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October 2, 2018

1.) Ma. Pilar C. Vicente

Administrative Assistant II / HR CLEAR

Around 3:55 pm I was preparing my things to go home, Mr. Belarmino come to me bringing a
bunch of daily time record (DTR) for the month of September 2018, upon accepting the logbook
containing daily time records, I told him “ Sir as you know my time in 7:00 am to 4:00 pm you always
come at last minute”… I have been seating here since 7:00 am. Then He suggested that it would be better
if there will be cut-off time at 3:00 pm. I replied “Sige sir much better”

While checking the daily time records we’ve been talking.

RE: Personal life, love life and etc.

While I finished, I signed the log book at exactly 3:57 pm and date in the NSO logbook for daily
time records. We still engage in our conversation until I said “ Sige sir I have to go now, I’ll be fetching-
up my grandson in school”. I officially checkout in our biometric machine at 4:00 pm.

October 3, 2018

I am Ms. Eleanor call me in her office asking what had happen yesterday. Asking me if I did or
did not receive the daily time record which was submitted to me by Mr. Belarmino.

I replied “I did po maam”

She said “ then why Mrs. Josephine Paragas told me you did not receive it and you set cut off
time at 3:00 pm, she came here and was asking me for policy regarding the cut-off time”.

That time I express some related incident with our Administrative officer.

RE: Procedure on application for leave because nursing office does not follow.

Lastly, I told maam Elly try to see the Nursing logbook where I received and signed.

From AO office I approach my HR head Ms. Ann Marie, same question if I did or did not receive
the daily time records which was submitted to me by Mr. Belarmino I replied “ I did po” she inform me
that head of nursing office came to her yesterday telling that “I did not receive the DTR and I set cut off
time at 3:00 pm and she was also asking for policy regarding these.

Ms. Ann told me “ Bene andakita kun sir Noel” I refuse because I am confident that I receive the
DTR’s. I waited for Mr. Noel to come.
At 11:00 am Ms. Ann told me that she already saw the logbook where I affixed my signature and
date and time that I received the said documents.

After lunch, Mr. Belarmino came to me bringing another bunch of DTR. I confronted him and he
admitted that he convey our conversation to Ms. Belen and said he was shocked by the reaction of his
superior Ms. Josephine Paragas. Ms. Ann came and three of us seated in her office. I have express of what
I felt. Their action was degrading on my part.

Mr. Belarmino asked for apology I told his

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