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 RBM6 mutants recruitment in U2OS:

o Add 1:1000 Hoechst (2ul in 2ml) to cells for 10 minutes and incubate at 37C 5% CO2.
o Discard media + Hoechst and add 2ml L15 media.

Results: Both GFP-RBM6 WT and GFP-RBM6 UV mutant are recruited to laser micro-
irradiated sites with similar kinetics.

 KCr after VP16: in MCF10A Hras cells and U2OS cells:

o Plated Hras wt and Hras CDYL1 KO cells at ~40% confluency in 6 6cm plates.
o Plated U2Os cells ~40% confluncy in 3X 6 6cm plates (18 plates in total).
 Plated MCF10A Hras wt and Hras RBM6 KO (nickase) in 35mm plates at ~50% confluency for
RNA extraction the following day.

*** NOTES:

 I should wash the cells after addition of Hoechst before adding L15 media
 Next time for RBM6 recruitment: I should use less DNA – expression was too high

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