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Team 14


Government of Karnataka


Employees of NCCLS

STRATEGY PAPER on behalf of

Government of Karnataka
Goals and Objectives

 Ensure successful completion of the negotiations in such a manner that all the current
employees call off the strike and return back to work.
 Ensure that the benefits of disinvestments and the result of the action is effectively
communicated to the employees.
 Ensure that the backlash of the strike and its disadvantages are effectively
communicated to the employees.
 Ensure that in future cases of such events the employees intimate the actions they are
willing to take well in advance.

Strengths of Employees
 The strength of employee is that for running of industry or company, employees is the
essential factor for it.
 The management of company is totally depending upon the employees if they stop
such doing their work which led to number of problems in the Industry. Further it may
adversely affect production and service of company.
 Due to this, many arrangement and agreement of company would not be done on time
then, which may attract certain legal action and it may be adversely affect its
reputation in the market.

Weakness of Employee
 Though NCCL is a government company and also a huge company which may heir
more employees on the contract basis through creating more vacancies.
 NCCL has long term agreement with and also a major supplier to other vertical
companies which may not affect its reputation in the market.

Interest of parties
 Employees would have access to audit and account books.
 No employees would be fire on the basis of certain crisis in the market and also on
the basis of their performances.
 Prior notices would be given to employee before he may fire from the company and
also reasonable and satisfactorily reason must be provided and also per the service
 The Salary paid to the employees must be inclusive of all amounts of allowances
such as TA, DA, rent and other allowances.
 All employees of the company must get retirement benefits and also company will
provide them bonus and gratuity on basis of their work and also as per service rules.

Conflict of Interest
 The first point of conflict would be regarding the permanence of employees in
company but after disinvestment, company interest must not change to employ current
employees on their performances basis.
 Continued, the second conflict would be regarding the payment scheme which will
not be changed after disinvestment made.
 Continued, the third conflict would be regarding payment of bonus which will be
proportionate to the profit earned by the company.

Viable and Conciliatory Options

In case the consideration proposed in this offer is not accepted the government may continue
the employment of existing employees on their terms existing employment contract and new
employees might be subjected to new employment policies if there are any after

Best Alternative to the Negotiated Agreement

Worst Alternative to the Negotiated Agreement

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