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A Night in Deepwail Manor

The door opened slowly with a tremulous creak, and the two children peeked timidly from the threshold
before making their way into the room.

"I knew it," said the smaller of the two boys. "We've been in this room already."
"No, we haven't," replied the tall boy. He smiled with confidence as he scanned the room with his
flashlight, but the darkness was so thick that it seemed to swallow the feeble ray.
"We have, too!" complained the small child. "I'm starting to think that this was not a good idea. Maybe
we should go back. I didn't want to come anyway."
"For the last time... No, we haven't, and you know that we can't go back until tomorrow. Our parents
would know that we didn't go to the field trip. And stop grabbing my arm so tightly, you're hurting me."
"I'm not grabbing your arm," said the small child after a short silence.
"You are, too!" replied the tall child, a hint of nervousness in his voice.
"No, he isn't," said a deep, ghastly voice in their ears, and then the door slammed shut behind them.


35 cards
-19 locations
-12 encounters
-4 characters

To build the game, print and cut the provided cards. The characters are double-sided; the rest of the cards
have their own backs. Note that the Entrance location has a different back for easier identification.

Goal of the game

The goal of the game is to help two children explore as many locations in Deepwail Manor as possible
during three rounds before they successfully leave the mansion or they get absolutely terrified. To do this,
the player reveals one card at a time (this is called a turn). Every Location is worth a number of Exploration
Points (or EP for short). In addition, there are also a few Encounters, which have various effects.

Character states

Characters start on their CALM side and faceup (unexhausted). Sometimes, you will have to exhaust one or
both characters, either to use an ability or because of a card effect. To do this, simply turn them sideways. If
at some point you have to unexhaust them, turn them again so they're back at their initial position. Keep in
mind that characters can also be TERRIFIED via certain effects. To terrify a character, flip the character to
its TERRIFIED side.

How to play

At the start of the game, choose two characters, put them in front of you. Afterwards, put into play the
ENTRANCE Location next to the deck. This will form the Location discard pile. Then, shuffle the deck
thoroughly. You are now ready to begin.

Every turn, reveal one card from the deck. If it's an Encounter card, resolve the effect immediately and put it
face up on the Encounter discard pile, next to the Location discard pile. If it's a Location card, put the card
face up on the Location discard pile, on top of the Entrance (for your comfort, try not to cover the name of
the previous location). Then, ONLY if there's already a card with the same name in the Location discard pile,
resolve the effect on that Location, which can be seen after the arrow symbol. Note that the Entrance effect
is active automatically while it's the current location (that is, while it's on top of the Location discard pile). If
an effect could interact with several cards, the player must make the choice (for instance, if you have to
shuffle one Location from the discard pile into the deck, you must choose which Location to shuffle).

After revealing a card and resolving its effect if necessary, the player can now choose to exhaust characters
to use their abilities, in any order, if they are unexhausted. Then, the player decides whether he or she wants
to go on exploring the mansion. If the player decides to leave the mansion, count the total EP of the visited
locations (DO NOT count the points in the current location) and end the round. Otherwise, start a new turn.
Some cards have a PANIC effect. When it activates, choose and flip a CALM character to its TERRIFIED
side. If at some point the player has to resolve a PANIC effect and both characters are already TERRIFIED,
the round is immediately over and the player doesn't receive any points for that round.

Before you start a new round, unexhaust both character and shuffle all the cards into the deck, except the
Entrance Location.

End of the game

The game ends after 3 rounds. Add up the scores from all 3 rounds and check your rank. Try to beat your
personal record!

2P game

In the 2P variant, players control one character each and take turns revealing cards. The player who reveals
the card is considered to the be the active player, and takes all the corresponding decisions regarding the
revealed card, although table talk is possible and encouraged. Note that since each player controls one
character, a player can't choose to use the ability of one character he doesn't control, but the other player can
use his or her character ability even if he or she is not the active player.


1-15 - Cowardly Craven

16-30 - Dubious Doubter
31-45 - Passable Pathfinder
46-60 - Showy Seeker
61-85 - Wonderful Wanderer
86+ - Manor Master


Design, Art: Javier Martin

Graphic design: Jenny Wüstrich
Testing: Ariel del Rio, Álex Hernández

Thanks to: BGG users Deathworks and mjrobertson for their help and suggestions, and to BGG user
chansen2794 for organizing the 2013 Solitaire Print and Play Contest.

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