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The Islamic Bulletin is the Official Newsletter of the Islamic Community of N. California – Since 1991!
Тhis book is approved Ьу:
Presidency of Islamic Research, Ifta and Propagation
Approval and release number: 500/5
Dated 2/5/1409·· А. Н


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Ministry 01 Informatj()n
Approvaland release number: 28/2/М
Dated 3/1/1 411 А.Н
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Approval and release number: 1/15З9/М
Dated 27/7/1409 А.Н
This Ьоок is аррюуеа Ьу:
Islamic Research Аса4ету


ApprovalNumber: М 1 , 80
D.ated 8/8/1409 А.Н
15/3/1989 А. D

Before уои start reading this book, lhopethat уои will Ье

objectivebyreading the text carefully andwith ап ореп rnind.

(тауреасе Ье uропthеm)

Afterthecreation of Аоагп.апо Eve,(3.odsent

many\Prophetsto the реор'в to teachfhem about
GodandJo)instruct them то worship theOp,'yTrue
Th~reason .that .. род эеп! ProphetS'N~S >to
~f>readthegoqdn7~s,to teach people а,~s~t(Э.Qd,
a,.ndto tell themabout Рагаейэе. ТЬе. mes$~ge)oft~e
Prqphets wasalso togivepeople warnif1g~,>Fortf1is
re~son,peoplehaveпо excusebefor~(3Qdonthe
Judgement Dауаftегhаviпg received tho$~many
Тhe message of the Prophetswas alsoto teach
f1pf11anity to . . Iivеtоgеthегiп p.eaceandharmony.
eecaus~peop\ledon't.know ·wh.atisrightand what
~s'tVrong,.Sodhas эеп! manyProphetsthroughout
hi~tq7togu1de the people.
~Qrex~mpl~, зоте of the Prophet~th?t§~d~ent
VIl~re:!Acfam,. Noah, Abraharn, ....lsa~R,>~acot:),
Ishmeal, ... Оау1д, Sоlоmоп, Моэез~ J7~PS., . •. ~f1d
Myh~f11m~d~ . . > ...•.....••..•......••...........
Th\elastPrOpi1et was MUhamrn~d~.Je~~Sis
по! the эоп ofGod. Jesusis .•• ~. PrqptJ~tljke
МиЬаттаа,АЬгаНаm, .Moses~angpa"icj.
AII Prophets~reMusHms., .~o Isfami~pstanew
ооев notsencfpeopleto.Hell withoutfirstre~~i~ir1g
~.• P~ophet·or 'a·.rnessage;however, \thosep~ople
whq.p.aver~eiveda.Prophet.wiH пауе nOexcu.s~in
frQntof'Godonthe[)ay of Judgement.
Godsaid: (to th. Prophet Muhammad ~)

* We have sent thee Inspiration, as We sent it to Noah

and the Messengers after him: We sent Inspiration to
Abraham, Ismail, Isaac, Jacob and the Tribes, to Jesus,
Job, Jonah, Aaron, and Solomon, and toDavid We gave
the Psalms.

* Ofsome apostles We have already told thee thestory,

of others we have not, and to Moses God spoke direct.

* Apostles who gave goOO news as well as warning, that

mankind, after (the coming) of the apostles, should have
по plea againstGod: ForGod is Exaltedin Power, Wise.
(Quran IV. 163,164,165)


"We" means God.

"We" is plural for majesty.

"We" is reserved only for royalty.


W~at?ifY1a(le me:select and .~~mp.i.I;•.}·tl1i~.~~1.;:

~*0fTM(thesavi;n9Saf)d dOi09.S of:~"eerQPl)et
MtJbaP'1mad; .• . ~ . ).was·that ··lwa$.$h.;t.I:($d.• ~rtq
sitl·rpri$ed~;./dtlring а d'iSСU$$iо_.i·"ithi;;SОФ~
Christi.ans who сопsidеrthеРflQ.рl1еt
l\IIuhаmПi1а(l .•~. amanwhohasprovidt~·r1gn~
'fbeycompare. the· P.opbet··MlJbamA"1ad:1.~ . .
toB·uclcll)·ilan(l;:GonfuciuSa$well asto teachers
'fhis iSbecau$e they do по! know at),o.tIttt1t
teachtf\8s c>fthe . Prophet.Muhammad . ;•
i$thetiSeal(thelast)Qfall prophets аПd'~;р()$tl~$.
These/tw()::-.hundred HADI'f~arejyst'a ye~y
smallpartof.apout half·a mJllion H~DtTIi~
Iselected and соmрilеdthеsе •. ~А()'l' . Нп;fрr
П. i.О n
. . •. •.; М Us.:.•.I. •. i.;.ms wh. о do По. t knowabout t. Ь. е.

.......•. " ., ',' ", :.. :/Ji:"-''':--''>~ _ 'е. С' .o.' - ". <_ _" -. , ' , ; _ _ _ _ __

sayi.ngs,teachings and the life oftheProphet

Muhammad ~orhis greatmiracle,the Holy _!}

·QLJRAN. ТЬе great QURAN is the miracleof the

Prop.het Muhammad ~ through.all. ages.
This bQok still has а great inf.l·uепсеоnаИ
Mustimsand non..Muslims who rea.dit.
For. thi§ reason, апуопе who readsthe
Holy QURANandsomeoffheHADITH will know
why the influence of the Prophet
Muhamm.d:~:Onhis :people,the. МЦ5 lirns,
was>:anosfillisigreatand strong. TheHoly
QURAN:was]sentoown апо revealed byGodto
thePrQPl1et! NlоЬаmmао ~ . Theinfluen!ceof
tt1e Prop!hetMuhammad ~ оп his peoplethe
MU$lims,'Wasa"o 5till is more than thatofany
other регвоп whether thatperson.was a<Prophet
beuponthem),orteachers of othersectsand
teachings such as BUDDHISM, CONFUCIUSM,
HINDUISM, апо SIKH оп their people.
porthis.teason, апуопе whoreads tbe:Holy
Quranant:J::the HADITH, will certainly know why
theiProphetMuhammad ~ wasthe person
whohasihao thegreatest influence onthe



1. Please read carefully the biography of the Prophet

Muhammad • which is included in this bOok.

2. Pleaseread ТНЕ 100 Ьу Michael Н. Hart,wherehe lists

the 100 most influential people in history апд . r anksthe
Prophet Muhammad ~ first.


В.·•. UMMARY OF:'THE'S.OQ······

QJ;:;rИЕ.,РRоР!НЕt'мuН •. . "'.'
(~~аn~lэlеssiпgsоfAllаft·lэеi:up~~·fI~rQJ!i'· .

Th.ePr()p~~t,Mu~?rn!mad .~! .. wasbQrnilJ!!~~1~'[),".~1:1

Nlak~ah .•...WtJicf:1tqqayis Jocated in Sвиp; АгаЫа.·.
"::-,,>' .:,';>i,},i' <: ." ,.:::/ '" ..,.'.,", ':.',,>-<" .,-.
t-I~.~~:t)оff'I~~гl~s~~fоr his.fa.ther ,~bdu"atJ.,tJ~d died
W~e:f'jt(l$ifRother w8§tw()monthf:) рrеgпапtwitt1hjщ, .: .

Wh~nheWa$$ixyears old. his mother,AJnina BintWahab,

di~d:>Jе?"i["1g,~цtJ?rnrnаd .' ~. "" i ап orpha9·J'fisg~andfath~r
(onf)~!f?tt:'J~~'f:).:sicje)Qecame hjs guardian·• Hisgrandf8ther
h(lq~.sp~CiF\If:)~?tu~:and influence. 'п Makkah,andhe,VV~s
lо()~~cjцроt1G1$!?~gлifiеd sheikbythemembersofl"ti$trib~,
theQuaraY$h~,!~t.;tl"tfilt time,.the Quaraysh wer~ preeminent
arnongall.theother АгаЬ tribes.

Th~Pf()~I"t~t.~uf)filmmad ~
gaineci Феаttеrttiоп, 10v~
aPd~ffe€tionofl"tisgrandfather ,Ьщ didnQt.lastlongfor his
granei~ther.passedaway when Muhamrnad.;! ,~::wF\sonly
eight уеагэ old. Afterthe death of his grапdfаthег,hisцлсlе,
Abu "falib,becamehis'guardian.

When.·Muhammad·•.. :~. wa~,i~~IVeYear;!!~'~ti~~."enton

а .business trip!."ithh:isunclejAqulqljb,·~ cii!~J.~~ham
(Syria). ['. Thqtwqstt)efirsttime. М'Цf)?rnfR?Р.;
homelanp,;M~ka~·Wn~n!.tJ~ 'ЛIаэ ~~nty~fi~~~!;t"te
AI-Sham (&yria).on another trip, this
Khadija.·Bint Khouailed, arich .and nobJeworn~n'
entrustecjt:1irnvv~hf)er:imOne~j.aft~r . ~~.~. h?q .~~~f9.t~bQut~i.s
depef'lpabil'ity·'F\J:'Jci.trfJthfUlnef;)~..!.j .•. . AfJ~r My~at1lrn~!~· Jеtщп
trom~Jfil.g ..~I,.~t)!~rn~&Yfia)if:)~ .d.hit1l.!t~.rrtfilrry .her.
When:tw.e·~f()PI':\~~.MuhammF\9 . -: . .m?rr~j . KJ'.\?dija!he
wasjtw~J:'JtI;~"eY~?f~o!d;:anp··~~~.·W?s:to~, .
Before 9~,~c~~~,a·pr(}ph~t,at th~~ge{)t'~~1~
~. .~а&З~J,lrdt'Тt1~,..rч~tW(}rthуtt ЬrСС1узе:~~,' ' -.впювт .
moralandffl1stWorthy personamongJ:theJPeoplel<, Hewas
kl1own\,pt,:tq~,fQllowing,qualiti~~:. ·tgl~.а~н~.й~tiепсе,
justice, modesty, chastity, generosity, andbravery...

Beforetlis niis~iont() b~()meaprdphe~wasa.l1noUn~~,

Muhammad'. was knownforhishatred of paganidols.

Тhis , .great th~tM~ham~~d, .~, пемег

. attertd~9 a'1yofthecerernoni~s'· thatvv~reh~,I(jinhdnbrTbf
the idols.' Afso;theProphet Muhammad ~··:'·····пеVеГdrаПk
liquorinhis Нfe. -.

АН bf,t~~ргеv~RusIУ-:nепtiо~ed.сhагасtеristiс~:~еГ~()~lураrt
Of!h~,~i~pt~bestowed Ьу ~pduponHi~propre~~othat
theyg~n~~pomer~adyt() r~~ive.revelation:.. F()r.prop~ts
~гe .'a.~ys'i~fa.lli~I~. ·VVhich .·mea.nsp~oRhets donot<sin
beforeprophethood" погёо they sin atterwards.

TheJe,ws~,ndChristians!hen Hvi~g оп th~ . АгаЫап

Pef1instl'~,a~ .well.asthesurrounding C()untries 1, , Vliere
antiqipatedtheappearanceofthelast pr(}phet'in .th~world
.аswаsmепtiопеd intheir diviпеЬоoks;thе Old'and New
TestamentS. '

'" 610 A'[)"Jwhen the Prophet Muhamrnad .~. wasJorty

years(}ld;reyelationfrom Godwas эеп! downto:him through
th~!\r1QeIGa9riel ..,Gabriel inspired the, Prophet MlJhammad
•.. ,~~r th8 ,fkstchapter . ofthe Hofy~oran~ Thus,the
Prqp~~t'M'~~~rnmad :.~ ·was рrodаimеdвргорhеtwhеп
hew~t)fortyl . . ~"

Afte,rtfiatcta.t~,.the Но'х· Koranwas '.~эvе~fеd t~t~e:Prophet

f\i11iharn fТ1 a(j ••..~.. а! re~ufar iпtегvвls.чvеrthЭТf1ехt

tWen~ ..trteeyears~.· Тhis·геvеlаtiоп.wа,sgiу~~асq()гdiпgtо

ci.rcumstances впо . ()ccasionsthat .,:1'

necessary. ТНе HolyKoran 'э theworoof арс! inspired to


the.. Proph~trvtLlhamm~<i •..... throug~~~9~i~I;·~~~h~r

ProphetMuhammad ~ пог Gabriel· h~:.,~fjJ1~ingto ар
with this ЬооК other than its сопvеуаПСЕ3/tоhumапitY:
Gabriel recitedthe Holy Когап то Jhe PrOp~~!MtJ~~rnГh.acJ
11 who then memorized it ancJdefiv~redittQ~~~t?~r?le:
ТheProphet fv1uhammad .~ .... ·oгaey~a thos~>~~vyere
entrusted with·keeping агесога (hisCOrn~afli()n~)·towrite
dOyvn t.h~ .Holy. Кorап, be?ause the ~rophet>Muf1~mrn~(j
.~. /.was Шitегаtе.... It is worth mепtiопiп~thа't:.~fl of theH9fy
Коган was кер! in recordsduring thetimeofthe РгорНе!
Mu~mmad . ~ .

BeforethePrbphet .Muhammfid's missiоп;thе>АгаЫаn

Репiпsufа·wаs shrouded iпigпогапсе апd tyranhy,>for the
peopleworshipped paganidols. EachtrjbE3~~d itsowng9q,
w!Jich was.. rE3pres;entecJ as. а pagan Jdol that the . . tr~be
worshipped, SiЛ9еthеге were 360 tribes at.that time, there
were· 360 differehtpagan idofs.

Strongpeople took~dvantage of the weak, апd.~?rs ЬroКе

out Ьессщsе of trivialmatters.

This репоа al50 .withessed iппurnегаЫ~ aets ofstealihg,

plunder, апd the highway гоЬЬегу of caravans.Sfavery,
usury~adultery, drinking,gambIing, апdth.е.Ьuriаl of
newborngirls dueto the family's fear of disgr~ceor povetty
pr~vaif~dduring thattime. The \ДIоm~п'S sta't.I~.insociety
dimini.shed.. For~xample, а wоmапdid по! have}fJe·riQhtto
inherit herfamily's estate, апа she was consideredtobe а
possession, fike а piece of fLI.гпituге ог ап апimаl.

WhentfieprophetMuhammad ~appeare~,heu§her~d
iп' апеwеrа9уintгоduciпgthеl~.lаmiс.refigiof1 ;;.• Не·' ca'led
цpo~,He peopf~ tqworship the QпеGоd апdtо()Ьsеrvеthе
пеw {iЗ\f\f~ апdргiпСiрlеs that.wer~t.hen. uпfаmШаг.tо. the
реорr,~.Тhепеw la\ДI~. caHeq foranend ~ /h()micide,
roЬЬеуУ;/цэиуУ ,adultery, gambling, alcoholism,.slavery,


burialof ne~ni~ls".~d·~~.di~regardof"VoЦlE*1'~~ig~ts,
ар weIJasaJl·.•~ . . '. t.~.~.il1;1rnоrаl.асtiопsthаtvvеге~mrpоl'1
du.гiпg рге-tsl~ЦlI~ Jil'J'l~s. ' . . '..

lЪе.э ISJзmiс .: ;"Ion whichwas preG\~~ed·t.J~r.~n~!·Prophet

Мчl1аrnl1;1а~.......... ..caused агеvоfчtiорil;t~~frp~.,оf.rJJilогаlity
G\l'J'IqJ1grtl'1~·(r\rG\~Щ.Ьесаusе it .calle(.ifor vvo~t"ti~~ГJ~o~~God,
NI~!,~~p.G\,tG\ughtthepeopJeJhe.concePt,·ofl;f~ аПег
d~G\tI1 •.. ~~J1е"V;f~ligiоn.рrеасhedеqцаfityаI1;10ГJgG\Цреорlе,
~.~~tjtyr,~i~s~iргеlаtiопs, .neighbQr's rig~ts#·t~~ .•,.~i\ling,.of
сhаrity,аndwоmеп's rights tоiпhегit апа t0:ownprapeJ!'ty.

Тhe rnajority of."4a1<kah.'sPQlyth~ists weredissatisfieQ:wit~

this new.code_~!.Jivingand. th~yfoughtagainst the Prophet
Muhammad ~.,' Th~y treat~e ~iJJil veгy sеvегеlу,~чrtiJ1g
апд ffiqckinghiJJil'. треу c.alled him .IIТh.e Liar," "Тherv1ad,."
'The Маgiсiап," ~re'rrtle.p~t~n.They calle(.ihiЦl'JQePoet"
in а пеgаtivе sепsе rеfеrriпgtо . th~J~t tQа~thе'~<?~G\П is
writtеп.iп poetгy form.. Тhe people were demeaning the
prqpp et.MMhG\JJill1;1ad • . Ьу .• сатпgQiJJil.~.Рреt~ . аJ'J.(jпоt
recognizil'1ghil1i ава Prophet апа Me~s~('}g~r. ~rt~ofJghthe
pe0plehad called the Рюрhet Muhammad .~ IIThe
Тrчs~~ct~у"~еfоrеhеЬесаmе а prophet,. afterwarq~they
cG\II~Qh'imm.anybad патер.

Тt:юs~~~Jуthеists ,a150 "~orm.~9ted . the. Prophet' sfоIIО\Л1~rs·

The .РюphеtМuhаl1;1mаd.l!i, а10пg ..with his fОIlО\Л1~~S,
wereexpelled frorp their hрmеiл ·Mskkaf;1 to.adesert . out~Q~
tQ&;city.l1)eywereleft forthree years witha shortage·of
fcюd апд water.

~.~f1etheless" •. the Р(орhеtМt,ll1аmtЧа(j> •. ~ сОI1~~~ц~dсtо

p~&;;\e •.•.lsta~ic:.religiQJ1 .• in•.. "4f1.~kaf;1 •. forth~e~'11 .• у~аrS'IА~Щ
thati'~~'~' е..J\'Ц1ightyОГ(.iегеd ·him. to~~gf:~~ ••t'i?~.~djI:!G\'
Th~F11'1ig~~tP .м~qiла (саНед "hejra; '(~'i?Лsi,~~~еqа .,. .' .r;:t)i~to~ of Islal1;1, and it.. '. . t~ejb~Q~'11~iJ1g
оf:ttt~мчslil'J'lс.G\I~dа{, When the.· Prpph~t.l1;1igra1~pto
'е there ~uрр()rtщft1im and" founded the
.Не spehtthe lastten уе ', his life there.

'П Medina, the rophet Muhammad • \Vas the ruler,,the

judge,and ' ,соттапдег of 'the army.' These
'resporislbifmeswere in addition tothe Prop~МUh~rt1mad'5
essential rotes аз Prophef, Мезsengег, fathef t6 his chitdren, -'
and"husband to his wives. This point itlustrates опе of the
'. differ' between Muslirn anд noh-Muslimcultures.
'э {s Ье td ье а comprehensive reJigion th8tgoverns
аП а5рес! .. . Тherefore, MusHrns до not believe in the
doctrine of"Sepaiation о! Church апд StatеПtnatis c;ommon
intheWest.· '., , ,

Тhеtэгорhеt Мипaпirnаа ,'~ 'was a'strategicteader inthe

defe"se of Mediha аа far as-armies and tactics ofwar were
coneerned.. Не fought тапу Ьаttles against the Polytheists
and theJews ;...: twemy-seveпmiJitагу ех ' ,ns and зiщ
mititary detachments: This was дonе to stop е aggre$Sion
of the РоМ' t5 апд the Jews and fo(' the defense and
protection of е people 01 Medina. Aiso, these b~ were
песеззагу ,to. Ыеаг the' wэу far the Pre~hif)g of'fslam. '

'П time, the peopJe were convinced of their рwn free фоicе
,ofthe truth ofthe neWreligion.' tslam beganto зрг .' mong
а" the inhats.of th,e Aral;)ian Peninsula.· . rophet
Muhammad , . 5еп! ,Ietters to зоте of tne kings of, the
world at that time,calling them to belie~ inlsJam. Весаизе
Isl~ffi 'iз ап internationalreligion~ the PrOphet'Muhammad
'.' .sem messagesto thB folloWing s:' ' (, the
Rdman: Кiпg ,of 'the Byzantine;· At..:Mo .' ()f
Egypt; Negrus,'·Emperor of!'ethiopia; кh '. 'of
Persia; AJ-Monzer Bin 8aWi;Кingof Banrairi; ~~eefar and
Abda,the мо Kings of Отал; and Huthah Bin Ali•.the King
of AI::Yamai1'iah.!' !

The Prophet Милаттэd • ~ith thep~pl~ of. Ma.kkah..They yjpl€lteq ~his
t~~~W ~ft(;l;эЦi~~jth \ttt~J3эl<г Tribe, kЩiпgm~у ~еП1Q~ГS
ofthe Кhцzа'эh Tribe, who wereaffied with {пе Prophet
Muh.~rnf11~d .. ~ .Consequ~ntly, thePrQPh~t I~Qan;army
9Benthous~q9 fighters iп ()rder tо.сопqu~(Мak~h. Makkah
r~~!iz~d •. ~h~f4tilityof this.resistance {о 'fhe.Prophet'sf()rce$
and~urreQdered ;with.outа fighting.

Т;~~ЯR!]qt,l~~t;:()fМаkt<аh~ iSCQrSidered .ЬУf!ЛtJSlimstрЬ~.thе

gfep.t~~t ()faJltriurpph~., .beC<:iuse of M~kah's. Sitatusas а . holy
Gity.wne':~Jhypepple Jll<:ike· their.yearJy pil~rimag.e$. j\lsp,
f!A~kkah; ~!]Sih(i!]es Л,.,l<а'аоа; the НоusеQfЧоdwhiсn 'НаБ
геЬuИtЬу the Prophet АЬгапат. Makkah аlsорlЭУеd а
sigлifiсапt.гоlе politicaHy and соmmегсiаllуаmопg аН the
~гэQjаQtriQ~s.. Тhеf)ГQрhеt Muharprnad . . .•.~ .f)irnself~as·
~t;f) i(1•. Makka~i .which isсопsidегеd his hЩnуlсlПdапcjthе
.f)orne'fll"l.d"fmpstafhis соmРCiпiопs.... Мш<~а.h theGity
\'V~r~fl".· ~he) ~fit>е?gаthегеdаgаiпst {пе PrqpRetof GщI,
tр(rn~чtiаQQiV'реrsопаllу. Ma.kkah 'НаБ theSitrateQic c~nter
fоrфеr.~р!stаf'Jсеа9Ciiпstl~'аm. For аll t.hese . reasons, {пе
CQ.nqU~Si.tQ!Makl<an W€lS significart.... The~ropt1et
Мuhаffirnэd. e~.wasfulJy avvarethattneconqu.eSitpf
Makkah wasthe best wayto spread Islam аmопg {пе АгаЬБ.

1"6~~((\)ggеtМчh<:i[Jlmаd .... '.~ . епtегеdfy18JSlsап .• iЛ. а hu ll1ble

W<:iYJn<:it··.~~Sipbedient .ю .•. Qpd.. The Prophet.••.Nluharnmad
..(;Ij(;l:JJP~~flt~r thecity IП thearrQgantwayor;;te.}Nould
~~Р.~СФiiQ{~сопqUЕ!ГОГ. Ао iлdiсаtiо Гl of theprppl)et
MUt1arnrn<:i(j'~hЧrnititу and suЬmissiоп tgцpd, hi~fore@E!?d
CitrnQstt.9\;JGhedth~",~qQle pf hiscamel:ssaddl:eCishe гоое
iptQ М~k~аr{',ji~.dditiопаltу, Фе. ProphetMunamrpad· ~
{oГ€J~Me <:iIIJf;16iJ:>~pleofM~l<ahand orderedhip sоldiегs<поt
t.QharrpJ~E!irpropEtrtyor wealth.

АБ а сопsеquепсе of the Ргорпет'в с()пsidегаtе, toferant

behavrot,·al(·th~yiti~enSOftv1ak~etttwe,r~ со~v~~~~"!рIS(iПl'
AftertheProphetforgavetne people о' Makkan, Пе:.оГОегеа
АI-~'щра(tl1е HolyHousethatwas ret?uiltpy .~Пе ;Р~орпе!
A~ra~alm~· .Тhеr:е~al9Ьеел t~rye .l1tj{1dreq . aP9B~~ Щ.Qls,
опегергеsепtiflgеCiсh·оf the АгаЫап tribeg, ~thщt.tiше.

Аftеr.tnесопqцеstоfМаkkan, thePrQphet Мипаттао . . ~

гetUФe(jtQМеdiпаwhеге crowdsof ре{)рteсаш~tо .ре
сопvеrtеdtоlslаm.ЕасhАгаЫсЩtгiЬеsепt adele,~tio" to
Мef1Ji.паtоfiпdthе РroрhеtапdЬе taughtthe ргiпсiрJеsоf
Islam.pyhim.. Тhooe delegatioГ'ls wereconverted tothe
relig.ioQQoQenalfof<thetribe... Тher e .wегеsо~еJеws~пd
Ct:\ristia[ls wrO. dif1J not waпt to change their.re1igio". !.a.nd
these РЕ!орlе were .required Ьу the .Islamic refigion topay а.
тах, Тhегеаsоп Muslims were по! taxed wasbecausethey
were.required·by феiг. ·геligiоп.tо ргасtiсе<а1fJ:1S,.giviпg, .апd
ha,dther~forea.lready qопtгiЬuted.mопеуtоthе society. This
уеаг.~аsknоwл.аsthе "Уеаг о! Delegations."

Dшiпghis lifetime, the Prophet Muhammaf1J ~.;. wClsabIe

to unite allthei\rabtribes цпеег thегеligiопоfJSlаm... Тhоs.е
tripes h(id traditi()n~Jly fought апа dеsрisеd.вщqrоthе,г ,No
oneirl.tre historyof АгаЫа .Паа ever beensuccessfulin
uпitiпgthеm. Тпе Prophet Мипаттаа ~ .beca.methe
'еаоег of tOO majority or the рорцlаtiоп OГl.the АrаЬiап
Peninsula after Ье паа estabIished the Islamic State.

Before he died, the ProphetMuhammad .~·... тaдe .·а

pitgrimagetoMakkan. The Prophet Muhamma(j .: ~<.•.CirCled
агоuпdthе AI-Ка'аЬа(thе,Ноlу J-iЩJsе the ~ГQР~еt.AQrаhаГ1"1
rebuilt}1seven. tir-ne~.f:.~ter ()nduring. his,.t~e,
Prophet МuhаГ1"1шаcj ... ~ .. Оеliуе,ге,а.·hisfЩJ'}1()u~tагеwеll
эреесП. ··'TheI fоlfаWiпgгергеsепts рап ofWhatHesaid:
"q~P~gR'~!Jist~n .tothi~ fo(thi$r:nay
. etaaftim
,'" ".
. ;.e.. t)Ni..1I т~.. et wit.h урипеге.•...
",!,"" ', •. , .. .. ..

'(!)~~~~~le·,JUst~~ уоц re~ardthiSr:r'Pflth andiday'

t()tэ~.f1;cil~·,ап~ Justasyou regardthis,City ()f'M~l<l<fh
tО'Ь~Г~~З~~Р~;$g~/sо rnu~t уоц re~g.r~Jh~.Jifr'and
propertyof every МиэНт то beholy аво засгеО.
qn ~~.~•. ~id I accomp/ishthemission' yousent
rn~ ~<:)?():rnp·le'~?PidJdetivery ourmes$age to'the
()h.Fi>eg,,'e,•. ha~e rt~spect. forthepro1D~(t~ of
9~h~rs:~ .;~?p~~ession thathas beenborrowedgr
е'h~~ц · ·.tgурч mцstье rt~turn~dtc) itsri9ht1u/·
owne·r. .' .
qh:J4'~~;pl~,:'t?~ware. ofSataf1.WhiIe~E3I<f1o!"~)'Rt.J
wrПпоt'Ье '·d~ceiv~p. in.toWorsh iррiГl9hiro'9~гStiИ
belie\iesthathecan tempt уоц intocommitting
s,maH...•sips.Therefore, . Ье carefuk по! tofo/low
:QIJP~RP/~,$ir1Ce. aJlthgse who b.eti~VE:iif1q;odare
Ьrэthе~S'с . :110Р~ГSОП shou·tdta~e theprope.rtyof:
апоthеrг~i~r9ut~i'SрегmiSSiОП.. .;...<}г . . ': . ..; .
Oh г: GQd,· did I dеПvег уоиг message totHe
peop/e.?·'!;;~?'.: b~:тy .:wjtness.
()~.p~ple,a~er l·amgone, O~ГJo! ··l<i'llo~.~
.~9()tQ.~E.lf~qtJpo, уоисап пе IОП9ег ge'({;9ns.~d~red
N1•.ц$О"1s.·I.fJ~vе)~ftуqчwith tt)eBQgkqfGOd,: ~ge .,
fоПоw.Аs 'ОП9 аз уои strictly abideby the
tecachingsof the Когап, you wiH по! Ье Jeadastray.
Оh.(Эе>Рt.ОktJ. oetiver Y9U rч~~~~~е.~~;>~~~ r
pe()ple?Jr;I.<ti<t.tge.myvyitnes~. ".. . . •. .•. .••.. . . .•.•. :' • .• ; ••.•....•.. /;;'

O..h,pooptejy.ouh~ve one/G.od,.~II~ht~n~Iit/.~i~
sightyou areequal. All of уои pe.opJepfee~.ual
beca~~~ y~uhCl~e the вагпе fathert.Aoam.~I1<tyoq
Allof. уоиагеmаое out.of. CI~y~~Q~~~~.:~~~ i •

was. гвасе out of cIay. Forth {вгеаэоп, {п the~i~rt of

God поопе is better thananotherunlessneis/more
ri9nteot.jg..N?~rab issuperiortba n.on~Ara!6i.t~re$~,morerighte.ous. ". . . .Г· П \
Qh.(эоQ·, ,oio-. Ide1ive{ уоuгmеs§аQе.~9.п.~m~·.·
peopJe?ff $o,bemywitness. . . .' .•.•. . . . . . >. .
Qh'peopfetthose 01 уоц'mu§t··
lJ~s~t~i§ rnes§Cige оп to thosewho area9~~nt.'t

IП6ззА.D.~hе erophet .'~...died: .Не .W~S ~iх,!Х-~Ьг~е~~~~s

ot.daC.Y9r~ing .the /нпаг С(;llепqаг and $ixty-оnеа.с(;Rгdi~~tр·
thе'~{}I~гс~l~п~аг; lmm~diate'y .atter ·!h~ . . er()pt)e~·~ .• ~~~mJ
АЬа B~Кeг сате out. апd.sаidtо the' p~plej:.".\.I~~iIY.
whosoeverworshipped Muhammad knowst~~t,.",o~amT~d
is dead.··. jButwhosoever.worshipped God kпоwsth~tGо(IJs
alive,. forH~does not die." ТНеп he recitedt~et()lfo~if)g
versesf.rom •the Но!у Когал: НТги!у . you wШ qie(qne 'qay~;
апdtгulуthеу(tоо)wШ die ·.(опеdау).It. (QurJan,XX~J,~~.~Q~.)
Апd"rv1uhа(Т1IТ'1С':~ ,в поm()ге t~an ал Аr:>9st'~;тС':пуw~\~~t~~
Apo?tlesttiatpasseq' аwау·Ьеfdгеh;rfI.··.··lfhе·d!ёdо/vveге
slаiп:WН"УО\jtt1епtuгпЬасkОЛyour. heeIs?'ffаПу'(Ji,dtUf;П
back опhis heels, лоt fhe lеаsthаrmwШhеdОJ()~~,tJl.Jt
Gоd{оn,.·th~€)~hщh~nd)witl swift/y:'rewardttqo.?·e,..1(>Iho(S8rм8
him).wi~q,gr?tlt\)q~~." .(Rцг'~п,НI.144J
",?",'".':. ,.', ''';, .. ' .. :'>

PtcAhet·st1~sql.Je. [ate r, theProph et's .мОsqЧ7\у~S

e~PC1rтd~ptqsuch ~nextent that .it containedthePr?Pl1et' s
hоusе.тt1еРfОJ!Jпеt'sМоsquе is ргеsепttу. looated in
МеdiЩl, ·Saudj·ДгаlЭiа.

Todaymflliorтsof·Musljms visit the Pг()phet'SMQ~que .. This

vi~i~lJ1aycpi~cide with а 'Y'.uslim's pilgrimage~o Makkah, ог
maytal<eplace а! another time. .

L~ssthafJ nV() ·centuries -. after. the·death· cfthe ·РЩрhеt

Mцb~mmaP•••.. •.~. . ••.. , the MusJimsbeeame .ФеЬеагегэ qfhis
holy message.Isfam spread thюughоut the~orId untilit
геС:1~~е~.СQi~аiпth7ЕаstапdSpain intheWest.. ТЬе IsIamic was tobecomethegreatestempirein the history of
Mankind.The teachings of 'эlaт werethemotivationfor this
аmaziлgIуп~рid expansionof the Mus/imfaith.

Tbday,.thereare тоге than а billion Muslims ,п the woгld,

m()$t.of~hQmliye . in (пе 46 Muslim соцпшез inAsia.and
I\fficC1..... /лd()п~siаis.ргеsепtlу the largest
ТПеге.аге. ~Iso mi/lionsof Мuslimsliviпg .innon-Muslim
соuпtгiеs:>j20rnШiопlive '" Jndia, over 100 miШол.iл China,
ancf 66miШрп it'ltheSoviet Uпiоп.

Note(1) : F'resently; the four MuslimcountriesViith t~largest
poputatiof1 QfMusHms аге : {ndonesia. Bangladesh.Pakistan,
зпd N,igeria • ~
\Jote(2): Tы~·гeaгe аlsоmiШопs of Musfimsliving in non"'­
Muslimcountriessuch аэ : The Phi tippines, Вигта, rhail~nd ,
Yugoslavia ,.ancj {Ье United States.


The•.• CitymMakkah i$tslam's holiestof all'cjtiSsfor >the

follo~ing reasons:

Ка'аЬа (the Ноцвё which was rebuilt bythsProp",et

Abraham).and . the ~rand Mosque are,j()~ate<:f}nM~kka~.
Ka'abq isthe h<;>liest shr.ine. Muslimsallove~t~~w(}rl~pr~y
fi\fetimes а day, and while they dothis, theyface th~Ka'aba,.

Duringthe .РilgгiЦ1аgе веввоп; Muslimsfr~v~ltqfy1ak~ahfdr

their pilgrimage.. Muslims аге required todoa.pilgrilТ1a~e to
M~kk~h~tleast .опсе. in. their liyes if they T~reat;>le ~Q. Thi§.is
ЬесаtЩeРilgrim~gе 1э .the Fifth Pillar оflslаm.(1;J1еfЭill~гsоf
ISlam.are: ... ;1. То believe there is Ohly.. on~God '•. ~J1d
Muhamm~d I~ нв me$senger andthe lastРГ9:Р~f)fёЛ.. Рr~у
flVe times рег cjay. 'Н.. Тhe rich peOe'egivecharitYtothef)0Qf
of2.5~...",.Fastduring the holy.monthof Ram~dan.V.
РИgrimаgе to Makkah.)

Th~Pil~fimaQe is а very. special .expeгience $in~ef\t1ysljms

fromeverycountry in the. WОг1dgаthег·tоgЕ}trЕ}r.iПМ~~~h.
This пав Ьееп taking pface since the· timeoftheProphet
M~h,C1rrltn~<:f. ~ ..... White оп Pilgrimage~every()l'1~g[~~S~S
i~~he sam~cloth,ingso по .опе сап tеП who i$'riCha"t:f .wb~
ispo()r.•. ThePilgriгnage i~ а пгпе when rniHionsare.g~mered
andtheirlJeJi~! .in .th,eteachings of· fslam .i~ .strE:1(1g!f1~rl~d:
Отга {Э atso агвавоп why people travel to Makk~h.':Of1?~aJ~
ап optional pilgrimage for Muslims that сап Ье done аtалу
timеdUгiлg theyear.

Makkah isthe bll1hplace ofthe Prophet MLJhammad· ~,and

Makkah iswherelslam began "-- whеге.th,еfЮ:)f?h,<::t
Muhammad .. ~ received the Когап fromGоdЩгрughttiе
АПQ8IЧ~lJф~I.-. Themessage of Islcцn юок, p~9ple Jr()m
dаrkпеsstо'ightпеss •.
then returned back то the place where ,J\braham had
previously left her with her son.

Abrahamquickly went to the place where Ka'abais located

now. This place was уегу c/ose то where he orginally /eft
Hagar and Ishmael. Не tuгn hishands цр to the sky, praying
to Allah. "Oh myLord, I have left ту sonand wife in а Ьаггеп
valley пех! to your 8acred House. that they гпау estabIish
regular ргауег. Thus Ibeg you to insuгe some people will
visit that р'асе. I also beg you to bestow somefruits upon
them so that they will remain faithful to you."

The following уегэев give account of Abraham's ргауег as

found in the Holy Когап (XIV, 37).

"О ouг Lord! I have made

some of ту offspring to dwell
'П а valley withoutcultivation,
Ву Thy 8acred House;

In order, О ouг Lord, that they

Мау estabIish regular Ргауег:
80 fill the heaгts of some
Аmопg теп with love towards them,
Апd feed them with Fruits:
80 that they тау give thanks."

80 the Prophet Abraham left behind his wife Hagar and

young son, Ishmael, at the place where Makkah is today.
Hagar began to breast-feed her son and she drank frorn the
canteen of water ate from the basket of dates.When the
canteen гап empty, Ishmael Ьесате thiл~tу апсвпе set off
to find wаtэг. She was unabIe to Ьеаг watchingher son

8he climbed Ир 8afa Моuпtаiп to see ifc~ravans were

coming in the distance, but there was поthiпg,shе know the
earavans would Ье carrying water. She elImbed to the top
of Morwah Mountain, оп the other side of th.e valley. Again
she searched for earavans and found ПQthiпg. Hagar гап
between Safa Mountain and Moгwah MountaIn seven tImes,
but was unable to fiпd апуопе~ "
WhenHagar returned to the plaee where she had left her
son, а miraele oeeurred. А spring of water began to emerge
from under Ishmael's feet. That spring of water has ever
since Ьееп known as the Well of Zamzam.

Опе day some Arabs from the Jerham Tribe passed Ьу

Makkah and noticed there was а bird eireling асоуе, indieating
there was water in Makkah. The tribesmen met Hagar and
asked her if they could live in Makkah wit~1 her.

She told them they eould, but that she would have the rights
to the ownership of the water. This meant that they eould
use it, but that she would still own the spring. They agreed
to this.

Hagar was happy to have eompanionship. The tribesmen

stayed there and they sent for their relatives to move there,
and the city thrived. This is how the Holy City Of.Makkah
Ьесате prosperous.

Тhe Prophet Abraham (тау реаее Ье upon him) journeyed

tOMakka~tovisit his son, Ishmael. While he.was there he
wаs>оп~~геdЬу Allah to rebuild Ка'аЬа with the help of
Ishmael(Qlaypeaee Ье upon him).

Asti l11epassed, Makkah Ьесате а plaee where earavans

tгащ~l1inQfhГЩJQtJthе desert would stop. It also Ьееате ап
imроrtgпt commercial eenter in the АгаЫап Peninsula.
Fait~fful pilgrims travelled to Makkah as part of their pilgrimage
t(1~r~tJ~patKa'~ba (the House rebuiltbythe Prophet
~brah~(1);htakkah prospered in·response to the prayers of
Uлfоrtuпаtеlу,·withthе раssiлg oftime, thepeople ofMakkah
set pagan idols up around Ка'аЬа and Ьеgапtо worship
them. They по longer worshipped God exelusively, who was
their own God and al50 the God of Abraham.

The people ofMakkah devised religious.rites and eeremonies

that they iлtroduееd to their pilgrimage, whieh had not Ьеел
previously ordered Ьу God. Pagan idol worship5preadall
over the АгаЫап Penin5ula. This praetiee eontinued until the
7th eentury, when the Prophet Muhammad ~
demolished all the pagan idols surrounding Ка'аЬа, and
purged the АгаЫап Репiлsulа from idol worship. The
Prophet Muhammad ~ then ordered the peopleto
worship Allah exelusively.

Today milliолs of Muslims go to Makkah each уеаг to

eomplete their pilgrimage. Тhis is согвюегео to Ье а1'1
obligation to Ье observed Ьу every able Muslim 8t Je8st опее
during his lifetime.

Аэ рап of the Pilgrimage, Muslims go to Makkah andei.rele

around Ка'аЬа. They also cover the dista1'1cebetweenSafa
Mountain and Morwah Mountain seven times. The pilgrim8
also drink from the Well of Zamzam, the spring ofvvatervvhieh
was diseovered under the feet of Ishmael.

Another Миэliт еегеmопу is to 8acrifieeanimalsonthemost

important holiday in Islam, Eid-AI-Adha, Thisi8 d01'1e to
follow the example of the Prophet Abraham,theratherofAJI
Prophets. It refers to ап ineident whe1'1the Prophet
Abraham's эоп Ishmael was saved from the васпйсе Ьу
angels bearing а гат from Paradise. .

This referred back to the Prophet Abraham'sdreClf1)when

he saw himself sacrificing his sоп 18hmael аэ . а1'1 0fiering.
After he had that dream, the Prophet Abraham aS8umedGod
was ordering him to kiJI his 801'1. Тhe геаsопf{)rthiSdге.Clт
was that God wa1'1ted to test Abraham's faith. 11'1 obedience
toGod's огоег, Abrahamlaidhis son оп the ground the way
in which animals аге affered for sacrifice.

When Abгahamtгied to cut thethroat ofhis san, theknife did

not actually cut. Immediately, God sent ап angel beaгing а
- ramfrom Рагасйвв to Ье sacrificed Instead of 'shmael.

TheHaly Кагап recited this incident as follows:

(когап XXXVII102-107)
102.Then, when (the 50П)

Reached (the·age of)

(Serious) work with him,

Не said: "О ту 50П!

, see in visiол

That '·оПег theein sacrifice:

Naw.seewhat is

Thy viеw!"(Тhе зоп) said:

"О myfather! 00

. AsthoH аl1 cOmmanded:



Practicing~atience аор Constancy!"

10З.Sо.~еп theyhad both

SuЬmittеd>thеir.wШs (to .God).;

Andhehadtaid him



1Q4.Wecalledout tohim,


10~.1~p~.~~~ ~1~~a(jyfUlfiJleq


~P'Af~i·~~W9~q,· •.•. ·.·.·.>·.

106.For this was obviously
А trial-­

107.And We ransomed t"lim

With а momentous saerifiee:

It Isbecauseof this incident that Muslims all over the world

commemorate this Holy day, the Feast 01 the Sacrifice. It is
celebratedby sacrificin.g тапу goats, which аге then given
to thepoor people 1ог 1000.

This day is the most impoгtant day to Muslims, who eelebrate



1.Ка'аЬа is the first shrine God built оп earth and it has Ьееп
there sineethe time of the Prophet Adam (тау реасе Ье
оропгвгп). The Prophet Abraham (mау реаее beuponhim)
was instrueted to rebuild the shrine оп the holy groundwhere
it had огigiпаllу stood.

2.The Feast of Sacrifiee is known in Arabie ав Eed Aladha.

It is the biggest holiday for MIJslims and is еquivаlепt to
Christmas for Christians.

Th.isbOOk has taken те а long time ю .согпр'етв. The

сойеспоп of two hundred Hadith included пеге were сагешцу
selected fгom among thousands of the Prophet's Holy

The idea foг tt"lis book was generated in late 1985 whеп I sent
some tгапslаtеd Hadith to Ruth Niсhоlsоп., ап Агпепсап lady
liviпg in Califoгnia. She wasgreatly impressed with the Holy
Hadith I hаd.givеп пег. Зhе геао some of them tomembers
of her family, whom впе told of the trust she had in апуЬоdу
who believed iп the Pгophet Muhammad ог in his tеасhiпgs.

Sееiпg how much Mrs. Nicholson had Ьееп iпfluепсеd

епсоuгаgеd те to согпрйе as тапу Hadith as.possibIe·and
translate them into English so that поп-Мuslims could study
the teachIngs of Islащ. This . would allow поп-МustimsаН
оуег the world to read and grasp thi3se principles.


The Hadith included here have Ьееп carefuIJy se/ected to Ье

both appealingand relevant то реерте from Westeгn
сultщ.еs.l·wаsсqпсегnеd thatthemessageand· iтрlitаtiолs
of the$e Hadith apply to the поп-Мus'imWQгld~щ:fЬе
valuabIe to them inpaгticular.

Studуiпgthеl~lаmiс. геligiопduгiлgеагlу chiJd~()oQ· iq.pubIic

sсhрql§ . iпrnуЫгth)рlасеiлАЬu Dh~Ы{Опiti3d<Аr.аЬ
Ещiг~tе$)ihаs. h.i3lped.. . . me Y:lrite ·thi$.book,· •.•·.•. Iqqrnpfeted
r~~QilJ.g thet-iqJуКщапfгоrТl.соvегtо;соуеr~~thеаgеоf
tеп. ееiпg 8 st.udent 8t the Uпivегsity of ЗоuthегпCalifornia
in theUnited States. foг. тоге thanseven уеагв hashelped
те to understand .the Engtish languageand the Westeгn


I would like to ехрlаiп the meanings of а few terms which the

геадег will encounterfrequentlyin this book.

--"Jslam" is ап АгаЫс woгd which means "реасе, purity,

ассертапсе .апд commitment."

--"Allah ll meatrs "God."

--"Associating With Allah" гпеапз believing in different gQds

besides Allah orbelieving Allah has а 50П.

--"Qu'ran" is the Когап (the Book of God).

--"Moslems is the same аз "Muslims."

--"Ummah re1ers to 'the Muslim peopJe, the followers of the

Prophet Mohammad .~. .

--"Hadith" is а гесогд от the sayings, doings, асйопвапо

descriptions of the Prophet Muhammad .~ ,

--"Sunna" is another пате for "Hadith."

--"Evil doing" isany bad action against pee>ple ог pгopeгty;

-- "Verily" means 'truly.

--"Alms'i means "charity,11

. --At the . ЬegiПl1iпg 01 each .Hadith., the . . рпгаве "Оп the
authorityof<. ,,'1 is followed Ьу the пате of t.he companiop of
the Prophet Muhammad m.whorepoгtedthe Hadith... For
example, these паmеs аге:- Abu Hurairah, Anas Bin Malik,
--At the end of each Hadith is found the пате. ог njckname
ofthe scholarwho actually wгote down and kept а record of
the Prophet's NobIe Hadith. These патеэ аге: Bukhari,
Muslim, Tirmizi, Baihaqi, Ahmad, АЬи Daoud, 'Ьп м ajah,
Baghawi, апd AI-Nisai.

--. ~. means "Реасе and bIessing of Al\ah Ье цроп him."

in АгаЫс.

--"Mosque" is the place where Muslims go to ргау five times

а day. А Mosque to the Muslims is like а church to the

--''Тhе Last Оау," "The Нош," "The Dау of Judgement," апо

"Тhe Dау of Resuгrection"all have the same meaning. АН
these phrases теап the end of this fife оп eaгth and the
Ьеgiппiпg of the Afterlife.

-.'1 The Prophet ~ "апо The Messenger of Allah" аге titles

for the Prophet Muhammad *.
--"Pofytheist" is а регsоп who worships тапу gods.

--"Не is not опе of us" mеапs that регsоп is not а devout

Muslim ог that his faith is поt complete.

--!'Believer" теапэ а good Muslim.

--"Brother" mеапs fellow тап ог апу Muslim.

-~''ВепеvоlепсЕ3'' теапэ kindness.

-·"Makkah" is a/so written "Месса" ( The city ofMecca)

--"Sbn ofAdam" meansa тап огhumапЬеiпgЬесаusе

everyone is descended from Adam.

--Allah's пате always begins with а capitalletter. Апу

reference to AJlahis also capitalized; such as, "Не," "1," and
"W8." God оftеп refers to Himself as "We" thesame way that
royalty does. А" other names for·Allah аге alsocapitalized.
Тпезе nameswould include, "ТЬе Gепегоus," "ТЬе Merciful,"
and so оп.
--"Fasting" is to go without eating ог dгiпkiлg from dawnuntil
suлsеt (for about 14 to 17 hours) as а way of woгshipping
God. It teaches love, sincerity, and devotion. It develops
раtiепсе, unse1fishness,. social conscience, and will-power
to Ьеаг hardships.
--"Praying" refers to the practice of worshipping at the
Mosque ог anywhere else. Muslims ргау five times а day.
When they ргау, they stand up, then kneel down, then bow.
Ргауег strengthens апd enlivens belief in God and inspires
тап to higher тогаПty. '!
purifies the beaгt and controls
temptation, wгong-doing, алd evil.

--"Jihad" means "striving for Allah's cause." Thi~ could refer

to тапу practices done foг Allah's sake, such as: going to
battle fогуош country; defending your faith; doing
missionary work; and resisting temptation.

--In the Когап, the word "We" is how God (Allah) refers to
Himselt. Theuse of the plural form connotes holiness ог
majesty. Кings and queens all over the world refer to
themsetves as "We."

--"Removing а harmfu\ thing from the гoad" means to remove

а гock, а пай, а broken bottle, ог апу obstacle Ьоthегiпg
--"Recompense" is а reward.

"А. Н"
means "after hejra l l , which refers to the migration of the
Prophet Muhammad ~ from the city of Makkah tothe city
of Medina. This event marks the beginning of the Muslim
-- IIUSUryll. in English means to charge ап excessivelyhigh
interest rate. For example, if someone is desparate for
топеу апо somebody gives him а lоап, but charges double
ог triple the usual rate of interest. However,in Islam, апу
small amount of interest is considered usuгy.
-- "Спазшу" means а state of ршепезв, virginity etc.

А поп-Мuslim reader тау wonder why this book is written in

both АгаЫс and English. The reason is that ДгаЫс is the
original Language and this Hadith is so holy that it must
always Ье written in the original language. Since the
translation could Ье susceptible to mistakes, the гпеагнпо wiII
not Ье lost if the original text accompanies the translation.
Therefore, the original Hadith will Ье preserved for eternity.

When а тап ог а woman is referred to in а Hadith, the

message of the Hadith does not apply to just теп ог women,
but to all humanity. There аге occasional exceptions where
Hadith аге specifically directed to опе gender and this will Ье
indicated in those cases. Otherwise, the messages of the
Hadith apply to all mankind.

Some people incorrectly assume that the Islamic religion

discriminates аgаiпst wоmеп. This is not true. After the
Prophet Muhammad ~ began his Pгophet-hood during
the seventh century, the position ofwomen ппргоуео greatly.
The Islamic religion motivated the following imргоvеmепts:
1)А woman Ьесате legally entitled to iпhегit property fгom
her family's estate.

2)It Ьесате illegal and immoral to kill oгbury daughters due

to the family's embarrassment ог poveгty.

З)Wоmеп gained the right to own property.

4)Women gained the right to choose theirhusbands апото

refuse to paгticipate in аггапgеd marriages-,

tslamic law aod Jegislation сапее fочпd iHtwo sQQrces;The

Holy Когап andJhe Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad.. ~ .

The Когап is the word of God"алd it is the mostholybQok of

Jslam. God gave the inspiration тог the Когап to the Angel
Gabrj~l, whо.thел inspired the Prophet Мuhагпmаd . .~
Itis а сопипоп пивсопсерпопthat the Prophet Muhammad
~ . is theauthor of the Когап. This is nottrue. TheHoly
Когап is God's word iлsрiгеd in the Prophet thЮIJgh the
AngefG~brief. Nei.ther the Prophet Muhammad /Й .. пог
the Angel Gabriel had anything to do with the Кorап беуопd
сопvеуiлg God's message to the people.

The definition of.the Hadith is the saying, actions, reports ог

descriptions ofthe Prophet Muhammad Й . For вхагпр'е,
there аге .Hadith that героп that the Ргорбет used his right
hand to eat., and that he was silent to indicate disapprovaf.

The чпропапсе of 1heHadith 15to givedetailed explanatipns

of the princlples in the Когап; there аге "things contained in
the Hadith that аге по! mentioned ,п the Когап.

ftisrequired for Musl.ims to followthe Hadith becau~ethey

have Ь~еп orderedin the Koran то imitate the behavior of the
Propl)et Muhammad ~ Тпе Hadith is ~I~e advice апо
tеасhiлgs of the Prophet MIJhammad ~ that were
inspiredbyGod. The Prophet Мuhагпmаd ~·didnot
make цр the principles of· the Hadith himseJf. The Prophet
Muhammad Й is infallibIe. For this геазоп.лпе Hadith is
themain воцгсе оfJsJаmiсtеасhiлgлеxt to the КОган itself.
In the Когап, the Almighty AHah says: "Sotake what the
Apostle аssigпs to уоц апо deny yourself that with which he
withh()Ids from you." (Ои'гап, LIX. 7)~

Therefore, th~textbf the Hadith iпсludеdiпthisЬоdk аге

verysapred,important, and deseniing ofrespect.

Islam is а complete religion that Ciddresses all aspects of life. .

The Prophet's HCidith deal with сопипоп апd useful issues
such as: ItSales," "Тгапsасtiопs," NМCiппегs," "Warand
Реасе,11 IIStrife and Labor," "Travel," "Тгаое," "Agriculture,"
"The Pursuit of Knowledge," "Меdiсiпе," "Health," "Leisure
Time," "Relaxation," "Lunar and Solar Eclipses,"
"Juгisdiсtюп," "Grievances," "Debts," "Blood,il "Мопеу,"
IIРаwпiпg," "Leaves," IIFamilies's Rights and Relatives'
Rights," "Parents' Rights,'1 "Neighbors' Rights," "Marriage
апd Divorce," ."Religious Observations -- Prayers, Fаstiпg.,
Pilgrimages and Аlms-Giviпg," "GharitabIe and Evil Acts,I'
"Messengers," '1 Prophets, HeavenJy Books and theLast
Оау," and Paradiseand Неll."

This is just а smalJrepresentation of all the тапу subjects

covered Ьу the Hadith. Noother religion iлthе world covers
as тапу subjects as Jslam does, пor in such rich detail.


The two huлdгеd Hadith included iп this book have Ьеел

extracted from among thousands of thePropheesHadith. I
have arranged these selections in chapters so they сап Ье
easily read and цпоегвюоо. These Holy Hadith deal with
some of the social issues pertaining to Islam aswell as to the
sayings and actions.of the Prophet ~ •

Examples of these issues аге: "Gharity and Good Deeds,"

"Good Manners," "Рагпйу апо Helatives,'1 I'Neighbors'
Rights," IIKindness to Animals," "Labor," "Authority and
Responsibility," Law,""Trade," "Gгееdiпеss," ."81gns of the
Last Оау апd the .Тпав," "The Dayof Judgemепt<апd
InhabitantsofParadise and InhabitantsofHefl," "Propnets,"
and "Faith."

I would again like to remind the reader thatthere аге

thousands тоге Hadith not included in this volume that
address the above mentioned subjects. Should the reader
have further interest ,п studying the Holy Hadith,he сап
consuJtone of themany booksavailabIe. For example, the
works of Bukhari, Mustim,and Tirmizi.


It has Ьееп mygoal to make this translation of Hadith clear

and еаау to comprehend.1 have relied оп mапу quaНfied
peopte tohelp with thetranslation. Also, 1referred то the
Hadith books previously pubIished iл English, but Idid not
confine myselftorelying оп their translations. Since тапу
phrases in АгаЫс do nothave corresponding meaning in the
EngIish language, I have translated Ьу concept, rather than
word-for-word. Also, it should Ье noted that а" quotes from
the Когап used ,п mybook· were taken from the translation
Ьу Yusuf АИ, а MusIim Scholar.


А non-Muslim readeг might wonder why the пате of the

Prophet Muhammad ~ is always followed Ьу the phrase,
"реасе апd Ыеssiпgsоf Allah Ье uponhim. "

Thrs is оопе-ае а show of геарес! foг the Prophet..~

Muslims areinstructedin th.e Когап to follow this practice.
In Islqmic countries, all пеwsрарегs, books, and magazines
аге ргiлtеd with the phrase, "реасе and bIessings of Allah Ье
uponhim" after thелаmе of the Prophet Muhammad ~
The phrase ,а written like this in АгаЫс: ~ _"

It is iпtеt'"е$tiпg to notethat when а gгoup of Muslims аге

together аnd вотеопе mentions the· пате of the Pгophet,
allthe:othersin the group аау the phrase either out loud ог
то themselves. This is а way of showing respect for the
Pгophet. Addttionally, this phrase сап Ье implemented ав а
method of ргауег. For example, whenever а devout Muslim
has the opportunity, he will chant the phrase, "реасе and
bIessings of Allah Ье upon him."

Also, it is required to say "тау реасе Ье upon him".every

time а Prophet's пате is mention; for example, Moses,
Jesus, Abraham, Ismail, Noah, Adam, тау реасе Ье upon
them. Also the same phrase is used every time ап Angel's
пате, such as "Michael" ог "Gabrief", is mentioned.
Additiona"y, it is геошгео to say the phrase " тау AIIah Ье
pleased with t-lim" every time апу of the Pгophet's
companions аге referred to.

It is importantto indicate that this book was pubIished with

the authorization of the Ministry of IslamicAffairs iл the Uпitеd
Ага.Ь Emirates. This is the goveгnment agency responsibIe
for religious matters. They reviewed this book precisely,
word foг word, and gave their permission to have it printed.
Also, the Ministry of Information, the gоvегпmепtаgелсу in
the United АгаЬ Emirates responsibIe for the media, has
granted appгoval to this book. Before I Ьэgап writing and
аПег I made corrections, I did it with theappгoval ofthese
agencies. Nothing in this book was done without


I wanted to make sure before pubIishingthis book that

non-Muslims were аЫе to understand the EngHsh
translation. 80 1visited the United 8tates and England and
gave the text to тоге than sixty American and British people
to read. 'П addition, I gave these Hadith to Ешореапэ and
Americans who resided in the United АгаЬ Emirates to read.

I fоuпd that someof them uпdегstооd thеелtiге text, Ьи! that

themajority of them feltthatthe Hadith requiredmore
explanation. 'П эоте саэеэ, these rюп-Мц~limsfоuпd
references that did по! make sense in their culturaf context.
Sometimes the Hadi'th.were not uлdегstооd because the
reader had апjлаdеquаtе vocabuJary and did notrec;:ognize
someof the words. Some readers had not read the BibIe,
and сопзесцепйу ""еге not famНiar withreligious terms.

For the above reason, I wrote some footnotes tothe Hadith

as ап explanation of the text. After completing the footnotes,
1showed the text to the non-Muslim readers а second time,
and fоuпdthеу then uпdегstооd everyt~ling. Now 1hope the
Hadith in this book аге clear, easily understood and
impressive tothe non-Muslims who read t~lem.

The reaction of some of the people who read this book was
во favorabIe that they re-read the text several пгпев апd were
iпtегеstеdiл buying books about the history of Islam.

.The astonishing reaction of those people made те wonder

to myself what would парреп if they were to read the Когап
cover го cover and understand its teachings, and
significance, and the miracle of it.

The Когап is· ап impressive and Holy Book because it is

directly God'sWord.

The Когап deals with а variety of subjects including the basic

beliefs of Islam, morality, worship, knowledge, w;sdom, God
and Мап relationships, and the relationships among human
Ьеiлgs. Comprehensive teachings, upon whic~1 sound
system$ of soc;al just;ce, politics, economics, Jegislation,
jurisprudence, law and iпtегпаtiопаl relations сап Ье buiJt,
form animportant рап of the Holy Когап .

. The Koranalsohasmanyfascinating andunique qualities.

It isvvгittеп iл harmony алd is considered beautifuJ
literatLJre. The Koran also speaks to the reader's
suЬсьлsсiоusmind. If а регsоп паз а ртоЫеm ог question,
h(3 сап ha..,e <itanswered while read;ng theKoran because
Godspeaks to humanity through thishoJy book.
The Когап was completed duгiпg the time of the Prophet
Muhammad ~, yet had а ргоfоuпd kпоwlеdgе of sсiепсе
(e.g. chemistry, geology, physics) апd mеdiсiпе that was
сепtuгiеs ahead of its time. There аге milliопs of books that
could Ье wгittеп about the miracles of the Когап.

The Кorап is а miraculous book, as iпdiсаtеd Ьу the

attributes mепtiопеd above. It is truly the word of God
because по тап could have wгittеп а book that was poetry,
that spoke to the reader's suЬсопsсiоus, that had а
progressive kпоwlеdgе of sсiепсе апd mеdiсiпе апd mапу
other thiпgs. Uпdегstапdiпg the qualities of the Когап
makes it seem ridiculous that some peopJe сопsidег the
Prophet Muhammad ~ to have Ьееп the author. It.ytould
have Ьееп impossibIe for the Pгophet Muhammad ~ to
have wгittеп this book, especially сопsidегiпg that he was
illiterate апd that the place where he lived had Jittle lеагпiпg
апd cultuгe.

Fiпаllу, 1would like to add that I do поt hold а religious office,
пor ат I ап authority оп Islamic studies. Соmрlеtiпg this
book was а регsопаl епdеаvог апd was dопе to the best of
ту ability. With this work 1hope to gаiп the sаtisfасtiоп of
God апd His Меssепgег.

It is also ту goal то асquаiпt the reader with thеtеасhiпgs

of Islam so that he тау ultimately Ье сопviпсе that there is
по god but Allah апd that Muhammad . ~ is His Sегvапt
апd Меssепgег, апd that Muhammad ~is the last
Prophet. ­

Оп God, the helpful апd Great, 1dерепd for the fulfillmепt of

ту objeetive. For Не is the souгce of а" guidапсе iп this world
апd to Him alone should опе attribute а" success апd good



(1) Оп the a.uthority of АЬи Hurairah (rтщуАНаhЬе

pleasedwith him), who said:
The Messenger of Allah (реасе and bIessings of
Allah Ьеироп him) said: "Every рап of а person's
body must perform а charity every day the sun
comesup: to act just/y between two реор/е is а
charity; tohe/p а тап with hismount,/ifting him опю
it ог hoisting his be/ongings олtо it is а charity; а
good word is а charity; every step you take to
prayers is а charity; апо removing а harmful thing
нопипе road is а charity."
(Bukhari and Mus/im)
Note: "Removing а harmfu\ thing from theroad"rneans
to remove arock, а broken bott\e, nails, ог anyobstac\e
from the roadthat tS botherrng pedestrians.
(2) Оп theauthorityof Adee Ып Hatim(may Allah Ье
pleased withhi.m),who said:
The MessengerofAllah (peac~andbIessjngsof
Allah Ье ироп him) said: "Save yourselvesfrom
Hell, even if it Ье Ьу giving only half а date (of а palm
tree) as charity; and опе who does not have even
that, $hou~d at leastspeak nicely."
(Вukhari andMuslim)

Note: This Hadith instructs people to giv.e whatever

charity they аге аЫе то, even if it is.only а small token
Iike the date fгom а palm tree. Performing smalJ acts of
Charity coutd preventa регвоп from getting sent to НеН.
However, if а регвоп is not аЫе to give anything at all,
he shoufd at least speak nicely to others.

(3) Оп the authority of Abu Dharr (тау AHah Ье

pleased withhim), who said:
The Prophet (ре асе and bIessings of Allah ье upon
him) toldme: "Donotconsider even the smallest
,good deed ав insignificant; even meeting. your
brother with а cheerful face is а good deed."
(4) .Оп, the authority of Abu Musa АI >Ashari. (т~y
AHah Ье pleased with ~Iim), who said:
The Prophet(peace and btessingsof Aljahbe цроп
him) said: "Charity is лесеваагу foreveгyMuslirn".
The Prophet was asked: 'What i1 а регвоп has
nothing?' The Prophet replied: "Не should work
with his own hands for his benefit and then give
something out 01 such earnings in charity". The
companions asked 'what if he is not аЫе to work?'
The Prophet said: "Не should he/p роог and needy
persons". The companions 1urther asked 'what if he
cannot do еуеп that?' The Prophet said "heshould
urgeothers to do good". The companions submitted
'what if he lacks that also?' The Prophet said "he
should check himself тгогп doing evil. That is also
(Bukhari and Muslim)

Note: "Не should check I,imself from doing evil. Тhat is

alsocharity." means all people агв сараЫе of
committing evil Ьу hurting other people. 1herefore,
tгеаtiлg people kiлd/у is thesame as performing а
. charity. Also, the person whois kind to othersbrings
good deeds upon himse/f in return and consequently
causes тоге .charityto Ье репоппео.

Note1: The mаiпроiпt of this Hadith is toencourage

pet>pletoplant trees because thisaf./0WS people,birds,
and animatstobe.fed fromthefruit th~t~e цее
ргооцсев, Also, рlапtiлgtгееsis goodfo~ the. society.

Note 2: This Hadith also explains thatif а· регвоп steals

the fruitofa tree,it is asin. However, for the регвоп
who . planted the пее, it is сопеюегео а charity for
вогпеопе to have stolen· погп his нее.
(7') Ontheaut.horityof.Abu Нuгаiгаh{mау.;ДИаhЬе
pleased with him), who said:
Amancameto {Ае Prophet(peaceand·blessi.ngsof
Allah·be' ироп him) and askedhim: Whiqh . c:J.ctqf
alms givIng ismostvirtuqus?;· Тпе Prqphet
answered:"Thosealms yougivec:J.waywhIle уои
аге in good health. If уоипауе а keend.esire>to
агпавв wealth, уои аге afraid of adversity and
longing for топеу. 00 по! delaygivingincharity
untilyouare in.thethroesof death and thensay: 'То
во and 50 this,and {о soand sothat,forby йтеп {!
alreadybelongs тово and во."
(Вukhari and MusHrn).

Note1: "Sоапd. sоllтеапs"Мг. Х" апd "Мг. У."

"Alms'! теапs charity.
"Iпthе thюеs of death" теапs that регsоп isabtJut to

·'Adversity" means poverty.

Note 2: This Hadithsays thаtthеЬеsttimеttJ·giVэ charity

is. whеП?Р~ГSQЛ .is YQung,healthy. .апо e?Q7r .to save

monyy;inordertobecomerich.. 11 i$r;nuxhbe~er to;give

charity r~therthan waitinguntila. р~гsопhаs ЬеСРф8

019 andh?l~·aCcurnulatedw7?llt~. гс giY~Ch?ritywhl9l1

а регвоп is уоuпg алd pooris more.impo~~r1tthап {о

wait uпtil the /ast miлutе of life whел it is тоо /ate.

(Bukhari and Muslim)

NQt~1:. "pat~1' гпеапв the fruit of theP8tm нее,

N()~e>2: Тhефаiп point of this Had.ithjstbactiv~ly s~ek

qut~hQ~ep~Qp.lewtlo ne~Q сhагity.ЬutdQлоtрsКfqгJt
qecClHs,~~t1~Y ar~ too pr.olJd O{SQ}' tо.аdmit.tt1еу.п~еd
h~'р.~.~гr()п shquIdгесоgпizе апоthег p.~r$oh's J1§!ed
withоt1tЬеiпgаs kеd.
(9) Олthе authority of Uqpp.h Ibn Наг'йi.«fТ1ауАllаh
b~ pl~~~ed withhim),whosaid: . . . . . •. . . .•• .
'1. J()in~d the After~oon Ргауег Ied bythe Prophet
(peac~.~nctbIessings of Allah Ье uponhim)}n
Меdiпа.ТhеrnОfТ1епt The..Pr()phet finishepJhe
ргауе~h~~!о()cJчр and stepping across th~iline()f
the w?гshфрегs,hаstепеd юопе of~is9ha()'}bers.
РеQрlеi~.t~еgа.thегiпg were surprise? by'such
haste. Whепhесаmе back,l"heProph~texplained
his action "! гecaHed that Ihad а piece of
siJver (ог gOldJ fQr cqarity and.thi.sdisturbed те. J
.have now ar.rangedfor itsdistribution,"

Anotherversion sp.ys:

"1 hq.cJapiece 01 silver (ог g01d) which wasmeantfor

charity.lwas disturbed that it would геmаiпwith те


Note: l"he mаiпроiпtоf this Hadith isnottod~layjn
(1~)ODth~~uthority of АЬц Dharr (mayAllah Ье
pteased< with him), who said: ..
lэ~~~tiОQеdthе Messenger of Allqh ав то what act
i~m~strneritorious? The Prophet .said: "Faith in
АIJаhCiпdstгiv;пg for His cause".. ' asked, 'the
lib~rati9n зfwhiсh kind of slave . is . best?' The
P~~p~:~~saj?:"the опе whoismostlikedby the
qta~ter;and\yhOse price is -. the . highest". I asked:
'WhCit·;f.. laqt.ul1able to do that (опассоuпt oflack of
money)' .. The Prophet said: "Тлеп help SОlТ1еолеiп
hiSVv'чгk orqtakesomething for вогпеопе who isnot
able to таке it himself".. I asked: 'What . if оп~ does
not>~~ve the capacity?'. The. Prophet said:
"Restrain yourself from doing h.arfТ1 . to апуопе for
thqtisalsocharity towards yourself." .. ....
. (Bukhari ar1d MuSlim).

N()t.~.~:lt"temain points of this Hadith аге:

1.,-~Dеl.i~~е.i?Gоd and do things for God's sake.


З.тоhеlр otherpeople who эге not .эЬfеtо help


4. Torestra;n yourself погп doing harm то апуопе.

Ndte 2:.< During .the time of the Prophet. Muhammad

~in •. the Seventh centuгy, slavery was practiced
widely~Th~prophet Muhammad ~ preached1hat
ifam~sterfr~ed theirslaves, God wouldsave themfrom
going<t9'-'~II -. Тпеге were тапу sауiпgsiп the Hadith
andtQ~.~9r~n discussing the freeing ofslaves,and .as
аг~sult9fФisdосtгiпе тапу peopleconvertooto IsJэm.
Unfoгtunately, some peoplefdHowed. this
commandment only when it was convenienttoQoso.
They fгeed slaves that weгe old and lazy, апdwегепо
longeг needed. This is the same as when some people
give old· clothes that they по longer need to charity.

50, for people to free their slaves that аге young and
productive is the best form of charity.

(11) Оп the au'thority of Abu Mas'ud AI-Badri (гпау

Allah Ье pleased with him), who said:
The Prophet (реасе and bIessings of Allah Ье UPOl1
him) said: "When а person spends оп .his family and
hopes for compensation from God, he is also seen
Ьу God to Ье giving charity." <

(BLlkhari and Мцвйгп)

Note: The Prophet said this Hadith оесацве вогпе
people spend топеу оп other people and forget t9
spend it оп their own families.

~ (12) Оп the authority of Salman Ып Amir (mayAllah

Ье pleased with him), who said:
The Prophet (реасе and bIessingsof АПаhЬе upon
him) said: "Giving charity to thepoorisch~nty, and
giving to а relative amounts to two good d~~g:s i.e ..
charity andbenevolence to kinsmen. "
(13) Оп the. authority of Abu Hurairah (гпау Allahbe
pleased with гпгп), who said:
TheProphet (реасе and bIessings of Allah Ье цроп
him) said: "Тпеге will Ье Seven persons sheltered
uпdег the shade of Allah оп the Dау of Judgement
when there will Ье по other shade besides His
shade. They аге: а just ruler; а young тап who
passes his youth in worship and service of Allah ­
the Lord of Honour and Glory, опе whose heart is
perpetually attached to the гповоце: two such
persons who love each other for the sake of Allah,
they joined together for His sake and parted for His
sake; а тап who is invited for sin Ьу а rich beautiful
woman but declines, saying I fear Allah. Опе who
gives charity in а secret way without making а show,
in а way that his .Ieft hand does по! know what his
right hand spent; and опе who remembers Allah in
sOlitude во that his eyes overflow (fill with теагв)."
(Bukhari and Muslim).

Note1: The "Seven Реор'е" in this Hadith means the

seven types.of people that аге considered to Ье very
цгиоце and difficult to find. Those special people will
havebetter treatment оп Judgement Оау. They will not
have to wait in the цпоеагао'е heat; but rather, will Ье
allowed to wait for their judgement in the comfortabIe
Note 2: I'Two реор/е who love each other for the sake
of Allah" means people whose friendship is not Ьавео
оп materialistic ог superficial things, but оп their mutual
love for Allah. When опе of them becomes corrupted,
they аге по longer friends.

Note 3: "Mosque" means the place where Muslims go

to ргау five times рег day. А Mosque to the Muslims is
like а church to the Christians.

(14) Оп the authority of Аоц Hura.irah (тау Allah Ье

p/eased with him), who said:
The Messenger of Allah (реасе and bIessings of
Allah Ье upon him) said: "Не who tries to serve the
widowed and the poor, is just like а fighter for Allah's
sake" the reporter (Abu Hurairah) think that .the
Prophet (also) said: "It is like опе standing for
worship who does not feel exhausted and likeone
fasting without break."
(Bukhari and Muslim).
Note: T~lis Hadith means that those who help the
widowed and the роог will receive а great
гесогпрепвапоп from GOd, the same way as those
who worship God all the time ог those who defend
their fa.ith ог 'their country. The main point in this
Hadith is to encourage people to help the widowed ,
and the роог.


(15) Оп 'the authority of 'Ьп Abbas (тау Allah Ье

pleased with him), who said:
The Messenger of Allah (реасе and bIessings of
Allah Ье upon him) said: "Не who invites ап orphan
to ~Iis food and drink, Allah will grant, in reward
Paradise provided he does not commit апу sin
which is not pardonabIe (e.g. unbelief, polytheism
etc.) And he who looks after three dal.Jghters ог
three sisters, then educates them and shows тегсу
towards them uпtil Allah makes them independent,
Allah will grant Paradise." А тап О
Messenger of Allah, what if there аге two daughters
ог sisters? Не (the Prophet) said: "In the case oftwo
daughters ог sisters that person also deserves
(Sharh Sunnah - Bagawi)

Note: The main point of this Hadith is that people who

adopt orphans wiН 90 to Paradise.
~-------------~------- -.-- - - ~ -

(16) Оп the authority 01 Abu Опагг (тау Allah Ье

pleased with him), who said:
Some companions said to the Messenger 01 Aflah
(реасе and bIessings 01 Allah Ье upon him): The
rich people have taken away а good deal 01 merit.
They ргау and 1ast as we оо, but they аге in а
position to distribute incharity а part 01 their wealth
(which we аге unabIe to do). The Prophet said:
"Has notAllah given уои things which you сап
employ тог charity? АН glorification 01 Aflah (saying
Subhan Allah) is charity. AII praise 01 Allah (to say
A/-hamdo Lillah) is charity, all affirmation 01 Allah's
Unity (То say La IIaha Illallah) is charity; calling ироп
somebody to do good is charity; preventing
somebody 1гот doing evil is charity; to perform а
sexual act with your wi1e is charity'. They asked: О
'Messenger 01 Allah, is it possibIe that опе 01 ав
should satis1y his desire and would Ье rewarded?'.
The Prophet answered: "11 he satis1ied his urge
through illicit means, WQuldit notbe sin1ul?
Тпегеюге when he satisfied it law1ully itis deserving
01 reward."
Note: "8ubhan Allah" means "Howfar isAllahfromev~гy


"AI-hamdo Lillah" means "Praise Ье to Allah. "

(17)011 the authority of AbuMalik al-Harith ibn

'Asim al-Ash'ari (тау Allah Ье pleased with him),
who said:
The Мщ;sепgег of Allah (реасе and bIessings of
Allahbe uролhim) said: "Purity is half of faith.
AI-hаmdlJШlаh (Praise Ье to Allah) fills the scales.
SubhanAllah (How far is Allah from еуегу
imp~rfection) and AI-hamdo Lillah (Praise Ье to
Allah) fill that which is between heaven and earth.
Ргауег is light; charity is а proof; patience is
iIIumiлаtiоп;апd the Qur'an is ап argument for ог
against you. Еуегуопе starts his day and is а vendor
ofhi~ soul,either freeing it ог bringing about its ruin."

Note1: "Purity is half of faith" гпеапв а heart should Ье

free frohlevil·and jealousy. Purity also means that all
thingsshouldbe kept clean, such as the body, clothes,
and the home. Maintaining this purity comprises half of

Note.?:Qnthe Пау of Judgement there will Ье а scale

for thegood deeds and the bad deeds. If а person has
тоге good points than bad оп the Dау of Judgement,
hеwЩ·Р~sелt {о Paradise. If he has тоге Ьаороппв,
he wilf Ье sent to Hell. Therefore, опе way foг а devout
Muslimtoltfilf thescales" with good points isto recite
"praise Ье {о Allah" and "How far is Allah from
imperfection"·asoften аэ possibIe.
Note 3: "Ргауег is light" means that when а Muslim prays
in the Mosque five times а day, he feels good and
happy. Also, ргауег wШ ШLlmiпаtе his face оп the Dау of

Note 4: "Charity is ргоот' refers to the fact that siлсе all

people "Iove топеу, if а person gives his топеу to
charity, it provides proof that he is а good Muslim.

Note 5: "Рапепсеis illlJmination" means that in this life,

раtiелсе is necessaгy to overcome probIems and to
achieve goals. 'П the пехг life, God will reward those
people who аге patient.

Note 6: "The Когап is ап argument for ог against you"

means that the Когап is а constitution. For those
people who follow it, it will Ье for them; for those people
who don't follow it, it wШ Ье used against them.

Note 7: The last sentence of this Hadith means that

everyone has all the information necessaгy to live
righteously ог unrighteously. It is up to the individual to
choose his own destiny.

(18) Onthe authority of Abu Hurairah (mayAHahbe

p/eased with him),who said:
The Messenger of Allah (реасе and bIessings of
AHah beupon him) said: "Allah does поtju.dgе
according to your bodies and appearances, but Не
scans your hearts and looks into your deeds."

(19)Оп the authority of tyaz Ып Himar (mayAIIa.h Ье

pleased with him),who said:
The Меssепgег of Allah (реасё andblessihgsof
Allah Ье uроп him) said: Altah, the Most Exalted,

has revealed to те that you should show courtesy

and Ье cordia/ witheach ошег, so tha.t not;>ody
should consider himself superior to another ог папп
(20) Onthe authority of Abdullah Ibn 'Атг /Ьп
AI' AaS(rnay,AHah Ье p/eased vvfthhirn),VVh.osaid:
The Messenger of Allah (реасе and blessings of
AI/ah Ье upon him) neither talkedindecently, ПОГ did
he listen {о indecent ta/k. Не usedto say: 'The best
.ofyouarethose whohave the best manners."
(Bukhari and Muslim)

Note~,"lndecenttalk'! refers to IanguagethatisTude and


(21 }Оп the authority of Abu Musa (тау Allah Ье

pJeased with him), who said:
The Messenger of Allah (реасе апс bIessings of
Allahbe uponhim) said: "When опе of уои asksfor
permission three times and it is not granted, you
shoulq stop,askingfor it and turnback."
(Bukhari andMuslim)

Note1: Forexample: knocking onsomeone's door.

Note2: This Hadith demonstrates опое again that Islam

is.aP5?mplete religion that addresses issues such as
good таппегэ.
(22) Оп the authority of Abu Hurairah (rnayAllah Ье
pleased with him), who said:
The Messenger ofAllah (реасе and blessingsof
Al1ah Ье upon him) said: "Strictlyavoidenvy
оесацве envy consumes good
consumes dry wood."
(Abu Oaoud)

(23) Оп the al.Jthority of Abu Hurairah (гпау Allah Ье

pleased with him), who said:
The Messenger of AHah (реасе апо bJe,ssings of
Allah Ье upon 11im) said: "Avoid вцэр'сюп, for
suspicion is the greatest lie. 00 not Ье inqui$itive
about опе апойтег, ог spy оп опе another. Dопоt
outbid опе апотпег with а view то raising the рпсе.
00 not feel jealous апс оо пот hold grudgesagainst
опе апойтег. 00 notbackbite, but Ье the servants of
Allah like Ьгошегв amongst уошвемев."
(Bukhariand MusHm).

Note:То "backblte" means to tatkbehind вогпеопе'в

(24)Ontheauthority of Anas (тау АНаН bepleased
with him),who said:
TheMessenger of Allah (peaceand bIessingsof
АllаН beupon him) said: "Makethings еаву and
convenient, ddn't make them harshand difficult.
Give cheers and glad tidings anddo not create
(Bukhari and Muslim).

(25)Onthe authority of Mu'awiyah (тау АНаН Ье

pleasedwith him), who said:
Iheard the Messenger of Allah(peace and
bIessing~ of AI.lah Ье upon him) saying: When you
pursuethe private life of people, уои Jead themto
(Shu'ab AI-Iman - Baihaqi)

Note: This Hadith saysthat ifyou constantly watch other

people's actions, it will.cause ап iлtеrfегепсе in their
behavior .апс they will по longer Ье themselves.
because they аге being watched, and this encourages
people то Ьесоте unnatural and пот Ье themselves.
(26) Оп the authority of АЬу Ayyub AI-Ansari (тау
Allah Ье pleased with him), who said:
The Messenger ofAllah (реасе and bIessings of
Allah Ье upon him) said: "It is sinful for а person to
ignore his brother for тоге than three days. The
best of them is he who takes an initiative and pays
salutation. "
(Bukhariand Muslim)

Note1: "Brother" means fellow тап.

Note 2: The main point of this Hadith is to never let а

dispute longer than three days without being resolved.
Sometimes people tend to ignore each other after they
have had а fight rather than working out the ргоЫет.
The best person is the опе who гпакев ап effort to
immediately resolve а dispute.

(27) Оп the authority of Ibn Abbas (тау Allah Ье

pleased with him), who said:
The Messenger ofAllah (реасе and bIessings of
Allah Ье upon him) said to Asha.jj Abd al-Qais: "Уои
have two qualities whi-ch Allah, the Most Exalted,
likes and loves: One is mildness and the other is
toleration. "
(28)'OtHheauthorityof Дishа(гпауАИаhЬерlеаsеd
with Ьег), who said:
TheMessenger of АНаЬ(реасе, апо blessings of
АНаАЬе uponhim) said: "АНаЬ likeskindnessin а/I
(Bukhari and Muslim)

(29) Опйте au.thority о! Aisha (гпау АНаЬ Ье pleased

with her), who said:
ТЬе Prophet (реасе and bIessings of АllаЬ Ье цроп
тт) said: "АllаЬ is kind and likeskindness. Не
bestows upon kindness that which Не doesnot
be5tow upon haгshness, ог оп anything elseother
thал kindness and tenderness."

Note: "Bestows цроп" means to favor.

(3О) Оп the au.thority of Aisha (mау Allah bepleased

with Ьег), who said:
ТЬе Prophet(peace and blessings of AI,lah Ье вроп
him) said: "Softness beautifies things, апс when
that softness is taken away, they 105e their

Note: 'ISoftness" means kindness.

(31) Оп the authority of Nawwas Ып Ват'ап'{тау
Allah Ье pleased with him), who said:
The Prophet (реасе and bIessings of AHahbeupon
him) said: "Virtue is good conduct,andsin fШsуоuг
miлd with guilt and makes youfear that other people
will know your ыпв."

Note: "Virtue" in Islam refers to апу good deed. Virtue

is the opposite of evil.

(32) Оп the authority of Abdullah ЫП 'Атг Ып

AI-' Aas (тау Allah Ье pleased with him), who said:
А тап asked the Messenger of Allah (реасе and
bIessings of Allah Ье upon him) : What in Islam is the
best?' Не answered: "То feed people and to greet
everyone (to say Assalamo Alaikum) whether уои
know him ог not."
(Bukhari and Мцвйгп)

Note1: "Assalamo Alaikum" means "Реасе Ье uрол


Note 2: То say "Реасе Ье upon уоц" to а neighbor ог

fгiелd is а courtesy and а way of greeting in Islamic
(33) Оп the authority of АЬи Hurairah (гпау Allah Ье
pleased wi'th him), who said:
The Меssелgегоf Allah (реасе and bIessings of
AHah beuponhim) said: "Charity оовв notdiminish
weatth: Allah enhances the honour of one who
forgives, and one who humbIes himself for the sake
of Allah, Atlah exalts him in rank."

(34) Оп the ацйюгйу of AblJ Ншапап (тау Allah Ье

pleased with him), who said:
The Messenger of Allah (реасе and Ыеssiлgs of
Allah Ье upon him) said: "А rider should salute а
pedestrian, а pedestrian should greet one who is
sitting, and а small party should greet а large party."
(BIJkhari and Muslim)
'тат Bukhari's version says:
"А уоuлgег person should greet ап elder one."

Note: Since Islam covers аll aspects of life, iпсludiлg

manners, there аге rules of conduct described in this
HadHh which should Ье maintained. For example, it is
couгteous for а younger person то greet an older опе.
(35) Оп the authority of Abu Umamah Sudaiy bin
'Ajlan a.1-Bahli (тау Allah Ье pleased withhim),who
The Messenger of Allah (реасе and ыssiлgss of
AI~ah Ье upon ~Iim) said: "The person who precedes
others in greeting will Ье the closest to Allah."
(Abu Oaoud)
Imam Tirmizi's version says:

"The Prophet was asked: 'О Messenger of Allah!

When two persons meet each other, who should

take the lead in greeting 'the other? Не answered

'The опе who wants to Ье closer to Allah."

(36) Оп the authority of Aisha (тау Allah Ье pleased

with her), who said:
The Messenger of Allah (реасе and Ыеssiпgs of
Allah Ье upon him) said: "00 not abuse the dead
because they have found what they have sent
Note: This Hadith means that опе should not
mention the bad points of the dead оесацве they
must have reaped what they have sown (They have
already met God and paid the price of their sins).
(37) BahzbinHakim reported ontheauthoгityofhis
fatherwhoreported in turn from hisfatheг(may Allah
Ье pleased withhim), that:
The Messengeг ofAHah (реасе and Ыеssiпgs of
Allah Ье ароп him) said: "Woe tohimwho tells а lie
in order югпаке реор'е laugh. Woe tohim, woe to

Note: 1110 make people laug.h l1 meansto enteгtain

(39) Оп the authority of Abu AI-Abbas Sahl Ып
Sa'ad As Sa'edi (тау Allah Ье pleased with him),
Опее а person passed Ьу 'the Prophet. (реасе and
blessings 01 AHah Ье upon him) The Prophet (реаее
and bIe$sings 01 Allah Ье upon him) asked his
eompanion whowas sitting with him': "What do you
think 01 thisman, who has just passed this way."
The eompanion said: 'Не is опе of the riehest; and
byGod, if he proposes marriage to апу woman, his
proposal would Ье aeeepted. If he should
reeommend anything, his reeommendation would
ргоуе effective'. The Prophet kept quiet. Then
another тап passed; and the Prophet asked: 'What
is youropinion of'this тап?' The тап answered: 'О
Prophet, he belongs to the elass of роог Muslims. If
he goes 10r marriage, his proposal would not Ье
aeeepted; if he were to reeommend оп behalf of апу
person, his reeommendation would Ье rejected, and
if he were to speak, nobody would listen to him'.
'The Prophet (реаее and bIessings of Allah Ье upon
him) said: "This тап (the роог Muslim) is better
than аН the people of the world who are'likethe опе
you have just praised."
(Bukhari and Muslim)

Note: The main point of this Hadith is to not judge

peoplebased оп how mueh топеу they have ог оп the
status of t.heir family.
(40) Оп the authority of Jarir Ып Abdullah (тау Allah
Ье pleased with him), who said:
The Messenger of Allah (ре асе and bIessings of
Allah beupon him) said: "Allah has по тегсуоп 011e
who has по тегсу for others."
(Вцкпаг] and Muslim)

(41) Оп the authority of Jarir Ып Abdl.Jllah (гпау Allah

Ье pleased with him), who said:
The Messenger of Allah (ре асе and bIessings of
Allah Ье upon him) said: "Опе who is devoid 01
kindness is devoid of all good."

Note: I'Devoid l' means lacking ог without.

(42) Оп the autharity of Abdullah Ibn Mas'ud (тау

Allah Ье pleased with him), who said:
The Messenger of Allah (ре асе and bIessings of
Allah Ье upon him) said: "Мау 1 point out to you the
person who is not des'til1ed for the Fire, ог whom the
Fire of Hell will not touch? It will not touch the
person who is сюве to the реор/е, and who is soft;
lenient and kind-hearted."
(43) Onthe authority of Abu Hurairah (тау A"ah Ье
pleased with him), who said:
The Prophet (реасе and bIessings of Allat"1 Ье ироп
him) said: "When а Muslim inquires aboutthe
heal1h of his sick brother ог visits him, ап angel
would say: Уои аге good, and уоиг action is bIessed
and you have made ап abode in Paradise".

Note: "Abode~ means а place.

(44) ОП the authority of АЬи Hurairah (тау Allah Ье

pleased with him), who said:
The Prophet (реасе andbIessings of Allah Ье upon
him) said: "А тап adopts а way of life according to
that of his friend, so опе should Ье careful about
whom he chooses to Ье friends with."
(45) Onthe authorityof Abdullah Ып Masud. (тау
Allah Ье pleased wit.h him), who said:
The Prophet (реасе and bIessings ofAllahbeupon
him) said:"One who has the slightestbitof
arrogance in his heart, will по! Ье abIetoenter
Paradise" Опе of the companions said: 'О
Messenger of AI'ah! some people like nice clothes
and shoes'. The Prophet said: 'Allah is Elegant and
Beautiful, and Не likes elegance andbeauty.
Arrogance is rejecting faith and considering others
lower than yourself."

Note1: Allah is beautiful, so Не likes people to look

beautiful Ьу wearing nice clothing and having elegant
things, if they сап afford it.

Note 2: "Rejecting faith and considering others lower

than yourself" аге reason for getting sent to НеИ.

"Rejecting faith" means rejecting God and His


"Considel"ing others lower thanyourself" means

assuming yourself to Ье superior to ошегв,
(4.6)Onthe authority of 'Ьп 'Abbas (тау Allah Ье
pleased with him), who said:
тпе Messenger of Allah (реасе and bIessings of
Allah Ье upon him) said: "Не who does not show
tепdеtпеss to the young and respect to 'the elder, is
not опе of us."
(47) Оп the authority of Abdullah Ып 'Атг Ып AI'Aas
(тау Allah Ье pleased with him), who said:
The Prophet (реасе and bIessings of Allah Ье upon
him) said: "А Muslim is а person who does not harm
another Muslim with his tongue ог with his hands
and Muhajer (ап avoider) is he who leaves (avoids)
that which Allah has forbidden."
(Bukhari and Muslim)
Note1: The forbidden things аге for example: killing,
stealing, adultery, usury, gаrпЫiпg, drinking alcohol
апd eating pork.

Note 2: The геавоп pork i5 forbidden i5 50 that God

сап тевт people to see if they аге listening to His
teachings. Also, pork is forbidden because pigs аге
considered to Ье unclean animals, and eating pork сап
cause diseases if not properly cooked.
Note 3: 'IUsury" in English means to charge ап
exces5ively high interest rate. For example, if
sоmеоле is desperate for топеу and someone gives
him а loan, but charges doubIe ог triple the usual rate
of iпtегеst. However, in Islam, апу small amount of
intere5t is considered usury.
(49) Оп the authority of 'Iyaz Ып Himar (тау AI/ah
Ье pleased with him), who said:
The Messenger of Allah (реасе and bIessings of
Allah Ье цроп him) said: "The тап who is merciful
and kind hearted to every relative and to every
Muslim, will Ье ап inhabitant of Paradise."
(50)Onthe эuthогitуоfАЬuHurairah(may AHahbe
pleasedwith him), who said:
TheMessenger of Allah (реасе andbIes$ingsof
Allahbe цроп him) said: Abeliever develops six
attributesre~arding hisrelationshipto. апЬthег
believer: Hevi$its him when he 's ill, attends his
fuлегаlгitеs when he dies, respondswhen he
inviteshim, greets him when he meets him, sауs:
тау Allah have тегсу upon you when he sneezes
алd seeks good '" him, ог speaks good of him
whetherhe '$ absent ог present."
(Bukhari and MusHm)

(51) Оп the authority of Abu Hurairah (тау Allah Ье

please.dwithhim), whosaid:
The Messenger of Allah (ре асе and blessings of
Allahbe uponhim) said: "You will notenter
Paradise until you have faith and you will nothave
faith untilyou love one another. Мау I directyou to а
way Ьу which you will love one another. Spread
gr~eting and saluting between yourselves. Spread
the practice of saying: "Реасе Ье upon you"
amongst yourselves."
(5.2) ОП theauthority of Abu 'Дwала,(m.ау. АНэhЬе

pleasedwith him), who said:

The Messenger 01 Allah (ре асе and.blessif}g~of

Allahbeupon him) said: "Не who leaves hispJace,

and then comes back to it, has the greate$tright to

occupythat place."


Note: This H~dith means that when а person is sitting,

for ехаmрlе,lП а cafeteria ог theater, and leaveshisseat
for а few minutes, he still has the right to occupy that
seat when he returns.
(53) Onthe authority of Umar (гпау Allah Ье pleased
withhim), whosaid:
The Prophet(peace and bIessings of Allah Ье upon
him) said: "No personshould ask another person to
vacate his place and then sit there. The people who
already were there should make roomand
accommodate. "

(54) Оп the authority of Abdullah (тау AHah Ье

pleased with him), who said:
TheMessenger of Allah (рвасе and ЬНэssiпgs of
Allah Ье upon him) said: "11 уоц аге .in а groupo1
three, two shouldnot converse secretly to the
exclusion of your companion юг that hurts his
feelings. "
(55) Оп the authority of Abu Ad Darda (тау A1Iahbe
pleased with him), who said:
The Messenger of Allah (реасе and bIessings of
Allah Ье upon him) said: "Мауl inform you of the
deed that is better than the fast, the charity, and the
ргауег?" The Companions said, "Yes." Upon this
the Pгophet said: That deed is, reconciliation
between Muslims, and гапсоиг amongst themis
destructive." ,

Note: This Hadith means that creating hatred Ьетееп

Muslims is very destructive. Reconciliation Ьетееп
Muslims is much better than charity, fasting, and ргауег.

(56) Оп the ашпогпу of Ibn Mas'ud (тау Allah Ье

pleased with him),who said:
The Messenger of Allah (реасе and blessings of
Al1ahbe upon him) said: "Уои must speakthe-truth
for the truth leads to vir1ue and viгtue leads to
Paradise. А тап who always speaks the truth and
means the truth, is recorded as truthful with Allah.
Кеер away from the lie for the lie leads to ~Yil and
еуil leadsto the Hell Fireand а тап who continually
tells а Не and intends to lie is recorded with Allah as
а Наг."
(Bukhari and Muslim)
(57) Оп the aLJthority of Abu Hurairah (тау Allah Ье
pleased with him), who said:
The Messenger of Allah (реасе and bIessings of
Atlah Ье upon him) said: "The thing which will make
the majority ofpeop/e enter Paradise is piety to God
and good manners."

Note: "Piety" гпеапs righteousness, devoutness, and

obedience toGod.
(58) Оп the authority of Abu Karima-al-Miqdam Ibn
Ma'dikarib (тау Allah Ье pleased with him), who
The Prophet (реасе and bIessings of Allah Ье upon
,him) said: "If а person loves his brother, he should
informhim of this fact."
(Abu Оаоцс and Tirmizi)

(59) Оп the authority of Abu Hurairah (тау Allah Ье

pleased with him), whosaid:
The Messenger of Allah (реасе and bIessings ,of
Allah Ье uponhim) "When апу ofyou is asked
to joinin а meal, he should acceptthe invitation.lf he
is fasting, he should prayforthe host, and ifhe is not
fastinghe should join the host."

Note: The main point of this Hadith is to ре sociabIeand

to accept social invitations made Ьу other people.
(E>(})Qn tt"tea,uthority .of Ab.u Sa~~d AI-Kudri (тау
Allahbe pleased withhim), who said:
TheproPt1(3t (pel:iceand bIessings of Allah beupon
hiП1)s~id: "l3eware of sitting in pubIic places". The
CQnip~Rion~ said: Messengerof Allah, there is по
other alfernativefor IJS but to hold ош meetings
th~reand converse with опе another. The Prophet "tf you insist оп sitting there, then follow the
rulesof .' риЬНс places". The companions of Alfah, what аге the ruJes of pubIic
places? The Prophet said: "Lowering 'the eyes,
rempving <harmful fhings from pubIic places,saying:
And реасе Ье upon you too ОП response to the
g;reetings' of others), commanding good and
(Bukhari andMusJim)

Note:The main point ofthis Hadith is that people should

notSitin pubIic places urJlessthey fоЛоw the rutes of
socialbehavior. These rules аге:
1.)00 110t stare а! other people's clothing ог bodies
C'towering .the еуев"). .
2)lfthereis а harmful thing, it shouldbe .removed. For
example;ifyouseea Ьгоkеп bottleor пайв, you should
throwtheminthe trash.
З)Уоu shouJd respond to other people's greetings.
4)Yqushould "согпгпапё good" Ьу helping отпег
5)You should "forbid evil" Ьу sto~ping реор'е from
harrniRgotnerpeople 01' the property.
(61 )оп the authorityofAbdullahbinAmr(mayArlan
Ье pleased with him), who said:
Th~./Messenger.QfAllah (реасе апё bIessingsof
~IJanbeuPQnhim) said: "Allah, th,eMercifur<shows
mercy uponthe mercifulpeopJe. Sos:howmercy
upon theearthly, creatures sothatOnewho isin
Heaven shouldshowmercy оп you."
Note: The main point of this Hadith i$that if уои аге kind
to other people, God will Ье kiпdtо уои.

(62) Оп the authority of Abu Hurairah (mayAIJahbe

pleased with him), who said:
The Messenger of Allah (реасе andbIessings of
Allahbeupon him) said: "Onthe OayofJudgement,
Allah, the most High, willask wherethosepeOpf,e
arewhb rove eachotherfof·the sakeof Myglbry?
Thisday r am gOing t()shelterthem in the shad'e
provided ЬуМе. Today thereisnoshadeexceptMy

Note: The гпа'п pointof.this H~dithisth~t!he peQpl~

who havea friendship based оп their shared love for
Аllаh.,Jэ.пd~оtfогm$!егiаlistiс,·ОГ svрэqiQiC!llthiпgs ••·will
have sресiаltге~tmепt(JпJudgеmепtDау.
(6З)ОП1hеiаuthогitу of Jabir (mayAHah bepleased
with him),whosaid:

1саще to the Prophet (реасе апс bIessings of Allah

beuppnhi.m)in огсег to consult him regarding ту

fathE9f's·debt.When i knocked onthe door, he

авкее, "Whoisthat?" I replied "те" he said, "те,

те?" Не гереатесп аа if he disliked it.

Note: Iпапswегiпg people, опе should always state
his пагпеапё nbt reply only with "те".

Note: Опсе again, this Hadith demonstrates how

complete the Islam religion is. It covers manners and

(64)Оп·thе authority of AI-Hassan ЬiпАIi (гпау Allah

beplea.sed with ~liт), whp said:
Ilear!1E9dthe.following from TheMessengerofAllah
(реаее ап~ bIessings of Allah Ье цропгшп): "Leave
alonetb~twhichiсацзев уои to doubt,and adhere to
that which is free from doubt, тог truth is comforting
andfaIsE9hood is disturblng."

Note1: "Adnere" means to stick ог affix.

Note 2: Thernaih point of this ю .tell the truth

at а" times in ordert()have реасе ofmind.
(65) Оп 'the au'thority of Abu Hurairah (гпау Allah Ье
pleased with him), who said:
The Messenger of Allah (реасе and bIessingsof
Allah Ье upon him) said: "А hypocrite has three
distinglJishing signs; first when he speaks, he tells а
lie; second when he makes а promise, he breaks it;
and third when something is entrusted to him, he
misappropriates it."
(BlJkhari and Muslim)

Note: Д hypocrite is а person who claimsto Ье а Muslim,

but does not follow the teachings of Islam.
(66) On,.the authority of Abdullah bin 'Атг bin
AI-'Aas (тау Allah Ье pleased with him), who said:
TheMessenger of Allah (реасе and bIessings of
Allahbe upon ~Iim) said: "There аге four habits
which, if found in а person, make him а perfect
hypocrite. If опе of 'these traits is found in а person,
then he has а sign of hypocrisy until it leaves him.
These four characteristics аге: When he is
entrusted(with something) he embezzles; when he
taJks he lies; when he makes а promise, he breaks
it; and when he quarrels, he quarrels in а nasty way
andwith bad manners."
(Bukhari and Muslim)

Note1: "Не quaггels in а nasty way and with bad

manners" means people should not argue in а nasty,
unfair way that damages other people's character. For
example, going to court and verbally attacking the other
person' s parents and character.

Note 2: "Не quarrels in а nasty "Нау and with bad

manners" could also теап ,that if two friends Ьесоте
angry with each other, алd break off their friendship,
they should not reveal secrets ог tell other peopleabout
their friend's bad points.
(67) Оп the authority of Abu Saeed AI-Khudri (тау
Allah Ье pleased with him), who said:
The Messenger of Allah (реасе and bIessings of
Allah Ье цроп him) said: "Anybody amongst уоц
who notices something evil should соггест it with his
own hands. If he is цпао'е то со эо, he should
correct it with his tongue. If he is unabIe even то со
this, he should at least consider it as bad in his heart;
юг this is 'the lowest degree of faith."
(68) Оп the authority of Abu Мав'цс Uqbah Ып Атг
AI 'Ansari АI Badri (тау Allah Ье pleased withhim),
who said:
The Messenger of Allal1 (реасе and bIessings of
Allah Ье upon him) said: "The reward of опе who
directs somebody to do а good deed will Ье equal to
the reward of the Jatter."

Note: "шпег" refers to something 1hat follows the


Note1: This Hadith refers to the situation where 8

person cannot fulfill а goOO deed himself, во he direets
someone else to do it. For example, if someone
initiates ап idea for charity and encourages rich people
to donate, 'that person gets the same reward as those
who aetually donate.

Note 2: Another point of this Hadith is that if somebody

asks you to donate to charity, and you can't, but direct
him to someone who сап, you will get the reward.
(69)9Qth~~uthO~itypf Ab.u Hurairah(may AIJah Ье
pleasedwithhim), who said;
T.h~Me~.~rrger . of•. Alla.h (peaceand. bl:~~ingsof
Allgppe uponhim) said: "P0w-erfulisnot~e who
k~ocks.tpepther down. Indeedpowerful ishewho
contгol~.hims~lfil1 a fit of angeг."
(Bukhari and·Muslim)
(71) Оп the authority of Abu Hurairah (тау AI/ah Ье
pleased with him), who said:
TheMessenger 01 Allah (ре асе and bIessingsof
Allah beupon him) said: "Оо youknow what
backbiting is?" The companions said: 'Allahand his
Me$Senger kl10W best.' He(the Ргорпет) said:
"Backbiting is talking about your brother in his
absence and about what he hates." One of the
companions said: 'Messenger of Allah, if there is
really that shortcoming inmy brother whatdo / say?'
The Prophet said: "/f what you say is true eventhen,
youbackbite him and if по such thil19 exists in him
then you brought а false accusation against him."

Note "Васкойе" mеапs то talk Ьеhiпd sоmеопе's



Note2: This Hadithiпstгuсts people то пеvег say bad

thiпgs аоошошег, еvепif the bad thiпgs аге true.
(72)Qn the authority of 'Ьп Umar (mayAllahbe
pleased with him), who said:
The Messenger 01 Allah (реасе and bIe$sings of
АИаhЬе цроп him) passed Ьу ап Ansariman who
wascounseling his brotheron modesty (hewas
аdvisiпghim по! to betoo shy ог пюоеы), The
Prophet said: "Ieave himand do not adv.isehimlike
this; for modestyis а рап 01faith (Iman)!'
(E3ukhari J a n d MU$lim)

'Note: "Апsагi Мап' refers to mиэlimэ from Меdiпа

duгiпgthе time of Prophet Muhamrnad ~

(73) Qnthe authority 01 АЬи Напца.Апаа IbnM~lik

(mayAHahbepleased with him), who said:
.The Prophet (реасе and blessings 01 AlJah Ье ироп
hirтi) said: "None о1уои truly believes(in Islam}until
he wishes for his brother what he wishes for
~Iimself. "
(Bukh.ari and Muslim)
(74) Оп the authority о! IЬп 'Uma.r (mayAllaHbe
pleased wi'th him), who said:
ТhеМеssепgегоf АИаh (peaceandblessIngs о!
Allahbeupon him) said: "Every МUsИrn is tne
brother о! another МusИm. Не neitheroppresses
him пог ·forsakeshim (inthe hour ofdistress): And
he whotriesto fulfНl the need ofhis brotHer, АИаh wHI
fulfill his need. And he who alleviatesthe sufferingof
а MUslim,AHah willalleviate some о! his sufferings
оп the Оау о! Resurrection. And he who overlooks
thеsiцоfq,Мuslirn, АlI.аН wШ overlookhissinson tne
Оау о! Resurrection."
(BIJktlari ап Muslim)
Note: ТНе Оау о! Resurrection is а horribIe day for
everybodybecause everybody willbesweatingand
standing inheat worrying about judgement.
(75) Onthe author.tyofAbu Hurakah(mayAilahbe
pleased with him), who said:
TheMesserigerofAliah (реасе and.blessJngs of
AHahbel.Jponhirtl) said: "00 notenvyanother; do
notinflate prices oneto агюйтег: dohothCite опе
another; do по! turn away from опе another;and ео
по! Undercut опе another, but Ье you, О servants of
Allah, brothers. А Muslim is the brother of aMuslim:
h.e nei'~heroppresses him пог ооев h~ failhim, he
neitherliesto himnor does he hоl(jhimjЛАрпt~П1рt.
Piety isrighthere (апо he pointed {о his breastthree
шпеа). It isevHenough for а тап {о hold hisbrother
МuSlimiпсолtеmрt.Jtis аЬslutlуаs~пfоr>а МцsНm
tоkillалоthегМuslim,ОГ{о take.hispropeI1y, orto
destroyhis honour."
NOfe: Jnthis Hadith the. Prophet(p~aceand
.Ь1еssingsюf Allah :Ье uponhtm)hasmentioned
threetimes that: Piety andfaith ar.einthe.>heart.

Note: "Piety" meansгighteousness, devoutness, and

obedience to God.
(76} Qt)·the.authprityof·Abu Нurаirэh·(mаУ. Аt1а..h Ье
pleasedwith гигп), who saiq:
ТhегМе~sеngегрf Allah (реаееавс bles§jQ9spf
Allahbeiuponhim)said: "Partof someone's peing
а: gQ.ш;:i.МuslirТ1 is hisleaving аюпе that which does
по! сввсетппип.'

Note: Th~mainpoint of thi~ Hadithis not 10 interferein

other people's business.

(77)Оrithе.эuthогitуОfАЬuМаs'ud'UqЬа ibn'Amr
аl . . АпsаГiаl-Ваdгi (гпау АНаЬЬе pleasedwith Жт),
who said:
The .M·essenger of Allah (реасе and bIessings of
AI:Ia.h beupon him) said: IIAmongthe.wordspeople
obtainedfrom the previousProphets are.:<lf you
havenoshame(self геврест), then doas уоц wJsh,"

(78) Оп the authority of A'isha (maYAHahbe

pleased with her),who said:
The Messenger of Allah (реасе and bIessings of
Allah Ье upon him) said: "Тле best amongst you is
he whois the most kind to his wife anpJamthe
kindest amongst youtomywives."
Note: 'П this Hadith, the Prophet ·~is not boasting.
The reason why he said he is the kindest amongst the
peopIe is that heis апехаmрlеfоr,Мцslims апо they
imitate .him in aHthings. This is а very important issue,
so 'thePropt;let ~ wantedto reiterate thenecessity of
being kindto'one's>wife,

(79) Оп theauthority 01 Abdullah (mayA.II'ahbe

please(jwith him), who said:
The Messenger of Allah (реасе and bIessings of
AHah Ье upon him) said: "АН created beings аге
Allah'sneedies. 80 the most lоvэd·опе01>АI1а:hishе
who shows kindness to His пееdiэs."
(Shu'ab AI~I ma.n~Baihaqi)

Note: This Hadith means everybody needs help, зо

he who help реорlеwШ Ье the most loved опе 01
(80JQпth~tfU~h,QtjtУоfйцьа.iгЬiл;мut'irn (гпау АllаЬ
Ье;.р1~аsеd witt}nJrn),:~ho .said:.
TheMessenger ofAHah (реасе and bIessings of
AHahbeuponh....п) said: "Не who огеакв offtheties
ofblooawi:t:lnot enter Paradise."
(ВцкЬаг; and Muslim)

Note:ThisHadith ргеаепев that the регвоп who· bteaks

offгe/ati.onswit.h hisfamiJy Ьу по! visitФ9thеm ог he/ping
th,еfJJ:WI/I·поt 90to Paradise.

($1J.;;;.• Р9:tН~ . :tfбthогitу . of<Abdu/ICihl bn'~mr 'ьn

!~I'~ps:(rn;Ciy,~I/ah,bepl~Ciseq witt\hirn), 'Афqs.аid:
The Prophet(peaceand Ыеээin9S ofAI'Cih ье uрqп
hiП'1) said: '!Among the major sins аге: Association
of •. anybody,with AII~h~djsobfl~i~nce .tQ, р~гелts,
killing of а регвоп, andtal<jngCl f.Cilseoath(p~~jur~)."

N0te:Associatiol1 of anybodywithAllah m~ansthCit

believing thatthere i$· а godoth~r~han;Allah, ог
beHeving;thatGod (Allah) Ьаs а воп,
(82)Опtпе a.uthority ()f АЬdоllа.tlJьп·~mrIЬf1 AI~Aas.
(ГТJау·дпаh.ье pJeased.with. hil11),Wne5ai~;
Th~Messengerof Дllаh{реэ?е. an~gless;iri97·~f
Allahbe ироп him) said: "Slапdегiпgопе'sра.гепts
isamajor вит". "ГhеСоmраniопs8.$КЭd: 'о
Меssепgег of Allah! could а person·sJanaerhiso""n
рагегйэ?' Не answered; "Уез, ifhe sla.nders
another person's father, the latter wouldin
retalia.tion slander his father; if he slanders алоthег
person'smother,thelatter would in tllrn~lan(jer his
(Bukhari апdМч~lirn)

Note:The mаiл роiлt ofthis Hadithisthatif youslander

еогпеопе'э рагепts,t.hеу will retaliate алd slande.f

(8З)Опthе>аuthогitу of AbuHura.irah(rriayAllahbe
plea.sed wit~1 ~Iim), who ваю:
TheMessenger of Allah (реасе апо blessings of
Allah Ье upon him) ваю: "Опе who сопврлев а
woman against пег husband,does notbelong to
(fЗf1J Q:пtвсе(iuthогitуqf Ai$hca (maYA\>pleq.sed
with her),'Nho ~ai9:
TheMe,§seng~'ipf AII(ih (реасе andbJe,$.$ingsof
AllahbetjPQohim) said: "Thernost perfect amongst
believers jn faith is пе who is the best in manner апо
kiпdеsttо.his wife."

(65) Onthe authority о' Jbn 'Umar (mау AIJah Ье

pleasedwith him), who said:
The .Messenger о' Allah(peace and bIessings о'
Allah Ье upon him) said: "Не who just гешгпв the
visits о' hisrelatives does not соmрJеt.еlуfuШНthе
obHgations о' relationship. But he who ignores the
mistakes о' his relatives, forgives them, and visits
them in order to bind the ties о' relationship when
they arebroken does fulfill the obIigations о'
(86) Onthe authority of АЬи UsaidMalik IbnRubla
AI-Saedi {тау AIIah Ье pleased with him),who said:
While we were sitting.with the Ргорпет (реасе and
bIessings of Allah Ье upon him) а manofthe Bani
Salamah tribe сате and said: 'О Messenger of
Allah! Is there anything, I сап now do in
benevolence towards ту parents after their death?
The Ргорпет (реасе and bIessings ofAHah Ье ироп
him) answered: "Yes, Ьу praying for them апс
soliciting (AHah's) тегсу and forgiveness towards
them, fulfilling their promises and undertakings,
doing kindness ю those who тау Ье related ю you
through them, and respecting their friends."
(Abu Daoud)

Note: "Benevolence" means kindness.

(87) ОП the quthority of Nu'man bin Bashir (тау
Allahbe pleasedwithhim), whosaid:
Му mother Вiлt Aawaha asked ту father аоош
donatingsome gifts from his property tome. Му
father the matterfor one уеаг, andthenset dothat. Му mother sajd: I shall not Ье
pl.eased UЛlеssуоц c~1J Aiiah'sMessenger (реасе
апс blessings of Allah Ье upon him) аswitПеSS to
what youconfer as а gift to уоиг son. 80 father took
hofd.ofmy hand(lwas at.thattime а Ьоу), and сате
to Allah's Меssепgегапd said: АНаЬ's Messenger,
the mothe.r рfтуsоп, wishes that.1 should callyou
witness t()what Iconfer asgift toher son. AHah's
Messenger(peace and ыssiпgss ofAllahbe upon
тт) "Ваsтг: have you any other son beside
this son of yours?" Не said: "Уез". The РгорЬе!
said: "Have уои given gifts to all of them like this?"
Не said: "No". Thereuponthe Prophet said: "Then
call те поt аs witness, for I cannot Ье witness to an
iпjustiсе. "
(Bukhari and Muslim)

Note: The main point of t~tis Hadith is that parents

should treat еасЬ child in the family equally.


(88) Оп the au"thority of Abu Hurairah (тау Allah Ье

pleased with him), who said:
The Messenger of Allah (реаее апс bIessings of
Allahbe цроп him) said: "Of the dinar you spend in
the way of. Allah, thedinar you врепс for the
freedom of а slave, the dinar you give away in
eharity to thepoor, апс the d.inar you spend onyour
wife апо erlildrel1, the rlighest in respeet of reward is
the опе you spend оп your family/'
Note: Dinar is а type of топеу.

(89) Оп th.eauthority 01 Abu Sa'eed AI-Khudri (тау

Allah Ь.е pleased with him), who said:
The M~ssengeroJAllah (реаее and bIessings of
Allah Ь.еuрол hir11)said:"On the Dау ofJudgement
in theestimation of Allah, theworstposition among
allthehumanbeings wHlbe of that тап who
performs asexual aet with hiswife and thел makes
t!he seeretofthis aet рцэйе."


(90) Оп the authority of Abu Sufyan SakhrBin НагЬ

(гпау Allahbe pleased with him), who said:
Пuгiпg his meetingwith Hiraclius, the ВогпапНшег,
the latterasked him; "What does your Prophet
(реасе алd Ыеssiлgs 01 Allah Ье цроп him) ask you
to со?' I said: 'Не asks us to worship the only Опе
God (Allah), and not to associate апуЬоdу wHh Him;
nott01ollow thehabits and practicesof our
ancestors; he further asks us to репопп the ргауiлg
(Salat), teH the truth, keep chaste and to treat our
bIood relations well."
(Bukhari and Мцвйгп)

Note: ItNot to followthe habits and practices of our

апсезюгв" menas that ,п previous times, реор'е used
to follow what their parents did; such as, worshipping
idols, stealing, killing, and committing other sins.
Весацае their алсеstогs siплеd, people assumed itwas
justified. Prophet Muhammad ~ commandedthem
to char:1getheir behavior and Ьесоте morerighteous.

(91) Оп the authority 01 AI-Mughirah (mауАПаhЬе

pleased with him), who said:
The Messenger 01 Allah (реасе and blessings of
Aflahbe upon him) said: "Allah 10rbids all of you to
disobey your mothers."
(Bukhari and Muslim)
(92) Опthе authority of Abu Hurairah (тау AHah Ье
pleased with him), who said:
А тап asked the Messenger ofAIJah (ре асе and
bIessings of Allah Ье upon him) whoamongst his
пеаг ones had the greatestright over him. The
Prophet repJied: "Your mother". Не asked, "Then
whois next?" The Prophet repHed: "Your mother".
Не again asked, "Then who is next?" The Prophet
replied: "Your mother". Не asked: "Then who is
next?" The Prophet replied: "Your father."
(Bukhari and Muslim).

Note: Itis very important to оЬеу and respect one's

mother in the Islamic religion for t.he fоllоwiпg reasons:
1)А mother carried her ЬаЬу for пiле months iл her

2)Duгiпg ргеgлапсу, the. mother ехр~гiепсеs great

hardship. Then dшiпg dellvery of the ~h~ld, t~e П?оthег
suffers extreme pain. Мапу women dlеlЛ chlldblrth.
3)The mother is the опе who feeds and nurtures the
ЬаЬу. . '
4)lt is ап innate iлstiпсt for mothers to саге тоге for thetr
сhildгел than fathers do.
(94) ОП theau.thority ofAbu Hurairah (тау АПаh Ье
pl.eased withhim).,who said:
Тпе Prophet (реаоеапо bfessings of Allahbeupon
him) said: "А mал marries а womanforfour геаеопв
i.e.~ith~rfor.the sake of пег vv~al'th~<;herfamily
ch$in,her charmsor пег 'оуе of;reHgion. Tryto
ГТ1аrгу'();п~fогthеsаkеО'fпег геligiоusлеss,sпdуdu
wiHbe blessed.~'
Note: Thewomen whohave moralsgrethe<best to


(95) iOnJheiauthority· ot Аsmq'аЬiцt~Jэч{ар~г

AI..Siddiq (mayAltah Ье р'еазео her),whosaid:
MymothercametoMedinatromMakka.h.tO·•.~e~. m~,
whileshe. wasstHI ап unbeliever. ShehadcomeJo
оетапа something from те. t iпquiгеdwith {Ье
Prophet(peace апо bIessingsof АПаhЬе. цроп
him): lMymother has соте to seemeand sheis
expectingsomething from те. Мау) obIige Ьег?' Н.е
said:" kind toyourmother."
(Bukhariand Mustim).
Note: This HadIth has two maio points:
1) Bekind {о your parents, по matter what tbeir
religion '5.
2) А MusJim must Ье kiлdtо other peopfe по rnatter
whatt.he.irreHgion is. For example: The Prophet
Muhammed(peace апо bIessingsof АИаh Ьеиро:n
тт) цвеою visithisJewish леighЬоuгsiпM~dina.
AlsotheProphetusedto give charityto his роог
Jewish neigh.bour.


(96)Оhthеа'Шl0ГitуоtSа'аd IbnAbuWaqqas(may
AHa.hbepleased with him),whosaid:
Овсе wa.s Iyingseriously Hland the Prophet(peace
and b1essings ot Allah Ье цроп him) сагпе (о see
те. This happened in the уеаг when the Prophet
(реасв and bIessings ot Allah Ье upon him)
регtбгmеdthе Farewell Pilgrimage. I said (о him; О
'Messengerot Al1ah, you эее ту eondition.1 have
considerable топеу апс pгopeгty апо ту sole heir
ismydaughter. Сап 1, 'then, give away two-thirds ot
ту авветэ in charity?' Не said: 'No'.1 then
suЬmittеd,'Опе-hаlt' О Messenger ot Al1ah?'
(рвасе and bIessings ot Allah Ье upon him). Again
he said: 'No'. I again вцопипео, "well then
one-third, О Messenger ot Allah'? ОП which he said:
'Опе third is sufticient, and one-third is тоге than is better (о leave your children better off
than in poverty, torced (о beg tor their sustenance.
Whatever you spend tor the ваке ot AHah, еуеп tor
а morsel ot tood that уои put in the mouth ot уоиг
wite, Allah will reward уои."
(Bukhari апс Muslim)
Note: 'П Islamic law the тап саппот donate тоге
than опе third ot his fortune (о the роог. Two-thirds
must go (о his immediate relatives.
(97) Оп the authority of Abu Hurairah (тау AIJah Ье
pleased withhim), who said:
The Messenger of Allah (ре асе and Ыеssiлgs of
Allah Ье upon him) said: "Treat women kindly.
Woman has Ьееп created from а rib (the rib is
crooked), and the most crooked part 01 the rib is in
the upper region. If you try to make it straightyou will
break it, and if уоо leave it as itis, it willremain
curved. 80 treat women kindly."

Note1: The main point of this Hadith is to treat women

kindly. This issue is so impoгtant that the Prophet ~
repeated it twice to reiterate the роiпt.

Note 2: Eve was created from Adam's rib.

Note 3: Меп shouJd поt try to change wоmеп because

they were created to Ье different.· Мел should Ье
tolerant of wоmеп апd treat them kiпdlу. Also, dопоt
Ье forceful with wоmеп.
(98) Опйте authority of 'АтгЫп Shu'аiЬол the
authorityof his father whoin turn reportedfrom his
father (тау. Allah Ье pleased withhim),whosaid:
ТhеМеssелgег of Allal1 (реаее апс blessings of
Allah Ьеиррп him) said: "Command уоиг ehildrE3n
юойег ргауег when they reaeh 'the age of sеvел,
and wheothey reaeh the age of ten anddo по!
observeprayer, then тогсе them to do so.And
separatethem in their beds."
(АЬи Daoud).

Note: "8eparate them in their beds" meansto верагаге

boys from girls and brothers from sisters while they аге
sleeping. Meaning boys should Ье separated from
Ьqуs,апqgirts from girls after 'the age often.



(99) Оп the authority of Aisha (тау Allah Ье pleased

with her), who said:
The Prophet (реасе and bIessings of AJlah Ье ироп
him) said: "Gabriel advised те to do good to the
neighbour to the point 1 almost thought he wou/d
eventually advise те to make ту neighb.our ту
(Bukhari and Mus/im)

Note (1): /п Islam to do good to the леighЬоuг

means: to visit him, to Ье kind to him, to he/p him
when he needs help. If уои Ьиу things for your
children try to Ьиу the same things for your
neighbours children./fyou are not аЫе to dothat, do
not show your neighbours children whatyou bought
foryour children, because they might feel bad.
Note (2): If а neighbour is nice to his neighbours,
and those neighbours are гисе to the other
neig~lbours. The world wiH Ье abetter place.


(100) Оп the authorityo1 'Ьп 'Abbas (гпау Allah Ье

pleasedwith him},whosaid:

Iheard the Messenger of Allah (реасе апо

bIessings 01 Allah Ье upon him)saying: "Не who

eats to his 'fiI1 while his neighbotJГ goes without food,

is not abeliever."

(Shu'ab AI-lmап~Ваihаqi)

Note: Iп tslam, 'tneighbour" refers to houses seven

doors away iп each direction.

(101) Оп the authority 01 Abu Hurairah (гпау Allah

ье pleased with him), who said:
The Prophet (реасе апс bIessings 01 Allah Ье upon
him) said:'By Allah,his 1aith is incomplete', 'Ву
Allah, he isnot 9. perfect Muslim',"By Allah, hedoes
not believe". Не was asked: 'О! Messenger of Allah!
whoJshe?He said: 'Опе whose neighbour is afraid
ofhis 'mischief ог does not feel comfortabIe with
(Bokhari andMuslim)
Muslim's version ваув:
"That регsопwhоsепеighЬоuгisafraid of him, will
notenter Paradise."
(102) Оп the authority of Abu Hurairah (тау Allah
Ье pleased with пип), who said:
The Messenger of Allah (реасе and blessings of
Allah Ье цроп him) said: Let he who believes in Allah
and the Last Оау, either speak good things ог keep
silent. Let he who believes in Allah and the Last Оау
Ье kind to his neighbour, and let he who believes iл
Allah and the Last Dау Ье generous to his guest."
(Bukhari and Muslim)

Note: "The Last Оау" means the "The Оау 01

Judgement. "

(103) Оп the authority of 'Abdullah (гпау Allah Ье

pleased withhim), who said:
The Messenger of Allah (реасе and blessings 01
Allah Ье ироп him) said: "Awol11an was tоrmелtеd
оесацве 01 а сат which she had соп1iлеd and
starved untillt dled. She did not allow it to eat ог
drinkwhile it was con1ined, nor didshe 1гее it во that
It might eat theinsects 01 the earth. As а resu/t ofher
evHness,she was сопсегппео to Ней.'
(Bukhari andMuslim)
(104) Оп the authority of АЬи Hurairah (тау Allah
Ье pleasedwithhirh) ,who said:
The Меssелgег of Allph (peaceand bIessings of
Allah Ье ироп him) said: "А тап walking along а
path felt уегу thirsty. Reaching а well he descended
into it, drank water to his fill and сате out, then he
saw adogwith its tongue hanging out, trying to lick
ир mud to_quench its 'thirst. The тап said то himself
thatthe dogwas feeling the same extreme thirst as
he .had felt а little while ago. 80 he descended опсе
тоге into the well, filled his leather hosierwith water
and сатеир holding it Ьу his teeth and gave the dog
а drink.Allah appreciated the act of this тап and
forgave hjs вшв. The Prophet (реаее and bIessings
of Allah Ье ироп him)was asked: 'Messenger of
Allah, аге we rewarded for kindness towards
animats as well? Не said. "There is
recompensation for kindness to еуегу living thing."
(Bukhari and MIJsHm)
Bukhari'sversion concludes with:
"Allah appreciated his action and admitted him to
Paradise" .
(1 05) Оп the authority of Abu У' ala Shaddadbin Aus
(гпау Allah Ье pleased with him), who said:
The Messenger of Allah (реасе апо bIessings of
Allah Ье upon him) said: "Allah, has made it
obIigatory to adopt а benevolent attitude towards
everything. If youhave to kill апу апimаl kilJ it in the
kindest way. Whел you have to slaughter ал animal,
you must make it less painful for the animal you
slaughter. Every one of уоц must get his knife
sharpened to reduce the suffe.ring of the animat to
Ье slaughtered."

(106) Onthe authority of Abu Abdullah Zubair ТЬп

Awam (тау Allah Ье pleased with him), who said:
The Messenger of Allah (реасе and bIessings of
Allah Ье upon him) said: "Every опе ofyou.shO~ld
take hold of your горе, goto thеmоuпtаiП,соНесt
and саггу а load of fire-wood оп yourback, апdJsеН
it foryourliving. This will Ье better for you t.han
Ьеggiпg.fгоrn people, whether theygiveorrefuse."
Note:Hisbetterforan able Ьосиес.регвоп totake ир
вогпе task поmаttег how hard to еагп hisbread
rather than to beg for his bread.

(107) 011 the authority of Abu Hurairah{mayAHab

Ье pleased with him), who said:
The Меssепgег of Allah (реасе апd Ыеssiпgsоf
Allah Ье upon him) "It is Ьепег for апуопе to
еагп his living Ьу carrying а load of fire-wood оп his
back than begging someone to give him something,
for that person тау refuse to give him anything."
(Вцкпап апс Muslim)
Note1: AII prophets arecommanded to herd sheep at
some time in their livesbecause it teaches thern
patience, kincjness, and toleration. Ву tаkiлg саге of
animals, the prophets 'еаrn tolook out for the needs of

Note 2: This Hadith also rneans that everyone has to

еагп а living, even prophets. Itis irnportant to work,
even if tOO work is trivial and unglamorous.
(109) Оп the authority of Abu Hurairah (тау AHah

Ье pleased with him), who said:

The Prophet (реасе and bIessings qf Allah Ье upon

him) said: 'Prophet David (тау реасе Ье upon him)

earned his Iiving and ate only from his labour

earnings, and nothing else."


(110) ОП the authority of Abu Hurairah (тау Allah

Ье p/eased with him), who said:
The Messenger of Allah (реасе and bIessings of
Allah Ье upon him) said: "Prophet Zakaгiah was а
carpenter Ьу profession. (i.e. he earned his living
through carpentry)."

. 123


(111) Оп the authority of IЬп Umar (тау Allah Ье

pleased withhim), who said:
The Prophet (реаое and bIessingsof AHah Ье upon
him) said: "Every опе of you is а protector and
guardian of tlis immediate charge and is
responsible for the actions of those people who аге
committedto his charge. А ruler is also а steward
and is accountabIe for those whoare put under his
charge. Д тап isa steward in respect to the family
members of his house. А woman is а steward .in
respect to her husband's house and his chHdren. In
short every one of you is а stew.ard and is
accountabIe for those who аге placed under your
(Bukhari and Muslim)

Note: То Ье а "stewaгd" means to Ье гesponsibIe foг.


(112) Оп the authority of Abu Saeed (тау Allah Ье

pleased with tlim), who said:
The Messenger of Allah (ре асе and blessings of
Allah Ье upon him)said: "Thebestjihad is when а
person speaks the truth before а tyrant ruler."
(Abu Oaoud)

Note: "Jihad" mеалs striving for Allah's сацве, This

could теаптапу thiлgs: 5uch as,going tobattle тог
your country, defending your faith,or doingmissionary
work. Jihad al50 refers to resisting temptation.

(11 З) Оп the authority of АЬн Oharr (тау Allah Ье

р'еавео vyith him), who said:
I submitted to the Messenger of Allah (реасе and
bIessings of Allah Ье upon him): Why со you not
appoint те as ап administrator of вогпе place?' Не
patted те оп ту shoulder and said: "Abu Oharr,
you аге weak, and ап office is а trust, andthis гnay
Ье the cause of humiliation and sorrow оп the Оау of
Judgement. Only in the case of а person who takes
up ап office with jus'l:ification and fuHills his
obIigation wHlhe Ье spared from humiliation and


(114) Onthe authority ofAbu Hurair(3.h (тау Allah

Ье pIeasedwith him), who said:
The Messengerof Allah (ре асе and bIessings of
AHah Ье цроп him) said: "The time is coming when
уоц w/ll aspire for pubIic offices апо authority, but
beware, it witl Ье amatter of humiliation and
repentanceonthe Day of Judgement."

Note1: This. Hadith means that the Prophet ~

predicted that people would try to becomerulers and
presidents because of greed, power, and glory. If а
person holds anoffice because he is greedy, it is а sin.
If а person holds ап office because he cares for the
good of the people, it is а virtue.

Note 2: "It will Ье а matter of humiliation andrepentance

оп the Оау of Judgement" because God will ask
presidents and rulers тапу exact questions about the
people they аге responsibIe for. For example,a Мауог
wiII Ье asked about the homeless his town.
Havingtheauthorityover other peopleis а very big

. Note 3: Another reason why this Hadith was written was

to warn against people overthrowing the goveгnment
and taking power, because this often causes а lot of
bIoodshed. This has happened often throughout
history. Even today in non-democratic countries,
especially in the Third Wo,"Id, overthrowing the
government and seizing power is often accompanied
Ьу violence and bIoodshed.

(115) Оп theauthority of Abu МагуаmАI-Аzdi (тау
Allah Ье pleased withhirn), who reported that:
Не said toAmir Mu'awiyah (тау Allahbepleased
with him): (1 heard the Меssелgеrоf Allah (реасе
апо bIessingsof Allahbe цроп him) sауiпg: «If Allah
арроппва person in authority overtheMuslims,and
he fails to redresstheirgrievancesandrernovetheir
poverty, Allah will not fulfil his needs andwill not
remove his роуепу оп the Оау of Judgement."
Thereafter, Amir Mu'awiyah (тау Allah Ье pleased
with him) appointed а man to юокайег ше needsof
(Abu Паоud and Tirmizi)

(116) Оп the authority of Aisha (may Allah Ье

pleased witrlher), who said:
The Messenger of Allah (ре асе andbIessings of
Allah Ье uропhim) said: "О Allah! when а person
whois р'асео in authority over my Umrnah (people)
is strict with them, Ье Thou also strict with him,and
when such а person is kind to them, Ье Thou а1В0
kindto him."


(117)Олthе authority of 'Ьп 'At;>bas (mау АII.аЬЬе

pleased withhim) ,who said:
Тпе Меssепgег of;Allah (реасе andt;>l~ssjngs of цроп him) :said: "If people w~(e<tot;>e.given
in ассогоаясе with their еlаim(iп.сощ1),mеП..wоцld
claim.thefortunesc:ind Hves of other people. Тпе
burdenof proof is оп the claimant and the taking of
апоаш is iпеumЬелtuроп him hewhodeni;eS."
(Вайтао], and рап of it is related Ьу Bukhari and

Note1: This H€idith means that ifpeople wereto Ье

given еvегythiЛgthеуаsk for iлсоurt, thenpeople
would Ье. елсоuгаgеd tosueeagh оthег<:опstалtlу.
Тhiлgs WOLlld Ьесоmе chaotic.Therefore,. in coutt,the
регsол suiлgshоuld Ье геsролsiЫе for pro\liding the
proof forhis claim. The регsол who is Ьеiлg sued
should таке ал oath and swear the truth of his case.

Note2: То Muslims tаkiлg ал oath опthе Koranis уегу

sacred, and unless they thought that theywere
absoJutely correct, they wouldn't do it.


(118) Onthe authority of Abu Bakarah Nufai IЬл

Harith (тау withhim), who said:
The Messenger of Allah (реасе and bIessings of
Allah Ье uроп-гIIfn) said: "Мау I tell you what the
majorsins аге? (Не repeatect this three times). We
replied: 'Certainly, О Messenger of Allah'. Не said:
'Associating others with Allah; disobectience to
parents, (he had Ьееп resting оп а pillow, then he
ват црапо сопппцео), 'telling lies агю giving false
testimony(perjury)". Не repeated this sentence so
таnу times that we wished he would stop.
(Bukhari апо Muslim)

Note: This Hadith гeiteгates that peгjuгy is aveгy big siп.

(119) Оп the authority 01 Abu Dharr (тау Allah Ье

pleased with him), who said:
Не heard the Messenger 01 Allah (реасе and
bIessings of Allah Ье цроп ппп) saying: "Hewho
claims what hedoes not ()wn (iл court), is not опе of
ца. Andhe will find his seat in the Hell-fire."

Note: For.example, mаkiпg а false claim mеапs tгуiпg

to асошге sоmеthiпg you do поt deseгve.


(120) Оп the authority р1 Samurah(may Allah Ье

pleased wi'th him), who said:
The Messenger 01 Allah (реасе and bIessings 01
AHah оецроплип) said: "НеwhоkШs.hissJаvеshаll
Ье kНled . Andhe who mutilates his slave shаП Ье
Note : When it comes ю crime /slamic law is: ап еуе
101' ап еуе, and а soul 101' а soul.

Note1: The Islamic law stating, "ап еуе юг ап еуе, а

soul for а воцг' is а code of justiceand rюt anact of

Note .2: The death penalty is fQr the benefit of the

society. It is the best we,y to deter crime,and
consequent/y, toe,llow people то Ье safe. .

(121) Оп 'the ашпогпу 01 Zaid Ып Khalid AI-Juhani

(тау AI/ah Ье pleased with him), who said:
The Prophet (реасе and bIessings 01 Allah Ье upon
him) said: "Мау I tell you of the best witness? Не is
the опе who offers his testimony Ье1оrе he is asked
101' it."


(122) ()гПhе authorityofAbu Bakrah (птау Allah Ье

pleasedwith him), who said:
1 hea:rd t.he· ·Messenger of Allah (реасе and
~fessihgsof!Allahbeupon him) sayihg: HNo judge
must deciae betweentwo persons whifeheis
(Bukhariand Musfim)

(123) Оп the authority of 'Ali (тау Allah bepleased

with him), who ваю:
The Messenger of Allah (реасе апо bIessingsof
Allah Ье цроп him)said {о him: "When two persons
соте {оуоо for а decision, do notgive judgement in
fav()ur of 1he.first шilеss you have heard the
stаtеmелt of the second. It is тоге ргорегйтаг the
case should first Ье made clear before you."
(124) Оп the authority of Buraidah (тау Allah Ье
pleased with him), who said:
The Messenger of Allah (реасе and bIessings of
Allahbe upon him) said: "JIJdges belong to three
categories: Опе who would Ье admitted to Paradise
and the remaining two who wOIJld Ье thrown into the
Неll-Лге. The опе who would Ье admitted to
Paradise, would Ье а judge who recognized the
'lru'th and gave judgement according to it. The
person who recognized the truth but deviated it
while giving judgement would enter 'the Hell fire. The
тап who would give judgement regarding the
disputes of people, while ignorant of the case will
also enter the He/l-fire."
(Abu Daoud)



(125) Оп тпе authority of Ja.bir(may АПа.h Ье

pleased with him), who said:
TheMessengerof Allah (реасе and bIessings of
Aflah Ье upon him) prayed: "Мау Allah have гпегсу
upon the тап who is generous while sеlПпg, and
alsog~nerous in buyingand demandinghis balance
from реор'е."

(126) Оп theauthority of Abu Saeed (тау Allah Ье

pleasedwith him), who said:
The Messenger of Allah (реасе andbIessings of
Allahbeupon him) said: "The truthfufand honest
mercha.nt shall Ье with theprophets,withthe
этаповгоЬеагегвof truth and withthe гпапугв."

Note: "Bearers of truth" refers to the уегу devout



(127) Оп the authority of 'Ьп Umar (тау Allah Ье

pleased with him), who said:
The Messengerof Allah (реасе апо bIessings of
Allah Ье ироп him) said: "А тап should notenter
into а bargain when his brother has already
completed the bargain, and he should not make а
proposal of marriage in opposition to theproposalof
his brother except with his consent."
(Bukhariand Muslim)

Note1: 'Hrother" refers to fellow тап.

Note 2: Тhe main роiлt of this Hadith is that people

should попог their contracts. If а регвопгпвкев а
business deal, someone else should по! interfere. If
юо people аге рlаппiпg to Ье married, someone else
should по! try to break them цр.

(128) Оп the authority of Abu Hurairah(may AIIah

Ье pleased with him),. whosaId:
The. Me~senger of AJlah (реасе andblessings of
AHah ЩеUРQl"\ said: "When а тап goes
bankrupttf)entheone tоwhоП)hе owes has priority
to qlaimgoods stifl in his possesion."
(Bukhari and Musfim)

(129) Оп theauthority of Abu-Yusr (тау Allahbe
pleased withhim), who said:
I heard the Messenger of Allah (реасе and
bIessings of Allah Ье uроп him) saying: "Hewho
allows enough time tothe роог man (debtor) to
герау his debt ог reHeveshim of debt, will Ье
protected Ьу Allah's shade оп the Оау of

(130) Оп the authorityofWa.'thilah Ып AI-Asqa' (тау

Allah Ье pleased with him), who said:
I heard the Messenger of Allah (peaceand
bIessings of Allah beupon him) saying: "Не who
knowingly seHs а defective thing. and does not
informthe purchaserof its defect, wШ always remain
under the anger of Allah; ог (the repdrterthinks that-

the Pr()phet said):theangels wШ cursehim

incessantly. "

Note: /псеssапtlу means foгeveг.


(131). Оп. <the сщthогity. 01 AbuMqs~uq ,t\.1-Ansari

(гпау Allah Ье pleased w1th him), who s~ip:
The Mess~ngeirof Aflah(peaceand bJessingsof
АJlапЬеироп said:",t\.m~nfrotf'l am()l'lg.those
whowere beforeyour time was calledJo арсоип~()п
theDay of Judgement. Thisman (wasa . г1сЬ
merchant. Nothinggood wasfOtJndofhim~xc~pt
that heused to have dealings wit.h people 1.l1evvptJld
orderhis servants to let off the роог тап (debtor)
from repaying his debt. Allah said: We аге worthier
t.han уои of 'that. Let him off."
.(Bukhari, Muslim, апо an-Nasa'i)

Nqte:'-his. H9dith tells us. аоош а ~ап whowasborn

andlived before the time oftheProphet
Muhammad Й Whenh€went to ассоuпt опthе
Dау of Judgement, the only good thing hehad done in
his ШеwаstоЬе уегу fair withthe peoplevvhopwe(j .him
пюпеу, Не was very understanding апр alwaysgave
реоре adequate timeto герау their debts; heinstructed
his employees то foHow this ргаспсе аво. Onthe Оау
bf Judgement, God told this тап, 111 ат closer to the
people than you. And since the тап had Ьееп so fair

to the peopJe who owed him топеу, God sent.the .mап

to Paradise.


(132) Оп theauthority ofAbu Hurairah (mayAJJah

bepteased 'A'ith>him),who said:
TheMessengerof AHah (peaceandblessingsof
Aflahbeuponhim)happened {о равв Ьуа. heapof
foOO. Не (the Prophet) inserted his hand ioto {! апо
his fingers were moistened bywet·food. Upon this
he (the Prophet) said: "Owoer of the food, what is
this?" The man repHed: Messengerof AHah, itisdue
{о raio. Не (the Prophet) said: "Why did уои not ри!
the dreoched food цроп the heap, so that peopte
could see it? Не who deceives people, соеа not
belongto те (ту Ummah)."

Note1: "Heqp" 'з а mound ог а large quantity.

Note 2: This Hadith refers to the timethe Prophet

Muhammad ~ .went tothe market впо епсоuпtегеd
а merchant who was selling food. Тhe mегсl1алt had
рш goOO юоо оп top of the food that had Ьееп ruined
Ьу rain, therefore deceiving the. people intothinking it
was all good food. The Prophet ~ discoveredthis
deceptionwhen he put his fingersinto the mound of
юоо the .merchant was offering {or sale. .The РгорЬе!
Muhammad • asked the merchant why Не was
atteropt,ngto deceivethe people, апd·thепtаlQhiрthаt
а per~onwho cheats оп business transactions.or
anythingelse could·not beconsidered а devQЦt Muslim,
for hisfaith ;з notcomplete.
NDtез :-rhis Haditli аlsоdеrnолstrаt~sthаtthеРtорhеt
Muhammad ~ had а rеsролsiЬШtyas tOfer of the
people .tooversee thеЬusiлеssdеаliпgsоfmеГСhаnts
inthemarketplao€!. Also, this Hadith?h()~s that Prophet
Muhammad -, ~ was humЫеелоugh тооо.ю the
market himself.



(133) Оп the authority of Abu Hurairah (гпау Allah

Ье pfeased with him), who said:
The Messenger of Allah (реасе and bIessings of
AHah Ье uponhim) said: "Richness ооев not Не in
the abundance of wor1dly goods but richness is the
richness of the вош (heart, seff)."

(134) Оп the authority of Anas Bin Malik (тау Allah

Ье pleased with him), who said:
The Messenger of Allah (реасе and bIessings of
AHah Ье ироп him) said: "ff there was опе valley of
gold for the son of Adam, he would long for another
опе. А тап will never Ье satisfied, only death will
stop him from being greedy. Allah returns to him
who repents."

Note: "Sол of Adam" means fellow тап. This because

а" of humanity is dеsселdеd from Adam.


(135) Onthe authority 01 Abu Hurairah (тау AlIah

Ье рlеа,s~ci~~tt}hiщ),whо said:
TheMessenger 01 Allah (ре асе and bIessings of
Allahbe цроп l1im) said: "The heart отап old person
is young for мо things: for long life and love 01
(Bukhari an.dMLisHm)

Not~,:Th~rтtaif1 pqint of this Hadith is that anoldperson

willstiПlоvеапd,always wishfor а longer Iife апа desire
to have wealth (топеу).



'П theseventh century, the Prophet

Muhammad iI predicted mапуеvепts that would
take place in the future. Some of these predictions аге
happening today, and some of them have not yet
happened. These revelations were inspired Ьу God

(136) Оп the authority of Abu Hurairah(may AHah

bepleased wi'thhim), who said:

The Messeoger of Allah(peace апdЫеssiлgs of.

Alfah Ьеuропhiт) ваю: "А timewiH соте wheoa

тап wШ лотсаге abouthow he gets things, whet.her



Note: The prophe~. predicted that the. timewould

соmеwh~п people would.lo?se their m()ral~,. апd.vvоuld
пот careabout the methodtheyusedto acquirE3 wealth
апd· tl1ings.

(137) ОП the authority of Abu Hura.irah (тау Allah
Ье pleas~d withhiT),who said:
The Prophet (ре асе and bIessings ofAllah ое upon
him) said: "Д time wilJ соте whenthe murderer wiН·
not know why hehas согппипесthe гпцгоег, and the
victim will not know whyhe has Ьееп killed."

Note: The main point of this Hadith was to show that а

great deal of iПdisсгimiпаtе killing would take place in
the future.

(138) Оп the authority of Anas (тау Allahbe

pleased wit~t ~Iim), who said:
I heard the Messenger of Allah (реасе and
bIessingsof Allahbe uponhim) saying: "Among the
signs ofth·e Last Оау аге: that knowledgewi1Jsuffer
complete extinction.lgnorance, aduttery and
drInkIngofwinewil1 Ье alarmingly оп theincrease.
'"rhen,umberofmales wШ decreasewhile the
питЬег of females wШ increase until therewill Ье
only опё male to look after fifty women."
(Bukhari and Muslim)

Npt~,;,"hisHCidIt~ explains that. in thеfщuге, lhеге -, wШ

Ь~roог~yv:рmеп thапmеп Ьесацзе пшсп of.the male
population would die inbattles and wars.


(139) Оп йте authorityof Abu Hurairah(may Allah

Ье pleased with him), whosaid:
While the Prophet (реасе апо bIessing$ ofAHah Ье
upon him) vvas tаlkiпg, а гпап еате andaskeq the
Prophet: When will the Last DауЬе? ThePrQphet
replied: "When integrity is lost then waitfor the
eoming of 'the Last Dау". Не asked: How will it Ье
lost? The Prophet said: "When the government is
елt.гustеd to thelJndeserving people. Then waitfor
the Last Оау."

Note: This Hadith means when uпquаШiеd and corrupt

individuals /have power апо authority, the· Оау of
Judgement will соте very вооп,

(140) Оп the authority of Abu Hurairah(may Allah

Ье pleased with him), who said:
The Messenger of Allah (реасе and bfessings of
Allah Ье upon him) said: "The time wЩ Ье elose to
the Last day. The knowledge will Ье taken awayand
the trials wilf еоте. Stinginess will dominate and
AI-harj will take plaee frequently". The eompanions What is AI-harj? The Prophet said: "The
(Bukhari апо Muslim)


(141) Onthe author,ty of Ка'Ь bin Iyaz(may Allah

Ье pleased with him), who said:
I heard the 'Messenger· of Allan (реаее and
bIessings 'оfАПаhЬе'uроп hIm) saying: "For every
group of peopfe, tnere is trial and the trial ofmy
Ummah (реор'ё) lies in wealth."

Note: .This Hadith гпеапв that wealth(money) will

corrupt people.

(142) Onthe authority of Usamah Ып Zaid (тау

AHa~1 Ье pleased with him), who ваю:
The Prophet (реасе and blessings of AHah Ье upon
him) said: "The most harmful trial (сацве of
mischief) for mеп аге women."
(Bukhari and Мцslim)





(143) Оп the authority ofAbu Hura.irah (та.у Alfah

Ье pleased with him), who said:
The Messenger of Allah (реасе and bIessings .of
Alfah Ье цроп ппп) said: "Allah will definitely
enforce settlement of all the dues to those елtitlеd to
receivethem ontheDay of Judgement; eventhe
wrong done to а hornless goat Ьу а погпеdgоаtWill
Ье геогевеео."

Nbte1: "Веогеав" гпеапято гemedy ог pro"ide

cOmpensc:ltion foг.

Note.2: The main роiпt of ttlis Hc:ldith is that the Оау of

Judgеmепt will Ье extreme/y fair for еvегуоле. It will Ье
а day of reckoning for all good and evil deeds, to ап
extreme that it wilf Ье fair еуеп to the goats.


(144) Оп the authority of 'Abdullah Ып Mas'ud (тау

Allah Ье plea$ed with him), who said:
TheMessenger of Allah(peace and blessings of
Allah Ье цроп тшп) said: "Оп theDay of
Resurrection, people. who committed crimes of
bIood will Ье the first to Ье judged Ьу God (Allah)."
(Bukhari and Muslim)

Note1: Crimes of bIood means murder.

Note 2: The main point of this Hadith is that killing is а

уегу serioussin.

(145) Оп the authority of 'Abdullah Ып 'Атг (тау

Allah Ье pleased with him), who ваю:
The Messenger of Allah (реасе and b/essings of
Allah Ье upon him) said: "Не who kills а Jew ог а
Christian with whom ап agreement ог treaty has
Ьееп made, will not sense even the sm~11 of
Paradise, апd по doubt, its smell сап Ье sensed
from the distance covered in fortyyears."

Note: "It's smel1 сап Ье sensed from the distance

covered in forty years" Means the person will пеуег Ье
anywhere пеаг Paradise.


(146) Оп the au'thorityof Usamah Ып Zald(may

AHah Ье pleased with him)1 whosaid:
TheProphet (реасе and ble$Slngs of Allahbe upon
him) said: "Onthe nightof Meraj (Ascension) whел
I stoodatthegateof Paradise, lobservedthatthe
bulk 01 those who entered it were роог people, the
rich people had Ьееп refused entry. Thereafter
people condemned to Hell were ordered to Ье
pushedther,e,and. I noticed. "that the majority of
those whoentered it were women." .'
(Bukhariand Muslim)

Note: Тhe reason the majority of women willgotb НеН,

as mentioned'in this Hadith, is because most women
do not appreciate their husbands ог what. their
husЬапds dofor them.

(147) Оп the authority of Harithah Ып Wahb (тау

Aflah Ье pleasedwithhim), who said:
I heard theMessenger of AIJah (ревсе апо
blessings of AHah Ье ироп him) saying: "Мау I teH
you who the dwellers ofParadise аге? Еуегу регэоп
, who is considered weak and i5 despised, and who,
if he takes ап oath of reliance цроп Allah, would
fulfill il. Now тау 11ell уои who the people deslined
юг Hel1 аге?Еуегу опе ""Но isigriorant, imperti"erit,
proud andarrogant."
(Bukhari and Musli.m)


(48) Опtheauthority of Abu Hurairah (тау Allah

bepleased with him), whosaid:
The ~essenger оfАПаh (реасе and bIessings of
AlIahbe upon him) said: "The роог Muslims .will
enter Paradise fivehundred уеагэ еагНег than the

(149) Опthе authority of Аоц Hurairah(may Allah

bepleased with him), whosaid:
TheMessenger of Allah (реасе and bIessings of
Allah Ье upon him) said: "Не who killed himself with
а steel (weapon) would Ье the eternal dепizел
(inmate) of Hell andhe would have that weapon iл
hishand and would bethrusting that in hisstomach
for ever апо ever; he who drank poison and killed
himself would sip that in the Fire of Не" where he is
dbomedfor ever and еуег: and he who killedhimself
Ьу falling from the top of а mоuпtаiл wou/d
COlista.ntlyfall in the Fire of Hell and would live there
for ever andever."

Note:This Hadith says that if а Muslim commits suicide,

hеwШ 90 to Не".


(150) Оп the authority of Anas (гпау AHahbe

pleased with him), who said:
The Messenger of Altah (peaceand bIessings of,
AHah Ье upon him) said: "1 saw duгiпg ту night
journey the peopfe whose lips were Ьеiпgсliрреd
with the clippers of Fire. I asked Gabrief: Who аге
these people?" Не replied: These аге the oratorsof
уоцг Ummah (peopte) who tell people to do goodbut
forget to doit themselves."
(8harh 8uплаh~Ваgаwi)
Note: "Orators" теапэ speakers..

(151) Оп the authority of Abu Zaid Usamah Ып Zaid

Ып Harithah (тау Allah Ье pleased with him)who
1 heard the Messenger of Allah (реасе апо
bIessings of Allahbe upon him), sауiлg: "Оп the
day of judgement а тап will Ье brought and thrown
into Hell, as а result of this, his intestines will соте
out of hi5 belly, andhe will go circling holding his
iпt.еS'tiпеs like а dопkеугuппiлg а mill. Hi5
согпрапюпв iл Hell willcometo him:O! 80 and 80!
What i5 thi5? Did you not авк people to dogood and
avoid vice?' Не will вау: 'That i550.1 told othersto
do good, but did not do it myself; andl forbade them
to оо evit,butdid вогпувеи."
(Bukhari and.·Muslim)
Note: "Vice" means evil.

'. 151
(152) ОП the сщthоritу of Abu Hurairah (тау AHah
Ье pleased with him) who said:
ТhеМ~ааелgегоfАIJ q.h (peaceandblessings of
Altanbeuponhim), said: "Thereare two typesof
the Inmates ofHellwhom Ihave поt sеелiпmуtimе:
реер'е having flogs the tails of ox~nwith them,
апо who would bebeating people ,andthewomen
Whowouldbedr~ssedbut арреаг tobe naked, who
would Ье inclined to evil and maketheir husbands
incHnetowards it. Theirhair would Ье like the humps
of the bukht сатеl inclln~d ю one$iqe. Th~y.wHI not
enter Рагагйве, апd they wHI по! этеН its odour,
wh~req.S its odour wiН Ье smelled fromlong

Note1: "Ffogs" теапs whips ог sticks.

"BukhtCamels" means Persian camels.

Note 2:When thePгophet ~ saw Hell,

пе saw тапу different types of people 1Ьеге. However,
there were two types of people hedid not гесоgпizе
because they did not exist inhis time (the Seventh
Century). Thetypes of people Ье did поtгесоgпizе
1.People carrying whips and sticks -- the oppressors
beating ир others.
2.Women· wearing different types of clothes. Their
outfits were very revealing, much like the l'fashionabIe

сlоthiпg of today. Also, those women had unusual

hairstyles, perhaps likethe kinds woгn Ьу women today.


Note 3: The Prophet Muhammad iI predieted

the nature of women's cfothing in our timi Не foretofd
that fashionabfe cfothing would Ье reveaHng of the
body. Also, he predicted the nэtше of women's
hairstyles and wigs in modern times.



(153) Оп the authority of Saeed AI-Khudri (тау

Allah Ье pleasedwithhim) who said:
The Messenger of Allah (реасе and btessings of
AHah Ье upon him), said: "Takil1g а bath ОП Friday
is obtigatory for every adult person."
(Bukhari and Muslim)

N()te: The main point of this Hadith is that а Muslim

needsto Ье especialJy clean оп Friday because itis the
Holy Dау in Islam. Muslims аге iпstгuсtеd to Ье clean
allthe time, andespecially clean оп their SаЫэаth.


(154) Оп the authority of АЬи Hurairah (тау Al1ah

Ье pleased wit~, him) who said:
The Messenger 01 Allah (реасе and bIessings of
АПаh Ье uрол him), said: "Look цроп опе who is
below уои in status апспо not юок upon опе who is
above you in status.lnthiSway you will по! look
down upon the grace that Allah has bestowed цроп
(Bukhari and Muslim)

Note: The messages 01thi.sHadith аге:

1) Count уоог bIessings.

.2) Compare yourselfwith people vvho. have lеээ than

you, rather than those who have тоге. Thisisthebest

way to Ье happy, and to appreciate what Godhasdone


(155) Оп the authority of Anas {mayAHahbe

pleased with him)who said:
The Prophet (реасе and blessings of Allah Ье upon
him), used to ргау: "О Allah, I seek your protection
against worry, sorrow, weakness, indolence,
cowardice, stinginess, burden of debts, and the
oppression from people."
(Bukhari and Muslim)

Note: Еуегу Muslim i.s required to recite this Hadith in

his ргауегэ in order to avoid being а vietim of these
(156) Оп the >authority of АЬи Hurairah. (тау A1Iah
Ье pleased with him) who said:
The Prophet (реасе andbIessings of Allah ое цроп
him), said: "Allah the Almighty said: There аге three
whose adversary I shall Ье onthe Dау 01
Resurrection:a manwho has gjven his·word to Ме
and has broken it; а тап who has sold а free тап
and has consumed the price; and а тап who has
hired а workman, has exacted his due in full from
him and has not given him his wage."
(Bukhari, Ibn Majah, Ahmad)

Note1: "Adversaгy" refers to ап епету.

Note 2: Тпе таiп point of this Hadith isto show the t.hree
types of теп that God (Allah) will рuпish оп the Dау of
Judgement. .

1. А тап who has given his wordto God and hasbroken

it. Ог, а тап who swears in God's пате to do
something and doesn't do it.
2. А тап who sells а slave and keepsthe гпопеу.
З. А тап who hires someone without рауiпg him forthe
work he does.


(1'51)ОА the· authority 01 АЬц Hurairahx(may AJlah

t)epl~~~ed with hi
rn ).w~o S~id:
"!"~,'fv1~s~~~~~rof.· AtJah(peaceand ble~i·n~$\о'
AI.lah Ье ·u~nhim), said:.IIHe·wh.o\ emancipates,a
slave, AIJahwHlfree from Не" еУегу Hmbof hisbody
fbr eveгy··lirriDofhisslave's booy,even.hisprivate

,Note1: Тhis,"'<:iPith means thatIfap,erson frees aslave,

f30d· (Allah}wUJ·free Ыт from He!l. .

Note 2: Quring the пгпв of the Prophet

MUhammad ~,. (seventh сепшгу) slave,." wasveгy
сопипоп. The Prophet • . tried,through his
pre~c"in~,to ab<:>lishsIEiveгy. Theteachingsof Islam
сауэfЮ 'ГI'lапу staves·ahd oppressed·people·toconvert

(158).Ont~~ authority 0.1, IЬп'Отаг (may\~lla·h Ье

pleasedwith him) who said:·
The PrQphet(peace.andbJe$sing$Qf:AIJah Deupon
him)'.$8Wa'WOman whohad beenkilledin a.battle,
во the Prophet сопоепшео the kiПiпgоfwоmепапd
(Bukhari апо Muslim)
O.J?..9J·.. •. р
.. ,,'
. • . <р. ··~b~ .• . •Et~.·.tbo. rj.~·.o f.AiSh. а
""С'.>,." ",:,,:,,';,,>'>::".< >+>,'•.,.1 :"'":""".,.,,"",>!';:,,. .,•. ",1:.:,"": ';:':'
(т. ау A
. .•·.llab·.•.·.be....•.•
:.. ,. ,,' .,',"',' "'::"" С: . .: .. ", ..

pf~~~e(iji~ith..h~.r).~bo •. '. • . . <> ... \ ) ) . .•.

SbeOP~~sK~.(ijtn(;) РГ9рпе! .(peace.~p.p .bI~~~it;'~.~
оТАJlапЬецроп.· him): .'Oid уоц.f~~.~~р.~~.~яг~
sev~r~ . . . t9.aPj'~~~'''·.p~y· оТ the battle ofUhu(j'? 'Не
q.П~W~ГЕ@.:';Уе~,t.hаv~.•·~~еГi~n~еdsu~~·.thiп~~ . Cl'
the t'\~pd~.91Y()UfReopl~ •.,is ~ay wCl~.·~.~~· •. Q~~9f
Aqq.t>·q.I1.,·Qp.. .!I1.~gaM . I.рге~~пtеdl;J1у~е!ftQ.~.t>9уfЭ
lаН Ып AbdKulaJand offered himlslаm,~l.1t ...fЭf~Неd
югпаке anyresponse to what t had offeredhim. I
Jeft··with·····a·•.~.~~~y<~~~h •. ··a~d • • \\t~s··.de~r~s:~ . . .·.! •. f~rt
sQme.reHef only whent reached Оагn Sa'a1ib.Here
1.Jooked upand saw а cJoud covering те. In this
Cl9UQ Isawtp.e~nf}~tGabriel. (rna~.R~~e~~e Н@9n
hil;J1)\\IbQ.cq.HeQmeands~id: Atlah,.! theMo~~J9.h.,
hCl~h~q.r9.~hq.! Усоиг . ~eQRlehav.e .sq.idt~y,~ua.Pq
th~ re~P9nsetoYQur 9~eг .,Allq.h .h~s .~~VI~~rt~;th~
An~el 01 fh~~о~рtаiлst~ Y01J.q.ndtoc~f'X()~your ~99f.1e.tQt~ern~
Тhелthе.Аng~lоfJhеМ9uпtаif1S ad~r~~s~g. T~
greeting withgalam .and~hen•• ~.~id: • '~?~~TT~d
(реаре . and•. . ~I~s~Ings· .qf.AI.'a.h . ьеЯР9nhim;)~I.I~h
has Ьеагд what уоиг people have Saidt() you.J ~
th~.Ang~101 the Mountains апд ту LordhasSent
\\I~nt tC)~~?qn~ ЛОw?lfУОцlik~,/'IПJfУСГ~~ht~еm
b~l\\f~~n th,~t~9mpyn~~i.n§... ~n~irRIi~Q • t~epity.Of
Makkah.. ТЬе Prophet(peapeandble~si~~~~f~H~h .
Ье upon him)' replied: "1 donotwanfthejr
destruction I ат still hopefut that Atlah ·will make
some of their chitdren good Muslims who would
worship AHah, the One, without associating
anybody with Him."
(Bukhari and Muslim)
Note: The Prophet Muhammad (реасе and
btessings of АПаh Ье upon him) did not ask for
revenge, because he was kind and gentle even to
his enemies.
Not~: The Battl~ of Uhud ipa battle which the Prophet
Muhammad ~. 1051 again51 hi5 enemies.

. (160) Onthe aulhority Qf Abu Abbas Sa~11 bin Sa'ad

AI-Sa'idi (тау Allahbe pleased with him) who said:
А тап сагпе to the Prophet (реасе and btessings of
Allah b~ uроп him) and requestedhim: 'Me$senger
of AHah(peace and bIessings of AlJah Ье цроп Ыт),
tell те s()mething Ьу which t could win the love of
Allahand the people'. The Prophettoldhim: "00 not
love the world, and Allah willloveyou; and do not
have а longing for that which people hаvе,апd they
will love you."
Note: 00 not love the world means: Oonot tove the
materials in the world. Oon't ье апхюцв to have
money, ргорегйев, fame, leadership, etc. Justlive а
simple life and God (Allah) willlove you.

(161) Оп the authority of Abdullah Ып Mas'ud (mау
Allah Ье pleased with him) whosaid:
Опое the Messenger of Allah (реаее andblessings
of Allah Ье ироп him), slept оп а mat made of date
рапп leaves and whenhe awoke the impressions of
the mat were visibIe оп his body.We(the
Companions) said: 'О Messenger of Allah (реаее
and bIessings of AHah Ье ироп him) maywe ргераге
а эоп bedding for you?' Не said:"1 have nothing to
do with this world,.1 ат in this world like а riderwho
haltsin 1he o.f а иве тога shorttime Q.пd~ftеr
taking somerest, resumes his>journeyleavingthe
tree behind."

Npte:The main роiпts of this H~~ith вге:

1)This fife is temporary beeause·we I;"efor а few years
theH сНе. We shoutdconsider ourselves аа strangers
pas5ing through 50 we впошо по! worгy авош
acquiгingmate~ial роевеввюпв апо /uxury.
2)The Prophet ~. liveda simple life and wasc::onfent
tosleep оп а гпаппасе ofdate palm leaves. Hedid not
requiгe gгеэtlUХUty.


(16~~'~m.·the:ratt~ho~iW,oflbn 'LJm~r (roay.~tlahQe·.

please.Qwit.h him.> .who sai(j:
f~ei\Mes$e'ngerof'i,.AJlah .. (реаее- ar;1d.t;>J~&&1ng.§ . Qf: oaugh,t\my ishour~~rand·.saJc;j:
"E3e:'i:in\the.worJd.'as·if :yo{J аге a~!(~n9~Г\' ()r\.··.~

No~e: ,T~'~~Тis~geqfthi§ Hadith, 'isthаtthistitе •. JЩ а

t~rnpq["IJ;~t~!e р~с~~зе \'fIe live 1ог. '.~.,~~w
t~~PY'!в di~.. ..Wfj' shоuldооп~idег. оu~s~lvеs .аз
str~""ers ~~ssingthrdughand sh6ufenotworryabout
acquiriГlsmateriaJ реssеssiопs апв luxury.But·ratt:1er.
"take '·ife as itcomes./I

(163) "QпtЬе:аuthоritу\()f\АЬр)§а~~eq. апа ,АРи

HU.ra.irah \(may·A.flah· be\pteased. wilhthefJ)' who
Тh~.iР~ор~еti .•.(·реас~.апd .filеSSiрgsЯft\lI~h·· .• ье·\uроп
him),said:,."F'or anytroubte~ ilJness,.. worry,g.rief,
hun ог SOrrOw which аffпets' aMuslim,··eventhe
pricking of а thorn, АllаЬ removesin [ts place зете
ofhis пипог sins."
(Bukhariand МизНrn)
(164)OntheaothorityofJbn Mastud (тау АJJапЬе
pleased with him) whosaid:
I Visitedthe··.·.Holy Prophet (рвасе andbtessings of
ДНаhЬещ)опhimJwhеп hehadfever1.lsaidtohim:
!MessengerofAlfahf Уоа haveavery ,high fever:.
Hesaid:" indeed,the iпtепsitу bfmyfeveris
eql1lvatent {Ь tVJ() ,persons." ISpid: "Тh:эtisЬеоаusе
ybuhave twice Ше recompensa.tion'. He{peaceand
Ыеэs;ng501· A1tahbe цроп him)said:· "Thatis 50" .
Не ful1heraaded:"'whena Muslimgetshurt with
anyharmfulthinge.g. theprickofathorn,oreven
morethanthis,' Altah wipes ои! in ·.its J2)tacesbme.of
his minor sins which (Э1ПЭ) faHawayfroA1himas
feavesshedfrom а tree."
(Bokha.riand'Musti т'

Note: This Наdithтеапs that the тоге ~ickYQu,getand

the тоге tгoubIe уоц face in life, themore УОtJг~iп~wiН
Ье reduced.

(165) Оп the authority of АыJ Hurairah (тау Allah

Ье pteased withhim) who said:
ТhеМеssепgег of Аflа.Н (реасе апа bIessings of
Allah Ье цроп him), said: "Whел Allah wants {о
favour вогпеоосу, Не tries hlm Ьу рuttiлghim under
эоте hardship."
164 .

(167) Оп the authority of Abu Hurairah (тау At/ah

Ье pleased with him) who said:
TheMessenger of Allah (реасе апdЫеssiпgs of
AHahbe цроп ппп), said: IINoneof youshould ргау
for his own death,because if he is а gOOd person, it
is possible that he might add tohis virtuous deeds,
and if he is not а good person he might getachance
to rectify his evil past."
(Bukhari and Muslim)
There is another report from MIJslim опthissuЬjесt:
TheMessenger of Aflah (реасе and blessings of
Allah Ье upon him), said: 'INone of уоц should long
for death, пог should he ргау for it, before itcomes;
because when it arrives it will terminate his deeds.
80 the Iife of а believer does not increase but good
for him."

Note: Themain point ofthis Hadith is that you should

not ргау for youг own death because the longer you
live, the тоге орропцпшев you have to repent of your
sins and to do good deeds.


Ье pleased with him)W.tю said:
"'FheM~s~Em~er 01. At~ah {ре асе and Qlessing~Qf
AHanQe цроп hirr), said.:"Threeth.ingsfollpvy.a
deadpersP.n:membersofh.isfamily;.his Ье.:lопg~пgs,
and,hisde.~d.s .. "'Fhefirst twocome,ba(Jk апdthе, third
r,emaiins··.wi.thhim .."

Not~;l"hisiHadith.explaihS that of·thethree things tnat

f()·s.funerral . ~.. fqm~lym~mb~(s,Qel.()·Qgir1gs,
~nq.a~e8.~ ...-gf11y>a pe.rsPn'sci~d~will be~bleto.Q~lp
hiгп.iпt,llереxtlifе. Good deedswill staywith Jiimand

(169) ОП the authority of Aisha (тау АllаЬЬе

ple~srd'rit~~er) whgsaid:
The.ry1~~sei}~eJ:. . Off\tl.ah.i·.<p~aR~· ·аП~.Ы~SSif1;~S~f
. АII~.hЬ~.цроП:hirn)? .sai.d:."Fe,\f~rppm~~ 'грт the,
vehement raging 01 НеIl, so.coQlitwf.thwater.
(Bukhariand M\Jslini)
Note:.This.Hadithis just'medical advice.
(170)•. On···the··;aufhoritY<Of дь.u~к~rf~а..i~r~Щ;~~·;1Эiri
Ма'ФkагiЬ (гпау Allahbepleasedw·ith;.t:\H'tI)who
saic;j: ; .
I·;.··:heardthe· Messenger ···of Alta.h ····~pe:a6e!· :c:tnd
blessing$of А.ИаhьеUроn··him),sа.Уing:"'fnе:wогst
thi~gforaniaot?fiHComp1eteIYjshiS;:~t?m~~h. А
fe~r,гouthfols ar:sufficientto· keePGi pe~o~~~~ac~
straight.Butif· hewants tofill hisstomachtnen пе
St't?~1ddivide·his ston1ach intothree~aFtt3:.and
should·fHf опе- thirdpartof·the be1Jywith:food,
another· thirdwithdrink ahdleave:onethitdempty
(171) ОП the auttlOrity of Abu Hurairah (гпау Allah
Ье pleased with him) whosaid:
The Messenger 01 Allah (реасе and bIessin'gs of
Allah Ье цроп hi;m), said: "Abeliever who is strong
is better and тоге beloved to Allah than the опе who
is weak, although both Ьеаг goodness. Desire
eagerlywhat benefits you, seek help from Allah and
do по! show slackness in struggle. 11 somet.hing
(trouble) befalls you, you should по! say: Had I done
so апс so, then such and such а 'thing would по!
have happened, but уоц should вау that God
destined it and did what Не wanted, for the word "If"
starts the work of Satan."

Note : The main points of this Hadith аге:

1. It is better to Ье а rich, powerful believer than а weak,
роог believer because wealth and power give you the
means to help other people тоге.

2. Always try harder to improve yourself and don't Ье

discouraged easily.

З. Don't regret the past because you cannot change it.


(172) Оп the authority of An-Nu'man bin Bashir

(тау Allah bepleased with him) who said:
The Messenger of Allah (реасе and bIessings of
Allah Ье upon him), said: "The lawful is с'еаг and
the unlawful is clear, and between them аге doubtful
things, which аге not known to most of the people.
Не who keeps away from the doubtful things
protects his faith and honour; and he who indulges
in doubtful acts, commits unlawfLl1 deeds."
(Bukhari and Muslim)

Note: The main point of this Hadit.h is "to stay оп the

safe side" because тапу times you wiН not know about
certain things and will not Ье quite sure if they аге right
ог wrong.


(~··.~з,.Qn • ·the. ···.·.ofSaAt•.• •Si~~ •.• i~~ia~.:.;~~:t.~·~.,iqi

{mayAH~h.De pleasedwitA;hi~~.'hf@:o;~'i~.:.i;ij1· • :·.i
~ЬеМеssепgегоf ··АИаh·. (peiace:a".q~:i~~~~S$pf:
Аt:l~hЬ~чроп::.him), said: "tfin;itne·.i~i·gAt~.AI.laht~·~
world> valueequal to'thatof {b~ wingof·.a
m.o~tJi1Q,fi'ie woufdnothaveallowed adisbeH~v~r

Note: Нод (дПаН)аistriЬutеs wealtband

among believers and .поп-Ьеliеvегs. ·Не distributes
happiness апд miseryequallyamong .1;)eHeversqnd
non-believers. (. T"islife isatemporary slаtеflпдiSПDf
wortb very'rmuchcompared to lifea.fterdeat~.iтne
miseryaOO·happi.rness initruslife is only.. ate~tfrQl11~od
fortheindividual. If this sigпifi9аПit~.а
non~belieyerwould поt Ье allowed опе dгiпk ofwater.
(174).>Оп thеаuttюгitУ<Qf АЬц Hurairah.(rnay АПаh

Ье pleased withhim) who said:

The .• Messenger ofAHah (реасе andbfessihgs о'

AIJahbeupon him), ваю: "The world is prison forthe

believer, and Paradisefor thedisbelieVer."


Note:!his Hadith шеапа that.this woгId iSHke.a pгis.o["1

foг, .the ~~Леуег .becau$e.ofthe .Iimitationspf the
соmmщпdmепt$ he i$ гequiгed to fotfow: No mateгhow
happy>g;i.believeг i$ in this woгld,he will Ьеэо much
happier inthe пех! woгld~ $0 compaгatively,this woгld
will.seemJikea jail.

~Iso, ttJis wpгldis ;Ii.kещ Paгadis~ forthe disbeHeveг

Ьесаеве hecan iлdulgе himself withоutl·'гпi~.аtiоП.
Whел thedisbelieveг gets sелt to Hell, this woгld wilf
seemeven тоге like а Paгadlse because НеИ will Ье so
horlibIe. 80 everyt~ling is гelative.
(175) Оп the authority of ДЬи Berza(may Allahbe
pleased with him) who said:
The Messenger of .Allah (реасе and blessings of
Allah Ье ироп him), said: "Д servant ofAllah will
remain standing оп the Оау of JUdgement until he;s
questioned about his life, how he spent it;and about
his knowledge and how he utШsеd it; and about his
wealth, from where he acquired it andin what.way
he врегп it, and about his body as to how he used ;t."

Note: Оп the Dау of JIJdgement, God wil1 tell реорlе

what their ппэгакеэ аге 50 that they will Ье made aware
of them. God alгeady knows eveгyone's sins Ьесацве
Не is omniscient.


(176) Оп the authority of Aisha (may AHah ье

pleased with her) who said:
The Prophet (реаее and bIessings of Allahbe upon
him) used ю stand solong d1JГinghis optional
prayers at night, that the skin of his feet would erupt;
therefore I said to him; Messenger ofAllah, (ревев
and Ь/езsiпgs of Allah Ье upon him) why do you
stand во long in ргауег when Allah has forgiven уоцг
past and future зiпs (if any)? Не said: "Then may I
not becomethe гповт grateful servant of AlJah?"
(Bukhari andMuslim)

Note 1: When Muslims ргау, they standup; and

sometimes, when they ргау for а long time, theirfeetget
зоге and b/istered.

Note 2: This Hadith теапз that everybody has to Ье

grateful toGod because everyone wa$given bIessings
Ьу God -- either топеу, а nice family, health, ог
knowledge, etc.


t.neauthority of IЬп Uгnar (тау Allanbe
pleased witn niгn) wno said:
Tn~Mfes5engeГc 01. Allan (реасеапо bIessings of
I\llа.hречропhim), said: "А Musliгn геmаiлs
enJoyip9·tt1e safety andprotection of nisfaith,.50
Iсюg;аs ne.dpes notcommitгnurder."
'9?f~:Thi~Hadithexplainsthat а Mu~lirnhas Ci'6hance
to. 90 toParadise as long as he does notcommit

<1!8)0p1neauthority of Safiyya (тау· АНаАЬе

pleasedwith Аег) who reported from воте of tйе
wivesof the Prophet(peace and bIessings of АllаА
b~ . ~pg2~irn) ,C1Ha~:
The:~~9Hf1et(H~~ceandblessingsof}\lfah Ье йрОп
him), said: "Не who visit5 а diviner(ana~trologi~t)
апdаsks him about anything, his prayers will по1 Ье
accepted byGod for forty night5."
Not.e:Noone сап foresee (predict) tne future ехсер!
God(Altah). This is why it is а sin to ask an
a5trologistabout anything, Ьесацве a5trologist5are
еiн~р-r.ЕR'ОFМ~SI:~!АН}flJ~~~~S;'·i.··" ',.' .
Note.1: "0bserving}ast'1 means tofoHowthefast, which
is abstinence from eating and drinking.

Note2: "Pharaoh" is the king of Egypt. The word

"Pharaohll is а dynastic title for the kings of Egypt.

Note 3: If уои аге interested in more detailed

information·about the Prophet Moses, (may реасе Ье
upon him), please refer to the following passages in
the Holy Koran: (ХХ, 9-98), (VII, 103-155), (XXVI,
10-69),эпd (XXVII, 3-48).


(180) Оп theauthority of АЬи Hu.rairah (гпау Allah

Ье pleased with him), who said:
The Messenger of Allah (реасе and blessings of
Allah Ье цроп him) said: "1 ат most аkiл to Jesus
Christ among 'the whole of mапkiпd, and all the
Prophets аге of different mothers, b1Jt belong to опе .
religion. No Prophet was оотп betweerl ту time and
Jesus" .
(Bukhari and Muslim)
Note: In АгаЫс they call the Prophet Jesus (тау
реасе Ье upon him) Eesa. The пате Eesa (Jesus)
is а соттоп пате among Muslims, because Jesus
(тау реасе Ье цроп him) is loved and very
respected Ьу Muslims.

Note: 111 am the most akin to Jesus means

"Гагп the
closest опе to Jesus."


(181 )€)nthеiiаЙftlеrttу::оf дьuннга.1гаh;itrneIУДIfэ.h

Ье р'евзееwith tlim),<who said:
tneM:~ssengeriofAtIa.n~peiace ahd~fessfhgsof
АНап ье. ~pbnhTn1) T~aid:·'T~eS~nQf~~,,(mia.y
aboHst1Jizya(taxe S}; Wеа/thwПI pourfo"h 1o suc11
i i

ал ехtелt tl1at по опе will ассерт i1 ог need it."

(Bukhari and Muslim)

Nbte1:t'wtfJpoUrifdrtn" гпепаз wiJJ Ье abundaht.

, Note2:Тhis Нэ:dith ispredicting.the SecondGomiQgof

NоtеЗ: We the Muslims do пот .believe in thecrucifixion

(182) Onthe<Q.uthority of .AbduHah Ыл Атг (m~y
Allah Ье pJeased with him)~ who said:
The.Mes5engerof AHah. (реаееапо QIe,5Sir:;Jg5/ of
Allah beupon him) said: "Tt}~ DаНаl (Jmp()~Qr»'tJil~
appearjnmy Ummah (people) andhe wдlstау(iп
the world)fprforty (Iсаппоtsауwhett}er,h~irQ,eClnt
fortydays,fQ.rty months ог fo.rty ye~rs).And ~llah
wШ then send Jesus, 50П ofMary,'tJ~o'tJiltreserobIe
'UrwabinMas'ud. Не (Jesus Chri5t) wiH chase him
andkiJJhim. People wiJJ then live far seven years
peacefully,. and there wШ Ье по hatred between.any
two people."
NQ1E9: Orwa ЫП Mas'udis one ofthe Prophets

Note: This Hadith is ргеdiсtiлg the Second Соmiлg of

Jesus (тауреасеЬе upon him).

Note:lf уоц аге intere~tedjn more detailed Jnfdrtn~jOn

about the Prophet Jesus,(may реасе Ье ироп him),
p/easerefer to the foffowingpassages in the Holy Когап:
(XIX, 1&35), (Ш,42-60), and(V, 110-119).
(183) Оп the authority of АЬо Hurairah (гпау AIlah
Ье pleased with him), who said:
The MessengerofAllah (реасе апс bIessings of
Allahbeupon him) заю: "Every опе isborn to his
true пашге . It ishis parents who make him а Jew ог
aChristianor а Magian (fire worshipper) quite as
bea.sts producetheir young with their Hmhs perfect.
00 yousee anything deficient in them?".
(Bukhariand Muslim)

Note1: . This Hadith also means that children usually

folIow the religion of their parents.

Note 2: Everyone is Ьогп to his true nature" means that

everyone is boгn innocent, good, and kind-heaгted.
Also, everyone is Ьогп believing that there is only опе
God (Allah).

Note 3: То believe in only опе God isto believe in Allah,

as Muslims do. It is not the same as believing 'that God
has авоп, as Christians do; orbelieving, as the Jewish
оо, that. they аге the chosen people.


(184) Оп the authority 01 АЬи Hurairah (тау Allah

Ье pleased wi"th him), who said:
The Messenger 01 Allah (ре асе and bIessings 01
Allah Ье upon him) "Не who amongst the
community 01 Jews ог Christians hears about те,
does not affirm his belie1 in what I have Ьееп sent
and dies in this state (01 disbelie1), shall Ье but опе
01 the inmates 01 Hell-Fire."


(185)Onj~~~'ie.ut~Ority. of·AbtlHUrairah\(mayAllah
bE)plea$ediwithhim),who saidr
. "Г'пе Arophet(peaceandi.ibIessinQ,sof АИаh Ье upon
him)said: "The . \fТ!I,0stdеsеrviлg persoriformy
int~r~ssion оп the Оау о' Aesurrection ishe who
testifies outof sincere heart ог sincere mind that
thеrеiSnО'QOщ,Ьut. AllahaJon~"\.

Note:Qn the Dау of Judgement, the only person who

canhelp othersisthe~rOfJhetMl.1hammad

help isreferred toas !lil1ter~ssion."

(1В6} Oh эfUthmап (may Allahbe


pleasedwithi·him), who said:

TheMessengerof··iAllah (ре'асе ··эl1d.ыssings\.оff
Allahbeuponhim) said: HHewhodiesknowing.that
there is по godbutAllah,enters Paradise".
Note: God isnot sепdiлg а person to Неlluлlеssthаt
регвоп receivesa message. People Who live in
гегпотер'асев, or iso/ated places апс сопот know
anything аоош Islam аге nofgoing to Hetl.(please
..вас theHoly Qurап).
(187) Оп the authority of Umar bin AI-Khattab (тау
Allah Ье pleased withhim), who said:
The Messenger of Allah (реасе апо bIessings of
Allah Ье upon him) said: "If you put your faith
completely Iл Allah,He will arrange for your
sustenance in the эате way аэ Не provides for the
birds.Th.ey [eave in.the morning, with their
stomachsempty, апо return·filledin the evening".

Note: "Sustenance" refers to sоmеthiпg песеээагу, l.ike

food arld.water.

(188)Ол theauthorItyof Abu Hurairah (гпау Allah

Ье р[еаэеа with him), who said:
The Messenger of Allah (реасе апс bIessings of
АlJаhЬеuрол him) said: "Меп will continue to
question опе another until this is ргоровео: Allah
created а" things, but who created Allah?He who
fоuпdhimsеlfсолfгопtеd with such а situation
should вау: [affirm ту faith in Allah".


(189) Onthe authority 01 Masruq (тау AI/ah Ье

pleased with him), who said:
I asked A'isha (тау Allah Ье pleased with her) i1
Muhammad (ре асе апd bIessings 01 Allah Ье цроп
him) had sеел his Lord ? She rep/ied: HaJlowed Ье
Allah, ту hair stood оп endbecause your question
Note (1): A'isha is the Prophet'swi1e.
Note (2): The Prophet Muhammad (реасе алd
bIessings 01 AI/ah Ье uponhim) did not see God


(1,90);От ·the"authority Оf···маsгuч.(mау·• . ,.t<lfаh·:···Ье

pleasedwith . him), Who said:
Iwas.··restiflgat the.houseof.·.A'isha (mау'АИаhЬе
р1'еаsedWith'liег)whеп. shesaickQ At>u'A"isha
(nfcknameofMasru.q), there arethre~thimg$:aod
he>whoatfirmse\1en опе of themfabricates .the
greatest lie against Allah. I авкео whattheywere.
Shеапswегеd:Не who presumes that Muhammad
( of АНаЬ ое uponhim) s~w 111s
L.:ord withh.isowmeyes fabricates thegr~q.testlie
agaInstAHah. t was r.ecHning,butthensat>upq.n.d
said: Mother of the Faithful, wait а Ьitалd do пегое
iл павте, Нав not Allah (ТЬе Mighty апо ТЬе
Majestic) said: "And truly Ье saw him onthe clear
попаоп" ( Оцг'ап, L.:xxxl.23) апо "he saw hJm in
апошег descent?" ( Qur'an,L.:III. 13) She said:1
агп thefirst 01 tliis Ummah, who askedthe
Messenger 01 Allah (гпау реасе Ье uрол him)about
it, and he ва.о: Verilylie 'Б Gabriel. t Ьа\1е пеуег
seen inliis origina/ form ,п whiclilie was created
ехсер! оп the two following occasions (to whicli
these verses гетег): / saw him descending тгогп
heavem and occupying the space from the sky to the
еапп with tlie greatness of his bodily structure. She
said: Науе you по! heard Allali saying: "Eyes
comprehend Him not, but Не согпргепепов аН
visiоп, and Не is Subt/e, and AII-Aware" (Qur'an
vj. 10З) (she, i.e. 'A'isha, further said): Науе you not
heard t.hat, уегНу, Allah says: "And tt is поtfiШпg for
а тап 'that Allah shoutd вреак to himexqeptby
inspiration,or frorrr behind aveil,or thatHe эепа а
messenger .(angel), 50 that he revealswhatever Не
wiНs. VerilyHe is Exalted, Wise" (. Qur'anxLii.51).
She said he who presumes that the
Allah (тау реасе Ье upon him) eoncealed anything
from the Book of Allah fabrieates the greatest lie
against Allah. Allah says: "О Messenger ! deliver
that whieh has Ьееп revealed to thee fгom thy Lprd,
апо if thou оо it not, thou hast not оеliуегеа His
message" ( Qur'an у. 67). She said: Не Who
presumes that he would inform аоош what was
goiГlg to happen tomorrow fabricates the greafestlie
against Allah. And Allah says "Say thou
(Muhammad): None in the heavens ог onearth,
exeept God knows what is hidden" ( Qur'a.n,xxvii.
Note1: "VerilyJl meanstruly.

Note2: The mаiлроiпts of this Hadit.h аге: .

1)The Ргорпет Muhammad ~ did not see God


2)ТЬе ProphetMuhgmmad ~ did not leave anything

out ofthe Когап.

Э)Тhе Ргорпе! Muhammad ~ саппог predict the

futur~ Ьу himself. 'П the prf3vious Hadith, t~e

Prophet was iлsрiгеdЬу Allahto foretellthe future.


(191 )Ontheauthority ofAbu Hurairah (тау AJlah '

Ье pleased with who said:
TheMessenger of Allah (реасе and bIessings of
Allah beupon him), said: "When Allah decreed the
Сгеаtiоп Не pledged Himself Ьу writing in His book
which is Jaid down with Him: Му тегсу prevails over
(Muslim, 8ukhari, ап-Нава], and Ibn Majah)
Note: This Hadith means that God (A//ah) is very
Merciful and Forgiving.

(192) Оп the authority of Umar (тау Allah Ье

pleased with him), who said:
Опе day while we were sitting with the Messenger of
Allah (реасе andblessings 01 Allah Ье upon him)
there appeared before us а тап whose clothes
were exceedingly white and whose hair was
exceedingly black; по signs 01 jOLlrneying were seen
оп him and попе 01 us knew him. Не walked up апс
sat down Ьу the Prophet (реасе and blessings 01
Allah Ье ироп him). Resting his kпееs against the
Prophets knees and placing the palms 01 his hands
оп the Prophets thighs, he said: О Muhammad, tell
те about Islam. The Messenger 01 Allah (оеасе
and blessings 01 Allah Ье upon him) said: Islamis to
testifythat thereis по god but AI1ah and Muhammad
is the Messenger 01 Allah; to perform the prayers; to


p~y:t~e: ~~ftat··;{~:JJ1'lS), •. • tb•.• f~~f}f1··· • .:~~m~d~~~ •. ao.~·.to

maketfiepilgrimage totfie HpuseCMakkfifi)ifyou
ateabletodoso. Не said: Youfi~vespoken rightly,
ап~.wеWf)геаП1а~е~;аt .himforfirst~~~ingthe
ProPhet.. andthensaying.·!hat~e~Cl<:f~p()I<~~ri~~tly .
Не· .said: Then t~llme<.at)09tF~itp .. ·,.t"teerQPnet
af')s~~r~: .It istq~H~ve i"JMlah ,.HisCingeJs, .His
ЬООI<В, . Hismessengers, andthe Lasl Day,andto.
beHeve iл di"it1s.destit1y,bot.fithegopdand tfieevil
thereof.. He. sai4:,.VOIJ·· have He
furtherasked: Then tell meabout1 hsan(tne репес!
worsfiip). TheProphetanswered.: It 18 toworshi.p a~thou~fiyouareseeingHirt1,aridwhile you
seeHirn 1191 yettruly, Не зееs уоц.Не said; Тnеп
teJI те ai)out theHour. TheProphet answered: The
onequestioned aboutitknows по реПе, than the
questio,ner.. Не. said: Тпеп ·tellmeabout itssigns.
The Prophet a.nswered: А tiтеwПlсоmеwhеп
childrenwiH have во little respectfortheJr mothers.
Youwill also вее thebarefooted, naked, destitute
herdsmen competingincot1structingloftybuHdit1gs.
Then he left in а hurry, and 1stayed for atime. Then
the Prophet вакгО 'Отаг, do you knowwh.o the
questioner was? 1said: Allah and His Messenger
know best. Не said: It was GabrieI, whocame to уои
to teach YOIJ your rel.igion.


Note1: This. t-t?ditn is. аоош the convers?tion Ьетееп

Angel, Gflbriel, (тау реасе Ье upon him) and the

Prophet Muhammad ~

Note 2: The Pillars of Islam аге:

А.то testify. that thereis по godbut Allah, and that

Muhammadis His Messenger.

8.То preform prayers five times daHy.

С.То рау the Zat<at (Alms) which means to give to


о.то fast duringthe holy month of Ramadan.

Е.То make the pilgrimage to Makkah, unless you аге

unabIeto do so.

Note 3: The РШагs of Faith аге:

А. ТО believe ,п Allah (God).

8. То believe ,п His angels. Some of these angels аге:

Michael and Gabriel (тау ре асе Ье upon them).
С. ТО believe in His holy books: the Holy когап, the
original Old Testament which was sent to Moses (тау
реасе Ье upon him), the ori.ginal New Testament which
was sent to Jesus (тау реасе Ье upon him), and the
original Psqlms which were sent to Oavid (тау реасе
Ье upon him).
О. То believe in His Меssепgегs. Some of these
messengers аге: .Muhammad, Jesus, Moses, Oavid,
Abraham, .апо Noah.
Е. То believe jn the Last Dау . То believe iп the day of
F. То believein Oivine Destiny. То believe in Fate. То
ЬеИеvе that all events аге pre-determined Ьу God.

Note 4: The Pillar of Ihsan ("Perfect Worship") is:

То worship Allah as though you аге seeing Him, and
while you see Him not, уе! truly Не sees you.

wt]tcn rneans, У9чdоn'~ really.see (Эоd (Allah), but.yo.u
must worship Him as though you do see Him, because
Не sees you.

Note 5: Тhэ Sign$ Ofthe Last Оау (Hbur) вге:

A.Children wil! have;very little respectfortheir mothers.
B.The barefooted,·;oaked,; destituteherdsmeo wiН Ье
'П this Hadith, the Pгophet is foretellingthat in the future,
it would Ье possibIe for peopJeto change their social
status тгогп роог to rich. This means that the time will
соте whеп роог people wiH Ье suddenly rich. There
willbe реорв who were Ьогп into роуеПу who suddenJy
Ьесоте ··wealthy, especiallyamong the shepherdsin
the desert andamong the Arabs in АгаЫа.

Duгing the time of the Pгophet Muhammad ~ (the

seventhcentury), people who were Ьогп роог usually
died in роуепу. People who wereboгn faг, died
farmers. The Prophet Muhammad ~ predicted this
would change in the future.


(193) Опthе authorltyof Abu Huralrah (тау AHah

Ье pleasedwithhim), who said:
The Messenger of Allah (реасе and bIessings of
Allah Ье upon him) said: "Had а believerfully known
what the fuИехtелt ofthe рuпishmелt wlth AHah is,
попе w()uld desireHis Paradise; апd If а
dis-believer had kПQ~П fully th~exterit()fAllah's
mercy, n9ne~Qu1d despair of HisParadise/'

Note: The. таiпроiлt of this HadJthis thata good

beHevershouldalwaysstriveharderto fortowthe
еоmmапdтепtsтоге dШgепtlу. Also, this HadithtelIs
us that поп-Ье1iеvегs always have ап орроrtuпitу to
ehangeand а ehance togo tO·Paradise. ··ltI8 пеvегtоо
lateto· repent beeause АПаh is very merciful впё very
fогgiviпg.;thеге ishopeforeverybody,evenfor

(194) Оп the authority of Ibn Abbas (mау Allah Ье

pleased with him), who said:
'Опее ·while I was riding (ап animal) behindthe
Prophet (реаее and bIessings of Allah Ье ироп
him), he said: 'Воу, I would like to teaeh you
something. "Make sure that you follow Al1ah's
commands perseveringly and Allah will protect you.
You ShOIJld safeglJard His rights, andHe witl always
Ье with уои; if уоц need something, ask Allah, and
when you лееd heJp, soHeit Allah alone Тог the

. 192

same. Веаг in mind that ifall people соmЫле

together to grant you somebenefit, theywould not
Ье able to dosoexceptfor that which AHah has
determined for you and that if all of themwere
combinedtogether ю doyou harm, they wоutdлоt
Ье аЫе to do soexceptfor that which Allcihhas
determined [ог you. The релshаvеЬеепsеt aside 1

алdthе writingsof, the book of fatehave becol11e

0therbooks onHadithadd:

I'Safeguard the commandmentsof AHah,youwill

findHimbefore you;)remember Himwhen in~asy

circumstances, Не will remembeгyouinadversity,

Remember ,.tha1 which has led you ,tocommit

wrongs will nQtlead уоц aright, andthatwhi,chhas

gUidedyou"tothe'correctpath, wiH';

Веаг iл mind that (AHah'S) help comesonly with

steadfastness апо that prosperitycomes' ",after

agony' and sorrow; and every ordealis followedby


Note: Тпегпаш pOintbfthis HadithistbbelteVein

fateanddestinywhetherit is goodorbad.

Note: This Hadith show that ev~rythingis

рге-оетегпзпесЬу f\Jlah.


(195),Фn>thеаt;JthQгity of AbuOharr al-Ghifari (тау

AHaht>epteasedwith.him), who $aid:
Тпе PrQphet (реаее and bIe$s.ings of Allah Ье ироп
hlm}saidthatAHahthe Almighty Наз said:
О .MysE)rvants~1 nауе forbldden орргеввюп for
MY$etfand have made it forbidden. amongst you, эо
оопегорогевв-опе another.
ОМу servant$, аН of you агеавпау ехсерт 'ог пюве
1have guided, 50 ввек guidanee of Ме and I shall
guide уоц, О Му servants, а" of you аге hungry
ехсерт for tho$e 1have fed, $0 $eek foodof .Meand
1shallfeed you. ОМу вегеагпв, all of you аге naked
.exceptforth05eJhavectothed, эо веек clothing of
Ме and 1$ЬаН clothe you. О Му servants, you $in Ьу
night and Ьу day,and 1 forgive аll вшв, 50 веек$ Qf Ме and I shall forgive you.
О MY$ervants, уои сап not 5eek to harm Ме, and
you сап погвеек to benefit Ме. ОМу 5ervant5, were
the fir$t of you andthe la5tof you, thehuman of уои
and thejinn of you, to Ье ая pious аа the т05! piOU5
heart of апу опе тап of you, that would по! шсгеаве
Му kin~dom in anything. О Му $ervant$, were the
fir$t of youand the la5t of you, the human of you and
the jinn of you то Ье ав wicked аз the гповт wicked
heatt of апу опе тап of you, that would по!
оесгеаве Му kingdom in anything. О Му вегеагпв,
were the 'fir5t of you and the la5t of you, the human
of you andthejinn of you, to пае up in опе place and
make а request of Ме, and were I to give еуегуопе
Note1: "Pious" and I'piety" гетег torighteousness,

devoutness, and obedience to Go.d.

Note 2: 'The first of you and the last of you" refers to а/1

people from Adam(the first mancreated), until the last

person boгn in this world.

The main points of 'this Hadith аге:

1)Oppression among people is forbidden.

2)lfyou need food, clothing, ог help with anything else,

азк Allah for it.

З)Аllаh is уегу forgiving, по matter how тапу sins you


4)А регвоп cannot help пог harm God{Allah).

5)lf all the people iл the world апо the jinn· агв good

believers, it does not help ог harm God.

6)God is уегу rich, so if Не givesall the реор'е what they

desire, Не will still пот юве anything.


~,1t~~}'.~П;~tl~;~~th;оtr~:Оf,l~п "АЬDаs(mау'"АllаН"Б~,

ТП.~':• :, ~~~~~:~$J~!. 9:f",,~II~r', ••(реаое ~nЙ ·bt~ssI6$s.'., • §f
~II,~h,~~,..rRri,F'\, hfrl)} J~'У'ОF'\~tht:J.~ауiПfJ:S ;?er~fated
rr~mhjs~prd(gl()rif.iedand exa1fedbe Не) isthathe

"A.fI~n,?a,swrittend6wn the gboddeeds andttieb~d ,

()пrs. Т~еп. e ,expJa,if)t:Jd it,[by э~у' п~ ,that,1,he who

ha~int~~~~~ ~g()odi~redand h~sпоtdОП~it'I\Иаh

wrifesitdown' witn'Himself asa fUJIgo~dd~ed',butif
Ае hasJntendeditand Ааs doneit, Altanwritesit'l\lit~ +iimself аэ ten900d deedsto se"ef)
huп<:tгедgосЮ,Йeeo~;;.ог тапу m()re:But,if pehas
intended а Ьад deedandhasnotdone it, АНа"
wгitе~jtdоwпwiФНimsеlf аэ а tuП900d deed, butif
he,t)asintE3ndedjfand has,done"it,AHahwrites '!
down ая опе Ьаооеео."
(8ukhari and Muslim)

Note1: Тhroug,hout а person's life,tnere are al1gels

who \yillcountup thegood аnd baddeed$;if youhave
тоге good deeds, you will go t~ Par~d;se, ~oгeb~д
deeds, уou WШ, go to t;fett.Тhemaln pOlnt ofthls Hadlth
istoexplain how thedeeds will Ье computed.

Note 2: This HadithdemonstratesAllah'sgenerosity '"

judging ind,iViuals.


(197) Оп the au'thorityof Anas(

pleased with hi.m), who said:
I heard the Messenger ofAHah (реасе and
bIessings of Allah Ье upon him) saying: "AlIahthe
Almighty has said:. О son of Ad~rn, so long as you
саН цроп Ме and ask of Ме, I shaIIforgive уоц for
what уоц have сопе, ctndl shaB поtmiпd. О вопо!
Adprn,were your sins то reach the cloudsof thesky
and were YOIJ thentoask forgiveness ofMe, I.wou.ld
forgiveyou. О воп of Adam, wereyou ю сотвею Ме
with sins nearly as great as the earth апо wereyolJ
thento face Ме, Ьеliеviпg in Ме, and not аssосiаtiлg
anybody with Ме, 1 would bring youforgiveness
nearly asgreatasthe earth is."
(198)Оп theauthotity of АЬи Sa'eed AI-Khudri (тау
Allah Ье pleased with him), who sald:
The Messen.ger of· A/lah (реасе and bIessings of
Allahbe uponhim) said: "When the coffinis ready
and isliftedby peopleabovetheirshouldetSandlf
the corpse to а virtuoUs person It urges:
Take те ahead; Takeme ahead; if it is that of а
non-virtuous person, it says: 'Woe to те, where аге
уои taking те?' Its vo~ce is heard Ьу everything
exceptthe humansand if they could hear it they
wou/dhave gone unconscious."

Note: The mоmелt а регвоп dies, hewill Ье аЫе ювее

the angels. Не will know immediately if he 'э to Ье taken
to Paradise ог Hell. Therefoгe, the good регэоп willlook
forward to the пех! life.

Note: In Islam the сеас person сап hear people

around him but he cannot talk to them because he
has been transfered to а different life.


the authority of АЬuDhап {m~уi\Иаh Ье
pleasedwith him)who ваю:
TheMessenger ofAltah (реасе апд bIessingsof
Allahbeuponhim), said: "! seethat whiсh.уоuсал
пот 5ее. ТhеНеаvепоvеrflоws(опассоuпtоfthе
heavyload of theangels<andiisjustified
indolng 50. Thereis пога врасе equalto four
fingersin .it'that isnot occupiedby<an angel.whois
prostrating before AHah. Ву Allah, if youcouldknow
wha1: Ik:now, уои would laugh little and weep much;
уои would not епjоу уоиг wives in bed, and would
rush into 5treets . . and jungles ·iп·sеагсhоfАllаh's

Note1: <nprostrating"means kпееliлg r.espectfully.

Note 2: 'The space equal to four fingers" refers to а

measurement that is approximately юцг inches long.

Note 3: This Hadith explains that if people оп earth knew

how terribIe Hell was, their behavior would change to
Ьесоте тоге righteous.

Note 4: The angels оп the earth and iл the sky аге so

рlелtiful that every four inches of space finds another
angel kneeling before God.

Note 5: lf we all knew the truth, like the Prophet

Muhammad ~ does, we would live to completely
worship ·God. -"
(200) Onthe authority of АЬи AI Asq'a WathJah Ып
AI-Asq'a (тау Allah Ье pleasedwith him) who said:
TheMessenger of Allah (реасе and bIessings of
Allahbeupon him), said: " Опе of thegreatest йев
is а personwho claims а false раtеrлitу, ог claimsto
haveseen somethingwith his eyes whichhe has not
seen, orattributewords to the Prophetof AJlah
(реасе and blessingsof Allah Ье вроп him),which
he hasnot said."

Note: This Hadit.h explains that the greatest liesare: .

1)False origin -- to claim то Ье the son of someone other

thал уоиг father.

2)ТО Claim to see а dream that was по! seen.

З)То claim that the Prophet Muhammad ~ said

somethihg he didгюt.

.... ·200

1) RIYADH-US-SALEHEEN -(Arabic-English)



Translated Ву: S.M. Madni Abbasi


Translated Ву:

Ог. Muhammad Muhsin Khan

3) SAHIH MUSLIM- Ву 'тат Musli.m

Rendered into English Ву:

Abdul Hamid Siddiqi

4) Selection from Hadith

Ву: Abdul Hamid Siddique

5) An-Nawawis Forty Hadith

Translated Ьу: Esseddin Ibrahim and

Denys Johnson-Davies (Abdul Wadoud)

6) Forty Hadith Qudsi

Selected and translated Ьу:

Esseddin Ibrahim and Denys Johnson-Davies

(Abdul Wadoud)


References for!he <Bi?9ra~h)'.?fthe Prophet

Muhammad (peace;andfjlessingsiofAllahbe

1) Noor АI Yaqeen (Arabic)

Author; Muhar:nmad:Khudri Beck

References for HistoricbackgrQundaboutthe

Holy Cityof Makkah

1) Stories 01 the Prophets (Arabic)

Author: Abu AI-Fida 18mail Bin Katheer

2) Stories 01 the Prophets

It8 event8 and it8 magrHfieances (АраЫс::)
Authpr: Muhammad AI-Faqi.


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