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Synthetic polymers are derived from petroleum oil, and made

by scientists and engineers. Examples ofsynthetic
polymers include nylon, polyethylene, polyester, Teflon, and
epoxy. Natural polymers occur in nature and can be extracted. ...
Examples of naturally occurring polymers are silk, wool, DNA,
cellulose and proteins.

SYNTHETIC- man made and produced by chemical reaction.

POLYMER- small compound that is made of many small

repeating units bonded together.

MONOMERS- small, repeating units


SYNTHETIC POLYMER- a man made macromocule that is made

of thousands of repeating units.
Polyethylene or polyethene is the most
common plastic.
-Polyethylene is the most
popular plastic in the world. This is the
polymer that makes grocery bags,
shampoo bottles, children's -toys, and
even bullet proof vests
-It is one of the polymers called polyolefins
-polyethylene is nothing more than a long chain of carbon atoms,
with two hydrogen atoms attached to each carbon atom

Chemical formula (C2H4)N
Nylon is a polymer—a plastic with
super-long, heavy molecules built up
of short, endlessly repeating sections
of atoms, just like a heavy metal chain
is made of ever-repeating
links. Nylon is not actually one, single
substance but the name given to a
whole family of very similar materials called polyamides.

in the form of a thermoplastic

Nylons are also called polyamides, because of the

characteristic amide groups in the backbone chain. Proteins,
such as the silk nylon was made to replace, are also
polyamides. These amide groups are very polar, and can
hydrogen bond with each other. Because of this, and
because the nylon backbone is so regular and symmetrical,
nylons are often crystalline, and make very good fibers.

Chemical Formula: (C12H26N2O4)

Polyester is a category of polymers
that contain the ester functional
group in their main chain. As a
specific material, it most commonly
refers to a type called polyethylene

Polyesters are the polymers, in the form of fibers

Chemical formula: (C27H38O14)

TELFON (Polytetrafluoroethylene)

-Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) is a
synthetic fluoropolymer of tetrafluoroethylene that
has numerous applications.
-PTFE is a fluorocarbon solid, as it is a high-
molecular-weight compound consisting wholly
of carbon and fluorine. PTFE is hydrophobic: neither water nor
water-containing substances wet PTFE, as fluorocarbons
demonstrate mitigated London dispersion forces due to the
high electronegativity of fluorine. PTFE has one of the lowest
coefficients of friction of any solid.

Chemical Formula: (C2F4)N


Epoxy is either any of the basic components or the cured end products of
epoxy resins, as well as a colloquial name for the epoxide functional group.
-glue -RESINS

Chemical formula: (C21CIO5)

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