the superiority of delayed feedback (i.e., the delay
another try (Narciss, 2006). These ITF strategies are retention effect) was only found in experimental sit-
rooted in studies on tutoring activities (McKendree, uations with test items, and it was not found in
1990; Merrill et al., 1992, 1995). The following sec- applied studies (Kulik and Kulik, 1988). Because
tions present an overview on important aspects of feed- researchers used a variety of immediate and delayed
back that must be taken into consideration when feedback types—item per item vs. end of session;
choosing the form and mode of feedback presentation. directly after the session vs. hours or days after ses-
sion (Dempsey and Wager, 1988)—Mory (2004, p.
Immediate vs. Delayed Feedback Timing 256) stated that the field of research on feedback
timing is “muddied.”
An aspect of feedback that received much attention in Recently, Mathan and Koedinger (2005) reconsid-
feedback research is the timing of the feedback (Demp- ered the debate on feedback timing from a metacog-
sey and Wager, 1988; for a review, see Kulik and Kulik, nitive perspective. They suggested that the question of
1988). From Skinner’s operant learning theory, one when to provide feedback following an error has to be
might assume that the feedback should be provided answered on the basis of a model of desired perfor-
soon after the response; however, experimental studies mance. If this model includes metacognitive skills for
that used paradigms similar to those of studies testing error detection and correction, then feedback providing
the effects of blocked or massed vs. distributed practice knowledge of the correct response should not be
found that delaying feedback can be beneficial, espe- offered immediately, because it does not foster the
cially for retention in a delayed post-test. This effect acquisition of these skills. In contrast, feedback offer-
is referred to as the delay retention effect (Brackbill et ing knowledge of the result together with knowledge
al., 1963). Kulhavy and Anderson (1972) explained the about mistakes implemented in a multiple-try algo-
delay retention effect by an interference perseveration rithm that requires students to analyze their erroneous
hypothesis, which suggests that immediate feedback responses and to identify error correction steps can be
might proactively interfere with the incorrect response, provided immediately (see, for example, Mathan and
and this interference might hinder the acquisition of Koedinger, 2005; Moreno and Valdez, 2005; Narciss
the correct response. Delayed feedback is not related and Huth, 2006).

Susanne Narciss

Single-Try vs. Multiple-Try: Simultaneous vs. same item, a direct comparison of the effects of simul-
Sequential Presentation of Elaborated Feedback taneous vs. sequential feedback presentations is very
difficult if not impossible. An important issue for
A second formal aspect is related to the question of future research, however, would be addressing the
how many tries are offered to learners after they have question of how many feedback steps or cycles are
received feedback. Many studies offer only a single effective under which individual and situational con-
try per item; that is, learners respond to an item, are ditions.
provided with feedback, and do not have the oppor-
tunity to respond again to this item. Some studies, Adaptive vs. Nonadaptive Feedback Presentation
however, have offered multiple tries after providing
feedback. Most of these studies use answer-until- A fourth formal aspect of feedback presentation is
correct (AUC) feedback (for a review, see Clariana, whether the feedback is presented in an adaptive or a
1993). Clariana’s review of 30 studies that compared nonadaptive way. The adaptation issue is related at
single-try feedback types (immediate knowledge of such questions as these:
result, immediate knowledge of the correct response,
delayed feedback, no feedback) to multiple-try feed- • Which learner characteristics are critical
back/AUC found a superiority of all feedback types for adaptation? Crucial characteristics that
over no feedback but no differences between single- have been extensively addressed by feed-
try and multiple-try feedback. In a more recent back research and by most research on
review, Clariana and Koul (2004) contrasted multiple- tutoring systems include the learner’s prior
try feedback effects (AUC) for verbatim outcomes knowledge or knowledge state (Albert and
with higher order “more than verbatim” outcomes Lukas, 1999; Hancock et al., 1995a) and
(i.e., drawing and labeling biological diagrams). This the learner’s metacognitive state in general
review revealed that AUC is less effective for verba- measured by the learner’s response certi-
tim outcomes but more effective for higher order tude (Hancock et al., 1992, 1995b; Mory,
outcomes (Clariana and Koul, 2005). 1991, 1994). Other important characteris-
Multiple-try feedback types other than AUC can tics that have received attention only in
be developed if one considers a third formal aspect of recent studies include the learner’s motiva-
feedback presentation: Complex elaborated feedback tion (e.g., self-efficacy) (Narciss, 2004),
can be presented simultaneously (i.e., all information goal orientation (Senko and Harackiewicz,
in one step) or sequentially (cumulatively or step by 2005), and metacognitive skills other than
step). Most studies on complex elaborated feedback response certitude (Aleven et al., 2006).
provide the elaborated information simultaneously • Which task characteristics are critical for
with knowledge of the result or knowledge of the cor- adaptation? According to Sanz (2004), this
rect response (Kulhavy et al., 1985; Phye, 1979; Phye question is sometimes neglected by
and Bender, 1989). However, only half of the studies instructional designers; however, adapta-
utilizing this simultaneous presentation of elaborated tion may be more or less necessary for
feedback produced significant positive effects (Kul- different tasks, and there might be critical
havy and Stock, 1989; Mory, 1996, 2004). task characteristics (i.e., specific task
In addition to these empirical findings on pre- requirements) that can be used as indica-
senting complex elaborated feedback simulta- tors for deciding when and how much
neously, research on cognitive load in instructional adaptation would be reasonable. In the
contexts would suggest that a sequential presentation algebra tutoring system Ms. Lindquist, the
of complex elaborated feedback should be superior three feedback strategies are, for example,
to a simultaneous presentation (Chandler and determined by the exercise and its structure
Sweller, 1992). Indeed, the few controlled experi- (Heffernan, 2001).
mental studies that have investigated the tutorial • How do we diagnose the individual charac-
feedback types that present elaborated feedback teristics in a reliable and valid way? Several
components sequentially have reported positive approaches to diagnosing learner character-
effects (Albacete and VanLehn, 2000; Heift, 2004; istics have been investigated by researchers
Nagata, 1993; Nagata and Swisher, 1995; Narciss who are developing intelligent tutoring sys-
and Huth, 2006; VanLehn et al., 2005). tems: manually authored finite-state
Because a sequential presentation of feedback machines (Koedinger et al., 2004); genera-
components requires offering multiple tries with the tive approaches, such as model tracing

Feedback Strategies for Interactive Learning Tasks

(Anderson et al., 1995); evaluative Implications for Evaluating

approaches (Mitrovich et al., 2002); and (Tutoring) Feedback
decision theoretic approaches (Murray et
al., 2004). Recently, several authors have The design principles outlined above show that exter-
suggested using observable data on stu- nal feedback, particularly informative tutorial feed-
dents’ activities to infer nonobservable back, is a multidimensional instructional measure.
learner characteristics (Kutay and Ho, Moreover, the interactive, two-feedback-loop model
2005; Melis and Anders, 2005; Romero et described earlier suggests that the effects of external
al., 2005). feedback occur through an interaction with the
• How do we adapt feedback to the critical learner (i.e., with a complex information processing
situational and individual factors? Adap- system). This in turn means that the effects of exter-
tive feedback can be implemented in sev- nal feedback are not general but only emerge in
eral ways. An approach used frequently in specific situational and individual settings; for exam-
intelligent tutoring systems involves con- ple, the amount of time it takes for errors to be
trolling the sequence, content, and instruc- eliminated with the help of external feedback
tional activities (program-controlled depends on: (1) the individual characteristics of the
adaptation). A second type of adaptation is learner; (2) the quality of the external feedback com-
based on the idea that the learner has to ponents; (3) the type, complexity, and difficulty of
take an active part in instruction and thus the tasks; and (4) the type of error. In highly skilled
is presented with a choice of instructional learners or for easy tasks or simple slips, for exam-
activities (learner-controlled adaptation). ple, knowledge-of-result feedback alone is sufficient
Unfortunately, learners sometimes lack the to yield a correct response the next time. In learners
metacognitive skills and motivation with a low level of skill, for very complex and dif-
required to decide which instructional ficult tasks, or in the case of serious errors, it is
activities would be best for them (for possible that even informative tutorial feedback may
reviews on the effects of learner- vs. pro- not be sufficient for mastering the high demands.
gram-controlled instruction, see Steinberg, The effects of various feedback strategies also
1977, 1989; see also Corbett and Anderson, largely depend on how learners process and interpret
1990; Narciss et al., 2004). Recent studies the information provided. In addition to cognitive
and frameworks on adaptive feedback requirements (e.g., prior knowledge, strategic knowl-
include metacognitive feedback compo- edge), individual motivational factors, such as self-
nents that should foster the acquisition of efficacy and perceived task values, and individual
metacognitive skills (Aleven et al., 2006; metacognitive factors, such as monitoring competen-
Gouli et al., 2005). A third type of adapta- cies and strategies, play a role. To draw differentiated
tion consists of combining program and conclusions about the effects of various types of
learner control, which offers a variety of feedback, not only cognitive but also individual
other possibilities for adapting feedback motivational and metacognitive factors and the
and raises new issues for future research nature of how individuals process the feedback
(e.g., when and how to shift from program should be controlled.
to learner control and vice versa). External feedback can contribute to changes that
occur (1) during the treatment, (2) shortly after the
treatment, or (3) long after the treatment; thus, evalu-
Unimodal vs. Multimodal Feedback Presentation ating the effects of various feedback strategies requires
collecting data both during and after the treatment
The capabilities of modern information technologies (Phye, 1991, 2001; Phye and Sanders, 1994). When
allow the presentation of feedback not only as written investigating the effects of various types or strategies
text but also as narrated text (Narciss and Huth, 2004, of external feedback, it should no longer be a question
2006) or as a static or dynamic graphic. Furthermore, of which feedback type is the best but rather one of
feedback can be provided by animated agents the following questions:
(Moreno, 2004). When and how to apply the princi-
ples of multimedia learning derived from Mayer’s • Under which individual and situational con-
theory of multimedia learning (Mayer, 2001) for the ditions do which feedback components or
multimodal presentation of feedback have yet to be strategies have high information value for
investigated. learners?

Susanne Narciss

Individual Factors
• Learning goals
• Prior knowledge and metacognitive skills
• Motivation

Functions of Feedback
• Cognitive Individual
n Processing Cognitive Effects Cognitive Effects
• Metacognitive tio
n ta ack
• Motivational e b
es ed s
Pr Fe ent
Contents of Feedback of ont • Cognitive
• Evaluative component
ing Motivational Effects Motivational Effects
• Informative component im le
• T du • Motivational
- Hints, cues e
ch y
- Analogies • S tivit
a p
- Explanations d
•A • Metacognitive Metacognitive Metacognitive
- Worked out examples
- etc. Effects Effects

Instructional Factors
• Instructional goals
• Instructional content and tasks
• Errors and sources of errors Treatment Post-Test
Performance Performance

Figure 11.2 Summary of factors and effects of external feedback. (From Narciss, S., Informatives tutorielles Feedback. Entwicklungs-
und Evaluationsprinzipien auf der Basis instruktionspsychologischer Erkenntnisse (Informative Tutoring Feedback), Waxmann,
Münster, 2006. With permission.)

• Under these individual and situational con- Anderson, L. W., Krathwohl, D. R., Airasian, P. W., Cruikshank,
ditions, what cognitive, metacognitive, and K. A., Mayer, R. E., Pintrich, P. R., Raths, J., and Wittrock,
M. C. (2001). A Taxonomy for Learning, Teaching, and
motivational effects do the various feedback Assessing: A Revision of Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational
components or strategies have? Objectives. New York: Longman.
• When are these effects expected to occur, Anderson, R. C., Kulhavy, R. W., and Andre, T. (1971). Feed-
and what is their expected duration? back procedures in programmed instruction. J. Educ. Psy-
chol., 62, 148–156.*
Figure 11.2 summarizes these considerations regard- Andre, T. (1997). Selected microinstructional methods to facil-
itate knowledge construction: implications for instructional
ing requirements for and the effects of various kinds design. In Instructional Design: International Perspectives.
of external feedback. Vol. 1. Theory, Research, and Models, edited by R. D. Ten-
nyson and F. Schott, pp. 243–267. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence
Erlbaum Associates.
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